Adaptive Learning and Monetary Policy in an Open Economy:
Lessons from Japan *
Yu-chin Chen a and Pisut Kulthanavit b
First Draft: June 2006; June 2008
Motivated by Japan's economic experiences and policy debates over the past two
decades, this paper uses an open economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model
to examine the volatility and welfare impact of alternative monetary policies. To capture
the dynamic effects of likely structural breaks in the Japanese economy, we model
agents’ expectation formation process with an adaptive learning framework, and compare
four Taylor-styled policy rules that reflect concerns commonly raised in Japan's actual
monetary policy debate. We first show that imperfect knowledge and the associated
learning process induce higher volatility in the economy, while retaining some of the
policy conclusions from rational-expectations setups. In particular, explicit exchange rate
stabilization is unwarranted, and under volatile foreign disturbances, policymakers should
consider targeting domestic price inflation rather than consumer price inflation.
However, contrary to results based on rational expectations, we show that even though
highly inflation-sensitive rules do raise output volatility, they may nevertheless improve
overall welfare in an adaptive learning setting by smoothing inflation fluctuations. Our
findings suggest that previous policy conclusions that are based on partial equilibrium
analyses, or that ignore likely deviations from rational expectations, may not be robust.
JEL classification: D84; E52; F41
Keywords: Adaptive learning; Monetary policy rules; Open economy
We thank, without implicating, Drew Creal, George Evans, Seppo Honkapohja, Ben McCallum,
Athanasios Orphanides, Richard Startz, George Waters, John Williams, Noah Williams, Wei-Choun Yu,
and seminar participants at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and University of Washington for
useful comments and suggestions. We also thank Arita Thatte for research assistance. Any remaining
errors are our own.
Department of Economics, 206 Condon Hall, Box 353330, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
98195, U.S.A.; Tel: 1-206-543-6197; Fax: 1-206- 685-7477; E-mail:
Department of Economics, Condon Hall, Box 353330, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
98195, U.S.A.; E-mail:
1. Introduction
The Japanese economy and its dramatic turns during the last two decades have generated
fervent research interests, ranging from the liquidity traps, to the appropriate monetary
and fiscal responses, to the structural dynamics of the underlying economy.1 On the
empirical front, several papers point out that contrary to the experiences of other major
OECD economies since the 1980s, Japan did not undergo a “great moderation” in the
cyclical volatility of its economic activity; rather, it may have switched from a moderate
growth-low volatility regime to a low growth-high volatility regime.2 What can account
for these empirical patterns? Some researchers attribute the volatility to policy mistakes,
arguing in particular that more desirable economic performance could have been
achieved had the Bank of Japan (BOJ) adopted a looser inflation policy stance. Concerns
have also been raised as to whether it was prudent for the BOJ to engage in exchange rate
stabilization rather than focusing solely on output and inflation targeting.
Motivated by these discussions, this paper aims to conduct a systematic evaluation of
the volatility and welfare consequences of alternative monetary policy choices, using a
dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with explicit micro-foundations
and welfare measures. While our goal is not to explicitly model the Japanese economy
and all of its intricacies, we introduce an additional element – adaptive learning – into our
standard open economy model. We argue that the stock market and real estate bubbles,
along with their subsequent bursts, represent important structural shifts in the Japanese
economy over this period, and under these unusual circumstances, the public’s
expectations of how the economy would evolve may not converge immediately to the
rational expectation outcome, as standard models assume.3 The expectation-formation
process may further interact with monetary policy actions to influence macroeconomic
dynamics, even alter the desirability of various policy options.4 In other words, standard
See, for example, Krugman et al. (1998), Kuttner and Posen (2001), McCallum (2003), and Svensson
Over the past two decades, Japan’s real GDP growth rates and its GDP per-capita growth both exhibit
higher volatility than is observed in other industrialized countries, as shown in Table 1.1, and for example,
Bernanke (2004), Stock and Watson (2005), Summers (2005), and Yu (2005).
For example, Orphanides and Williams (2007 a,b) discuss how a constant gain learning framework can
reflect public agents’ concern over potential structural shifts in the economy.
Here we are not referring to the excess volatility associated with the indeterminacy of equilibria as
discussed in Bernanke and Woodford (1997), Bullard and Mitra (2002), and others. We consider only
policy conclusions from rational expectation models may not always be appropriate when
agents’ expectations are knocked out of equilibrium by exogenous events such as
structural breaks.
To model such dynamics and study its implications, we assume
exogenous small deviations from rational expectations and employ the adaptive learning
framework developed by Evans and Honkapohja (hereafter EH, 2001).5 In this setup,
private agents are bounded rational and have only partial information: they know the
functional form but not the associated parameter values for the equations that govern the
dynamics of the economy. As such, they rely on past data and a recursive learning
algorithm – least squares or constant gain learning – to form their forecasts and make
consumption and production decisions.6 They update their beliefs regarding the unknown
parameters over time as new data become available.
Introducing explicit welfare evaluations and adaptive learning, this paper examines
the volatility and welfare impact of alternative monetary policy rules. Our aim is to see
whether the public's expectation-formation process, interacting with monetary policy
choices, can induce excess volatility in the benchmark economy and/or alter the preferred
policy action.7 To allow for explicit welfare calculations, we adopt a standard microfounded New Keynesian open economy model, as in Gali and Monacelli (hereafter GM,
2005), and study the dynamics of the economy under both rational expectations and
adaptive learning.8 To close the model, we envision the monetary authority to follow
variants of the “operational” Taylor interest rate rule (McCallum and Nelson 1999, 2004),
and adjust the short-term nominal interest rate linearly in response to deviations of the
observed data from their target levels.9
We consider four monetary policy rules that
learnable or expectationally stable equilibria in this paper, which means that economic agents can
coordinate to reach them.
We choose the adaptive learning setup for its relative ease of implementation as well as certain technical
advantages over alternative methods. For a detailed discussion, we refer interested readers to EH (2001).
Specifically, agents estimate the parameters in the reduced-form equilibrium laws of motions for the
economy. See Section 4 for more details.
We emphasize that deviations from rational expectation and the learning behavior are especially welljustified when the economy is experiencing parameter instabilities or has undergone structural shifts.
We follow the previous literature, e.g., McCallum (2003) and McCallum and Nelson (2000), in applying a
small open economy model to analyze the Japanese monetary policy. In addition, we note that the goal of
this paper is not to provide a realistic model for the Japanese economy specifically; rather, our research
questions are motivated by the Japanese experience.
We assume the monetary authority can commit to a simple operational rule, and abstract away from
discretionary optimal monetary policy considerations. In addition, since the monetary rule is based on
observable data, our model does not assume any information asymmetry between the public and the central
encapsulate the major points raised in the discussions concerning Japan's recent monetary
policy actions. The first rule, which we treat as a benchmark, is a Taylor rule with the
standard weights of 1.5 and 0.5 on lagged inflation and output gap deviations
respectively. The second policy rule, capturing “the tighter rule” commonly discussed, is
more aggressive on inflation control. The third rule captures exchange rate stabilization
motives and targets the terms of trade in addition.
Lastly, motivated by parallel
discussions in the rational expectations-based monetary policy literature, we consider a
rule that targets domestic producer price (DPP) inflation instead of CPI inflation.10 For
each of these rules, we examine how the volatilities of output and inflation differ, and
then use a second-order approximation of the representative consumer’s utility function
to compute the welfare losses under rational expectations, least squares learning, and
constant gain learning.11
Our simulation results show that first of all, the learning process introduces excess
volatility in the economy, leading to significant increases in the variances of both output
and inflation from the rational expectation results.
This finding suggests that the
volatility impact of structural shifts in an economy may be amplified by the uncertainty
and learning dynamics they generate, as agents can only revise expectation errors over
time. This offers another potential explanation for the aforementioned empirical patterns
observed in Japan. Second, even though tighter inflation control can lead to excess
output volatility as a trade-off, in a learning environment, it may dampen inflation
volatility significantly, thus improve overall welfare. This finding shows that it may not
be prudent to judge policy rules against the same optimal benchmark when agents’
expectations may be deviating from the rational expectations equilibrium, such as right
after major structural shifts. Lastly, we show that rules that depend on the terms of trade,
either explicitly or through a CPI target, generate substantially higher welfare loss than
rules that focus on DPP inflation. Especially when an economy is subject to persistent
bank. Note also that under operational rules, the central bank does not need to engage in any learning
See Aoki (2001) and Woodford (2003), among others.
The expected welfare loss of a policy rule that deviates from the optimal first-best policy can be
approximated by a weighted sum of the variances of domestic producer price inflation and the domestic
output gap. See Woodford (2003), GM (2005), and Section 3.2 for further discussions.
and volatile foreign shocks, stabilizing DPP inflation dominates CPI inflation targeting
under both rational expectations and adaptive learning.12
While our simple model is too stylized to capture the richness of Japan’s actual
economy, our findings, based on a structural general equilibrium model with a welfaretheoretic loss function, support some of the views raised in the literature; namely, the
high output volatility observed may be the result of an overly restrictive monetary policy
and engagement in exchange rate stabilization. However, we note that despite raising
output volatility, tighter inflation control may nevertheless improve overall welfare when
agents have imperfect knowledge, and the optimal rule derived from rational expectation
models may no longer apply.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews recent literature on
Japan’s monetary policy and motivates the policy rules we choose to evaluate. Section 3
presents the open economy general equilibrium model and specifies the four monetary
policy rules. Section 4 discusses the equilibrium concepts and solution methodology for
rational expectations and adaptive learning. Section 5 describes the calibration and
simulation procedures and presents our findings. Section 6 concludes.
2. Monetary Policy in Japan
The economic bubble Japan experienced in the 1980s and the economy’s ensuing
downturn have stimulated extensive research and discussions. While problems with the
banking sector, corporate structure, and excessive speculative behavior are all major
contributing factors, this paper draws specifically from two debates concerning the Bank
of Japan’s monetary policy stance during this period. The first questions whether the
BOJ should have adopted a lower interest rate, and the second asks whether exchange
rate stabilization was prudent.
A common criticism of BOJ’s policy is that it was overly restrictive, arguing that a
lower interest rate on several occasions, both pre- and post-collapse of the bubble, would
While previous studies based on rational expectations such as GM (2005) reach a similar conclusion
concerning domestic inflation targets, they do not consider adaptive learning interacting with policy rules
that are second best. We have already shown that policy conclusions based on rational expectations may
not always carry over to the learning framework. In fact, under learning, a domestic inflation target is not
always preferred, but depends on the relative sizes of foreign shocks versus domestic shocks (see Chen and
Kulthanavit 2008 for further details.)
have brought about more favorable economic outcomes more quickly. This view is
commonly justified by comparing BOJ’s actual policy with some variants of the
benchmark Taylor rule that sets the interest rate response to CPI inflation gap (deviation
from its target) to be 1.5, and the response to the output gap to be 0.5, while assuming a 2
percent per annum real interest rate. Following this approach, Bernanke and Gertler
(1999), Jinushi et al. (2000), and McCallum (2000, 2003), for example, all conclude that
BOJ’s policy was too tight during some sub-periods over the 1980s-1990s.13
Figure 1
shows that compared to the operational, or lagged data-based, version of the benchmark
Taylor rule, BOJ’s actual rate was indeed high, especially between 1981 and 1989.14
During the aftermath of the bubble, many argue that the BOJ kept the interest rate
high for too long, failing to properly accommodate the structural shift. Jinushi et al.
(2000) and Ito and Mishkin (2004), for instance, argue that the BOJ should have adopted
the zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) much earlier than the official announcement in
February 1999.15 In March 2000, the BOJ temporarily abandoned the ZIRP and raised
the call rate for a year, drawing widespread criticism. Ito and Mishkin (2004), for
example, call this interest rate hike “a clear policy mistake.” Using a monetary-base rule
instead to analyze Japanese monetary policy-setting, McCallum (2003) reaches a similar
conclusion: BOJ’s policy had been too tight since the mid-1990s.16
A second debate in this literature concerns the merit of exchange rate stabilization.
Several studies point out that in practice, the BOJ often engaged in exchange rate
management, rather than focusing solely on output and inflation targeting. According to
McKinnon and Ohno (1997), for a decade since 1985, the BOJ systematically reacted to
the Yen/Dollar real exchange rate by adjusting the instrument rate to counter yen
We note that these papers don't always agree on the exact periods over which the policy was too tight.
Bernanke and Gertler (1999), for example, consider the policy to be too tight since 1992, but too lax over
1987-89. Generally, a tight or overly restrictive monetary policy refers to a case where the actual
instrument rate is above the target rate suggested by the benchmark Taylor rule.
We see that based on Japanese data, the mechanical benchmark Taylor rule may at times suggest an
interest rate below the zero lower bound. We do not address the practical and modeling difficulties
associated with hitting the zero lower bound in this paper. However, we consider alternative inflation
targets and find the qualitative conclusions to be the same.
Under ZIRP, the BOJ vowed to keep the call rate at zero until concern about deflation was dispelled.
One difficulty in using the Taylor rule to evaluate monetary policy is choosing the appropriate measure
of the output gap, which can affect the policy implications (see Ito and Mishkin 2004, Kuttner and Posen
2004). To avoid this problem, McCallum (2003) considers a monetary base rule that responds to deviations
of nominal GDP growth from its target and the average rate of base velocity growth over the past four
appreciation and promote yen depreciation. Similarly, Andrade and Divino (2005) and
Jinushi et al. (2000) maintain that the BOJ was implicitly targeting exchange rate
stability. Yu (2005) further attributes the high output volatility observed in Japan during
the period 1993-2001 to an interest rate policy aimed at stabilizing the yen/dollar real
exchange rate. On the other hand, advocates in favor of exchange rate management point
out that under zero nominal interest rate, the short-term nominal rate and monetary base
are ineffective as policy instruments. As such, purchasing unconventional assets such as
long-term government bonds, foreign currencies, or even real estate may represent the
only viable alternative.17 In particular, purchasing foreign exchange may help depreciate
the yen and stimulate aggregate demand via boosting net export. While this is surely a
“beggar-thy-neighbor” policy, McCallum (2003) counters that depreciating the yen
would eventually raise Japanese income and lead to higher net imports. McCallum thus
proposes an exchange-rate targeting rule that depreciates the yen/dollar real exchange
rate when either inflation or output falls below their target values.
Much of the above debate is either conceptual in nature or relies mainly on partial
equilibrium analyses in a rational expectation framework. Our paper aims to examine
these policy choices more systematically in a general equilibrium optimization
framework that allows for explicit quantifications of welfare as well as learning behavior.
3. The Open Economy Model and Monetary Policy Rules
We take as our baseline the open economy rational expectations model from GM (2005),
and discuss in Section 5 its calibration to the Japanese economy. The model is a small
open economy version of the Calvo (1983) sticky price model commonly used for closed
economy monetary policy analyses, where the equilibrium dynamics are described by a
new Keynesian Phillips curve and a forward-looking IS equation (see Clarida et al. 1999,
for example.) International asset markets are assumed to be complete, and purchasing
power parity holds. We close the dynamic system with alternative monetary policies, all
expressed as lagged data-based Taylor rules. As the focus of this paper is to study the
dynamics of this model in a learning framework, below we present a brief sketch of the
The BOJ followed this strategy and raised its monthly purchase of long-term bonds from 400 billion yen
to 1.2 trillion yen in several steps between August 2001 and October 2002.
basic model setup and the associated reduced-form dynamic equilibrium equations. We
refer interested readers to GM (2005) for more detailed derivations and discussions.
3.1 The New Keynesian Open Economy Model
Following GM (2005), our world consists of a continuum of identical small open
economies uniformly distributed on the unit interval.
As preferences, production
technology, and market structures are symmetric, below we present the optimization
problems facing the representative household and firm from the perspective of one of
these economies, indexed by H (Home). We treat the rest of the world as a foreign block,
with corresponding variables denoted by a subscript F.18
The Representative Household
The home economy is inhabited by a representative household which at time 0,
maximizes the following expected lifetime utility:
⎡ C1−σ N 1+ϕ ⎤
E0 ∑ t =0 β t ⎢ t − t ⎥
⎣1 − σ 1 + ϕ ⎦
where Ct and Nt are overall consumption and labor supplied. β is the household’s
discount factor, σ is the coefficient of relative risk aversion, and ϕ is the inverse of labor
supply elasticity. Consumption index Ct is a CES composite of domestic and foreign
goods (imports), defined by:
Ct ≡ ⎡(1 − α )
( C H ,t )
(η −1) η
(η −1) η η (η −1)
+ α 1 η ( C F ,t )
where η > 0 measures the elasticity of substitution between domestic and foreign
consumption baskets CH,t and CF,t. Each of these baskets is in turn a CES aggregate of a
continuum of differentiated goods, with elasticities of substitution between varieties
given by ε > 1 and γ > 1 for the home and foreign indices respectively.19 α œ [0, 1] is
See GM (2005) for a more detailed discussion of this world setup and the exact modeling of the foreign
To be more precise, γ is the substitutability between good baskets produced in different foreign countries.
Each of these baskets, identical to the Home setup, is a CES aggregate of a variety of differentiated goods
with an elasticity of substitution equal to ε. See GM (2005).
the (exogenous) share of the domestic consumption allocated to imported goods; it can be
interpreted as a measure of trade openness.
The consumer faces the following sequence of period-by-period budget constraints:
PH ,t CH ,t + PF ,t CF ,t + Et ⎣⎡Qt ,t +1 Dt +1 ⎦⎤ ≤ Dt + Wt N t + Tt
where PH,t and PF,t are the CES aggregated price indices of domestically-produced and
imported goods respectively. Qt ,t +1 denotes the stochastic discount factor for one-period
ahead nominal payoffs, and Dt +1 is the nominal payoff in period t + 1 of the household’s
portfolio at the end of period t.
Wt is the nominal wage, and Tt is lump-sum
transfers/taxes. We assume complete asset markets.
The consumer price index (CPI) at Home is given by:
Pt ≡ ⎡(1 − α ) ( PH ,t )
+ α ( PF ,t )
1 (1−η )
and CPI inflation, πt, is then πt = pt – pt-1 where pt = log(Pt).
Domestic Producers
On the production side, we assume a continuum of monopolistically competing firms
each using a linear production technology which depends on the economy-wide
stochastic labor productivity At:
Yt ( j ) = At Nt ( j )
where Y ( j ) and N ( j )are the output and employment of firm j respectively.
Firms set prices in a staggered fashion à la Calvo (1983). Parameter θ denotes the
fraction of firms that faces nominal rigidity each period, so at any time t, a fraction 1 - θ
of randomly selected firms gets to set new prices optimally to maximize expected
discounted profits.
A typical firm j sets its new price PH ,t in period t to maximize the
Et ∑ k =0 θ k Qt ,t + k ⎡⎣Yt + k ( j ) ( PH ,t − MCtn+ k )⎤⎦
subject to the period-by-period demand constraint:
⎛ P
Yt + k ( j ) ≤ ⎜ H ,t
⎝ PH ,t + k
H ,t + k
( j ) + C F ,t + k ( j ) )
where MCtn is nominal marginal cost the firm faces, and CH,t(j) and CF,t(j) the total
consumption of good j from home and abroad.20 As is well known in the literature, this
optimal price will involve a forward-looking term in addition to the standard
monopolistic mark-up over contemporaneous marginal cost, reflecting the firm’s concern
over the future dynamics of marginal costs up to the next price-changing opportunity.
Using lower case letters to denote the logs of the respective variables, we obtain the
following log-linear approximation for the optimal price:21
pH ,t = log( PH ,t ) = log(
) + (1 − βθ )∑ k =0 ( βθ ) k Et {mct + k + pH ,t } .
ε −1
Goods-market clearing, together with log-linear approximations of the equilibrium
aggregate demand equations around the appropriate steady states, imply a forwardlooking dynamic IS equation in the domestic output gap and inflation:
xt = Et xt +1 −
− Etπ H ,t +1 − rrt )
The output gap variable, xt , is defined as the deviation of log domestic output from its
equilibrium level in the absence of any nominal rigidities (the flexible-price level).
Parameter sα is a function of the degree of openness and the substitutability between
domestic and foreign goods; it captures the sensitivity of home output to terms-of-trade
fluctuations.22 The home interest rate, rt, is the monetary policy instrument set by the
Central Bank. π H ,t = pH ,t − pH ,t −1 is domestic producer price (DPP) inflation, with pH ,t
being the (log) domestic price index. The last term, rrt , is the domestic natural interest
rate and one of the three stochastic driving variables in our dynamic system. It depends
Since all firms are symmetric, they use the same optimal price-setting rule. We can thus drop the firmspecific index j.
The log-linear approximation is taken around the zero-inflation, balanced-trade steady state.
Expressed in terms of the structural parameters defined earlier,
σ α ≡ σ / [1 − α + ασγ + (1 − α )(ση − 1)] .
on the degree of openness, the expected world output growth Et Δyt*+1 , and the domestic
labor productivity shock at, which we assume to follow a stationary AR(1) process.23
On the supply side, we assume the presence of an employment subsidy that leaves the
monetary policy authority with the sole task of correcting the distortion from price
rigidity. Under this assumption, the optimal monetary policy is one that replicates the
flexible price equilibrium resource allocation.24
Aggregating firms’ optimal pricing
condition above and relating their real marginal cost to the output gap, we can express the
domestic inflation dynamics by the New-Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC) below:
π H ,t = κα xt + β Etπ H ,t +1 + ut
where κα depends on the degree of openness and how employment and the terms of trade
respond to domestic output shifts.25 We further assume that DPP inflation is affected by
a stochastic cost push shock, ut, which captures determinants of marginal costs that do
not move proportionally with the output gap. ut is the source of nominal disturbance in
our dynamic system.26
Equations (1) and (2) above are the by-now standard reduced-form equations that
describe the structural economy in terms of output gap and DPP inflation. In order to
model Taylor rules that stabilize CPI inflation, we next relate CPI inflation, πt, to DPP
inflation, πH,t, and rewrite equations (1) and (2) in terms of CPI inflation. To do so, we
note that under purchasing power parity (PPP), the relationship between πt and πH,t is
given by:
π t = π H ,t + αΔst
where st ≡ pF ,t − pH ,t is the (log) effective terms of trade for the home country; pF ,t is
the (log) price index for imported goods, expressed in domestic currency. To describe
the dynamics of the terms of trade, st, we note that under the assumption of complete
See GM (2005) and Appendix A for more details.
The assumption of an output or employment subsidy that offsets the distortion from the monopolistically
competitive price/wage-setters’ market power has been widely used since Rotemberg and Woodford
(1999). See Woodford (2003) and Section 3.2 for further discussions.
Expressed in terms of the structural parameters, κ α ≡ (1 − βθ )(1 − θ )(σ α + ϕ ) / θ
We note that when this small open economy is in perfect autarky (α = 0), the dynamic equations (1) and
(2) are identical to the dynamic IS and NKPC equations, respectively, in a standard closed economy setup.
See, for example, Clarida et al. (1999) and Woodford (2003).
international asset markets, the expected depreciation of the home currency reflects
international interest rate differentials according to the uncovered interest parity (UIP)
Et [Δet +1 ] = rt − rt*
where et is the (log) nominal effective exchange rate and rt* the world interest rate.
Assuming that the law of one price holds for each product, pF ,t = et + pt* where pt* is the
log world price index, we can relate terms-of-trade changes to home currency
depreciation, home deflation, and the aggregate inflation in the world market as follows:
Δst = Δet + π t* − π H ,t
where π t* = pt* − pt*−1 is world inflation. Combining (5) with the UIP condition (4), we
st = Et st +1 − ( rt − Etπ H ,t +1 ) + ( rt* − Etπ t*+1 )
From the perspective of the home economy, world interest rates and expected
inflation are exogenous, so we define υt = ( rt* − Et π t*+1 ) as the third/foreign shock that
drives our dynamic system.
Using equation (3), we can express equations (1), (2), and (6) in terms of the CPI
inflation. The open economy IS, NKPC, and terms-of-trade dynamics can then be
expressed by the following three stochastic difference equations:
( rt − Etπ t +1 − rrt ) −
π t = β Etπ t +1 + κα xt − αβ Et st +1 + α (1 + β ) st − α st −1 + ut
( rt − Etπ t +1 ) +
(1 − α )
(1 − α )
st = Et st +1 −
α Et st +1 +
α st
xt = Et xt +1 −
Monetary Policy Rules
To close the model, we assume the policymaker is able to commit to following policy
rules in the form of an operational Taylor (1993) rule, which sets the domestic interest
rate rt in response to observable lagged data.
While the literature offers extensive
discussions on the stability and learnability of equilibria under various forms of Taylor
rules, we follow McCallum and Nelson (1999, 2004) in pointing out that it may be
unrealistic to assume policymakers can condition policy on current/contemporaneous
variables or on accurate private expectations.
As our focus is to assess the likely
quantitative importance of the learning process, we restrict our analyses to the set of
equilibria that is determinate and stable under learning.27
The first rule we consider is a CPI-inflation-based Taylor rule. Under this policy rule,
the policymaker sets the interest rate rt in response to deviations of lagged CPI inflation
and the output gap from their target levels:
rt = ρ + π T + ϕπ (π t −1 − π T ) + ϕ x xt −1
where π T is the targeted CPI inflation.
Parameters ϕπ and ϕ x > 0 capture how
aggressive the policymaker is in response to deviations of CPI inflation and the output
gap from their target values: π T and zero, respectively.
The time discount rate
ρ = β −1 − 1 can be interpreted as the riskless return in the steady state. Note that reacting
to CPI inflation implies that the policymaker reacts to the terms of trade.
We consider next a managed exchange rate (ER) policy rule where the policymaker
engages in exchange rate stabilization, instead of focusing solely on output and inflation
targeting. This rule takes the form:
rt = ρ + π T + ϕπ (π t −1 − π T ) + ϕ x xt −1 + ϕ s st −1
where ϕ s > 0 measures the sensitivity of the policy to movements in the terms of trade.
Howitt (1992) and Bullard and Mitra (2002), among others, point out that in the learning framework,
convergence to a determinate rational expectations equilibrium (REE) should not be taken for granted, as it
is not clear whether or how agents can coordinate on that equilibrium. Monetary policy rules should thus
pay attention to delivering a determinate REE which is learnable. Bullard and Mitra (2002) find that rules
obeying the “Taylor principle” based on current expectations can assure learnable equilibria. They also
find that rules that respond to lagged values of inflation and output deviations may not generate
determinancy, and the determinate REE are not necessarily learnable. For a more detailed discussion on
the conditions for determinacy and stability under learning for different classes of monetary policy, see
Bullard and Mitra (2002, 2007), EH (2003a, 2003b, 2006) and Waters (2007). Llosa and Tuesta (2008) and
Bullard and Schaling (2006) provide similar analyses for the open economy setup.
The last policy rule we consider is a Domestic Focus Taylor rule, under which the
policymaker targets DPP inflation instead of CPI inflation. This policy rule takes the
rt = ρ + π HT + ϕπ H (π H ,t −1 − π HT ) + ϕ x xt −1
where π HT is a targeted DPP inflation, and ϕπ H > 0 measures how aggressive the
policymaker is in reacting to any deviations of DPP inflation from its target, π HT .
3.2 Welfare Calculation
Before evaluating alternative monetary policy, one needs to specify what other policy
instruments, if any, are available to the social planner, thereby pinning down the specific
distortions monetary policy aims to address.
While it may not always lead to the
globally welfare maximizing outcome, it is customary in the literature to assume the
presence of an employment subsidy that eliminates relevant economic distortions and
renders the flexible price equilibrium allocation optimal.28
In the rational expectation
framework, the sole objective of monetary policy, or the optimal policy, is then to correct
the distortion caused by price rigidities and to replicate the flexible price equilibrium.
The advantage of this assumption is that the undistorted, flexible price steady-state
production and employment levels provide computational convenience for approximating
the representative household’s welfare under various policies, as first discussed in
Rotemberg and Woodford (1999).
In this paper, we compare the welfare outcome of four alternative Taylor rules, none
of which is necessarily equivalent to the welfare-maximizing policy discussed above.29
We motivate the choice of these sub-optimal interest rate rules by actual policy debates
In the close economy, this outcome is achieved by a subsidy that exactly neutralizes the distortion caused
by the market power of the monopolistically-competing firms. In the open economy setting, additional
subsidy is required to eliminate the incentive for the monetary authority to engage in “beggar-thyneighbor” policies, i.e. manipulate the terms of trade (See Benigno and Benigno 2003, for example.) Gali
(2003) and GM (2005) show that under certain parameter restrictions, this level of subsidy can be derived
In the monetary policy literature, a specific targeting rule is where policymakers set interest rate via a
feedback rule to meet the optimal targeting condition. On the other hand, the Taylor rule belongs to the
class of instrument rules, which are considered suboptimal as the rate is set to respond to macroeconomic
variables without explicitly optimizing any policy objective function. See Svensson (2003b) and
McCallum and Nelson (2004b) for a survey on a targeting rule vs. an instrument rule.
and practical implementation considerations discussed earlier.
For each rule, the
representative household’s expected utility can be approximated locally around the
flexible price steady state using a second-order Taylor expansion, which gives us a
measure of the utility loss relative to the optimal policy.
Measured as fractions of the
steady-state consumption level, we express the expected welfare loss associated with a
policy rule as the weighted sum of the variance of DPP inflation and the variance of the
output gap, as shown below:
EW = −
(1 − α ) ⎡ ε
var(π H ,t ) + (1 + ϕ ) var( xt ) ⎥
2 ⎣λ
where λ is defined as (1 − βθ )(1 − θ ) / θ .30
We use equation (13) to evaluate the
performances of alternative monetary policy rules in Section 5.
4. Models of Expectation Formation
While the assumption of rational expectations has become the standard methodology for
studying macroeconomic dynamics, it should not be taken for granted. As discussed in
EH (2001), amongst others, expectations can be out of equilibrium, at least in the short
run, as a result of exogenous events such as structural shifts. Given Japan’s experiences
over the past decades, we believe this is a relevant element to incorporate into our DSGE
model. The normative implication of this off-equilibrium assumption is that monetary
policy may help minimize the instabilities that can arise from agents’ expectation errors
and learning behavior.
Below we present the expectation-formation processes under
rational expectations and adaptive learning.
We also give a brief conceptual
interpretation of the adaptive learning process.
4.1 Rational Expectations
Rational expectations (RE) can be viewed as the equilibrium or convergence between
stochastic macroeconomic dynamics and economic agents’ forecasts of them. RE is
defined as the mathematical conditional expectation of the particular variable, and it
assumes the optimal/efficient use as well as the availability of all relevant current
See GM (2005).
information, such as the true structure of the economy, the stochastic process governing
exogenous shocks, and/or the policy formation process.
Under RE, economic agents,
having perfect knowledge about the structure of the economy, know the rational
expectations equilibrium (REE) of the economy.
In the context of our model described above, we solve for the REE of the dynamical
system given by equations (7), (8) and (9), together with a monetary policy rule, Eq. (10)
or (11).31 The reduced-form system can be expressed as the following:
yt = Α + ΒEt yt +1 + Cyt −1 + Dwt
wt = ρ w wt −1 + ε t
yt = [ xt , π t , st ]′ is a vector of the three endogenous variables,
[rrt , ut , υt ]′ the
wt =
exogenous variables, which we assume to follow a stationary vector
autoregressive process, and ε t = ⎡⎣ε rr ,t , ε u ,t , ευ ,t ⎤⎦′ is a vector of white noise. A, B, C, and
D are vector and matrices of coefficients. Following McCallum (1983, 1998), we solve
for the REE by focusing on the Minimum State Variable (MSV) solutions to the system,
which are linear functions of the following form:
yt = a + byt −1 + cwt
where matrices a , b and c can be solved by the method of undetermined coefficients.32
To summarize, under the RE assumption, agents know the correct form of the REE,
Eq.(16), and its relevant parameters ( a , b and c .) Agents make use of this knowledge
to form their expectations of future y.
4.2 Learning
Structural changes, new policy regimes, and other unexpected shifts in the economy may
all disturb the REE discussed above.
In order to capture such off-equilibrium dynamics,
we incorporate into the open economy model the adaptive learning process proposed by
Under the DPP targeting rule, we complement the system given by (1), (2) and (6) with policy rule (12).
The MSV solutions are generally considered equilibria that are free of bubble and sunspot components.
A system may be indeterminate with multiple stationary REE, but we restrict our analyses to systems with
a unique stationary solution, which is the MSV solution. See McCallum (1983, 1998).
EH (2001) and Orphanides and Williams (hereafter OW, 2005). In contrast to RE, the
learning framework assumes that optimizing agents are bounded rational and do not have
perfect information about the dynamic equations governing the evolution of the economy
(such as the values of a , b and c in Eq. 16.) At each time t, agents rely on observable
data and an adaptive learning algorithm to obtain the relevant parameter estimates, and
form expectations accordingly. As new data become available, they revise their estimates
so forecast errors are corrected gradually over time. Under certain conditions, the REE is
a fixed point of the learning dynamics and the economy eventually converges to it;
however, this may not happen as discussed at length in EH (2001), among others.33
We consider two types of learning algorithms commonly used in the literature: least
squares learning and constant gain learning. In least squares learning, agents use all
available past data and a least squares regression to deduce the parameters of interest.
As a conceptual comparison, it can be viewed as a decreasing gain learning in that as
time goes by, the relative importance of newly arrived information diminishes in shaping
agents’ estimates and forecasts. Under constant gain learning, on the other hand, agents
update their expectations over time by looking at a fixed-width but rolling window of
past data, so new information is always incorporated into their forecasts with equal
weights.34 Conventionally, a smaller gain means that agents use longer series of lagged
data to form their forecasts. In our setup, the gain constant, g, indicates that agents look
at 2/g lags of data at each time. So for g = 0.02, a common calibration used in the
literature, agents form their forecasts using 25 years of historical data (100 quarters.)
An advantage of the constant gain setup is that by varying g, one can capture the
degree of rationality. A smaller gain may represent a higher degree of rationality, as it
more closely resembles least squares learning, which eventually converges to REE. In
addition, as discussed in Waters (2007), agents may choose a smaller gain when they
expect more stability in the economy, such as when they expect the policymaker to be
credible and adhere to the announced rules. In such instances, they do not put as much
The economy may or may not converge to the REE asymptotically. When it does, the REE is considered
to be “stable under learning” (see EH 2001, 2003a, 2003b, 2006, and Bullard and Mitra 2002). In this
paper, we focus on cases where we have stability under least squares learning. With constant gain learning,
the economy does not converge to the REE, and the learning is “perpetual.”
OW (2005) considers constant gain learning to be more appropriate in situations where agents remain
alert to any potential structural change in the economy.
weight on the most recent news, but rather rely on a longer range of data to learn about
the structural parameters.
The fundamental idea of adaptive learning is that at each period t, private agents have
in mind a Perceived Law of Motion (PLM) for the economy, which has the same
functional form as the rational expectations MSV solutions described in Eq. (16). The
exogenous shocks, wt , as well as lagged data yt-1 are observed by all, but agents do not
know the true parameter values a , b and c associated with the MSV REE. Instead, at
each time t, they use past data and a learning algorithm (described below) to obtain
parameter estimates at, bt, and ct. They perceive the economy to evolve according to the
following law of motion (PLM),
yt = at + bt yt −1 + ct wt
To form their forecasts for t + 1, they use the PLM along with the observed wt as
Et yt +1 = at + bt Et yt + ct Et wt +1 ,
Et yt +1 = ( I + bt ) at + bt2 yt −1 + (bt ct + ct ρ w ) wt
where the VAR process for the exogenous shocks, or ρ w , is also known to all agents.
At the same time t, the policymaker sets interest rate rt based on the chosen policy
rule. The resulting outcome of the economy, the Actual Law of Motion (ALM) for yt , is
generated according to equations (14) and (18), and can be expressed as the following: 35
yt = Α + Β ⎡⎣( I + bt ) at + bt2 yt −1 + (bt ct + ct ρ w ) wt ⎤⎦ + Cyt −1 + Dwt , or
yt = ⎡⎣ Α + Β ( I + bt ) at ⎤⎦ + ( Βbt2 + C ) yt −1 + ⎡⎣Β (bt ct + ct ρ w ) + D ⎤⎦ wt
This process then repeats itself at the next period, t + 1: agents incorporate newly
available information, the actual yt to re-estimate the PLM equation and obtain new
parameter estimates at+1, bt+1 and ct+1. Together with the observed shocks wt +1 , they form
their forecasts for the next period. The actual yt+1, or the ALM for yt +1 is generated
The ALM is thus the true data generating process, and sometimes called the temporary equilibrium for
the endogenous variables (see EH 2006).
together with the interest rate rt+1 set by the policymaker. The learning process continues
in this rolling fashion.
The recursive learning algorithms agents use to update their estimates is given by the
following equations:
φt = φt −1 + gt Rt−1 zt −1 ( yt −1 − φt′−1 zt −1 )′
Rt = Rt −1 + gt ( zt −1 z 't −1 − Rt −1 )′
where φt = [at , bt , ct ]′ and zt = [1, yt −1 , wt ]′ .
moments of the regressors zt.
Rt is the updated matrix of second
The gain parameter, gt, plays an important role in
characterizing the two types of adaptive learning we consider. Under least squares
learning, gt = 1/t, and the updating equations (20) and (21) are equivalent to running
recursive least squares regressions using all lags. On the other hand, when the gain
parameter is a small constant, 0 < gt < 1, we are in the framework of constant gain
In our simulations, we consider gain values 0.01, 0.02, and 0.03, to be
consistent with the range suggested in recent literature.36
To summarize, under adaptive learning, the dynamics of the model are defined by the
recursive updating equations (20) and (21), the expectation-formation equation (18)
derived from the PLM, the reduced-form equation (14) which captures the structure of
the economy and the policy rule, and the AR(1) process of stochastic shocks wt (15).
5. Numerical Analyses and Discussion
5.1 Calibration
As the baseline for our calibration, we adopt most of the structural and preference
parameter values for our model from GM (2005), as we list in Table 2. In addition, the
openness parameter α is set be 0.11, which corresponds to the average share of Japanese
imports over GDP during the period 1983:Q1-2005:Q2. We follow Ball (1999) and
Nunes (2004) and set the discount factor β to be unity, which makes the zero steady-state
output gap assumed consistent with positive steady-state inflation. The three driving
OW (2005, 2007a, b) and Branch and Evans (2006), for example, suggest gain values in the range of 0.01
to 0.05.
shocks to our dynamic system, {rrt , ut , υt } , are assumed to follow independent AR(1)
processes; we discuss their calibrations in more details in Appendix A.
For the monetary policy rules, we set ϕπ = 1.5 and ϕ x = 0.5 for our benchmark rule,
as suggested in Taylor (1993).37 The target CPI inflation, π T , is set to be 0.822 percent,
the average of CPI inflation in Japan during the period 1983:Q1-2005:Q2.38 For the rule
with a tighter inflation control, we set ϕπ to be 2. To capture exchange rate (ER)
management behavior, we let the policymaker react to the terms of trade with ϕ s = 0.2.
Finally, for the domestically focus policy rule, parameters ϕπ H and π HT are set to be 1.5
and 0.822, respectively, as in the Benchmark, in order to isolate the effect of the different
price index. Below is a summary of the four monetary policy rules we evaluate:
Rule 1:
rt = π T + 1.5(π t −1 − π T ) + 0.5 xt −1
Rule 2:
rt = π T + 2(π t −1 − π T ) + 0.5 xt −1
(Tight Inflation Control)
Rule 3:
rt = π T + 1.5(π t −1 − π T ) + 0.5 xt −1 + 0.2st −1 (Managed ER)
Rule 4:
rt = π HT + 1.5(π H ,t −1 − π HT ) + 0.5 xt −1
(Domestic Focus).
5.2 Simulation Results and Discussion
For our simulation exercises, we implement the learning algorithm in EH (2001, 2006),
and further incorporate a “projection facility” to constrain simulation paths to be nonexplosive. We provide more detailed descriptions in Appendix B.39 For each scenario,
the dynamics of the economy is simulated 200 times for 250 periods each, with the first
50 periods discarded to reduce the initial condition effects. We evaluate the performance
of the policy rules based on the variances of the generated output gap and DPP inflation,
from which we compute the welfare losses using Eq. (13).
Recall that this is also the benchmark policy rule commonly used in prior literature to evaluate whether
BOJ’s policy was overly restrictive.
Here we do not presume that Japan’s actual policy target was indeed 0.822% or even constant over the
last two decades, yet our robustness checks of alternative targets (0 and 2%) suggest that the qualitative
conclusions of our analyses are robust to the exact policy targets assumed.
The “projection facility” is commonly employed in the learning literature to rule out explosive equilibria
(see Gaspar et al. 2006, OW 2007a, and Waters 2007, for example). It tends to induce higher standard
deviations across simulation results, however.
Tables 3 and 4 report the variances of the output gap and DPP inflation under the four
monetary policy rules. The second and third columns in each table show the results
under rational expectations and least squares learning, respectively. The fourth through
sixth columns report the outcomes under constant gain learning, using gain values 0.01,
0.02, and 0.03.
All numbers reported are averages across simulation runs, and the
standard errors across runs are reported in the parentheses. Table 5 combines the above
two statistics and reports the overall welfare results of these policy rules; the reported
numbers indicate percent deviations from the steady-state consumption under the optimal
We want to emphasize the following observations.41 First, given a policy rule, the
learning process invariably induces additional volatility in both the output gap and DPP
inflation, compared to those obtained under RE.42
This is in general consistent with
findings in the closed-economy learning literature, such as in Gaspar et al. (2006) and
OW (2007b), although the latter reports much less pronounced differences in the
variances of the output gap.
Intuitively, imperfect knowledge and the learning
mechanism imply expectation errors, which can propagate along with structural shocks,
raising the overall volatility of macroeconomic variables. In an open economy, agents
have to learn an additional process that governs the dynamics of the terms of trade (Eq.
6), which may in turn accentuate the effect of learning on output gap variability. These
findings support the view that deviations from RE, possibly triggered by structural
changes in the economy, may be the culprit for observed high volatility.43
Next, we see that high output volatility may indeed be the result of bad policy choices
or “mistakes”, as discussed earlier. Table 3 shows that, relative to the benchmark Taylor
rule, tight inflation control or explicit exchange rate stabilization both lead to higher
output volatility, regardless of how private agents form their expectations. Somewhat
We do not report the welfare losses associated with the Managed ER policy rule because it is obvious
from Tables 1.3 and 1.4 that this policy creates significant welfare losses.
We find qualitatively similar results as discussed below in our various robustness checks, including one
where we assume the cost push shock to be i.i.d, as suggested in Svensson (2000).
We note the exception with the Managed ER rule, which generates significantly higher volatility than
other rules and the variances are not really distinguishable under learning vs. rational expectations.
We observe in Tables 1.3-1.5 that as the gain constant increases (corresponding to learning using a
smaller window of data), the resulting volatility or welfare loss tend to decline. This may be explained by
the fact that higher-gain learning puts more weight on the newest information while discarding old data,
which arguably are farther from the eventual steady state path.
strikingly, the Managed Exchange Rate policy rule induces drastically higher volatilities
in both the output gap and DPP inflation. The additional interest rate response to the
terms-of-trade beyond the weight (α) implicit in the CPI target appears to amplify output
volatility approximately ten-fold. On the other side, the domestically-focused policy rule,
which removes from the benchmark CPI rule its interest rate reaction to the terms of
trade, generates significantly lower output volatility – a roughly ten-fold reduction as
well (Table 3).
The Domestic Focus rule appears to significantly outperform other
terms-of-trade dependent rules in stabilizing output and inflation at home, as we discuss
further below.
High output volatility does not by itself imply high welfare loss; Table 4 reports the
variances of DPP inflation under the same four policy rules. Contrary to the results for
the output gap, here we see that the expectation-formation process does matters: while a
tighter inflation control relative to the benchmark raises inflation volatility under RE, it
lowers inflation volatility under adaptive learning. In other words, imperfect knowledge
affects how the inflation dynamics interact with monetary policy, as discussed in Gaspar
et al. (2006) and OW (2006, 2007a, b) in a closed-economy setting. OW (2005), for
example, points out that strengthening the policy response to inflation helps limit the
increase in the perceived inflation persistence under learning, and through this channel,
tight inflation control may reduce the volatility in both inflation and the output gap. The
welfare implication of this result is presented in Table 5. We see that under RE, the
benchmark Taylor rule commonly used in the literature is indeed preferable to more
aggressive inflation control. However, in situations where knowledge is imperfect, it is
no longer appropriate to continue evaluating policies against this benchmark, as the
policy with a heavier emphasis on inflation control actually dominates this benchmark
rule. Even though tighter inflation control raises output volatility, it helps agents learn
the inflation dynamics better, thus reducing the overall welfare loss.44 We note, in
addition, that the welfare losses associated with the benchmark and the tight inflation
control rule are smaller when agents use a shorter range of data (higher gain constant) to
learn about the economy. In these two cases, the learning process and its associated
In our calibration, the relative weight on inflation stabilization relative to output stabilization in the
welfare loss function (Eq. 13) is roughly 18 to 1.
forecast errors induce excess volatility. Using a shorter window of past data to update the
forecast functions allows agents to fix forecast errors more quickly; that is, old mistakes
are forgotten more quickly. This can help reduce volatility and improve welfare.
In terms of exchange rate management, we note that regardless of the expectationformation process, explicit exchange rate stabilization results in extremely poor
performance, characterized by drastically higher volatilities and welfare costs. As CPI
inflation incorporates terms-of-trade movements already ( π t = π H ,t + αΔst ), additional
interest rate responses appear to be an overreaction, inducing high fluctuations in the
economy. This finding, together with the observation that the Domestic Focus policy
rule outperforms all the other policy rules in Tables 3-5, raises the obvious question of
whether all reactions to the terms of trade are overreactions. In other words, is the
Domestic Focus policy rule always preferred?45
Tables 6 and 7 help shed light on the question of whether or when policymakers may
want to put a stronger emphasis on the domestic variables as their policy targets. Rather
than subjecting our model to all three exogenous shocks (aggregate demand, cost push,
and terms-of-trade), we show in Table 6 the welfare outcome when the economy faces
only one shock at a time. Isolating the impact of different structural shocks, it becomes
obvious that the large stabilization advantage of the Domestic Focus rule comes through
chiefly in the presence of the foreign/terms-of-trade shock, as illustrated in the last panel
of Table 6. This advantage is so large that it easily overwhelms any differences in the
three rules’ relative performances under the other two shocks, which explains our
previous finding that the Domestic Focus policy consistently outperforms the other rules.
Table 7 emphasizes the importance of the foreign shock in choosing between a CPI- vs.
DPP- inflation target.
Here we dampen the variance of the white noise term in the
foreign shocks by a factor of five (from 0.005 to 0.001), and compare the welfare losses
under various policy rules. We see that the Domestic Focus rule now performs poorly
compared to the CPI inflation targeting rules under adaptive learning. These results
suggest that in an open economy subject to volatile foreign shocks, policymakers should
There is a large body of literature comparing the desirability of DPP vs. CPI targeting. They mostly
focus on a rational expectations setting. Chen and Kulthanavit (2008) explore this issue in an openeconomy adaptive learning framework, and find the preferred policy depends on the extent of knowledge
place more weight on stabilizing domestic prices. However, unlike policy conclusions
under RE, adaptive agents may prefer a CPI inflation target when foreign shocks are
relatively insignificant.
6. Conclusion
With explicit micro-foundations, our general equilibrium model provides a framework to
systematically evaluate the different policy views concerning Japan’s monetary policy
stance since the 1980s. We also explore whether the observed output volatility may in
part be caused by deviations from rational expectations, a likely scenario given the
structural shifts in the Japanese economy over the last decades. We thus incorporate into
our open economy model an adaptive learning algorithm, with the additional goal of
analyzing whether the expectation-formation process may affect the preferred policy
We compare four operational Taylor rules under rational expectations and
adaptive learning, and evaluate their welfare consequences using a second order
approximation of the representative consumer’s utility function.
We find that first of all, imperfect knowledge and the associated learning process
raise output and inflation volatility. Next, even though tight inflation control relative to
the standard Taylor rule can lead to excess output fluctuations, it can help dampen
harmful inflation feedback in a learning framework, and lower overall inflation volatility.
As such, the preferred policy in periods of economic uncertainty – when deviations from
rational expectations are more likely – may deviate from the standard Taylor rule and put
more weight on stabilizing inflation. A policy rule that would “too tight” under rational
expectation may be appropriate under learning. We also find that explicit terms-of-trade
or exchange rate targeting incurs substantial welfare costs. Finally, when an economy
faces persistent volatile foreign shocks, the policy rule should target domestic producer
price inflation instead of CPI inflation.
Appendix A: Calibration of the Exogenous Shocks
There are three stochastic driving forces {rrt , υt , ut } in our model, representing
exogenous aggregate demand shifts, changes in the foreign expected real interest rate,
and the cost-push shocks respectively. We calibrate their stochastic properties as
The natural real interest rates, rrt = ρ − σ α
1+ ϕ
(1 − ρ a )at , is a function of at , the
σα + ϕ
log labor productivity, measured as deviations from trend. We calibrate it by fitting an
AR(1) process to the Japanese labor productivity data obtained from Source OECD. We
obtain the following process for rrt :
rrt = 0.66rrt −1 + ε rr ,t , with σ ε
= 0.0029.
rr ,t
For the foreign real interest rate shock υt , we follow the methodology proposed by
Monacelli (2004) and fit an AR(1) process to the US real interest rate. The stochastic
process for υt is then:
υt = 0.97υt −1 + ευ ,t ,
with σ ε
= 0.005.
u ,t
Finally, we assume that the domestic cost push shocks ut follows an AR (1)
process in the following form:
ut = 0.4ut −1 + ε u ,t ,
with σ ε
υ ,t
= 0.001.
As discussed in the text, we follow Svensson (2000) and consider the case where the cost
push shocks are i.i.d. white noise as a robustness check for this assumption. We do not
report the results as they support the qualitative results presented in this paper.
Appendix B: The Implementation of the Learning Algorithms
As initial conditions for each adaptive learning simulation, we perturb the rational
expectations equilibrium with a small white noise as follows: a = a + 0.005 × random ,
b = b + 0.04 × random , c = c + 0.02 × random , where “random” is drawn from a uniform
distribution. We set y0 = y and R0 = R .
In the least squares simulations, we mitigate the initial volatility of the parameter
estimates by using a small constant gain for the first 20 periods. That is, gt = 1/N for t =
1, 2, …, N and gt = 1/t for t > N, with N = 20. The innovations in each period are drawn
from normal distributions.
In addition, to keep the stochastic simulation non-explosive, we implement two
additional algorithms suggested by OW (2007a) to reflect the view that in practice,
private agents would reject unstable models so our analyses should similarly rule them
out. In each period, we compute the roots of the modulus of the forecasting VAR,
excluding the constants. If all of the roots are in the modulus of 1, the forecast model is
updated as discussed in the text. If not, the forecast model is not updated and the
matrices φ and R are kept at their respective values from the previous period. We further
impose the following condition to restrain explosive behavior: if any of the relevant
variables exceeds, in absolute value, five times its unconditional standard deviations
(computed under the assumption of rational expectations), then the variable that exceeds
this bound is set to the boundary value for that period.
These two constraints are not sufficient to rule out all explosive behavior in our
adaptive learning simulations. Thus, we compute relevant statistics using only simulation
runs that give variable variances that are less than ten times their respective variances
under rational expectations. For the last scenario (Domestic Focus policy with foreign
shocks) in Table 6, we impose 1020 instead of ten as the cut-off, since there is little
variation in the rational expectations outcomes.
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Figure 1: Japanese Nominal Interest Rate: Actual vs. Benchmark Taylor Rule
* The benchmark operational Taylor rule takes the following form: rt = rrt + π + 1.5(π t −1 − π ) + 0.5 xt −1 ,
where rt is the call rate; rrt is the natural real rate (set to be 2 percent); πt-1 is the one-period lagged CPI
inflation rate, and xt-1 is the one-period lagged output gap. π* is the target CPI inflation, which is assumed
to be 2 percent.
Table 1: Standard Deviations of the Real GDP Growth Rate for the Major OECD Countries
Standard deviation of RGDP growth rate
1981 - 2005
United Kingdom
United States
Source: International Financial Statistics, IMF
Table 2: Parameter Values for Numerical Analysis
Source: Gali and Monacelli (2005) and authors’ calculations (see main text).
Table 3: Variance of the Output Gap under Alternative Policy Rules
Constant Gain Leaning
gt = 0.01
gt = 0.02
gt = 0.03
Tight Inflation Control
Managed ER
Domestic Focus
Note: Numbers reported are the averaged variances of the output gap, multiplied by 100, over the 200
simulation runs. The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors of statistics. We omit results that do
not satisfy the projection facility conditions, as discussed in Appendix B.
Table 4: Variance of the Domestic Producer Price Inflation under Alternative Policy Rule
Constant Gain Leaning
gt = 0.01
gt = 0.02
gt = 0.03
Tight Inflation Control
Managed ER
Domestic Focus
Note: Numbers reported are the averaged variances of the Domestic Producer Price Inflation, multiplied by
100, over the 200 simulation runs. The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors of statistics. We
omit results that do not satisfy the projection facility conditions, as discussed in Appendix B.
Table 5: Welfare Loss under Alternative Policy Rule
Constant Gain Leaning
gt = 0.01
gt = 0.02
gt = 0.03
Tight Inflation Control
Domestic Focus
Note: Numbers reported are the averaged expected welfare loss computed from Equation (13), multiplied
by 100, over 200 simulations. The welfare loss is measured as percent deviation from optimal steady state
consumption. The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors of statistics. We omit results that do not
satisfy the projection facility conditions, as discussed in Appendix B.
Table 6: Welfare Loss under Alternative Policy Rule: One Shock at a Time
Constant Gain Leaning
gt = 0.01
gt = 0.02
gt = 0.03
1) rrt = 0.66 rrt −1 + ε rr , t with the standard deviation of ε rr ,t = 0.0029
Tight Inflation Control
Domestic Focus
2) ut = 0.4ut −1 + ε u ,t with the standard deviation of ε u ,t = 0.001
Tight Inflation Control
Domestic Focus
3) υt = 0.97υt −1 + ε υ ,t with the standard deviation of ε υ ,t = 0.005
Tight Inflation Control
Domestic Focus
2.1593 e -22
(5.19 e-23)
Note: Numbers reported are the averaged expected welfare loss computed from Equation (13), multiplied
by 100, over 200 simulations. The welfare loss is measured as percent deviation from optimal steady state
consumption. The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors of statistics. We omit results that do not
satisfy the projection facility conditions, as discussed in Appendix B.
Table 7: Welfare Loss under Alternative Policy Rule: υt = 0.97υt −1 + ε υ ,t with the standard deviation of
ε υ ,t = 0.001.
Constant Gain Leaning
gt = 0.01
gt = 0.02
gt = 0.03
Tight Inflation Control
Domestic Focus
Note: Numbers reported are the averaged expected welfare loss computed from Equation (13), multiplied
by 100, over 200 simulations. The welfare loss is measured as percent deviation from optimal steady state
consumption. The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors of statistics. We omit results that do not
satisfy the projection facility conditions, as discussed in Appendix B.