Phytother. Res. 14, 479–488 (2000)
Ethnobotany and its Role in Drug Development†
Michael Heinrich*
Centre for Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, The School of Pharmacy, University of London, 29–39 Brunswick Square, London WC1N
The botanical collections of early explorers and the later ethnobotany have played important roles in the
development of new drugs for many centuries. In the middle of the last century interest in this approach
had declined dramatically, but has risen again during its last decade, and new foci have developed. The
systematic evaluation of indigenous pharmacopoeias in order to contribute to improved health care in
marginalized regions has been placed on the agenda of international and national organizations and of
NGOs. In this paper the results of various projects on Mexican Indian ethnobotany and some of the subsequent pharmacological and phytochemical studies are summarized. Medicinal plants are an important
element of indigenous medical systems in Mexico. This study uses the medicinal plants in four indigenous
groups of Mexican Indians—Maya, Nahua, Zapotec and Mixe—as an example. The relative importance
of a medicinal plant within a culture is documented using a quantitative method and the data are compared intra- and interculturally. While the species used by the indigenous groups vary, the data indicate
that there exist well-defined criteria specific for each culture, which lead to the selection of a plant as a
medicine. For example, a large number of species are used for gastrointestinal illnesses by two or more
of the indigenous groups. At least in this case, the multiple transfers of species and their uses within
Mexico seems to be an important reason for the widespread use of a species.
Some of the data we gathered in order to evaluate the indigenous claims are also discussed, focusing on the
transcription factor NF-kB as a molecular target. This led to the identification of sesquiterpene lactones
such as parthenolide as potent and relatively specific inhibitors of this transcription factor. Copyright
# 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: medicinal plants; ethnobotany; traditional medicine; drug development; natural products; Mexico; Maya; Nahua;
Zapotec; Mixe; transcription factors; NF-kB.
Medicinal plants are an important element of indigenous
medical systems in Mexico as well as in other countries.
These resources are usually regarded as part of a culture’s
‘traditional’ knowledge. For many years Europe has
profited from exchange with other continents and many
of the pure natural products and some of the phytotherapeutic preparations used today are derived from plants
used in indigenous cultures. Examples of 18th century
explorers, who described indigenous plant use in detail,
are the British Richard Spruce (Schultes, 1983) and the
German Alexander von Humboldt (1997). He studied in
detail the preparation of curare used as an arrow poison in
* Correspondence to: Prof. M. Heinrich, Centre for Pharmacognosy and
Phytotherapy, The School of Pharmacy, University of London, 29–39
Brunswick Square, London WC1N 1AX, UK.
† Plenary lecture given at the meeting of the United Kingdom Academy of
Pharmaceutical Scientists ‘Pharmacognosy in the 21st Century’, Bradford,
UK, April 2000.
Contract/grant sponsor: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation,
Contract/grant sponsor: Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences.
Contract/grant sponsor: Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst, Bonn.
Contract/grant sponsor: Secretariá de Relaciones Exteriores, México, D.F.
Contract/grant sponsor: Freiburger Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Freiburg.
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
South America. The role of the ethnobotanist in the
search for new drugs has been of continuous importance
until the second half of the 20th century (Schultes 1962),
when other approaches became more ‘fashionable’.
In recent years the use of such information in
medicinal plant research has again received considerable
interest in the media and in some segments of the
scientific community. Also the ‘Western’ use of such
information has come under increasing scrutiny and the
national and indigenous rights on these resources have
become acknowledged by most academic and industrial
researchers [see Programme for Traditional Resource
Rights (]. These developments result in a considerable challenge to and in
increasing responsibilities for ethnobotanists and ethnopharmacologists.
Simultaneously the need for basic scientific investigations on medicinal plants using indigenous medical
systems becomes ever more relevant. The public
availability of the results of research into medicinal
plants is essential for further developing and ‘upgrading’
indigenous and traditional medicine. In our research we
are particularly interested in understanding the use of
medicinal plants and in developing rigorous methodologies for ethnobotanical research. Additionally we are
concerned with indigenous concepts about medicinal
plants and the selection processes for such plants (see
Brett and Heinrich, 1998, and the other contributions in
Received 11 July 2000
Accepted 13 July 2000
Table 1. Summary of ethnographic background, medical ethnobotany and medical system for the four cultures
Culture (ethnic group)
Ethnograpic background
Subsistence agriculture with maize as the main staple
Commercially important crops
citrus fruits
vegetables/legumes etc.
Other important economic activities
handicraft (production of huipiles)
Bilingual or monolingual speakers of the indigenous language (in %)
Information on medicinal plants
Total number of botanical species documented
Total number of use-reports obtained
n.a., data not available; , very important or frequent; , relevant aspect of the culture.
(), only of minor importance; ÿ, not present in the region at the time of the study.
this issue) but this goes beyond the scope of this paper.
Here I give an overview of our collaborative research
efforts of the past years looking at both ethnobotanical
and pharmacological–phytochemical aspects of this
research. In the latter part I concentrate on plants studied
to evaluate their anti-inflammatory activity.
All studies discussed here were conducted in Mexican
Indian communities in the southern parts of Mexico
(Table 1, Fig. 1). The Indian groups included belong to
the Yucatec Maya, Lowland Mixe, Nahua of the Sierra de
Zongolica and Sierra Isthmus Zapotec. Generally speaking, these regions are in the more marginal regions of
Mexico. Emigration is frequent, especially with regard to
the Zapotec and Nahua. In all four groups subsistence
agriculture is the economic basis, with corn being the
main crop. Other important crops vary from region to
Indigenous forms of medical treatment are still
important. One of the main reasons is the lack of
biomedical facilities in the communities and the
indigenous peoples’ distrust towards allopathic medical
doctors. Indigenous medical specialists—as the term is
used in this paper—includes not only those people who
are considered to be a healer by the community, but also
people who state that they ‘only’ know herbal remedies
and who advise members of the community on how to use
them (‘specialists in home remedies’, cf. Heinrich, 1997)
and who may perform ritual cleansing ceremonies
(limpias). According to the unpublished data of the local
health authorities and our surveys, it is apparent that
gastrointestinal disorders (frequently diarrhoea and—
especially in younger children—as a result thereof,
dehydration) and respiratory illnesses are major health
problems in all regions. Infected wounds and other
inflammatory dermatological diseases are also common.
state of Yucatán (for details, see Ankli et al., 1999). The
entire municipio of Chikindzonot numbers 2750 inhabitants. 56% of those older than 15 years are literate and
one third of those older than 5 years are monolingual
speakers of Maya, with the remainder being bilingual.
The economy is based on subsistence agriculture (mostly
maize, beans and squash), as well as honey, fruit
(watermelon and citrus fruits) and cattle breeding.
Hunting is still practised regularly, especially by younger
men. Handicraft articles (hammocks and huipiles, a
women’s blouse) are sold in the market of Valladolid. No
detailed anthropological monograph on the Maya of this
area is available, but the community of Chan Kom, which
was first studied by Redfield and Villa R. (1934), is only
27 km to the north.
Health and Healing. Poisonous snakebites (from species
such as tsab - cascabel - Crotalus durissus) are feared but
only a few cases have been recorded in recent years.
Diabetes is considered a critical health problem by local
health authorities, and elderly women often claim to
suffer from it.
The best-known group of healers is the h-men. They
are not only healers but also religious specialists who
perform ceremonies in order to request rain for the milpa
(cornfield) from the rain-god or to pray for other needs of
the community. He or she is the owner of a sastun, a stone
used for divining. Midwives and hierbateros (specialists
in medicinal plants) form another group of healers. The
medicinal plant specialists are generally proficient in
treating broken bones as well, and thus work as hueseros.
The sobadores give massages along with the midwives.
The data on the Maya were gathered in the communities
of Chikindzonot (pop. 1500), and adjacent ones all south
of the city of Valladolid in the southeastern part of the
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Figure 1. Mexican Indian communities
Phytother. Res. 14, 479–488 (2000)
All these groups of healers extensively use medicinal
plants. Some use these plants almost entirely as empirical
medications, while others (in particular the h-men) also
use them for ritual purposes.
An outpatient clinic run by the SSA (Secretarı́a de
Salud y Asistencia) and staffed with a pasante (a medical
student in the final year of training) and a mestizo nurse
provides biomedical health care in Chikindzonot. For
most ailments, however, the Maya still prefer to be
treated by their own healers. In 1993/1994 the pasante,
although a woman, was called only once to assist a
delivery. Ethnomedical and ethnobotanical data were
collected from February 1994 until May 1995, and in
September–October, 1996 (Ankli et al., 1999).
The land of the Mixe extends mostly through the cool and
humid mountains of the Sierra de Juarez in the Mexican
state Oaxaca. San Juan Guichicovi is the only Mixespeaking community in the subtropical Istmo de Tehuantepec. It is the principal community (cabecera) in a sub
district (municipio) of the same name. In 1980, the
municipio had 20 000 inhabitants, while the cabecera had
5500 to 6500 (Heinrich et al., 1992). 75% of the
population in the cabecera are considered to be bilingual.
A minute fraction of the population only speak Spanish.
The economy is based on subsistence agriculture (mainly
maize) and on the production of coffee and citrus fruit.
Another relevant commercial product is huipiles of the
Tehuantepec style. They are produced by women and
men of the community and are usually sold to Isthmus
Zapotec merchant women who resell them in numerous
communities of the Oaxacan part of the Isthmus and in
many other regions of Mexico. No detailed monograph
on the lowland Mixe is available. Two cultural aspects
that have been dealt with in detail are the ritual calendar,
which is still used in some parts of the municipio and, in
some adjoining municipios, the relationship of religious
ritual to medical concepts (Heinrich, 1989, 1997).
Health and healing. There are at least 15 different types
of healers (pa‘am iixyp’) known in the community. The
largest groups are ‘specialists in home remedies’. Other
important groups are midwives, chupadores (healers that
suck out an illness), prayer makers (rezadores), spiritists
(espiritistas) and spiritualists (espiritualistas). Considerable differences distinguish the various groups of healers
(Heinrich, 1997). Recently, the number of those offering
help in case of illness has grown to include travelling
salespersons (mostly Mixe-speakers with minimal experience in Western medicine), assistants to the local
Roman Catholic priest, various Protestant groups and
trained nurses. The differences between these health care
providers are enormous. The travelling salespersons and
other individuals with minimal experience in Western
medicine are best considered as charlatans, while others
have a solid background in medical therapy. Over the
past 10 years, there have always been one to four
practising medical doctors present. Some are sent by
Mexican government agencies such as IMSS (Instituto
Mexicano del Seguro Social) and INI (Instituto Nacional
Indigenista). Some of the ‘specialists in home remedies’
and travelling salespersons sell pharmaceuticals and give
advice on how to administer them. No quantitative data
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
are available on the importance of these forms of
medication as opposed to indigenous phytotherapy
(Heinrich, 1997). Data in this area were collected in
1985 and 1986, and later in several short trips (1–2
The Sierra de Zongolica in the Mexican state of Veracruz
is part of the Sierra Madre Oriental. Its area of 1900 km2
lies to the south of 19 ° N latitude, and is bordered by the
states of Puebla and Oaxaca. The area is subdivided
according to altitude into three major regions: the cold
highlands (tierra frı́a), temperate intermediate zone
(tierra templada) and hot lowlands (tierra caliente).
Oak and conifer forests dominate the vegetation in the
cold highlands, whereas in the hot lowlands the principal
ecosystem is the tropical evergreen forest.
There are about 200 000 inhabitants in the Sierra and
34 000 in the sub district (municipio) of Zongolica
(Weimann and Heinrich, 1997). Since the 19th century
the commercial production of coffee has played the
dominant economic role. Many different fruits and
vegetables are cultivated and occasionally the forest
trees are cut for wood. In past decades, tobacco was an
important crop. The people of the hot and cold zones are
mutually dependent on each other; for example, workers
from the cold zone come to the lowlands to earn an
annual subsistence.
Nahuatl, belonging to the Uto-Aztecan language
families, is still spoken by a large portion of the
population. More than 90% of the population in the
highlands are mono- or bilingual speakers of Nahuatl
while in the lowlands it is approximately 70%.
Health and healing. Gastrointestinal and respiratory
disorders are the most frequent ones. Tuberculosis is still
prevalent. Mal aire, which is said to be caused by an evil
spirit or wind, and susto/espanto (sudden fright) are
culturally important medical problems. Symptoms of the
latter may be sleeplessness (despite being tired) and/or
shivering fits. We often encountered reports of unexplained gastrointestinal disorders.
The Nahuatl have various groups of specialists for
curing illness. Ritual healers (curanderos) treat culturebound syndromes. Midwives accompany women
throughout the pregnancy, birth and childbed. The
hierberos are specialists in medicinal plants. The
hueseros are experts on the skeleto-muscular system
and deal with sprains, fractures and bruises. Many healers
have had experience in several forms of treatment.
Ethnomedical and ethnobotanical data were collected in
selected regions of the Sierra Nahua de Zongolica from
September 1993 until February 1995. In this area,
biomedical forms of treatment were more readily
available than in the other three regions.
The area of the Zapotec is adjacent to the one of the Mixe.
Forced in the 14th century by Aztec and Mixtec invasions
to leave the highland Valley of Oaxaca, the Sierra
Zapotec settled in their present area. The communities we
worked with, especially Santo Domingo Petapa and
Phytother. Res. 14, 479–488 (2000)
Santa Marı́a Petapa, are linguistically and culturally
isolated from the other groups Sierra Zapotec groups.
Between 1% and 5% of the inhabitants older than 5 years
are monolingual speakers of Zapotec, and 50% –70% are
bilingual. As with the Mixe, coffee and citrus fruits are
important commercial products.
Health and Healing. The spectrum of illnesses known to
the Zapotec is similar to that of the Mixe (see above). In
addition, many of the groups of healers are similar to
those described for the other groups: specialists in home
remedies, midwives and herbalists (hierberos). Bonesetters are still active in the communities and in the
treatment of sprains, fractures and bruises. Many healers
have experience in several forms of treatment. Gastrointestinal and dermatological conditions are the two
groups of illnesses treated most frequently with herbal
preparations. The treatment is largely based on the
principle of binary opposition using a ‘hot–cold’
classification (Frei et al., 1998).
By interviewing specialists in medicinal plants and other
healers from the different regions we obtained information on the use, preparation, application and properties of
the plants as well as descriptions of illnesses and
treatments. We used unstructured interviews and discussions on medicinal plants and the modes of treatment at
meetings of groups of indigenous healers. Sometimes
other community members were present. The reports
from the healers for each species were summarized.
Further data are based on participant observation,
especially on the observation of the healers’ healing
sessions and of self-treatment.
Quantitative ethnobotany
The study design of our ethnobotanical research is based
on the assumption that the more often a plant is reported
to be useful the more often it is going to be used.
Quantifying the data by evaluating each use-report (ur) of
a species thus allows one to estimate the relative
importance of a plant in a socioculture. Thus, culturally
important plants are those that are used by a large number
of healers preferably for the same category of indigenous
use, while plants that are cited as useful by only one or
two informants are considered to be of low cultural
In order to further study the use of these indigenous
medicinal plants, we first assigned each use report to one
of eight to eleven groups of indigenous uses. The main
groups are identical in all studies. These include:
Gastrointestinal disorders
Dermatological problems
Respiratory illnesses and
Gynaecological and andrological problems
Others are specific to one culture. For example, in the
case of the Zapotec skeleto-muscular and febrile diseases
form one group each, while in case of the Nahua and
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Maya one category for pain/febrile diseases and fever
each was used.
Trotter and Logan (1986) developed a method based
on the concept of ‘informant consensus’ for identifying
potentially effective medicinal plants. They compared
the total case-number for each ailment (number of
informants that reported a certain illness) with the
number of separate remedies for this ailment. Compared
with this, Fic gives the relationship between the ‘number
of use-reports in each category (nur) minus the number of
taxa used (nt)’ and the ‘number of use-reports in each
category minus 1’. Fic is thus calculated using the
following formula:
nur ÿ nt
nur ÿ 1:
The product of this factor ranges from 0 to 1. A high
value (close to 1) indicates that relatively few taxa
(usually species) are used by a large proportion of the
healers, while a low value indicates that the informants
disagree on the taxa to be used in the treatment within a
category of illness.
Botanical documentation
Voucher specimens for all our studies are deposited at the
Herbarium of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de
México (MEXU) and the Centre of Pharmacognosy and
Phytotherapy, School of Pharmacy, University of London
(UK). Collections from individual studies are at the
Herbarium of the Instituto de Ecologı́a (XAL - Xalapa,
Veracruz, Mexico) (Nahua collection), the Centro de
Investigación Cientı́fica de Yucatán (CICY - Mérida,
Yucatán, Mexico) (Maya collection), the Herbario
Medicinal del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
(IMSS-M - México, D.F.) (Nahua and Mixe collections),
the ETH Zürich (ZT - Zurich, Switzerland) (Maya and
Zapotec collections). The collection numbers are A.
Ankli 1-450, C. Weimann 1-324, B. Frei 1-550, M.
Heinrich and N. Antonio B. 1-350. Plants were identified
by comparison with authentic specimens and in some
cases with the assistance of several specialists at the
National Herbarium of Mexico.
Drug development
Drug development in this context refers less to the design
of new drugs for the European and North American
market, but to the development of improved therapeutic
options for the regions where these plants were originally
used. It thus encompasses:
(i) Preservation of indigenous knowledge;
(ii) The selection of particularly useful species and the
exclusion of toxic or ineffective ones;
(iii) The dissemination of the ethnobotanical and phytochemical pharmacological results.
While the first and the third point are clearly interrelated,
they are distinct with respect to the methodologies used.
In the first one the scientific study of the ethnobotanical
Phytother. Res. 14, 479–488 (2000)
Table 2. Comparison of Maya, Nahua and Zapotec medicinal plant use
Number of taxa
Number of use-reports
Informants' consensus factor (Fic)
Category of indigenous uses
(group of illness)
Culture-bound syndromes
Pain/febrile diseases
Fever (incl. malaria)
Poisonous animal bites
ca. 100
nuseÿreports ÿntaxa
(A higher value indicates a high rate of agreement between the informants, a low one a low degree of
n.a., not analysed.
± category absent (for details see text).
A taxon may be listed in several of the categories of indigenous uses.
Only diabetes.
resources is at the centre, in the third interactive,
developmental projects have to be initiated. In this
contribution I will focus on the first two aspects.
Medicinal plants in the four cultures
The Maya, Mixe, Nahua and Zapotec frequently use
plants in treatment. All four cultures heavily rely on their
surrounding flora for this purpose (as well as for others
such as food, nutrition, as toys for children and many
others). While many of the plants are endemic or native
to Southern Mexico, introduced plants also play an
important role. One of the most popular plants is, for
example, Ruta chalapensis (rue), which was brought to
Mexico in colonial times and has come to be one of the
highly appreciated medicinal plants. In the four regions
plants are used by healers as well as by the general
population. Contrary to other regions [e.g. Highland
Chiapas and the Chorti region of Guatemala (Kufer et al.,
unpublished)] healers are essential in the four sociocultures in providing medicinal plants to the general
public. Healers often have a series of plants they
routinely use. Often these plants are those well known
to have strong pharmacological effects (e.g. Datura
stramonium in the case of the Mixe). No detailed
description of the ethnobotanical results is feasible in
this contribution (cf. Ankli et al., 1999 on the Maya,
Heinrich, 1989 on the Mixe, Weimann and Heinrich,
1997 on the Nahua, Frei et al., 1998 on the Zapotec).
Quantitative ethnobotanical evaluation
Generally Fic is higher among the Zapotec (Table 2, last
three columns). This indicates a more consistent use of
the medical resources. A category of use that yielded a
high factor of informant consensus was the culture-bound
syndromes. For the Zapotec Fic is highest for this
category (0.75), and among the Nahua it ranks first
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
(0.68) together with gastrointestinal illnesses. These data
indicate that a well-defined selection of species is
culturally important for treating these illnesses. Among
the Nahua the most important plant in the category
‘culture-bound syndromes’ is pennyroyal† (Satureja
brownei), an aromatic species that accounts for 20% of
all use-reports or 12 out of 60 (Weimann and Heinrich,
1997). Among the Zapotec nine species had ten or more
use-reports, which accounts for 18.1% of all use-reports.
All culturally important species of the Nahua are
aromatic plants and rich in essential oils pointing to an
important selection criterion of this ethnic group
(Weimann and Heinrich, 1998). Mayan culture-bound
syndromes do not form a separate category, since these
illnesses are not clearly distinguishable from gastrointestinal (mal de ojo; cirro, cf. see Table 3) or skeletomuscular disorders or fever (mal viento). Also the factor
is generally high in the category ‘gastrointestinal
disorders’. The core taxa in this category are shown in
Table 3 (see also below). Once again, aromatic plants and
also astringent plants are employed by all three groups
(cf. Ankli et al., 1999; Frei et al., 1998; Weimann and
Heinrich, 1997)
Fic is relatively low for dermatological illnesses among
the Maya and Nahua indicating that there is a low
consensus on the treatment of dermatological problems.
This variability in use, although not quantified, was
observed for the Mixe, too, and is due to experimentation
(Heinrich, 1989). First, new and potential medical
resources are applied topically. Then, depending on the
result further use might be explored. This means that
many plants initially used to treat dermatological
problems are later no longer used because the plant is
considered ineffective or toxic. The Zapotec, however,
have a well-defined category of plants used in the
treatment of dermatological conditions. The most popular
† English names are provided for the convenience of the reader only. The
native names can be found in our previous publications and on the voucher
Phytother. Res. 14, 479–488 (2000)
species are Aloe (Aloe barbadensis) and Tournefortia
densiflora (Frei et al., 1998).
There also are instances of under-representing the
consensus of the healers. Fic is, for example, low for the
Maya in case of gynaecological/andrological disorders
(Ankli et al., 1999). The most popular species in this
category is bay cedar or caulote (Guazuma ulmifolia). It
is mentioned 12 times, but is normally given in
combination with other species. These species vary from
informant to informant, and since these taxa are listed
individually, the total number increases. Another problem are the non-identified species, since these are listed
separately and thus the total number of taxa increases
significantly. In the group gynaecological/andrological
disorders of the collection ‘Maya’ 29 of 67 taxa are
included for which information on uses is available but
which have not yet been identified.
Generally speaking, the factor Fic is higher among the
Maya and Nahua for the larger categories of use,
indicating a higher informant consensus. An increased
number of use-reports does not result in significantly
more species being added to a category. Thus the factor
attests that the number of taxa used medicinally is limited
and that only a certain percentage of the total flora is used
(cf. Moerman, 1996). Since no information on the total
number of species in the regions is available a direct
comparison is not possible. The relatively high value of
Fic in many groups of uses indicates that the ethnobotanical sample is large enough to identify plants that
are culturally important and that may be of relevance for
detailed phytochemical and pharmacological studies (see
Bork et al., 1997). In particular, the category ‘gastrointestinal illnesses’, which has a high Fic value, contains a
number of potentially interesting plants. Some of these
were studied by our group (e.g. Hör et al., 1995). On the
other hand, due to the characteristics of culture-bound
syndromes and the lack of adequate pharmacological
models no attempts have been made to evaluate the
claims for plants in this category using phytochemical or
pharmacological methods.
Compared with Trotter and Logan’s analysis (1986), it
is noteworthy that several of their disease categories
which have a high informant consensus value are
gastrointestinal illnesses and problems, such as earache,
eye irritation, insect bites, and burns treated with topical
pharmaceutical preparations. Our data thus support the
earlier findings of these authors and point to particularly
relevant categories of uses.
chalepensis) are employed by four of five ethnic groups.
Species of six genera are used by three groups: locust
berry tree or nanche (Byrsonima crassifolia), velvetleaf
(Cissampelos pareira), sweet orange and related Citrus
species (Citrus sinensis and spp.), cat mint (Lippia alba)
as well as peppermint (Mentha X piperita and spp.). Eight
closely related plants are utilised by any two indigenous
groups (see Table 3).
The parallel use of plant taxa may be due to:
Principal species used to treat gastrointestinal and
dermatological conditions
As discussed above the focus of this paper is on the
development of improved therapeutic options in the
regions of ethnobotanical study. The following examples
highlight some research, which—as we hope—has
contributed to this process. Most of our own research
has focused on gathering data, which will allow the
evaluation of indigenous medicinal plant uses.
After documenting the indigenous uses we selected
species, which seemed to be of particular interest, for
further ethnopharmacological evaluation and phytochemical study. Plants were selected taking into consideration the following other criteria:
In this section three different categories of indigenous use
will be discussed: gastrointestinal, respiratory and
dermatological. The data concerning those plants that
were principally used are presented in Tables 3 and 4,
which also contain comparative data for the Mixe and (in
Table 3) for the Tzeltal and Tzotzil (Berlin and Berlin
A large number of medicinal plant species are used by
two or more cultures. For example, guava (Psidium
guayava and other species of this genus) and American
wormseed [(Teloxys ambrosioides (syn.: Chenopodium
ambrosioides)] are shared by five groups; black sage
(Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. mexicana) and ruda (Ruta
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Coincidence (a random selection of similar species),
Similar criteria for selecting plants (see Heinrich,
Shared information on the potential usefulness of a
plant (i.e. information on the use of a plant is diffused
in various regions).
Sharing information is probably responsible for the
parallel usage of both Psidium guajava and Teloxys
ambrosioides, which are known to mestizo groups in
Mexico and are widely distributed as fruit tree and
common weed, respectively. Whatever the reason for
parallel usage, these plants are of particular interest for
phytomedical and health care research.
Regarding the category of dermatological diseases
(Table 4), only one species (Mexican ‘Arnica’ or
Mexican ‘sunflower’ - Tithonia diversifolia) is commonly used by three of the four groups and is a rarely
used medicinal plant with the fourth group—the Maya.
No species was common to all groups (Table 4). T.
diversifolia is also known from various regions of
Veracruz for treating dermatological conditions. It is
native to the lowlands of southeastern Mexico and
Central America but it is not well known in the
ethnobotanical literature (Heinrich et al. 1998a).
Although a tall shrub (2–3 m), the plant is often referred
to as ‘arnica’ because the conspicuous yellow flower
heads resemble the European Arnica montana. Bork et al.
(1997) have shown that the leaf extract acts as a potent
inhibitor of an inflammatory transcription factor. The
widespread use of this plant in Mexico is presumably due
to its pharmacological effect and its superficial similarity
to European arnica, which European settlers might have
used as an explanatory model for using this plant.
The species is native to the area
The species or closely related ones have been little
studied phytochemically and/or pharmacologically
Phytother. Res. 14, 479–488 (2000)
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Table 3. Principal species used to treat gastrointestinal illnesses among the Maya, Nahua and Zapoteca as well as comparative data from Tzeltal/Tzotzil and Mixe
Maya (YucataÂn)
Tagetes erectac (11)
Marrubium vulgare (10)
Ruta chalepensise (10)
Psidium guajavaf (10)
Ruta chalepensise (10)
Teloxys ambrosioidesf (10)
Baccharis serraefoliac
Baccharis trinerveisc
Baccaris vaccinoidesc
Aristolochia maxima (11)
Lippia stoechadifoliaa (11)
Lippia albad (9)
Matricaria recutitac (8)
Byrsonima crassifoliad
Teloxys ambrosioidesf
Teloxys ambrosioidesf (10)
Artemisia ludoviciana
spp. mexicanae (7)
Psidium guajavaf (7)
Verbena menthaefoliac (7)
Artemisia absinthiumc (6)
Baccharis confertac (6)
Psidium salutaref (8)
Artemisia ludovicianae
ssp. mexicanae (7)
Pluchea symphytifoliae (7)
Anethum graveolensc
Artemisia absinthiumc
Artemisia ludoviciana
ssp. mexicanae
Byrsonima crassifoliad
Teloxys ambrosioidesf
Cissampelos pareirad
Cissampelos pareirad
Citrus limond (7)
Anethum graveolensc (6)
Annona reticulata (6)
Byrsonima crassifolidd (6)
Psidium guajavaf
Psidium guineensef
Tagetes ®lifoliac
Tagetes lucidac
Citrus limond
Guazuma ulmifoliac
Lippia albad
Matricaria recutitae
Cocos nucifera (6)
Guazuma ulmifoliac (6)
Equisetum sp. (6)
Juliana adstringens (6)
Mentha x piperitad (6)
Psidium x hypoglaucumf (6)
Zea mays (6)
Verbena carolinac
Verbena litoralisc
Mentha x piperitad
Pluchea symphytifoliac
Psidium guajavaf
Psidium guineensef
Ruta chalepensise
Erigeron karvinskianus (6)
Teloxys ambrosioidese (6)
Rosa chinensis (6)
Phyla scarberrima (6)
Only the species mentioned six or more times within one culture are listed.
Data based on Berlin und Berlin (1996:83), total number of principal species used in the treatment of gastrointestinal illnesses:38 (Tzeltal/Tzotzil) and from Heinrich (1989:36±38)
(Mixe); only taxa, which were documented as important medicinal plants in at least one of the studies with the Maya, Nahua or Zapotecs (28, 12 and 15, respectively) are listed.
Parallel reports of the species (or the genus) with two indigenous groups.
Parallel reports of the species (or the genus) with three indigenous groups.
Parallel reports of the species (or the genus) with four indigenous groups.
Parallel reports of the species (or the genus) with ®ve indigenous groups.
Phytother. Res. 14, 479–488 (2000)
Dorstenia contrajerva (10)
Mentha aff. citratad (10)
Psidium guajavaf (10)
Artemisia ludoviciana
ssp. mexicanae (9)
Callicarpa acuminata (9)
Cissampelos pareirad (9)
Citrus aurantiumd (9)
Lippia alba (9)
Malvaviscus arboreus (9)
Ruta chalepensise (9)
Bidens squarrosa (8)
Cissus trifoliata (8)
Citrus sinensisd (8)
Triumfetta semitrilobata (8)
Zingiber of®cinale (8)
Mentha aff. arvensisd (7)
Ocinum micranthum (7)
Punica granatum (7)
Citrus aff. aurantifolidd (6)
Hylocereus undatus (6)
Microgramma nitida (6)
Piscidia piscipula (6)
Mentha aff. piperitad (18)
Abrus precatorius (12)
Manilkara zapota (12)
Table 4. Principal species used to treat dermatological problems among the Maya, Nahua and Zapotec and comparative data
from Mixe*
Samolus ebrecteatus (7)
Anredera vesicaria (6)
Calea urticifolia (6)
Diospyros anisandra (6)
Kalanchoe integra (6)
Ocimum micranthum (6)
Psidium sartorianum (6)
Salvia micrantha (6)
Phyllanthus niruri (6)
Lobelia laxi¯ora (5)
Sida rhombifoliab (5)
Heterotheca inuloides (5)
Anagallis arvensis (4)
Bryophyllum calycinum (4)
Buddleja cordata (4)
Mecardonia procumbens (4)
Stachys sp. (4)
Stellaria nemorum (4)
Tithonia diversifoliac (4)
Aloe barbadensisb (13)
Tounefortia densi¯ora (12)
Piper auritumb (9)
Piper tuberculatum (7)
Tithonia diversifoliac (7)
Capraria bi¯orab (6)
Comoclea engleriana (6)
Hamelia patens (6)
Hyptis verticillatab (6)
Jatropha curcasb (6)
Pinus oocarpa (6)
Solanum torvum (6)
Swietina humilis (6)
Thevetia thevetioides (6)
Zebrina pendula (6)
Aloe barbadensisb
Capraria bi¯orab
Hyptis verticillatab
Jatropha curcasb
Piper auritumb
Sida rhombifoliab
Tithonia diversifoliac
* Species mentioned six or more times (Nahua 4four times).
Principal species for the Mixe based on Heinrich (1989:46±49); and includes only taxa documented as important medicinal
plants for at least one of the other studies.
Parallel reports of the species (or the genus) with two indigenous groups.
Parallel reports of the species (or the genus) with three indigenous groups.
It is used systemically (i.e. orally, rectally) or in case
of dermatological conditions topically
It is not an endangered species and
It is possible to collect sufficient plant material for
As a result of these studies we were able to evaluate a
total of approximately 150 species in various pharmacological test systems. Only a handful was studied
phytochemically in detail.
NF-kB as a molecular target
One target used in these studies is the inducible
transcription factor NF-kB. It is an important mediator
of immune and inflammatory response and is induced by
many pro-inflammatory stimuli including tumour necrosis factor (TNF), the phorbol ester phorbol 12-myristate
13 acetate (PMA), and oxidants such as H2O2. These
inducers trigger signalling cascades that lead to the
induced degradation of the inhibitory IkB molecule,
resulting in the translocation of NF-kB into the nucleus
and the induced expression of numerous target genes
coding for inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, cell
adhesion molecules, immunoreceptors, haematopoietic
growth factors, acute phase proteins and further transcription factors. Therefore, activation pathways of NFkB are frequent targets for antiinflammatory substances,
many of them being antioxidants. Also established antiinflammatory agents such as glucocorticoids and acetyl
salicylic acid are known to be inhibitors of NF-kB
(Schmitz et al., 1998; Dumont et al., 1998; Renard and
Raes, 1999).
Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) were
used for detecting the inhibitory activity of plant extracts
and pure compounds on NF-kB and are described in
detail in Bork et al. (1997). HeLa (ATCC CCL2) or TC10
(a mouse endothelial cell line) cells were grown
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
overnight, exposed to the pure compounds or the plant
extracts and then stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate
13-acetate (PMA) or TNF-a. The cells were washed,
harvested, lysed, and the supernatant protein was tested
for DNA binding activity of NF-kB by EMSAs.
Plants as inhibitors of NF-kB
In the course of our studies we were able to screen all taxa
collected in the four regions. Extracts of a total of 150
species from the four ethnobotanical collections were
screened for inhibitory activity on NF-kB using EMSA
experiments. Particularly noteworthy was the activity of
four species from the Asteraceae: Artemisa ludoviciana
ssp. mexicana; Calea zacatechichi; Polymnia maculata
and Tithonia diversifolia.
All four species are used for illnesses associated with
chronic or acute forms of inflammation. Tithonia
diversifolia is particularly interesting. It is used by all
four of the indigenous groups we worked with and is a
prominent species with the Mixe, Nahua and Zapotec.
Particularly prominent are uses for inflammatory skin
conditions like infected wounds, topical inflammations
and bruises. All four species are well known to contain
sesquiterpene lactones and it was also noteworthy that
members of the Asteraceae, which are known not to
contain large amounts of sesquiterpene lactones, were
inactive. Consequently we tested several commercially
available pure sesquiterpene lactones like parthenolide
(Fig. 1) and isohelenin (Bork et al., 1997). These data
were later corroborated by Rungeler et al. (1998) who
isolated a series of sesquiterpene lactones from a Costa
Rican collection of T. diversifolia and showed that they
inhibit NF-kB activation. The physiological relevance of
the inhibition was demonstrated by our group in a
reporter gene assay using a construct consisting of a
luciferase gene cloned downstream from an IL-6
Phytother. Res. 14, 479–488 (2000)
Mixe) and of various kidney diseases (Caribbean). The
ethanol extract showed an in vitro inhibitory activity on
cyclooxygenase (COX 1) and in vivo activity in the HETCAM assay. Using a bioassay-guided fractionation
procedure with COX 1 activity as a lead resulted in the
isolation of linoleic acid and a-linolenic acid. Additionally the cation content of the water fraction was
determined. The contents of Na, K, Ca and Mg represents
roughly 25% of the water fraction or 13% of the crude
ethanol extract. The high content of K (7.7% of the crude
extract) and the low content of Na (0.5 %) are notable. It
is well known that medicinal plants, which are used as
diuretics often have a high content of K (e.g. Betula spp.
or Orthosiphon aristatus with 3% K) and are known as
saluretics. Obviously pharmacological and/or clinical
studies and studies using an aqueous infusion will be
necessary in order to evaluate the indigenous claims, but
the phytochemical data corroborate the indigenous uses
in Mexico and the Caribbean (Heinrich et al., 1998c).
Figure 2. Examples of plant natural products with inhibitory
activity on the transcription factor NF-kB: parthenolide and
phaeophorbide A.
promotor. Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. mexicana as well as
the pure sesquiterpene lactones isohelenin and parthenolide were shown to down regulate the transcription of the
reporter gene (Bork et al., 1997).
Solanum diflorum Vell. (Solanaceae) is used in the
treatment of erysipelas, local swellings, oedema and
fever by the Istmo Sierra Zapotec Indians of Oaxaca,
Mexico. The ethanolic crude extract of the leaves showed
strong inhibitory activity on NF-kB activation in EMSA
experiments at 100 mg/mL using the protocol described
previously (see above, Bork et al., 1997). Similarly,
another member of this genus, Solanum lancoelatum
Cav., used to treat local infections, wounds and
‘espinilla’ showed weak inhibitory activity at the same
concentration. The crude extract (100 mg/mL) was not
cytotoxic even after 24 h of incubation. It became
obvious very early on that the active substance seems
to be a degradation product of chlorophyll. Pheophorbide
A (Fig. 2) was identified as one of the key compounds
responsible for the NF-kB inhibitory activity. The
compound interferes with NF-kB activation, was cytotoxic if exposed to light, but devoid of any cytotoxic
activity in the dark. These data provide some confirmation for the topical use of the leaves of Solanum diflorum
in the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions as is
reported in the ethnobotanical literature. Phototherapy
using photosensitizers is currently discussed as a
therapeutic option, for example, in the treatment of
cancers (Heinrich et al., 2000; Sharman et al., 1999). The
options for the development of such therapies will have to
be investigated further.
This paper gives an overview of some of our research in
the last years. It clearly demonstrates the value of
integrating ethnobotanical with phytochemical and
pharmacological–phytochemical studies. While we did
not develop new therapeutic agents for use in biomedicine, we were able to demonstrate the value of some of
the plants. Other plants were shown to have too many
side effects or are highly toxic (see Heinrich, 1989). In an
example from the Highlands of Mexico, Bah et al. (1994)
showed that a species popularly used there contains
hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Such plants are thus
potential health risks. While this information is often
available to the scientific community, the general public
mostly is not aware of these risks. Such data have to be
summarized in an appropriate way and have to be made
available to the people of the respective regions, where
the plants are used. It will now be essential to develop
partnerships with institutions, which can translate these
results into an effective strategy.
Our studies also lead to the identification of a new class
of NF-kB inhibitors, simultaneously pointing to a
biochemical mechanism of this group of compounds,
which corroborates the in vivo experiments on sesquiterpene lactones. The studies thus contribute to a better
understanding of the mode of action of an important
group of natural products. The studies on Solanum
diflorum and Peperomia pellucida are typical examples
of a phytochemical study, which led to the identification
of compounds, which are therapeutically of little
relevance. This example should caution us in our
expectations on the use of such data in the development
of new medications.
Peperomia pellucida
Another example is Peperomia pellucida Kunth (Piperaceae). The crushed aerial parts of Tsuxk Huaj Aptx (the
herb of the green cow) are popularly used in the treatment
of inflammatory dermatological problems (Lowland
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The ethnobotanical part of this research would not have been
possible without the help of many people in Mexico, especially the
midwives, healers and specialists in medicinal plants. These persons
are the original keepers of the ethnobotanical knowledge presented
here. I am very grateful to all former PhD students in Freiburg and
to Professor Rimpler. The data discussed in this paper are part of the
PhD theses of C. Weimann and Dr Peter Bork, as well as the MSc
Phytother. Res. 14, 479–488 (2000)
thesis of Inga Koehler. I am also very grateful to Dr A. Ankli, Dr B.
Frei, Mr M. Leonti and Professor O. Sticher (all Zurich, CH) for
many years of fruitful collaboration on ethnobotany and phytochemistry. The research on plant derived NF-kB inhibitors would not
have been possible without Professor M. L. Schmitz (Venceremos),
Dr Bacher and their teams in Freiburg and Heidelberg (D). The
botanical identification was performed at the Herbario Nacional de
México (MEXU) and also at the Herbarium of the Instituto de
Ecologı́a (XAL) in Xalapa, Veracruz and the Centro de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas de Yucatán (CICY), Mérida. The new team at the
‘Square’ made the transition to the new environment as easy as
Financial support by the SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation, Berne, Switzerland) and the SANW (Swiss Academy of
Natural Sciences) and the Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst
(Bonn, FRG), the Secretarı́a de Relaciones Exteriores (México, D.F.,
México), and the Freiburger Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (Freiburg,
FRG) to myself or to the respective PhD students is gratefully
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