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2006, Australasian Radiology
3 pages
1 file
Primary osteogenic sarcoma of the skull is an exceedingly rare condition. An adult male patient is described, who had a painless swelling in the right forehead that had rapidly enlarged in the previous 6 months. Radiological investigations showed a large destructive mass lesion involving the right side of the frontal bone with extension into the frontal sinus, causing marked extradural compression of brain parenchyma. Histopathological examination confirmed the lesion to be primary osteogenic sarcoma.
Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 2019
Primary osteosarcomas of skull which occur de novo are less frequent. Only 150 cases of osteosarcoma skull have been reported. [7] A 20 year old female presented with osteosarcoma in the Right temporal bone as painless temporal swelling, which rapidly enlarged since 1 month. She underwent Craniotomy and Biopsy elsewhere, Final Histopathology report was suggestive of Primary osteosarcoma.
Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery, 2014
Background: Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignancy and aggressive neoplasm of bone composed of spindle cells producing osteoid. The incidence of primary osteogenic sarcomas of the skull is about 1% to 2% of all skull tumors. Methods: We present an extraordinary case of osteosarcoma arising in the postero-temporal region of the skull. The clinical features, diagnosis and management are discussed. Results: A 34-year-old woman was operated in our department for mass, fixed to bone in the left postero-temporal area. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of osteogenic sarcoma. Conclusion: We review the literature of reported cases of primary osteogenic sarcomas of the skull to discuss the common clinical presentation, evaluation methods, and recommended treatment plans.
Acta Neurochirurgica, 2004
A case of conventional intramedullary osteosarcoma (epithelioid subtype) with 10 years of evolution and another of high grade surface osteosarcoma of the chondroblastic type, both in the skull, gave rise to several diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties. Key points concerning the definition, classification, imaging, clinical series data and treatment options available for skull osteosarcoma are highlighted.
Tumori Journal, 1993
We report our experience with 5 cases of post-Paget osteosarcoma of the skull, a rare lesion of the neurocranium. Four patients were treated by surgery and radiotherapy and one by surgery alone. Two patients received chemotherapy. Hlstologically, the tumor was found to be an osteosarcoma, fibroblastic in 2 cases, mixed in 2, and osteoblastlc In 1. Combined treatment {surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy} positively influenced survival {median survival, 6 months). The
Radiologia Brasileira
Only 5-10% of osteosarcomas arise from the craniofacial bones. We report the case of a 14-year-old female patient who presented with headache and a mass that had been growing in the left frontoparietal region for six months. We describe the findings on conventional radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.
Child's Nervous System, 1993
Osteosarcoma does not often affect the bones of the skull, occurring preferentially in the appendicular skeleton. The patient's age at onset seems to be later when the tumor is in the skull than in other sites. CT and MRI are at present the best means of establishing the extent of the tumor. Surgical removal of the lesion combined with polychemotherapy is the basis of treatment. We report a case of osteosarcoma of the skull in a child and review relevant publications.
Vietnam: Navigating a Rapidly Changing Economy, Society, and Political Order, 2023
Tracing the evolution of Vietnamese foreign policy since the 1980s, this chapter identifies four major turning points in its trajectory. Each turning point was triggered by an event or series of events that profoundly altered the strategic environment of Vietnam’s quest for resources, security, and identity. These events exerted an enormous impact not only on the conditions under which the country operates but also on Vietnamese views of the world and the key actors in their international environment. When Vietnam’s ruling elites responded to these changes, they set in motion corresponding changes in Vietnam's domestic and foreign policy. The foreign policy periods bracketed by the turning points thus roughly corresponded with phases in the evolution of the Vietnamese state. This paper will tease out the complex relationships between the international environment, the nature of the Vietnamese state, and Vietnamese foreign policy, and shed light on the worldviews and motives behind Vietnam’s foreign policy. The key challenge to current Vietnamese foreign policy, which was also its main shortcoming in the last three decades, is that Vietnam’s policymakers often view the world through the prism of a bygone era. The last section of the paper will briefly scan the horizon for the next turning point in Vietnamese foreign policy.
Ramli Harahap, 2023
Kini kita tiba pada Minggu "Akhir Tahun Gerejawi" (Ujung Taon Parhuriaon) dan sekaligus "Parningotan di angka nadung monding" (Mengenang Orang yang Sudah Meninggal). Sebagai minggu akhir penutup kalender gerejawi, tentu kita masing-masing perlu merenung ulang (flasback) perjalanan kehidupan selama satu tahun kalender gerejawi ini. Kita boleh mengevaluasi kinerja pelayanan dan keuangan Gereja selama setahun. Kita boleh melihat capaian yang telah kita lakukan dan program yang tidak bisa kita selesaikan. Kita juga belajar dari kegagalan dan meningkatkan keberhasilan kita menuju pelayanan yang lebih baik tentunya ke tahun Baru Pelayanan Gerejawi yang akan datang.
Abstract: The topic of the heroic resistance of Iberians against Rome has played a key role in ancient and modern imagination, emerged from the cynic-stoic notion of the noble savage and perpetuated through humanistic and positivistic reading of sources. This essentialist and idealized vision has been transformed and reinvented by the historical and ideological context of each moment; we analyze some of the elements involved in this cultural construct, in their ancient and modern dimension, and their transmission mechanisms, and explore one of its most interesting versions, its derivation into a socialist utopia. Resumen: El tópico de la heroica resistencia hispana frente a Roma ha tenido un papel fundamental en el imaginario antiguo y moderno, procedente de la noción cínico-estoica del buen salvaje y perpetuado a través de la lectura humanista y positivista de las fuentes. Esta visión idealizada y esencialista se ha transformado y reinventado según el contexto histórico e ideológico de cada momento; se analizan algunos de los elementos que inciden en ese constructo cultural, en su dimensión antigua y moderna, y sus mecanismos de transmisión, y se profundiza en una de sus versiones más interesantes, su derivación en utopía socialista.
resigns-as-un-ambassador/5089b505-064d-41d0-ab32-dd98b8136fef/?utm_term=.86cdb7fbe6c7 due to the pressure mounted by pro-Israel groups on then President Carter. The Andrew Young episode demonstrated the increasing power of AIPAC and the centering of US-Israel relations at the expense of all other considerations including the career of an African American civil rights icon. The recent entanglement of Ilhan Omar with AIPAC and pro-Israel organizations is not new, but the outcome points to a rapidly changing socio-political and socio-religious landscape. In 1979, Andrew Young did not advocate or speak of Palestinian rights; instead, a simple meeting was the sufficient cause for losing his post as UN Ambassador. Indeed, AIPAC's targeting of Ilhan Omar and attempts to silence her voice on Palestine adds to a long list of African American leaders who faced a similar backlash from pro-Israel groups for daring to speak out for Palestinians human rights and expressed readiness to challenge the power of the Israel lobby. Just in the past six months alone, Michelle Alexander
ΒΙΒΛΙΟ τα απειροελάχιστα μεγέθη Γ.Μπαντές
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