An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components in Dynamic Graphs

1998, Algorithmica

Algorithmica (1998) 22: 305–329 Algorithmica © 1998 Springer-Verlag New York Inc. An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components in Dynamic Graphs1 B. Swaminathan2,3 and K. J. Goldman2 Abstract. This paper describes a distributed algorithm for computing the biconnected components of a dynamically changing graph. Our algorithm has a worst-case communication complexity of O(b+c) messages for an edge insertion and O(b′ + c) messages for an edge removal, and a worst-case time complexity of O(c) for both operations, where c is the maximum number of biconnected components in any of the connected components during the operation, b is the number of nodes in the biconnected component containing the new edge, and b′ is the number of nodes in the biconnected component just before the deletion. The algorithm is presented in two stages. First, a serial algorithm is presented in which topology updates occur one at a time. Then, building on the serial algorithm, an algorithm is presented in which concurrent update requests are serialized within each connected component. The problem is motivated by the need to implement causal ordering of messages efficiently in a dynamically changing communication structure. Key Words. Biconnected components, Distributed graph algorithms, Dynamic configuration. 1. Introduction. We present a distributed algorithm that incrementally computes the biconnected components of a dynamically changing graph. Although the problem is a general one and is interesting in its own right, our particular motivation to study this problem arose as part of some work we are doing in conjunction with the ATM networking project at Washington University [9]. We are developing an abstraction and supporting software designed to simplify the construction of distributed multimedia applications [10]. In our approach, called I/O abstraction, each module has a presentation that consists of data structures that may be observed or manipulated, or both, by its external environment. An application consists of a collection of independent modules and a configuration of logical connections among the data structures in the module presentations. Whenever published data structures are updated, communication occurs implicitly according to the logical connections. Our current run-time support for I/O abstraction provides no ordering guarantees; when one module changes a value in its presentation, communication occurs asynchronously according to the configuration. However, many applications require stronger message ordering properties for consistency. Causal ordering (Lamport’s “happens before” relation [12]) is one of the most useful ordering restrictions. Informally, it guarantees that if event A directly or indirectly “causes” event B, then no process will receive information about event B before receiving information about event A [7], [4]. 1 This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant CCR-91-10029 and CCR-94-12711. A preliminary version of this paper appeared elsewhere [15]. 2 Department of Computer Science, Washington University, Saint Louis, MO 63130, USA. {bs, kjg} 3 Current address: Fujitsu Nexion, Inc., 1807 Park 270 Dr., Suite 350, Saint Louis, MO 63146, USA. Received January 1995; revised February 1997. Communicated by D. Eppstein. 306 B. Swaminathan and K. J. Goldman Causal ordering is supported by the ISIS [5] system. ISIS programmers declare causal broadcast groups. Within these groups, causal ordering is maintained by an algorithm whose message header (a timestamp vector) has length proportional to the size of the group. In the case of I/O abstraction, the programmer does not declare sets of nodes for which messages must be causally ordered. In fact, the programmer may not know the set of modules with which a given module interacts. Our configuration is under user control, and may be changed dynamically during execution. However, we can exploit the logical configuration information in order to determine the sets of nodes that could potentially violate causal ordering and then run the causal ordering algorithm within each of those sets. Consider the dynamically changing configuration graph of modules (vertices) and logical connections (edges). By causally ordering the messages within the set of modules in each biconnected component, we can guarantee that causal ordering is respected over the entire system. This is because there can be no cycle in the graph containing two modules x and y in different biconnected components, implying that information from x to y cannot flow over two node-disjoint paths. In the distributed algorithm presented here, each node maintains the set(s) of nodes corresponding to the biconnected component(s) of which it is a member, precisely the information required for the causal ordering algorithm. Although I/O abstraction configurations contain directed edges, here we make the weakest assumption and use an undirected graph for generality of the results. The problem of computing biconnected components has been studied extensively. A number of sequential algorithms exist for dynamic graphs and there are several decentralized algorithms for static graphs, but the algorithms we present in this paper are, to our knowledge, the first distributed algorithms for finding biconnected components in dynamic graphs. A distributed algorithm for finding biconnected components was given by Chang [6]. This algorithm has a message complexity of 4m − n, where m and n are the number of edges and vertices in the graph respectively. The distributed algorithm by Ahuja and Zhu [3] has the same message complexity but improves on the message size bound. Hohberg [11] and Park et al. [13] present distributed algorithms for finding biconnected components in a graph with a message complexity of O(m + n log n). These algorithms require the computation of a depth-first search tree. Hence, they are appropriate for a static graph, but the cost of recomputation of the depth-first search tree (for every change in topology) makes these algorithms impractical for a dynamic setting. Tarjan and Vishkin proposed an optimal parallel algorithm on a CRCW PRAM model [16]. This algorithm is also not incremental, but instead of using depth-first search, it reduces the biconnectivity problem to the problem of computing connected components. Westbrook and Tarjan [18] proposed a sequential algorithm to compute biconnected components in a dynamically changing graph structure. A block forest of block trees is constructed using the biconnected components and the vertices in the graph. This block forest is used in maintaining the biconnected components of the original graph. Rauch [14] presented a sequential algorithm for maintaining biconnected components. This algorithm involves precomputation and “lazy” updating. The algorithms presented in this paper are dynamic as well as distributed, and are designed to scale up for large systems. Update requests can be issued at any node in the system and in any order. The nodes have only local knowledge of the system graph and An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components 307 exchange information with other nodes by sending and receiving messages. Only one copy of the topology is maintained and it is distributed among the nodes in the system. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides essential definitions and graph properties. In Section 3 we define the problem. In Section 4 we present a serial algorithm in which the environment is constrained to wait for each graph update request (edge insertion or deletion) to be processed before issuing the next request. Then, in Section 5, we build upon the serial algorithm to construct a concurrent algorithm that serializes update requests within each connected component. We serialize the update requests such that each node within a connected component will have the same view of the update sequence over that connected component. Because connected components merge and split dynamically, ordering information is maintained with each update in order to achieve this consistent view. Our algorithms have a message complexity of O(b + c) for an insert operation and O(b′ + c) for a delete, and a time complexity of O(c) for both operations, where b is the number of nodes in the resulting biconnected component, b′ is the number of nodes in the biconnected component just before the deletion, and c is the maximum number of biconnected components in any of the connected components during the operation. 2. Preliminaries. We use G = (V, E) to denote an undirected graph, where V is a totally ordered finite set of vertices and E is a set of unordered pairs of distinct elements of V . We use standard definitions [8] for path, simple path, reachability, cycle, graph union, etc. Recall that an articulation point is a vertex whose removal would disconnect the connected component containing it. A bridge edge is an edge whose removal would place its endpoints in different connected components. A biconnected graph is a graph with no articulation points. A biconnected component (bcc) is a maximal biconnected subgraph. A bridge edge is in a bcc by itself. We define the size of a bcc to be the number of vertices in the bcc. In a graph G, for each vertex x, we define BCC G (x) to be the number of bcc’s in which x is a member. We say that two bcc’s are neighbors if they have a vertex in common. (Note that a bcc is a neighbor of itself.) For two vertices x and y, we define common vertex(x, y) to be the vertex y if x and y lie in the same bcc, the vertex shared by the bcc’s of x and y if x and y lie in neighboring bcc’s, and undefined otherwise. For the sequence of vertices v1 , . . . , vn , such that n > 2, we define traversed graph(v1 , . . . , vn ) to be the union, over all 1 < i < n, of the bcc containing vi and common vertex(vi , vi−1 ) and the bcc containing vi and common vertex(vi , vi+1 ). For vertices x and y, traversed graph(x, y) is defined as the bcc containing both x and y, if x 6= y, and the null graph otherwise. Therefore, for a sequence S of vertices such that, for every pair of successive vertices x and y in S, a bcc containing x is a neighbor of a bcc containing y, traversed graph(S) is the union of this chain of neighboring bcc’s. We define the local bcc topology of vertex v in graph G to be the subgraph of G made up of exactly the bcc’s containing v. Note that if v is not an articulation point, then its local bcc topology consists of the one bcc containing v. If x and y are vertices in the same connected component of G, then we define the link vertex set of (x, y) in G, denoted LVSG (x, y), to be the set of articulation points that appear in every path from x and y in G. (We call this the “link vertex set” because 308 B. Swaminathan and K. J. Goldman it is the set of vertices that “link” the bcc’s traversed by every path from x to y.) Our algorithms rely on the following properties that follow from the definitions. PROPERTY 1. For any two vertices x and y in graph G, at most one bcc of graph G contains both x and y. PROPERTY 2. Vertex x is an articulation point in graph G iff x is a member of at least two bcc’s in G. PROPERTY 3. If nodes x and y are in the same bcc G ′ , then every node on a simple path between x and y is also in G ′ . PROOF. Let x and y be in the same bcc and let w be a node in a simple path p between x and y. Since G ′ is a bcc, there must be path p ′ from x to y such that p and p ′ have only vertices x and y in common. Paths p and p ′ form a cycle containing w, x, and y; hence w must belong to the same bcc as x and y. COROLLARY 4. Let each bcc be represented as a supernode. Consider the set of articulation points and the set of supernodes. Create an edge between a supernode and an articulation point whenever the articulation point belongs to the corresponding bcc. The resulting graph is a tree. (That is, a connected component induces a tree of bcc [18].) LEMMA 5. Let x be a vertex in graph G = (V, E), let n = BCC G (x), and let y and z be vertices such that y is reachable from z. If G ′ = (V, E ∪ {(y, z)}), then n ≥ BCC G ′ (x) ≥ n − 1. PROOF. If y and z are in the same bcc in G, then BCC G ′ (x) = BCC G (x). If y and z are in different bcc’s, then the value of BCC G ′ (x) depends on whether or not x is a link vertex for y and z. If x ∈ LVSG (y, z), then BCC G ′ (x) = BCC G (x) − 1; otherwise BCC G ′ (x) = BCC G (x). LEMMA 6. Let x and y be vertices in different bcc’s of a graph G = (V, E). Let G ′ = (V, E ∪ {(x, y)}). Then a node z ∈ LVSG (x, y)\{x, y} is an articulation point in G ′ iff z is a member of at least three bcc’s in G. PROOF. Since z is a link vertex, there is a path p from x to y in G, and p traverses two bcc’s B1 and B2 both containing z. Suppose z is an articulation point in G ′ . Since p and (x, y) form a cycle in G ′ , we know that x, y, and z are in the same bcc in G ′ and that this bcc contains both B1 and B2 . Since z is an articulation point in G ′ , there must be a bcc B3 (different from B1 and B2 ) in which z is a member. Therefore, z is a member of bcc’s B1 , B2 , and B3 in G, so we have BCC G (z) ≥ 3. To show the reverse implication, suppose BCC G (z) ≥ 3. From Lemma 5, BCC G ′ (z) ≥ BCC G (z) − 1. Therefore, BCC G ′ (z) ≥ 2. From Property 2, it follows that z is an articulation point in G ′ . An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components 309 3. Problem Statement. We assume a failure-free distributed system in which each node in the system may send a message to any other node, messages between each pair of nodes are delivered in the order sent, and eventual delivery is guaranteed. We are interested in computing the bcc’s of a dynamically changing logical configuration graph that defines the communication pattern of the application. Initially, the logical configuration graph has no edges. The environment may cause changes to the graph by requesting the insertion or deletion of an edge at the node corresponding to either endpoint of the edge. The node at which the request is made is called the requesting node, and the node at the other endpoint is called the peer. We say that an algorithm solves the bcc problem if after any sequence of requests (edge insertions and deletions), each node n in the system knows the set of vertices in each of the bcc’s containing n. It is important to note that the algorithm is not constrained to send messages only to neighbors in the logical configuration graph. Instead it is free to send messages between arbitrary nodes4 in order to compute the bcc’s of the logical configuration graph. This is because the logical configuration graph corresponds only to the communication pattern of the application, and not to the physical topology of the network. LOWER BOUND. In any solution, an update request must conclude with each node knowing the sets of nodes in the bcc of which it is a member. Since the nodes must be informed of these new sets, the lower bound on the number of messages for an insert edge operation is Ä(b), where b is the size of the resulting bcc. Similarly, the lower bound for a remove edge operation is Ä(b′ ), where b′ is the size of the bcc that contained the deleted edge. This lower bound on message complexity can be achieved by a centralized solution that maintains all topology information at a leader node and broadcasts changes to affected nodes in constant time. However, we are interested in distributed solutions that scale by distributing topology information among the nodes. 4. The Serial Algorithm. In the serial algorithm we assume that the environment makes requests (edge insertions and deletions) one at a time, and that the processing of each request completes before the next request is made. Each node v maintains information about its local bcc topology. If v is the minimum vertex in the bcc, then it keeps its local bcc topology graph. Otherwise, the node v keeps a set, each element of which is the set of vertices in a bcc containing v. In this way, each node maintains the set(s) of vertices in the bcc(s) in which it is a member. The coordinator for node p is defined to be the minimum node in the local bcc topology of p. The coordinator for a bcc B is the minimum node in that bcc. In addition to its local topology, the coordinator node for a bcc B keeps track of the neighboring coordinator nodes. That is, the coordinator maintains a mapping C that relates each articulation point q in the bcc B to the multiset of coordinators for the bcc’s containing q (a node that is the coordinator for multiple bcc’s will appear multiple times in this multiset). For all nodes x which are not articulation points C(x) is defined to be the empty set. In this way, 4 This assumption is valid for ATM networks when connectionless service is available [17]. 310 B. Swaminathan and K. J. Goldman Fig. 1. Cases for edge insertion. Articulation point: •; Edge to be inserted: · · · · · ·; Biconnected component: ◦. each coordinator knows the set of nodes for which it is the coordinator and the set of coordinators for its neighboring bcc’s. OVERVIEW. There are two incremental operations: insert an edge and delete an edge. When inserting edge (r, p), we must determine if r and p belong to the same bcc. In this case we have an “easy link” (see Figure 1(a),(b)), and we simply update the local bcc topology information maintained in the coordinator of this bcc. Otherwise, we search for a path between r and p. If there is no path, then they are in different connected components and we have a “component link.” In this case, we create a new bcc containing only this new edge (see Figure 1(c),(d)). If there is a simple path between r and p, then the topology of the new bcc, formed by adding this edge, is constructed by taking the union of the biconnected subgraphs along the path (see Figure 1(e),(f)). It should be noted that any such path from r to p will have the same subsequence of link vertices. We call this “path condensation” after [18]. MESSAGES. Nodes participate in the algorithm by message-passing. Each message has a name (its type) and includes the source and destination nodes, and the requesting node r and peer node p for the request. Some messages contain additional information. We assume that each request has a unique identifier carried in each of its messages. A summary of message types is presented in Table 1 to aid the reader in understanding the algorithm description. We use c to denote the coordinator handling the request. STAGES. For edge insertion, the algorithm proceeds in three stages: In the coordinator notification stage the requesting node notifies the coordinator node that will coordinate the operation. In the classification stage the graph is searched for the peer node in a broadcast over a tree of coordinators rooted at the coordinator for the requesting node. Relevant topology and coordinator mapping information are collected in a convergecast. An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components 311 Table 1. Message types. Message type Purpose Req Update Informs c that an update was requested Check For Easy Link Easy Link Not Easy Link Find Peer Return Peer(G, C) Asks p if it lies in a bcc with r Informs c that p and r share a bcc Informs c that p and r do not share a bcc Asks receiving coordinator if p lies in its bcc subtree Indicates that p lies in the connected component, where G is a subgraph of the resulting bcc, and C is the accumulated coordinator mapping Indicates that p is not in the sender’s bcc subtree No Peer Add Edge Coord Update(G, C) Bcc Update(V ) New Bcc Adjust Mapping(V ) Note Coord(v, c′ , X ) Remove Coord(v, c′ ) Coord Set(S) Check For Bridge({r, p}) Is Bridge({r, p}) Not Bridge({r, p}) Delete Edge(r, p) Delete Bcc({r, p}) Informs the receiver of an easy link between r and p Informs the receiver that it is the coordinator of a new bcc with topology G and coordinator mapping C Instructs the receiver to update its local bcc topology with the set V Informs the receiver about a new bridge edge (r, p) Informs the receiving coordinator to adjust its mapping because a new bcc with nodes V has been formed Informs the receiving coordinator of a new coordinator c′ for node v in the neighboring bcc (to replace the coordinator from set X ) Informs the receiving coordinator that c′ is not the coordinator for some bcc containing v because of a bridge deletion Informs the receiver about the set S of coordinators for the sender in the bcc’s containing the sender Requests the peer to check if {r, p} is a bridge Informs the requesting coordinator that {r, p} is a bridge Informs the requesting coordinator that {r, p} is not a bridge Informs the receiver to delete an edge that is not a bridge Informs the receiver that an incident bridge {r, p} is deleted The classification stage determines whether the insertion is an easy link, component link, or path condensation. In the update stage the local bcc information is updated at each affected node, according to the information collected in the search stage, and the mapping of the (possibly new) coordinator is updated and neighboring coordinators are notified. Edge deletion is similar, but the classification stage determines whether the edge to be deleted is a bridge edge or not. The next two subsections explain the stages of the algorithm for insert and delete. REMARKS. The algorithm we describe takes advantage of the structure of the logical configuration graph by conducting the search along the coordinators of the bcc’s. An alternative approach would be to assign fixed coordinators to arbitrary sets of nodes regardless of the logical configuration (for example, in a centralized algorithm all nodes would be assigned to the same coordinator). This avoids the problem of maintaining the coordinator mapping, but does not take advantage of the structure of the problem. The search in that algorithm would require communication among all coordinators in the worst case, even if only one bcc (containing one node assigned to each coordinator) is affected by the operation. 312 B. Swaminathan and K. J. Goldman procedure Insert(r, p) begin (link type, graph, mapping) = Insert Classify(r, p) Insert Update(r, p, link type, graph, mapping) send done message to the requesting node end Insert Fig. 2. Insert procedure. 4.1. Edge Insert 4.1.1. Coordinator Notification Stage. In the coordinator notification stage the requesting node simply sends a Req Update message to its coordinator node. This instructs the coordinator to process the update on behalf of the requesting node (see Figure 2). In the concurrent algorithm the coordinator is used to help serialize the requests. 4.1.2. Classification Stage. The coordinator first checks if both the requesting node and the peer node lie in the same bcc as itself. If so, it then proceeds to the update stage for a “very easy link.” Otherwise, if r is an articulation point, edge (r, p) may be an easy link in another of r ’s bcc’s. Therefore, it sends a Check For Easy Link message to the peer.5 If the coordinator receives an Easy Link message from the peer, it proceeds to the update stage. On the other hand, if r is not an articulation point or if the coordinator receives a Not Easy Link message from the peer, the coordinator sends a Find Peer message to itself, initiating a broadcast over the bcc’s in its connected component. This broadcast continues until either the peer node is found or all bcc’s in the connected component have been searched (see Figures 3 and 4). When a node n receives a Find Peer message, it remembers the node from which it received the message as its parent and checks if the peer and n lie in the same bcc. If so, it sends a Find Peer message to the peer and the peer responds with a Return Peer(∅, ∅). If n and the peer do not lie in the same bcc, n continues the broadcast by sending a Find Peer message to each of the coordinators in the neighboring bcc’s except those nodes that are also neighbors of parent. It remembers this (possibly empty) set of nodes as its children. The convergecast of the classification stage begins at a node when it has received a No Peer response from all of its children or a Return Peer response from a child or the peer. If the node n has received a Return Peer(G 1 , C1 ) message from another node x, then it computes the graph G as the union of G 1 and traversed graph(parent, n, x), defined in Section 2. This traversed graph is the union of those bcc’s that are on the path from r to x for which n is the coordinator. The graph G, computed in this manner, is a subgraph of the resulting bcc. It then sends a Return Peer(G, C) message to its parent, where the accumulated mapping C is the union of C1 (the mapping received), 5 In the serial algorithm we could have the requesting node make the easy link determination before sending the request to the coordinator. However, in the concurrent algorithm the topology may change between the time the request is made and the time it is processed. Therefore, for ease of explanation, we have the coordinator ask the peer for this information. The peer, rather than the requesting node, is chosen because the concurrent algorithm must communicate with the peer anyway for serialization purposes. An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components procedure Insert Classify(r, p) returns (link type, graph, coordinator mapping) begin if r and p lie in a bcc for which c is the coordinator then return (“very easy link”, ∅, ∅) else if r is an articulation point send Check For Easy Link(r, p) to the peer p, and wait for a response if an Easy Link message is received from the peer then return (“easy link”, ∅, ∅) start the broadcast by sending a Find Peer to self, and wait for a response if response from self is Return Peer(G, C) then return (“path condensation”, G, C) else (response is No Peer) return (“component link”, ∅, ∅) end Insert Classify Fig. 3. Classification procedure for coordinator c. • On receiving Check For Easy Link(r, n): if n and r are in the same bcc then send Easy Link message to the sender else send Not Easy Link message to the sender • On receiving Find Peer from node x: parent ← x if n = p then send Return Peer(∅, mapping) to parent. else if peer is in the local bcc then send Find Peer to p children ← {p} else continue the broadcast: children ← set of all neighboring coordinators y such that y ∈ / C (common vertex(n, parent)) if children 6= ∅ then send Find Peer to each node in the set children else send No Peer to parent parent ← nil • On receiving Return Peer(G 1 = (V1 , E 1 ), C1 ) from another node x: remove x from children send Return Peer(G, C) to parent, where G = G 1 ∪ traversed graph(parent, n, x) C(a) = C ′ (y) ∪ C1 (y) such that C ′ is the current mapping, for each node y in G parent ← nil • On receiving No Peer from another node x: remove x from children if children = ∅ and a Return Peer has not been sent to parent then send No Peer to parent parent ← nil Fig. 4. Message handlers for classification procedure for the node n. 313 314 B. Swaminathan and K. J. Goldman and the current mapping of the coordinator. Thus, we accumulate the topology and the coordinator mapping for each bcc along a simple path from the peer to the requesting node in order to build the topology and the mapping of the new bcc. Otherwise (if the node has not received a Return Peer message), it sends a No Peer message to its parent. When the coordinator receives a Return Peer(G, C) message from itself, the Insert Classify procedure returns “path condensation” along with the graph G and mapping C. If the coordinator receives a No Peer message from itself, the classification procedure returns “component link,” and the algorithm proceeds to the update stage. 4.1.3. Update Stage. The update stage begins when the coordinator has received responses from all of its children (see Figures 5 and 6). There are three cases: 1. In the case of a very easy link, the coordinator updates its local bcc topology and sends a done message to the requesting node informing it that the update is complete. In case of an Easy Link message from the peer, the coordinator sends an Add Edge message to the peer. The peer forwards this message to the coordinator node of the bcc that contains both the requesting node and the peer node. The local bcc topology of that coordinator is updated and the message is acknowledged. When the coordinator of the requesting node receives an acknowledgment from the peer, it sends a done message to the requesting node. 2. When the Insert Classify procedure returns “component link,” the coordinator sends a New Bcc(G) message to both the requesting node and the peer, where G is the new bcc containing just the requesting node and the peer node. Both nodes update their local bcc topology to include G. Let i and j be the minimum and maximum nodes, respectively, in the new twonode bcc. The minimum node i becomes the coordinator for the new bcc. Node j sends a Coord Set(Sj ) message to i, where Sj is the set of minimum vertices of procedure Insert Update(r, p, link type, G = (V, E), C) begin if link type = “very easy link” then add edge (r, p) to the local bcc topology else if link type = “easy link” then send Add Edge((r, p)) to p, and wait for acknowledgment else if typeS = “path condensation” then let X = x∈V (C(x) ∩ V ) (i.e., X is the multiset of minimum vertices from each bcc in G) send Adjust Mapping(V) message to each element in X once compute G new to be the same as G with the addition of the new edge (r, p) for each x ∈ V , Cnew ← C(x)\X ∪ {min(X )} if |Cnew (x)| = 1 then Cnew (x) ← ∅ send Coord Update(G new , Cnew X ) to the coordinator (minimum vertex in V ) wait for acknowledgment else if type = “component link” then send New Bcc({r, p}) to both r and p, and wait for acknowledgments end Insert Update Fig. 5. Update procedure for edge insert. An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components • On receiving Add Edge((r, p)): Let c be the coordinator of the bcc containing both r and p if (n = c) then update local bcc topology with the edge (r, p) else send Add Edge((r, p)) to c, and wait for an acknowledgment send acknowledgment to the sender • On receiving Bcc Update(G = (V, E)): if there is a set W in the local bcc topology such that W ⊆ V or V ⊆ W then replace W by V (or the graph corresponding to W by G) else add G as a new bcc in the local bcc topology send acknowledgment to the sender • On receiving Coord Update(G = (V, E), C, X ): adopt G and C as the new local bcc topology and the coordinator mapping send Bcc Update(G) to all other nodes v in V , and wait for acknowledgments for each articulation point x in G send Note Coord(x, n, X ) to the coordinators for other bcc’s containing x wait for an acknowledgment send acknowledgment to the sender • On receiving New Bcc({r, p}): add {r, p} to the local bcc topology let i = min(r, p) and j = max(r, p) if n = j then send Coord Set(Sj ) to i, where Sj = set of minimum vertices of bcc’s containing j if j is the coordinator for some bcc then C( j) ← Sj else (n = i) C(n) ← Si , where Si = set of minimum vertices of bcc’s containing i wait for Coord Set(Sj ) message from j C( j) ← Sj for each bcc B containing n send Note Coord(n, i, ∅) to the coordinator of B, and wait for acknowledgment send acknowledgment to the sender • On receiving Adjust Mapping(V ): if n is coordinator for some bcc B = (VB , E B ) such that VB 6⊆ V then C(x) ← ∅ for all x ∈ V \{n} else C(x) ← ∅ for all x ∈ V • On receiving Note Coord(x, c, W ): Let C be the coordinator mapping of n C(x) ← (C(x)\W ) ∪ {c} if n ∈ / C(x) then C(x) ← C(x) ∪ {n} Fig. 6. Message handlers for the Insert Update procedure for node n. 315 316 B. Swaminathan and K. J. Goldman the bcc’s containing j. Further, node j sets the mapping for j to Sj , if j is the coordinator for some bcc. Node i modifies its coordinator mapping by setting C(i) to the set of minimum vertices of the bcc’s containing i, and letting C( j) be the set Sj received from node j. Both nodes then inform their neighboring coordinators that i has become the coordinator of the new bcc G (the Note Coord message). All messages are acknowledged. When the coordinator of the requesting node receives an acknowledgment from the peer and the requesting node, it sends a done message to the requesting node. 3. In case of path condensation, the coordinator receives the graph G 1 and the accumulated mapping C1 from the classification procedure. The coordinator sends an Adjust Mapping(V ) message to the coordinators of each bcc that are being “merged,” where V is the set of nodes in the new bcc. The node receiving this message nullifies the coordinator mapping if it is no longer the coordinator for any bcc. On the other hand, if the node receiving Adjust Mapping(V ) is a coordinator for some other bcc, then it nullifies the mapping for all articulation points in V except itself, because the mapping for this node includes minimum vertices from other bcc’s containing this node. The coordinator then sends a Coord Update(G = (V, E), C) to the coordinator c′ of the newly formed bcc (c′ is the minimum vertex in V ), where G is the local bcc topology of the new bcc computed from G 1 by adding the new edge (r, p), and C is the new coordinator mapping computed as follows. For an articulation point x in G, C(x) is obtained by adding c′ to the set given by C1 (x) after removal of minimum vertices from each of the bcc’s in G 1 . The coordinator c′ , on receiving the Coord Update message, replaces its local bcc topology and the coordinator mapping with G and C, respectively. It also sends a Bcc Update(G) message to all other nodes in the newly formed bcc and sends a Note Coord message to all the neighboring coordinators informing those nodes that it has become the coordinator of the new bcc G. Each message is acknowledged by the receiver, after which the coordinator for G sends an acknowledgment to the requesting node’s original coordinator which informs the requesting node that the update is complete. HANDLING TOPOLOGY UPDATE MESSAGES. While inserting an edge in the path condensation case, a Bcc Update(G = (V, E)) message is sent to nodes in the new (larger) bcc to update their bcc set, that is a subset of V , with the (larger) set V . Similarly, we will see that when such an edge is deleted resulting in many smaller bcc’s, the nodes in these smaller bcc’s receive a Bcc Update(G = (V, E)) message and they replace a superset of V with V . Thus, whenever a node receives a Bcc Update(V ) message, it removes any subsets or supersets of V from its local bcc topology and adds the set V to its local bcc topology. REMARK. After the update stage, every node knows the set of vertices that are in the same bcc as its vertex and coordinator nodes know their local bcc topology and the set of coordinators for neighboring bcc’s (through the mapping). 4.2. Edge Delete 4.2.1. Coordinator Notification Stage. The requesting node sends a Req Update message to its coordinator, which calls the delete procedure (see Figure 7). An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components 317 procedure Delete(r, p), where r is the requesting node and p is the peer begin link type = Delete Classify(r, p) Delete Update(r, p, link type) send done message to the requesting node end Delete Fig. 7. Procedure for edge delete. 4.2.2. Classification Stage. The purpose of the classification stage is to determine whether the edge to be deleted is a bridge edge or not. The classification procedure is invoked from the delete procedure by the requesting node’s coordinator. In the classification procedure (see Figure 8), the coordinator checks if {r, p} is a bcc in its local bcc topology. In this case it returns “bridge edge.” If r and p are in some bcc of the coordinator, since {r, p} is not a bcc by itself, the classification procedure returns “internal edge.” Otherwise, the edge is outside of the requesting coordinator’s local bcc topology. So the coordinator sends a Check For Bridge({r, p}) message to p. The procedure returns “bridge edge” if the coordinator receives Is Bridge from p, and returns “external edge” if it receives Not Bridge from p. 4.2.3. Update Stage. The procedure for the update stage of edge deletion and associated message handlers are shown in Figure 9. If the edge to be deleted is a bridge, then the coordinator sends a Delete Bcc(G) message to both the requesting node (which may be itself) and the peer node, where G is the bcc to be deleted. On receipt of the Delete Bcc message, a node removes the bcc from its local bcc topology information, removes the entry for the other node from its mapping, and sends Remove Coord to the coordinators in each bcc containing itself. The node receiving this message adjusts its coordinator mapping by removing the minimum node from the set of coordinators for the sender and if its mapping becomes a singleton set, then it is no longer an articulation point procedure Delete Classify(r, p) returns link type begin if {r, p} is a bcc in the coordinator’s local bcc topology then return “bridge edge” if r and p are in the same bcc in the coordinator’s local bcc topology then return “internal edge” send Check For Bridge({r, p}) message to p, and wait for acknowledgment if an Is Bridge message is received then return “bridge edge” if a Not Bridge message is received then return “external edge” end Delete Classify • On receiving Check For Bridge(G) from x if G is a member of the local bcc topology then send Is Bridge(G) to x else send Not Bridge(G) to x Fig. 8. Classification procedure for delete and its message handler. 318 B. Swaminathan and K. J. Goldman procedure Delete Update(r, p, link type), where r is the requesting node and p is the peer begin if link type = “bridge edge” then send a Delete Bcc({r, p}) message to the requesting node and the peer if link type = “internal edge” then send Delete Edge(r, p) to self if link type = “external edge” then send Delete Edge(r, p) to p wait for acknowledgments end Delete Update • On receiving Delete Bcc({r, p}): remove {r, p} from the local bcc topology let i = min(r, p) and j = max(r, p) if (n = i) then C( j) ← ∅ if (n = j) then C(i) ← ∅ for each bcc B containing n send Remove Coord(n, i) to the coordinator of B wait for acknowledgments send acknowledgment to the sender • On receiving Delete Edge(r, p): let c be the coordinator of the bcc containing both r and p if (n = c) then remove edge (r, p) from the local bcc topology locally compute the bcc’s in the modified graph if new bcc’s are formed then for each new bcc G = (V, E), send Coord Update(G,C,V ) to the coordinator of G, where C, the mapping for G, is computed by (1) projecting the old mapping on V (2) adding the coordinators for the newly formed neighboring bcc’s, and (3) removing the old coordinator where it is no longer a neighbor wait for acknowledgments else send Delete Edge(r, p) to c, and wait for an acknowledgment send acknowledgment to the sender • On receiving Remove Coord(x, c′ ): Let C be the coordinator mapping of n C(x) ← C(x)\{c′ } if |C(x)| = 1 then C(x) ← ∅ Fig. 9. Update procedure for edge delete and its message handlers for node n. and hence sets its mapping to empty, and sends an acknowledgment to the sender. The sender then acknowledges the requesting coordinator. When the requesting coordinator receives acknowledgments from both the requesting node and the peer node, it informs the requesting node that the update is complete. If the edge being deleted is not a bridge, the coordinator sends a Delete Edge(r, p) message to itself in case of an “internal edge,” and to the peer node in case of an “external edge.” The peer forwards this message to the coordinator of the bcc that contains both the requesting node and the peer node. The coordinator node (that receives the Delete Edge(r, p) message) removes the edge from the local bcc topology, locally runs a sequential bcc algorithm over this subgraph and computes the local bcc topologies cor- An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components 319 responding to this bcc (containing the requesting node and the peer node), and sends the Coord Update messages to the coordinators of each new bcc that is formed. On receipt, each Coord Update of these messages is handled as described for edge insertion. After receiving acknowledgments of these messages, the coordinator informs the requesting node that the update is complete. 4.3. Correctness. Let S be a sequence of graph update requests for a graph containing vertex set V such that, for each pair of vertices (u, v), the subsequent requests involving (u, v) in S is a (possibly empty) prefix of an alternating sequence of insert and delete beginning with insert. Let G be the result of applying S to an initial graph containing vertex set V and no edges. Consider a distributed system of nodes, one for each vertex in V , executing the serial algorithm. Suppose that the environment issues the sequence S of requests, and that each request is made at one of the two endpoints of the affected edge. We say that the system is in a consistent global state for S if for each node n in the system (1) the coordinator c of n knows c’s local bcc topology in G, (2) c also knows the set of neighboring coordinators in G, and (3) n knows the set of vertices in each of the bcc’s containing n in G. The proof that the system is always in a consistent global state proceeds by induction on the length of S. The base case (no requests) is trivial since each node is in a connected component by itself. Initially each node has as its local topology the graph consisting of just itself, and each node in the coordinator mapping is mapped to the empty set. The inductive step is by case analysis, showing that, for each possible insert or delete request, the algorithm leaves the system in a new consistent global state. For insert requests, the cases are easy link, component link, and path condensation. For delete requests, the cases are a bridge edge and a nonbridge edge. For each case, we argue directly from the algorithm that if the request is processed starting from a global consistent state, then it will result in a global consistent state. The argument for termination is straightforward and is based on the acknowledgments of messages. We now present the arguments in more detail. LEMMA 7. The algorithm starts in a consistent global state for the empty sequence of requests. PROOF. Initially, all the nodes are in a component by themselves, their local bcc topologies contain a graph with just the vertex corresponding to that node, and each node in the coordinator mapping is mapped to an empty set. LEMMA 8. If the system is in a consistent global state for a sequence S, then the coordinator mappings in each connected component define a tree spanning all bcc’s in that connected component. PROOF. Using the coordinator mapping of a bcc we can determine the set of coordinators of the neighboring bcc’s. Thus, the lemma follows immediately from Corollary 4. LEMMA 9. If the system is in a consistent global state for S ′ , then processing an insert request ρ for edge (r, p) leaves the system in a consistent global state for S = S ′ ρ. 320 B. Swaminathan and K. J. Goldman PROOF. Let the node r be the requesting node. There are three cases. In each case we identify how the consistent global state must change as a result of the operation, and then identify the messages that are used to achieve those changes. 1. Easy link (and very easy link). When r and p lie in the same bcc, then the coordinator of this bcc updates its local bcc topology and other state information does not change. So the system is in a consistent global state for S. 2. Path condensation. When the search for the peer, in the classification stage, returns a Return Peer message to the requesting coordinator, we have the path condensation case. In this case, after inserting the edge (r, p), the nodes r and p will be in the same bcc as that of all the nodes in the path between them (Property 3). If r, v1 , . . . , vn , p was the search path from r to p, then the resulting bcc is computed by traversed graph(r, v1 , . . . , vn , p) and adding in the new edge (r, p). This traversed graph is the union of all the bcc’s along the search path. The mapping and local bcc topology information of the coordinators of these bcc’s change due to the update, and the coordinator of the new bcc gets a new mapping and new local bcc topology. Further, the neighboring coordinators must be notified about the new neighbor and each node in the new bcc must also update its local bcc topology. In the algorithm the requesting coordinator sends a Coord Update(G, C, X ) message to the new coordinator, where G is the new local topology, C is the new coordinator mapping, and X is the multiset of coordinators of the old bcc’s. From Return Peer messages, we see that if 9 = r, v1 , . . . , vn , p was the search path from r to p, then the graph G is the result of adding the edge (r, p) to the union of the graphs traversed graph(x, y, z), for every three consecutive vertices x, y, and z in 9. Thus, G is the bcc that results from adding the edge (r, p) to the graph traversed graph(r, v1 , . . . , vn , p), by definition (see Section 2). The mapping C is computed for each node in the new bcc by removing the old coordinators and adding the new coordinator (the minimum node in the bcc). If a link vertex ceases to be an articulation point (see Lemma 6), its mapping reduces to a singleton set. The coordinator mapping is adjusted so that the nonarticulation points are mapped to empty sets. When a Coord Update(G, C, X ) message arrives at the new coordinator, it informs the neighboring coordinators of the possible change in the coordinator (Note Coord message), and sends Bcc Update messages to all the nodes in the new bcc. Since all nodes receiving Bcc Update messages update their local bcc topologies, the insert operation leaves the system in a consistent global state. 3. Component link. When the search returns a No Peer to the coordinator for r , Lemma 8 ensures that the peer does not lie in the connected component of r . Hence, the local topologies of r and p, the data structures of the coordinator for the new bcc being created, and the mappings of the neighboring coordinators of the new bcc are modified. In the update stage, when a component link is detected, the requesting coordinator sends a New Bcc message to both r and p. Nodes r and p add the new bcc to their local bcc topology, and the maximum of these nodes sends the set of minimum vertices of the bcc’s containing itself to the other node and updates its mapping if it is the coordinator for some bcc . The minimum node, the coordinator of the new bcc, simply updates its mapping for the maximum node using the set received and the mapping for itself as the set of minimum vertices of the bcc’s containing itself. Then the maximum and the An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components 321 minimum nodes send Note Coord messages to the neighboring coordinators, informing them about the new bcc and its coordinator. Hence, the system is in a consistent global state after the operation. LEMMA 10. If the system is in a consistent global state for S ′ , then processing a delete request ρ for edge (r, p) leaves the system in a consistent global state for S = S ′ ρ. PROOF. Let the node r be the requesting node. There are three cases. In each case we identify how the consistent global state must change as a result of the operation, and then identify the messages that are used to achieve those changes. 1. Edge (r, p) is not a bridge and new bcc’s are not formed as a result of deleting this edge. The coordinator of the requesting and the peer nodes updates its local bcc topology and other state information does not change. So the system is in a consistent global state for S. 2. Edge (r, p) is not a bridge and new bcc’s are formed as a result of deleting this edge. This has the reverse effect of path condensation for an insert operation. The mappings of the neighboring coordinators and both the mappings and the local bcc topologies of each new bcc formed are to be recomputed to maintain the global consistent state. In the algorithm the coordinator node for both r and p runs a standard sequential algorithm [1] to compute the local bcc topologies of all nodes within this bcc, and sends a Coord Update message to all coordinators of the new bcc’s formed as a result of the deletion. Since the Coord Update message to the coordinator for a bcc updates the local bcc topologies of all nodes in its bcc and since the neighboring coordinator information is also updated as a result of receiving this message, the system is left in a consistent global state after the operation. 3. Edge (r, p) is a bridge. The local bcc topologies and the mappings (if any) of both r and p and the mappings of the neighboring coordinators of r and p change as a result of the operation. In the update stage the requesting coordinator sends a Delete Bcc message to r and p. When r or p receives a Delete Bcc message, it removes the bcc corresponding to this bcc from its local topology and sends a Remove Coord message to the coordinator nodes of other bcc’s containing itself. Further, the mapping for the other node (r or p) is set to empty, as the other node is no longer in the same bcc. Since the coordinator mappings are also updated, the system is left in a consistent global state after the operation. THEOREM 11. The serial algorithm solves the bcc problem. PROOF. Consider a sequence of update requests, beginning in the initial state. We show by induction on the length of the sequence of requests that the system is left in a consistent global state. The base case of an empty sequence of requests is given by Lemma 7. From Lemmas 9 and 10 we have the inductive step. Since, after any sequence of requests, each node knows the set(s) of nodes in its bcc(s), the serial algorithm solves the bcc problem. 322 B. Swaminathan and K. J. Goldman 5. Concurrent Algorithm. In the concurrent algorithm we allow the environment to issue multiple simultaneous requests. The algorithm serializes these requests within each connected component using a timestamping technique that uses logical clocks [12]. In order to allow at most one update request to proceed within a connected component at any one time, we maintain a queue of requests (along with their timestamps) at all coordinator nodes. As connected components merge and split, these queues are updated to achieve a consistent view of the order at all coordinators in a connected component. For each request, we collect timestamps from all the nodes in its connected component and use the maximum value as the priority value of the request. This final timestamp is then communicated [2] to all the other nodes in the connected component. This ensures that all nodes see the same sequence of requests. Building on the serial algorithm, we add a timestamp collection stage, that immediately follows the coordinator notification stage and serves to serialize the requests within a connected component. We use logical clocks [12] to assign a time to each request, and requests are processed in timestamp order. As in the serial algorithm, each request is initially handed over to the coordinator by the requesting node. The coordinator collects timestamps from all the coordinators in its connected component and uses the maximum as the timestamp for this request. The coordinator then sends messages to other coordinators about the new timestamp for its request. Once a request becomes the oldest unprocessed request in a connected component, the corresponding coordinator runs the serial algorithm to complete the operation. However, if the request is for an insert operation and the peer is in a different bcc from the requesting node during timestamp collection, then timestamps are collected in both components and the maximum is used. The summary of message types is given in Table 2. Each coordinator c maintains the following additional state variables: clock is an integer variable with the semantics of Lamport’s logical clock, Q req is a timestamp ordered priority queue of requests. For each request ρ, coordinator c maintains parent ts(ρ) as the parent of c during the timestamp collection stage for request ρ, children ts(ρ) as the set of children of c during the timestamp collection stage for ρ, and a timestamp max time(ρ). The priority queue Q req is used to order the concurrent requests made by the environment, parent ts and children ts are used in constructing broadcast trees dur- Table 2. Serialization message summary. Message type Request Timestamp(R) Return Timestamp(R) Final Timestamp(R) Request Peer Timestamp(R) Peer Ready New Queue Purpose Requests maximum timestamp from the subtree of the receiver for an update request R Returns to the parent, the maximum of all timestamps collected for the update request R Informs coordinators of the final timestamp for request R A request to timestamp the current update request R at the peer’s component Peer coordinator informs requesting coordinator to start the search The receiver is informed of the modified Q req as a result of the previous operation An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components 323 ing timestamp collection, and max time(ρ) contains the timestamp value to be assigned for the request ρ. Note that we use the value of the clock variable at each node to determine the final timestamp of a request. Since the timestamps are collected from all coordinators in a connected component, it is guaranteed that a later request will have a larger timestamp, and since the final timestamps are broadcast to all coordinators, all the coordinators will have the same sets of requests pending in the connected component. As connected components merge and split, the queues of the coordinators must be updated so that they have, at all times, the same set of requests pending in the connected component. (In fact, it is possible that the coordinator that was originally notified about the request is not ultimately the coordinator that processes the request, due to intervening topology updates.) This bookkeeping requires an extension to the update stage of the algorithm. We begin by describing the timestamp collection stage and then describe the extension to the update stage. 5.1. Timestamp Collection Stage. In describing the timestamp collection stage, we assume that no update is in progress in the connected component during timestamp collection, and so the topology of the connected component is stable (does not change). Later we explain how we ensure that this is indeed the case. Timestamp collection is carried out in three phases: the request phase, the return phase, and the report phase. The timestamp collection procedure and the associated message handlers are given in Figures 10 and 11, respectively. 1. In the request phase the requesting coordinator for request R sends a Request Timestamp(R) message to all the coordinators in its set of neighboring coordinators. A coordinator receiving its first Request Timestamp(R) message for R enqueues the request R along with a timestamp greater than its current logical clock. It remembers the sender of the message as its parent for that request. It then forwards this message away from its parent, creating a broadcast tree of all the coordinators in the connected component. 2. When a coordinator node receives Return Timestamp(R, t) messages from all of its children, it enters the return phase of the algorithm and sends a Request Timestamp(R, t ′ ) message to its parent, where t ′ is the maximum of all the timestamps received from its children and the timestamp assigned by itself to request R. procedure Timestamp(R), where R is a request begin insert (R, clock) in Q req send Request Timestamp(R) to all neighboring coordinators receive Return Timestamp(R, t) from all neighbors change the key for R in Q req to max time(R), the maximum of all t values received send Final Timestamp(R, max time(R)) message to all neighboring coordinators end Timestamp Fig. 10. Timestamp procedure. 324 B. Swaminathan and K. J. Goldman • On receiving Request Timestamp(R) from x: parent ts(R) ← x max time(R) ← clock insert (R, max time(R)) in Q req children ts(R) ← set of neighboring coordinators that are not neighbors of parent if children ts(R) = ∅ then send Request Timestamp(R) to each node in children ts(R) else send Return Timestamp(R, max time(R)) to parent ts(R) • On receiving Return Timestamp(R, t) from node x: children ts(R) ← children ts(R)\{x} max time(R) ← max(max time(R), t) if children ts(R) = ∅ then send Return Timestamp(R, max time(R)) to parent ts(R) • On receiving Final Timestamp(R, t) from node x: change key for request R in Q req to t send Final Timestamp(R, t) to all neighboring coordinators except x • On receiving Request Peer Timestamp(R, c) from x: if self is coordinator for the peer then if entry for R is in the front of Q req then send Peer Ready to c else Timestamp(R) wait for R to reach the front of Q req , and then send Peer Ready to c else send Request Peer Timestamp(R, c) to the coordinator for self • On receiving New Queue(q) from x: Q req ← q send New Queue(q) to all neighboring coordinators except x, and wait for acknowledgments send acknowledgment to the sender Fig. 11. Message handlers for timestamp collection. 3. The report phase begins when the requesting coordinator receives a Return Timestamp(R, t) from each of its children. It computes the maximum t ′ of all the timestamps and its own logical clock. It then enqueues (R, t ′ ) in its priority queue, sets its logical clock to t ′ , and broadcasts the timestamp value by sending the message Final Timestamp(R, t ′ ) to the neighboring coordinators. Any coordinator receiving Final Timestamp(R, t ′ ) adjusts its clock forward to a value greater than t ′ , replaces the corresponding entry for R in its priority queue, and continues the broadcast by forwarding the message to all neighboring coordinators away from its parent. When a request R is at the front of the queue, the requesting coordinator c sends a Request Peer Timestamp(R, c) to the peer. The peer forwards the request to its coordinator. If the coordinator for the peer does not already have an entry for this request operation in its queue, it must run the above three-phase algorithm to assign a timestamp for this request in its connected component using, as its final value t ′ , the maximum of t and the timestamps collected. It then sends a message Return Timestamp(R, t ′ ) to the An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components 325 requesting node’s coordinator. The requesting node’s coordinator then updates this entry in its queue. If request R is no longer at the front of the queue, the requesting node’s coordinator repeats the “Report phase” of the timestamping step of the serialization stage with the new final time so that other nodes in the connected component can update their priority queues. When the entry for a request reaches the front of the queue at the peer coordinator, the coordinator sends a Peer Ready message to the requesting node’s coordinator. When the entry for a request reaches the front of the requesting coordinator’s queue and the requesting coordinator has received a Peer Ready message for that request, then the current coordinator for the requesting node can begin processing the actual request. 5.2. Extended Update. A coordinator receiving an update message forwards any “new” requests to the new coordinator if that has changed and waits for an acknowledgment before acknowledging the update. Note that a coordinator c receiving an update can determine the new coordinator of a node for which it was the coordinator. In case of a path condensation insert case or a delete edge where new bcc’s are created, the new coordinator c′ for a node is determined from the graph in the message. In case of a component link insert case or a delete bridge, the new coordinator is determined from the coordinator mapping. After the classification and update stages of the serial algorithm are completed, the entries in the queues must be updated if two connected components have merged (due to a component link insertion) or if a connected component has split (due to a bridge delete). In the case of a component link, the coordinator for the requesting node gets the priority queue from the old coordinator of the peer, merges that queue with its own priority queue, and broadcasts this combined queue q in a New Queue(q) message to all the coordinators of the connected component. Acknowledgments are collected with the usual convergecast mechanism. In the case of a bridge delete, the requesting node and the peer node inform their respective (new) coordinators that a bridge edge has been deleted. Each coordinator then collects, in a broadcast/convergecast over the tree of coordinators, the set of pending requests in the connected component (with their timestamps). Each coordinator reports the requests for which it is either the requesting coordinator or the peer coordinator. These are collected in the convergecast into a new queue that is broadcast in a New Queue message to all the coordinators in each respective connected component. 5.3. Stable Intervals. In order to ensure that a timestamp was collected from every coordinator in the connected component, we made the assumption earlier that timestamp collection is performed only while no update is in progress. In order to achieve this, we add to the end of the update stage a stable message that is broadcast to all the coordinators after all the other messages from the update stage have been acknowledged. When receiving a stable message, a coordinator can initiate timestamp collection, knowing that no further updates will proceed in the component until it has completed its timestamp collection and acknowledged the stable message. However, when the queue is empty, a coordinator cannot wait for a stable message before collecting timestamps, 326 B. Swaminathan and K. J. Goldman because there is no update in progress that can result in such a message. Therefore, in case of an empty queue, a coordinator may immediately begin timestamp collection without receiving a stable message. If more than one coordinator does this, then the one with the lowest timestamp “wins” and it may start its update, while the others discard the results from that collection and wait for the stable message at the end of the winning coordinator’s update. If a coordinator p is waiting for a stable message, it may send a stable request message to the requesting node for the first request in the queue, and the requesting node will forward that message to its coordinator. If the coordinator has not yet begun the update stage, then it will send a stable message to p, and wait for p to acknowledge the message before proceeding to the update stage. During that stable interval, p may carry out timestamp collection. (This provision is needed to prevent a deadlock situation that could otherwise occur due to a cyclic waiting chain for timestamp collection by peer coordinators. For example, two bridge edges may be added between a pair of components with their requesting nodes in different components. Without this provision, if both requests reach the tops of the queues in the two components, then the peer nodes would never receive a stable message and so would be unable to carry out timestamp collection.) When a coordinator receives acknowledgments for all of the stable messages (through a convergecast), it then broadcasts to all the coordinators to inform them that the update is complete, and they remove the request from their queues. 5.4. Correctness. Since each request has one final timestamp and that timestamp is known to all coordinators, at most one update request is in progress at a time in each connected component. Therefore, the correctness of the serial algorithm implies the correctness of the concurrent algorithm. Liveness (no starvation) is argued by showing that (1) every request is eventually assigned a timestamp, (2) once a request has been assigned a time in both the requesting and peer components, no later request will be assigned a smaller timestamp in either component, and (3) once a request reaches the top of the queue in the components of both the peer and the requesting node, then it cannot be blocked. 5.5. Complexity MESSAGES. Note that a broadcast or a convergecast over the connected components takes O(c) messages, where c is the number of bcc’s in the connected component, and the coordinator notification takes O(1) messages. The serialization of a request involves a broadcast and a convergecast, hence it takes O(c) messages. While inserting an edge, the connected component of the requesting node is searched for the peer. Hence, the classification stage of insert takes O(c) messages. During the update stage, each node in the new bcc is sent a Bcc Update message, and the neighboring coordinators are informed about any changes in coordinator information (via the Note Coord message). Since the number of neighboring bcc’s is bounded by O(c), the update stage takes O(b + c) messages, where b is the number of nodes in the resulting bcc. Thus, an insert edge operation takes O(b + c) messages. An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for Computing Biconnected Components 327 While deleting an edge, the classification stage takes a constant number of messages. In the update stage, if new bcc’s are formed, then every node in the new bcc is sent a Bcc Update message and the neighbors of each bcc are informed about the new coordinators formed. Hence, the update stage takes O(b′ + c) messages, where b′ is the number of nodes in the bcc just before the deletion. Thus, an edge removal takes O(b′ + c) messages. TOTAL MESSAGE LENGTH. The message length is dominated by the update stage of the insert edge operation. Since each node in the resulting bcc could, in the worst case, be sent the new topology of the bcc formed, the total message length is O(b(b + e)), where b and e are the number of nodes and edges in the resulting bcc, respectively. Such a case would arise when each node in the new bcc is a coordinator for some bcc. TIME. We measure the time complexity in terms of units of message transmission time, where each message takes one unit of time. The serialization stage of the algorithm takes O(c) time, where c is the maximum of the number of bcc’s in either the requesting node’s connected component or the peer’s connected component. Further, the coordinator that timestamped the request need not be the coordinator that actually performs the request. Hence it takes takes O(c) time for both the insert and delete operations, where c is the maximum number of bcc’s in any of the connected components during the operation. Note that the update stage of an operation takes constant time because the messages can be processed concurrently. In the worst case the entire configuration graph is one large bcc and the coordinator of this bcc achieves the computation for edge inserts and edge deletes. In practice, however, we expect relatively small dynamically changing clusters of communicating nodes running in a large network of thousands or millions of nodes. 5.6. Optimizations. Some simple optimizations on the concurrent algorithm are possible. In particular, there are some kinds of update requests for which timestamp collection can be avoided. Since the coordinator contains the local bcc topology, it can immediately detect the easy link case. Since the easy link insert case does not change the set of articulation points or coordinators, the coordinator can update the topology during the stable interval safely. Similarly, the coordinator can detect when deleting an edge will not change the set of articulation points or coordinators. In practice, for the causal ordering application, we could be lazy about the delete requests, processing them only when the bcc’s grow large. 6. Conclusion and Future Work. We have presented two incremental distributed algorithms for computing bcc’s in a dynamically changing graph. The serial algorithm requires that the environment issues only one update request at a time. The concurrent algorithm allows the environment to make multiple concurrent update requests. The algorithm serializes the requests within each connected component with each node in a connected component having the same view of the update sequence, while allowing requests in different connected components to proceed in parallel. The algorithm uses logical clocks and collects timestamps from nodes in a connected component in order 328 B. Swaminathan and K. J. Goldman to achieve an identical view of the update sequence across nodes. As the graph changes dynamically, ordering information is propagated to ensure consistency. We are working on a new concurrent algorithm in which multiple updates may proceed concurrently within a connected component. The requesting nodes unilaterally assign timestamps to the requests and the nodes prioritize the requests according to these times. 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