Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Engineering Systems Division
Working Paper Series
William Lehr1, Jon Crowcroft2
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge University
February 2006
Managing Shared Access to a Spectrum Commons
William Lehr
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jon Crowcroft
Cambridge University
** draft **
Abstract- The open access, unlicensed or spectrum commons
approach to managing shared access to RF spectrum offers
many attractive benefits, especially when implemented in
conjunction with and as a complement to a regime of marketbased, flexible use, tradable licensed spectrum ([Benkler02],
[Lehr04], [Werbach03]). However, as a number of critics have
pointed out, implementing the unlicensed model poses difficult
challenges that have not been well-addressed yet by commons
[Hazlett01]). A successful spectrum commons will not be
unregulated, but it also need not be command & control by
another name. This paper seeks to address some of the
implementation challenges associated with managing a
spectrum commons. We focus on the minimal set of features
that we believe a suitable management protocol, etiquette, or
framework for a spectrum commons will need to incorporate.
This includes: (1) No transmit only devices; (2) Power
restrictions; (3) Common channel signaling; (4) Mechanism for
handling congestion and allocating resources among users/uses
in times of congestion; (5) Mechanism to support enforcement
(e.g., established procedures to verify protocol is in
conformance); (6) Mechanism to support reversibility of
policy; and (7) Protection for privacy and security. We explain
why each is necessary, examine their implications for current
policy, and suggest ways in which they might be implemented.
We present a framework that suggests a set of design
principles for the protocols that will govern a successful
commons management regime. Our design rules lead us to
conclude that the appropriate Protocols for a Commons will
need to be more liquid ([Reed05]) than in the past: (1) Marketbased instead of C&C; (2) Decentralized/distributed; and, (3)
Adaptive and flexible (Anonymous, distributed, decentralized,
and locally responsive).
In recent years, policymakers, academics, and industry
participants have been debating appropriate models for
reforming spectrum management regimes to be more
flexible and responsive to market forces. The debate has
focused on whether spectrum should be managed via a
property rights/licensed/exclusive use model or as open
access/unlicensed/spectrum commons.2 Proponents of the
latter model have not adequately explored the mechanisms
that might be used to manage a spectrum commons. This
paper attempts to address this gap in the literature by
considering the range of multi-disciplinary issues
(regulatory/political, business/economic, and technical) that
would be involved in managing a spectrum commons (i.e.,
non-exclusive, shared-use spectrum).
One approach to managing unlicensed spectrum is to
rely on a technical protocol to allocate and manage shared
access. Network engineers have designed an array of
protocols that enable shared access in various wired and
wireless contexts at different layers of the protocol stack.3
These offer a variety of trade-offs and reflect the
perspectives of engineers seeking to solve a diverse set of
problems. However, the evaluation of alternative protocols
has taken place largely in technical forums wherein the
relative merits are evaluated according to engineering
performance criteria. While this perspective is obviously
important, it is not sufficient within the context of the
spectrum reform debate. An appropriate unlicensed
management framework will need to address non-technical
policy and business implementation issues as well.
This paper addresses this need by taking a more
holistic view of the technical and institutional features of an
effective management framework for a spectrum commons.
We focus on shared access to non-exclusive use spectrum
because we believe this will play an increasingly important
role in future wireless services. While this may be
implemented as a public commons, we do not expect the
"commons" to be an unregulated free-for-all. The
framework established to manage the "commons" will
impose restrictions on what devices, uses, or users are
permitted (i.e., only those that are in compliance with the
rules). This perspective encompasses such frameworks as
the current Part 15 devices that operate in the ISM band
(e.g., WiFi) and (semi-private or private) restricted
See, for example, [Benkler02], [FaulFarb02],
[Hazlett01], [Kolodzy02], [Lehr04], [Ofcom05], [Reed02],
or [Werbach03].
See, for example, [Peha97], [RoyerToh99].
"commons" that may be established in flexible use licensed
The goal of spectrum reform is to enhance the
allocation and use of spectrum so as to foster innovation,
competition, and the efficient use of spectrum. To be
consistent with these goals, we argue that an appropriate
framework for managing unlicensed spectrum ought to
aspire to be as minimally constraining as possible and still
be consistent with orderly management of the shared access
spectrum. We believe better rules are needed for the
operation of unlicensed devices that would co-exist with
licensed devices via both secondary use easements
(underlays or overlays) or as primary uses in dedicated
unlicensed spectrum. The design of these rules/frameworks
needs to go beyond the theoretically pure world of polar
extremes (property rights v. commons) to address the realworld environment of mixed regimes (both models are in
use but the bulk of spectrum is allocated via flexible use
Our "world view" is futuristic in that we speculate
about an improved (but not ideal) framework for managing
unlicensed that does not yet exist, and we largely ignore the
all-important political/business issues associated with
moving from today's messy status quo (e.g., resolving
NIMBY issues). In this world, there will be more wireless
services and products playing an even larger role in our
lives and global economy. These will be based on a widerarray of heterogeneous technologies: legacy and new,
centralized and decentralized, closed and open architectures,
congestion tolerant and intolerant will all co-exist in the
market. Radio systems will be smarter (i.e., able to share
spectrum dynamically), but will fall short of the cognitive
radio ideal. Importantly, an enduring feature of this world
will be on-going fundamental uncertainty regarding what
the high value services will be or the best business models
and technologies to deliver those services. There will
continue to be a need to accommodate substantial
innovation and growth. In this world, there will be an
increased role for market forces, but there will still be a
centralized regulator. There will be reduced spectrum
scarcity, but congestion will still occur.
In this worldview, rules will be needed, but these can
be more market-responsive than the traditional command &
control framework of legacy spectrum management. The
goal of this paper is to discuss the key features of the rules
that are likely to be needed to manage a spectrum commons
effectively. An appropriate framework will promote
innovation and minimize regulatory distortions. To
accomplish the latter goal, the regulatory rules should strive
for technical and market neutrality, while still promoting
competition where possible. Finally, a good framework
must be capable of evolution. This includes being able to
support marginal adjustments between licensed and
unlicensed, and within unlicensed, to support changing
protocols without being biased in favor of incumbents or
Furthermore, we explain why an appropriate
framework ought to favor distributed/decentralized
management to the extent feasible in order to realize the
maximal benefits of a "commons." Finally, we argue that
the evaluation of management mechanisms for a spectrum
commons ought to be consistent with the sort of
environment and the requirements of those sorts of services
that are most likely to find operation in a spectrum
commons acceptable in a post-reform world (i.e., one which
includes command and control, flexible-licensed, and
commons spectrum). In this world, the commons spectrum
will be most attractive to applications which are adaptive,
reasonably tolerant of congestion, but intolerant of the
higher spectrum opportunity costs associated with using
licensed spectrum.
Having established the above, we posit that a suitably
effective yet minimalist framework will require the
following types of rules: (1) No transmit only devices; (2)
Power restrictions; (3) Common channel signaling; (4)
Mechanism for handling congestion and allocating
resources among users/uses in times of congestion; (5)
Mechanism to support enforcement (e.g., established
procedures to verify protocol is in conformance); (6)
Mechanism to support reversibility of policy; and (7) Will
be consistent with security and privacy.
The balance of this paper is organized into three
sections. In Section II, we define our terms and establish the
context within which we expect a spectrum commons to
operate. Section III then presents our taxonomy for
evaluating unlicensed management frameworks. Section IV
concludes with an analysis of certain key issues and
suggestions for further research.
Defining terms
C&C, Licensed, and Commons
The debate over spectrum management regimes has
been complicated by an inconsistent use of terms. Earlier
discussion often focused on the relative merits of extreme
theoretical versions of the various regimes, for example,
comparing pure property rights (fee simple licenses) to pure
unlicensed (no regulation, free and open access). Critiques
of unlicensed often failed to recognize that many of the
benefits ascribed to a property rights regime are also
realizable in an unlicensed regime ([Lehr04]) and visa versa
([Faulhab05], [Goodman04]).
For this paper, there are three models for spectrum
management that are relevant. The first, corresponding to
today's status quo may be stylized as Command & Control
("C&C"). In this regime, market forces have only limited
impact. A regulatory agency such as the FCC in the US or
OfCom in the UK acts as a centralized administrator
responsible for directly managing spectrum use. Under this
top-down approach, the government controls the choice of
technology, spectrum uses, and users. Because government
regulators may lack the expertise to make informed
decisions, because regulation is often slow and expensive,
and because it is vulnerable to influence costs, this approach
is often criticized relative to market-based approaches.4 The
name, C&C, is intended to conjure images of an inefficient
Soviet-like bureaucracy.
In contrast, the two paradigmic alternatives for
spectrum management are the so-called property rights,
exclusive flexible use, or licensed ("Licensed") model and
the so-called open access, unlicensed, or spectrum commons
("Commons") model.5 Both of these approaches are stylized
as market-based because decision-making power is
decentralized to the market. Service providers, equipment
makers, and end-users interact and compete in the
marketplace to determine how spectrum is used, subject to
the regulatory frameworks put in place to govern how the
market operates.
Under the Licensed approach, an exclusive use license
is assigned which may be traded in secondary markets. This
is often referred to as the "property rights" regime because
the license confers a property right on the licensee for
exclusive use of the spectrum.6 The licensee is responsible
for making all substantive choices as to how the spectrum is
used. The PCS spectrum in the US provides a good example
of this regime in practice. PCS licensees have flexibility in
the choice of technology, services offered, and are allowed
to trade the usage rights conferred by the license.7
In contrast, under the Commons approach, the right to
access or use the spectrum is shared among the users subject
to a protocol, etiquette, or framework (Protocol) that
Much of the delay and cost associated with regulatory
processes is the result of open access/due process rules that
are designed to enhance the quality of information shared
and to protect the process from regulatory capture.
Standards bodies face the same problems and for the same
reasons (see, for example, [Lehr92]).
For purposes of paper, we will use Licensed and
Commons with capital letters as shorthand for the concepts
as discussed in this paper.
In truth, this nomenclature is unfortunate since all of
the regimes convey different sets of property rights. In the
licensed regime, the licensee has the sole right to determine
who gets to use the spectrum. In the commons, there is no
such exclusive right. In the licensed regime, the licensee has
a property right for interference protection that is
enforceable by the Courts or by the regulator. In the
commons, there is no explicit right of protection from
interference. Any protection is implicit, and a consequence
of the protocol.
Even PCS spectrum is not pure "property rights" since
there are rules which limit tradability and licenses are
subject to term limits.
embodies the mechanism for managing the spectrum.8 As
with the licensed model, the legacy terminology is
misleading because it suggests a more extreme form of the
regime than is likely to be either practical or desirable. For
example, the spectrum will not be "open access" to all, but
only those who conform with the unlicensed protocol. And,
"unlicensed" does not mean unregulated. There will need to
be mechanisms to allocate resources during periods of
congestion, to recover the costs of management, to
determine (and potentially modify) the rules that govern the
Commons, and to enforce compliance with the rules and
resolve conflicts among users. In contrast to the C&C
regime where the decision-making authority resides with a
central planner (the government) or in the licensed regime
where decision-making authority is decentralized to a
(presumptively)9 competitive price-based market, in a
Commons, the decision-making authority is decentralized to
those who share access to the Commons and is governed by
the Protocol that is put in place.10
Furthermore, Commons spectrum cannot be "free" in
the sense that costs that are incurred need to be borne by
users (either directly through access payments or indirectly
through taxes, protocol implementation costs, or congestionrelated quality of service effects).11 These costs include any
We will use Protocol with a capital "P" as shorthand to
refer to the set of rules and mechanism that will instantiate
the Commons regime. This will likely include "protocols"
(i.e., running code for a software radio or a technical
standard), "etiquettes" (i.e., rules for device behavior that
guide protocol design), or "manners" (i.e. more general
codes of conduct, as discussed by [Friedman05]). The more
complete Protocol will also include the regulatory
mechanisms needed to enforce compliance with the
governance model.
We say "presumptively," because the efficiency
benefits of transitioning to a general regime of flexible,
tradable licenses that rely on market forces instead of
government regulation presumes that there would be
competitive secondary markets for spectrum licenses. If this
is not the case, then at one extreme, the transition from
direct government "command and control" is simply
replaced with some form of public utility regulation
(regulation of a privately-owned monopoly), or at least,
remains governed by "antitrust." Thus, just as the C&C
regime is not immune to market forces (e.g., through
lobbying that reflects market interests), the "market" is
never wholly free of regulation. Moreover, the feasibility of
deregulation via market forces depends in part on the extent
of competition and the robustness of secondary spectrum
markets (liquidity, low transaction costs, etc.).
The choice of the Protocol may be made by the
government or by the market via industry standardization.
Ignore case of subsidies (i.e., government pays to
create open access spectrum and then provides free of use)
since this is false distinction among models (e.g., licensed
costs of setting up and operating the management
mechanisms (processing costs of implementing the sharing
protocol, enforcement and congestion costs).12
Several additional distinctions between the Licensed
and Commons models are worth noting. First, Licensed and
Commons are both "shared" in the sense that multiple
devices and end-users simultaneously access and use the
spectrum. For example, mobile operators share spectrum
over multiple users, and competition among operators offers
competition across technologies and markets.13
Second, Licensed and Commons are both "marketbased" in contrast to C&C. In the licensed regime, the
spectrum is explicitly priced and traded on secondary
markets. This allows ready observation of the opportunity
cost of using spectrum (assuming secondary markets are
efficient) which provides strong incentives to use spectrum
efficiently since congestion externalities are internalized and
helps ensure that scarce spectrum is allocated to higher
value uses first. In the Commons regime, use of the
spectrum is governed by the Protocol. However, use is still
"market-based" in that users respond to private incentives
(individual utility or profit maximization) to determine how
they operate in the unlicensed spectrum, constrained by the
spectrum etiquette. This raises the potential risk of a
Tragedy of the Commons in which users lack adequate
incentives to use spectrum efficiently (they are "greedy")
and spectrum may fail to be allocated to the highest value
uses ("garbage" uses may crowd out more valuable
unlicensed users).14 To address this challenge, clever design
spectrum use could be subsidized by licensee because use
produces other benefits for licensee as would be the case if
Microsoft or Intel bought licensed spectrum and then
created a "commons" for use by Intel or Microsoft devices).
Note, these costs are also borne in licensed regime.
Some analysts (Faulhaber05) ignore transition costs
In this sense, the Licensed model offers dynamic,
spectrum access already and movement by end-users via
roaming and via switching among operators already
implements dynamic secondary markets. Viewed this way,
the mobile customers are secondary licensees who get to use
the spectrum on the basis of the rules established by the
licensed operators.
That is, individual users do not bear the full cost of the
negative congestion externality they impose on other users
and so are inclined to use too much spectrum (e.g., by using
too high power). Protocols that allow such self-interested
behavior which results in a Tragedy of the Commons are
termed "greedy" ([SataPeha00]). An additional problem is
that when spectrum is scarce, a Commons may fail to
allocate spectrum efficiently so that lower value uses crowd
out high value. Such low value uses are termed "garbage"
uses. However, because markets are often imperfect, one
must be careful before equating a low ability to pay for
access to "garbage" use.
of the Protocol may be used to substitute non-price (e.g.,
performance) incentives to use spectrum efficiently.
Which approach is better depends on the context and
the relative scarcity of spectrum. If congestion is not a
threat, then the opportunity cost will be low in both regimes
(once again, assuming efficient secondary markets for
licensed spectrum).15 The relative difference in opportunity
costs under the two regimes should to induce
applications/users to self-select so that users willing to pay
more for strong interference protection will choose to locate
in licensed spectrum, while users that are unwilling to pay
for such protection will choose to locate in unlicensed
spectrum. The latter will include both applications that are
robust to interference (e.g., because the applications/devices
are adaptive) and low value uses "garbage" uses.
Third, a key difference between Licensed and
Commons spectrum is associated with the right to exclude.
In Licensed, the right to exclude belongs to the licensee and
so is centralized. Whereas, in the Commons, the right to
exclude other uses is shared, and so decentralized.
This characterization of the regulatory models
presented above is stylized in that it mischaracterizes the
complexity of the status quo regime. The actual situation
differs significantly from C&C. Different bands are subject
to different regulatory regimes. Some like PCS spectrum,
allow significant latitude for technology choice and trading
of licenses, coming closest to the ideal of the Licensed
model in the current environment. Other spectrum like the
television broadcast or much government spectrum remains
encumbered with legacy regulations and more nearly
reflects the C&C model as described. A version of the
Commons exists in the form of the "Part 15" rules which
govern the operation of low power unlicensed devices in the
ISM and U-NII bands.16 The Part 15 rules specify the
operating parameters for low power unlicensed devices. The
Part 15 rules seek to limit the interference caused by such
devices for other users while seriously circumscribing the
If secondary markets are not efficient either because
of market power or because of high transaction costs (thin
markets, information asymmetries, regulatory costs), then
the price for licensed spectrum may be substantially above
the economic value of the spectrum. The existence of
unlicensed spectrum provides a safety valve and check to
help keep the prices for licensed spectrum in line with the
scarcity value of spectrum.
This refers to the relevant section of the U.S.
Communications Law that governs the use of unlicensed
html for Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations Part 15,
47CFR15). The Industrial, Science and Medical (ISM) and
the Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII)
bands include spectrum in the 900Mhz, 2.4GHz, and 5GHz
bands in which cordless phones, garage openers, and
WLAN devices (802.11a/b) devices operate.
interference protection granted to unlicensed devices. The
FCC regulates compliance via the certification of devices
The characterization of the status quo as C&C is
intended to highlight the benefits of further spectrum
reform. These benefits will include increased reliance on
market forces to allow spectrum to be more flexibly
reallocated to new uses and users. This enhanced efficiency
both in a static (spectrum goes to highest value uses) and
dynamic (new technologies can be deployed) sense will
reduce artificial scarcity (regulatory induced). This artificial
scarcity distorts opportunity costs and hence adversely
impacts innovation, investment, and competition. Figure 1
summarizes how the three regulatory models are related.
Figure 1: Spectrum Reform
Problem with Spectrum Mgmt: Artificial Scarcity
Status Quo regulation => Command & Control
Blocks efficient reallocation of spectrum
Distorts opportunity costs => innovation, investment, competition
Solution: Transition to market forces
(aka, “Market Mechanism,” “Exclusive
Use,” “Property Rights”)
(aka, “License-exempt,” “Open,”
Exclusive use: “right to exclude
other transmitters”
̇ Flexible: choice of technology &
rules used to manage spectrum
̇ Tradable: transferable right,
secondary markets
and, “free”
Non-exclusive use: “right to
̌ Flexible: choice of technology
consistent with rules/etiquette
̌ Collective choice of rules:
standards/protocol (or government?)
©Lehr, 2004
Finally, it is worth noting that spectrum management
involves several layers of activity or aspects that might be
logically disaggregated. This might make it feasible to apply
different management regimes for different aspects. For
example, we might view spectrum management broadly as
addressing three categories of issues: (1) structure of
authority to determine the rules; (2) structure of rights
ownership; and (3) the structure of communication (market
mechanism) to transfer authority, ownership and usage
(delegation). As in other areas of regulation, the extent of
centralized, hierarchical control may differ. For example,
the distributed control of a Commons may be more
appropriate for enabling low overhead communications (the
third aspect), while a degree of centralized control may
simplify management of the rules (e.g., like the management
of the address space and domain level identifiers in the
Flavors of Unlicensed
There are three basic approaches for allowing
unlicensed devices to operate that are under discussion
currently. These are: (1) underlays, (2) overlays, and (3)
dedicated unlicensed.
A spectrum underlay is a secondary easement for lowpower devices that allows devices to operate in the noise
floor of the primary, licensed spectrum user. The Part 15
rules provide one model for how such an underlay might be
implemented. The current debate over underlays has
focused on Ultrawideband (UWB) technologies that would
use code-division-multiplexing to spread signals over a very
wide frequency band and thereby allow much lower power
operation per bit of information transmitted.
Similarly, a spectrum overlay is a secondary easement
that allows opportunistic use of licensed spectrum that does
not interfere with the primary operators use (e.g., in time
slots or geographic locations where the primary spectrum is
not in use). The "listen-before-talk" protocol mandated for
use in U-PCS spectrum is an example of an "overlay"
approach to managing unlicensed devices. The current
debate over overlays focuses on the potential for smart or
"Cognitive Radios" to dynamically adjust their behavior to
efficiently share spectrum.
Finally, dedicated unlicensed spectrum would be
spectrum that treated all unlicensed devices as primary
users. From a practical sense, the focus of unlicensed use is
on permitting decentralized coordination and so an effective
Protocol for managing a Commons would entail the same
sort of functionality as an overlay. Additionally, because (as
we explain further below), the power for devices operating
in the common is likely to be quite limited and because
there is very little spectrum that might be available that
would have no incumbency rights to address (e.g., satellite
downlinks which might be regarded by policymakers as
"primary" users), a Commons may look a lot like an
underlay in the first instance (limited power), and an overlay
in the second (ability to yield or be pre-empted by certain
"primary" uses).
For the purposes of designing a suitable Protocol, it
may not really matter whether one thinks of the unlicensed
devices as operating in an underlay, overlay, or dedicated
spectrum; however, we will focus on the last model because
we believe that the politically-practical limits on
implementing effective underlays (power limits) or overlays
(cognitive radios) will be sufficiently severe as to hamper
realization of the full benefits and applicability of the
unlicensed models. For example, the power limits for UWB
are quite stringent, which may limit the applicability of this
promising technology to quite short range uses (e.g., a few
tens of feet to serve as wireless "USB" replacement).
Moreover, operating in an underlay or an overlay if used
intensively, is likely to result in some interference for
primary users unless guard bands are sufficiently stringent,
in which case, the effective spectrum available will be even
less. However, if it is feasible to allow sufficiently robust
(but still limited) power and primary (incumbency/licensed)
rights are adequately circumscribed in the spectrum
assigned to the Commons, than the choice of unlicensed
flavor will be less important.17
underlays/overlays to reconcile the coexistence of licensed
(property rights) and unlicensed (commons) models.
[Lehr04] explains why this may be less attractive than using
In summary, therefore, a spectrum Commons enables:
(1) Shared use (multiple devices with
heterogeneous technologies and apps share
spectrum access – multiplicity of power levels,
bandwidth requirements, and duration); which is
(3) non-exclusive use (control of access is
decentralized to etiquette, there is no centralplanner who manages access) that is managed as a
(3) Commons (management control, including
decision-making authority over etiquette is
decentralized). It is
(4) unlicensed because we presume that
devices/users do not need to first pay for or
otherwise acquire rights to access/use the spectrum.
Instead, any device that adheres to the etiquette
(and is therefore "conforming") is
(5) free to use the spectrum.18
Relationship to Ad hoc networking
The significant progress in wireless technology and the
growth of wireless services has provided the principal
impetus for reforming spectrum management and the
transition toward increased reliance on market forces. While
many wireless technologies contribute to both the viability
and desirability for managing spectrum via unlicensed
software/cognitive radios, smart antennas, and MIMO), the
benefits of unlicensed wireless are perhaps best anticipated
in the context of "ad hoc" networks. Some of the key
features that characterize "ad hoc" network environments
include ([MackCor99]):
(1) Mobile devices (moving autonomously). There
is no central controller.
(2) Energy conservation is a major concern since
devices are likely battery powered. Devices are low
powered so range-limited.
(3) Multi-hop routing with most devices acting as
both receivers and transmitters. This is a direct
result of the fact that nodes are low powered and so
wide-area communications requires multi-hop
operation. This also turns out to be efficient
(4) Random distribution of devices. Beyond
density, very little a priori structure may be
assumed for network topology. This results in
difficult dynamic routing problem.
(6) Distributed/decentralized network management.
There is a lack of or lack of a requirement for a
centralized controller.
These features have a number of important
technical/business implications for protocol design. First, in
ad hoc networks there is a need to generate incentives to
cooperate. The nodes need to cooperate to support multi-hop
routing because of their limited range (power). This is
challenging because acting as a repeater for other users
traffic consumes power and so is privately costly.
Second, the randomness of the nodes participation and
network topology provides limited opportunities for longterm contracting among devices to manage sharing. This
may reduce the ability to rely on repeated game reputation
effects to induce cooperative/efficient behavior.19 By
analogy, the transactions among ad hoc nodes are more like
what happens in anonymous arms-length trade than what
happens in a firm that is under centralized management
(which is like the Licensed regime). This suggests that
protocols that use price-based mechanisms may offer more
fruitful approaches for inducing cooperation. In order to
avoid the transaction costs of using actual money (i.e.,
billing) which are unlikely to be warranted given the relative
value of the services provided in each transaction (i.e.,
forwarding another node's bits), the protocol may be based
on notional prices that reward repeating with sending
Third, the need to keep track of distributed resources
makes implementing traditional MAC approaches such as
time (TDMA), frequency (FDMA), or code (CDMA)
multiple access difficult. The mobility of the nodes, their
limited resources, and the dynamism of the communications
environment means that link-level and network-level
reliability issues are an enduring challenge and necessitates
multi-layered protocol design (see, [Kawad04]).
Fourth, the limited information that may be assumed
about nodes location, behavior, and even identity (to protect
privacy) imposes limits on the interference models that may
be implemented. The nodes must respond to local
information and information gleaned from adherence to the
"protocol" to determine whether interference or
communication problems they are experiencing are due to
congestion, local factors, or other wider-area factors.
dedicated spectrum to address the needs of unlicensed
The etiquette may require a payment (e.g., a license
fee to use the technology) to allow recovery of spectrum
management costs or other costs (transition costs associated
with spectrum clearing).
(5) Limited a priori knowledge of who is
participating in network (new devices may
enter/leave at will). Makes it difficult to generate
reputation effects.
In any case, relying on reputation effects to generate
incentives to cooperate may raise privacy concerns. This is
another potential advantage of the anonymity inherent in
using a notional price-based approach.
See [Crow03] for how such a price-based protocol
might be implemented to generate cooperation incentives in
an ad hoc network.
Fifth, the unpredictable entry/exit of nodes and of
traffic patterns that makes ad hoc networks so dynamic
provides a good test case for unlicensed use because it
mirrors the process of innovation and entry/exit and the
complexity of heterogeneous flexible uses that characterizes
a competitive, dynamic wireless industry and is consistent
with our view of the wireless future. Ad hoc networks
present the most demanding challenge for supporting
unlicensed use. Many of the uses of unlicensed that we
actually expect to see will not fit the ad hoc model (e.g.,
fixed wireless broadband access or in-home broadband
wireless). However, a regulatory framework that is robust to
the deployment of ad hoc network technology will hopefully
be robust to other innovations. In effect, ad hoc networking
is the "Canary in the Mine" against which to evaluate
unlicensed protocols.
Sixth, while Ad Hoc networks pose a challenge for
dynamic routing and the design of management
mechanisms, their decentralized/distributed nature may
offer robustness benefits. With ad hoc networks there is no
single point of failure. Contrast this with the vulnerability of
a hierarchical telecom network which relies on a centralized
signaling framework such as Signalling System 7 (SS7).
This is not to say that this makes ad hoc networks more
reliable than traditional hierarchical, centralized networks
(which may benefit from redundant facilities and quick
recovery mechanisms), but rather that they offer a different
kind of robustness and reliability. A world with "Carrier
grade" telecom networks offering "five 9's reliability"21 and
ad hoc networks is likely to offer improved reliability over
one with only one kind of network.
Seventh, and finally, the unpredictability inherent in ad
hoc network management makes it difficult to know who
will participate and what they will want to do. When these
situations prevail in a macro market, it makes it difficult to
develop a retail business model or to plan infrastructure.
When you cannot do these things, it makes it difficult to
raise financing. Such market situations may be best
addressed by flexible and scalable business models,
characterized by distributed experimentation and loose
organizational structures. That is, "ad hoc" business/service
models. These business models are at a disadvantage
relative to the traditional service provider model when it
comes to being able to assemble the resources to acquire
access to licensed spectrum. For example, the traditional
service provider model involves capital-intensive network
infrastructure and retail operations. Such investments may
require stronger interference protection because of the scale
of investment that is at risk and may be co-specialized with
a particular frequency (although with smart radio systems,
this level of co-specialization is decreasing). Therefore, we
might expect service providers to be biased in favor of
licensed spectrum. While this is an important model for
The standard for modern telecommunication networks
is to offer 99.999% availability.
deploying wireless services, it is certainly not the only
business model or type of service environment that needs to
be provided for to encourage a vigorous wireless future.
Characteristics of good mechanism
Before proposing a framework for evaluating
alternative management protocols for shared, non-exclusive
use spectrum, it is worthwhile considering the goals that a
desirable system ought to promote, and to that, it is
necessary to comment on the type of environment that is
likely to prevail.
Features of future "unlicensed" environment
To provide additional context for evaluating potential
protocols for managing unlicensed spectrum, there are
additional features that are likely to characterize the
unlicensed wireless environment. These include:
Heterogeneous devices and uses.
We should assume that the traffic may be bursty with
heavy-tailed distributions. It will vary in
bandwidth, and power/range requirements for end-to-end
communications. An ideal framework would allow as many
types of traffic to co-exist as possible, but it may prove
necessary to deviate from this ideal. One option is to think
about designing separate commons for different classes of
applications (e.g, a low power commons for mesh
applications v. a higher power commons for multiple classes
of applications). However, even if the Protocol does impose
some limits on the classes of applications that are admitted,
the class should be as broad as possible.
Lots of potential operators and devices.
Although the number of potential users should be
large, it is not unlimited. An oft-heard critique of commons
management regimes is that decision-making does not scale
to large numbers.22 Fortunately, the relatively low power
operation will likely bound the number of devices that need
to be coordinated. Precisely what this bound might be is
uncertain but it might be quite large.
Relatively abundant spectrum.
In the future we have described, radio systems will be
more efficient and regulatory reform will have eliminated
most of the artificial scarcity due to inefficient legacy
regulations. This does not mean that the opportunity cost for
using spectrum will be zero (no scarcity), but only that the
marginal value of any particular frequency band in any
particular locale will be much lower than is suggested by an
analysis of historic spectrum auction data or wireless asset
For example, the social norms that coordinate
cooperation in resources that are managed as a commons in
other contexts (common pasture, fisheries) depend on group
cohesiveness. As the group or scale of economic activity
gets large, a market-based process based on property rights
to manage the resources may become preferable (see
transactions. Because such data are embedded in most
business model forecasts used to estimate the marginal
value of spectrum, these estimates likely are systematically
biased upward. Moreover, because unlicensed applications
are relatively new, such analyses are biased to value
licensed spectrum significantly more than unlicensed. To
the extent the social value of unlicensed is associated with
innovation,23 failure to incorporate this value into spectrum
calculations when estimating what the appropriate allocation
should be between licensed and unlicensed spectrum is
biased in favor of licensed.
If we assume that spectrum will be relatively abundant,
then the marginal value of improvements in spectral
efficiency over other characteristics that might be important
in a good Protocol will be less. When comparing two
protocols it would be worthwhile considering which would
be preferred if there was no scarcity (i.e., mutual use may be
a positive sum game). Note that this is not the same as
saying that the probability of interference is zero. Even if
traffic is relatively sparse, unless it is coordinated, nodes
may interfere with each other unnecessarily. However, the
need to sort high value from low value uses would no longer
arise and incentives to cooperate may be stronger. In
contrast, in a licensed regime with zero scarcity the market
price for spectrum might be sufficiently close to zero to be
below the transaction costs that would be incurred by a
seller to make it available to a buyer, so efficient use might
be deterred in a licensed regime if scarcity is sufficiently
For example, it may be the case that a successful
Commons protocol, as a first approximation, may assume
that devices do not want to be "greedy" except out of
ignorance and that there are no "garbage" applications. This
does not avoid the need to incorporate the capability to
address such circumstances when they arise, but it does
increase the tolerance for relatively inefficient mechanisms
when those are used infrequently.
Moreover, the assumption of relative spectrum
abundance for unlicensed is also supported because we
assume that there will be both licensed and unlicensed
spectrum, which will encourage applications to self-sort on
the basis of their relative demands for strong interference
protection. Thus, devices that are relatively interference
tolerant will be more likely to locate in unlicensed spectrum.
And, even intolerant applications will find locating in
unlicensed acceptable if the prospect of congestion is
sufficiently low (e.g., in rural areas).
Future is shared spectrum
The above factors, and the nature of "ad hoc" networks
suggest a future where the spectrum is heavily shared, not
just among multiple users but by multiple uses and
operators (see Figure 2). The increased capabilities of smart
See [Odlyzko04] for discussion of role of unlicensed
in promoting innovation in telecom services.
radio systems have expanded the space of wireless
architectures, making it possible for many very different
architectures to support similar services (e.g., centralized
and decentralized architectures are both options) and to
decouple services from specific frequency bands. Customer
expectations are also pushing us toward a world of
heterogeneous, mixed networks. Customers want 24/7,
ubiquitously available services, and do not care what the
technical platform is that supports those services. They just
want it to work. Moreover, with the transition to broadband,
user traffic will become more bursty and heterogeneous.
Regulatory reform and industry dynamics are increasing
competition all across the value chain (e.g., wired and
wireless broadband are nearer substitutes). This encourages
operators and businesses to try and decouple infrastructure
from spectrum and investment. An operator whose service is
locked into a specific frequency band or can only provide
service over a single platform will be at a disadvantage
relative to more flexible operators. Just as mobile operators
are now seeking ways to integrate 3G services with WiFi, so
they will seek to be able to integrate other technologies.24
As applications become more robust to operating across
heterogeneous platforms, equipment makers and service
providers will find it more advantageous to support such
frequency/architecture flexibility.
Figure 2: Future is Shared spectrum
Future is shared spectrum:
decoupling of spectrum frequencies
from infrastructure investment & applications
Technology (Capabilities) å
frequency agility, expanded
capacity for sharing
Smart radio systems, spread
spectrum, transition to broadband
platform architectures
Revenue (Customer experience) å
24/7 availability, simplicity of use,
seemless mobility
Heterogeneous networks (3G/WiFi,
wireless/wired, global roaming)
Costs (Network provisioning) å
lower costs, take advantage
intermodal competition
Bursty traffic, multimedia services,
fat-tailed usage profiles
Policy (Spectrum reform) å
reduced artificial scarcity due to
legacy regulations
Transition to expanded flexible
market-based licensing and
unlicensed spectrum mgmt regimes
©Lehr, 2005
When evaluating Commons management regimes, it is
worthwhile having some concrete ideas of the sorts of
business models/applications that may need to be supported
in unlicensed spectrum. A good Protocol ought to support as
many of these as possible. Several possible scenarios for
unlicensed use that should be considered include:
WiFi model of unlicensed device use
In this scenario, mass market consumers deploy new
wireless devices in a viral manner, without central
coordination of use. For example, the deployment of
See [LehrMcK03] for a discussion of integration of
WiFi and 3G.
Bluetooth and potentially UWB in home appliances could
follow such a model. Once such devices are widely
deployed, it is reasonable to expect that someone might
develop the applications or middleware to tie these together
into larger networks (e.g., wireless grids).
Mobile operators sharing 3G spectrum
Today, spectrum licenses to provide mobile services
provide an entry barrier that gives incumbent licensees a
strategic advantage. However, with robust competition and
the threat of increased allocations for competing wireless
technologies on the one hand and the prospect of having to
pay to acquire licenses for additional spectrum in order to
support new 3G wireless broadband services on the other,
mobile operators may be more inclined to share spectrum.
The value of holding an exclusive license to a particular
frequency band is diminished in the world we have
described above. With bursty, wireless broadband traffic, it
will be more efficient for mobile operators to dynamically
share spectrum than for each of them to have to provision
sufficient spectrum to support their peak bandwidth needs.
The technologies to share such spectrum are becoming more
readily available.
In such a world of agile infrastructure, providers may
care less which spectrum they own and more about
ensuring that no one else has a right to exclude them.
Collective ownership of the 3G spectrum and management
of it as a closed common (i.e., for qualified service
operators) may offer an efficient management regime. Of
course, were the operators to attempt such a structure, they
might raise antitrust concerns. To forestall that, the
operators might make the spectrum "open access" under the
management of an industry-defined protocol. A similar
approach is used to justify the openness of Internet peering
arrangements (i.e., anyone can peer who meets the capacity
requirements, but those are set so as to practically restrict
the number of potential peering partners).
Community last-mile networks
In a future with lots of deep neighborhood fiber (FTTx
where x may be the curb, block, building, etc.), wireless
may play an important role in providing connectivity over
the last few tens of feet to the home. If the FTTx is deployed
by a large national service provider like a telephone or cable
company, then they may find it practical and not difficult to
acquire licensed spectrum. However, in other situations,
communities may wish to deploy their own last-mile
infrastructure. While not appropriate in all contexts,
municipal networking is likely to be an increasingly
common feature of the future broadband landscape, and
wireless will play a big role in that.
Municipalities may prefer to locate in unlicensed
spectrum because of the reduced transaction costs and their
bias in favor of capital/equipment instead of serviceprovider models. That is, municipalities are typically
relatively ill-equipped to operate retail services, but may
have certain advantages in financing the deployment of
long-lived, "natural monopoly"-like infrastructure.25 If used
to support basic infrastructure, the municipalities may desire
strong interference protection to protect the value of their
local infrastructure and to minimize the need to address
interference-related issues. The efforts of WISPs to gain
special interference protection for their wireless broadband
services deployed in unlicensed spectrum provides insight
into how this might work. Alternatively, municipalities may
be inclined to share their public safety spectrum if
appropriate sharing mechanisms can be devised.
Mesh networks
A final example to consider is the case where there is a
desire to deploy a large mesh network. This might arise in
the context of an emergency (flood, hurricane) or special
event (conference, festival). The proto-typical situation
would be one in which it was desired to set up a mesh
network very quickly to cover a campus-sized or larger area.
Alternatively, the mesh might be a large ad hoc network.
Possible examples might include a taxicab dispatch network
or (vehicle) traffic management system. For example, such a
system could be deployed in a city to better schedule public
transport and alleviate congestion (e.g., in downtown
As noted earlier, ideally, an appropriate management
regime should admit all of these possible scenarios.
However, that does not preclude creating different commons
for different applications. For example, there are a number
of compelling reasons why mobile operators or
municipalities might prefer a closed commons that is
restricted to a relatively small number of participants. These
include the desire to enforce market power (a cartel is easier
to sustain with a few members); technical efficiency (having
a small number of well-known parties simplifies the design
of the sharing protocol and enforcement); economic
efficiency (having a small number of well-known parties
simplifies long-term contracting which can reduce
coordination costs in the face of uncertainty and sunk cost
investments). In contrast, the viral adoption and mesh
models may prefer a more open model to ensure that the
costs for new nodes to join is minimized.
Goals for successful management protocol
To summarize, relative to the type of environment
specified above, a successful Commons management
protocol should strive to realize the following goals:
Promote/facilitate innovation in wireless devices,
services, and business models.
This means minimizing barriers to entry/adoption of
new technologies and switching costs. It also means
avoiding lock-in that may block further deployments of new
See [LehSirGil04] for discussion of municipal
These are real examples that are currently in
technology. In many cases, the success of a technology and
the strategic interests of its sponsors promote lock-in. For
example, consumers stay with Microsoft Windows because
it satisfies many of their needs, offers them a huge selection
of compatible software and hardware options (positive
network effects), and changing to another operating system
would incur switching costs. Microsoft benefits from its
position and has no incentive to encourage switching. While
it is not the responsibility of the management framework to
dictate user tastes or business models that often are the
cause for lock-in, the framework does need to strive to avoid
regulatory impediments to deploying new technologies. For
example, the growth of an installed base gives rise to vested
interests that can be expected to appropriate the Commons
for their own, seeking special protection against new
technologies. We have already seen a hint of this in the
efforts by WISPs and campus networks that have deployed
infrastructure in unlicensed spectrum seeking to block or
limit competing uses that may interfere with their use. Such
efforts, while predictable need to be resisted.
One benefit of adopting a minimalist regulatory
framework may be to limit regulatory hooks that might
otherwise be used to lock-in particular technologies. For
example, identifying a specific technical protocol (e.g.,
CDMA or TDMA) may make it easier for incumbents
whose choice was dictated by the specific technology to
argue for protection.27 A minimalist regime helps
precommit the regulator to letting the market dictate what
technologies are successful.
Minimize transaction costs for accessing
A principal benefit of unlicensed relative to licensed
spectrum is that it minimizes the transaction costs associated
with accessing spectrum. This chief virtue needs to be kept
in mind when evaluating protocols for managing the
Commons. Real-time usage fees (e.g., the per minute
charges that characterize mobile telephony services) or the
costs of accessing secondary markets to negotiate spectrum
rights are obvious ways in which unlicensed usage may be
deterred. However, transaction costs to accessing unlicensed
may also arise in other ways. For example, an overly
complex protocol for managing resource sharing will
impose overhead costs on devices that can deter usage.
Attempting to build in too strong interference avoidance
protection into the Protocol may result in excessive
requirements for device certification and enforcement that
will further increase overhead costs associated with
management of the Commons. Limiting devices
expectations of protection may help control these overhead
[David86] describes the dilemma for policy-makers
who promote technologies that are subsequently abandoned
and must then confront the "angry orphans."
Provide mechanism for congestion management
While we expect spectrum to be less scarce in the
future we are designing for, there still need to be robust
mechanisms to address congestion when it occurs. As
discussed earlier, however, we may be able to tolerate
management mechanisms that are somewhat less
allocatively efficient (i.e., emphasize coordination to allow
all users to co-exist rather than seeking to selectively
allocate better performance to higher value uses).
Provide mechanism for modifying/establishing
the etiquette
An appropriate Commons management Protocol will
need to include process for modifying and updating the
Protocol. Such a mechanism is needed to allow the
Commons protocol to evolve over time, and to facilitate the
re-allocation of Commons spectrum as Licensed in the
future should that be deemed desirable. A principal benefit
of market-based spectrum reform is that it provides for a
dynamic process for future adjustments.
In Licensed spectrum, the Invisible Hand of the
competitive market (acting via secondary markets) provides
the mechanism for modifying the management regime. This
is a chief benefit of the property rights regime because it can
take advantage of the general legal and regulatory
infrastructure used to enforce and manage property rights in
the general economy.28
In contrast, the Commons regime, of necessity, will
require specialized (spectrum-specific) attention to its
mechanism. Because rights in the Commons are shared
among all qualified users, it will be challenging to upgrade
the mechanism since it will require consensus.29 This
suggests that reliance on industry standardization processes
may offer the best option. These may be assisted by
government action (e.g., by setting a time line for
As noted earlier, since Licensed will not realize a pure
property regime (fee simple rights), there will continue to be
regulation. For example, the existence of term limits or
secondary use easements will provide a sufficient (although
not necessary) basis for ensuring a need for on-going
regulation in the Licensed regime. Furthermore, to the
extent the adjudication of disputes over spectrum license
rights requires specialized technical knowledge, there may
be a requirement for specialized spectrum courts that would,
by their nature, look more like regulatory agencies than
traditional general purpose Courts. [Goodman04] discusses
the likely problems inherent in relying on either trespass or
nuisance law to protect spectrum property rights, while
noting that the prospects for managing a Commons are
equally troublesome.
[Heller98] explains how an "anti-commons" arises
when the right to exclude is distributed too widely making
communally-managed property unusable. That is, when too
many individuals possess decision rights, reconciling their
collective interests can be difficult, resulting in paralysis.
standardization), but the choice of the actual Protocol and its
details may be best handled if delegated to an industry
standards body. While de jure industry standardization
processes are often cumbersome and vulnerable to many of
the same capture risks as government regulatory bodies,
they are the best that we have available.30 When the stakes
are high and interests diverge, it is only natural that there are
costs associated with adopting and transitioning to new
technologies. The de facto standardization that would
operate in the Licensed regime does not avoid these
adjustment costs. The Darwinian market process that
encourages survival of the fittest has significant costs for
Which standards organization might offer the best
framework for managing the design of an appropriate
Commons protocol requires further study. Whether it should
be patterned on the IETF, NRIC, or the ITU is something
that needs to be discussed, and will no doubt result in heated
Another obviously important issue to address is the
question of how to transition from today's status quo to the
future anticipated in this paper. This requires overcoming
NIMBY and clearing spectrum of incumbents. This is a
problem that is faced by both Licensed and Commons
models, and may best be addressed if both are confronted at
the same time. If, as is hoped, reform will significantly
lower spectrum opportunity costs, than the ex post value
(after the transition) of the spectrum will be much lower
than historical experience with auctions suggests. If we
really believe this is the case, then perhaps a Big Bang
auction along the lines suggested by [KwerWm02] would
offer a practical way to effect the transition. In the auction
they propose, a large chunk of spectrum is transitioned to
flexible Licensed use. At the same time, spectrum could be
"purchased" for unlicensed use; however, if we really expect
the auction proceeds to be low (reflecting the low expected
future value of spectrum in a spectrum abundant world) then
it may be reasonable to approximate this purchase price as
zero. That is, simply designate as unlicensed a portion of the
spectrum that will be made available and use some of the
aggregate auction proceeds for clearing.31
Promote fairness and non-discriminatory access
The Commons Protocol ought to promote nondiscriminatory access. The Protocol should not attempt to
sort uses of unlicensed spectrum into high and low value
See [Lehr92] or [DavGreen90] for discussion of
economics of industry standardization processes.
That is, do not require the government to purchase the
unlicensed spectrum. Since everyone will be able to use the
spectrum (including those that also or even preferentially
may choose to operate in licensed spectrum) and since the
unlicensed spectrum will lack strong interference protection
that justifies paying more for licensed spectrum, such an
approach seems reasonable.
users, but should leave that as much as possible to the
market. The Protocol should not offer differential quality of
service. The notion of non-discriminatory access for all
qualified (compliant) users of the Commons is fundamental
to the notion of a Commons.
Minimalist regulation
To realize the benefits of market-based reform and to
protect against the inefficiencies inherent in the traditional
C&C approach to spectrum management, the Commons
regime ought to aspire to minimalist regulation. Achieving
this goal is difficult because it requires a delicate balance
between simplicity and flexibility. Often the simplest rules
are bright line rules, but these can lack flexibility. On the
other hand, simple rules that are highly flexible may not
adequately constrain behavior to accomplish the goal of the
rules. Vague rules can lead to higher ex post enforcement
costs and higher ex ante uncertainty if they fail to provide
clear guidance as to what should be expected.
In this section we offer our preliminary thoughts on the
sorts of rules that we think are likely to be needed to meet
the requirements of an appropriate Commons management
Protocol as described above. Before examining the range of
rules that we think are likely to be needed to effectively
manage a spectrum commons, it is worth considering why
defining a suitable resource sharing protocol for a Commons
is difficult. Some useful lessons may be gleaned from
examining how resource sharing is managed in wired
telephone networks and the Internet.
Lessons from the past
The traditional Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN) supported one basic service, the voice call. Because
the statistical properties of voice calls were well understood
and quite regular,32 it was relatively easy to standardize on
an appropriate unit of capacity (e.g., Erlangs) and to map
voice calls into standardized 4 KHz voice channels which
could be encoded with 64Kbps PCM.33 This regularity
That is the dynamic range of the human voice and ear
for basic telephony calling is relatively narrow. Quality
must be good enough (e.g., end-to-end delays should not
exceed 250msec but there is a reasonably good tolerance to
bit errors) and substantially better quality may not be very
valuable. Of course, mobile telephony (which historically,
has often been much lower quality) on the one hand and
improved codecs (offering really high quality voice) on the
other, we have learned that even voice calls can support a
much wider range of quality of service than previously
Of course, the monopoly/regulated industry structure
helped solve the business problems that often plague
standardization efforts in competitive markets. Note, that
simplified the design of resource sharing mechanisms in the
In this environment, it was appropriate to use a
centralized resource management policy that allocated units
of capacity along each call route for the duration of the
call.34 A separate signaling channel was used to manage
resource allocations (capacity requests, allocation, and setup). When multiple carriers interconnected, this could be
extended across carriers, with the allocation method offering
strong isolation properties with hard guarantees of capacity
and strict delay bounds (i.e., to limit interference between
users and to ensure acceptable end-to-end quality).
With the growth of data traffic, which is inherently
more diverse (unlike voice calls, data traffic differs
significantly in its bandwidth requirements and in its
delay/error rate tolerance), the resource allocation problem
became more complex. Although more diverse, relative to
voice (which has inelastic QoS requirements35), data and
data applications are typically more elastic (delay
tolerant/flexible) and adaptive.36 The movement to packetbased transport mechanisms offered a more flexible
platform for dynamic resource allocation, but its
implementation in the PSTN still heavily reflected the
earlier "circuit-switched" mentality. For example, ATM
allows variable bandwidth flows, but supports these in a
hierarchical way that allows centralized resource allocation.
Indeed, this has turned out to be a key virtue of ATM and
explains why it is often used to support QoS-differentiated
Internet services. A drawback to this approach, however, is
that the capacity is still quantized based on the legacy
this is obviously a obviously an over-simplification because
modern voice networks encode voice in variety of ways that
require much less than 64Kbps, although 64Kbps channels
are often still allocated because of the need to accommodate
legacy technology.
As we explain further below, this centralized approach
becomes much more problematic once the traffic
environment becomes more heterogeneous and complex
which is precisely what we expect in a wireless
As note 32 supra explains, even voice is much more
"elastic" than many might have you believe. Users of VoIP
and mobile phones have demonstrated a willingness to use
even very poor quality voice in return for other features
(mobility, lower price, etc.).
Because "data" implies using computers, the ability to
implement software processing is fundamental and makes
the adaptivity of data applications something we take for
granted. Contrast this to the traditional telephone which
lacked flexibility by design. With the computerization of the
telephone network, voice telephony becomes more like data
and a similar level of adaptiveness (e.g., voice compression,
protocol conversion, etc.) can take place to respond to
capacity constraints.
requirements of voice telephony (i.e., fixed cells instead of
variable length datagrams) and the centralized management
inherent in ATM imposes high overhead costs for short
duration calls or data communications with relatively long
In contrast, the Internet emerged as a packet-based
transport overlay on top of the PSTN. It offered a common
grade of service ("best effort") that treated all packets the
same, and did not constrain packets to a fixed length. The
transport of packets is segmented into IP (hop-by-hop) and
TCP (end-to-end) control, with BGP providing interdomain
routing support. In the Internet, resource sharing is
decentralized. There is no "common channel" signaling to
allow applications or users to coordinate resource allocation.
There is no strong protection in the basic Internet
infrastructure to protect different users and applications
from interfering with each other as in the PSTN. The
applications themselves are expected to address the
problems of congestion or noise along the end-to-end
communication path through various mechanisms like error
concealment or recovery protocols such as the reliability
mechanisms in TCP or the FEC capabilities of some VOIP
Although lacking a centralized resource allocation
mechanism,37 the Internet does have decentralized resource
sharing mechanisms. Today, the dominant mechanism is
based on the congestion control algorithms of TCP, and
indeed other transport protocols (such as DCCP and XCP)
are being designed to support the notion of TCP
friendliness, even for relatively inelastic applications such
as VOIP.38 In the Internet, end-nodes adjust their data rates
to dynamically allocate bottleneck capacity according to the
congestion avoidance algorithms in TCP or TCP-friendly
protocols. These react to feedback from the network (in the
form of packet loss, or in the form of Explicit Congestion
Notification or ECN) and use the well known Additive
Increase/Multiplicative Decrease control law.39
Of course, as is increasingly apparent even in the
wireline Internet, these decentralized sharing algorithms do
a poor job when one seeks to integrate inelastic applications
with the diverse elastic data applications that have
Resources in the Internet are managed by network
operators who can redirect traffic by manipulating BGP to
implement policy-based routing and by dynamically altering
the physical capacity available for Internet traffic (e.g., use
ATM to support dynamic bandwidth allocation to virtual IP
Many of these ideas are described at:
This leads to a share for each source of the bottleneck
capacity that is inversely proportional to the round trip time
seen by each source to its respective destination, and
otherwise proportional to the capacity at a shared
bottleneck, amongst the n flows that co-exist there.
historically dominated Internet traffic (e.g., asynchronous
file transfers). The need to accommodate such things as
VoIP and streaming media have driven even wire-based
Internet providers to seek improved mechanisms to
dynamically allocate resources such as MPLS, DiffServ, or
IntServ. However, to date, these have been implemented in
a centralized way (i.e., within a single carrier domain) to
support QoS differentiated services for enterprise VPNs.
Industry is only now developing the frameworks to
implement this across interprovider domains.40
More typically, ISPs have found it easier to simply
over-provision to address capacity constraints.41 This is due,
in part, to the fact that the sort of contention-based
mechanisms that are used in TCP and the Internet tend to
work best in lightly-loaded networks. VoIP coexists fine
with FTP, email, and other data traffic as long as the
network is not congested. While centralized resource
allocation mechanisms (e.g., ATM or token ring) might
provide more assurance of bounded access delays,
distributed protocols (e.g., TCP or Ethernet) provide similar
delays when the networks are lightly loaded. However, the
centralized approaches which may work well for relatively
slow changing source and traffic matrices, are often less
robust in very dynamic situations (as in Ad Hoc networks).
In these latter situations, that may more reasonably
characterize future wireless environments, a more
decentralized/distributed approach may be the only feasible
way to manage resources.42
Rules for managing a Spectrum Commons
Now, let us consider what this suggests about the
design of sharing protocols in wireless networks. First, note
that much of the licensed spectrum is managed in a
centralized way that is analogous to the traditional PSTN
(since much of it is allocated to cellular telephone use or
else to TV broadcast).43 On the other hand, much of the
unlicensed spectrum (e.g. in the ISM band for WiFi and
other Wireless LAN and Bluetooth use) is managed in a
decentralized way that is analogous to (or indeed is the same
thing as) the Internet. In unlicensed, the applications are
adaptive, and resource isolation can be less strict.
With respect to licensed spectrum, the rationale for
managing resources in a way that is analogous to the PSTN
centralized approach is obvious in the case of mobile
For example, see [Briscoe05] or
for current work on mechanisms to support interprovider
[Odlyzko98] has argued that it is easier and less
expensive to simply over-provision than to try and
implement complex mechanisms to support differentiated
QoS in the wired Internet.
See [Kelly00] and [Reed05] for further discussion.
We focus here on commercial spectrum, since the
government spectrum is mostly C&C.
telephony (i.e., similar services, similar ancestry, and need
to interconnect seamlessly44). In the case of broadcast
television spectrum, the centralized approach is an artifact
of legacy regulation. With respect to mobile telephony, the
acute scarcity of spectrum, which itself is largely an
artificial artifact of legacy regulation, provides powerful
economic incentives to use spectrum efficiently.45 Hence,
mobile carriers deploy sophisticated centralized resource
management techniques to achieve high spectrum reuse
(dynamic power management, directional antennas, etc.). In
contrast, the current regulatory regime provides little
economic incentive for broadcasters to use spectrum
efficiently.46 Current regulations provide strong interference
protection to broadcasters to protect the ability of the worstcase "dumb" receivers to receive the broadcast signal, while
constraining the broadcast licensees ability to benefit from
using the spectrum more efficiently.47 Consequently, the
typical broadcaster uses a minimal set of transmitters to
cover their licensed footprint. This architecture uses too
much power for receivers that are close, and is vulnerable to
even low levels of interference for receivers that are near the
edge of the serving area. With smarter receivers, spectral
efficiency could be enhanced significantly. Thus, broadcast
networks, in contrast to communication networks, might
benefit significantly if resource management responsibility
were decentralized.48
That is, a key feature of mobile telephony service is
the ability to make calls between mobile and fixed-line
With a fixed amount of licensed spectrum, a carrier's
only way to expand service is to use its spectrum more
intensively. Indeed, the artificial constraints may even
induce excessive investment in spectrum reuse.
The opportunity to cram additional digital television
channels into their licensed spectrum provides some
incentive to increase spectrum use.
The classic television (or radio) broadcaster is
advertising supported and so its business model rewards it
for reaching as many receivers as possible. Since the
broadcaster does not control the choice of receivers (it is an
open system in the sense that receivers and transmitters are
designed independently), the broadcaster has an incentive to
maximize the reach to the lowest quality receiver.
That is, since interference occurs at the receiver and
the receiver is in the best position to assess its local RF
environment, the receiver is in the best position to adapt if it
possesses the requisite intelligence. In an environment like
the current TV environment in which the receivers do not
have a transmitter capability, the current model of granting
them interference protection is especially inefficient since it
deters incentives for upgrading the receivers. Of course, to
the extent that modern media broadcasters become more
interactive (pay-per-view, interactive gaming), the receivers
will need to become transmitters and the logic for
decentralizing resource management are attenuated.
In contrast, resource sharing in unlicensed spectrum
has been decentralized and more closely follows the model
of the Internet. However, the communication environment
that prevails in wireless Internet is substantially more
complex than in the wired Internet. There are a number of
reasons for this. First, the propagation characteristics of
wireless signals in real-world environments (with buildings,
rain, and lots of unintentional sources of interference) are
much more complex than in the typical wired environment
where the regularity of the transmission medium may be
significantly controlled (both by nature and by design).49
Second, wired communications constrain interference
to the path followed by the wire,50 whereas wireless signals
propagate in all directions (in the absence of directional
antennas).51 Thus, in wireless you not only have to deal with
the interference to communications that intentionally share
the communication path, but also communications that
unintentionally share the communication path. That is,
wireless devices cause "spectral pollution" that additively
increases the noise floor for all users of the spectrum. In the
context of wireless, the need to address such unintentional
interference, poses an additional challenge that seldom
arises in the context of wired communications. For example,
wireless operators need regulatory mechanisms to
adjudicate interference disputes, whereas wired operators do
Third, in part due to the nature of wireless
communications and in part due to the more competitive
industry structure, there is much more heterogeneity in how
radio systems are designed compared to the wired
communication systems in the traditional PSTN or
Internet.52 Current wireless systems -- even for such welldefined services as 2G mobile telephony -- are quite diverse,
That is, wired media is a controlled environment by its
nature, and such media is purposefully designed to minimize
many of the problems that arise in wireless (multipath,
attenuation effects, etcera). For example, the refractive
index of optical fiber and cable shielding are used to
manage the propagation environment.
Cross-talk problems aside. Moreover, electronic wired
transmissions can result in additional wireless noise when
the cables act as giant antennas.
Employing directional antennas is expensive and
keeping them aimed appropriately entails additional cost,
especially if mobility needs to be supported.
Although as noted, in the last decade, as a
consequence of the growth of the IP traffic and telecom
liberalization which has lead to increased wireline facilitiesbased competition, there has been a proliferation of next
generation telecoms that are competing to offer QoS
differentiated services. Thus, even wired infrastructure has
become more heterogeneous than in the past (e.g., contrast
Level 3 to Verizon network architectures today versus
Verizon and SBC a decade ago).
embodying a number of modulation schemes (TDMA,
CDMA), antenna designs (omni-directional and directional),
and power modulation schemes. Each of these systems
impose different constraints and demands on resource
sharing. Additionally, the need to support mobility – which
is often a key value-added feature of wireless services –
adds further complexity (i.e., dynamic routing is hard, and
especially so in ad hoc networks).53
Fourth, the fact that wireless communications media
are inherently lossy poses a special problem for the
congestion algorithm used in TCP and the wired Internet.
Without appropriate modifications, TCP too often interprets
dropped packets to congestion when in fact it is due to poor
link quality. Better protocols take advantage of good links
when they can (high data rates) and don't try to send when
the links are poor (regardless of the congestion condition, no
point trying to send when you cannot establish link-level
connectivity with the receiver node). Unlike in the wired
world, the appropriate sharing protocol needs to be multilayered in a way that may be avoided in the wired world
(where link layer reliability is better assured).54
Addressing this complexity in a decentralized, open
access environment while allowing flexibility in the choice
of technology poses a daunting problem. In the following
subsections, we discuss the need/challenges associated with
various types of regulatory constraints that we expect to be
necessary. As we will discuss, these have both technical and
institutional implications. Some may be more appropriately
thought of as technical constraints (e.g., power limits) while
others may more naturally be thought of as institutional
constraints (e.g., enforcement mechanisms). The types of
constraints we consider include:
(1) Requirement that all transmitters also have
receiver capability (to enable adaptation)
(2) Power restrictions (to limit interference)
(3) Signaling capability (to enable unlicensed
devices to communicate resource needs)
(4) Contention/allocation mechanism (allocate
resources in congestion)
(5) Enforcement mechanisms (to enforce
compliance with other rules)
(6) Reversibility (to allow resources to be deallocated and deployed for other uses)
(7) Security and Privacy protection (to ensure
mechanism respects these needs)
Supporting mobility in the wired Internet is also
On the need for multi-layered protocols for ad hoc
wireless networks, see [Kawad04].
No Transmit only devices, receive-only devices
have no interference protection rights55
Requiring every potential transmitter also to have a
receiver capability56 creates the potential for a feedback
control loop that would allow the transmitter's behavior to
be modified. Since the transmitters are the source of the
signal that creates the possibility for interference, regulating
their operation is an essential element in effective
interference management.
Additionally, a key motivation for this rule is to allow
the transmitters to be preemptible which would be a
requirement for operating as an overlay (i.e., the primary
licensed user gets to pre-empt unlicensed use).57 Strong
assurance of a reliable preemption capability would likely
be a pre-requisite for sharing most government spectrum,
especially, the spectrum allocated for primary use by public
safety and emergency systems. Furthermore, the ability to
be preempted would prove useful in dynamic reallocation of
the spectrum (e.g., shutting off all the unlicensed
transmitters if the Commons Protocol was to be changed, or
if the spectrum was to be reallocated to another use).
Building the capability for real-time adaptability is
essential in the context of a decentralized management
framework. Lacking a centralized controller, devices will
need to be able to sense their environment or communicate
with each other to implement an optimal sharing
mechanism. Otherwise, how would a transmitter learn that it
was interfering with another receiver?
Building in a receiver capability is also essential to
implement an ad hoc mesh. For nodes to act as repeaters or
routers, they need to be able to both receive and transmit.
Although acting in this way should not be a requirement of
every node that wishes to operate in unlicensed spectrum,58
the requirement that every transmitter have a receiver
capability is consistent with system designs that encourage
such cooperation. This is an added benefit, but not the basis
for requiring the rule.
Complementing the above requirement, and
recognizing that not every receiver will need to transmit,
there should be no interference protection for receivers that
do not have the ability to transmit. For example, there may
We would like to credit David Reed and Andy
Lippman of the MIT Media Lab for first suggesting the need
for a rule like this. Actually, they argue that there should be
no "receive only devices."
The receive capability does not have to be
implemented wirelessly. The upstream link could be
provided via a wired network.
Note, "listen-before-talking" offers one protocol
strategy for pre-emption. However, this may not ensure a
strong preemption capability (e.g, as might be enabled with
a "kill code").
That is, as we explain further below, the regulatory
framework should not require that nodes cooperate.
be sensors that cannot transmit. Receivers that have no
ability to transmit cannot let anyone know if they are being
interfered with and so eliminate the possibility of dynamic
adjustment. As long as they are willing to live with
whatever interference they encounter, such devices may be
allowed since they do not add to the interference
experienced by others. Conversely, were such "receiveonly" devices granted an entitlement to interference
protection, this could not be readily implemented in a
decentralized fashion. Potential transmitters would not know
that the receive-only devices were there to be interfered
Power restrictions
In a wireless system, transmission power is probably
the single most important design variable. The power of a
wireless device determines the range of communication that
can be achieved, and the geographic scope of any
interference that transmissions may cause. Power
management is also critical factor for mobile devices to
maximize battery life. Power management also impacts
other design characteristics of the radio system. For
example, in a given part of the spectrum, different nodes can
use some Media Access Protocol once they have agreed
upon a common coding and multiplexing technique.
However, the choice of coding and multiplexing itself (and
the available antennae) are constrained by the available
power budget. For example, Code Division Multiple Access
(CDMA) requires much more constrained power to avoid
distance effects with interference, whereas Time Division
Multiple Access (TDMA) protocols can be sloppier about
power allocation (unless a cell or region is adjacent to one
that is using the same part of the spectrum for CDMA).
Moreover, we should not expect to be able to limit
unlicensed devices to just one of these choices. In the
Software defined Radio Forum, even the lowest tier (tier 1)
of radios (including some existing available cellular phones,
e.g. quad band) can choose between CDMA and TDMA so
the problem is endemic. Furthermore, if the radio is
frequency agile, there is the relationship between antennae,
frequency and power which must be addressed.60
Consequently, it is hardly surprising that much of the
research on models for managing shared access to
unlicensed has focused on protocols for power
An exception that might be acceptable would be some
spectrum cut-outs to address legacy users who may not be
able to be efficiently relocated in spectrum that may be
newly allocated for unlicensed use (e.g., satellite
That is, the higher the frequency, the more power that
is required to cover an area with omni-directional antennae,
but the less with dish/directional antennae (see, for example,
See, for example, [SataPeha00], [Peha97], or
The aggregate power from all the transmitters in a
particular portion of the spectrum determine the level of
interference (noise) realized at different points in space. In
the worst case scenario of an ad hoc network, wherein we
assume that nodes do not know a priori where other nodes
are, the transmissions from all other nodes except the one
that a receiving node is communicating with will be seen as
noise. To maximize the capacity of such a system, it will
generally be advisable to limit power and rely on multi-hop
transmissions to communicate.62 Contrast this to the case for
a closed system where devices may use knowledge of the
spatial, temporal, and frequency distribution of signals to
separate signals (e.g., using MIMO and MUD techniques),
thereby rendering what might otherwise be considered as
"noise," additional information. With suitable incentives for
such "strong" cooperation, the devices may realize
significant cooperation gain ([Reed02]), however, this
assumes a level of cooperation that may be difficult to
achieve and inappropriate to enforce in the context of the
regulatory mechanism.63
However, the optimal power limit for an individual
device even in a mesh network depends on the node density.
If nodes are sparse, you need higher power even to reach
your nearest neighbor. Thus, extremely tight (per device)
power limits may limit communications in unlicensed. As
we argued earlier, since we expect unlicensed to be more
likely to be favored (relative to licensed) in situations where
congestion is less of a problem, restricting device power
overly to maximize capacity and to limit interference seems
inappropriate. This, however, is the approach that has been
adopted for underlays (to protect interference to the primary
Rather than limiting the power of individual devices, it
would be better to limit the aggregate power of all the
transmitters together. That is, one use may be two devices
that want to communicate over a relatively large area and
need higher power to communicate; whereas a group of
other devices may be organized into a mesh that uses
multihops to provide connectivity. Each of these will appear
as noise to the other, so a limit on the aggregate system
power would be more appropriate. This, in effect, is the idea
behind defining an interference temperature. In this
approach, the interference temperature is measured as the
[XieKumar04] use information theoretic analysis to
show that "decode and forward" is order optimal for
network capacity.
That is, any closed system in the unlicensed network
may choose to adopt a cooperative approach. However the
regulatory framework should eschew mandating that
devices cooperate except in some minimalist fashion. For
example, it seems likely that any rules that specified that
devices implement MIMO or MUD would need to enforce a
level of cooperation that might make it more difficult
(costly) to introduce new technologies or may conflict with
promoting competition.
local noise level arising from all of the transmissions that
are received at that locale.
Interference temperature was proposed as an approach
for measuring the local noise floor, and hence, as a better
way to regulate signal power over a transmitter's footprint.64
The interference temperature could be used to set limits on
the maximum level of interference a receiver could expect
to tolerate. With limits on the interference temperature
allowed in a region, a transmitter could determine whether it
could transmit or not based on how its transmissions would
incrementally change this temperature if it could observe
the interference temperature dynamically and has a good
model of the interference implications of its transmissions.
Simply observing the local interference conditions at the
transmitter would likely not be sufficient.65 While there are
implementing an interference temperature approach, the
opposition to this proposal was also motivated by the
recognition that such an approach, if adopted successfully,
would permit further constraints on the use of exclusive use
licensed spectrum (e.g., by facilitating the implementation
of secondary use underlay easements).
Another problem arises in the context of mixed power
uses of unlicensed spectrum. As suggested above, there may
be multiple, incompatible systems seeking to share the
unlicensed spectrum. Indeed, enabling such a scenario is
precisely the intent of promoting the unlicensed model (as
discussed earlier). When devices with mixed power share
spectrum, the hidden node problem arises (i.e., high power
devices interfere with low power devices that the high
power devices fail to see). In the absence of a mechanism to
address this problem (e.g., a signaling mechanism), it may
be preferable to limit the interference rights of low power
devices. That is, if they cannot operate because admissible
higher power devices do not see them, that is their problem.
Finally, in part due to NIMBY concerns, the
opposition to UWB and attempts to develop an interference
temperature approach to enable underlays has merit.
Primary uses, especially those that are willing to pay for an
exclusive license and the added interference protection it
implies, have a valid fear that spectral pollution will raise
the noise floor. Moreover, the current use of primary
licensed spectrum may not provide an accurate measure of
where the floor should be since primary uses may extend
their ability to operate in the noise floor (introduce more
sensitive receivers) and may themselves raise system noise
as a consequence of their own usage growth. On the other
hand, if the power limits are too strict, that will severely
See [FCC03a].
This may not be true. Rapid estimates of the number
of other nodes or the level of interference might be possible
using techniques from large deviation theory as were used to
address the problem of measurement based admission
control for Internet traffic which is self similar or otherwise
heavy-tailed. See, for example,
limit the flexibility of how the unlicensed spectrum is used
(range of devices, applications that can be supported). While
unlicensed devices are likely to be power limited even in
dedicated spectrum, the per device limits that could be used
and the aggregate flux limits could be higher than is likely
to be practical in an underlay context. This suggests that the
unlicensed Commons may operate best if implemented in
dedicated unlicensed spectrum.
Signaling capability
A key attribute of ad hoc networks is that they will be
decentralized and devices will have access to only local
information. A signaling capability would enable devices to
acquire and share information on wider-area concerns.
Devices would signal their intent and aspects of their mode
of operation in a particular region, thereby letting other
devices know their whereabouts and operating parameters.66
This could play an important role in a number of
contexts. First, it could help address the mixed power
problem. Second, a signaling capability also may help
address the mixed power problem (see above). Third, it
could be used to simplify coordination and to share global
information that could prove useful in interference
management (e.g., regarding the interference temperature at
different points in space). Fourth, it could be useful in
supporting enforcement of the management Protocol,
including implementing a payment mechanism. For
example, if could be useful in determining the identity of
devices. Fifth, it could be used to provide location-based
services and context-dependent resource allocation
It may be best to implement the signaling capability in
an out-of-band common signaling channel.67 This might
simplify coordination. Additionally, it would allow faster
responses and adjustments (e.g., a control channel to induce
collective responses such as preemption). Moreover, since
wireless is inherently a broadcast medium (in contrast to
wired communications), multi-destination protocols are
inherently very efficient. Informing other users of ones'
intent and even getting consensus, while difficult to achieve
atomically, is far more efficient than in a multi-party
wireline collaboration.
Mandating a signaling capability is problematic,
however, since it poses a threat to privacy. Although we
might presume intra-group trust might exist among a mesh
of users, it seems ill-advised to presume that inter-group
trust will exist among all devices sharing the unlicensed
Of course, the low power devices would have to be
sufficiently high power to use the signaling channel
protocol, and receivers would have to be sufficiently
That is, "out-of-band" in the sense that the signaling
takes place in a way that is reserved for signaling and is
common to all devices sharing the spectrum. It could be "inband" in the sense that it shares the spectrum used by the
unlicensed devices.
spectrum. The privacy issues raised will depend critically on
what is "signaled." If devices signal their identity, then the
privacy concerns are likely to be great. If the devices only
signal their power, then privacy might be protected and
there may still be sufficient global information available to
manage interference. Lack of an ability to identify devices,
however, may limit opportunities for enforcement.68
Because of the privacy concerns, it seems desirable to
limit any regulatory requirement for signaling to power.69
Precisely what about power needs to be signaled still needs
to be determined.
Contention/allocation mechanism
When congestion occurs, there will need to be rules to
address how resources should be allocated. To allow
maximum technical flexibility, it seems desirable that the
regulations be cautious in specifying any particular
mechanism. For example, it would clearly be wrong to
mandate use of the TCP congestion management approach
for the reasons cited above, however, it may be desirable to
mandate that a "TCP-like" or "TCP-friendly" protocol be
implemented to enable contention management. (This has
the added advantage of providing easier integration with the
wired Internet.)
[Friedman05] suggests that an appropriate approach
may be to specify "manners" instead of a specific protocol,
wherein the appropriate rule would allocate power using a
Wireless Fair Share (WFS) rule that is analogous to the fairshare algorithm used in TCP in the Internet. This appears
consistent with fair queuing and the ECN-based feedback
mechanism proposed by [Briscoe05]. The "manners"approach offers a way to generalize the rule (allowing
flexibility), while still capturing the benefits of structure and
the efficiency from fair queuing. This contrasts with a rule
that specified a particular sharing algorithm.
Furthermore, for many applications that have elastic
requirements (are delay tolerant), the slow adaptation
process of in-band management mechanisms is likely to be
fine. However, if the spectrum is also to be shared with
delay-intolerant (non-rate-adaptive) applications, then there
will also be a need for an out-of-band control mechanism.
The out-of-band signaling channel would help in
implementing this.
Enforcement mechanisms
A critical component of an appropriate Protocol for a
Commons is the enforcement mechanism. There are two
levels at which these need to operate. First, the absence of
Enforcement mechanisms that are embedded in the
protocol (e.g., non-complying devices are collectively
spammed by the other devices) may still be used. But,
enforcement based on reputation effects may not be
Note this does not limit the amount of information that
devices may voluntarily share in the interests of supporting
enhanced services.
strong interference protection in the Commons signals to
devices that it is a "Jungle environment" and that the best
way to survive in such an environment is for devices to be
robust (adaptive) to congestion in their local environment.
To the extent unlicensed devices are encouraged to become
more robust (i.e., not rely on the strong interference
protection offered to licensed users), the need for
enforcement is reduced. Thus, self-reliance is a substitute
for external enforcement.
Second, the technical protocol should implement
decentralized enforcement mechanisms. That is, the
protocol should incorporate mechanisms to make
appropriate behavior (spectrum efficient, cooperative
behavior) incentive compatible and self-enforcing.
Third, in the event that users deviate from the protocol
(e.g., by using non-complying devices or by altering the
code for their software radios), there needs to be an
appropriate legal/regulatory institutional framework to
resolve conflicts and discourage such "illegal" behavior.
The existence of both such mechanisms reduces the burden
on either.
Thus, for example, the protocol can specify a game
(i.e., consisting of a well-defined set of admissible
strategies, sequence of moves, and payoffs for different
strategies) that has many desirable equilibria (so it is not
constraining) but is so structured as to preclude undesirable
equilibria.70 There is already a large literature of protocol
games that induce cooperative equilibria.71 Earlier, we
discussed the desirability of requiring any admissible
protocol to demonstrate that it is "TCP-friendly," while
eschewing specifying that the protocol be required to
implement any specific game.
Of course, even if you have restricted the class of
games to those which enforce desirable cooperative
behavior, you have to make sure that devices play the
designated game. If devices are free to choose which game
they play, they may be tempted and able to exploit the
expectation of cooperation opportunistically. While this is
true, it is not up to the protocol to ensure that everyone
complies. Extra-regulatory mechanisms can help resolve
that issue. For example, Part 15 behavior is enforced via a
mandatory certification process. While it is possible for endusers to modify equipment after the fact, the threat of legal
sanctions (fines, prison) is sufficient to induce general
compliance. Nevertheless, the decentralized commons does
raise important enforcement issues that need to be discussed
further. These are addressed in the following two subsections.
Technical protocol enforcement mechanisms
One of the challenges posed for management of the
Commons is that enforcement is a public good like national
defense. If it is costly to detect and punish deviant behavior,
then nodes have an incentive to free-ride on the enforcement
efforts of others. Therefore, protocols that minimize the
individual costs of enforcement can make it more likely that
nodes will comply. One way to do this might be to extend
the idea of notional pricing protocols to compensate nodes
for enforcement (e.g., by granting "enforcing" nodes
preferential forwarding treatment).72 Additionally, if
spectrum is relatively abundant so that cooperation may not
be a zero or negative sum game, relatively light-weight
mechanisms may be sufficient to enforce cooperation (e.g.,
akin to what is used in BitTorrent and other "incentivecompatible" peer-to-peer systems). This is a rich area for
further exploration.
Institutional enforcement mechanisms
In addition to the intrinsic enforcement
mechanisms, there will need to be external, institutional
enforcement mechanisms. The most obvious approach here
is to rely on a "Part 15"-like certification process. To
minimize the regulatory intrusion, the certification authority
ought to be delegated to an industry association or some
other quasi-private entity, rather than a government agency
like the FCC.
The likelihood that software radios will play an
important role in future unlicensed systems raises additional
problems for how to enforce the certification rules.
Hardware certification works relatively well because it is
relatively difficult for the typical user to modify hardware
and because there are a relatively few number of hardware
manufacturers (so that government oversight of their actions
and the assignment of liability is relatively easy). In
contrast, certifying software is much more difficult because
there are likely to be many more versions of software to
certify and because it can be changed much more easily
after the fact.73
In the noisy, stochastic wireless environment, it
will be hard to detect and enforce violations
([Goodman04]). While true, this problem is unavoidable if
we wish to promote environments that support ad hoc
wireless operation (i.e., anonymous, random entry/exit of
nodes, and hence, mirror the ideal of competitive markets).
For example, [Neel05] recommend using the theory of
supermodular games to constrain admissible sharing
protocols for distributed management of wireless networks.
These are attractive because they have a number of desirable
properties, including a stable steady-state equilibrium which
allows one to ensure convergence.
See, for example, [Friedman05], [JohTs03],
See [Crow03].
These features lead [Faulhab05] to be skeptical as to
the viability of cognitive radios in practical consequences.
Indeed, at a conference in May 2005, Professor Faulhaber
referred to cognitive radios as the "Kalashnikov rifle" of the
wireless future because of the threat they pose for "hit-andrun" violations.
Furthermore, although determined criminals may not be
deterred by legal sanctions that are hard to enforce, the
average user, device or application designer/manufacturer is
likely to be deterred and hence legal sanctions (fines for
deviations) are likely to be broadly effective. This is
analogous to the issue of compliance with pollution control
in automobiles: although it is relatively easy to modify a
car's catalytic converter to enhance mileage performance,
most car drivers comply with the pollution abatement
standards. Similarly, while it is possible to modify
implementations of TCP to behave "greedily" and so
enhance individual node performance in the wireline
Internet, most users do not do this.
Several strategies may prove useful for supporting
the certification of software radios. First, bright-line rules to
define that which must be certified and that which is open to
user modification will be useful. Thus, the operating system
for the software radio may be certified, but the applications
that are enabled by that operating system may not need to
be. Limiting the functionality of the operating system
would offer a mechanism for controlling system behavior.
For example, the operating system may be allowed to
support modulation selection and dynamic power
adjustment, but not frequency agility, which may still
require hardware certification.74
Second, the protocols that implement the
Commons ought to be designed to support compliance
testing. For example, self-certifying code75 or restrictions on
the structure of any games implemented by the protocol (as
suggested by [Neel05]) can help make it easier to certify
whether a device or implementation of the Protocol is
Third, alternatively, it may be possible to have a
registry of pre-defined and tested behaviors and have
software selection (rather than definition) of the appropriate
algorithms. Such an approach would shift conformance tests
off-line and is similar to the use of signed code. A more
sophisticated intermediate approach might be to employ
proof-carrying behavioral codes.
Fourth, to ease detection, the enforcement mechanism
may benefit form employing witnesses. In wireless,
triangulation can be used to locate misbehaving devices and
kick them off the network or shut them down (e.g., by
invoking the capability that makes the Protocol
interruptible). Access to a signaling capability can facilitate
enforcement by providing a mechanism for distributed
To be consistent with enforcement while respecting
privacy needs, there must be secure identity mechanisms,
We are not recommending such a limitation but rather
suggesting the type of things that might be done. Indeed,
this is close to the approach that the FCC has adopted.
[Greaves03] suggests how application interfaces may
be designed using "pebbles" to make them self-certifying.
and a variety of algorithms to assess, distribute and combine
reports on node trust and reputation. This is essential for
decentralized enforcement. The alternative is a centralized
approach. The centralized approach will work for
centralized services, but many of the unlicensed spectrum
uses will have inherently decentralized applications, and
users may not wish to submit to centralized enforcement.
There are a number of unsolved problems in decentralized
enforcement. At the very least, fully decentralized currency
(or tokens of trust) and identity mechanisms are not solved
problems, nor are all of the actual incentive alignment
problems ([FeigShen02]).
An important aspect of mechanism design is the
ability to be able to negotiate between agents (in our case
cognitive radios, or their agent, the provider) without
revealing unnecessary information. Luckily, progress has
been made on how this might be accomplished (which also
has promise for resolving some of the negotiation issues
arising around settlements and QoS for wired ISPs and
telecoms). For example, this includes solutions to the socalled Millionaires’ paradox (two agents find out which is
richer without finding out actually how much either of them
have). In general, then, a set of nodes could negotiate a
spectrum share at a given power level, with another set of
nodes, without necessarily revealing their location or
identity. Although designing the actual protocols to do this
would be non-trivial, the progress in work on zeroknowledge protocols suggests this should be doable
Finally, it is worth spending a little time thinking
about the legal/regulatory enforcement apparatus that might
be employed. A number of legal scholars have addressed
this question, focusing on the types of property rights that
might be assigned to unlicensed devices and the
implications of this for enforcement costs.76 Since
incentives to enforce compliance are generally weaker in a
Commons (i.e., because there is no licensee who internalizes
both the costs and benefits of enforcement), it is better if the
need to enforce is less. Fortunately, as we have discussed,
this is likely to be the case and techniques exist to reduce
the costs of enforcement in distributed environments.
However, when external enforcement is required, it does not
seem advisable to expect individual users to seek Court or
even regulatory-agency remedies. Rather, this is likely to be
the role for either the central regulatory agency, or its
delegated authority which may be able to seek liability
damages from manufacturers of infringing equipment. For
this reason, the liability rules used to assign responsibility
for controlling deviations will be critical.
In most cases, it may be unreasonable to believe
that the node operators or infrastructure owners will be able
to adequately control compliance and so assigning liability
to the users of unlicensed devices may be inappropriate in
For example, see [Goodman04], [Benjam03],
many contexts.77 Indeed, the current certification approach
assigns principal liability to device manufacturers. Of
course this might differ depending on the context (e.g.,
consider the case of a municipal wireless network as
opposed to an anonymous ad hoc network).
A critical aspect of any mechanism used to manage
spectrum is that it must be possible to reclaim the spectrum
is it would be better used for another purpose. This has both
a short-term and long-term aspect. In the short-term it must
be possible to both allocate and de-allocate resources. In the
longer-term, we need to be able to modify the protocol used
to manage the Commons or potentially reallocate the
spectrum as Licensed if that is desired. We need to build
into the Protocol lease mechanisms to allow devices to be
de-allocated spectrum (turned off).
In the short-term, there are already mechanisms for
managing such access at a higher level. For example, WiFi
operators already do this by DHCP address lease expiry, as
do many (e.g. pay-as-you-go) cellular telephone operators.
The same mechanisms that allow the spectrum to be
preemptible may also be used to de-allocate spectrum. For
rapid dynamic reallocation, a key challenge for unlicensed
arises because many of the decentralized protocols adapt
rather slowly. Thus it will be important to provide for a
control plane for such allocation/re-allocation mechanisms.
With licensed spectrum, active secondary markets
provide a valid mechanism to recycle spectrum when its
value in its current use is less than the opportunity cost of
the spectrum. In principle, these secondary markets for
licensed spectrum could operate both in the short (real-time
markets) and long term, although today only the latter exist
for wholesale trade.78 In contrast, unlicensed spectrum lacks
such an obvious mechanism. In the longer term, we need a
way to ensure that unlicensed spectrum could be cleared.
Such a mechanism is necessary in case the spectrum is
polluted by too many garbage applications. Although a key
point of unlicensed spectrum is to permit experimentation,
there needs to be a way to clear out bad experiments and
low value uses if it turns out that spectrum is, in fact,
relatively scarce. Applications that produce less surplus than
the opportunity cost associated with the spectrum may be
considered garbage applications (although, as noted earlier,
we need to be sure not to classify as garbage valuable
This does not mean that willful or intentional misuse
of an unlicensed device should be free of legal sanctions,
only that users who use the device in its original
configuration (as certified) should be able to expect safe
harbor relief from interference claims.
At the retail level, mobile networks are continuously
allocating and de-allocating spectrum to support different
mobile callers. This is relatively easy in a centralized
network management context.
applications that fail to generate appropriable or easily
measured benefits).
Another option may be to impose clear term limits
which specify when the spectrum will be reviewed. While
superficially attractive, such term limits are problematic for
the efficient working of markets. Term limits may deter
investment in infrastructure that has an economic life that
does not match the remaining term of the spectrum. This can
give rise to a potential hold-up problem when the spectrum
is up for review, or equivalently, a regulatory commitment
problem if the policymaker is induced to protect incumbent
users even against more efficient new uses for the spectrum.
The problems with de-allocating broadcast television
spectrum following the conversion to digital broadcasting
demonstrates that this is a real risk.
To the extent the radio infrastructure is frequency
agile, it will be less co-specialized with any particular
spectrum and so may be able to relocate if the spectrum it
had been using is de-allocated at the end of the term. While
this might work in an ideal world, there are likely to be nonnegligible costs associated with migrating to another
spectrum band. Consequently, most property rights
advocates oppose term limits for licensed spectrum,
believing that such limits are unnecessary when there is a
market.79 For a Commons, however, the market-mechanism
of simply transferring the exclusive use rights to a new
licensee for a monetary payment would not work.
Therefore, a regulatory commitment to review Commons
usage periodically (i.e., term limits) is likely to be
important. A clear ex ante commitment to such a policy will
help reduce any distortionary effects of the term limits for
unlicensed use. Moreover, at least with respect to ad hoc
applications, we may be comforted that most of the
infrastructure is relatively short-lived which means that term
limits may be less disruptive than they might be in another
context (e.g., radio systems with lots of capital-intensive,
long-lived antenna sites).
Security and Privacy protection
The final class of rules we expect to be needed are
ones to address privacy and security concerns. Within a
Licensed model, it may be possible to centralize
responsibility protecting security and privacy by assigning
liability to the licensee. The licensee can, in turn, contract
with users to implement appropriate approaches.
environment, protecting security and privacy raises
additional challenges ([MackCor99]). Ad hoc nodes may be
especially susceptible to denial of service attacks, spoofing,
and sniffing that will challenge efforts to generate
distributed trust models. Also, any use of device identity
signaling which would simplify enforcement of the
For example, Faulhaber ([Faulhab05]) and Hazlett
([Hazlett01]) oppose term limits, however Baumol
([Baumol05]) supports the use of term limits.
protocol, may pose an unacceptable risk for privacy. To
protect privacy, it will be desirable to limit any signaling to
the minimal information necessary to implement the sharing
mechanism (e.g., limit signaling to power, but not device
identity). In the end, both a secure out-of-band control
channel (analogous to the signaling channel in Q931 or
SS7) will be needed as well as the in-band, decentralized
controls, since the capability and trust in alternative
distributed privacy mechanisms may take many years to
develop and deploy.
Thus, we advocate power control as the primal
resource concern. We propose a hybrid of a control channel
(e.g. licensed, protected and secure) as well as decentralized
control for power, location identity to be expressed, and
spectrum rights/grant responses. In such a situation, security
and privacy concerns will be reflected in the users' choice of
spectrum access. In a more trusting community, a set of
users may select an ad hoc system dependent on mutual
interest for good behavior, while in a more competitive
context, users may call for a more hardened approach to
security. Thus, privacy considerations also support a
diversification of spectrum control mechanisms and policy.
The legacy of command & control (C&C)
spectrum management regulation has hampered the growth
of wireless services and the deployment of new
technologies. A consensus has emerged regarding the
desirability of reforming spectrum management to rely more
on market forces. There are two principal models for
rights/licensed/exclusive use ("Licensed") and open
access/unlicensed/commons ("Commons"). This paper
examines how a Spectrum Commons might be managed
As wireless traffic become more like Internet
traffic (heterogeneous, bursty or fat-tailed, long hold time
for connectivity but variable link status because of ad hoc
networking), we will need new ways to manage wireless
resources. The traditional and time-tested hierarchical,
centralized approaches to network management will need to
be supplemented with, and in some cases, replaced by more
distributed/decentralized network management techniques.
This will require new Protocols both at the level of running
code (protocols and standards) and at the level of
institutional frameworks (spectrum management regimes).
There are two paradigmic approaches to decentralizing
spectrum management to rely less on centralized regulatory
authority (so-called, command and control) and more on
markets: licensed and unlicensed spectrum.
The Protocols that are needed need to be more
dynamically adaptive and responsive to local information.
Following David Reed,80 there needs to be a phase shift in
See [Reed05].
how portions of the RF spectrum are managed: from the
solid approach of C&C which presumes a lot of long-range
static order in the wireless ecosystem (predictable link
quality, demand loads, and routing) to the more liquid
approach of a commons (ad hoc networks requiring locally
very dynamic demand and routing adaptation).
Policy-makers are committing to a dual regime of
flexible licensed and commons/unlicensed spectrum to
provide for the evolution from C&C to these more
decentralized management regimes. While economists well
understand how an ideal licensed regime based on
decentralization of residual control over spectrum use (and
technology choice) to markets (via tradable property rights
to exclusive use) ought to work, there is less clear
understanding of how a spectrum commons might work.
This latter is closer to a barter or social market, than to the
commodity goods market that best approximates the
competitive ideal. This paper addresses this gap by focusing
on the elements for a Protocol for managing a Commons.
Our analysis suggests a set of design rules, if you
will, for evaluating alternative technical and institutional
proposals for creating an appropriate management Protocol
for a Spectrum Commons. This framework involves a
characterization of the environment in which we expect the
Protocol to operate (Table 1A), the characteristics that will
distinguish a good mechanism (Table 1B), and our
preliminary thoughts on the kinds of rules that will be
needed (Table 1C). While much remains to be done to flesh
out the Commons Protocol, this framework should prove
useful in evaluating alternative proposals and rules.
There are multiple pressures on the design space
for spectrum management. And, there are a number of
different tools we can bring to bear. From the technical side,
we have engineering control theory, information theory,
computer science (complexity, computability, proof
systems), and mathematics (modeling). From economics,
political science and legal studies we have the theory of the
firm and markets, asymmetric information games,
mechanism design, and institutional theory (common
mechanisms, and pricing theory). Since the evaluation of
Commons regimes will be inherently multidisciplinary, we
will need to use all of these tools.
Proposed rules will need to be examined for their
expected performance with respect to technical efficiency
(ability to support ad hoc communications with low
overhead but high QoS), industry efficiency (promote
competition and innovation), and regulatory efficiency
(minimize regulatory costs and distortions). Although we
lack a science of design in such a complex space, we have a
number of metaphors and design principles (e.g., the end-toend principal in Internet architecture, efficiency of
competitive markets in economics) that allow us to tell
when one design is better than another for some reasonable
definition of better (e.g., resilient, futureproof, tussel-spacecompliant, etc.).
Our design rules lead us to conclude that the
appropriate Protocols for a Commons will need to be more
liquid than in the past: (1) Market-based instead of C&C;
(2) Decentralized/distributed (i.e., including Commons'
managed spectrum along with Licensed); and, (3) Adaptive
and flexible (Anonymous, distributed, decentralized, and
locally responsive).
Table 1A : Past v. Future Environment for Design of Wireless Protocols
Circuit-switched, voice
Packet-switched, data
Fixed QoS, predictable traffic
Variable QoS, unpredictable traffic
Centralized/hierarchical network management of resource
Decentralized/distributed network management of
resource sharing
Spectrum scarce, expensive, narrow frequency bands
Spectrum (relatively) abundant, cheap, wider frequency
Fixed radio system design (omnidirectional antennas,
frequency limited, dumb receivers)
Smart (software) radio systems (steerable antennas,
frequency agile, adaptive radios)
Mobile service provider networks
Ad hoc mobile wireless networks
Licensed spectrum (strong interference protection)
Unlicensed Commons (weak interference protection)
Table 2B : Goals for a Successful Commons Management Protocol
Promote Innovation
Minimize spectrum access costs
Provide mechanism for
congestion management
Provide mechanism for
modifying/establishing etiquette
Promote fairness and nondiscriminatory access
Minimalist regulation
Rationales and Features
Promote innovation in wireless devices, services, and business models.
Complement C&C and flexible licensed
Minimize entry barriers for new nodes to access spectrum, new
technologies to be deployed
No real-time usage charges for access.
Distributed/decentralized mechanism for managing congestion,
coordinating usage.
"TCP" friendly techniques
No tradable licenses to allow market mediation of changing of technical
Need structured process (industry standardization) to mediate change.
Promote open access.
Decentralize to market forces.
Distributed/decentralized is inherently fair.
As minimal regulatory constraints as necessary to provide structure.
Technology, business model neutral
Table 1C : Taxonomy of Rules for Management of Spectrum Commons
No transmit only
devices, no protection
for receive only
Power rules should anticipate multihop use.
Limits on individual device power and some sort of interference temperature limits
(aggregate flux) likely to be needed.
Will aid in supporting cooperation and enforcement
Specify "contention" manners instead of specific protocol.
Consistent with ECN approach recommended for Internet.
Will aid in making spectrum preemptible.
Single most important design constraint for radio systems
Should be provision to support common channel signaling
Receive-only devices should have no interference protection rights since in
decentralized management regime, they have no way to signal their presence.
Transmitters need to be able to receive to provide feedback loop.
Need signaling capability to share global information
Rationales and Features
"TCP-friendly" fair queuing approach seems desirable.
Protocol should be designed to support incentive compatible cooperation, which
includes mechanisms to support enforcement
Legal sanctions and other external institutional frameworks will complement and help
support enforcement.
Software radio certification rules will be key element
Liability rules will be central feature.
Mechanisms will be needed to support de-allocation of commons spectrum both in
short term and long term.
Preemptibility function will aid short-term reallocation
Long-term reallocation may require term limits for regulatory review of Commons
Protecting security and privacy will be critical, and ad hoc networks raise additional
Decentralized privacy mechanisms are needed.
Also, will likely need secure out-of-band control channel.
Signaling of device information should be minimal, perhaps limited to power usage
aspects to protect privacy
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