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This work offers introductory insights into the relationship between Martin Heidegger's early philosophical developments and Catholicism. It details some influences of Catholic thought on Heidegger's intellectual growth, particularly his initial engagement with modern philosophy and subsequent drift towards Protestantism. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding these influences in the context of Heidegger's broader philosophical trajectory.
Judith Wolfe, Heidegger and Theology, Bloomsbury, 2014, 242pp., $29.95 (pbk), ISBN 9780567033765.
Scholarship in Heideggerian philosophy can be broadly differentiated into three groups, which evolved in the European and Anglo-American discourses after WWII, namely, first a transcendental (idealist Kantian) approach; second, an Aristotelian approach; and third, a Christian approach to Heidegger's analytic of Dasein and his fundamental ontology. All of these basic positions are a result of Heidegger's philosophy on his way to Being and Time (1927) which he developed both in his broad ranging and fascinating lecture courses in Freiburg, where he taught as Husserl's assistant between 1917 and 1923, and in Marburg, where he taught between 1923 and 1927 (before he returned to Freiburg in 1928 as Husserl's successor).
It is in any case a dubious thing to rely on what an author himself has brought to the forefront. The important thing is rather to give attention to those things he left shrouded in silence. [Heidegger's 'Lecture on Plato's The Sophist,' 1924]
Toronto Journal of Theology, 2014
This paper analyses the phenomenological method in Heidegger's early Freiburg lectures which distinguishes three dimensions of sense for a phenomenon (content, relation, and actualisation sense). Through a specific phenomenological reduction to the original 'Vollzugssinn' (actualisation sense) of a phenomenon within concrete factical life, Heidegger succeeds in literally breathing new life into static phenomena within the non-temporal, theoretical approach. However, the enormous potential in analysing phenomena within the horizon of temporality and historicity also sets some methodological limits which still represent a challenge for the future development of hermeneutic phenomenology, especially in its dialogue-which will be considered only briefly in this paper-with two important areas: theology and science.
Kom, 2022
In this paper, aligning with the focus international researchers have dedicated to Heidegger's major works in order to contribute to the elucidation of his teachings, our intention is to establish a hypothesis grounded in Heidegger's secondary literature spanning his first, second, and third periods of thought. This will be accomplished through an examination of his speeches, presentations, lectures, correspondences, notes, interviews, and the like. Thus, the hypothesis of this paper is aimed at demonstrating that Heidegger's body of work does not constitute a static and definitive delineation of philosophy that commences and concludes in a prescribed manner: instead, it represents a contemplation of the concept of philosophy throughout his entire oeuvre, achieved by engaging in the discourse of philosophy, problematizing metaphysics, and scrutinizing ontology. In this vein, this essay delves into Heidegger's understanding of the relationship between philosophy and metaphysics during his first period of thought, his comprehension of the problem of metaphysics in his second period of thought, and his interpretation of the interplay between ontology and theology/teologics in his third period of thought. The ultimate objective is to shed light on Heidegger's methodology, which underpins both his initial phenomenology and subsequent thought: the method of posing questions. Specifically, the act of questioning has led to a critique of the obscuring of the ontological difference between Sein and Dasein, a critique that delivers an essential disruption to philosophical thought. Consequently, this underscores the necessity of establishing the foundations for the task of thinking.
Continental Philosophy Review, 2003
Continental Philosophy Review, 1994
Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 1996
First, I consider Heidegger’s general hermeneutics, his account of truth and interpretation as such; my account, based on both the Sophist course and Being and Time, begins with the phenomenon of the hermeneutic circle and then explains the two crucial dimensions of topicality (Sachlichkeit): fidelity to the things themselves and authentic historicity. Secondly, I consider how the lecture course develops a specific hermeneutics for reading ancient philosophical texts. Finally, I close with an overview of the individual features of Heidegger’s reading of Plato and Aristotle that most illuminate his notion of topicality.
Hermeneutic Philosophies of Social Science, 2017
Heidegger'su nsympathetic reaction to Husserl's "theoretical-scientific attitude" in his Logos article is well-known. What is not so well-known is Dilthey'sr ole in Heidegger'sf orming this reaction. In fact,i ti sD ilthey'si dea of understandinghistorical life "in its ownterms" that inspired Heidegger'searly, and quite un-Husserlian, conception of phenomenologya saphilosophyr equiring "hermeneutical" preparation; and in this context,i ti sa lso through Dilthey that Heideggerc ame to think thati nN ietzsche'ss econd Untimely Mediation, he "understood more about [being historical] thanh em ade known." During a1917exchangeabout the role of logic in philosophy, Heideggerwrote to Rickert thata sfar he was concerned, Pure logic is somethingextreme, adisguised criminal assaultonthe livingmind-[and this is so] even if [its idea of] "absolutev alidity" makes it appealing to all those whoa re terrified of relativism, and if it attracts and comforts [so-called] "critical" realists obsessed about their precious "external world." (Heidegger/Rickert 2002,p .3 8)¹ Obviously, Heideggeri sn ot launchingana ssault on good reasoning. Rather,h e knows that "Pure Logic" and "AbsoluteV alidity" have become powerful cultural metaphors that promotea nu ndeservedlyd ominant philosophical outlook-an outlook achievedb ye xpanding the model of cognition in the naturals ciences, driving an epistemic wedge between "purelyl ogical" thought and the allegedly sloppyr uminations of everydayl ife, and then calling the formert he onlyg enuine model for objective knowledge and the latter, its forgettable and merelysub- [Die reine Logik ist ein Extrem, eine verkappteV ergewaltigung des lebendigen Geistes-sosehr auch die 'absolute Geltung' als Empfehlungalle vom Relativismus Verängstigtenund um die Existenz der lieben 'Außenwelt' so bekümmerten 'kritischen' Realisten anlockt und sanft beruhigt]. Heidegger/Rickert 2002,p .3 8. "Rape" is perhaps the moreo bvious translation of Vergewaltigung, but "violent assault" seems to come closer here sincei nG erman it is used as al egalt erm to cover morethan just rape (which is often rendered "sexuelle Verwaltigung," preciselyfor this reason). "Lieben" is clearlysarcastic. Iignore heresome surprisingfeatures of this exchange,e.g., its earlydate,and the fact that Heidegger, the student, had the sort of relationship with Rickert, the teacher,that allows for such frankness.
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