The 2019 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19)
Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
Study on Static and Dynamic behavior of Bailey bridge
*Thavone Khounsida1), Takafumi Nishikawa2), Shozo Nakamura2),
Toshihiro Okumatsu2), Khampaseuth Thepvongsa3)
1), 2)
Nagasaki University 1-14 Bunkyo, Nagasaki city 852-8521, Japan.
National University of Laos, Sokpaluang, Vientiane Capital 01005-3166, Laos.
In this study, load-carrying behavior and capacity of existing Bailey bridges
were studied and discussed through experiments and structural analysis. Static and
Dynamic behaviors of the target bridges under specific truck loading were measured
with accelerometers, displacement gauges, and a total station. Meanwhile, the target
bridges were modeled based on the actual condition examined at/in the in-situ survey
and the measurements to analyze load-carrying behaviors. The list following show the
study result:
1) Lissajous pattern plotted of displacement response of transverse and vertical
direction show complex of vibration pattern which the structural degradations were
considered in this case;
2) the structural degradations of the bridges may cause a difference in behaviors
between experiments and analysis;
3) the stress analysis result shows that the tension stress-resistant of rigid state
model up to 10 times of the testing load. The bottom chord at the pierhead should be
considered for buckling resistance due to higher compression when the structure
determined of defection state, loading and combined bending and normal stress as
research assumptions.
Furthermore, significant displacement in the transverse direction occurs beyond
expectations under the dynamic loading. Comparison of behavior between the
experiments and the analysis suggests that insufficient connection between members
causes the response found in the investigation.
A Bailey bridge is initially designed for temporary use in the case such as military
operations and recovering a damaged bridge due to a disaster. Since the bridge
requires no heavy equipment for transporting and fabricating, its modular structure
enables a flexible structural form to fit itself to various uses (U.S Department of
Transport, 2017; Yi, Vaghela, & Buckland, 2014; Parivallal, Narayanan, Ravisankar,
Graduate Student
The 2019 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19)
Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
Kesavan, & Maji, 2005). Because of the advantage of the above statement and its
lower construction cost, those types of bridges have been utilized for long-term service
in many developing countries, especially in rural areas. In the case of Laos, the bridge
inventory of the Department of Road, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, there are
516 bridges or 15,216 meters long in total which mainly constructed since 1980s-1990s
or around 20-30 years of functioning life. Moreover, from 2008 and 2016 inventory data
(8 years), most of them are unchanged, so it can be indicated that the bridge owner
tends to keep using them further.
Despite, its design and manufacture with no expectation as a permanent bridge;
additionally, organizations in charge of managing bridges do not have capacity enough
in knowledge and experience for maintenance of such bridges. In those situations,
some structural problems and accidental damages have been becoming major on such
bridges due to aging deteriorations.
Experimental studies (Parivallal, Narayanan, Ravisankar, Kesavan, & Maji, 2005;
King, Wu, & Duan, 2013) recommends that exact behaviors of Bailey bridges should be
investigated under actual loading conditions.
(King & Duan, 2003) Reported the study of 1/6 scaled model of Bailey bridge
with the solid rectangular section which the study applied completed welding on both
member end. The model length was one, two, and three-bay panel with a single truss
panel-single story. The study represented the degradations by removing and reducing
some cross-section members.
Testing result and response determined by the numerical method were
compared. The result shows that the scale model without lateral bracing members
collapsed in the global lateral buckling mode at a minimal limit load.
Nevertheless, the study was conducted with a small-scaled rectangular section
as well as testing in laboratory environments which the researchers can control the
damage and environmental factors and may not good reflect the actual behavior of the
full-scale bridge.
(Parivallal, Narayanan, Ravisankar, Kesavan, & Maji, 2005) Reported the
research on the load testing of full-scale double lane one span of Bailey bridge with a
full span length of 24.38 meters. The bridge type is Triple panel truss and Double story
The study was performed to evaluate structure behavior and loading capacity.
Concrete and steel block was used to represent the axial load of the 24R class of
Indian Road Congress (IRC) practical guideline in both cases static and moving load.
The experimental and analysis result show an acceptable compared value, and the test
result proofing of safety up to IRC class 40R loading.
Since, the experiment was performed in a laboratory that may not represent
actual functioning of the bridge in service, as the structure functioning may consist of
potential damages and degradations as well as interacting behavior during the traffic
passing is deferent from this static loading test.
(King, Wu, & Duan, 2013) Studied on full-scale segment load test of single truss
panel-single story. 130-t Universal Tester was applied. The full sale segment was
fabricated in 1986 for research purpose which model was 1 and 2-panel bay segment.
Critical members were observed and compared with the structural analysis.
The 2019 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19)
Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
The research found that: The inelastic lateral buckling occurred in compression
chord members; partial fixity of connections is insignificant and may be neglected in the
analysis, and a two-dimensional nonlinear inelastic analysis predicts a higher loadcarrying capacity because it is not able to capture the out-of-plan stability behavior.
The testing may not good represent an in-service bridge since the testing was in
the laboratory. Moreover, the load was applied on the top of the panel, and the
fabricated bridge was different from the actual functioning bridge.
(Yi, Vaghela, & Buckland, 2014) reported the study of Bailey bridge assessment
and load rating, which conducted to study pinned arched Bailey bridge of 55 meters of
span length across 15 meters deep valleys.
The bridge was a military reserved and has not been in service for many years.
There was no structural details or drawings available for the bridge. The paper
presented load capacity and reinstated the bridge for public traffic service. The testing
load was 4.1 tons of gross weight truck. Loading case for structural analysis
assessment was Military Load Classification(MLC 12 to MLC 30) and AS5100.7.
Material based on BS548-1941(War emergency standard). The study shows the
deflection of analysis and testing very well comparing and proving for only MLC 12
class(Appro.13.6tons) as of current condition.
However, the study implemented only for 4.1 tons truck, which may not be
sufficient to rate the bridge higher class without interpolation and extrapolation of
derived from the deferent case of loading. Furthermore, there were many assumptions,
and uncertain factors have been used, such as actual and modeling material.
In this study, experimental and structural analysis of the static and dynamic
behavior of the existing and functioning Bailey bridge was studied and discussed. The
Bailey bridge, with continuous 2-spans double main truss panel single story with
reinforcement (DSR), was taken as the main target bridge.
2.1 Overviewing bridges and measurement
At the static loading test, a truck with 15 tons of gross weight was located at the
middle span of the bridge.
Fig. 1 Truck axial dimension and load distributed
The 2019 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19)
Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
In this study, the target bridges are three Bailey bridges which locate on National Road
in Laos. Bridge A, B, and C; Bridge A has a single span with double main truss panel
single story with reinforcement (DSR) shown in Fig. 2, Bridge B has a single span with
triple main truss panel single-story with reinforcement (TSR), and Bridge C has
continuous 2-spans with double main truss panel single story with reinforcement (DSR).
Bridge C was initially built in 1995 with a single span, triple trussed panels, single story.
In 2015, it was collapsed due to overloading, then it was rebuilt with DSR configuration
and built the additional pier at the middle of the span.
Fig. 2 Target bridge A, Left: single span with the double panel, Right: standard configuration of
Bailey bridge
The points to be observed for displacement m easurement were set mainly at the
middle and the quarter of the span to identify static behavior. Besides, acceleration
responses in both vertical and transversal-horizontal directions under traffic loads were also
measured to obtain the dynamic behavior and characteristics of the target bridge.
The 2019 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19)
Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
Fig. 3 Measurement plan for Bridge C
Fig. 4 Loading points (of the rear axle) for Bridge C
Table 1 Measurement plan for Bridge C
Location in a span
1/4 of span 1
1/6 of span 1
The middle
2; 1 at each side
2; 1 at each span
One span 1
The middle
2; vertical & transvers directions
Total station
2.2. Measurement result
Measurement plan and loading points for Bridge C are shown in Fig. 3, 4, and
Table 1. Displacements at each point were measured with displacement transducers
and a total station. A series of accelerations in vertical and transverse directions were
measured with servo-type accelerometers.
Table 2 Vertical displacement under static loading measured with transducers
of loading
Vertical displacement [mm]
1/6 of span 1 (2E)
The 1/4 of span 1 (3W)
Span 1
Span 2
Vertical displacement at each point on Bridge C under static loading, are shown
in Table 2 and Table 3, which were measured with transducers and total station. At
Table 2 the deflection measured by the transducers at 2E and 3W show 18.75 times
different, when the truck was loaded at the span 1 and 15.6 times of the deferent when
the load was at span 2. Abnormal behavior found compare to the total station and
analysis displacement, which only 0.7 and 0.6 times of deferent of the corresponding
points. The transducer at the point 1E was not functioning due to a mechanical problem
during testing. By this reason, causes of the high difference value are unable to identify.
In the tables, deflection represented by negative values and positive values
indicate that the corresponding points were lifted due to loading. From Table 3, the
The 2019 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19)
Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
value is the average amount of 3 round of experiment at the same truckload and the
same point at span 1 and span 2. Survey equipment was Leica Flexline TS06 Plus
which has an accuracy range of angle 5 seconds or 1.5 mm+2ppm of distance
measurement by prism mode.
Table 3 Bridge deflection response comparison of experimental and analysis.
Testing value(mm)
Span 2
Span 1
defect state
1/6 of span 1
1/6 of span 1
Fig. 5 Accelerations response under the truckload (upper: vertical, lower: transverse)
The 2019 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19)
Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
Vertical Displacement(m)
Fig. 6 Displacements response under the truckload (upper: vertical, lower: transverse)
Transverse Displacement(m)
Fig.7 Lissajous pattern of vertical direction versus transversal horizontal direction
The 2019 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19)
Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
Fig. 5 shows the acceleration and Fig. 6 its derived displacement response in
vertical and transversal horizontal direction under truckload.
The dynamic response shows significant behavior in transverse direction higher the
vertical direction. One of the primary reason for the behavior is considered to be weak
or detached connections between members.
Additionally, Fig. 7 shows an intricate pattern of structural vibration with different
frequency and phase of vibration and indicated that imbalance or degradations of the
structure show non-linearity of structure vibration between the vertical and transverse
3.1 Modeling and analysis consideration
In general, satisfactory modeling of a structure should follow some documents
with reliable information on details on geometries of the structure.
However, no information on structural detail on the Bailey bridge is available in
the organization in Laos.
Hence, the bridges were modeled, based on the assembling manual, which was
found in another country earlier, and actual geometries measured at the site. Table 4
shows the geometry of the bridge members.
Table 4 Bridge member shape and dimension
Panel Top Chord
Panel Vertical chord
Dimensions (mm)
Panel Diagonal chord
Panel reinforcement
Stringer/Floor Beam
I Section
Transom/Cross beam
I Section
Horizontal bracing frame
Diagonal horizontal frame
Sway Brace
Shape type
The 2019 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19)
Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
The structure was modeled and analyzed with the bridge structural analysis
software MIDAS Civil 2016 of student license version. The software is designed for
mainly finite element analysis. Structure analysis used material of high strength low
alloy steel, which has properties of the modulus of elasticity 195000 MPa and the
yielding strength 338-344 MPa (King, Wu, & Duan, 2013).
For most structure members including transoms or crossbeam and desk support
systems, except the bridge deck was assumed as appropriated wood material which
has an elastic modulus of 15,810 MPa and 750 kg/m3 of the density.
The bridge dimension is 3.9 meters wide, 36.48 meters of total length and 1.54
meters high.
Truss members were modeled by beam element type, which the member
connections were considered to be rigid, reinforcement and bracing system also
modeled as the rigid-link to the main members. All material assumed as same
properties all structure members.
4.1 Deflection
The structural analysis considered on linearity elasticity, Fig. 8 shows loading
and model and stress observation points. Table 3 shows a measured and analysis
values comparison.
Due to abnormal found from the measurement of transducers; thus, only the
deflection measured by the total station is compared to the deflection from the analysis.
From the Table 3, when the loading at span 1 the analysis results smaller than
the measured and show deferent of 6.05, 4.73, and 1.79 millimeters on point 1, 2 and 3
respectively while the experimental and analysis show acceptable range when the
loading truck is at span 2 by 2 millimeters in average for each point.
However, the existing structure shows higher deflection when the loading truck
was at span1; it is assumed to be caused by unknown potential degradations. Since
the original bridge structure was collapsed and recovered in 2015 using existing parts,
that may remain defected such as local and global buckled of the members.
The structural simulation case, representing a cross-sectional defect state by
halved the cross-section and the displacements response of the analysis model
approaching testing value.
Column 1 of Table 3, observation point 1 shows some high deference. Others of
checkpoints show the fair comparison between testing and analysis of the initial state.
The above indication, we confirmed and validated the structure model. Point 1 is
assumed for insufficient connection or degradations at that point.
4.2 Stress Analysis
The Fig. 9 and 10 show stress response under various static load case of loading as
well as unloading condition. The load was based on actual loading test truck (100%) as
Fig.1 and only considered span 1 loading due to the loading test was mainly measured
at span 1. The loading position was at 1/4 of span 1 as Fig. 4. The 0% represented
the unloading condition, which only stress under self-weight was calculated. Load case
was individual wheel increasing loading of the testing truck by 125% to 1,000% to get
The 2019 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19)
Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
the trend line of loading versus maximal stress to classify the stress capacity of the
Fig. 8 Stress observation points
Fig. 9 Normal Stress and Combined under the various truckload of rigid state model
In Fig. 9, the normal-tension stress response of the bottom chord at the 1/4 of
span 1 shows almost 1000% or 10 times to reach the yield stress of 338 Mpa. The
compression of the top chord at the same position higher than the bottom chord at the
middle pier while considering the combination of bending stress and normal stress, it is
only 3 time of testing truck weight to reach the yield stress, bottom chord at the middle
The 2019 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19)
Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
pier turn higher compression than the top chord. Besides, the case of unloading,
bottom chord at the pier higher then loading cases in compression up to 150% for
normal stress and 200% combined stress.
Fig. 10 Normal Stress and Combined Stress under the various truckload of defected state model
Fig. 10 for the case of defected structure model, the normal stress shows the
tension stress at 1/4 of span 1 of the bottom chord reach the yield stress at 500% of
loading, 50% reduced from the rigid state following linearity of elasticity.
While considering combined stress, it was reached the yield stress only at 250%
of loading. Compression stress at the pier bottom chord shows higher for all top and
bottom chord at the point 1/4 of span 1, deferent from the rigid state model.
In this study, experimental and structural analysis of the static and dynamic
behavior of the existing and functioning Bailey bridge was studied and discussed.
Testing data was obtained and compared with the structural analysis and the
summary and findings in this study as following.
1) Lissajous pattern plotted of displacement response of transverse and vertical
direction show complex of vibration pattern which the structural degradations
were considered in this case.
2) Degradation of the existing structure may cause the deference value between
experimental and analysis.
3) The stress analysis result shows that the tension stress-resistant of rigid state
model up to 10 times of the testing load. The bottom chord at the pierhead
should be considered for buckling resistance due to higher compression when
the structure determined of defection state, loading and combined bending
and normal stress as research assumptions.
Furthermore, significant displacement in the transverse direction occurs beyond
expectations under the dynamic loading.
The 2019 World Congress on
Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19)
Jeju Island, Korea, September 17 - 21, 2019
Comparison of behavior between the experiments and the analysis suggests that
insufficient connection between members causes the behavior found in the experiment.
We thank our colleagues of the National University of Laos and the Public Works and
Transport Training Institute, which prepared and operated the total station as well as
some equipment required in this study.
Appreciate the CaRoL project of the JICA in Laos for attentional arrangement, as
well as Department of Public Works and Transport of Vientiane Province, Department
of Road of The Ministry of Public Works and Transport, of Laos for a part and
involvement, although they may not agree with all the interpretations/conclusions of this
Bailey Bridges, I. (n.d.). Bailey Bridge. Retrieved June 11, 2019, from Bailey
King, W., & Duan, L. (2003). Experimental Investigations of Bailey Bridges. Journal of
Bridge Engineering, 8(5), 334-339.
King, W., Wu, S., & Duan, L. (2013). Laboratory Load Tests and Analysis of Bailey
Bridge Segments. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 18(10), 957 - 968.
Mabey, G. (1986). Mabey Compact Bailey Manual.
Parivallal, S., Narayanan, T., Ravisankar, K., Kesavan, K., & Maji, S. (2005).
Instrumentation and Response Measurement of a Double Lane Bailey Bridge
During Load Test. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
S. Parivall, T. N. (2005). Instrumentation and Response Measurement of a Double
Lane Bailey Bridge During Load Test. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
U.S Department of Transport, F. H. (2017, June 27). Prefabricated Steel Bridge
Systems: Final Report. Retrieved May 24, 2018, from
Yi, P., Vaghela, G., & Buckland, A. (2014). Condition Assessment and Load rating of
Arced Bailey Bridge. Austroads Birdge Conference. Sydney.