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1999, Bulletin of the Sonneck Society for American Music
5 pages
1 file
IMUNIDADE: resistência a doenças, mais especificamente as infecciosas. SISTEMA IMUNOLÓGICO: conjunto de células, tecidos e moléculas que medeiam a resistência às infecções. RESPOSTA IMUNOLÓGICA: reação coordenada dessas células e moléculas aos microrganismos infecciosos. A função fisiológica do sistema imunológico é prevenir as infecções e erradicar as infecções estabelecidas.
SAP HANA is an in-memory data platform that is deployable as an onpremise appliance, or in the cloud. It is a revolutionary platform, which is best suited for performing real-time analytics, and developing and deploying real-time applications. At the core of this real-time data platform is the SAP HANA database, which is fundamentally different from any other database engine in the market today. This tutorial will teach you the basics of SAP HANA. The tutorial is divided into sections such as SAP HANA Basics, SAP HANA-Modeling, Reporting, and SAP HANA-SQL. Each of these sections contain related topics with screenshots explaining the SAP HANA database installations.
Addenda et corrigenda aux volumes Ptah I-II
As the use of Augmented Reality (AR) to enhance interactions between human agents and robotic systems in a work environment continues to grow, robots must communicate their intents in informative yet straightforward ways. This improves the human agent's feeling of trust and safety in the work environment while also reducing task completion time. To this end, we discuss a set of guidelines for the systematic design of AR interfaces for Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) systems. Furthermore, we develop design frameworks that would ride on these guidelines and serve as a base for researchers seeking to explore this direction further. We develop a series of designs for visually representing the robot's planned path and reactions, which we evaluate by conducting a user survey involving 14 participants. Subjects were given different design representations to review and rate based on their intuitiveness and informativeness. The collated results showed that our design representations significantly improved the participants' ease of understanding the robot's intents over the baselines for the robot's proposed navigation path, planned arm trajectory, and reactions. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Mixed / augmented reality; User interface design.
593 Digital Publisher CEIT
En estos tiempos de Covid-19 la forma de vida ha cambiado en muchos aspectos, como la educación que se imparte de manera no presencial, afectando también a la modalidad de la Educación Básica Alternativa (EBA) que está integrada por jóvenes y adultos, en ese sentido, en esta investigación hace un análisis sobre los elementos para que desarrollen un aprendizaje autónomo. La investigación está enmarcada en el paradigma constructivista, orientada a la compresión del problema; es de enfoque cualitativo y; usa un diseño fenomelógico hermenéutico. Se usó como instrumento la entrevista y para ello se eligió una muestra no probabilística e intencional con la participación de tres directivos, tres docentes y tres estudiantes. Se llegó a la conclusión que el aprendizaje autónomo en la educación básica alternativa (EBA) juega un rol importante en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje ya que permite al estudiante ser consciente de sus propias capacidades y emplear una serie de estrategias didácti...
Nature, 2002
Living colour: one of Gosse's plates from The British Sea Anemones and Corals (Van Voorst, 1860).
Food insecurity affects 842 million people, or 12% of the global population, with Asia and Africa containing over 92% of the undernourished. Particularly, South Asia accounts for 35% of this number. In countries like Pakistan, factors like corruption, inflation, foreign investment, remittances, education, population growth, GDP, and unemployment aggravate food insecurity. Our research, based on data from WDI and CPI (1995-2021), using the ARDL Model, uncovers short and long-term relationships between corruption and socioeconomic variables. The findings indicate that while population growth and foreign investment can alleviate food insecurity, GDP, corruption, education spending, inflation, remittances, and unemployment exacerbate it. For Pakistan's long-term economic development, reducing food insecurity is crucial, emphasizing the need for political stability. JEL: D74, Q19 1. Introduction Food Insecurity poses critical global problem that has far-reaching implications for the wellbeing and development of individuals. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations defined food insecurity as "the lack of regular access to safe and nutritious food, which hampers normal growth, development, and the ability to lead active and healthy lives". This issue affects around 842 million people globally, equivalent to around 12 percent of the world's population. Developing countries, especially in Asia and Africa, bear the greatest burden, accounting for over 92 percent of the undernourished population. South Asia Author-formatted, not peer-reviewed document posted on 25/09/2023.
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Raparin University Journal , 2018
Wildlife Conservation Society Working Paper Series, 2006
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Actas del II Congreso de Castellología Ibérica, 2005
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