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2017, Proceedings of the 28th International DAAAM Symposium 2017
6 pages
1 file
In this paper, a method for analysis of dynamic characteristics of an electric vehicle is presented. The developed method is completely independent from vehicle's on-board systems and there is no interaction with vehicle's hardware or software. The test vehicle was a semi-custom electric light truck. Dynamic characteristics from realistic test scenario are presented and discussed. Special attention is dedicated to the energy consumption, kinetic energy recuperation and battery behaviour. Some suggestions for future research are proposed as well.
Electric vehicles are gaining popularity and power and different analysis are performed on a simulated electric vehicle .This paper presents a method to model and simulate an electric vehicle according of newton's law of motion. Dimension analysis will be used to find power and energy required to propel the forward at specified drive profile. I INTRODUCTION This paper contributes to develop a method to model and simulate electric vehicle very simply by using modified equations derived from newton's law of motion. Electric vehicles are getting very popular due to several reasons like environmental impacts of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) based vehicle, rapidly increasing fuel cost and depleting fossil fuel reserves. Also lot of research are going in this field to develop better subsystems of electric vehicle example hybrid energy storage system, power train components, mechanical power transmission mechanism system etc. For the development of any such system need to accura...
As electric vehicles become promising alternatives for sustainable and cleaner energy emissions in transportation, the modeling and simulation of electric vehicles has attracted increasing attention from researchers. This paper presents a simulation model of a full electric vehicle on the Matlab-Simulink platform to examine power flow during motoring and regeneration. The drive train components consist of a motor, a battery, a motor controller and a battery controller; modeled according to their mathematical equations. All simulation results are plotted and discussed. The torque and speed conditions during motoring and regeneration were used to determine the energy flow, and performance of the drive. This study forms the foundation for further research and development.
In this paper, the electric vehicles fundamentals, modeling and dynamics are reviewed. In present scenario electric vehicles are key areas for researchers due to the fact of regulations on emissions and fuel economy, global warming and energy resources utilities. To verify the vehicles fundamentals, performances and modeling results of an example has been presented.
ITM Web of Conferences, 2021
Electric vehicle plays a significant role, in the future transportation across the world. EV has the potential to reduce air pollution and emission of Greenhouse gasses significantly compared to the existing fossil-fuel-based vehicles. Even though substantial progress can be expected in the area of embarked energy storage technologies, charging infrastructure, customer acceptance of Electric Vehicles is still limited due to the problems of Driving range anxiety and long battery charging time. We can solve most of these problems with the infrastructure development ,optimum sizing and design of the vehicle components and extensive study on vehicle dynamics under various real-time driving conditions. This research focuses on the Matlab software based co-simulation of Electric Vehicle system, including the battery pack and motor, to predict the vehicle performance parameters like driving range, efficiency, power requirement, and energy characteristics under different driving scenarios. ...
The vehicle modelling and configurations of an EV power-train is analyzed here. Electric Vehicle means, the propulsion power is solely produced by electrical means. Electric Vehicle are enjoying more widespread customer acceptance as personal vehicle because of their performance and economy in running cost. All electric vehicles use a battery pack to store electrical energy that powers the motor. Electric Vehicles are also known as battery electric vehicle. The charging of the battery of an EV can be done by plugging it. Since there is no tail pipe emission, EV’s are considered as the zero emissions vehicles. The modeling of a vehicle and various configurations of EV based on the power train and power source is presented here.
— The aim of this thesis work 'Design of electric vehicle including different power train components' is to design an energy model of electric vehicle including different power train components with the application of a design and simulation tool, which in this thesis work would be MATLAB Simulink software. With this design and simulation, we expect to find the energy consumption by a vehicle by virtue of different types of forces acting on vehicle when subjected to different standard driving cycles. This work also includes a survey of different vehicles which runs on electric propulsion either only or in assisted mode in the present market.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
Due to the problems caused by the gasoline engine on the environment and people, the automotive industry has turned to the electrical powered vehicle. This report explains how an electric vehicle works and compares the electric vehicle to the internal combustion engine and hybrid vehicle. The report provides some of the advantages and disadvantages of the electric vehicle. At a time when the fuel prices are rocketing sky high , the daily running cost of a vehicle and its cost of ownership are hitting the roof and there is a dire need to protect our environment , alternative means of transport are few. Electric vehicle are slow expensive with limited range the solution comes in the form of electrical vehicle .
IRJET, 2020
This paper summarizes the basic working of an electric vehicle. Various components are described with detailed working. While developing Electric Vehicle, it is essential to know the characteristics of electricity consumption, cruising range, etc. It is difficult to predict various characteristics because of varying driving condition and no detail specification of these terms by manufacturer. In this paper a prediction method to construct these approximate characteristics from the given data.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Main objective of this paper is to describe the study of design theory and recent development in Electric Vehicle (EV) also provides a summary of various important parts and components of EV to understand Design Process. To enhance the fuel efficiency and reduce emissions in air the employment of conventional vehicles needs to be reduced and also the implementation of electrical vehicles should be promoted, the most aim of this paper is to clarify the importance of EV for avoids the greenhouse gasses emissions from transportation which is major environmental issue and it's increasing day by day. This issue is avoided by use of EV. Therefore EV Design in such way that it's light in weight, more efficient, and simply controllable.
Carlo Barbon FOTOGRAFARE, 2020
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, 2020
The Miseducation of the Filipino
Historia Contemporánea de América Latina y El Caribe., 2023
Journal of Human Rights Practice, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2014
R&D Management, 2016
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2018
Zoonoses and Public Health, 2017
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2019