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Qur’Anic Solutions for Man’s Problems

Qur’Anic Solutions for Man’s Problems

Man, created as the most highly perfected being on the earth, has need of many things. He cannot know everything with his intellect, despite its great value. Although it has long been debated whether or not everything can be solved by the intellect or reason alone, the general view is that everything cannot be solved. It is because of this that since the man’s earliest times the Maker has sent prophets, and scriptures containing the principles the prophets would put into practice. It thus became possible for men to attain happiness in this world and the next. Something made is best known by the one who made it. It is completely natural therefore that man’s Creator, Who bestowed on him the attributes of humanity, should know his needs. Man has needs and wishes that stretch to eternity, and seemingly insoluble problems. It is the Holy Qur’an that shows the way leading to man’s happiness, both worldly and in the hereafter; it contains the key to his happiness. If it had not solved our ...

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