NAVIG: Navigation Assisted by Artificial Vision and GNSS
Brian FG Katz
Philippe Truillet
Simon Thorpe
Christophe Jouffrais
Orsay, France
(+33) 01 69 85 80 80
CNRS & Université Paul Sabatier
Toulouse, France
(+33) 05 61 55 74 09
CNRS & Université Paul Sabatier
Toulouse, France
(+33) 05 62 17 28 00
Finding ones way to an unknown destination, navigating complex
routes, finding desired inanimate objects; these are all tasks that
can be challenging for the visually impaired. The project NAVIG
(Navigation Assisted by artificial VIsion and GNSS) is directed
towards increasing the autonomy of visually impaired users in
known and unknown environments, exterior and interior, large
scale and small scale, through a combination of a Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and rapid visual recognition
with which the precise position of the user can be determined.
Relying on geographical databases and visually identified objects,
the user is guided to their desired destination through spatialized
audio rendering, always maintained in the head-centered reference
frame. This paper presents the overall project design and
architecture of the NAVIG system.
Assisted navigation, guidance, spatial audio, visually impaired.
The report “Inequality of Chances” (Inégalité des Chances), a
result of a national study between 2003 and 2005 led by the
Canadian National Institute for the Blind, shows that at least 50%
of blind people require assistance in their daily life [3]. A recent
literature review of existing electronic mobility aids (2007-2008)
for visually impaired by [7] identified more than 140 products,
systems, and assistive devices while providing details on 21
commercially available systems. The different systems were
divided into two categories: (1) obstacle detection, orientation, or
micro-navigation and (2) macro-navigation. Micro-navigation or
obstacle avoidance systems are primarily concerned with “where”
and obstacle is, and not so much “what” it is. Macro-navigation
systems are almost exclusively GPS navigation based systems
which have been adapted for visually deficient users. These
systems are primarily limited by the precision of the positioning
system and the details in the geographical database.
No commercial products were reported which were able to detect
and locate specific objects without the necessity of pre-equipping
them with dedicated sensors (e.g. RFID tags). Some research
systems are under study in this area. A visual based system,
incorporating a handheld stereo camera and WiFi based tracking
for indoor use has been presented by [6]. This system relies on the
use of 3D models of precise objects and defined spaces in order
for them to be identified, greatly limiting its use outside of the
designed environment.
Direct sensory substitution systems, which directly transform data
from images to auditory or tactile devices without any
interpretation, can be used for rudimentary obstacle avoidance or
for research on brain plasticity and learning. But, these systems
have a large learning curve and are very hard to use by the blind
people in any practical sense.
Based on the needs of blind people, the NAVIG1 project (20092011) aims to design an assistive device which provides
assistance for two problematic situations: far-field navigation
(macro-navigation combined with obstacle avoidance) and nearfield guidance (object identification and grasping guidance) [4].
Audio guidance will be provided through the generation of an
audio augmented reality environment via binaural rendering,
allowing the full exploitation of the human perceptual and
cognitive capacity for spatial hearing.
NAVIG follows a method of participatory design, and aims to
permit visually deficient individuals to move about towards a
desired destination in a sure and precise manner, without
interfering with normal behavior or mobility. In addition to being
an aid to mobility and orientation, the system permits the
localization and grasping of objects without the need to pre-equip
them with electronic tags. The combination of these two functions
provides a power assistive device.
The different objectives of NAVIG will be attained by combining
input data furnished through satellite based geolocalisation and an
ultra-rapid image recognition system (with detection rates on the
order of 10 ms per object possible). Guidance will be provided
using spatialized audio rendering with both text-to-speech and
specifically designed sonification metaphors.
The system prototype architecture is divided into several
functional elements structured around a multi-agent framework
using a communication based on the IVY middleware [2]. This
modularity allows for rapid prototyping of different modules
while still achieving a high degree of overall fidelity. With this
architecture, agents are able to connect or disconnect dynamically
to different data stream on the IVY bus. The general architecture
of the system is shown in Figure 1.
The main operating elements of the NAVIG system can be
divided into three groups: data input, user communication, and
internal system control. The data input elements consist of a
satellite-based geopositioning system, acceleration and orientation
sensors, map databases, an ultra-rapid image recognition platform
connected to a series of head mounted cameras, and a data fusion
module. User communications are handled predominantly through
System (GIS)
Figure 1.
NAVIG system architecture overview.
Dialog Controller
A-to- B Itinerary
Itinerary generator
Itinerary, POIs
Potential objects
Image model requests
Head mounted
Itinerary follower
Request handling
User profiles
Detected models + 3D coordinates
Body mounted
Head mounted
3D Compass
Position, Heading, Speed
User Interface :
Voice recog.
Button controls
Audio User
Interface :
Intelligent model weighting
Head orientation
Figure 1. NAVIG system architecture overview.
a voice recognition system for input and an audio rendering
engine using text-to-speech and conceptual trajectory sonification
for output. Internal system control is handled by the central
Dialog Controller which provides instructional information for all
the separate modules based on the current situation, user needs
and requests, etc.
only source of data input. While geolocalisation is used for
arriving at a destination (i.e. the post office), it cannot be used to
find the door, mailbox, etc.
While each element can be seen separately, the operation of the
system relies on the collaboration of the different distinct
elements to perform several distinct functions.
3.1 Precision Geolocalisation
While high precision GNSS systems exist, they are too
cumbersome and costly to be used in a portable assistive device.
One of the major limitations to consumer satellite based
geolocalisation systems (e.g. GPS) is their degree of precision and
robustness in difficult conditions, a major criticism of most
macro-navigation assistance systems. The NAVIG system aims to
greatly reduce positional errors, increasing precision and stability
through the use multiple data inputs (satellite, orientation,
acceleration, image recognition) which are integrated with
cartography and other location based databases.
The fusion of positional information from the recognition and
geolocalisation systems in real-time is a novel approach which
results in an improvement in positional precision of the user. The
approach is to combine satellite data from the GNSS element
(based on the Angéo system developed by the project partner
NAVOCAP) with visually located landmarks. Using a detailed
database and search algorithms, the position of the user can be
triangulated. The integration of accelerometers provides added
stability in separating tracking jitter from actual user motion.
Head orientation tracking can be employed to further aid the
image recognition search algorithms, as one can predict which
objects will be in the field of view of which camera.
3.2 Object Identification
One of the truly novel functions of the NAVIG system is as a
micro-navigation aid. The image recognition platform (based on
the library developed by the partner SpikeNet Technology) is
central to the functioning of this phase of navigation as it is the
Figure 2. Multi-scale object identification.
Figure 2 presents a series identification results as the user
approaches the destination (here the entrance to the IRIT
laboratory). The geolocalisation guidance system is used to
approach the general entry to the building; subsequently the
system detects the entrance location, and as the user approaches
the detection is refined to locate the doorway, the door, and so on.
The rapidity of the image recognition platform is a vital part of the
success of the overall system, in order to provide stable and
coherent information while the user is in motion. The current
software implementation is capable of detecting multiple objects
in just tens of milliseconds. Figure 3 shows an example of
multiple object recognition, where a water bottle, coffee cup, and
webcam were are simultaneously detected and located in 14.1 ms.
Figure 3. Multiple object recognition.
Using multiple cameras it is possible to extract the spatial position
of objects located in the field of view of multiple cameras using
stereoscopic disparity. The current design will incorporate 6
cameras, providing a field of view on the order of 240°. As
visually impaired users are accustomed to perceiving their
surroundings through spatial audition, and not vision, they are not
naturally limited to the same limited frontal field of perception as
sight persons, and the assistive system should avoid imposing new
limitations. Each camera will be equipped with its own fast
Digital Signal Processor which will allow for the implementation
of preprocessing parts of the vision algorithm in the embedded
chips, allowing for greatly improved speed for such a large field
of view. A detailed description of the image recognition system is
provided in [5].
Figure 4. Conceptual pedestrian guidance trajectory.
3.3.2 Micro-navigational trajectory
Unlike pedestrian navigation, trajectory determination in the near
field, or in indoor situations, is more difficult, as the only data
source is that from the image recognition platform. As a first
attempt, direct point-to-point guidance can be used to attain any
requested object. Nevertheless, work is underway to develop
intelligent navigation paths even in these situations. A contextual
example of a typical situation is shown in Figure 5. The user
requests the knife. While the object can be easily and quickly
identified, and its position determined, in this context there are a
number of obstacles. In addition, a knife has a preferred
orientation for grasping, and it would preferable if the assistive
device was aware of the orientation of the object and would direct
the user accordingly.
3.3 User Guidance
Once the user position has been determined, and the destination
location or object identified, the primary task of the assistive
system is to guide the user in a safe and reliable manner. Figure 4
presents a conceptual typical situation. The direct trajectory
between user and destination, indicated by the black arrow, is not
the correct trajectory. This type of error is consistent with many
pedestrian guidance systems, which are more point-to-point and
not true aids in urban settings. The ideal trajectory path, shown in
red, provides a safe path. In addition, obstacles, such a poles and
cars, as well as important landmarks such as curbs and pedestrian
crossings, are well indicated. An ideal navigation aid would take
into account all these elements.
3.3.1 Cartography trajectory
The primary task in trajectory determination and guidance is to
establish the path to be taken. This is performed using traditional
means, but including additional criteria relevant for visually
impaired users, such as sidewalk width, pedestrian crossings,
general points of interest (POI), and other obstacles.
During the course of navigation, the planned trajectory remains
flexible, taking into account any additional information that
arrives from the image recognition system. In addition to
obstacles, this could include temporary route changes, such as
road work sites, but can also include refinements such as precise
positioning of pedestrian crossings that, while they may exist in
georeferential databases, may not coincide with their true
position. Integration of visual identification of such elements
improves the accuracy and safety of the navigational aid.
Figure 5. Conceptual grasping guidance trajectory.
3.3.3 Spatial Audio
While location of the user, of obstacles, and determination of the
proper trajectory to follow to attain the intended goals is
fundamental properties of the system, this information is not
useful if it cannot be exploited by the user. The NAVIG system
proposes to make use of the human capacity for hearing and
specifically spatial audition by presenting guidance and
navigational information via binaural 3D audio scenes [1].
In contrast to traditional devices which rely on turn by turn
instructions, the NAVIG consortium is working towards
providing spatial information to the user concerning the
trajectory, their position in it, and important landmarks. With the
goal of providing the user the information necessary to construct
accurate cognitive maps of the environment, the users will
become more confident in their displacement.
the user for attaining macro- or micro-navigational destinations.
An advanced dialog controller is being developed to facilitate
usage and optimize performance for visually impaired users.
Visually impaired persons are already exploiting their sense of
hearing beyond the capacities of most sighted people. Using this
same modality channel to provide additional and important
information is novel, and the design of such information to
minimize cognitive load and to maximize understanding is a key
component of the system.
They are many instances where textural verbal communication is
optimal, such as indicating street names or landmarks. At the
same time, a path is not a verbal object, but a spatial object, and
the exploitation of auditory trajectory rendering can be more
informative and more intuitive than a list of verbal instructions.
The ability to have a global sense of the trajectory is also highly
desirable. In order to minimize the masking of real environmental
sounds, tests are underway using bone conduction headphones
and open air-tube headphones for the sound rendering, including
digital filters to optimize the quality of binaural rendering on
these particular devices.
3.4 Dialog Controller / User Interface
The central core of the NAVIG system is the Dialog Controller.
Acting as the directing agent between the incoming data from
different sensing modules, the controller must weigh the different
inputs in relation to the task at hand, and the environment, in
order to aid the fusion of this data. The dialog controller is also
responsible for receiving the input commands of the user (via
voice recognition), forwarding instructions to the proper sensing
modules (such as choosing which image models should be loaded
into the active search), and tailoring the auditory output to the
user’s preferences (sonification profile, notification rate, etc.).
During navigation, the dialog controller determines what
notification messages are to be presented to the user. The different
types of dialog and instructions for navigational assistance for
visually impaired users, such as the choice and use of landmarks
or directional orientation cues, are different from those employed
in traditional navigational aids. As such, a specific guidance
grammar is being defined and developed for implementation in
the system.
At the end of the first year of the project NAVIG, the first
functional prototype has been successfully tested on a simple
scenario. This system, employing 2 cameras and operating on a
traditional laptop, can be seen in Figure 6. The current version
uses a Bumblebee stereoscopic camera system (Point Grey
Research, Inc). The next version, with up to six 2-megapixel
cameras, is currently under development.
This paper introduces the NAVIG assistance system for the
visually impaired whose aim is increased autonomy and mobility
in the context of both pedestrian navigation and object location
and grasping. Combing satellite, image, and other sensor
information, high precision geolocalisation is achieved.
Exploiting a rapid image recognition platform and spatial audio
rendering, detailed trajectories can be determined and presented to
Figure 6. NAVIG Prototype V1.
This work was supported by the French National Research
Agency (ANR) through TecSan program (project NAVIG n°
ANR-08-TECS-011) and the Midi-Pyrénées region through the
APRRTT program. The NAVIG consortium includes IRIT,
LIMSI, CerCo, SpikeNet Technology, NAVOCAP, CESDV Institute for Young Blind, and the community of Grand Toulouse.
[1] Begault, D.R. 1994. 3-D Sound for Virtual Reality and
Multimedia. Academic Press, Cambridge.
[2] Buisson, M., Bustico, A., Chatty, S., Colin, F-R., Jestin, Y.,
Maury, S., Mertz, C., and Truillet, P. 2002. “Ivy: un bus
logiciel au service du développement de prototypes de
systèmes interactifs,” Proc. 14th French-speaking conference
on Human-computer interaction (IHM '02), (Poitiers, 26 – 29
Nov-2002) IHM’02.
[3] Canadian Institute for the Blind. 2005. Inégalité des chances
: Rapport sur les besoins des personnes aveugles ou
handicapées visuelles vivant au Canada. Technical Report. (2nov-2005)
[4] Dramas, F., Oriola, B., Katz, B.F.G., Thorpe, S., Jouffrais, C.
(2008) “Designing an assistive device for the blind based on
object localization and augmented auditory reality,” ACM
Conf. Computers and Accessibility, (Halifax, 13-15 Oct
2008), ASSETS 2008.
[5] Dramas, F., Thorpe, S., and Jouffrais, C. 2009. “Artificial
Vision for the Blind: A Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Objects
and Obstacles Detection.” Intl. J. Image and Graphics, World
Scientific, 2009 (in press).
[6] Hub, A., Diepstraten, J., and Ertl, T. 2004. “Design and
development of an indoor navigation and object
identification system for the blind.” ASSETS 2004, 147-152.
[7] Roentgen, U.R., Gelderblom, G.J., Soede, M., and de Witte,
L.P. 2008. “Inventory of Electreonic Mobility Aids for
Persons with Visual Impairments: A Literature Review.” J.
Visual Impairment & Blindness. (Nov. 2005), 702-724.