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LRTS 50(l)
Review of the Literature
Lauren E.Corbeti
The topic of electronicjournals (e-journals)dominated the serials literaturefrom
2000 to 2003. This review is limited to the events and issues within the broad
topics of cost, management, and archiving. Coverage of cost includes such initiatives as PEAY, JACC, BioMed Central,SPARC, open access, the "Big Deal," and
"going e-only." Librarianscombated the continued price increase trendforjournals,fueled in part by publisher mergers,with the economiesfound with bundled
packages and consortialsubscriptions.Serials management topics include usage
statistics; core title lists; staffing needs; the "A-Z list" and other services from
such companies as Serials Solutions; "deep linking"; link resolvers such as SFX;
development of standardsor guidelines, such as COUNTER and ERMI; tracking
of license terms; vendor mergers; and the demise of integratedlibranjsystems and
a subscription agent's bankruptcy. Librariansarchived print volumes in storage
facilities due to space shortages. Librarians and publishers struggled with electronic archiving concepts, discussing questions of who, where, and how. Projects
such as LOCKSS tested potentialsolutions, but missing online content due to the
Tasini court case and retractionsposed more archiving difficulties. The serials literaturecapturedmuch of the upheaval resultingfrom the rapid pace of changes,
many linked to the advent of e-journals.
S erials literature from 2000 through 2003 was dominated by the topic of elec-
Lauren E. Corbelt Ocorbet@emory.
edu) Is Acquisitions Team Leader,
Rober W. Woodruff Ubrary, Emory
University, Atlanta, Georgia.
tronic journals (e-journals). This seemed to be a natural correlation to the
rise in academic library expenditures on e-journals, documented by Association
of Research Libraries (ARL) reports. The data from the reports show that the
median expenditure on electronic serials went from $156,754 in 1994-95, to
$571,790 in 1998-99.1 Cost remained a significant concern, as libraries increased
expenditures on e-journals in addition to maintaining print subscriptions. A
longstanding debate over ownership versus access filtered down to questions
regarding the sustainability of existing pricing models for electronic resources,
which included consortial purchasing and subscriptions to large collections of
titles. Both the electronic format and changing models of scholarly communication brought expectations of lower prices. The volatility in the field, with numerous mergers of publishers and vendors, raised concerns about price increases
and difficulties libraries faced keeping acquisitions and cataloging records in
step with the volume and rapidity of the changes. Librarians and library staff
needed different competencies to work with electronic resources. The newer
responsibilities, such as licensing and maintenance of hyperlinks in the catalog,
increased with the rise in e-journals. Without an increase in personnel, librarians
and staff strained to keep up with the additional workload. Those with growing
physical collections wondered if they should turn to more electronic resources
as part of a solution to lack of space in addition to cost savings. As desire for ejournals increased along with financial pressures, librarians shifted from print
- I
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plus online to electronic-only subscriptions. Concern grew
over missing content and preservation of nonprint materials,
resulting in discussion of the various obstacles in archiving
electronic information. E-journals presented both advantages and difficulties to librarians. Much of the literature
was written to share potential solutions to problems or to
advise colleagues of tools or management practices being
developed. Recorded initiatives, projects, and market trends
in American academic libraries showed the intensity of this
effort in many areas of librarianship. Certain major events
and research activities of significance did not appear in
peer-reviewed periodical literature, and this author included
other sources to provide the fullest context possible for the
time period and topics covered. The scope of this review
is limited to three areas in order to restrict overlap with
potential or existing reviews of collection development,
cataloging, preservation, and technical systems. The three
areas addressed in this literature review are cost, management (including topics relative to collection development
and technical services), and archiving.
From 2000 to 2003, librarians and publishers tested methods of delivery and pricing for e-journal content while costs
continued to rise. Dingleys examination of periodical prices
showed a persistent inflation rate, with increase percentages
of 8.3, 7.9, and 7.7 for 2001, 2002, and 2003, respectively,.
Librarians explored a variety of cost control methods that
included bulk purchasing resulting from either a number
of titles or a number of libraries subscribing together; new
publishing initiatives from nonprofit groups; a new publishing model called open access; and deduplication of formats
by canceling print subscriptions in favor of the electronic
version. Publisher mergers, questions about the sustainability of the new publishing models, and delays in availability
of e-journal issues complicated these cost-control efforts.
A large number of papers in the literature illustrated these
activities, and all could not be represented in this, review.
The author attempted to choose papers that illustrated pivotal conclusions, events, or stages of development relative
to cost control.
In 2000, librarians perceived subscriptions to large collections of titles, variously known as bundled packages or
the Big Deal, mostly as a way to get more content with flat
or reduced budgets. Librarians also subscribed to journals
through consortia to gain savings. In a combination of the
two approaches, the OhioLINK consortium demonstrated
the benefits of the Big Deal by simultaneously expanding
patron use of journals (tripled over print on average) and
saving millions of dollars compared to the cost of adding
subscriptions for the tides used. Sanville's statistics for the
OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center (EJC) usage after
twenty-six months of operation indicated that, "On average
each Ohio university uses 3.5 times more titles than they
previously held in print, and 51% of downloaded articles
were not available in print on, each campus."4 Sanville
wanted to expand access with both low- and high-priced
publishers equally, and felt that collection development
methods for journals needed to be re-examined in the context of this new environment, but he did not think that the
"single, state-based library consortium" was "empowered to
immediately change the market's 5economic fundamentals
that many feel are out of balance."
In another experiment to expand access electronically, but with multiple pricing models, Elsevier Science
Publishers collaborated with twelve libraries in the Pricing
Electronic Access to Knowledge (PEAK) project. Button
reported three types of pricing in the experiment: publisherselected content for $4 per article; content by the bundle
at $548 for 120 articles; and pay-per-view at $7 per article.'
Haar of Vanderbilt University reported statistics demonstrating that the university's patrons did not read articles
from 28 percent of the titles in PEAK to which Vanderbilt
also subscribed in print; the university did not subscribe in
print to fifteen of the thirty most heavily used titles (underscoring the underfunded subject of engineering); less than
two percent of the total journal content available online was
used; and the articles that were used were viewed an average of 2.7 times. Haar observed that the experiment had
been worthwhile. McKay suggested that pay-per-view could
be a patron self-service alternative to interlibrary loan.'
One significant project varied from OhioLINK's bundled
Big Deal, but also sought to save money through consortial
purchasing. In this initiative, the California State University
worked with a subscription agent, EBSCO, to arrange
licensing of a customized collection of electronic journals
on behalf of a multilibrary system in the Journal Access
Core Collection (JACC) project. JACC differed from other
consortial arrangements primarily by the customization, or
selection, of titles instead of acceptance of a publisher- or
vendor-defined collection. The project attempted to address
many of the strong concerns of the time, including archiving,
a question looming large as libraries were reaching a point of
heavy investment into e-journals."0
While bundled collections or the Big Deal were initially touted as a means of getting more bang for the buck
(measuring cost per unit), they were later disparaged by
some librarians as strangling an institution's ability to select
appropriate titles from a wider array of publishers. Some
librarians also feared a homogenization of titles held by
multiple libraries because of consortial bundles, but in 2001,
Peters indicated that most academic libraries spent 15 to 20
percent of their entire materials budget on e-resources, with
only a fraction of that being for consortial spending, and
18 Corbeft
thus it would be a long time before such a homogenization
could occur.' Peters summed up various published opinions
of the time that were against and for the big deal:
[Kenneth] Frazier and [Robert] Michaelson have
articulated a position that could be called the
traditional model of collection development: It is
possible to know "a priori" what a given community
of users wants and needs, and it is best, whenever
possible, to select information items (e.g., books
and journals) at the title level. [Ross] Atkinson
and various writers associated with OhioLINK
and other consortia (e.g., Tom Sanville and David
Kohl) have articulated an untraditional model for
electronic collection development: Provide access
to as much electronic information as possible,
usually by selecting whole chunks of information,
level the playing field so that all academic users
have access to the same basic core collection, then
analyze usage carefully to determine the interests
and needs of a user population. Although these
two positions seem antithetical, they probably will
continue to co-exist-more oi less peacefully-for
the near future.'
In winter 2003, several well-known libraries rebelled
at Big Deal pricing, which they considered exorbitant.
California institutions, Cornell, and Harvard A publicized
plans to pull back from Elsevier's Science Direct package.' 3
Bundled packages occasionally swelled as the result of a
merger and, according to an analysis by economist McCabe,
"quality and cost-adjusted price increases have been substantial over the past decade and.., past mergers have
contributed to these price increases.'"14 Stankus reported
merger activity that took place between 2000 and 2003:
Taylor & Francis bought Gordon & Breach; Reed Elsevier
bought Harcourt and the Academic Press IDEAL package;
Blackwell Publishing and Blackwell Science Were merged;
and Wolters-Kluwer bought SilverPlatter.`5 He also saw
one significant failure, when Taylor and Francis withdrew
an offer for Blackwell, and one significant success, with the
Candover and Cinven purchase of both Kluwer Academic
Press and Springer.16
Group-based efforts to increase competition to commercial publishers included the Scholarly Publishing and
Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) and BioOne.
SPARC was developed by the Association of Research
Libraries (ARL) and supported by membership of academic
institutions. SPARC had several programs, with a focus on
scientific scholarly communication, but perhaps the best
known was the Create Change initiative responsible for the
launch of new journals designed to compete, at lower prices,
with existing titles having the same scope."7 Supporting
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the initiative, the former editorial board of The Journalof
Academic Librarianship, whose members had resigned
When Elsevier took over the title, created the journal portal:
Libraries and the Academy."8 BioOne, which was formed
by "collaboration among scholarly societies, universities and
university libraries, and a specialist in scholarly journal production," held the view that "scientific literature should be
priced as a public good," and offered a database of journals
in biology.19 "BioOne was founded to provide participating
journals an alternative to affiliation with commercial publishers, and to foster the continuing financial health of the
small societies."'2 Fyffe and Shulenburger explained that
BioOne shared 50 percent of revenue with the societies and
kept administrative and production costs Jow.21 They also
recommended that "societies should be developing diverse
streams of income and diverse member services" and "publishers should be developing additional sources of financial
support beyond subscription costs."22
Another group-promoted shift in the market, open
access (online content free to the user via the Internet),
gained strength in late 2003, when SPARC announced a
partnership with the Public Library of Science (PLoS),
following up on a statement previously issued by ARL and
SPARC that lauded "legislation by Congressman Martin
Sabo (D-MN) to place articles reporting on federally funded
research into the public domain (H.R. 2613, the Public
Access to Science Act of 2003)."' PLoS, a nonprofit organization supporting free access to scientific information, began
publishing its first open access e-journal, PLoS Biology, in
2003. BioMed Central, another open access model, had 396
institutional memberships as of November 2003, showing
"amazing growth."u Wilson emphasized that open access,
often having copyrighted materials, does not equate with
public domain.' With open access, information producers
rather than the consumers carried the cost of the publishing
process. In some models of open access, the author paid
to be published, and in others an organization, such as a
university, bore all or part of the cost on behalf of member
authors. Falk recorded concerns of critics that Sabo's "bill
could hamper academic publishing and nonprofit publishers," and "it might negatively affect research funding,
academic research and publishing."' Publishers expressed
concerns, especially about the sustainability of the open
access model. Morris listed cost-contributing items, such
as editors, communications, preservation and maintenance,
customer support, and linking.' Butler cited "considerable
costs for staffing and administration."2' Both authors noted
another obstacle to a transition to open access: persuading the information producers to participate while the
subscription model was still in place. Even if institutions
or organizations subsidized the authors' costs, the authors
would be taking a risk by choosing the new alternative over
the established, prestigious journal that could assure career
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success. Prosser reviewed some of the same difficulties
and recommended a hybridization of existing journals as a
means to promote the transition, meaning that the publisher
of well-known titles could offer the author a choice of paying for open access or having the traditional free-of-charge,
closed publication. 29 Prosser proposed that authors would
be motivated to make the change because higher citation
rates to their papers would come from open access. Falk
reported that the Directory of Open-Access Journals was
created to promote use of open access journals that had "an
appropriate quality control system," and that there were 350
such journals at the time.'
In addition to bulk purchasing and group initiatives
for affordable publications, the longstanding cost-control
method of cancellation continued to be used. From 2000 to
2003, cancellation projects often focused on reducing duplication of print and electronic formats, using specific criteria
or use statistics, or both. (Use statistics are addressed later
in this paper.) In the case study by Sprague and Chambers,
the authors found shortcomings in database versions of print
journal titles when examining the databases for currency,
coverage, representation of graphics, and stability.3" RuppSerrano, Robbins, and Cain wrote a detailed paper covering
a full range of important criteria in making format choices.3
They grouped criteria into six areas: licensing, provider (reliability and duplication), local politics, publication structure,
technological considerations, and local resources (money,
space, and staffing). Kaylan's case study, an examination of
all of the library's subscriptions in both print and electronic
format, began with the premise that print subscriptions
would be cancelled, but resulted in the retention of selected
print titles when the embargo period was a year or more in
the database version.m
Librarians witnessed the rise of embargoes on the
aggregated electronic collections of multiple publishers supplied by such distributors as EBSCOhost and Proquest. An
embargo determined by the publisher can delay the release
of current issues to databases by as much as a year after
initial publication. After having imposed lengthy embargoes
previously, Sage ended contracts with EBSCOhost and
Proquest because the royalties from aggregators were not
enough to sustain journal publication.' Sage continued
to offer "free" electronic access with print subscriptions
through a variety of third-party platforms, including Ingenta
and EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service (previously
named EBSCO Online). As explained by Brooks, senior
vice president of sales and marketing at EBSCO Publishing,
a publisher could not have stayed in business without protecting the direct print or e-journal subscription revenue via
embargo because databases were priced for the aggregation
of many tides, resulting in a lesser cost per tide -and subsequently a smaller revenue to the publisher from the database, even if the aggregator "shared every penny."5 Brooks
concluded that because embargoes encouraged publishers
to participate in databases, they enabled patron access to
tides the library might not have had other than through the
aggregation or to older volumes not included in the libraiy's
current electronic subscription.1
In addition to keeping print subscriptions due to
embargoes in databases, librarians had also continued
with print to address archiving concerns, but this practice
of dual format subscriptions began to change after the
events of September 11, when state economies plummeted across the nation. Librarians began to realize that
electronic publication would not result in lower prices. In
2001, Meyer published the results of several statistical tests
that predicted continued increases in prices and monopoly
power as publishers introduced electronic versions of tides.
The tests had an extremely high degree of reliability (correct more than 99 percent of the time with the monopoly
power test). A table of twenty titles, including both commercial and society publishers, listed a significant difference of more than 100 percent between the institutional
price charged by the publisher and the price predicted by
the model. Meyer offered this model as a tool to "reduce
the guesswork implicit in the price analysis" used in selection.37 As choices had to be made due to the financial
constraints, librarians began to cancel print subscriptions
in favor of keeping the electronic versions, known as "going
e-only." The shift to electronic subscriptions raised an
interesting question at the 2002 ALA Annual Conference,
which included a program by the Association for Library
Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) Committee on
Library Materials Cost Index tided "Predicting Publication
Prices: Are the Old Models Still Relevant?" While papers
based on presentations given at the program by Bluh, Neal,
and Call cited various causes for a less significant role for
publication price indexes, a common reason given was the
increased interest in electronic resources, along with the
fact that the traditional materials pricing indexes had not
included electronic resources or considered consortial pricing.' A few months after the Conference, another prediction caught the attention of librarians. By October 2002,
"The hot piece of paper circulating at the recent Charleston
Library conference was the front page (only) of a recent
Morgan Stanley Equity Research (Europe) report entitled
'Scientific Publishing: Knowledge is Power."' 39 The report
featured Reed Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer, and forecasted
"industry growth slowing from 8% in 2001 to 3% in 2002
as library budgets come under pressure.""4 The report also
purported that both libraries and publishers should benefit
from going e-only.4" Morgan-Stanley calculated that scientific publishers could anticipate an estimated 16 percent2
improvement in profitability per customer going e-only.
The report furthermore projected that "Reed is likely to
continue to outperform the market...
RT 50(l)
20 Corbeff
Prior to publication of the Morgan Stanley report,
Karen Hunter, senior vice president of Elsevier, had written
a paper about going e-only that included the perspective
of both librarians and publishers.' Hunter attributed the
increase in e-only subscriptions to market forces-patrons
and authors desiring electronic versions, and libraries seeking to serve patrons while needing to reap savings from
publishers, who offered an e-only option at a lower cost
than print or print plus online choices. Hunter questioned
whether subscription agents had a viable role in an onlineonly arrangement, where license terms must be negotiated
directly with the publisher. In describing the situation where
Academic Press based subscription rates on the electronic
version and placed the supplemental charge on the print
for customers desiring both versions, Hunter was giving an
example of flip pricing without using that label. Initially,
contracted bundles of titles from a publisher were based
on a library's or a consortium's existing print subscription
list, with electronic access having an added charge, but
Academic Press had flipped the price structure to be the
opposite. Hunter saw obstacles to this becoming a prevalent
pricing model, such as the above question about the role
of the subscription agent and also the significantly higher
European value-added tax for the electronic compared to
the paper version of ajournal. Hunter also noted archiving as
a concern that prohibited some libraries from fully embracing e-only subscriptions. (Archiving is discussed later in this
paper.) Van Orsdel and Born documented that OhioLINK
became the catalyst for the spread of flip pricing, that the
model lowered income for subscription agents due to print
subscription pricing at as little as ten percent of list price,
and that publishers working directly with libraries for the
e-journal subscriptions also lowered the agents' income.4
Van Orsdel and Born suggested that flip pricing was an indication that librarians were ready to make the transition to
electronic "with or without an archiving solution."4"
The move toward going e-only with subscriptions rather
than paying for both print and electronic formats gained
noticeable momentum. Montgomery and King documented
the shift from print to electronic subscriptions at Drexel
University over six years: 1,710 print and 200 electronic
subscriptions in 1998, and 370 print and 8,600 electronic in
2002.47 They considered an understudied impact of going
e-only, "the changes in the library's operational costs associated with shifts in staffing, resources, materials, space and
equipment."" The results of the case study "suggest that,
when all costs are considered, electronic journals are more
cost effective on a per use basis"-however, Montgomery
and King cautioned that because of "methodological difficulties with the data available to make the analyses, this
study should be viewed as a single first step to address an
issue of critical importance to academic libraries."49 Cox
built upon the work at Drexel when he juxtaposed the
operational cost analysis information from the Montgomery
and King paper with information he obtained from two publishers (Emerald and the Institute of Physics Publishing) to
form a preliminary conclusion that greater cost-savings were
gained with e-journals than print. Cox indicated his tentative
conclusions were based upon admittedly broad assumptions, when he used data drawn from just two publishers
and decided upon "a compromise view that fifty percent
of the subscription revenue should be attributed to the
electronic version."° Differences in data collection, such as
print reshelving counts versus electronic use statistics and
definitions (for example, the term "use" itself), presented
problems for Cox's analysis as well, but he hoped to stimulate further study based upon standards.
In summary, from 2000 to 2003 the price increase trend
for journals continued, fueled in part by publisher mergers,
and librarians combated it with the economies found in bundled packages and consortial subscriptions. In another effort
to control costs, academic groups created competing journals at a lower subscription price than similar commercial
titles. Librarians began to shift toward electronic-only subscriptions to save money in spite of embargoes that deterred
them from relying upon aggregated databases alone. Even
though a shift was beginning, after analyzing the cost of journal publication and distribution in the electronic arena and
considering the impact of such initiatives as SPARC, Quandt
affirmed in 2003, that the "paper journals may well become
less important over time," but "the predicted demise of the
paper journal and, even more so, of commercial publishers,
is vastly exaggerated," and "it is unlikely that the increasing
dominance of electronic publications will ease the economic
plight of libraries in the short run."5 '
Serials Management
When high costs necessitated cancellation decisions, usage
studies often served as a collection management tool in
making choices. The literature revealed various models for
these studies, such as counts, attempts to define value, cost
analyses, behavioral studies, and combinations of methods in order to extrapolate meaning or make projections.
For example, Enssle and Wilde described collecting and
using statistics from multiple sources, such as interlibrary
loan, reshelving counts, Journal Citation Reports from the
Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), and vendor-supplied e-journal usage reports to make cancellation decisions.5' As another example, Galbraith explained how low
use and cost-per-use of more than $100 placed journals on
a cancellation list each year, but stated that electronic collections had to be analyzed as special cases.' Other studies
reviewed later in this paper explored new perspectives, formulae, and standards for analyzing use. As collection manag-
50(1) LRTS
ers began to develop new techniques of analysis tailored to
e-journals that would complement or build upon traditional
methods, library workers in technical services experienced
significant changes in workflow due to e-journals. They
needed new skills and tools to license and track subscriptions. Librarians and staff in technical services also provided
new access services that complemented or enhanced the
online catalog's role in leading patrons to content. New
companies arose to provide assistance with these new access
services. Journal management faced challenges because of
corporate mergers and the demise of two integrated library
systems and a major subscription agent. This author selected
research papers and case studies that have useful foundations for future application or were not so location-specific
that they precluded replication elsewhere.
Librarians employed usage studies for cancellation as
well as for collection building or adjusting. Talja and Maula
conducted an exploratory qualitative study with the goal of
"contributing to the development of a domain [discipline]
analytic model for explaining e-journal use."-' The authors'
study confirmed "that electronic journal services were more
used by those using directed search as the only or dominant
method of information retrieval."' Article-oriented research
was also a strong predictor of e-journal use in this study.
Talja and Maula found very little browsing of print journals
in the library by the scholars in the fields of nursing and ecological environmental science; in contrast, they found that
scholars in history and literature and cultural studies were
more book-oriented and browsed for resources.
Davis and Leah examined patterns of individual use,
identifying university departments by Internet Protocol
(IP) addresses and examining downloads per IP (with IP
equated to user).' They noted that most users downloaded
from a small number of titles. In this study, when Davis
and Leah analyzed "American Chemical Society electronic
journal downloads at Cornell University by individual IP
addresses," they found "a very strong relationship between
the number of article downloads and the number of users,
implying that a user-population can be estimated by just
knowing the total use of a journal."' Two mathematical
discoveries of particular note were recorded in this paper.
"Each 'user' (IP) can be represented by approximately 11
:t3.5 downloads. This prediction method may be useful
for estimating user populations of other publishers' journals when only total number of downloads are provided,"
and "The quadratic relationship between the number of
journals consulted and number of articles downloaded per
user suggests that some power law (specifically an inverse
square law) may be in effect . . ." The authors believed
user behavior to be a critical element in properly interpreting numerical data.
Gathering usage statistics electronically enabled computer manipulation, which provided greater opportunity
Serials 21
for analyzing the numbers in meaningful, contextual ways.
In 2003, Bollen, Vemulapalli, and Xu, of the computer science department at Old Dominion University, published
a paper with Luce of the Los Alamos National Laboratory
(LANL) Research Library describing an automated method
of computer log analysis in which they which examined relationships of article downloads "much in the same manner
Coogle's PageRank evaluates the impact of web pages for a
given subject on the basis of its context of hyperlinks to other
pages."59 The log analysis for the LANL Research Library
created a library-specific, ranked journal list that was compared to the citation impact factor (IF) from ISI, which represented a larger research community. A marked difference
in the rankings of titles between the two lists demonstrated
that the method "successfully identified a planned and deliberate research project ... that caused the local impact of
journals to deviate strongly from the ISI IF over a period of
three years."' The authors recognized some issues that could
affect the validity of their data, due primarily to differences
in calculating citation impact factor and download data, but
noted a lack of alternatives to using impact factor for the
broader measurement. Bollen and his colleagues proposed
that a representative sample of download logs from different
institutions could be aggregated to form a generalized basis
of comparison to a specific institution. The authors also suggested that financial constraints increased the importance of
tools enabling librarians to make community-specific content
decisions, and suggested that future research could lead to
an ability to "detect not only past research trends, but also
to extrapolate... to the future so that DL [digital library]
evaluation can pro-actively indicate shifts and trends in the
interests of user communities."61
Through use statistics, Hahn and Faulkner found a
way to include the interests of their users in analyzing the
value of potential new subscriptions.' The authors determined average cost per access, average cost per article,
and content-adjusted usage (proportion of total articles
used out of total offered). The authors then utilized the
cost per article for potential new subscriptions along with
the known usage measurements for peer subscriptions in
order to set evaluative benchmarks for the potential new
subscriptions. Hahn and Faulkner emphasized statistics
about the title or collection, such as the amount of content available, as another context needed for e-journal
usage statistics to have meaning. As Hahn and Faulkner
noted, this need was previously recorded in Judy Luther's
White Paperon E-journal Usage Statistics for the Council
on Library and Information Resources.' Luther's paper
covered this point of context as part of a broad range of
needs and concerns from publishers and librarians, such as
standard definitions and presentation of data.
Zhang gave a succinct historical overview of measurement developments from the mid-nineties through the 2003
22 Corbett
publication of her article, "Measurement and Assessment of
Networked Resources and Services in Academic Libraries."
The article explained the difficulties of defining standard
measurement terms, particularly when applied to counting
e-joumal subscriptions based on the various ways librarians may track them in an integrated library system (ILS).'
Zhang discussed statistics from the perspective of preparing annual statistics at her library, referencing the annual
questionnaires of ARL and explaining an ARL project called
E-Metrics, which sought in part to standardize use statistics
from suppliers of e-journals.
While E-Metrics was an initiative based in the United
States, Project COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of
Networked Resources) was "an international initiative
designed to serve librarians, publishers and intermediaries
by facilitating the recording and exchange of online usage
statistics," and "had its genesis in the UK, with the PALS
(Publisher and Librarian Solutions) group formed by JISC,
ALPSP and The Publishers Association."" The variables
considered in the first release of the guidelines, or "Code
of Practice," included "the data elements to be measured[;]
definitions of these data elements; usage report content,
format, frequency and methods of delivery; [and] protocols
for combining usage reports from direct use and from use
via intermediaries."6 Project COUNTER showed promise
but was not a panacea at this stage, and Molyneux pointed
out three positive aspects of the project: it was limited to a
reasonable number of variables as a starting point, it would
"monitor how the data are collected and tweak definitions as
necessary," and it had received feedback from the field.' On
the other hand, Molyneux professed skepticism regarding
vendors openly sharing statistics on their products' usage,
wondered if the execution of the plan would live up to the
concept and be speedy enough, and hoped that another
phase of COUNTER would address concerns he presented.
Molyneux emphasized the importance of being able "to
retrieve data on institutions by type (public, academic), by
geographic area (country, state or province, electoral district), size (by budgets or collections) and other such variables," which he labeled as demographic data.' Finally,
Molyneux pointed out the need for "a general, flexible, and
adaptable data exchange format" such as XML (Extensible
Markup Language for automated document interpretation),
making it possible for users of the statistics to work with
them without needing to massage the data.'
In addition to continuing to employ usage studies,
librarians demonstrated continued interest in core title
lists as a collection management tool. In a series of papers
first published separately in The Serials Librarianand then
cumulated into Journals of the Century, Stankus arranged
for experts from several disciplines to write about the "most
important, enduring, or influential journals" of the twentieth
century.7 Building on earlier work with Bensman, Wilder
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illustrated a new measure to aid in producing core title lists
for scientific and technical journals. He wrote:
The method requires the creation of a new measure of value called the Estimated Annual Citation
Rate (EACR), which is derived from the Journal
Citation Reports' total citation variable. EACR
allows researchers to compare the relative value of
ST [science and technology] journals, and because
it is an annual estimate of citations, it can be compared directly to subscription price to produce a
measure of cost-effectiveness.71
Wilder also calculated the cost per EACR and concluded that "when ST journals are properly grouped according
to subject, value is highly concentrated among a small number of titles" and that "the high value titles are many times
more cost effective than the remaining titles."72
While collection management librarians improved their
tools, technical services librarians grappled with changing
processes and heavier work loads. At the start of the millennium, Tuttle's paper gave perspective to the management
of serials in technical services through a progression from
the paper-based tracking of orders and receipt of periodical
issues in the 1970s to the use of the ILS and the arrival of
e-journals in the 1990s.7' Serials management was not easy
then, and, as the volume of e-journals rapidly grew, technical services librarians had difficulty tracking what they had
purchased from which publisher or aggregator. Four conditions contributed to the problems. First, existing expertise
and staffing were insufficient for the volume of work with
licensing, adding and subtracting titles as they changed
publisher or distributor, correcting broken links as Uniform
Resource Locators (URLs) changed, and troubleshooting
denial of access. Second, integrated library systems were
not designed to record the special attributes of e-journals.
Third, mergers both in publishing and in subscription agents
added to the complexity in tracking subscriptions. Fourth,
e-joumals were often acquired by libraries through direct
arrangements with publishers, eliminating the subscription
agent, sometimes because the publisher refused to permit
the use of the agent.
Concerns in libraries about adequate staffing to acquire
and maintain electronic resources got little coverage in the
literature between 2000 and 2003, but results of three surveys about staffing for electronic resources were published.
In 2001, Gardner's survey results, which covered a range
of needs (from organizational structure to training) at ARL
institutions, indicated that "88 percent of the respondents
believed that e-journals require a greater number of professionals to be involved," while "thirty-eight percent of
responding libraries stated that no new positions had been
created to handle e-journals over the previous two years."' 4
50(l) LRTS
In 2002, Duranceau and Hepfer collected data from fifteen institutions and stated that "the surveys bottom line
is that in academic libraries today, more staff is needed to
support e-collections which are growing rapidly in size and
significance." 75 Also in 2002, Boydston and Leysen's paper
focused on staffing for cataloging, reporting that "approximately one-third of the libraries reported an increase in
MLS staff since beginning the cataloging of electronic
resources and almost one-half reported an increase in support staff."" Two other papers discussed staffing changes
in technical services relative to e-journals. Anderson and
Zink explained that the library staff at University of Nevada,
Reno, gave up checking in and binding most print serials
to spend that time in providing access to e-journals after
finding that print journals "get very little use-about .5
reshelvings per issue."77 In late 2003, Zhang charted differences in ordering and receiving workflow between print
and electronic versions, fully illustrating the additional work
and then discussing the need to hire a librarian specifically
to manage the work with electronic resources.7 8 Reporting
on a symposium at the 2003 ALA Midwinter Meeting in
Philadelphia, Davis noted, 'TWhile many libraries are reducing the number of technical services staff, the workflow to
support electronic resources is complex, complicated, and
costly. [Dan] Tonkery admitted that neither library nor subscription agent 'nor publisher is fully prepared to manage
effectively the new e-resource environment."79
Licensing for e-resources required special expertise.
Because few staff had that expertise, librarians tried new
ways to complete the work in a timely manner. Wolverton
reported (from a panel presentation at Mississippi State
University in 2001) that librarians were interested in learning
more about license negotiation points, such as the definition
of authorized users, state of jurisdiction, fair use, interlibrary
loan, indemnity, and downtime, and were also investigating the potential ramifications of the Uniform Computer
Information Transactions Act (UCITA).80 According to presenter Meraz, "Existing views of First Amendment rights,
intellectual property, copyright, fair use, first sale, and priyacy could be substantially altered by the passage of UCITA."81
Wolverton also reported that EBSCO offered a new service
to assist libraries in completing a license agreement, presenting the license to the publisher and ensuring finalization in
addition to assisting with IP address registration.82 Keeping
up with the volume of licensing had become a problem for
some librarians. In 2003, Duranceau reported success with
an experiment to send a standard license to publishers, eliminating ,a backlog and utilizing more staff time rather than
having,one ibrarian as a bottleneck: "Ten out of 17 publish.ers (59 percent) who were sent the MIT license accepted it
in some form, either with no changes or few changes." &
As librarians licensed more e-journals,, they looked
for a vehicle -to track titles and make them accessible. The
Serials 23
tool needed the capability to keep pace with the volatility of the titles and URLs with less human intervention.
This need gave rise to companies, such as Serials Solutions
and TDNet, whose main- product was both a service and
a system to manage changes in e-journal title sources and
their URLs.6 Dynamic generation of an alphabetized title
list of a library's electronic holdings, frequently called an
"A to Z list," formed part of the service offered by these
companies. McCracken and Markwith, of Serials Solutions
and TDNet respectively, wrote papers for a joint presentation at the 2002 North American Serials Interest Group
(NASIG) Conference, and both mentioned economies of
scale as a primary benefit of using their companies to provide e-journal access to library patrons.85 Metcalf provided
a description of a homegrown product of similar nature in
"An Open Source Solution to Managing Electronic Journal
Li.nks with Database-Generated Web Pages."' McCracken
of Serials Solutions described a newer service, one that
provided subject access by supplying bibliographic records
for librarians to load into the online library catalog as well
as including an updating service for the URLs and tracking
title changes in aggregated databases.' These tools used by
technical services provided a navigational service with linking for patrons.
Librarians also began to learn about the technologies
involved in deep linking or reference linking-the ability to
access a piece,of information, such as a journal article, from a
citation or other bibliographic data by means of a hyperlink.
In 2001, Deeken reported on'a presentation by Inger, who
explained the benefits of a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a
,unique identifier created by a standardized method, resulting mn more stability than a URL.', Once DOI proved useful, services were built upon its foundation. For example,
publishers were able to link to each other's content with
CrossRef, an organization that served as a "switchboard" by
providing "a method for collecting standardized metadata"
and "for looking up DOIs using metadata" (metadata
the bibliographic
Needleman explained a new linking standard that
underpinned a commercially available navigation service:
"OpenURL defines an abstract name for an Internet
resource and assumes some resolution mechanism to resolve
that abstract name to a current location at which the resource
car be found."' The resolution system developed with the
OpenURL standard, called SFX (licensed by The Ex Libris
Group), provided for "context-sensitive" linking that solved
the "appropriate copy problem."91 In other words, the system permitted librarians to input the data for locally held
subscriptions, so that the link selectively resolved or led to
a resource that the patron was entitled to access as opposed
to resources containing the same content but to which
the library did not. subscribe. Using the system's options,
librarians could provide alternatives for titles not available
24 Corbeflt
electronically, such as a link to search the catalog for nonelectronic formats or allink to an interlibrary loan form. Later
similar systems from other companies, such as EBSCO and
Serials Solutions, were commonly called "link resolvers." In
2003, Soderdahl described the implementation of SIX at
the University of Iowa. In addition to managing links to subscribed content, librarians could control the search result
displays of multiple sources for the same title, suppressing
one in favor of another, such as preferring the version of an
e-journal supplied by the publisher to the version supplied
via an aggregator. Soderdahl noted that SIX became "one of
the most important and well-received new services that the
library has implemented in recent years.'"92
SEX enabled management of navigation to e-journals
in a visually familiar textual style, but some publishers and
institutions began to manage a patron's access to e-journal
content with new, visually oriented approaches to navigation.
McKiernan reviewed a variety of these "novel technologies"
and presented some examples that used screen displays
filled with shapes such as spheres, which also illustrated the
relationship of one topic to another, and others that utilized
color or graphs to indicate a percentage of content on a
given topic or cluster of topics. 3
The link resolvers and other commercial services
described above did not assist with tracking the terms of
licenses for the e-journals. Many libraries used a homegrown database to track and share information from license
agreements within a system or consortium and to show the
status of the acquisition. Penn State was an early leader, with
an Access database that was originally designed to assist in
obtaining and paying invoices for electronic resources, and
that developed into a means ofproviding "information about
license agreements and the status of orders, and to answer
many other questions." At the 2001 NASIG Conference,
Emery shared information on the development of a database
for the University of Texas at Arlington?. The database was
designed to meet the needs of acquisitions, reference, interlibrary loan, and collection management librarians as well as
other staff who needed to know the negotiation or payment
status and license use restrictions for an electronic resource.
In 2003, Innovative launched an electronic resource management module designed to work with INNOPAC or stand
alone. The Electronic Resource Management Initiative
(ERMI) of the Digital Library Federation (DLF) attempted
to provide some standardization for license administration
databases. Chang's overview of ERMI explained the primary
goal of developing metadata schemata for license terms
and the additional goals of "developing workflow, identifying best practices, promoting the standards, and engaging
library vendors to implement this system."'
While implementing or building independent tools
to cope with the fact that most extant integrated library
systems were not designed to track e-journals, many librar-
LRTS 50(l)
ians also were facing systems migration, mainly due to two
vendor actions: NOTIS was no longer being developed by
the newest owner, epixtech, and Sirsi had bought DRA.
Other libraries moved to an integrated system after having
used separate systems for public and technical services.
Migrating serials data presented a challenge. Alan described
the careful planning required for such a migration, and how
it was handled at Penn State in 2002.97 Sill also described a
system implementation in depth, emphasizing that migration necessitated changes to workflow and highlighting
the need for interconnectivity between groups of people
affected by the migration and integration between the ILS
and other systems, such as a separate binding system.' In an
interesting twist that engendered some concern in libraries,
Elsevier bought an ILS vendor, Endeavor. Eberhart quoted
Richard Johnson, enterprise director for SPARC, as saying,
"The long-term issue is how the hardwiring of content into
infrastructure will affect the control that libraries have over
providing information to their users. The short-term issue is
one of fair competition."'
Adding to the concerns of librarians regarding fair
competition and staffing needs, subscription agent mergers and a bankruptcy took place. Basilone reported on a
panel presentation by librarian Gammon, publisher Cox,
and subscription agent representative Tonkery that noted
the increased volume of labor for both libraries and subscriptions agents resulting from mergers."° Mergers caused
unanticipated additional work for library staff members,
who reviewed multiple title lists for accuracy as a result
of system changes when two companies merged into one.
Library staff went through this process with SwetsBlackwell
(so named as the result of an earlier merger, but renamed
Swets again by late 2003), which bought W H. Everett &
Son Ltd., "the world's oldest independent bookseller and
subscription agent.""'0 SwetsBlackwell had previously taken
the standing order business of Martinus Nijhoff. Mergers
were not the only cause of the additional labor for library
serials staff. The unexpected bankruptcy of RoweCom,
the subscription agent formerly known as Faxon, left many
publishers unpaid for library subscriptions even though the
libraries had prepaid the subscription agent. To resolve the
problem, librarians worked with publishers and EBSCO,
which salvaged RoweCom's business. That situation taught
many librarians to watch the financial health of companies
to which as much as millions of dollars are sent in advance
of receiving goods. Stankus provided a history of RoweCom
and its parent company, divine, with an analysis of the situation in his column in Technicalities.'"2 Little coverage of
these events and their effects appeared in the literature.
From 2000 to 2003, both collection management and
technical services librarians developed tools to address new
needs brought by the growth of e-journal subscriptions.
Collection management librarians took advantage of use
50(1) LRTS
statistics gathered by computer to move beyond counts and
cost-per-use to form bases for more contextual comparative
measurements, such as local and national community use
and content-adjusted usage. Librarians needed standardized measurements to compare between resources, and
COUNTER provided a baseline, although gaps remained,
such as inclusion of demographic data and a technological
standard to reduce the need to massage data before using
it. Benchmarking with core title lists still proved to be an
important measure, but the Estimated Annual Citation
Rate introduced a new methodology. These updated tools
focused on management of limited resources to target
patron needs more closely. Librarians in technical services
worked in homegrown databases, participated in developing
standards, and adopted commercial services as they became
available in order to track subscribed titles and license terms
and meet the access and navigation needs of patrons. While
developing new management tools, librarians and staff in
technical services coped with extra work caused by changes
in integrated library systems and subscription agents.
ians retain paper issues of journals without binding and also
lobby organizations collecting statistics to include e-journals
in measurements. Boyce described an environment with
a focus on maintaining access to information, contrasting
old and new modes of thinking about the functionality of
publications, libraries, and archiving, and he also described
the new concept of preservation as an automated system for
refreshment of data residing in multiple repositories:
In the modem world of electronic information,
the medium of choice is a redundant array of hard
disks (RAID). Because of the automatic testing and
backup inherent in the RAID system, deterioration
of the storage medium is not a factor any more.
The automated, active system keeps the material
refreshed and readable at a very low cost, and the
information is available within milliseconds. This
is a far cry from the days of off-line tape storage,
where accessing and refreshing were expensive,
manual chores and there was a delay of hours or
days to even get access. Today the data are rewritten many times, being kept fresh, readable, and
intact by the automated systems."
During the years 2000 through 2003, archiving grew in
importance, but had the appearance of becoming a lesser
concern toward the end of 2003, as some libraries, due to
budget or physical space pressures or both, went e-only
without proven archiving practices for electronic materials.
The literature contained ideas and discussions that illustrated the difficulty of archiving electronic materials. Contrast
and comparison to familiar practices with print formed a
starting point for examining issues, which exposed a struggle
in defining who would ideally keep electronic archives, and
how and where such archives would be kept. Remote storage played an archival role, though it was used primarily to
solve space shortages. Some libraries relied upon a shared
collection of print journals as a means of archiving. Cases
of missing online content further complicated the archiving
issues. The lighter coverage of archiving in the literature
reflected the early stages of addressing the problems.
Guzi recorded the thoughts expressed by presenter
Drewes at the 2000 NASIG Conference.10 3 Drewes raised
the possibilities and questions relative to archiving both
print and electronic journals at the time: whether or not to
bind, the impact of ARL statistical counts of bound volumes
on decision-making, publisher focus on profits rendering
them imperfect as archivists, the possibility of consortia
serving as an archiving entity rather than individual libraries, the space savings by going e-only, the ability to provide
interlibrary loans, differences between versions, the title of
record usually being print, and the impermanence of CDROMs as archival copies. Drewes recommended that librar-
Storage facilities addressed space shortages in libraries,
but also became de facto archives of print journals, particularly in cases where electronic access was available. JSTOR
(Journal Storage: The Scholarly .Journal Archive), a large
digitized collection of the back ilBes of selected print journals,
served as a primary model, with an archive collection of print
on behalf of many libraries. Young explained, "Originally
begun with a grant from the Mellon Foundation, JSTOR
was seen as a partial solution to the problems of diminishing
library stack space for bound volumes, the increasing fragility
of older volumes, and the difficulties for publishers inherent
in maintaining a printed archive."'°5 Librarians who were
ready to rely upon use of the electronic version of journals
were not always ready to give up the locally owned print volumes to rely upon another archival copy. At the University
of Nebraska-Lincoln, Tyler and Zillig recommended moving
the bound volumes that duplicated the material in JSTOR
to remote storage.106 Block's essay on the history of remote
storage, beginning with antiquity, gave a timeline listing notable facilities built in modem times, including the
Harvard Depository, which is not a shared facility, but
one that pioneered in construction approach, and the two
California regional facilities, which contain the holdings
of multiple University of California libraries."°.Weeks and
Chepusiak reviewed the Harvard Model and recorded that
more libraries collaborated in joint storage facilities, including a number of libraries in Minnesota, with a statewide
facility, and also Princeton University, Columbia University,
and the New York Public Library joining together to form
LRTS 50(l)
26 Corbeff
the Research Collections and Preservation Consortium.10 As
those facilities were in beginning stages, Hill, Madarash-Hill,
and Hayes recorded that the University of Akron Science
and Technology Library determined that storage away from
the library resulted in a negative impact on the use of serials,
with a post-move decrease of 70.58 percent in use of the oldest volumes."° The literature suggests that few such shared
storage archives existed by the end of 2003.
Electronic archiving was difficult to define and more
complex than print archiving. In 2000, Hunter of Elsevier
wrote about options surrounding the usual questions of
who would do the archiving, where and how many copies
would be kept, what kind of access would be needed, and
how much archiving would cost. Hunter wrote that there
was "a presumption [among librarians and publishers] that
for online journals, migration will be the methodology of
choice."1 0 Baudoin took the stand that preservation of ejournals must be independent of platform and preserve
the dynamism as well."' She cited examples in both the
sciences and humanities. Flecker provided an overview of
the initiatives to tackle the archiving problems in 2001.1
He described LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe),
one of several archiving projects funded by Mellon grants,
which is "is intended to automatically, and with little cost or
overhead, support the large-scale replication of e-journal
content.""' Flecker stated that minimizing costs would be
a primary consideration in the future of archiving. Hughes'
paper in 2002, building upon the papers of Hunter and
Flecker, provided a recap and update of the archiving initiatives and issues, suggesting that having a third party (other
than publishers or librarians) was the preferred archiving
concept at the time."' In a paper listing a few of the same
initiatives described by Flecker and Hughes, Thomas noted,
"One of the chief reasons cited by librarians for retaining
paper is the inability of the publisher to guarantee the longevity of documents."" 5
In addition to assured longevity, completeness and
accuracy issues needed to be resolved. One reason for
loss of online content became evident as early as 2000, in
the wake of the 1999 Tasini versus The New York Times
Supreme Court case decision, which stated that specific
electronic as well as first-publication rights are necessary
for articles written by freelance authors in order to publish
them electronically. Garman stated the concern that publishers and aggregators would "have to remove thousands,
if not millions, of full-text articles to be in compliance with
authors' rights" if terms could not be negotiated for the
electronic version."' By 2001, Bates reported that content
providers had indeed removed some articles from sources
such as newspapers in Dialog.' 7 In 2002, Chen published
a paper about missing content in aggregated databases
due not only to the Tasini case, but also to embargoes and
publishers choosing not to participate in aggregations. Chen
emphasized the loss of 100,000 articles from the New York
Times and the full or majority loss of online text for nineteen
newspapers from several major cities in the United States."'
Chen found a wide range of embargoed titles, from "less
than 5% to over 40%, depending on products and aggregators" and noted that the aggregators "seemed" to include
citations to embargoed material only after the embargo
period had passed."1 In the print version of journals, publishers could only print notices of retraction or errors once
an article had been publicly released; however, they had
the ability to remove the improper articles entirely in the
electronic version, changing the historical record. In 2003,
an editorial by Plutchak recommended that publishers'
retraction and correction policies balance between protecting "the integrity of the scientific record" and a publisher's
"legal liability," citing Elsevier's progressive actions in this
endeavor as an illustration.120
From 2000 to 2003, archiving questions included both
the print and electronic versions of journals. Librarians
archived print volumes in storage facilities, with or without having electronic access as an alternative, due to space
shortages. The paper by Hill, Madarash-Hill, and Hayes
documented the decline in use of stored materials and
how some librarians made efforts to send print volumes
of titles also available electronically, such as those in
JSTOR, to storage facilities.' 2' Universities constructed
more shared storage facilities. Librarians and publishers
struggled with electronic archiving concepts, discussing
questions of who, where, and how, as the dynamism of
the format complicated issues. Projects such as LOCKSS
tested potential solutions, but missing online content
posed more difficulties.
The papers reviewed illustrated significant changes driven
primarily by the growth of electronic resources in the first
few years of the new millennium in the serials industry.
Electronic journals became a focal point as both a source
of problems for archiving and management and as a solution to patron desires and space shortages. Librarians
first hailed e-journal bundles as a cost-saving model of
scholarly communication and later disparaged them as
a model for locking up the materials budget. Nonprofit
initiatives such as SPARC promoted cheaper access to
serials. Open access made information freely available to
readers, having been paid for by the authors. Mergers led
to higher costs in both expenditures and increased labor
to manage serials. Research highlighted staffing shortages
as librarians and staff, who acquire and manage e-journals,
required new skills. Librarians and vendors developed
new standards and delivered new linking and navigation
Serlals 27
50(1) LRTS
services to patrons, and librarians applied features of the
services in tackling title and license term management
problems. The literature identified problems and expectations with who should archive electronic materials and
how. Missing online content complicated the archiving
problems, but librarians began testing potential solutions
such as LOCKSS.
Papers highly relative to collection management topics,
such as costs and usage studies, were plentiful, but finding
peer-reviewed literature related to management needs in
technical services proved more difficult. Current events
that had significant impact on technical services for serials, such as corporate mergers and their effects, were not
well-documented in peer-reviewed literature. This author
found no papers on the effects of consortial purchasing on
librarians' use of the subscription agent and whether consortia usurped the agent's role to any degree. How would
librarians fare without subscription agents for e-only subscriptions? Research for a solution to electronic archiving
was only beginning in earnest as print subscriptions were
dropping, and it was not surprising to find relatively few
papers on the topic. Considering the rapid pace of changes
with the advent of e-journals, much of the upheaval was
captured in the literature, and perhaps the next review of
serials literature will contain research showing how librarians surmounted obstacles regarding the cost, management,
and archiving of electronic journals.
1. Martha Kyrillidou, "Research Library Spending on
Electronic Scholarly Information Is on the Rise,"Journalof
Library Administration 35, no. 4 (2001): 89-91; reprinted
from ARL, Dec. 2000.
Brenda Dingley, "U.S. Periodical Prices-2003," Library
Resources & Technical Services 47, no. 4 (Oct. 2003): 193.
3. CarolP.Diedrichs,"E-journals: the OhioLINK Experience,"
Library Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services 25,
no. 2 (Summer 2001): 191-210.
Thomas J. Sanville, "A Method out of the Madness:
OhioLINK's Collaborative Response to the Serials Crisis
Three Years Later: A Progress Report," The Serials
Librarian40, no. 1/2 (2001): 129.
5. Ibid., 154.
6. Leslie Homer Button, "PEAK Project Overview," The
SerialsLibrarian38, no. 1/2 (2000): 90.
John M. Haar, "Project Peak: Vanderbilt's Experience with
Articles on Demand," The Serials Librarian 38, no. 1/2
(2000): 97-98.
8. Sharon Cline McKay, "E-business for E-journals: Article
Pay-Per-View," The Serials Librarian38, no. 1/2 (2000):
Marilyn P. Lewis, "Unwrapping the Serials Package:
California State University Journal Access Core Collection;
ALCTS Program at ALA Midwinter 2000," Serials Review
26, no. 3 (2000): 79-80.
10. Markel D. Tumlin, "The California State University Journal
Access Core Collection Project (JACC): What It Is, and
What It Is Not, and Where We Go from Here," The Serials
Librarian40, no. 3/4 (2001): 337-42.
11. Thomas A. Peters, "What's the Big Deal?' The Journalof
Academic Librarianship27, no. 4 (July 2001): 304.
12. Ibid.
13. Paula J. Hane, "Cornell and Other University Libraries to
Cancel ElsevierTltles,"NewsBreaks, Nov. 17,2003. Accessed
Apr. 17, 2005, www.infotoday.com/newsbreaks/nb031117-1.
14. Mark J. McCabe, "The Impact of Publisher Mergers
on Journal Prices: Theory and Evidence," The Serials
Librarian40, no. 1/2 (2001): 157.
15. Tony Stankus, "Making Sense of Serials: More Mergers and
Acquisitions in the Serials Business," Technicalities22, no.
3 (May/June 2002): 4, 10-11.
16. Tony Stankus, "Making Sense of Serials: The Deals That
Didn't Happen and the Deal That Did: Candover, Cinven,
and the New Springer," Technicalities 23, no; 4 (July/Aug.
2003): 3-6.
17. Julia C. Blixrud, "SPARC: Setting Sail into the Seas of
Competition," The Serials Librarian 40, no. 1/2 (2001):
18. Gloriana St. Clair, "Through Portal," portak Libraries and
the Academy 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2001): v.
19. Richard C. Fyffe and David E. Shulenburger, "Economics
As If Science Mattered: The BioOne Business Model
and the Transformation of Scholarly Publishing," Library
Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services 26, no. 3
(2002): 232.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid., 235-36.
22. Ibid., 236.
23. "SPARC and PLoS Partner to Advocate for Open Access
Publishing, 10 Nov. 2003," Serials-eNewsfrom UKSG, no.
54 (Nov. 21 2003). Accessed Apr. 14, 2005, www.bibliotech.com/UKSG/SI PD.cfm?PID=10&ArticlelD=986&is
sueno=54&XSection=Business; "ARL and SPARC Support
Open Access to Federally Funded Research, 6 Aug. 2003,"
Serials-eNewsfrom UKSG, no. 47, Aug. 15,2003. Accessed
Apr. 14, 2005, www.biblio-tech.com/UKSG/SI_PD.cfm?PI
24. "OhioLINK Joins BioMed Central, 18 Nov. 2003," SerialseNewsfrom UKSG, no. 54 (Nov. 21 2003)'. Accessed Apr.
14, 2005, www.biblio-tech.com/UKSG/SI_PD.cfm?PID=l
25. Bonita Wilson, "Open Access and Public Domain," D-Lib
Magazine 9, no. 12 (Dec. 2003). Accessed Apr. 14, 2005,
26. Howard Falk, "Open-Access Journal Developments," The
Electronic Library 21, no. 6 (2003): 611.
27. Sally Morris, "Open Publishing: How Publishers Are
Reacting," Information Services & Use 23, no. 2/3 (2003):
100. 99-101.
28. Declan Butler, "Scientific Publishing: Who Will Pay for
Open Access?" Nature 425, no. 6958 (2003): 554.
29. David Prosser, "On the Transition of Journals to Open
Access," ARL no. 227 (Apr. 2003): 1-3.
28 Corbetl
30. Howard Falk, "Open-Access Journal Developments," The
Electronic Library 21, no. 6 (2003): 610; Lund University
Libraries, Directory of Open Access Journals. Accessed
July 1, 2005, www.doaj.org.
31. Nancy R. Sprague and Mary Beth Chambers, "Full-text
Databases and the Journal Cancellation Process: A Case
Study," SerialsReview 26, no. 3 (2000): 19-31.
32. Karen Rupp-Serrano, Sarah Robbins, and Danielle Cain,
"Canceling Print Serials in Favor of Electronic: Criteria
for Decision Making," Library Collections, Acquisitions &
Technical Services 26, no. 4 (Winter 2002): 369-78.
33. SulekhaKalyan, "Non-renewal ofPrintJournal Subscriptions
That Duplicate Titles in Selected Electronic Databases: A
Case Study," Library Collections,Acquisitions & Technical
Services 26, no. 4 (Winter 2002): 409-21.
34. Barbie E. Keiser, "Sage Publications Withdraws Titles
from EBSCOhost, ProQuest," Information Today 19, no. 8
(Sept. 2002): 25, 45.
35. Sam Brooks, "Academic Journal Embargoes and Full Text
Databases," The Library Quarterly 73, no. 3 (July 2003):
36. Ibid., 243-60.
37. Richard W. Meyer, "A Tool to Assess Journal Price
Discrimination," College & Research Libraries 62, no. 3
(May 2001): 287.
38. Pamela Bluh, James G. Neal, and J. Randolph Call,
"Predicting Publication Prices: Are the Old Models Still
Relevant?" Library Resources & Technical Services 47 no.
4 (Oct. 2003): 188-91.
39. Chris Beckett, "A Market to Die For? Morgan Stanley on
the STM Publishing Market," UKSG Serials-eNews, no.
28, Nov. 21, 2002. Accessed June 1, 2005, www.biblio-tech.
com/UKSG/SI PD.cfm?PID=10&ArticleID=469&issuen
40. Morgan Stanley Industry Report-Media Equity Research
Europe, Sept. 30, 2002, 1. Accessed June 12, 2005, www.
41. Ibid.
42. Ibid.
43. Ibid., 5.
44. Karen Hunter, "Going 'Electronic-only': Early Experiences
and Issues," Journal of Library Administration 35, no. 3
(2001): 51-65.
45. Lee Van Orsdel and Kathleen Born, "Doing the Digital
Flip," Library Journal (1976) 127, no. 7 (Apr. 15, 2002):
46. Ibid., 51
47. Carol Hansen Montgomery and Donald W King,
"Comparing Library and User Related Costs of Print
and Electronic Journal Collections: A First Step Towards
a Comprehensive Analysis," D-Lib Magazine 8, no. 10
(Oct. 2002). Accessed June 12, 2005, www.dlib.org/dlib/
48. ibid.
49. Ibid.
50. John Cox, "Value for Money in Electronic Journals: A
Survey of the Early Evidence and Some Preliminary
Conclusions," Serials Review 29, no. 2 (2003): 85.
LRTS 50(l)
51. Richard E. Quandt, "Scholarly Materials: Paper or Digital?'
Library Trends 51, no. 3 (Winter 2003): 371.
52. Halcyon R. Enssle and Michelle L. Wilde, "So You
Have to Cancel Journals? Statistics That Help," Library
Collections, Acquisitions & Technical Services 26, no. 3
(2002): 259-81.
53. Betty Galbraith, "Journal Retention Decisions
Incorporating Use-Statistics As a Measure of Value,"
Collection Management 27, no. 1 (2002): 79-90.
54. Sanna Talja and Hanni Maula, "Reasons for the Use and
Non-Use of Electronic Journals and Databases: A Domain
Analytic Study in Four Scholarly Disciplines," Journal of
Documentation59, no. 6 (2003): 675.
55. Ibid., 685.
56. Philip M. Davis and Solla R. Leah, "An IP-Level Analysis
of Usage Statistics for Electronic Journals in Chemistry:
Making Inferences about User Behavior," Journal of the
American Societyfor Information Science and Technology
54, no. 11 (Sept. 2003): 1062-68.
57. Ibid.,1062.
58. Ibid.,1067.
59. Johan Bollen et al., "Usage Analysis for the Identification
of Research Trends in Digital Libraries," D-Lib Magazine
9, no. 5 (May 2003). Accessed Feb. 13, 2005, www.dlib.
60. Ibid.
61. Ibid.
62. Karla L. Hahn and Lila A. Faulkner, "Evaluative UsageBased Metrics for the Selection of E-journals," College &
Research Libraries 63, no. 3 (May 2002): 215-17.
63. Judy Luther, "White Paper on Electronic Journal Usage
Statistics," The Serials Librarian41, no. 2 (2001): 119-48.
64. Yvonne W. Zhang, "Measurement and Assessment of
Networked Resources and Services in Academic Libraries,"
The Serials Librarian43, no. 3 (2003): 71-82.
65. COUNTER: Counting Online Usage of Networks
Electronic Resources, "About Counts." Accessed Dec. 12,
2004, www.projecteounter.org/about.html.
66. COUNTER: Counting Online Usage of Networks
Electronic Resources, "Codes of Practice." Accessed
Dec. 12, 2004, www.projectcounter.org/code_practice.
67. Robert Molyneux, "Devil's Advocate-COUNTER, XML,
and Online Serials Measurement," Against the Grain 15,
no. 1 (Feb. 2003): 93.
68. Ibid., 93-94.
69. Ibid., 94.
70. Tony Stankus, Journals of the Century (Binghamton,
N.Y.: Haworth, 2002); Stankus, "Introducing the Journals
of the Century Project," The Serials Librarian39, no. 1
(2000): 75.
71. Stanley J. Wilder, "A Simple Method for Producing Core
Scientific and Technical Journal Title Lists," Library
Resources & Technical Services 44, no. 2 (Apr. 2000): 92.
72. Ibid., 96.
73. Marcia Tuttle, "Thirty Years of Serials Automation: A
Personal View," Serials Review 27, no. 3/4 (2001): 79-92.
74. Susan Gardner, "The Impact of Electronic Journals on
Library Staff at ARL Member Institutions: A Survey and
50(1) LRTS
a Critique of the Survey Methodology," Serials Review 27,
no. 3/4 (2001): 21, 27.
Ellen Finnie Duranceau and Cindy Hepfer, "Staffing
for Electronic Resource Management: The Results of a
Survey," Serials Review 28, no. 4 (2002): 320.
Jeanne M. K. Boydston and Joan M. Leysen, "Internet
Resources Cataloging in ARL Libraries: Staffing and Access
Issues," The Serials Librarian41, no. 3/4 (2002): 137.
Rick Anderson and Steven D. Zink, "Implementing the
Unthinkable: The Demise of Periodical Check-in at the
University of Nevada," Library Collections,Acquisitions &
Technical Services 27, no. 1 (Spring 2003): 66.
Xiaoyin Zhang, "Notes on Operations: Combining
Traditional Journal Check-in and Claiming Activities with
Electronic Journal Initiation and Maintenance Activities,"
Library Resources & Technical Services 47, no. 4 (Oct.
2003): 208-14.
Susan Davis, "Managing Electronic Resources: Meeting
the Challenge," Serials Review 29, no. 3 (2003): 250.
Robert E. Wolverton Jr., "E-Journal Licensing and Legal
Issues: A Panel Report," The Serials Librarian 45, no. 2
(2003): 153-56.
Ibid., 155.
Ellen Finnie Duranceau, "Using a Standard License for
Individual Electronic Journal Purchases: Results of a Pilot
Study in the MIT Libraries," Serials Review 29, no. 4
(2003): 303.
Allison P. Mays, "Company Profile-Serials Solutions, LLC,"
Against the Grain 13, no. 4 (Sept 2001): 58; Janet LiFlowers,
"ATG Interviews Michael Markwith, President, TDNet
Inc.," Against the Grain 13, no. 3 (June 2001): 42-46.
Peter McCracken, "Management of Electronic Serials,
Outsourcing, and Bringing New Products to the
Marketplace," The Serials Librarian 44, no. 1/2 (2003):
115-23; Michael Markwith, "Management of Electronic
Serials, Outsourcing, and Bringing New Products to the
Marketplace," The Serials Librarian 44, no. 1/2 (2003):
Cameron Metcalf, "An Open Source Solution to Managing
Electronic Journal Links with Database-Generated Web
Pages," The Serials Librarian43, no. 2 (2002): 21-28.
Peter McCracken, "Beyond Title Lists: Incorporating
Ejournals into the OPAC," The Serials Librarian45, no. 3
(2003): 101-108.
JoAnne Deeken, "Developments and Uses of the DOI and
Other Identifiers in Reference Linking and Access/Rights
Management," The Serials Librarian40, no. 3/4 (2001):
Ed Pentz, "Brief Communication: Reference Linking with
CrossRef," Interlending & Document Supply 29, no. 1
(2001): 20-22.
Mark H. Needleman, 'The OpenURL: An Emerging
Standard for Linking," Serials Review 28, no. 1 (2002): 74.
Ibid., 75-76.
Paul A. Soderdahl, "Implementing the SFX Link Server
at the University of Iowa," Information Technology and
Libraries22, no. 3 (Sept. 2003): 118.
Serials 29
93. Gerry McKiernan, "New Age Navigation: Innovative
Information Interfaces for Electronic Journals," The Serials
Librarian45, no. 2 (2003): 87-123.
94. Donnice Cochenour, 'Taming the Octopus: Getting a Grip
on Electronic Resources," The Serials Librarian38, no. 3/4
(2000): 364.
95. Gale Teaster-Woods, 'Tackling the Monolith: Licensing
Management at the Consortial and Local Levels," The
Serials Librarian42, no. 3/4 (2002): 275-80.
96. Sheau-Hwang Chang, "The DLF Electronic Resource
Management Initiative," OCLC Systems & Services 19, no.
2 (2003): 45.
97. Robert Alan, "The Serials Data Migration Dilemma,"
Technical Services Quarterly 20, no. 1 (2002): 29-38.
98. Laura Sill, Pamela Nicholas, and Lisa Stienbarger, "Serials
Workflow Adaptation and the New ILS: A Case for
Continuous Process Improvement," Serials Review 28, no.
4 (2002): 298-315
99. George M. Eberhart, "Endeavor Purchase Met with Surprise,
Concern," American Libraries31, no. 5 (May 2000): 21.
100. Mary Basilone, "Mergers and Acquisitions in the Serials
Industry," Serials Review 26, no. 3 (2000): 75-77.
101. "Swets Blackwell Acquires Everett's, 2 Sep. 2003," SerialseNewsfrom UKSG, no. 50 (Sept. 29,2003). Accessed June
12, 2005, www.biblio-tech.com/uksg/SI_PD.cfm?PID=10
102. Tony Stankus, "Making Sense ofSerials: The Divine Comedy
and Its Purgatorial Aftermath for Serials Librarians,"
Technicalities23, no. 3 (May/June 2003): 1, 12-14.
103. Gloria J. Guzi, 'To Bind or Not to Bind: Managing
Electronic and Paper Serials in a Sea of Change," The
Serials Librarian40, no. 3/4 (2001): 409-14.
104. Peter B. Boyce, "Who Will Keep the Archives? Wrong
Question!" Serials Review 26, no. 3 (2000): 53-54.
105. Naomi Kietzke Young, "Printed Back Volumes and Issues:
A Thing of the Past?" The Serials Librarian 38, no. 3/4
(2000): 238.
106. David C. Tyler and Brian L. PytlikZillig, "Caveat Relocator:
A Practical Relocation Proposal to Save Space and Promote
Electronic Resources," Technical Services Quarterly 21,
no. 1 (2003): 17-29
107. David Block, "Remote Storage in Research Libraries: A
Microhistory," Library Resources & Technical Services 44,
no. 4 (Oct. 2000): 184--89.
108. David Weeks and Ron Chepesiuk, 'The Harvard Model
and the Rise of Shared Storage Facilities," Resource
Sharing and Information Networks 16, no. 2 (2002):
109. J. B. Hill, Cherie Madarash-Hill, and Nancy Hayes,
"Remote Storage of Serials: Its Impact on Use," The
Serials Librarian39, no. 1 (2000): 38.
110. Karen A. Hunter, "Digital Archiving," Serials Review 26,
no. 3 (2000): 62.
111. Patsy Baudoin, "Uppity Bits: Coming to Terms with
Archiving Dynamic Electronic Journals," The Serials
Librarian43, no. 4 (2003): 63-72.
112. Dale P. Flecker, "Preserving Scholarly E-journals," D-Lib
Magazine 7, no. 9 (Sept. 2001). Accessed Mar. 27, 2005,
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113. Ibid.
114. Janet A. Hughes, "Issues and Concerns with the Archiving
of Electronic Journals," Science & Technology Libraries
22, no. 3/4 (2002): 113-36.
115. Sarah Thomas, "From Double Fold to Double Bind," The
Journalof Academic Librarianship28, no. 3 (May 2002);
116. Nancy Garman, "The Tasini Decision and Database
Integrity," Online 24, no. 1 (Jan.Feb. 2000): 8.
117. Mary Ellen Bates, "'Houston, Do You Copy?" EContent
24, no. 7 (Sept. 2001): 64.
Solutions for
, .-
~"'< ~
Xiaotian Chen, "Embargo, Tasini, and 'Opted Out':
How Many Journal Articles Are Missing from Full-Text
Databases," Internet Reference Services Quarterly 7, no. 4
(2002): 30.
Ibid., 29.
T. Scott Plutchak, "Vanishing Act," Against the Grain 15,
no. 2 (Apr. 2003): 36, 38.
Hill, Madarash-Hill, and Hayes, "Remote Storage of
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Serials: Review of the Literature 2000-2003
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