Magnetic Turbulence in the Solar Wind and the Earth's Plasma Sheet

2006, 2005: Past Meets Present in Astronomy and Astrophysics

AI-generated Abstract

This research investigates the connection between non-Gaussian characteristics of magnetic turbulence in solar wind and intermittent turbulence in the Earth's plasma sheet. A comparative statistical study is conducted, analyzing intermittency parameters during specific coupling events across two solar cycles—1996-97 (solar minimum) and 2000-2001 (solar maximum). The findings aim to enhance understanding of the dynamics between solar wind features and geomagnetic indices.

Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 01514, 2005 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-01514 © European Geosciences Union 2005 On the interconnection of the magnetic turbulence in the solar wind and the Earth’s plasma sheet I. Dorotovič (1,2,3), Z. Vörös (4,5) (1) Observatório Astronómico, GAUC, Coimbra, Portugal, (2) UNINOVA, Caparica, Portugal,, (3) Slovak Central Observatory, Hurbanovo, Slovak Republic,, (4) Space Research Institute AAS, Austria,, (5) Geophysical Instite SAS, Hurbanovo, Slovak Republic It has already been demonstrated by Dorotovič and Vörös (2004), that the nonGaussian characteristics of magnetic turbulence in the solar wind and the occurrence of intermittent magnetic turbulence in the Earth’s plasma sheet can be interconnected. In this respect a comparative analysis of the solar wind magnetic and plasma parameters with the time evolution of the geomagnetic indices is insufficient. In this paper we present a wider statistical study which includes the consideration of intermittency parameters during several coupling events during the period of 1996-97 (solar minimum), and 2000-2001 (solar maximum), respectively.