CE 078 711
ED 431 078
Chiousse, Sylvie; Werquin, Patrick
Lifelong Vocational Guidance: European Case Studies. CEDEFOP
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training,
Thessaloniki (Greece) .; European Foundation for the
Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin
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MF01/PC04 Plus Postage.
Adult Education; *Adult Programs; *Career Guidance; Case
Studies; *Counseling Services; *Counseling Techniques;
Evaluation Methods; Foreign Countries; *Lifelong Learning;
Program Evaluation; Synthesis; Trend Analysis
*European Union
This document synthesizes the findings of case studies of
career guidance and advice for adults in the European Union. Section 1
examines the problems of helping the following groups: marginalized
individuals in need of vocational or social (re)integration; individuals in
the process of becoming marginalized, individuals who appear to be "problem
free"; and groups adversely affected by the economic recession. The case
study findings pertinent to the issue of facilitating adults' social,
personal, and/or occupational transitions are detailed in section 2. Special
attention is paid to facilitating vocational integration, encouraging
self-esteem and determination, teaching adults to network, helping adults
make the best use of what they have learned, and helping adults reacquire a
social role and reintegrate into temporary or permanent settings. Section 3
presents the following institutional solutions to the problems of
personalizing help, advice, and guidance and offering guidance for the
medium- or long-term future: improving services at the individual level,
preventing marginalization, developing policies at the European and national
levels, adopting a multidisciplinary and holistic approach, and linking
passive and active measures. Appended is information about quantitative and
qualitative methods of evaluating counseling services and evaluation for
cost-benefit analyses and services adapted to needs. The report contains 35
references. (MN)
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Lifelong Vocational Guidance:
European Case Studies
Sylvie Chiousse, Patrick Werquin
May 1998
Thessaloniki 1999
Published by:
CEDEFOP European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Marinou Antipa 12, GR-57001 Thessaloniki
Postal address:
PO Box 27 Finikas, GR-55102 Thessaloniki
Tel.: (30-31) 490 111
Fax: (30-31) 490 102
Interactive website:
EUROPEAN FOUNDATION for the Improvement
of Living and Working Conditions
Wyattville Road, Loughlinstown, Co. Dublin, Ireland
Tel.: (353-1) 204 31 00
Fax: (353-1) 282 64 56
The Centre was established by Regulation (EEC) No 337/75 of the Council
of the European Communities, last amended by Council Regulation (EC)
No 251/95 of 6 February 1995 and Council Regulation (EC) No 354/95 of
20 February 1995.
A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet.
It can be accessed through the Europa server (
Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication.
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1999
ISBN 92-828-4121-9
©European Communities, 1999
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
Technical production/DTP: Typo Studio, Thessaloniki
Printed in Greece
Sylvie Chiousse and Patrick Werquin
Sylvie Chiousse is a doctor of sociology.
Patrick Werquin is a doctor of economics and his work focuses on measures to
assist the vocational integration of young people.
The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Thessaloniki)
and the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Dublin) have over a number of years undertaken various projects on the
subject of the vocational integration of young people and the vocational reintegration
of adults.
It is the aim of this publication to summarise the main outcome of these efforts and
to provide policy-makers and practitioners in the field with guidelines for the provision of guidance and advice throughout the working lives of individuals, the purpose being to support them in all the transitions they will have to face.
The social and vocational integration of young people and the social and vocational
reintegration of adults are key issues at a time when youth unemployment is particularly high and when it is very hard to break the spiral of long-term unemployment.With
the difficulties being encountered by many people in the European Union as a
result of the economic crisis, the provision of help, guidance and advice on vocational matters has become the focus of today's policies.
The European Union has shown its determination to find a solution to these problems through the policies it has defined and the Community programmes it has
established in recent years.
In the social chapter of the Maastricht Treaty, the European Commission's White
Paper on 'Growth, Competitiveness, Employment' (1993), the Essen summits (1994)
and the European Commission White Paper 'Teaching and learning: towards society' (1995), major principles for action have been stated.
In 1997, in its Communication, 'Towards a Europe of knowledge', the Commission
cited the promotion of employment and, more specifically, the need for a new approach to vocational integration as among its principal concerns.
The Member States, meeting in the Council on Employment in Luxembourg (1997),
opted for resolutions on employment outlining the range of actions to be undertaken
in the Member States. Regarding vocational integration and reintegration, it declared that
Member States will ensure that:
every unemployed young person is offered a new start before reaching six months
of unemployment, in the form of training, retraining, work practice, a job or other
employability measure;
unemployed adults are also offered a fresh start before reaching twelve months
of unemployment by one of the aforementioned means or, more generally, by
accompanying individual vocational guidance.'
The vocational integration of young people as well as all the problems associated
with the transition from school to training and employment, will probably be the
Lifelong Vocational Guidance:
European Case Studies
focus of the European programme(s) that will succeed the Leonardo da Vinci and
Socrates programmes.
In practice, for CEDEFOP (the European Centre for the Development of Vocational
Training) and the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working
Conditions, those concerns regarding the vocational integration and reintegration
of young people and adults have been translated into various projects and efforts.
Since 1991, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working
Conditions has been working on the Eurocounsel programme on the role of guidance and advice for adults. CEDEFOP, for its part, has gone on to develop two
major themes, The vocational guidance needs of various target groups aged under
28' and 'the social and vocational integration of young people at local level'.
In both institutions, the projects implemented have been the outcome of research
and efforts set up and piloted in the Member States. For each project there have
been national reports and a synthesis report. This body of reports has been taken
as the basis for this publication.
Even though the former institution is more concerned with adults and the latter with
young people, the results have in fact been highly complementary, combining to
create a coherent approach to vocational integration and reintegration through the
practical provision of lifelong advice and guidance.
There is now no doubt that appropriate advice and a process of lifelong learning
are vital factors in periods of transition for individuals, in that they help to limit future
risks of unemployment. They need to be developed not just as a response to problems but as preventive action.
Advisory, support and guidance services are therefore needed to help individuals
through periods of transition. Because of the wide variety of the population groups
affected and the problems they face, there is no one catch-all solution; rather there
is a set of particular services designed to improve or change what is seen as an
unsatisfactory or a risk situation. Due to the long life of vocational advice and guidance initiatives, the large number of operators involved and the growing needs of
individuals, a wide diversity of problems has been diagnosed, which do not fit in
very well with central or global forms of intervention. A consistent approach involving the social partners and a range of local organisations has been found to produce
better results. At European and national levels, however, it is preferable to lay down
general guidelines, to be adapted by each party to the specific context in which it
operates, so that the aid and support provided can be decentralised, local and
geared to the individual. This is the task set in this publication, which has been
coordinated on behalf of CEDEFOP by Pascaline Descy.
13 May 1998
Clive Purkiss
Director, European Foundation for the
Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Johan van Rens
Director, European Centre for the
Development of Vocational Training
Lifelong Vocational Guidance:
European Case Studies
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This publication is a synthesis of the findings of the Eurocounsel project conducted
since 1991 by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working
Conditions on the role of guidance and advice for adults, as well as CEDEFOP
projects. For instance, CEDEFOP has produced studies on 'determining the need
for vocational counselling among different target groups of young people under 28
years of age in the European Community Young Europeans and vocational counselling: what do which young people need and want?' (Chisholm, 1994). The
Eurocounsel report (1994) covers 'the role of guidance and advice for adults on an
evolving labour market'. Lastly, a more recent study deals with 'social and occupational integration at local level' (Stathopoulos, 1997) (see Bibliography at the end of
this report).
Three difficulties have arisen in this synthesis report, of which the reader should be
aware before embarking on the text.
First of all, the reports are not necessarily uniform in the subjects they cover..Both
the target groups and the problems they discuss differ, sometimes widely. In all the
scientific literature and in every public action programme, a clear distinction has
traditionally been made between young people and adults.
Furthermore, these reports are already to some extent synthesis reports. This makes
it a delicate exercise, given the risk of losing certain features of the original national
reports which in a sense have been 'synthesised' twice. The essential aim of the
studies, moreover, is to propose recommendations on how to improve the services
in question. This means that they tend to concentrate on those services that are
lacking or are of poor quality; the achievements are often implied rather than high-
lighted. In some cases, then, it seemed the natural approach to go back to the
original reports to illustrate a topic.
Lastly, the European dimension is a factor only where the solution proposed is
transnational mobility. All the operators involved in the other actions described are
at local level the city or region or even at neighbourhood level.
Nonetheless, this body of reports has a number of strengths in that it gives an
overall picture of the effects of the economic crisis on the advice and guidance
services provided or envisaged in response to the expectations of existing or future
users. This is one of the essential advantages of using the national reports as
starting points. They are invaluable sources of information on how the services
operate on a very small scale, without taking a comparative or international dimension
as a basis. This synthesis report draws, then, on experience on the ground in many
locations, directed at many different groups of people and with different objectives.
The data on which the report is based are not necessarily harmonised or uniform,
but they help to clarify and flesh out the more theoretical constructions commonly
produced on advice and guidance.
Defining target groups and helping very disparate people
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Methodological problems in identifying target groups
Marginalised individuals in need of vocational
or social (re)integration
Individuals in the process of becoming marginalised
Individuals who are 'apparently problem-free'
Three groups of people who have been adversely
affected by the economic recession
Facilitating transition (social, personal and/or occupational)
Every area of life can be approached through counselling. Put simply, every
individual has to face a series of many transitions of various types. There is
no one ready-made solution to make the path smoother. The needs and demands must be clearly identified and analysed in each individual case.
The specific question of vocational integration
The inadequacy of the jobs on offer remains the essential cause of
unemployment. When vacancies do occur, to be successful in obtaining the job one first needs to gain confidence in oneself. This also
requires an acknowledgement of the world around one and a knowledge of the world of work. In other words, what is needed is to help
young people to take their place in society.
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The personal dimension: encouraging self-esteem
and determination
As a recommendation, there is a prerequisite here which is beyond
the control of advisory measures: people have to make themselves
known if they are to be counselled. But the key word is still motivation or, more commonly, remotivation.
However effective the effort to intermediate on the labour market or in
matters of advice and guidance, people must be helped to discern and
activate their own networks. The way personal networks are mobilised
very often determines whether a person is integrated into the working
world, and always determines integration in society.
Making the best use of what one has learned
Helping young people to persuade potential employers is a vital factor.
Few people are recruited to the kind of job that corresponds to the
special field for which they have been trained. Jobs are so scarce that
accepting a post that does not make use of one's skills is an option that
should not necessarily be dismissed. On the other hand, young people
must be persuaded to waste no time in making their competences
known. Above all, those who have had technical or vocational training
must also know how to make good use of what they have learned.
The question of reintegration
When it comes to occupational reintegration, it is no longer just young
people who are involved. The wide variety of groups affected means
that measures must be differentiated according to far more criteria. Para-
doxically, there should no longer be any doubt about the value of preceding actual recruitment by job-related activities voluntary or socially
useful work which help to establish a working rhythm and a proper
attitude to work.
Reacquiring a social role
Here the main recommendation is to help people regain a feeling of
being useful. Working in the voluntary sector in line with this thinking.
Temporary reintegration
Public policy measures on employment also have a place in this context. They should be seen as a transition phase, for example in the
move towards employment or towards retirement.
Reintegration in a different setting
Again with the idea of broadening the range of opportunities, the jobs
market must not be the sole focus of interest; encouragement must be
given to seeking out new opportunities. Setting up one's own business
is a possible route.
Institutional solutions: personalising help, advice and guidance
ahead to the medium- or long-term future
The concept of prevention underlies every measure to help individuals not at
immediate risk of unemployment or exclusion. This is a fairly recent approach
internationally, coinciding with what the European Union sees as medium- or
long-term actions, such as lifelong training or advice and assistance even for
people who are in employment. For instance, appreciating the value of continuing training is in itself a protection against future risks of unemployment or being
stuck in a dead-end job.
Among the recent issues, the private provision of advisory services highlights
the funding of this form of intervention, and creates a risk that only people with
sufficient financial resources have access to it.
Improving services at individual level
For a more detailed analysis of a person's particular situation and to
help plan the most suitable forms of help, counselling needs to be
both local and personalised.
Personalised help
Personalising aid helps the practitioner to analyse the situation of a
person coming to him in greater detail. This also builds up the person's confidence in the soundness and effectiveness he can expect
from the options suggested.
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Towards prevention
Counselling should be more widespread and an integral part of everyday life. It should be provided before the event and also contribute
before unemployment or exclusion becomes established.
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The overall prospect: from one-off support to life plans
The aid and support work of counselling services should not be confined to occasional periods of occupational transition. The situation
should be regarded in terms of one's whole life, taking all the other
aspects of a person's life at and outside work into account as well.
gies to improve his situation.
The activation factor
The main role of services must be to provide a sort of mentoring
activity. The need is to help the individual develop and apply strate-
72; 2
Reviewing the concept and organisation of services at
European, national and local level
Although the target groups and the services offered vary greatly from
one country to another and even from one region or town to another,
outline directives should be laid down, which can then be adapted in
each place to the particular context.
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A specific policy at the European and national levels
A declaration of principle setting out the priorities and the main courses
of action at European and national levels needs to be established,
with minimum standards of guarantee in order to harmonise the practice of counselling within the European Union.
The multidisciplinary and holistic approach
Not only must advice be provided to individuals, but the range of services should also be extended and clients should be directed towards
other networks, where appropriate.
Linking passive and active measures
Here the recommendations are very practical. On the one hand, peo-
ple should not have to forfeit their benefits when they move from a
passive to an active measure or when they set up their own businesses.
There must, therefore, be close contact among the bodies responsible
for these two dimensions, social and economic.
On the other hand, active measures should be directed more systematically towards the institutions or authorities in charge of local economic development. Some solutions could, for instance, be based on
the promotion of SMEs, the creation of new jobs or services and the
development of self-employment.
The question of the training of practitioners and the
(re)definition of their duties
Advisers themselves must have nationally certified training. This should
be followed up by continuing training so that they can specialise in the
advice they give. For example, sound expertise in the local economy is
a prerequisite for giving advice on setting up a business.
Methods of evaluating counselling services
Remedying the shortcomings evaluation: quantitative and qualitative
Problems of method
Evaluation for a cost/benefit analysis
Evaluation for services adapted to the needs
Glossary of the main abbreviations used
Synthesis reports
National reports
Local reports
Additional bibliography
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The substantial rise in unemployment in the countries of the European Union from 3.7% long-term
unemployment in 1975 to 10.9% in 1996 ' has
meant that subsequent debate has focused on a
number of questions relating to the measures needed
to help people through this period of crisis. Unemployment is omnipresent (see tables 1 to 3) in the
description of the problems encountered by a group
of people for whom public intervention measures
seek to take partial responsibility. In fact, this view of
things is misleading in two ways.
First of all, the unemployed within the meaning of
institutional definitions and there are a number of
definitions and categories in each case are not the
only ones to merit sustained attention from the authorities or from the various institutions or associations whose role it is to support and counsel people
in difficulty. Those difficulties may be financial, the
direct result of having lost or not being able to find a
job and source of income, but the risks to the population of the European Union may come from other
directions. Of course the problems include social or
cultural integration, ill-health and any other form of
disadvantage or disability. Nevertheless, unemploy-
ment is the problem most feared and the one on
which most attention is brought to bear often in
and the 18 million unemployed in the European
Union are always the groups towards which public
intervention is directed. This has varied in that the
stress has shifted alternately from the unemployed
in general to women, young people, immigrants or
the long-term or very long-term unemployed, but the
lack of a job remains the common factor.
This view of things, which leads to direct action in
favour of individuals, is also misconceived, because
it appears to support the theory that unemployment
is due to the shortage of jobs. The idea is that the
only question that makes sense is: what can be done
to help the jobless who want to work to gain access
to the jobs that are vacant? This places the emphasis on extending initial education, developing certification and the acquisition of more or less horizontal
competences, the provision of vocational training,
attitudes and behaviour patterns, knowing what to
do and how to behave, etc. Stating the problems in
this way is no doubt the pragmatic approach, since
it is easier to tackle the characteristics of individuals
to train or advise them
than it is to alter the struc-
tural parameters of the economy as a whole. The
advent and continued existence of a high level of
unemployment are, above all, due to the reduced
demand for labour as a result of too low an economic
growth rate. In the absence of appropriate macroeconomic remedies, explicit intervention is concen' European Commission, 1997.
Certain indicators in European Union long=term unemployment
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2: no. of people of working age who are unemployed, as % of total active population (unemployed + employed)
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4: % of unemployed
5: as a percentage
Certain indicators in European Union long-term unemployment Women
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trated on the labour supply (training, counselling, organising the waiting list for jobs, etc.). This approach
focuses too heavily on the supply of labour and skills,
but it does have the merit of placing people at risk of
exclusion at the heart of public or quasi-public intervention measures. It now seems to be generally accepted that a waiting list for jobs is not just making
the best of a bad situation, but a necessary preservation of individuals' skills so that when the economy
revives they are not excluded from recruitment for
the newly created jobs.
Not all the groups are equal in terms of unemployment, the difficulties of integration or the employment
crisis in the broader sense (lack of advancement,
earnings, and career prospects). Young people are
among the groups most affected2 and are more often targeted by labour-market intervention measures.
They are in fact a major challenge to a country, for
they will be the working population of the future. Research on the vocational integration of young people
shows that initial education, any additional training
and the early years of their working lives to a great
extent determine the prospects for lasting integration and a successful career. Future exclusion from
working life or even from social or cultural life can
sometimes be discerned very early on in the route
taken by young people. It is important that they be
quickly confronted with working attitudes and that
they put into practice the skills in which they have
been trained.
To sum up, although public intervention measures
target individuals, this does not mean that people
should systematically be treated as solely responsible for their own unemployment. But, looking further,
although the causes of unemployment are no doubt
structural or macro-economic, this does not mean
either that nothing can be done at individual level.
Helping and counselling people who are in difficulties or at risk of exclusion means preparing for economic revival. Just to sit back and wait would be tantamount to collective resignation to failure due to an
adequate supply of skilled labour. If there is a revival, it will embody new forms and standards of pro-
duction. The goods and services produced will
change, the skills and qualifications required will be
new. They are already emerging, but there is no doubt
that many of tomorrow's trades do not yet exist.
Pending this possible economic revival, the Member States and Europe as a whole are setting up
specific measures to combat unemployment, longterm unemployment and the risk of exclusion. What
is at stake is the preservation of social cohesion at
every level: local, national and European.
2 Tables 1 to 3 show that unemployment rates are up to three
times higher for young people than for the population as a whole.
The interest of international bodies has been ex-
The Luxembourg guidelines also mention the resolve
pressed on several occasions:
O the European Commission White Papers: 'Growth,
Competitiveness, Employment' (1993) and 'Teach-
to move from passive to active measures, and to
ing and learning: towards a learning society (1995);
In 1997, in its Communication 'Towards a Europe of knowledge', the Commission cites the promotion of employment
o the Essen summits (1994);
O the Maastricht Treaty social chapter.
facilitate the transition from school to work.
and more specifically the need for a new approach to
vocational integration as among its main concerns.
More recently, the guidelines of the Council for Employment in Luxembourg (1997) reached conclusions
on the different actions to be undertaken in the Member States. One of these resolutions focuses on improving the vocational integration ability of both young
people and adults:
Member States will ensure that: every un employed young person is offered a new start before
reaching six months of unemployment, in the form
of training, retraining, work practice, a job or other
employability measure; unemployed adults are
also offered a fresh start before reaching twelve
months of unemployment by one of the aforementioned means or, more generally, by accompanying individual vocational guidance.' (see European
Union, European Commission, DGV, 1998).
Furthermore, the vocational integration of young peo-
ple as well as all the problems associated with the
move from school to training and employment will
probably be at the heart of the European programmes
succeeding the Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates pro-
grammes. These questions will be tackled in detail
during the forthcoming summit in Cardiff.
The European Union, then, is developing a series of
recommendations, just as it is taking decisions on
employment. This may be compared to the work of
CEDEFOP, as outlined in this synthesis report, on
enhancing employability acquiring the characteristics compatible with recruitment once a job opportik
nity emerges and enabling individuals to adapt to
any jobs they may be offered. The experience and
Certain indicators in European Union long-term unemployment
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1: % of the population of working age
2: no. of people of working age who are unemployed, as % of total active population (unemployed + employed)
3: % of the active population aged 15 to 24
4: % of unemployed
5: as a percentage
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research on which this document draws go a little
further than employment, in that close attention has
been paid to all forms of activity and specific recommendations are made on them.
In the text that follows, the difficulty of the task is
evident: it is not just offering aid (an active measure),
but it must also avoid leaving individuals without re-
sources on the fringes of society (a passive measure); the need is not only to provide jobs but also to
give abundant advice on longer-term integration and
future careers.
Even though the purpose of the two documents differs the White Paper on 'Growth, competitiveness,
employment' (1993) is a statement of proposals to
be considered, whereas the texts that follow are detisions adopted by the European Union they both
define the fields of intervention for the national and
international authorities. Nevertheless, these recommendations and decisions are very much directed
towards employment policy. For example, Chapter
7 of the White Paper covers education and training,
Chapter 8 the link between job creation and economic growth and Chapter 9 the cost of labour.
At the same time, many reports, seminars, programmes and recommendations have attempted to
formulate the policies best suited to tackling the vari-
ous problems outlined here: the Eurocounsel research-action programme conducted by the Euro-
pean Foundation for the Improvement of Living and
Working Conditions (1991), as well as reports issued
by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD), the International Labour Office (ILO) and the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) the list is
not exhaustive. At any event, there is a notable
strengthening of the potential role of counselling and
guidance services in the active measures for employment and the vocational routes and life plans of
In defining the role and purpose of these support and advisory services, we find several different terms used to describe the same things. Some
of the structures are regarded as 'support' services,
others as 'advisory' or 'support and advice' or 'vocational counselling and guidance' services. Their essential contribution, whatever the name by which they
are called, is towards the prevention and reduction
of unemployment and social exclusion by helping individuals3 to find the path best suited to them personally in their own particular position. Whereas it
used to be the traditional role of the vocational adviser to provide vocational information and guidance,
a The word client is frequently used to designate a person using support,
counselling and vocational guidance services. This concept has not been
generally used here. It is more appropriate for a commercial service provider,
and does not give an accurate picture of most of the services described here.
especially for those about to leave school or who have
just left, rising unemployment and stubborn long-term
unemployment have led to the development of units
focusing equally on the adult unemployed or even on
those still in employment. There are agencies catering more specifically for young people (for instance,
schools), and others for adults who have already had
jobs (national employment agencies, for example), but
many of the support, counselling and guidance units
operating today are able to propose special measures
to both young people and adults.
We can already discern the existence of different
practices and objectives previously camouflaged
under different names (integration/social reintegration vocational reintegration). It is a subject to which
we shall return in Chapter 2.
'Counselling' is defined as bringing together all those
forms of the structured provision of advice, support
and information through which an individual arrives
at an informed and self-determined understanding
of how he should deal with his working status (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and
Working Conditions Watt, 1997, p.133).
The stated end objective of these counselling services is to help the individual to bring order into his
working life (European Foundation Watt, 1997, p.
56), take decisions and find the most appropriate path
in his own situation. The types of counselling range
from services specifically linked to the reintegration
of the unemployed on the labour market to those that
develop the competences of their 'clients' by directing them towards the most appropriate training course
or studies for their needs or those that will help them
face up to their social status (European Foundation
Watt, 1997, p. 36). Here the main role is to prepare
the largest number of individuals to take up work (paid
or unpaid) that already exists or that has been created in order to match the supply of labour more
closely to the demand'.
talities (perception and understanding of phenomena), which in turn will affect the needs of individuals and the services to be provided by the agencies
Vocational counselling and guidance services will
have to adapt to these changes on the labour market
and in individuals. If society changes, clearly the guidance to be given will also change, and theory, practice and the goals will have to be reconsidered. The
subject is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 3 of
this document, especially as, in the current context
of economic crisis and the shortage of jobs, the role
of counselling and guidance units can no longer be
confined to occupational integration or reintegration,
in short to that of a 'employment facilitator'. This is
all the more obvious when such services, even if in
close contact with the local (or wider) labour market,
and even if they manage to set up a network of employer partners, have no miracle cure: jobs will not
become available if none exist.
By the nature of things, the definitions and objectives to be allocated to support, counselling and guid-
ance services are changing. Today it is no longer
really a question of trying to eradicate unemployment
and the risk of exclusion it entails. These structures
may, however, make unemployment less endemic
by applying appropriate 'treatments'. In the absence
of a panacea, alternatives and palliative remedies
may be 'prescribed' to continue the medical analogy or at least proposed and strongly recom-,
mended. They must often be improved so that they
best serve the interests of each individual (Chapter
3), while efforts are made to determine the current
gaps and weaknesses which appropriate coordination would no doubt help to remedy. The alternatives
to unemployment, the palliatives for difficult situa-
lions or the treatments to be proposed by the
counselling and guidance services will differ
depending on the target groups and their needs
first aid, or longer-term help.
Vocational guidance and the services that provide it
are expected to perform a positive role in promoting
the social and economic integration of individuals and
helping them to map out a satisfactory route in per-
In the initial stages, then, there should be as precise
sonal terms and a productive route on the social level.
response(s) required (Chapter 1). In the second
Besides providing vocational guidance, they should
raise the level of qualifications of individuals and help
them to draw up long-term projects (life plans), with
the ultimate aim of improving the quality of their lives.
chapter, the initiatives themselves are described. Particular findings on current practices and suggestions
for solutions set out in the documents used are presented in the third and final chapter. Finally, it should
be pointed out that the evaluation of these counselling
The transformations brought about by economic and
social change will lead to the development of such
services. They will alter values, practices and men-
services should not be overlooked but should also
be the subject of special recommendations. This
question is discussed in the annex.
a definition as possible of those who now need or
will need this particular support in the course of their
lives, so as to determine as best one can the
° Again, in stating the problem in this way it must not be assumed that
unemployment is a problem linked solely to an alledgedly inadequate or
deficient labour supply.
CIMEGJ target KoDp@ aDcl
helping wwy disparate people
Defining target groups and helping very
disparate people
Before any attempt is made to provide guidance or
advice or to help someone to integrate, there must be
a diagnosis. There can be no hope of a piece of advice
being effective or to the point unless the root problem
has first been defined. Such a diagnosis must be
based on an evaluation of the needs and expectations of particular groups, seen against their geographic, economic and socio-cultural background.
Since population groups are not homogeneous, it is
relatively diff icult to identify and construct target
groups. A whole series of variables needs to be taken
into consideration before arriving at a sound diagnosis, and depending on the context these may be
more or less significant or numerous. The level of
training, the amount of work experience, the geographical context (an area in economic decline or,
on the contrary, a growth area) and an individual's
social and cultural environment are still the determining factors that should first be taken into account
so that the most appropriate help can be offered and
the best solution for someone's particular situation
can be suggested.
1.1. Methodological problems in identifying
target groups
Defining target groups and
helping very disparate people
If we were to represent the process of categorising
the population visually as an aid to understanding
the identification of target groups could be seen as
operating on the Russian doll principle. Briefly, there
could be three big dolls, three big sets of individuals' defined according to their current situation and
their present and future needs: short-, medium- or
These three main groups call for three main types of
response ranging from highly urgent to very detailed.
Within these groups there are sub-groups (based on,
for example, age, sex, ethnic or social origins, level
of education, etc.), and then sub-sub-groups, in which
other variables will be considered as pertinent and
so having an effect and to be taken into account (social and cultural environment, economic activity in
the area in which they live, etc.). For each of these,
obviously, the response will be different because of
the particular issues raised.
In the same way, the measures to be taken and the
policies to be applied will have to be set up on several levels and trigger off various degrees of intervention: European, national, regional and local.
5 The word play in the almost indiscriminate use of the words 'groups or
'individuals' is intentional.
The response cannot be the same for two different
individuals simply because their levels of qualifica-
tion are the same and because both are unemployed6: 'turnkey' solutions do not exist. It is clear
that consideration must also be given to people's
aspirations and their motivation for wanting to enter
a given branch of the working world, as well as the
particular problems they might meet in adapting by
reason of their origins (ethnic or social), the environment in which they develop, the area in which they
live and the job opportunities available once they are
trained, for example.
For instance, while it is important to devise a fairly
broad initial typology, it is also vital to bear in mind
that it will always be necessary to proceed from the
general to the particular and then from the particular
to the general in the main target groups to be identi-
Such marginalisation implies non-participation in socially recognised and valued activities and roles, including of course non-participation in gainful employment, which is still, according to several reports, an
important channel for the building of identity
(Chisholm, 1994, p. 48).
For these drifters, whose downward path may lead to
begging, prostitution and crime, exclusion from the
labour market is not the most urgent problem. The
priority is said to be 'immediate survival', and then
finding somewhere to live, recovering their self-confidence and making connections in their social world
once again. The problem is all the more critical for
them in that, having given up all hopes of betterment,
they do not turn to the services that could help them
and form in some way an 'invisible group': such groups
are known to exist and there is reason to believe that
fied and the solutions to be provided, so that the ques-
their needs could be met within those structures, but
tions arising and the problems to be solved in each
individual case can be clearly discerned.
the means of reaching and supporting the people
Within these main groups, people still vary considerably but, as a general rule, the problems they face
are fairly comparable.
The UK, Netherlands and Danish reports published
The relevance of the three main groups described in
this chapter is that they allow for both the social and
occupational status of the individual and the (overall)
type of response needed to point the way to a better
quality of life. In the next paragraph, the subjects
discussed are: marginalised people who need to integrate, individuals who are at risk of marginalisation
and the 'apparently problem-free'.
1.2. Marginalised individuals in need of
vocational or social (re)integration
The group made up of marginalised individuals is
the one that the vocational support, counselling and
guidance units should treat as the highest priority. It
includes all those who have severed their links with
society and the working world and who are in a very
dire situation.
As we hinted when we approached the question of
relevance in the construction of target groups, this
group is far from homogeneous. It contains youngsters who have left school without a diploma or skill
and have never had access to a job or who have
very little work experience, the long-term unemployed, for example the disabled or those who have
abandoned everything perhaps because they had
not much to lose anyway and who have lost all
contact with their personal and family networks.
6 It should be pointed out that were these criteria to be multiplied to infinity
the result would be to individualise treatment completely.
concerned are scarce, perhaps non-existent.
by CEDEFOP (Howieson et al., 1994; Wijnaendts van
Resandt, 1994; Maaloe, 1994) give a clear picture
and provide examples of these individuals young
people in these instances who are unskilled, sometimes with no work experience and no fixed abode.
Besides these groups, who are almost beyond reach
and who seldom ask for the aid they need, exclusion
may also be due to failure on the part of the support,
counselling and guidance services or specific services to take responsibility for the situation of certain population groups. The countries taking part in
the Eurocounsel research project of the European
Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions have highlighted and deplore certain cases of exclusion that have not come about as
a result of the individual's deliberate intent.
Box 1 gives an example of this type of discrimination
or delayed aid whose impact may prejudice the possibility of someone being integrated or reintegrated.
Box 1
The voucher programme for unemployed adults
The guidance voucher programme is a pilot programme launched in late 1992 by the Guidance Network, Bradford Training and Enterprise Council.
Under the scheme, unemployed adults can 'buy' employment and training guidance and advice, paying
with a voucher.
Defining target groups excd
helping WfaTV disparate people
"Only unemployed adults strictly fulfilling the condi-
tions laid down are entitled to use the guidance
voucher programme. Those conditions relate to age,
the length of time a person has been unemployed
and the type of social support received. People are
directed to the guidance voucher programme solely
by the job centre, provided that they satisfy the conditions and the centre feels that they need it.
To be entitled to a voucher, a person must have been
registered as unemployed for the six months preceding the application, be in direct receipt of social
allowances and be eighteen or over. In addition, at
an interview at the job centre the person must show
that he or she needs guidance and advice.
Once a person has proved that the conditions are
met and a need for advice has been established, the
job centre staff give the person a voucher for and
information on the six accredited agencies and the
type of services they offer".
Later on we are told that no one agency is able to
offer advice and guidance on the whole range of training and learning opportunities available in the region.
Source: Hurley, 1994 (p. 134-136).
In some countries, immigrants and refugees find that
Defining target groups and
) helping very disparate people
they are automatically excluded and marginalised
because the law does not permit them to work and
take advantage of the social services. In Denmark,
it is almost impossible for anyone to gain access to
general employment services unless he is already
covered by an occupational insurance scheme. In
other countries, it is not easy for an unemployed per-
son to benefit from counselling services unless he
has been out of work for at least a year. If a person
faces other difficulties in his personal life, if his qualifications are at too low a level, if he is of foreign ori.gin, etc., it might reasonably be supposed that within
a year he will be homeless and marginalised and be
far harder to 'recuperate', to use the term adopted
by counselling practitioners. Here, the fear of waste
(of funding and services) leads to other forms of
waste (individual and collective).
Long-term unemployment is also widely perceived
as having a crucial role in the process leading to the
development of an underclass or to social exclusion.
The individual gradually loses his network of working and personal relations and has less chance of
easily finding another job, or at least a role in society,
without specific help. Since they are not kept up to
date or refined, his competences and knowledge
'age' and it becomes harder to use his skills as
currency on a labour market where priority is increasingly given to more highly qualified people.
Since not all members of this marginalised group
apply for support, it is no doubt one of the most difficult to define and identify and it is therefore hard to
meet its needs. It is also a group for which prevention is no longer an option; what its members need
is action, as quickly as possible; there must be a
genuine effort to provide support and advice, even
to take over responsibility for them, and above all to
restore their confidence in themselves.
1.3. Individuals in the process of becoming
This group is just as varied as the previous group
but its situation is less critical, although there is a
risk of it becoming so in the absence of suitable
measures (see Chapters 2 and 3). Individuals in the
process of marginalisation can be considered to be
unemployed young people, people in areas in decline
Two CEDEFOP national studies in particular were to
a great extent devoted to this subject (Fernández de
Castro, De Elejabeitia, 1994; McCarthy, 1994). They
examine the problems of the integration of young people in regions that no longer have their basic economic
fabric and traditional employment: the Bilbao estuary
in Spain, where economic decline arrived suddenly,
bringing about the collapse of the industrial base
(heavy industry), and the West of Ireland, where small
firms and jobs in the primary sector predominate.
The risk of becoming unemployed and marginalised
depends to a great extent on the level of qualifications of the individual, but there are other factors as
well (age, sex, ethnic origin), and unemployment is
unevenly distributed depending on the region in which
a person grows up and settles. Box 2, for example,
lists certain figures that give a good picture of young
people in the Mezzogiorno, in southern Italy.
Box 2
and those who 'do not always appear in the visual
range of guidance counsellors' (young homebound
women, for example: Chisholm, 1994).
Regional differences and aggravating circumstances
The Mezzogiorno in Italy
The most commonly reported case of this group is
In terms of standards of education and integration
opportunities, there are substantial inequalities in
Italy, to the detriment of the South.
that of people with low levels of skills. Often the train-
ing opportunities to which they can aspire are very
limited in some areas non-existent to allow them
to improve their precarious status.
This is particularly the case in Greece, where the
national report (Zanni-Teliopoulou, Stathakopoulou,
1995) clearly shows that young people in this situa-
tion have little chance of returning to school once
they have dropped out, or of taking a training course,
which increases the risk of marginalisation and exclusion. Vocational training courses exist, but in the
private sector they are too expensive and in the new
short-cycle colleges the priority is given to the best
qualified young people, i.e. those who have completed their secondary education but have not obtained a place at university.
The sub-group of unemployed young people includes
both youngsters without a diploma or qualifications
and those with low-level diplomas, together with
those who have better diplomas but cannot find their
first job for other reasons, for example the lack of
jobs in their region.
The economic situation in the region is sometimes
just as important as the standard of education
achieved, as shown by several reports'
This is explicit recognition of what has already been pointed out several
times in this text: the problem of unemployment is above all a global structural problem, not an inadequate supply of jobs.
School failure indicators (based on the number of
years that have to be repeated during the period of
compulsory schooling) are higher in the South than
in northern and central Italy.
Besides the standard of education, factors such as
sex, age and the lack of economic vitality in the region combine to increase the risk of unemployment
and exclusion in this area.
Unemployment and discrimination by age groups:
In general, youngsters aged 14 to 24 are more at
risk of unemployment than older groups.
Unemployment and sex discrimination:
In the country as a whole, women of all ages are at
greater risk of unemployment than men.
In 1989, the overall unemployment rate in southern
Italy was three times higher than in northern and central Italy.
The unemployment rate for young men in 1989 was
47% in southern Italy, compared with 9% in northern
and central Italy.
The rate of unemployment for girls and young women
aged 14 to 24 at the same date was 85% in the South
and 27% in other regions.
DAning target groups eEd
helping c9gew disparate people
The Portuguese report (Alveca et al., 1994) on the
region of Setubal (Portugal) depicts a more or less
similar pattern of unemployment. Girls and young
women are twice as likely to be jobless as are boys
(18%, compared with 9%), even though they are rela-
tively better trained (one third of girls aged 15 to 27
are still in the educational system, compared with
one quarter of boys and young men). The youth un-
employment rate for 15 to 24 year olds in France
(1990) was close to 16% , and over 28% in the case
of young women. In 1994, 70% of all unemployed
young people in Austria were female.
In most of the national reports throughout Europe,
girls and young women are more often placed in the
category of those. 'becoming marginalised'. This is
even more evident in southern Europe (Spain, Italy,
Greece) than in the North. Clearly cultural traditions
have a marked impact in that they help to prolong
gender stereotypes and a dichotomy between work
inside and outside the home housework and paid
employment. In southern regions, girls are not always encouraged to pursue their education too long
after the period of compulsory schooling since a
woman's place is seen as being in the home rather
than on the labour market. Nevertheless, even in the
North, quite apart from the traditional and cultural
attitudes that prevail in the Mediterranean areas, they
do not enjoy equal status either. Success at school
does not translate into equal opportunities in training
and in employment.
Defining target groups and
helping very disparate people
The German national report published by CEDEFOP
(Schweitzer, Wolfinger, 1995) describes the particular difficulties encountered by girls, especially in vocational training, in the dual system in which, in practice, few streams of training have been planned for
trades not typically engaged in by males. Even
though girls perform just as well in their studies, in
general they have more difficulty than boys in finding
their first jobs or training, both of which need to fit in
with their family duties. They find it just as hard to
obtain specialist advice. In Denmark, for example,
two thirds of the long-term unemployed are women,
even though they are not officially recognised as
such, as reported by Hurley for Germany in the
Eurocounsel Portfolio of case studies published by
the European Foundation for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions (1994, p. 74).
The Eurocounsel synthesis report published by the
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living
and Working Conditions (Watt, 1997) also places in
this group those who are excluded or on the path to
exclusion: the 'younger old people' who have had to
take early retirement against their will, or those made
redundant in mid-life who, in losing all their working
contacts, also lose their social contacts. This group
needs to be taken into constant account in that, in
view of demographic, economic and social change,
the overall reduction in working hours and greater
job flexibility, etc., it is bound to increase.
find it hard to solve without outside help. The services
CEDEFOP's synthesis report on the need for vocational counselling among different target groups of
young people under 28 years of age in the European
Community (Chisholm, 1994) and the UK national
More specifically, this group includes young people
who have completed their period of education 'normally', young workers and wage-earners in general.
In the eyes of the support, counselling and guidance
services whose stated priority is to combat unemployment and exclusion, the group does not appear
to need to be considered as candidates for or beneficiaries of special services.
report (Howieson et al., 1994) also report on the case
of young migrants and those belonging to ethnic minorities. They tend to come from economically disadvantaged groups and their family, social and working
networks are not sufficiently complex or firmly
that should be generously provided by the support,
advisory and/or vocational guidance services very often fluctuate from active measures to prevention.
1.4. Individuals who are 'apparently problem-free'
established to enable them to find a good job, or more
Nevertheless, trends on the labour market are now in
simply to find work that matches their expectations
and qualifications. In addition, as mentioned in the
Belgian national report (Ouali et al., 1994), it is evident that there are wide differences between the jobs
done by immigrants and those performed by the indigenous population. Immigrants are noticeably ab-
the direction of greater job flexibility and a growing
sent from public-sector employment and, whatever the
sector, are relegated to the least skilled jobs.
being. Furthermore, once these services advocate
work to help people improve the quality of their lives
and take a far broader view than merely the transition
from school to work, they might well assume responsibility for monitoring people's progress throughout
their working lives and in managing other transitions
as well (from one job to another, etc.).
To continue with the Russian doll image touched on
at the start of this chapter, besides the general problem requiring a solution, it seems that particular situations need to be taken into account, as they may
improve or more often aggravate a person's status and possible itinerary. A young unemployed person will no doubt find it far harder to enter the working world if he or she is in a disadvantaged sub-group
for example, young homebound women or the lowskilled and his or her situation will be even worse if
that person is in the sub-sub-group of 'those in an
area of economic decline'.
The different variables (sex, age, ethnic origin, level
of skills, economic activity in the region, etc.), singly
or in combination, contribute towards marginalisation.
The group thus formed is at the intersection between
the more dramatic situation of the marginalised and
the more advantageous situation of people who are
'apparently problem-free'. Depending on the number
and intensity of aggravating circumstances and constraints or positive personal, occupational or structural
factors entailed, the status of a member of this group
may fluctuate to his advantage or disadvantage, so that
he moves from one of the main groups cited to another.
For instance, it is evident that people in this group,
without being entirely marginalised or excluded from
society or the working world, have problems that they
pressure of demand from people whose diplomas and
training are at an ever higher level. This implies that it
is not necessarily enough to enter the labour market
or to find one's first job, even if it is relatively stable.
Other pressures, needs and concerns may come into
As already discussed a little earlier, economic and
social changes do not simply lead to changes in the
likelihood of finding and holding on to a job. If society
and the labour market change, the values attached
to work and the quality of life will also evolve and be
reflected in each person's practices, expectations,
life prospects and plans for the future.
Work iS not just a means of securing an income;
above all it is a place where one can express oneself
and find fulfilment. In practice, we shall find in this
group of 'apparently problem-free' people all those
who, for one reason or another, are not entirely satisfied with their current working situation and hope
to improve it.
The group includes not only those at risk of losing
their present jobs at some time and who need to make
preparations now for this possibility by improving their
skills and qualifications and making themselves competitive again on the labour market, but also all those
people adults and those firmly established in their
jobs who seek opportunities for promotion in their
current employment and for bettering themselves in
their personal and working lives.
Defining target groups and
disparate People
In this group we would also include young and not
so young workers who are not in the jobs for which
they have trained, or are in a branch other than the
one they would originally have chosen, especially
when they are over-qualified for the employment they
have obtained.
The report on Scotland (Chisholm, 1994; Howieson
et al., 1994) states on this subject that young adults
(18-24 year-olds) have similar needs for information
and advice as older adults, for example in looking
for a job or obtaining promotion.
From a general viewpoint, the position of such people does not seem to be dramatic or to call for urgent
support. Most of them, especially the young people,
have qualifications, they have completed their general or technical and vocational education in secondary school, many of them have obtained diplomas
and even degrees in tertiary education. They have
successfully integrated into the labour market. Even
so, they may face two problems:
0 either they may up to now have only found temporary or part-time jobs, or employment under
fixed-term contracts, and have been switching
from one job to another with short periods of unemployment in between, which may not be very
significant but which take their toll, at least on a
personal level;
Defining target groups and
helping very disparate people
0 or they may have obtained and held onto a job,
but one that does not match up to their training
and qualifications.
The report on youngsters in the West of Ireland
(McCarthy, 1994) offers an example of people of this
having at
least completed their secondary education who, in
the absence of jobs matching their qualifications in
type who are relatively well educated
their region, have to accept subordinate positions.
There is an almost parallel situation in Greece with
those who have left with a diploma on completion of
their secondary education8 but who have not
obtained a university place.
The question that arises here is not one of integration or reintegration into the labour market. Nor is it
a problem of now having to face the risk of exclusion.
If we were to go back to the term of marginalisation
as used in the previous two groups, this would be a
case of 'marginalisation by negligence' (Chisholm,
1994, p. 15). Since this particular group is not in a
critical situation calling for active measures and sustained support, occupational support, counselling and
guidance services often take little notice, even though
We have left this term vague, as there are different situations in each
country: it may correspond to the Abitur in Germany, the bachillerato in
Spain, etc. Nevertheless, the standard is that of a person emerging from
secondary education having passed an examination which would normally
allow him or her to go on to university.
the group has needs that should be met or lacks the
structures or support and networks it needs to take
advantage of the help it could use.
Certain projects are being set up in an effort to help
people in the workplace itself.
completely linear link between education and employment. Family or social networks are undoubtedly
the best solution in many cases, but they are often
no longer sufficient; outside help is needed in the
form of special bodies set up for the purpose, even if
they too are not always sufficient or are not specific
enough to solve all the problems.
This is the case with the VUS pilot project (adult edu-
cation subsidies) being developed in Denmark. It
consists of enhancing people's daily work and lives
in society by incorporating counselling on general
education and vocational training into the work environment itself (Hurley, 1994).
An aspiration and expectation of individuals in this
group is more certainly the opportunity to move upwards. The help that the services concerned could
promote here is obviously more detailed, but the demand exists, it is legitimate and it must be taken into
account if a person is not to lose self-confidence or
be trapped in a situation which does not really suit
him, in the absence of a better alternative.
1.5. Three groups of people who have been
adversely affected by the economic
At the level of European, national, regional and local
policies, it is already accepted that suitable counselling and a process of lifelong learning are vital factors in periods of transition in people's lives to contain the risk of future unemployment and exclusion,
and that therefore these services need to be developed (not just as active measures but also on a preventive basis).
Counselling, help and guidance units may therefore
be necessary to support individuals in their transition
periods. Because of the heterogeneity of the population groups concerned and the problems they face,
there is no one catch-all solution; what can be offered is a set of specific services designed to improve or change a situation that is seen to be unsatisfactory or as creating a risk.
The three target groups described above show the
extent to which the economic situation is a variable
that aggravates what are already disadvantaged personal and/or social situations. It is clear from all the
reports consulted that the difficulties of economic and
social integration are all the greater for a person without a diploma or qualifications, or living in what is
regarded as a depressed area, when that person is
a woman or a migrant or from an ethnic minority.
The difficulties are all the greater when it comes to
finding a job, but even then it is hard to keep a job.
Even those who have found a foothold in the working world may suffer from the effects of the economic
situation (because of the growing flexibility of jobs,
etc.), or may hope for and seek (re)integration in a
manner closer to their aspirations.
For instance, when the economy suffers everyone
some more than others but in all cases
solutions have to be found (see Chapter 2) in an
effort to combat unemployment or the inherent risk
of exclusion and to improve the quality of life.
Although the level of education and qualifications is
and will remain a key factor in the successful transition to employment, besides personal characteristics of social value (such as self-respect, motivation,
life plans, etc.), it is no longer possible to envisage a
litating transition soeial
personal and/or oeeu pational)
Facilitating transition (social, personal
and/or occupational)
Every area of life can be approached through counselling. Put simply, every individual has to face a series of many transitions of various types. There is no
one ready-made solution to make the path smoother.
The needs and demands must be clearly identified
and analysed in each individual case.
Chapter 1 essentially describes the target groups of
support and guidance services. Although Chapter 3
is obviously devoted to the services themselves and
their shortcomings, together with recommendations
for advice practitioners, the second chapter has the
more specific aim of looking at the needs and expectations of young people and adults in to relation
those services and the solutions they can propose
and offer in practice.
While the previous chapter deals with both young
people and adults and makes no particular distinction by allocating them to one target group or another, in this chapter we focus more on the nature of
the aid already supplied or to be supplied, and it is
preferable to discuss them separately. Not all the
expectations of the two groups, or the major problems they face at times of transition, are the same.
There is no one solution that will suit everyone. Their
needs and expectations must be clearly identified
and analysed on a case-by-case basis.
Facilitating transition (social,
)personal and/ r occupational)
All these groups in contact with support, counselling
and guidance units have one factor in common: their
intrinsic difficulties in finding their place in the working world and society and/or in taking full advantage
and making the best use of what they have already
For both groups, the question of personal identity
needs to be tackled, and this will be covered by the
vocational support, counselling and guidance units.
Nevertheless, on a personal level for example, while
a young person wants to construct an identity, in the
case of an adult it is more accurate to talk about
'reconstruction'. The services to be provided, therefore, will differ.
In the same way, at the socio-occupational level, the
problem facing a young person will usually be that of
access to employment, especially a first job in other
words taking the first step on the labour market. The
system to be tackled, then, is the transition from
school to employment. For an adult, the question of
transition is far more related to rejoining and leaving
the labour market following periods of unemployment
and/or the move from one job to another. Here the
problem is more specifically one of reintegration.
There are similarities, which will be pointed out, but
these are in fact two very different types of transition
and they cannot be lumped together. The needs
themselves are different, as are the practical steps
to be taken and the objectives, even though ultimately
the principles and the concerns expressed are comparable.
There are also similarities in the expectations and
needs of the two groups, since in both cases what is
faced is transition. Furthermore, as pointed out in
the previous chapter, for certain groups essentially
marginalised people in need of integration access
to employment is the culmination of a whole process
of aid, one that may be directed to both young people and the less young. Although the two groups are
discussed separately, both the similarities and the
divergences will become apparent in the course of
the discussion, in terms of the aid that is provided by
the counselling and guidance units which, in certain
cases, may overlap.
2.1. The specific question of vocational
The inadequacy of the jobs on offer remains the essential cause of unemployment. When vacancies do
occur, to be successful in obtaining the job one first
needs to gain confidence in oneself. This also re-
and can move up the ladder. A young person who
has lost his bearings must first renew his social links
and/or find a way of life that more or less complies
with the 'norm' before he can envisage vocational
The three points raised in this section, then, should
be taken into account to a varying extent depending
on the individual's personal life and development.
They reflect the three types of knowledge or expertise that an individual must acquire to facilitate vocational integration:
o self-knowledge and self-recognition (self-esteem),
O knowledge of the world around him and his place
in society,
o knowledge of the working world and the likelihood
that he can compete on this market.
There is a logical order in the presentation of these
points, although it should be borne in mind that they
are closely linked and that they interact: a person
without much self-confidence but who enjoys social
recognition will gradually acquire confidence through
the image of himself reflected back by others. In the
same way, an outsider parachuted into a job in an
unfamiliar environment will in the end create an identity for himself from his work and by building up a
working and social networks, even a network of
quires an acknowledgement of the world around one-
self and a knowledge of the world of work. In other
words, what is needed is to help young people to
take their place in society.
The problem of vocational integration is more specifically related to school-leavers with or without diplomas or vocational qualifications.
Not everyone necessarily goes through these three
stages, or needs all the services discussed here to
the same extent. Nevertheless, in the present economic situation, it is likely that everyone at some time
or another can derive advantage from this type of
They are to be found in all three of the target groups
already defined, and the response to be offered by
counselling and guidance services will need to be
geared to the specific position of each person, irrespective of the fact that he or she has just left school.
A youngster who is 'apparently problem-free', for
example, who has obtained a school-leaving diploma
The personal dimension: encouraging
self-esteem and determination
As a recommendation, there is a prerequisite here
which is beyond the control of advisory measures:
people have to make themselves known if they are
to be counselled. But the key word is still motivation
or, more commonly, remotivation.
and who then finds a job, will not necessarily be in
need of 'social construction'. He will no doubt already
have a family setting, friends, and a social and occupational environment that will suffice for his personal
development. On the other hand, if he does not have
a job that matches his expectations, he may need to
be remotivated, his confidence restored, so that he
can make better use of what he has already achieved
For a young person entering the working world, failing to find a job is often seen as tantamount to rejection and exclusion. He has no money, no right to consume, no adult status. He will lose status in his own
eyes and rapidly cut himself off from society unless
he receives help and is given the necessary confidence to face reality with greater equanimity, to be-
Facilitating transition soeial,
'personal and/or occupational)
come a part of the world around him and to take
responsibility for his own future.
This work of personal mobilisation relates to the three
target groups identified in the first section' It is the
prerequisite for any integration and any project, even
if it is not work-related.
Although at first sight it may be difficult to relate strictly
personal characteristics like self-esteem and selfconfidence and entering the labour market, this
initial form of aid provided by counselling units is vital,
as it is the first contact and the starting point for every
other measure.
One of the first steps for counselling and guidance
units and the various bodies in the field, then, is to
take the time to listen and talk. The next step is to
draw up a more or less formal audit of the person's
competences (Box 3) and plans in order find out at
least what he has achieved and the way he perceives
those achievements so that he can build up his con-
fidence and faith in his potential.
Whatever the standard of education and competitive ability of the individual on the labour market, the
present economic situation and economic difficulties
often mean that, after a few unsuccessful attempts
to find a job or merely after rejection, he just gives
up and goes down in his own estimation, not just in
terms of work but above all as a person.
Most of the CEDEFOP reports (see bibliography)
refer to this state of affairs. Young people are more
likely to be unemployed or in temporary jobs than
Facilitating transon (soclal,
personal and/or occupational)
older people. To avoid unemployment, some of them
defer the time of moving on from education to a job
and extend their studies after the period of compulsory education. The choice is not always entirely de-
liberate, but often arises from a fear of unemployment and the idea that training has the advantage of
leading to a better first job. This is true, even though
the move is not always one way (from education or
training to employment), and now more rarely than
ever does it lead directly to a secure job. The absence of an appropriate economic base which may
ensue from extended studies may in fact delay the
acquisition of financial independence and personal
autonomy the diploma of adulthood! Youngsters
will then also put off the time of leaving the family
home, starting families of their own and assuming
responsibility for their actions and their own lives.
The role of counselling and guidance services is then
essentially to encourage active citizenship (see
3.1.2.), make the youngsters take steps on their own
9 Marginalised people to be (re)integrated, those in the process of
marginalisation and the 'apparently problem-free'.
account, participate in rewarding activities even if
they are unpaid, evaluate their own potential and
decide together on their plans for the future and
practical ways of implementing those plans.
Neighbourhood councils, local missions, etc., are
better placed than anyone else in this field to gauge
the personality of a young person coming to them
and to indicate what steps are needed to remobilise
and acquire fresh motivation and confidence.
The steps taken do not automatically lead to a job.
Many services take the precaution of briefing their
users on what they can expect to achieve.
The French report on the northern districts of Marseilles (CIBC, 1996), in discussing the local initiative
entitled 'Action mobilisation jeunes métiers du spectacle', launched in 1995, clearly states that:
'Young people are warned against the 'illusions' that
they might form as regards the term 'entertainment'.
They are not being trained for qualifications in the
arts, even technical qualifications, since a very high
level of skill is required in this field, . . but this context must be used for the purpose of imparting dynamic impetus and finding a job through the work
of self-discovery in the world of the arts, in other
words an entirely different environment'. (p. 54)
2.1.2. Networking
However effective the effort to intermediate on the
labour market or in matters of advice and guidance,
people must be helped to discern and activate their
own networks. The way personal networks are mobilised very often determines whether a person is
integrated into the working world, and always determines integration in society.
This question of establishing networks follows naturally on the previous chapter. Once an individual has
forged his own identity, has constructed himself, has
acquired self-assurance, it is equally necessary that
he is able to gain recognition for those qualities in
his society.
In turn, the creation of social networks promotes a
good self-image and helps a person go even further.
Self-confidence and confidence in his own potential,
however, are not always enough to enter the working world, and the need for outside help may be evi-
dent. The creation of networks on the initiative of
vocational support, counselling and guidance services may be effective along these lines.
The priority of the measures designed to promote
self-esteem should be to reach people classified as
marginalised and in need of reintegration, since integration in society and the working world must be
based on reconstruction of oneself. It is hard, however, to provide this aid and support to the very people who need it most: youngsters who have lost their
bearings and have no fixed abode just because they
no longer belong to any network or neighbourhood
or structure that really serves their needs. As stated
in the European Foundation for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions Eurocounsel final report (Watt, 1997), in discussing the long-term unemployed, better results are achieved when the services are not compulsory, even though an element of
obligation may be useful as it could encourage a person who has lost all his motivation to return to a form
of useful activity.
The issue here, then, is for the young person to take
the time to come to terms with himself and with the
outside world (something that should be viewed in
conjunction with the next point, 2.1.2), through positive experiences. For instance, he could construct a
plan and embark on a route one that will lead to
work (see 2.1.3.).
School-leavers often have no experience of the la-
bour market, or even any concept of the means
whereby they can gain access to it. The 'training =
employment' equation is no longer true, and diplomas and qualifications are not always sufficient for
social and occupational self-fulfilment. Education
especially general education is usually dispensed
in hermetically sealed surroundings, without any real
contact with the workplace and the working world,
and young people rarely have a foretaste of what
awaits them. They need to go outside for help. And
even if a young person is trained for a job as clearly
shown by the national reports (especially the Belgian report, Ouali et al., 1994) the link between the
training that has been received and the job ultimately
found is very weak.
A person will first turn to family networks (as testified in particular by the Belgian and the Irish national
reports Ouali et al., 1994, and McCarthy, 1994).
Even so, the more economically disadvantaged the
family a person comes from, the narrower and less
operative will the network be. Here we find the system
of social reproduction widely described by sociologists. The same system is found, moreover, at every
level. The Danish national report (Maaloe, 1994)
states, for example, that a third of young people are
on the labour market with a school qualification but
not a vocational qualification, and those who are from
unskilled or unemployed families are over-represented
inlng transition social,
and/or occupational)
in this group. The counselling and guidance units
may in many cases act as intermediaries, as bridges,
between the young person, his social milieu and the
labour market.
This social integration and networking is especially
important when young people have 'an image that
does not export well outside the place where they
live', as the French report on the Marseilles case
study puts it (CIBC, 1996).
One of the most interesting examples is the
mentoring system to be found in the northern districts
of Marseilles (Box 4). Based on the same principle
as apprentice-masters in apprenticeship, this
consists of giving an adult in this case someone
who is retired the responsibility of helping and
guiding young people at risk of marginalisation in their
personal and working lives. The 'parrain', or
'godfather', as he is known here is in a sense half
way between an institution and the family. He has
more time to spare than any formal structure and
can pass on the benefit of his experience in the
working world and in the network he has created for
himself over the years. With this mentoring, support
and advice, the young person acquires what could
be regarded as 'norms of behaviour' that make him
more socially acceptable. He rapidly builds up his
own personal or even working network, adding to
the likelihood of rapid and satisfactory integration.
Facilitating transition (social,
j personal and/or occupational)
For the individual to benefit from the help of counselling and guidance services in creating a personal
network, those structures must themselves have
worked on forming such links. They are of various
kinds, for example links with the authorities and local
communities or the local labour market through employers (see 3.2.2.).
Making the best use of what one has
Helping young people to persuade potential employers is a vital factor. Few people are recruited to the
kind of job that corresponds to the special field for
which they have been trained. Jobs are so scarce
that accepting a post that does not make use of one's
skills is an option that should not necessarily be dis-
missed. On the other hand, young people must be
persuaded to waste no time in making their
competences known. Above all, those who have had
technical or vocational training must also know how
to make good use of what they have learned.
To offset the problems associated with employment
and the difficulties of entering the working world, yank
ous Education Ministries have been attempting for
years, it seems, with a greater or lesser degree of
success, to adapt school education to today's world,
in which employment is in even shorter supply and
more fragmented. This effort to adapt does not always bear fruit, and in many cases there is still a
wide gap between what has been taught and what
potential employers expect. Schools rarely provide
a 'user's manual' for the labour market and, in the
same way, a school-leaver is seldom `job-ready'.
The distinction all too often made between general
education and technical and vocational education
leads to a value judgement that is detrimental to a
young person who has opted for the technical/vocational streams. He lacks confidence in his own worth
and finds it hard to convey his merits, to 'sell himself'. He will also make a negative association between vocational guidance and his current situation
and with educational selection, and therefore his exclusion from the educational system.
One of the main difficulties encountered by young
On the other hand, those in general education enjoy
people on their arrival on the labour market is how to
put over what they have achieved. This is a vital factor for people who have few qualifications to offer. It
is also valuable to the people we have classified as
'apparently problem-free'.
greater recognition (the reason why they are often overlooked by guidance units). Even so, many people leave
school before completing their secondary education and
without any preparation for work or a vocational qualification, which in the end puts them at a particular dis-
advantage at the time of entering the working world
The Irish national report (McCarthy, 1994), for example, points out that many young people have high
levels of education and tivalifications the only realistic grounds for hoping to establish oneself firmly in
the working world. Even so, the education received
and diplomas obtained are not advanced enough or
close enough to the needs and demands of the labour market to make it easy for them to obtain employment. This means that, after secondary education, they may well sign up for other educational
courses or adult education or work experience programmes. This 'extra' training is for many people a
way of avoiding or at least deferring unemployment.
It is seen more as a 'waiting room' for a job rather
than as providing real hopes of additional training
although it does promote the better use of what has
already been acquired.
Apart from this question of the sometimes blatant
mismatch between education and employment, with
the young person not having received the skills and
expertise from which he might have benefited, the
types of education whose primary purpose is to impart a particular occupational skill have to an extent
depreciated in value. In general, vocational education is rarely a first choice for a young person, and
for this reason is widely under-valued.
unless they can find a way of optimising and adding to
the knowledge they have already acquired.
Counselling and guidance services have envisaged
various projects to help young people make good
use of their experience, or at least their knowledge.
Allowance is obviously made for the level already
obtained and the individual's potential and realistic
prospects of upward mobility.
At an early stage, one of the initiatives that may,
among other things, help young people to become
aware of their own value and potential could be the
skills audit and portfolio of competences (Box 3),
which at the least helps to 'review' what has been
achieved and what one might hope to do with that
Box 3
Audits and portfolios of competences
The personal and vocational audit is a dynamic, targeted and global measure. Its form and content are
dictated by the goal pursued, i.e. the social and vocational integration of an individual, enabling him or
her to satisfy personal aspirations and make a con-
tribution to economic, cultural and social developThe Luxembourg national report (Fandel, Pauwels,
1994), for example, clearly shows that those who
take up an apprenticeship after the ninth year of education do so because they did not obtain high enough
grade to go on to the tenth year. Most of CEDEFOP's
studies also point to the same finding, especially the
French, Greek and Netherlands reports (CIBC, 1996;
Wijnaendts van Resandt, 1994).
In an audit as much information as possible about
oneself is gathered, and then a good hard look is
taken at the conclusions, thinking about what resources should be used to construct and implement
one's plans for social and vocational integration.
The phases of the audit are arranged to fit in with
each beneficiary's special needs.
aeititating transition soeial,
personal and/or occupational)
In the investigatory phase, the aim is to 'discern and
identify the individual's experience and intellectual
and occupational potential, and evaluate his personal
and vocational competence in terms of knowledge,
expertise and attitudes' so that he can later 'build up
a set of relevant factors that may make a vocational
and personal project more feasible and organise priorities of actions and strategies for the realisation of
the goals he has set himself in the short and medium
The portfolio of competences is a tool that sets a
continuing process in motion: the young person is
encouraged to continue with the analysis, and to collect and keep evidence of his experience, which in
turn causes him to take a different view of the route
he is taking and to set greater store by it.
Source: CIBC Marseilles
competences (1996).
Centre interinstitutionnel de bilans de
When the difficulty arises of obtaining a permanent
job, this portfolio of competences helps the young
person to put together a coherent account of his experience, or at least to show it to its best advantage
however fragmented.
The same process is to be found with adults, as
pointed out by Hurley (1994) in discussing a case
study in Italy. The subject is the use of a vocational
audit to reinforce participants' individual motivation
by identifying ways of making people more 'marketable'. Along the same lines is the lobseeker's diary'
scheme in Barcelona (Hurley, 1994).
Facilitating transition (social,
) personal and/or occupational)
Periods abroad are often presented as enhancing
skills already acquired and enriching them through
new experiences. The better qualified are more likely
to go abroad no doubt because they already have
more self-confidence or because travel to other countries is more customary in their family or social environment (the theory of cultural capital). CEDEFOP's con-
solidated report on determining the need for vocational counselling among different target groups of
young people under 28 years of age in the European Community (Chisholm, 1994) points out that
for many people, especially the least skilled, this
provides an opportunity to convert negative social
situations into positive experience and prospects. It
appears that adding a European dimension to a
young person's experience helps to give credibility
to the experience he has acquired in the eyes of an
employer. Even so, it should be borne in mind that
young people do not envisage lengthy periods
abroad and usually try to construct a life plan in their
own national or regional or more local environment,
the aim being greater stability and security in their
freshing' and updating skills are vital here, and information and counselling services advocate this proc-
ess of continuing education and training. The purGood initial training and better presentation of one's
achievements and skills should help to reduce the
risk of youth unemployment and exclusion. But successful integration in society and the working world
no longer implies working for the same company for
life. For instance, a person may, either by choice or
by constraint, of his own free will or due to adverse
economic conditions, still have to face transition problems all through his life.
Although the question of how young people can enter the labour market is important and should not be
overlooked by the authorities, the issue of transition
pose of advice, then, is to give people as a minimum
the tools they will need to cope with the various transitions in their working lives.
Finding a full-time paid job may be the outcome of
counselling, but for certain participants this will not
necessarily be the end objective. There is a need, then,
to formulate various measures in response to the wide
variety of groups affected by long-term unemployment:
they may be young people, especially those with few
diplomas or none, women, older workers, etc.
But, although the situations encountered by these
is just as likely to improve or prejudice an adult's
prospects, and deserves the particular attention of
different types of people differ, the consequences are
often the same. Whether they are temporary unemployed, long-term unemployed or in early retirement,
counselling and guidance services.
the immediate observation is that they feel badly
about their situation and have at one and the same
the authorities and the vocational support,
The question of reintegration
When it comes to occupational reintegration, it is no
longer just young people who are involved. The wide
variety of groups affected means that measures must
be differentiated according to far more criteria. Paradoxically, there should no longer be any doubt about
the value of preceding actual recruitment by job-related activities voluntary or socially useful work
which help to establish a working rhythm and a proper
attitude to work.
The question of occupational reintegration is far more
specific to adults who have already had a job but have
lost it. The reasons may be many and varied. They
may have been made redundant by a company going
out of business or by the downsizing of a workforce.
time lost their working, personal and social points of
reference. Obviously, efforts must be made to remedy the problem in the light of each individual situation. The response will differ depending on the age,
needs, living conditions, experience, knowledge and
expertise of each group, but in all cases the support,
counselling and guidance services must be able to
reduce the risk of exclusion and/or self-marginalisation
and to help a person regain a social role through a
job-related activity, paid or unpaid, that will give access, or fresh access, to a better quality of life.
2.2.1. Reacquiring a social role
Here the main recommendation is to help people regain a feeling of being useful. Working in the voluntary sector is in line with this thinking.
A craftsman or the owner of a small business may
have become insolvent. It is also a problem for people
This expedient, whose aim is to confer a new social
who have taken early retirement, or housebound
role, is above all presented as a process of
women who have given up work to bring up their children and find it hard to return to a job once they have
shed some of their family responsibilities, etc.
socialisation or resocialisation. It will be directed as a
priority towards marginalised people who need to be
reintegrated or, more probably, those who are unlikely
to be able to return to the labour market or who do
The primary stated objective is still to combat unemployment and to promote equal opportunities. Various national policies advocate different ways of tack-
ling the problem. In some countries, the priority is
placed on what have been called methods of 'activation' 10 (see 3.1.2.); in others, it is on social employment programmes (see 2.2.2.) or the granting of
subsidies to employers for taking on unemployed peo-
ple, or both at the same time. One of the key solutions is to invest in vocational training and to develop
a policy designed to promote lifelong training. 'Re-
not have a vital need to do so, as in the case of people
retiring early. Some will also place in this group
homebound women who are not heads of households. People need help first of all with emerging
from their isolation and regaining confidence in themselves, becoming 'useful' once again and creating a
network of personal relationships. To a great extent
this personal and social reconstruction is achieved
by participating in a work-related activity, or several,
depending on a person's specific needs and circumstances, through the voluntary sector.
Basically the term is used in Denmark (Hurley, 1994)
Rating transition social,
personal and/or occupational)
This concept of voluntary work may be poorly received or even rejected by people with pressing financial needs, but it is one of the main occupations
suggested to people who have retired early and find
it somewhat hard to drop out entirely from the work-
ing world but have sufficient income to meet their
day-to-day needs.
Voluntary work may take different forms and relate
to several types of activity, sometimes in very different sectors. The case of the 'mentors' in the northern districts of Marseilles has been mentioned in this
connection. The action is described in Box 4.
Box 4
This arrangement is the outcome of a partnership
between CIRRSE Caisse interprofessionnelle de
retraite par repartition du sud est and the local mission for the 15th and 16th districts of Marseilles, fol-
lowing the creation of the `Générations solidarités'
association in 1993.
Retired people from every occupational sector are
willing to act, without pay, as mentors to young unemployed people and other youngsters in difficulty.
The idea is to mobilise the older person's experience
of life and human relations and place it at the service
of young people at risk of marginalisation.
In no way does this voluntary work imply amateurism. Eighteen retired people have already 'worked'
in the northern districts of Marseilles and have acted
as mentors to 147 youngsters.
Facilitating transition (social,
) personal and/or occupational)
They can use facilities on premises with office equipment, computers, Minitel, etc., and undergo training
in the 'skilled trade' of mentoring, so that they can
find the best response to the needs of the youngster
whom they decide to take on, with the help of the
local mission. The training is in the form of five modules, in half-day sessions, covering youth integration
measures, the problems of disadvantaged districts,
young people's difficulties and exclusion and what
they need to do to monitor their 'godchild'. The work
team tries to match the vocational route taken by a
young person and his or her aspirations with the mentor's life experience.
Mentoring lasts an average of three to six months,
with the older and younger person meeting once or
twice a week.
The mentor's main contribution is to instil confidence.
This is done by giving advice and moral support, for
example technical help with producing a curriculum
vitae or a letter of application. Another task is to help
the person about to enter the labour market to present
himself better, for instance through role-playing and
simulating job interviews so that the youngster cre-
ates a good impression. Here again, the mentor
needs to the extent possible to build up a set of ref-
erences .for the youngster so that he will be thoroughly familiar with the working world and how a
company operates, know more about the nature of
the various departments in a company, how to look
at a pay slip or a contract of employment, etc. He
also does his best to use his own network of.
relationships on behalf of the young person.
In certain more challenging cases, mentors attend
meetings of the local technical committees to brief
them on the young person's progress. They regularly fill in forms to inform the local mission of the
steps being taken and changes in the young person's attitude.
Apart from the fact of creating a social link that will
enable different generations to understand each other
and provide mutual support, the results appear encouraging. The retired people gain a sense of being
useful, the young ones acquire greater confidence
and seem to find it easier to obtain work. This measure has now become part of the 'Youthstart' programme and may be transferred to certain other
countries in the European Community, Ireland and
Finland in particular.
him to acquire some discipline, since even voluntary
work makes certain demands in terms of attendance,
stamina and the acceptance of personal responsibility. It is obvious, however, that this should not be
seen as a long-term activity for people who really
need a paid job. Besides voluntary work
or after a
period of voluntary work other steps should be
taken to help a person return to the working world
and society. Sometimes it is the voluntary work itself
which may lead to retraining and a return to the working world.
This concept features in particular in the case of
CILOs local employment initiatives in Piedmont in
Italy where, backed by a small core of permanent
staff who are trained in giving advice, very many vol-
untary workers are also active. They undertake a
short training course in providing support to the adviser, which they can subsequently extend if they
wish. A more or less similar system exists in Spain
with the FundaciO Trinijove in Barcelona a young
people's mutual aid organisation which is run on a
charitable basis, mainly by people who, after taking
part in certain activities as users, identify with the
work being done and offer their services as leaders
(in periods of work experience, for example).
2.2.2. Temporary reintegration
Public policy measures on employment also have a
place in this context. They should be seen as a transition phase, for example in the move towards employment or towards retirement.
In this chapter on temporary reintegration, several
Source: CIBC, 1996.
types of measure may be considered by an individual
and by the occupational support, counselling and
If full-time employment is no longer a realistic aspi-
guidance services. They are not all on the same level.
ration and the practical likelihood of finding a job
This very broad set of measures may include periods of work experience paid or unpaid and social
work, temporary replacement work within a company
or organisation, training courses, which may or may
not lead to a qualification, or brief periods of work or
training abroad.
again is virtually nil, it seems that voluntary work can
provide an occupation which, while not gainful employment, may well be personally enriching. The aim
above all is to activate citizens and encourage them
to take up a varied range of activities, so that they
can cope better with the transitions of life (see section 3). This work may also be to convey the benefit
of one's own experience to others.
Although this type of activity is essentially the province of those who have taken early retirement and for
whom a return to paid work is out of the question, it is
also suggested to people whose absolute priority is
to re-establish human relationships before going
ahead with the process of occupational reintegration.
This measure is of value provided that the individual
does not forfeit unemployment benefits, etc. It helps
Clearly a paid work placement cannot be treated on
a par with an unpaid placement. In the same way, a
training course that leads to a qualification will have
a different impact and be more highly regarded than
a course that does not. Even so, such measures in
general and social work in particular often serve as
the first step towards employment. More and more it
is accepted that social employment is a necessary
stage in reintegrating the long-term unemployed on
the labour market.
Rating transition social,
personal and/or occupational)
Even though a work placement is not always paid, it
very often enables a person to establish, or rediscover, the pace of work and a certain discipline. Social employment is a more direct part of programmes
of 'public utility work', as established by governments,
and is associated with which has been called 'the
intermediate labour market'.
Neither type of work will always offer the hope of moving up the ladder, but sometimes they help by providing fresh experience of which an individual can make
good use later on. The group that benefits from these
measures is varied: the long-term unemployed, or
women who want to or have to return to work, or young
people, most of whom are low-skilled or unskilled.
Social employment may also be a stage in the transition to retirement.
This is one aspect of the services provided by counselling and labour mobility management described
in the case study on the province of Trento in Italy
(Hurley, 1994), where what are regarded as 'socially
useful jobs' have been created, the aim being to make
use of the surrounding resources for older unemployed people. The workers are employed by cooperatives until they reach the minimum retirement age.
The occupational support, counselling and guidance
services must in all cases be capable of offering the
best possible advice to individuals on the prospects
open to them and to the likelihood that they will lead
to vocational integration.
Facilitating transition (social,
personal and/or occupational)
The problem that arises here, if. it is a problem, is that
the value of this type of measure is to restore a person's self confidence, enable him to return to a working situation and obtain sufficient qualifications to adapt
to it, but it must above all provide access to a stable,
satisfying post. As pointed out in the Irish report
(McCarthy, 1994), going to counselling and guidance
services and following their recommendations are useful only if there is a prospect of a job at the end; if not, it
is just a waste of time. But current conditions on the
labour market and the fact that counselling practitioners often know too little about the local market mean
that a job is not always a certainty far from it.
One particular initiative caught our attention in this
respect: the VUS in Fakse in Denmark. It has the
advantage of providing additional training for those
in work and at the same time offers work experience
to the unemployed (Box 5).
Box 5
Rotation of employment and training
The case of the VUS in Denmark
This State-funded programme enables employees,
particularly those with a low level of education, to
take general adult education courses and vocational
training for 4 to 36 weeks.
During this study and training sabbatical, participants
receive a Government weekly grant. In many cases,
counselling and guidance units may also have the
role of encouraging private initiative and the creation
of new enterprise and jobs.
This encouragement for finding new opportunities
outside the traditional labour market is one aspect
of the service that seems to pose problems for many
practitioners, and it is a question that will be considered in the part on their training and functions (see
3.2.4.). Very many practitioners feel they are not in a
position to provide such services as they lack the
to ensure that there is no loss of earnings, the employers make compensatory payments to top up the
pay of the person being trained.
appropriate knowledge; they specialise more in training or job placement than in business creation, even
though this is also an alternative way of returning to
Simultaneously, the workers being trained are replaced by the long-term unemployed, who are paid
the same as the person for whom they are standing
The Spanish case study (especially the study by the
Fundació Trinijove in Barcelona) carried out under the
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living
and Working Conditions Eurocounsel programme
(Watt, 1997), reviews the services and support that
This employment rotation formula has several advantages: :
exist in abundance for people wanting to start up their
own businesses. Counselling takes the form of providing information that will help to solve the practical
problems that arise when one wants to set up on one's
o the long-term unemployed acquire work experience which may perhaps be put to use later on;
in his advancement;
own, and in some cases training in business management (although this is usually restricted to those
holding diplomas in management and economics
rather than the unemployed). The practitioners often
o employers obtained better qualified and more motivated workers.
know too little about the local market and do not have
enough practical information on the situation and industry of the future to offer really effective support.
O the employee obtains training, which may help
Source: Hurley, 1994.
Initiatives combining advice and guidance with social employment programmes like those developed
in Ireland (Hurley, 1994; McCarthy, 1994) have also
shown the benefits that can be derived from such
measures. They give a person renewed self-confidence and a chance to attend training or general
courses as well as possibly opening the door to fresh
prospects, for instance retraining for a different job
or for self-employment.
Reintegration in a different setting
Again with the idea of broadening the range of opportunities, the jobs market must not be the sole focus of interest; encouragement must be given to
seeking out new opportunities. Setting up one's own
business is a possible route.
Apart from attempting to help people to re-enter the
working world and take up a job that already exists
and that has been vacant or falls vacant, support,
This type of project, however, seems to be growing
in favour with the authorities. As it is often difficult to
'jump in at the deep end' (for financial, practical and
other reasons), certain countries have set up a system under which people can become self-employed
but still be entitled to their social and various other
benefits, at least for the first year. Other countries,
such as Denmark, the United Kingdom and Germany,
also offer financial support programmes designed to
help the unemployed set up their own businesses.
This is also the case in the province of Trento in Italy,
where the employment centre is trying to promote
job creation by granting subsidies and other services to support people wishing to set up on their own
account, either creating small businesses or working
in partnership with others (in cooperatives for exam-
ple). These various programmes, including in particular the programme of grants for the creation of
regional enterprises (AAES), tend to be run by regional undertakings and the Ministry for Social Protection. In many cases here the advisory units act
as catalysts, or more simply as mediators.
Facilitating transition social,
Cpersonal and/or occupational)
Apart from job creation and offering the opportunity
of self-employment (although in the province of
Trento this has applied to only 3% of ex-unemployed
people), this chapter on integration in a different
setting or vocational retraining could also include all
the measures promoting training for different kinds
of work and changes in the direction of the skills acquired or to be acquired.
We have already touched on one of the problems
for which people seek occupational support, counselling and guidance: before suggesting training or
a retraining course in a particular sector, it is vital
that the practitioners should have been able to assess
the situation on the local labour market and the opportunities that might be created there. They also
need to be capable of evaluating the motivation and
competence of individuals so that they will opt for
what is realistically a suitable solution for them. The
confidence-building and audits of competence that
we have already discussed are often among the first
steps to be taken, perhaps the starting point in any
This is an example provided by the case study on
Postalmarket in Milan (Hurley, 1994). The concept
is even more innovatory in that it was created on the
initiative of the company itself and to an extent by its
employees. (Box 6).
Box 6
Encouraging a change in activities
The case of Postalmarket
Facilitating transition (social,
) personal and/or occupational)
Postalmarket is a mail order company going through
a period of major financial difficulties, which means
that it has to make staff redundant and alter the work
it does. A preventive advisory unit has been set up
within the company to do what it can for the future of
-its employees, training them and directing them towards a different kind of job that would meet their
needs and be within their capability.
The first phase has been to help them to arrive at a
self-assessment of their skills and expertise, and to
assert their identities by pinpointing their working
activities and experience.
The next step is jointly to produce an occupational
audit, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses
so that they can launch into a process of vocational
training directed towards a placement on the company's own internal market or another job on the outside market, with the help of a work grant.
At first this process made relatively heavy weather.
Some people agreed to go to outside recruitment
interviews but changed their minds at the last mo-
ment. During the first- phase, it was noted that
stereotyped ideas, fear and ingrained habits prevailed
and that attitudes were very conservative. It was also
found difficult to teach workers to take decisions,
assess themselves and clearly identify their work experience and expertise they were not accustomed
to such analytical processes.
Nevertheless, after advice, help with producing CVs,
information on labour market legislation, the seeking
out of opportunities and the imparting of motivation
by some of the company's employees who succeeded in mobilising the personnel as a whole, the
case study notes that in general, the attitude of all
the participants in the programme changed radically.
Many of them were starting to take steps for themselves, to look for work, and others wanted to return
to studying (Hurley, 1994).
The process of retraining, then, seems to have been
successfully launched for each party.
In the course of these two chapters, there are clear
links between the various points covered, and therefore the services to be provided; it is also clear that
the occupational support, counselling and guidance
services public or private do not offer the same
type of services and support as any official authority.
Here we seem to be moving from what might at first
seem a logic based on gateways to one that is based
on projects.
There can be no one packaged solution to be offered to every person coming for help. There are
general concepts (the 'Russian dolls' concept already
described) and main courses of action to be taken
depending on the overall position of the indiVidual or
target group in question, but apart from these general trends all the parameters of an individual's personal, social and working life must be taken into account in order to provide whatever service is best
suited to each person's particular situation. The solutions and recommendations to be offered are directed along these lines.
Institutional solutions
guiclance looking
personalising 1203, advice
medium- long-term WIRD
3. Institutional solutions:
personalising help, advice and guidance
looking ahead to the medium- or long-term
The concept of prevention underlies every measure
to help individuals not at immediate risk of unemployment or exclusion. This is a fairly recent approach
internationally, coinciding with what the European
Union sees as medium- or long-term actions, such
as lifelong training or advice and assistance even
for people who are in employment. For instance, appreciating the value of continuing training is in itself
a protection against future risks of unemployment or
being stuck in a dead-end job.
Among the recent issues, the private provision of
advisory services highlights the funding of this form
of intervention, and creates a risk that only people
with sufficient financial resources have access to it.
In taking an overall look in this chapter at the problem of how vocational support, advice and guidance
systems operate at European level and in institutional
terms, methodological problems arise: it cannot be
claimed that this study in itself is empirically exhaustive or of general application. Young Europeans, like
their elders, are not socially, economically or culturally homogeneous groups. The target groups identified are themselves fairly permeable, each one facing widely differing situations in its own environment,
the conditions for its development and success varying a good deal. Occupational support, advice and
institutional solutions:
personalising help, advice and
) guidance looking ahead to the
medium- or long-term future
guidance systems within the European Union are
also very diverse, even within the same region or
town, and cannot easily be transferred from one
context to another. Such services cannot therefore
avail themselves of a universally applicable policy;
they cannot be based on generally applicable models
or provide simple, straightforward results and
solutions that all point in the same direction.
Within this economic, social and cultural diversity,
however, there do seem to be recurring themes and
problems, valid procedures that deserve to be highlighted and particular shortcomings to be tackled, and
these should help with the formulation of strategies
for the development of such services and with creating a Community policy on education, training, integration and access or return to employment or any
other job-related activity. The purpose of this policy
should be to reach the greatest number of people, to
raise levels of skills among manual workers, improve
the quality of life and help to combat the precarious
nature of work, unemployment and marginalisation.
While the policy should be formulated in general
terms at European and national level, in its subsequent implementation it should be adapted to regional
and local contexts.
it will be far easier for those at grass roots to assess
the needs of the individuals those who seek help,
those who come to the services or those who will
not come but whose needs can be met by
Among the general recommendations set out here,
one is that these services must be more within the
occupational support, counselling and guidance
reach of individuals and look at a person's social con-
of the local situation and makes meetings easier in
that it reduces the distance to be travelled. It is likely
that in any given area there will be fewer people to
be catered for, so that they can be reached more
readily and will find it easier to reach the services.
text; employment, training and special and one-off
help should no longer be considered as unrelated to
other aspects of life. No doubt there is a need to
improve even further the image of education and
training especially technical and vocational and
services. This proximity also provides a better picture
to promote the ongoing assessment of what the serv-
The changes in living conditions and the place of
ices provide and how they adapt to the needs and
demands of all parties, including those under Europe-wide programmes. Lastly, these services and
what they provide need to be given a fresh status:
young people and adults in society and the economy
imply that not only must existing principles and practices be refined but also the occupational advice and
guidance bodies must rethink the services they provide, their methods, objectives and goals. Rather than
reacting they must become pro-active (see 3.1.4.);
they must help the individual to become in turn someone who is active and autonomous (see 3.1.1.); and
they should not be first-aid measures for social monitoring and managing people, brought to bear once a
problem has taken root, but a lifelong mentoring ac-
tivity. Because of this, the recommendations must
put forward a more global, positive, personalised,
multidisciplinary and active approach, as will be discussed more specifically in the chapters that follow.
Given the impossibility of guaranteeing access to
employment, it is clear as already pointed out at
the start of this document that the services need to
evolve in line with social realities and each person's
individual type of needs. If they cannot cure, their
objective must be to prevent and be part of an educational process directed towards the personal development of each individual.
they must be able to forestall risks (of unemployment, exclusion, discouragement, etc.) and to the
extent possible act before events occur (see 3.1.4.).
Lastly, they need to broaden their horizons (see
3.2.2.), create cooperative relations with informal
networks, social partners, companies, employers,
etc., and incorporate transition from education to
employment or from unemployment or from one job
to another job into broader personal and social
contexts, offering aid and support that are both more
personal and more global (see 3.1.3.).
The few recommendations made in the chapters that
Improving services at individual level
For a more detailed analysis of a person's particular
situation and to help plan the most suitable forms of
help, counselling needs to be both local and personalised.
As has been emphasised throughout the preceding
chapters, no one response will be right for everyone. Every case is special and must be treated as
such. The overriding problem to be taken into consideration is that of a return to normal society, a jobrelated activity, paid or unpaid, training whether or
not it leads to a qualification and a socially useful
job or more stable (re)integration into employment.
follow are those that occur most frequently in the
various reports (see Bibliography) both those commissioned by CEDEFOP and the European Foun-
dation for the Improvement of Living and Working
Conditions, based on the findings of the Eurocounsel
research-action. They are derived from observations
of initiatives that have faltered or that are not entirely
satisfactory, for which a remedy needs to be found
and for which solutions may even at this point be
envisaged. The points covered are not exhaustive
and are not the only changes that should be made
to existing systems, but they are at least the most
pressing and those whose benefits will become most
rapidly apparent.
3.1.1. Personalised help
Virtually every case is unique and the contexts social, economic, cultural or environmental can be
seen as a series of variables affecting the position of
individuals and the options for their progress and
development. For instance, although global policies
are needed to lay down general guidelines, obviously
Personalising aid helps the practitioner to analyse
the situation of a person coming to him in greater
detail. This also builds up the person's confidence in
the soundness and effectiveness he can expect from
the options suggested.
Institutional solutions
guiclance looking
ahead 'aang medium- Cl?
In the first few pages of this document, we mentioned
the measures to combat unemployment and exclusion as a means of 'curing' or at least helping people
who have suffered from these ills, some of which
are due to their disadvantaged personal situation at
the start but are also often due to changing economic
circumstances. Being unemployed has both a very
personal and individual dimension and a highly social dimension. While major measures are needed,
personalised help is just as valuable. In offering a
quality service, there can be no question of confining
oneself to a standard service.
Ten minutes on the other side of a counter, doing
little more than give someone a bunch of forms to fill
in, is no indication of the interest that a practitioner
will devote to a case and does not afford the satis-
faction of taking responsibility or providing support
that will help to improve a person's unfortunate situation. Whether the person is a school-leaver who does
not know where to turn or an adult who has been made
redundant, the most pressing need is for someone
who will listen, think about the situation and analyse
in detail all the factors leading up to the situation, as
well as someone who can assess potential with a view
to improving the person's situation and helping him to
emerge from this adverse state of affairs.
One of the first recommendations to emerge from
the various documents consulted, then, is to personalise the advice and guidance.
institutional solutions:
personalising help, advice and
j guidance looking ahead to the
medium- or long-term future
This growing attention to the individual is necessary
and even indispensable both for the practitioner
who, being the one who knows the individual best,
will be better able to choose the most appropriate
ways of improving his situation, and for the individual
himself as, in feeling that he has someone to talk to,
he will acquire more confidence and may even be
encouraged to do as much as he can to improve his
own situation (3.1.2.), knowing that someone is taking care of him, is taking his case into consideration
and is trying to help him.
When these transition periods have to be faced, the
services and action programmes set up by major institutions such as schools in the case of young
or national employment centres in the
case of adults
are not challenged. They meet
national needs and because of this are firmly
legitimised, in that they represent a measure of social
cohesion. They are necessary
but perhaps not
always sufficient.
This listening and personalised help can be successfully provided only in the confined framework of local
structures, which obviously reflect the major national
and European directives but may also act and react
A third guidance method is for people lacking the
according to the immediate local context and the
studies, or who question the value of retraining. In
such cases, what are needed are guidance, counselling and more personal support.
more intimate knowledge of the person needing help.
In addition, it is not just a matter of determining the
intellectual or vocational potential of an individual so
self-confidence to retrain or to opt to go back to their
that he can achieve permanent and satisfying
The fact that the service can adapt to the individual
(re)integration; careful thought should also be de-
needs of participants is obviously one of the strengths
of this initiative. This flexibility of response to the de-
voted to his experience outside work and his personal
tastes, in order to arrive at a clear definition of his
wishes and experience as well as the obstacles that
may have to be overcome.
This more active personalisation helps above all to
gain the confidence of the individual, making him feel
that the services set up will take his needs into account and will make the maximum effort to find an
appropriate solution for his case and his present situation. It also helps to define all a person's characteristics, his past, his present, his origins and his character (so that he can be viewed in his social setting),
his achievements and his shortcomings (especially
educational and training), his motivations, prospects
and plans for the future. Obviously all this will be the
starting point for any efforts to provide help and advice. It is through knowing who a person is that one
can envisage what he might become.
The concept underlying the Tallaght Partnership in
Ireland (Box 7) is of great interest in this respect. It
defines three degrees of intervention, and the results achieved seem to justify the value of 'flexible'
methods that vary according to the personality and
characteristics of the users.
mands of users has already led to very positive results.
Four months after the end of the guidance scheme,
more.than half of the participants had a job, almost a
quarter were attending adult education courses or
continuing training or were taking part in other job programmes, and fewer than a fifth were still unemployed.
Sources: Hurley, 1994.
Special facilities have already been launched to increase the attention devoted to users. In 1995 the
OECD was considering setting up a system under
which at least one hour's individual counselling a
month should be offered to every unemployed person (European Foundation for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions Watt, 1997). The
idea was agreeable and would obviously be beneficial if only it were achievable which is not the case,
as the services now operate . It is still encouraging,
however, and gives hope that efforts may in fact be
made along these lines to ensure that everyone receives more attention.
This is also the criterion for the PIBE (personalised
Box 7
jobseeking plan) in Spain. The personalised
The guidance service in the Tallaght Centre in Dubjin
jobseeking plan is based on a 'jobseeker's diary' (see
Box 8), to be compiled in the course of efforts to find
a job. This helps the adviser to monitor the individu-
The philosophy of this guidance scheme is based
on a concept of self-determination. The guidance is
non-directive and client-focused, the aim being to
meet the individual's needs. Besides the group discussions, one-to-one meetings between the participant and the counsellor are preferred.
Given that the guidance is client-focused, its content varies from one person to another.
al's progress and provide appropriate help. One
drawback of this service pointed out is that from the
start it assumes that:
'only a certain number of registered unemployed really try to find a job or have the ability to achieve this. They are the ones, then,
who merit particular attention' (Hurley, 1994,
p. 121).
It is apparent here that there is a kind of selection
With some people, all that is needed is to provide
good quality information to help them identify the
opportunities for training and learning.
Others need to receive far more advice and counselling in order to discover what suits them best and
to define their own job aspirations.
which will inevitably work to the disadvantage of those
who, despite everything, need special help, even if
this does not point in the direction of lasting integration in the working world.
11 The German public services and transport workers' union (OTV) has
calculated that in future, advisers working for the national employment office will be able to devote an average of only three minutes to each client
(Watt, 1997, p.44).
guidance looking
long-term MD®
ahead gRig medium-
Besides the need to establish personalised help at a
local level
i.e. closer to the individual it is also
vital, in the framework of measures designed to combat exclusion, not to confine support, counselling and
guidance services to the transition period alone,
whether this occurs immediately on leaving the educational system or at a later stage (see 3.1.3). What
is also needed is to make sure that everyone can
benefit from the services provided, and above all to
help a person to discover for himself the path that
suits him best.
3.1.2. The activation factor
The main role of services must be to provide a sort
of mentoring activity. The need is to help the individual develop and apply strategies to improve his
Although the vocational support, counselling and guidance services have the tools they need to provide the
best possible information to the individual on ways of
improving himself personally and vocationally, and al-
though they have a dynamic role to perform in their
relations with people under threat of redundancy, it is
important for the stress to be placed on active citizen-
ship and that their advice be regarded as directed
above all to 'encouraging' the individual to make his
own choices and take control of his own life.
Institutional solutions:
personalising help, advice and
) guidance looking ahead to the
medium- or long-term future
The various consolidated documents and reports
consulted (see Bibliography) show that one of the
issues that needs to be stressed in the recommen-
dations is helping the individual improve his lot
(through his competences, qualifications, quality of
life, etc.), but more by mobilising his own resources
and ability to choose than by taking over complete
responsibility for him (where necessary this can be
done by the social security agencies). It is clear that
the occupational support, counselling and guidance
services are expected to set up the work of activation, encouragement to act and the mobilisation of
the individual; and in no circumstances must they
be or become managers of people's lives.
It is evident that many schemes have already been
launched to persuade people to take the initiative in
operations designed to improve the way they live.
For example, this is the case of the jobseeker's diary
in Barcelona (Box 8), a scheme set up by INEM, the
national employment institute, through the PIBE
personalised jobseeking plan.
Box 8
The jobseeker's diary
After an individual interview, the unemployed person is asked to keep a detailed record, to be filled in
like a diary. This is subsequently used to explain,
inform, motivate and guide the user on his own abilities, jobseeking techniques, etc.
This jobseeker's diary means that an individual has
to make a special effort to set out logically, in writing,
his abilities and methods of looking for a job, under
the constant supervision of specialists from the agencies who are specifically assigned to this task.
He must also go to the agency once a month to discuss his progress. If he is rejected by an employer
even though his background fits in with what is
he is required to give the reasons for rejection, so that the appropriate services can take
steps to remedy the situation and improve the way
he presents himself and puts over his good points,
in order to increase his chances of success when
the next opportunity arises.
Sources: Hurley, 1994.
There is, however, one reservation that should be
expressed: it is notable that the services in question
achieve far better results when the measures set up
are not in any way compulsory. Even so, an individual who has totally lost confidence (see the 'invisible' group of the marginalised needing reintegration) needs to be remotivated, and it is likely that the
competent departments need to some extent to introduce an almost compulsory procedure to do this
(see 3.1.4.). The distinction is sometimes retained.
This positive approach, one that needs to be adopted
or improved by the vocational advice and guidance
services and practitioners in an effort to activate the
individual, must in practice take two directions:
0 the first is individual, and focuses directly on the
person with needs to be met by these services.
The objective to be achieved, the measure to be
set up, must not (except in extreme cases) consist of taking over responsibility for the individual
completely; on the contrary, it must provide encouragement to act, to motivate a person to become (return to being) an independent citizen
capable of constructing his own life and work
plans, pursuing goals that he has set himself. The
aim is to do so by taking an active part in his inte-
in a social activity. The particular goal for the advisory service is to help the individual to discover,
develop and apply strategies in order actively to
deal with his situation, to include seeking local
job creation and working opportunities in the unofficial economy. Here the ploy is to persuade the
individual and influence his values rather than to
impose an obligation of special measures. This
avoids him being systematically treated like a 'victim' of the system.
o the second direction is far more collective and
more directly associated with the way such advisory structures operate. To make the activation
and self-mobilisation of an individual possible, the
occupational support, counselling and guidance
services must first have set up adequate liaison
with the local community so that they can suggest certain bodies, companies, associations, etc.
which might help the individual to acquire a social
and/or occupational 'usefulness', activate his skills
and take advantage of any opportunities to over-
come his problems (this factor will be discussed
more specifically in 3.2.2.).
On this subject of activation, certain reports also discuss the participation of clients, at the request of the
aid bodies, in providing advice to their peers. Here
the process comes full circle: it is admirable when
individuals become active citizens and when the support and advice services adopt the initiative in mobilising the users: even though the client takes advan-
tage of the support and advice, he also becomes a
trainer and therefore a provider of help to others.
This is the case with the Maribo (Denmark) autonomous advisory group, Initiativgruppen (Hurley, 1994).
It consists of unemployed people who have been
given free access to a room in the job centre in the
town. The Eurocounsel report published by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and
Working Conditions describes how participants meet
regularly to help each other, for example in finding a
job and in using the services of a guidance counsellor where necessary to cover specific subjects (legal
matters, etc.). Apart from the room made available
to them, they can also use some of the equipment
(telephone, photocopier, etc.). They offer mutual advice and counsel in the light of each one's experience. It appears that this activation of participants
adds to their self-respect, builds up their confidence,
including confidence in their lives in general, and
helps them to perform a genuinely active role in taking responsibility for their own lives and even those
of their peers.
gration on the labour market or his reintegration
Institutional solutions
medium- Cg long-term
In the same way, the Self-Development Counselling
Group of North Mayo in Ireland (McCarthy, 1994)
has as its basic precept the non-duality of unemployment and employment. The unemployed and
long-term unemployed are regarded as themselves
being a 'resource'. The group's activities consist of
channelling these resources towards cohesive social
intervention. The group also consists of unemployed
people being trained to teach the skills needed by
other unemployed people, in other words to give
mutual help. The transition from membership of the
client group to the support group is fairly rapid. The
aim is to enable all the members to deploy their own
resources in participating in change and thereby
achieve their potential for intervention in the processes
of social exclusion.
A similar experiment has also been conducted in
Thuringen in Germany (ALI programme), in which
considerable encouragement is given for self-advice.
Among the services made available are a specialist
library on labour law, the display of job vacancies,
discussion groups on trends in industry and employment, etc. It seems that this way of making information available encourages individuals to take their
future in their own hands.
This wide dissemination of information has undoubtedly reached its maximum in the United Kingdom,
with the STEPAhead in Aberdeen: this is very like a
shop that provides or in this case sells advice
Institutional solutions:
personalising help, advice and
) guidance looking ahead to the
medium- or long-term future
and guidance, as well as a whole range of educational material, books and tapes, with which anyone
can learn on his own, encouraging greater awareness of the potential benefits of training and studies.
Such non-directive guidance, which still leaves scope
for greater self-determination, can exist side-by-side
with an active organisation of occupational support,
counselling and guidance services which, while looking ahead on individuals' behalf, essentially aims to
forestall the problems that might arise in the absence
of proper advice or services (3.2.4.).
Throughout this section it is in fact apparent that the
role of occupational counselling and guidance serv-
ices is to help the individual find his bearings and
improve his conditions of life and work, but at the
same time it is not necessarily its role far from it
to assume responsibility for that individual. More and
more, such services are regarded as being able to
promote active employment measures and less and
less as part of the social protection infrastructure
(where the task is more to take over the financial,
psychological and other aspects). It seems, then, that
what is valued in these services and what is recom-
mended for them is now far more their activity of
Box 9
lifelong mentoring.
3.1.3. The overall prospect: from one-off
support to life plans
The aid and support work of counselling services
should not be confined to occasional periods of occupational transition. The situation should be regarded in terms of one's whble life, taking all the other
aspects of a.person's life at and outside work into
account as well.
Giving personalised help to an individual with a particular problem means that the problem can be more
accurately identified, an inventory made of the per-
Advice on every aspect of daily life:
the example of the Mafalda centre
The Mafalda centre is a non-profit-making company
in Graz in Austria whose primary mission is to help
girls and young women to enter the labour market
more easily, but it also offers a set of advice and
more general services. These include:
0 'occupational' advice (vocational guidance and career planning),
o 'psychological/social' advice (family problems, financial, legal and housing problems, etc.),
son's achievements and potential and above all a
clear idea formed of the disadvantage with which he
has to cope and the most appropriate solution found
(see 3.1.1.).
o 'medical' advice (contraception, sexual problems,
The process of guiding him and encouraging him to
The centre starts with the idea that people who have
move forward through his own efforts to solve his
problem (see 3.1.2.) may build up greater self-confidence and speed up his return to the working world
and society.
Facilities for leisure activities are also offered.
experienced long periods of unemployment often
have complex and related problems. It is only logical
that the centre should not confine itself to vocational
counselling but should also include help with psychological, social and legal matters, etc.
One-off help, such as the help marshalled in the tran-
sition periods of an individual's life, often provides
no more than a respite and in no way signifies total
recovery or a better quality of life in the long term,
even though this is one of the goals of the occupational support, counselling and guidance services.
Furthermore, the trend towards flexibility in employment makes it all too evident that an individual may
have to face many transitions in his working life. He
should be strongly recommended to take advantage
of help and advice not just in reaction to a difficulty
but of a preventive nature, spread out throughout
his working life and even outside work.
The aim is to develop a comprehensive advisory
Source: Hurley, 1994.
Two separate types of transition have been discussed
(section 2):
O the transition faced by young people emerging
from the educational system,
O the transition faced by adults following a period
of unemployment or in a move from one job to
Along the same lines, many case studies show that
steps have already been taken in this direction.
They also highlight the value of focusing sustained
attention on the individual's environment, dealing
with the general context of his life and achievements, for example by including psychological
needs. This is shown by the example of the
Mafalda centre (Box 9).
One observation is evident: the service offered is of-
ten limited to a very specific situation or condition.
The transition from education to employment, for
example, is essentially covered by the school and
vocational guidance departments within the educational system itself.
This raises certain problems since, in many cases,
the role of the guidance services, as we are reminded
by the French report on the northern districts of Marseilles (CIBC, 1996), is often linked with the task of
performance evaluation and sanction.
Institutions solutions
guiclance looking
ahead atg medium- CF long-term MN@
The Luxembourg report (Fandel and Pauwels, 1994)
also clearly argues that this is a negative connotation of the services concerned, which treat this period in the lives of young people as a priority or
even perhaps as the only period with less concern
for the periods that follow. In Luxembourg the ninth
year of school education seems to be the most crucial in terms of the pupil's future, and most of the
counselling services are concentrated in this one year.
It is time to think about providing help and advice
before this critical year, as well as after. This is a
special recommendation in urgent need of consideration. From all the reports it is clearly apparent that
employment and training should no longer be viewed
as separate from other aspects of life but as an integral part of it. For instance, it is important to think in
terms of life as a whole; although it is vital to start
providing advice and guidance before the transition
between school and employment, it is just as vital to
continue after a person enters the labour market.
Besides thinking in terms of life as a whole, which
brings us to the concept of lifelong training, we must
consider the idea that advice and vocational guidance
make sense only if the individual's broader needs are
taken into account and strategies developed, taking
the holistic approach to each person's problems. The
difficult case of the homeless and other marginalised
people who need reintegration is the most obvious
insthutional solutions:
personalising help, advice and
guidance looking ahead to the
medium- or long-term future
example, but another is the target group of apparently
problem-free individuals who find it hard to invest in
themselves or to develop in their personal and working lives because their work is not what they hoped it
would be or what they feel they are capable of.
The appropriate step, therefore, is one that on the
whole has already been taken: not to confine the work
of counselling to the period of transition from education to employment, but to extend the scope of support and advisory services and to consider every occasion when an adult is faced with transition options.
Transitions may be of at least two kinds: from unemployment to employment and from one job to another
(following retraining for a different job, or training that
might lead to advancement, etc.). With adults, the tran-
sition may also entail paving the way from a paid job
to an unpaid job-related activity (see the question of
voluntary work for early retirees, for example).
The problems that an individual has to face may
sometimes be greater than might originally be assumed. The case study on the VUS project in Denmark and the two weeks' general education course
offered to workers have revealed that many of them,
despite being established in society and the working
world, were in fact incapable of filling in.even simple
forms because of reading difficulties. It is obvious
that, given the rapid pace of technological change,
such people run the risk of finding themselves in dif-
ficulties with which they would be hard put to it to
cope unless they receive additional training.
Taking a more global approach, it may first be necessary to disperse the places where advice is provided (see 3.1.4.). The services responsible for giving advice should be set up in several very different
locations depending on the size of .a town, its main
economic activity and its particular social policy. Besides the national employment centres to which any
individual can go, social support offices, town halls,
works councils, sometimes the unions, or neighbourhood committees or bodies, may provide some.of the
services to which there is a collective or individual
These transitions and the help to be given by the
counselling services must be seen against the background of an individual's personal characteristics, the
place where he lives and his deep-seated motivations.
A service offering occasional support would then far
more obviously become one that concerns itself with
individuals, helping them to establish a life plan, taking into account all the dimensions and parameters
of their personal, social and working lives.
For instance, this model of operation in what we have
called the global perspective must contribute to mak-
Chisholm, 1994; Social Occupational Integration at
Local Level, Stathopoulos, 1997) and in the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and
Working Conditions Eurocounsel report (Portfolio
of case studies Examples of innovatory vocational
counselling practices, Hurley, 1994; The role of guidance and counselling for adults on a changing labour market, Watt, 1997). The arrangements must
be made in favour of both the users and the services
themselves. It must be made possible for a greater
proportion of the population to be active, to engage
in a significant form of activity, whatever that might
be. The means of preserving what one has achieved
must also be provided.
This activation should as an optimum, for instance,
be able to avert the risks of unemployment and exclusion and come into play before the problems have
become too firmly established. This recommendation, whose aim is to promote preventive counselling, would entail the setting up of various measures
along several different lines.
A preliminary observation should be made: seen with
the eyes of the youngest people, guidance on com-
pletion of schooling is not enough. Young people
must have far more substantial channels of consultation. Without going into details here of the shortage of resources and shortcomings in the training of
advice practitioners (see 3.2.4.), from a review of
the situations in various European Union countries it
seems that the advice offered is not always effective
or even adequate.
ing such counselling services the core element in
the lifelong support of an individual, the aim being to
analyse his situation and determine the different
routes that will lead him or bring him back to a
social role or paid or job-related activity, combining in
a single structure and a single service the personal,
economic, social, cultural and education and training
3.1.4. Towards prevention
Counselling should be more widespread and an integral part of everyday life. It should be provided before the event and also contribute before unemployment or exclusion becomes established.
Helping an individual to regain confidence, become
independent and construct life plans calls for active
organisation on the part of the counselling services.
This is a question raised both in the two CEDEFOP
synthesis reports (the need for vocational counselling among different target groups of young people
under 28 years of age in the European Community,
The Irish report cited by Chisholm (1994) states that
'vocational guidance is rare and dispersed [...] many
young people have not received guidance before
leaving school'.
In Portugal, the guidance and psychological counselling services are used by two thirds of pupils, but
only during the final year of compulsory schooling.
These services have been operating since 1983 but
do not yet exist in all schools. Furthermore, they are
available only on request.
In countries such as Denmark where personal, school
and vocational guidance is practically a school subject, two fifths of young people in the 15 to 24 year
old age group do not feel that they have received
such guidance.
The recommendation to be put forward, then, is that
the concept and practice of advice centres be thought
through afresh. Pro-active and preventive organisation means coming within the reach of actual or po-
insttiutional solutions.
tential users and being positioned well before
well after the periods of transition.
One of the first points noted, even though at first sight
it seems to have little impact on the quality of service
provided, relates to the premises of support and advice services. CEDEFOP's consolidated report on the
need for vocational counselling among different target groups of young people under 28 years of age in
the European Community (Chisholm, 1994), as well
as the report by the European Foundation (The role
of guidance and counselling for adults on a labour
market in transition, Eurocounsel Final Report, Watt,
1997), consider that it would be appropriate for them
to be 'attractive'. An official environment is a deter-
rent, and what is needed is a friendly area where
advice can be offered in a pleasant setting.
On the question of premises, another need would
be to increase their number and locations. It may
at first sight seem a little trivial to be concerned with
premises and how they are fitted out and decorated
when the issue is to combat unemployment and exclusion, but in practice this concern is not a neutral
factor or one without effects. Spatial expansion also
means developing a strategy in order to reach as
Institutional solutions:
personalising help, advice and
)guidance looking ahead to the
medium- or long-ter future
many individuals and groups as possible and involve
them in occupational support, counselling and guidance services more actively and also in a less official manner. There must be a voluntary strategy of
integrating guidance services into the community and
daily life.
Among the guidance, apprenticeship and training
'shops' created in the United Kingdom and financed
by the TECs (local Training and Enterprise Councils in England and Wales) and LECs (local units
for technical training, Scotland) (Howieson et al.,
1994), the experience of STEPAhead (Hurley,
1994), virtually a shop in the town centre, with the
same opening hours as the shops around it, is an
interesting example. Also of note in Erfurt in
Germany (Hurley, 1994) is an original neighbourhood
service: the traditional meeting place is used, in this
case the local café. Without making them too
ordinary, the aim is for such services not to be
compartmentalised with, and so inevitably seen as
being like, separate institutions such as school for
youngsters and job centres for adults.
In the framework of a dynamic and preventive organisation, in order to make the people who may staff such
structures less formal and less managerial, the
services provided should be 'accessorised': making
guides available for consultation by everyone (see the
guide published by the advice centre in Sarrebruck
in Germany for example), as well as yearbooks, post-
ers, etc. It is valuable to make use of today's media
advances, even at times the opportunities provided
by the Internet, for example. It should be noted, how-
letter or telephone. Ungdomsvejledningen has meeting places in the town centre that are easy to reach,
but it also visits young people in their own homes.
ever, that this use of relatively sophisticated resources
has its drawbacks: whatever the financial support the
structures may enjoy, it is unlikely that they will all be
A vocational education programme is also provided
in schools, offering comprehensive information on the
equally well equipped with hardware and software.
There is a risk of somewhat widening the gap between regions, towns, neighbourhoods and services
that are better or less well endowed, and therefore
between individuals who may or may not be able to
use services of varying standards of performance.
If despite this a young person fails to find work, he is
immediately placed on an intensive introductory and
advice programme (intro-&vejledningskursus).
Besides the particular premises and resources to be
provided locally, the recommendation of having an
active and preventive organisation, as part of more
practical involvement of such services in everyday
life, may also imply may above all imply reaching
out to individuals and groups.
'Reaching out' is a portmanteau concept. It implies a
measure of dynamism, of spatial mobility, leading
perhaps to going out to those people who do not normally make use of counselling services. It may mean
flexibility in the timing of help, i.e. anticipating events
and conducting preventive action to help those at risk
of unemployment or of encountering particular problems which might be dealt with the help of counselling and guidance services.
Ungdomsvejledningen in Denmark (Box 10) is an interesting example of an `pro-active' and 'preventive'
organisation of the provision of advice.
Box 10
Towards 'dynamic' advice and canvassing the approach adopted by Ungdomsvejledningen
options for further education, training and employment.
Source: Hurley, 1994.
In the same way, social workers at the advice service in the administrative district of Saarlouis in Ger-
many (Hurley, 1994) visit jobless people in their
homes if they fail to respond to an invitation to come
into the service. It obtains the addresses and particulars of the unemployed through the social security agency or the job centre. The social worker reaching out to the unemployed person seeks to obtain as
much information as possible on the school he has
attended, what work training or experience he may
have acquired, etc. The questionnaire compiled as
a result is used in providing advice by 'matching up
projects', so that a choice can be make of the type of
programme to which an individual may be guided. A
long-term integration plan is then produced, covering different types of programmes that will enable
the individual to set his own goals from what is now
a precise starting point.
An active and preventive organisation also implies
that the support, counselling and guidance services
see themselves as part of an evolving process. It
also means that contacts must be made and pursued with other local partners. There is a good deal
of work to be done in establishing, promoting and
strengthening networks in order to provide a fuller
range of services to users (see 3.2.2.).
Ungdomsvejledningen is a decentralised advice pro-
gramme based in Holbk and funded by the local
authorities. It caters specifically for young people up
to the age of 19 and/or during the two-year period
after they leave school.
These are contacted at least twice a year, even if
they have moved away from the area.
As an advice programme, Ungdomsvejledningen
makes a considerable effort to ensure that the service it provides reaches the whole of the target population.
These various points highlight how great a contribution occupational support, counselling and guidance
services can make to individuals and groups in their
approach. They also show how necessary it still is to
develop certain practices, improve certain services
and develop certain types of service. It should be a
matter of priority to provide support at grass roots,
but a clear statement should be made at European
level on the directions to be taken, and fresh thought
should be given to the theories, practices and goals
underlying the operation of such services.
The young people, especially those at more direct
risk of unemployment, are contacted personally by
nstitutional solutions
advice End guidance looking
long-term Wog
ahead veto medium-
Reviewing the concept and organisation
of services at European, national and
local level
Although the target groups and the services offered
vary greatly from one country to another and even
from one region or town to another, outline directives
should be laid down, which can then be adapted in
each place to the particular context.
In practice the preferred option should be the local
approach, gearing actions to the specific needs of
an individual, district or group and so that the role of
the operators in a specific area can be defined. At
the same time, however, it is vital to look at the subject from the global perspective in order to state the
main priorities for policies on combating unemployment and the ensuing risks of exclusion.
In all the countries that make up Europe, central government must take the lead in formulating these social policies, with the regional and municipal authorities and local operators being those that directly administer the policies. Central Government will continue
to define the rules of the game and retain overall responsibility as the guarantor of national solidarity.
Institutional solutions:
personalising help, advice and
j guidance looking ahead to the
mediu - or ong4err1i future
In general, there must be a new concept of counselling practices. Economic changes imply not only the
improvement of existing principles and practices, but
also a global rethinking of the place to be occupied
by these various services today, the methods they
should be developing, the aims and goals to be
achieved. Important principles need to be confirmed
or redefined. It is of value if this can first be set up at
a global level European and national and that a
clear-cut, concise theory be stated, which could be
taken as a starting point for practices, which may be
adapted at the regional and local levels.
In these major trends, there should in particular be a
review of the position and the relations of the occupational support, counselling and guidance services
with the major institutions (school, etc.), the local
social partners, businesses and the various non-governmental bodies, for example (see 3.2.2.).
Lastly, while the practices of counselling and guidance services should be modified, the quality of what
they offer improved and their fields of competence
broadened, it is also inevitable that serious consideration be given to the training of advice practitioners and other social workers operating in such services (3.2.4.).
3.2.1. A specific policy at the European and
national levels
between economic development and social development.
A declaration of principle setting out the priorities and
the main courses of action at European and national
levels needs to be established, with minimum standards of guarantee in order to harmonise the practice
of counselling within the European Union.
There are good arguments for this view of advice as
a measure independent of other measures. Recog-
It has been explicitly established that vocational ad-
vice and guidance can make active employment
measures more effective, and that they are major
factors in the struggle against unemployment and
nition of its independent status should encourage
such services to develop in the direction of providing
global guidance for their clients (in other words, ex-
tending beyond the close, confined framework of
jobseeking and/or training). In addition, by treating
advice as separate from other measures, it should
be easier to measure its effects and evaluate its effectiveness more accurately.
economic and social exclusion.
Future trends on the labour market indicating greater
flexibility and demand for an ever higher level of skills
confirm the need to provide for counselling services
throughout life, so that people can cope better with
the transition between school and employment and
with periods of unemployment.
To avoid unemployment, thought should be given to
new forms of career guidance during working life.
Just as there should be lifelong learning, counselling
services throughout life are also needed to help people deal with the complexities of the working world
and training.
The political decision-makers must have the requisite tools to encourage the setting up of better quality services and their adaptation to the needs and
demand of individuals.
The White Paper on 'Growth, competitiveness, employment' (1993) already contains detailed proposals designed to make a further impact on the labour
market, including objectives of basic competences,
plans for guaranteed employment for young people,
better information for employees, etc. The paper has
been reinforced by other programmes (see the
Maastricht Treaty social chapter). In the context of a
more closely integrated Europe and single market,
not only the jobs markets but also occupational profiles and activities must be defined at a more global
The European Foundation for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions' Eurocounsel consolidated report (Watt, 1997) stresses the vital need for
a declaration of principle at European level setting
out these various prospects and establishing the advisory service as an independent measure, a fundamental component of other measures and a promoter
of social cohesion, facilitating reintegration on the
labour market and in society and creating the link
According to the Eurocounsel report (Watt, 1997), it
is important that evaluation and coordination of advice and guidance policies be under the responsibility of experienced external agencies. The social part-
ners, European employers' associations and the
trade unions should also be involved.
Another vital objective that should be included in a
European-level declaration of principle is a stipulation of the minimum guarantees that will ensure that
everyone has access to the services, and what is
more to effective services.
This declaration of principle, setting out the minimum
standards, must also be established at national level.
Each region should then be in a position to prepare
a strategic plan for the provision of advice, which
should be part of the overall national strategic framework besides being developed at local level, in liai-
son with the various economic and social partners
(this already exists, for example, in the United Kingdom in the form of 'Investors in People' standards
of quality for the development of human resources
within the workplace (Howieson et al., 1994)).
Lastly, at the national, regional and local levels there
is a need to condubt regular reviews. This means
listing the existing services public and private,
whether in the form of partnerships or non-governmental organisations, profit-making or non-profit
making and determining how they operate and their
strengths and weaknesses, so that the advice market in the territory concerned can be understood a
little better and the measurement and evaluation procedures improved (see annex).
This also means compiling information on the local
market, the options, opportunities and advantages,
etc. The work would have to be both statistical and
qualitative from this viewpoint, encouraging the support, counselling and guidance services to rely more
closely on their local partners.
Institutional solutions
personalising Gaglrb advice
ahead G3 'lag, medium- CI? long-term
3.2.2. The multidisciplinary and holistic approach
Not only must advice be provided to individuals, but
the range of services should also be extended and
clients should be directed towards other networks,
where appropriate.
Obviously a structure that aims to offer global guidance to individuals must establish a number of links
with widely different agencies, associations, committees and private persons. This is true even when the
transition is between education and employment or
between unemployment and work, but it is also true,
on a broader scale, when the issue is the lifelong
counselling of the individual on problems as varied
as those relating to his working status as well as his
social and personal status.
Such links have already been established at European level between several sectors; they need to be
improved and intensified at national and local levels
with the economic, social and educational sectors,
among others.
The main objective of such links is to broaden the
range of opportunities and information that can be
conveyed, increasing the likelihood of users making
better progress from one service to another and
achieving a positive result.
The creation of links and the resulting multi-
Institutional solutions:
personalising help, advice and
guidance looking ahead to the
medium- or long-term future
disciplinarity must first be established in the schools,
creating preventive action and providing young people with an adequate body of knowledge for them to
make an informed choice of what is on offer. It may
be necessary for the occupational support, counsel-
ling and guidance services to be in contact with a
youngster's personal networks (parents, teachers).
It is even more vital that these services should have
established links, with local businesses, for example, so that a young person can become familiar with
the working world and acquire his first experience of
work, which will help him make a start and make a
better choice of the route in which he is interested.
It 'is on the local labour market and in workplaces
close at hand that support, counselling and guidance
services must here and now create the basis for close
contact, so that they can create links between those
offering their labour and those needing that labour
the origin of their role. Many users have reported a
glaring lack of information on this local labour market among advisory services. A partnership between
local enterprises and counselling and guidance services would help to create or improve certain measures, for example by offering work placement oppor-
tunities, considering applications from the long-term
unemployed or organising open days to familiarise
people with a company and the work it does.
In the framework of preventive measures and the
enlargement of the occupational support, counsel-
This is in fact what has already been done at local
level in Belgium and in Greece (Elefsina and
Thessaloniki), as described in the CEDEFOP consolidated report (Social and Occupational Integration at
Local Level, Stathopoulos, 1997), which mentions
effective and efficient coordination mechanisms.
ling and guidance services, it is also valuable for links
to be established with the trade unions. The latter
could take a greater part in the provision of advice,
for example strengthening contacts with the advice
practitioners on users' rights, new training opportunities and ways of preventing unemployment.
While the advice to be given primarily concerns the
individual or groups in difficulties, it may also be directed to employers or other local bodies. A case
study in Austria on Arbeitsassistenz, assistance with
work, as part of the Pro Mente Infirmis (PMI) work
group, furnishes an example (Box 11).
An interesting scheme has been conducted in Den-
mark, at Fakse (Box 5), where local unions have
taken deliberate steps to add to the advisory responsibilities of delegates from local workshops, who then
serve as catalysts in encouraging their colleagues
to take a training course.
Box 11
The activities and services offered at
Arbeitsassistenz is a centre established by Pro Mente
Infirmis, an association for mental and social health.
This partnership strategy is most advanced in Denmark. A single approach involves advisers, employers, unions and local economic development planners, government and non-governmental agencies.
The partnership ranges from the simple transfer of
information from one body to another to a more ad-
Its main activity is the reintegration into society of
people suffering from psychological problems. In
addition to psycho-social advice centres and residential communities for the mentally ill, it administers a vocational training centre.
vanced strategy of coordination or cross-linking, sharing not only information but particular skills and cre-
Arbeitsassistenz is jointly financed by the labour
ating an integrated, multidisciplinary service.
market authority, the provincial bureau for the disabled and the regional authorities.
The small agencies are usually more wary of this
process, fearing a loss of independence and of coming under the financial control of the larger structures
with which they would have to ally themselves, as
recounted in CEDEFOP's consolidated report on
Social and Occupational Integration at Local Level
(Stathopoulos, 1997). Nevertheless, to an increasing degree the services are recognising the positive
impact of this type of strategy, for example by putting
the educational system in contact with other institu-
tions in the same town. A measure of confidence
must first be established to promote this synergy of
the actions to be developed.
Clearly at local level at least the support, counselling and guidance services must be able to inform
individuals about the particular bodies, associations
or structures that can be of some help or value to
Special links promote access to the services. The liaison is essentially through the jobs centre rehabilitation services or the provincial bureau for the disabled.
As a result of the good cooperation with these departments, users hear about the existence of Arbeitsassistenz and are sent to the centre for help and advice.
Certain other users are sent to Arbeitsassistenz by
other branches of Pro Mente Infirmis, or they may
discover the centre through acquaintances or friends.
The centre makes considerable efforts in public relations; its services are targeted both to its users (with
individual counselling sessions, etc.) and to employers (educational campaigns, formulating objectives,
etc.). Arbeitsassistenz aims to become a direct partner in the user/employer/social environment triangle,
attempting to offer professional help and arrive at solutions that benefit all the parties concerned.
In this respect, it is not enough to create networks
with the official institutions; it is also necessary to,
examine the usefulness and contribution of informal
structures, non-governmental organisations or neighbourhood councils, for example.
There are several challenges, therefore. The object
is to provide help simultaneously to:
o employees with psychological/social problems
who risk losing their jobs;
Institutional solutions
personalising CGTA advice
guidance looking
long-tenn WIG
ahead VIIilg medium-
0 unemployed people with psychological/social
problems who are trying to return to the labur
o employers, management and works committees
that have to deal with these people's mental problems and the problems to which they give rise in
the workplace.
Thus, here the twofold aim is to improve the chances
of access to jobs for its clients by establishing con-
tacts with companies and to arouse awareness
among employers, company principals, management
and personnel managers, with a view to more open-
minded attitudes and closer integration with due
regard to the interests of the employer, the client and
the social and working environment.
Source: Hurley, 1994.
It is recognised that through creating links at several
levels, more sophisticated or at least better organised access can be obtained to information and better quality and more extensive services. All the parties involved in the support, advice and guidance,
i.e. the individual as well as the employer and society in general, are taken into consideration.
Lastly, apart from creating links and collaboration with
Institutional solutions:
personalising help, advice and
guidance looking ahead to the
medium- or long-term future
local partners, it is obvious that occupational support, counselling and guidance services cannot do
without structured support from and contact with the
official agencies: the social support bodies, national
employment centres, etc.
Ungdomsvejledningen in Denmark, as we have seen
(Box 10), is able to promote an active system of or-
ganisation that looks beyond individual needs because it is supported and informed by the official bod-
ies helping groups at risk towards whom the work
could be directed. For instance, in the framework of
Ungdomsvejledningen, there is a system of transfer
by the young people's training and education establishments in the vicinity, which give them information
on the identity of young people who drop out of edu-
cation or training courses. Through this source
Ungdomsvejledningen can then make contact with
the youngsters in an effort to remotivate them and
persuade them to return to training. In the same way,
Ungdomsvejledningen is in contact with the social
security services, which withhold benefits if a person
refuses to take part in a course. Parents, officials
and the local authorities are also extensively involved,
attending meetings to coordinate the advisory activities and to influence local policies, in particular by
special orientation courses.
The Trinijove foundation in Spain (Hurley, 1994), a
non-government association established in a disadvantaged district in Barcelona, also makes use of all
the available resources. These come from various
bodies and authorities such as INEM, the regional
government, local communities, etc., with which cooperation agreements have been signed. Contacts
have also been made with the Basque Country and
in France.
bodies responsible for these two dimensions, social
and economic.
On the other hand, active measures should be directed more systematically towards the institutions
or authorities in charge of local economic development. Some solutions could, for instance, be based
on the promotion of SMEs, the creation of new jobs
or services and the development of self-employment.
The CI LOs
There seems to be a fairly clear-cut distinction be-
tion of links among several sectors and partners help-
tween the role, present and future, of the occupational
support, counselling and guidance services, and other
local employment initiative centres in
Piedmont in Italy, are another example of the crea-
ing to improve the quality and volume of services
provided. Such links are, moreover, the basis of the
policy of CILOs. As Hurley (1994) reports, they act
as coordinators of all the resources that may be
brought to bear for the unemployed in the region.
The labour market observatory is the link between
the CILOs and the region. It organises the network,
distributes training, continually seeks to improve the
system, helps the CILOs and launches research and
enquiries for the network as a whole.
measures to combat unemployment and exclusion.
The argument put forward by support and advice services is that their essential task is, in the framework of
their work to improve everybody's quality of life, to
propose active measures to direct people towards eMployment or a job-related activity. As outlined in previ-
ous chapters, the task is to restore a person's selfconfidence, integrate him into society, and help him
to enter (or return to) the labour market or sharpen
his skills and expertise with a view to bettering himself.
The lesson to be learned is that, to combat unemployment and help people at risk of becoming unemployed, one must seek the collaboration of all the
resources existing locally, especially those with responsibilities other than those of the occupational
Encouraging a person to regain his confidence, helping him to acquire new qualifications, must not penalise him financially, even for a temporary period.
support, counselling and guidance services. A
support, counselling and guidance services to ar-
number of organisations can intervene effectively on
various grounds, and this may give rise to joint planning by the various bodies.
range a job when someone has completed a specific
In addition to the necessary contacts with education
and employment bodies, institutions such as the police or clergy can also have a positive impact in counteracting unemployment and exclusion, as described
Although it is not always the domain of occupational
training course, they must make sure that the person has the means of subsistence he requires to
make progress. This is far more often classified
amongst what have been termed as passive measures. It is essential, however, even when an active
measure has been initiated, so that it can be continued and come to the best possible conclusion.
for example by the Swedish Kalmar report (CEDEFOP,
1997, quoted by Stathopoulos, 1997).
Similarly, it is important for there to be liaison between
the educational sector and the working world, local
partners, associations and neighbourhood councils
among others. Links and cooperation are inevitable
between those working in the field of social protection
and those working in the field of job-related advice
with a view to economic and social development.
3.2.3. Linking passive and active measures
Here the recommendations are very practical. On
the one hand, people should not have to forfeit their
benefits when they move from a passive to an active
measure or when they set up their own businesses.
There must, therefore, be close contact among the
For instance, if there is one link that must be firmly
established and structured, it is to work in close cooperation with social protection and unemployment
benefit departments, etc.
Various examples have shown that, quite apart from
the wish to take training or enter the labour market,
the financial element however small is still reassuring in certain cases, is the primary consideration
in others and may counteract the resolve to better
one's situation in the longer term.
One of the cases reported is the case of disabled
people in Seville in particular (Hurley, 1994). The
AsociaciOn para the promoci6n del Minusválido
(P ROM I) is an association whose objective is to try to
integrate the (mentally) handicapped in society and
Institutional solutions
personalising GM, advice cud guidance looking
long-term Onma
ahead a:AR@ medium-
work. These are grouped according to ability and re-
ceive special education and vocational training so
that some of them can enter the local labour market
on a virtually 'normal' footing. Apart from the families, which often oppose their disabled member starting to work, regarding them as incapable of doing
anything, or preferring to keep girls at home to help
with some of the domestic chores, the case history
mentions a regulation which often hampers any attempt to provide training:
'as disabled people incapable of working, they
receive a State pension (25 000 to 32 000 pesetas [in 1994] a month, 14 times a year). If they
become capable of working, they lose their right
to this pension without being sure of finding a job.'
(Hurley, 1994, p. 129).
It is evident, then, that there may still be some inertia in
this field, even though a proportion of the disabled could
undoubtedly do a 'normal' job and thereby lead a 'normal' life without necessarily having to be supported.
A change in mentality, practices and policies undoubtedly needs to be introduced to overcome this practi-
cal situation, which penalises not only the person
concerned but also the people around him and society in general. Steps have already been taken at various levels.
Institutional solutions:
personalising help, advice and
j guidance looking ahead to the
medium- or long-term future
For instance, in the system of self-counselling and
activation for the jobless in Denmark (Hurley, 1994),
people continue to receive their normal unemployment benefits while participating in the activities of
lnitiativgruppen (Maribo).
In the same way, as already described (Box 5), the
beneficiaries of VUS and VUC who take study leave
to attend a training course receive a weekly subsidy
from the government. In this job rotation scheme, the
unemployed people replacing them receive the same
wages as were paid to the workers now in training.
In the framework of socially useful jobs, the example of Trento (Italy) also shows that good coordination has been established between the counselling
services and the retirement services. Older unem-
ployed people those nearing retirement age are
recruited by cooperatives until they have worked
the requisite number of years to entitle them to retirement benefits.
The Irish programme of socially useful employment
allows an unemployed person who accepts a parttime job or a temporary contract to continue drawing
his allowances.
Lastly, on the question of retraining and aid for setting up in business, always somewhat hazardous,
the programme of benefits for returning to work enables the unemployed to accept a paid job or to become self-employed, but retain 75% of their social
benefits for the first year and 50% for the second.
They also keep all the secondary benefits. (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and
Working Conditions Watt, 1997, p.71).
As mentioned by this Irish report, the programme, in
common with others that have been developed along
the same lines, enables the long-term unemployed
to try out different job opportunities while retaining at
least a minimal degree of financial security.
If they are to be able to legitimise the work they do
and the advice they give, and actually provide a
specialist service, it is important that advice practi-
tioners, in particular salaried practitioners, be
suitably trained. It should be inconceivable that
someone would be trained unless he or she has
the basic skills to provide this type of service. This
is mentioned, however, in CEDEFOP's consolidated
report dealing with the practice of vocational guid-
ance for young people in Greece at the time of
moving from the first to the second cycle (see:
Young people's needs for vocational guidance: the
young population in general, young people who
leave school without coMpleting their compulsory
education, young women with no skills training,
Zanni-Teliopoulou, Stathakopoulou, 1995; the need
Other measures to help the unemployed set up their
own businesses have been introduced in several
European Union countries. They follow the same rea-
for vocational counselling among different target
groups of young people under 28 years of age in
the European Community, Chisholm, 1994).
soning of solving the problem of unemployment
through individual initiative.
At present there is a certain diversity among the pro-
fessional profiles of advice practitioners: some of
Just as advice or guidance offered on very restrictive conditions (the recipient must be over 18, have
been unemployed for less than a year, etc.) penalises the individual and detracts from the image of
the services themselves and the value that should
be placed on lifelong education or training, such
schemes and forms of cooperation between passive
and active employment and integration measures are
of great importance in the development and legitimacy of occupational support, counselling and guidance services. Advice practitioners are those most
likely to encourage this enhanced value and more
extensive use of occupational support, counselling
and guidance services.
3.2.4. The question of the training of practitioners and the (re)definition of their duties
Advisers themselves must have nationally certified
training. This should be followed up by continuing
training so that they can specialise in the advice they
give. For example, sound expertise in the local
economy is a prerequisite for giving advice on setting up a business.
As described throughout this study, the responsibilities and practices of support, counselling and guidance services are considerable and varied. The grow-
ing trend is not to focus solely on the question of
transition (primarily from education to employment)
but to extend the help to cover every period and aspect of life. To provide such services, obviously it is
a basic requirement that advice practitioners be able
to respond to such new needs and changes.
them have been trained in the field of vocational guidance, others have a general education diploma, while
others have psychological/social training. The type
of training leads to different advice practices, in which
the emphasis may be on certain aspects rather than
others. There is an interaction between the type of
training taken and the functions that practitioners
identify as priorities or as coming more strictly within
their field of competence.
There is, moreover, a degree of vagueness in the
definitions practitioners give of their profession, responsibilities and tasks. In the United Kingdom national report (Howieson et al., 1994), some advice
practitioners see their main responsibility as having
enough general knowledge to transfer the client to
the appropriate advice agencies. It is to be hoped
that they will have established the links and created
enough networks to do this work, but in the framework of a comprehensive vocational support, advice
and guidance service there is no certainty that this
practice is adequate.
Many people are aware of the growing flexibility of
the labour market and the need to be familiar with
that market to provide the best possible help to the
client coming to the service. Few people, however,
know enough about the job opportunities and possible openings. Some people see themselves as interfaces between those in need of advice and the various local operators, or even as catalysts or more simply mediators between the unemployed and employ-
ers. They often find it hard to provide information to
those who wish to become self-employed. They see
Institutional solutions
ahead Mike) medium- Cri long-term
themselves not as business development officers,
but rather as educators.
Various programmes or initiatives have already been
launched to train advice practitioners. The shopfloor
representatives trained at Fakse in Denmark are
shown how to give full information and advice on their
workplace, familiarise them with different subjects:
counselling skills, including the ability to listen closely,
word processing, understanding budgets, projectcentered group work methods (Hurley, 1994, p. 54).
They are then asked to draw up a plan with a view to
applying their knowledge to a programme for the rotation of employment and training.
In the Self-Development Counselling Group in Ireland (Hurley, 1994), counsellors are trained to acquire a grasp of the economic and social processes
leading to unemployment, become aware of their own
resources and abilities and thus help other unemployed people (it will be recalled that this system is
based on self-counselling and therefore it is generally the unemployed themselves who provide the
Bearing in mind the various points discussed and
the variety of functions a social worker has to perform
within a vocational support, advice and guidance
service, several factors need to be taken into ac-
institutional soiutions:
personaiising help, advice and
) guidance looking ahead to the
medium- or long-term future
count when (re)defining the functions of such practitioners and the skills and training they must acquire
or develop.
Looking at the question of personalised help, it is
essential that they should have the time to listen to
their clients. One of the first considerations might be
to ensure that the number of social workers assigned
to the task is adequate to ensure that the necessary
attention is given. As things now stand, this is not
very likely. Many departments are under-funded and
operate essentially by recourse to the voluntary sector. Although such voluntary effort is needed for the
process to be properly conducted, because it arises
from a desire to help without any particular self-interest, it is also necessary for specialists trained in counselling work and appointed to this task to participate,
manage and supervise the services provided (as is
the case with the CILOs in Italy). It is indeed indispensable bearing in mind the requirements laid down
by the OECD, which mentioned one hour's counselling per month for every unemployed person. These
practitioners must also be trained in the task and know
how to 'listen' to every person coming to them.
In the practice of counselling in which the individual
is viewed in the global perspective covering not
just his personality but also the route he is taking
and his environment when drawing up personalised plans of action, it is essential to train counsellors in methods of qualitative research that depart
somewhat from the conventional psychological tests.
Guidance activities, as they are defined today, can
no longer be restricted to this method, whose results
doubtful in some cases, and in all cases very pinpointed and restrictive do not give a picture of a
person in his social context and in a very broad perspective.
Taking the question of the active organisation of serv-
ices, advice practitioners must also have the resources needed for this task. It may be of interest to
develop new technology that can help them in their
search. Furthermore, above all they must be able to
keep abreast of developments on the labour market, they must have contacts with the various local
operators and the experts in local economic development and community development so that they
can provide the optimum information on the new opportunities in employment and other activities.
counselling and guidance services with generalists
and people who specialise in one sector or another.
Apart from initial training, it is vital that they receive
continuing training and short courses so they can
keep constantly up to date and informed (especially
about the launching of new policies and fresh opportunities) and extend their expertise.
No doubt properly trained personnel, kept constantly
informed about developments on the labour market,
the introduction of new policies, individuals' demand
and the needs and these too change are in themselves a guarantee of a quality service. In addition
there is the concept of proximity, which adds to the
effectiveness of the advice provided.
There is undoubtedly a need to create a 'profession'
of advice practitioners. They will require their own
training and official national recognition. The report
on the case study of the Guidance Network in Bradford in the United Kingdom looked forward to the creation of a 'standard guidance diploma' (Hurley, 1994).
Two types of guidance practitioner should be entailed
in this professionalisation, one as useful as the other:
o The 'generalist' with the ability to access information (on the labour market, job-related programmes, opportunities for special study and
training) and set up networks, and who has listening and evaluation skills, a knowledge of policies, etc. is held in growing regard. Some of the
reports also note that the generalist must also
have 'a certain experience of life'.
o Besides these generalist competences, there is
also a need for specialist counsellors. In this case,
arrangements must be made for further professional training. The Eurocounsel consolidated report produced by the European Foundation for
the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Watt, 1997) envisages the creation of a new
profession: the 'counsellor specialising in the
wider labour market'.
Nevertheless, whatever the title given to either of these
practitioners, it is important that multidisciplinary
teams can be set up within occupational support,
Conc usion
Many publications, taking various forms, have been
used in this synthesis report. It gives a picture of the
whole difficulty of grasping the concepts of social integration and entering the working world, from the
viewpoint of the provision of advice, help and guidance to people confronted with a range of problems.
The group of operators taking part in this process
have differing agendas and strategies. There are sev-
eral markets side by side. The labour market, of
course, but also the supply of and demand for coun-
selling, as well as the training market, which often
follows on after counselling and guidance. Even so,
this report offers a neutral analysis and at the same
time a synthesis of the main findings and recommendations put forward by all the authors quoted.
There are several factors that might advance thinking in these fields.
The individuals to be advised, guided and supported
consist of varied groups which evolve in different contexts. Three main target groups have, however, been
identified in this publication: the marginalised, people
becoming marginalised and people who are 'apparently problem-free'. The definition of these three main
groups should not conceal the diversity of the transition situations that individuals have to face. These main
Lifeiong Vocationai Guidance:
European Case Studies
groups should be considered on the lines of Russian
dolls in an attempt to arrive at as precise a definition
as possible of the problems experienced by each person, taking very many variables into account. The level
of training, the duration of periods of unemployment,
the geographic, social and cultural environment, are
key criteria that should be borne in mind in attempting
to provide more effective help and reach the solution
best adapted to that person's particular situation.
The initial objectives and the goals of job-centred
counselling and guidance services are coming up
against a series of new problems due to more or
less recent economic and social changes:
o the jobs market is saturated, which means that
the goal of combating unemployment through
occupational integration and reintegration cannot
be achieved. The solution, then, is to set up replacement measures and reorient the advice and
guidance mission, even though this might create
an impression that the service has lost its way;
o improving the level of skills often runs in parallel with
entering the working world. But entering or returning to the working world is not always the prime objective in that, when faced with certain groups who
have already gone far down the path to exclusion,
the social mission is more immediately useful;
o while many services are within the public-sector
framework, others are private and some provided
for a fee. This runs contrary to the prime mission
of providing aid and promoting equal opportunities whereby these services, through the help they
provide, narrow the gap between the recipients
of guidance and those to whom access is denied;
o the `best' services on offer tend to go first of all to
the most qualified. The targeting of public policies towards certain categories of the population
thus often increases the marginalisation of certain groups who are not in the targeted area;
O the proliferation and inconsistency of the services
offered to the population often means that the help
provided is disparate, complicated and not easy
for the user to understand.
dit of competences, with due regard to the person's actual potential and his aspirations.
o The end objective, in the case of occupational
integration or reintegration, may be broken down
into stages: voluntary work, training, a temporary
(and not necessarily paid) job, etc. to help a person to find, or restore, a working pace and attitudes, self-confidence, an awareness of his skills
and his personal and career aspirations.
o It is therefore essential to phase active measures
(which include vocational advice and guidance)
and financial aid (a passive measure), so that
there can be a review of all the aspects that will
help with entering or returning to the world of work
on a durable basis in the medium or long term.
o For the global, personalised approach recomCertain recommendations set out in this document
suggest elements of responses to the problems described. They point to a redefinition of the mission of
guidance and advice services and their repositioning
both in the routes taken by individuals and within the
different service providers. These recommendations
may be more or less applicable having regard to the
local or national context, but they help to provide a
global framework for rethinking the subject.
o Employment should no longer necessarily be the
focus of the service being provided. For instance,
counselling should not always concentrate on
immediately finding or returning to employment.
Various actions focusing on the individual as a
whole person may be undertaken with the objective of achieving active citizenship and formulating life plans.
o Every transition in life may be the subject of counselling. Transition should be seen as a move between two different situations (the first job, a re-
turn to work, promotion, retirement, etc.). The
move is not always easy and may call for inter-
mended, the services directly associated with vocational advice and guidance will not be enough
on their own. Other services (psychological help,
social assistance, etc.) can offer specific forms of
intervention which should be combined with them.
o If the ultimate aim is employment, even in the form
of temporary and/or unpaid work, networks need
to be created with partners in the labour market
(employers, trade unions, etc.), in order to liaise
between the supply of labour and the demand.
o These two latter aspects, the links between the
service providers and the jobs market, can take
practical form only in a local context where closer
relations among the various parties is facilitated
by physical closeness.
o An approach at local level puts things on a more
personal level and above all makes a preventive
approach more effective, since it is easier to identify individuals and groups of individuals. It will
facilitate the identification of their special needs
and place them in a more clearly defined context.
vention from support workers.
O The preference should be for a holistic view of the
individual (looking at his ethnic and social origins,
his motivations and aspirations, his way of life, his
economic, social, cultural and structural environment) and the aim of the service being promoted.
o Occupational integration and reintegration and
more broadly every form of transition should mo-
bilise the individual's personal resources (selfesteem, determination), the networks of relationships, either existing or to be created, and an au-
o The local approach also helps to achieve greater
consistency among the various services offered
and makes the provision more transparent to the
potential user, and access to information easier.
Thus, the reader must above all bear in mind the vital
need to think through and administer counselling, aid
and guidance on both social and vocational integration at as local a level as possible. It is also likely that
counselling services would become more lastingly effective if they were to take a more systematic and global an approach and thus anticipate the problems.
Methods of evaluating counselling services
Whatever the approach adopted, the techniques implemented and the help provided by the various services, it is evidently difficult to evaluate their impact
impartially in that they are not necessarily the only
factors affecting the route a person takes. Nevertheless, while the intrinsic value of such measures cannot be gauged, evaluation at least gives a rather more
precise picture of the quantity of services already
provided and to be provided, as well as of the quality
and appropriateness of the services and any shortcomings.
To find out what has already been achieved and what
needs to be created or improved as well as the posi-
tive and negative aspects of counselling systems,
evaluation is essential. The evaluation must be of
the structures themselves, the way they operate, their
theoretical basis, their practices and goals. Besides
this purely institutional aspect, it must cover the people involved, their role and way of working, their skills,
training and capacity to use the tools they need to
ensure that the services they provide run smoothly.
Lastly it must also and perhaps this is the prime
requirement look at the users, the potential or future clients, their needs and demands. It is only by
knowing what is needed that one can think about
what can be provided.
Along these lines is the research conducted by
LileDong Vocationa0 GlAdance:
European Case Studies
CEDEFOP (Chisholm, 1994) on the vocational guidance needs of young people under 28 in the European Community, and by the European Foundation
for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, whose Eurocounsel final report (Watt, 1997)
proposes a programme of research-action on advice
and long-term unemployment.
The CEDEFOP national reports (see Bibliography)
are intended to serve as an inventory of the services
that already exist and the way they operate, based
to a great extent on an understanding of the people
for whom the services are intended. The objective
of the research and the ensuing evaluation is clearly
to point out the changes that need to be made so
that the system matches more closely the needs and
demands of these young people at times of transition, looking at them from the transnational perspective. The selected target groups also give a clearer
idea of the problems and weaknesses of the theory
and of the practice of vocational guidance.
The work of the European Foundation for the Im-
provement of Living and Working Conditions
through the Eurocounsel programme
has been
conducted in three phases. The first step was to produce a table of the provision of services at local level,
identifying the basic questions arising in each national context and the trends in counselling in each
participating country. The next step was to study the
developments in Europe and what might be seen as
'good practice'. The last step was to make more spe-
cific efforts to bring those services in line with the
present and future labour market.
The two types of research are complementary, in that
the first is mainly concerned with the users the potential or future clients while the second is far more
concerned with the operators and the way in which the
services operate from a more institutional viewpoint.
Both of them reveal related problems, almost identical concerns and an evolving approach; a serious
evaluation and looking at the issue afresh should help
the method to be adopted in targeting the population
groups who need or who will turn to this type of support, counselling and guidance service. We shall not
go over the subject again; the reader is referred to
chapter 1.
When the question is one of evaluating the services
provided, the same type of questions arises: how to
categorise the group and the services to be provided,
in order to give as precise a picture as possible of
their scope. Furthermore, the different European
Union countries do not seem to place the emphasis
on and promote the same type of evaluation, nor do
they seek the same information. The Eurocounsel
report published by the European Foundation for the
Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Watt,
1997) tells us that:
'For example, in Germany, there is currently no
clearly defined methodology on the manner of
undertaking such evaluations ... The emphasis
to identify the shortcomings explicitly so that they
can be remedied.
Remedying the shortcomings
quantitative and qualitative
seems to be more on the social, political and administrative dimensions than on economic measures.
In other countries, such as the United Kingdom
and The Netherlands, for some years now the
When defining a method of evaluation, several issues need to be taken into account, and above all
several goals. The formulation of policies on advice
and guidance, as these are commonly defined and
stress has been on economic evaluation and impact analysis ....
Other evaluations relate to the effectiveness of
services ....
In other countries, Italy or example, it seems that
the stress is more on the evaluation of the process of counselling itself rather than its results...'
(p. 92).
practised, cuts across the economic, social and edu-
cational sectors. The functions, like the operators,
approaches and goals, are different. Evaluation becomes all the more complicated in that there are sev-
eral goals: the search for quality and the quest for
profitability may often be seen in turn as the main aims.
Is the purpose of evaluation to obtain additional credits
or subsidies for the service in question, on the grounds
Thus, the results sought in each individual country
and the recipient of the evaluation (political decisionmaker, the local community, etc.), and the nature of
that if it is better funded the results or the attention
paid will be of better quality? Or is it to test the quality
of the services provided and the results in terms of
individual integration or reintegration, irrespective of
the number of people catered for and the particular
advantages to the structure (advantages that will be
more in terms of effectiveness and prestige)?
the evaluation will differ. Certain evaluations are more
These two questions may be reflected in two types
of evaluation, one more quantitative in scope, the
other more qualitative. The aims of the studies differ,
but combined they build up an inventory of the current situation and point to the possibility of improving
the services offered now or in the future.
Problems of method
in the nature of a cost/benefit analysis, while others
pay closer attention to the quality standards to be
met. Quantitative evaluations, however, appear to
be more frequent.
Various methods have been adopted, depending on
the country and the objectives set, without any being
entirely satisfactory. Of interest in this respect are
the conformity studies, the monitoring and investigation method based on a control group, a brief description of which is given in Boxes 12 to 14. Although
all these methods have their advantages, they also
have their limitations. They give only a partial view
rather than what might be a genuine evaluation of
the services concerned, bearing in mind the diversity of the services provided.
One of the first problems to arise, which was introduced and discussed right from the first chapter, is
Box 12
Conformity studies
In essence these have been developed in the United
Kingdom to measure the results of the provision of
(public-sector) vocational guidance.
People are divided into two groups:
O those who have followed the advice they are
given, who make up what are considered to be
the 'conforming' group;
O those who have not taken the advice, identified
as the 'non-conforming' group.
The method of comparison takes as its premise the
idea that people in the 'conforming' group should do
better in their working lives.
The results are limited, however, in that the study
cannot cover all the approaches adopted in the giving of vocational advice. Is the purpose solely to promote success in one's working life? Is this really the
only aim? The nature and diversity of the services
normally offered give good grounds to doubt this.
Lifelong Vocational Guidance:
Here there is a certain gap between the desired outcome, 'a career' and, for example, self-confidence,
the feeling of being useful, etc., which may be developed by means of the help offered by the occupational support, counselling and guidance services,
without the person's career prospects necessarily
being improved.
European Case Studies
Box 13
The control group
This, admittedly, is not an easy method to set up...
It consists of dividing the group of unemployed, for
example, into two groups:
O one group that has had the benefit of support and
O another group that has deliberately been offered
no form of support.
The aim is then to compare the progress of the two
groups on their route towards reintegration or a return to work and society.
The first problem with this method is ethical, in that it
is tantamount to 'refusing help to someone in need'!
Very few practitioners or structures would lend them-
selves to this highly discriminatory game, which penalises a person who does not belong to the 'right'
group. It would be unthinkable not to provide help
just because this would be useful or even vital to the
needs of an investigation, however important.
There is a second limitation to this method: except
in the case of official structures and institutions, it is
practically impossible to prevent a person from tak-
ing advantage of an informal support network
friends or family who will always in some way or
one should not entirely overlook the possible influence of an informal network which may be acting at the same time (family, friends, relations,
o certain effects of counselling may not be visible
and easy to identify, but may take longer to become apparent. During this period, other actions
may have had an influence and the effects positive or negative of the measures employed may
not be entirely attributable to the advice given.
another provide advice or at least its particular views
on the person's situation, and will therefore set in
motion a particular approach, good or bad, quite
separately from any institutional measure.
Box 14
The monitoring method
This method has been tested in Ireland, Denmark and
the United Kingdom, to mention only three countries.
The test directly involves the users: it consists of
questioning them at regular intervals on their
progress, the procedures they have undertaken and
those that have been successful and those that have
failed, etc.
0 one final point should be taken into account. This
relates solely to the personality and prior achievements of a person. It is often the person who already had the best 'chances' of success who in
fact is most successful, and he may well have
reached that success without any particular outside help, though perhaps a little later.
What emerges from an evaluation depends to a great
extent on who commissions it, who conducts it, what
one hopes to emphasise and the end objectives pur-
sued in the evaluation (in terms of profitability, for
example). Relatively few people conduct a simultaneous quantitative and qualitative analysis; both of
them have their advantages and disadvantages.
Evaluation for a cost/benefit analysis
The test is conducted on the basis of interviews and
questionnaires over several periods. It calls upon the
memory and understanding of the people being monitored and their reliability in returning the questionnaires.
The method helps to evaluate the development of individuals in response to the aid provided by the occupational support, counselling and guidance services.
Like any other method of this type, the drawback of
monitoring is that one has to rely almost solely on
the memory of the interviewee. It has the advantage,
however, of the person concerned taking an active
part in the process of evaluation, and also that account can be taken not only of success in work but
of the individual's personal or social betterment.
While it appears to be a more comprehensive assessment of the services provided by the occupational support, counselling and guidance services and
the results to which they give rise, this method, like
the others, has certain limitations, or at least it does
not lead to a real evaluation of the benefits or drawbacks of such practices, for several reasons:
0 although advice in fact makes a strong impact on
This more strictly quantitative type of evaluation is
conducted primarily for the attention of political decision-makers and funding bodies. It consists of determining the economic value of the services provided. With the steady rise of unemployment and
long-term unemployment in Europe, and as it has
become ever harder for young people to enter the
labour market, special measures have been set up.
The need to measure the impact of these different
policies has become more pressing. Cost/benefit
analyses and the results obtained can then be used
to present the political arguments in favour of counselling and/or the special measures put into practice.
The prevailing argument here is profitability. Efficient
advice and guidance can save the Ministry of Finances or Social Protection or others money, by help-
ing to match the supply and demand in the field of
employment more closely.
Given that a multitude of services have been set up in
several countries, all offering almost similar services,
an evaluation that gives a favourable picture of one
particular service will justify its continuation and may
lead to the granting of fresh investment and funding.
an individual's decisions and the route he will take,
The competition that has been created over recent
years among the various aid, advice and vocational
guidance agencies has, moreover, only accentuated
this type of concern. A relatively recent positive evaluation of counselling services will legitimise their work
and help them to obtain support, even a degree of
prestige and above all more substantial funding. And
financial support is vital in accomplishing the tasks
assigned, as revealed by the case study on the
Fundació Trinijove in Spain (Hurley, 1994) in which the
level of users' satisfaction with the services received
and their degree of participation in these services are
high. The main difficulties encountered by Trinijove,
however, are financial. All the agencies with which it
[the Foundation] works have cut their budgets and
payments are arriving later and later. Given the growth
of the association over the last few years and the fact
that most of the work is done by voluntary workers,
certain organisational problems have been noted (Hurley, 1994, p. 124), which obviously hamper the smooth
running of the system and its performance.
It is easier to meath..ire and analyse the quantitative
rather than the qualitative aspects of the services
offered. Nevertheless, what is clear here is that the
evaluation is not arrived at from the users' viewpoint.
It is fairly surprising, therefore, to note on reading
the various reports that although the quantitative approach is still the more common, it is also described
far less. The various documents consulted clearly
prefer to emphasise all the advantages of a qualita-
Lifelong Vocational Guidance:
,2 European Case Studies
tive study, despite the problems it creates in its realisation and analysis.
Evaluation for services adapted to the needs
The principal advantage here is that this type of
evaluation aims in essence to improve the services
themselves in order to achieve a better quality of
support for the users. Profitability, the financial
question for the benefit of agencies, seem to be left
entirely out of account.
Another advantage is that most of these types of
evaluation start from grass roots, in other words the
users themselves. As described in CEDEFOP's syn-
thesis report (the need for vocational counselling
among different target groups of young people under 28 years of age in the European Community,
Chisholm, 1994), account has not been taken of:
'the needs and/or the demands of different target
groups of young people based on their economic
and social and cultural situation, their values, their
career plans, their conception of the efficiency of
occupational guidance offers, etc.'
It appears that one of the essential elements in the
counselling process is, while it is going on, to obtain
participants' reactions so that the service can be
adapted more closely and made more effective.
This means that the process of vocational advice and
guidance can be approached from a more global
viewpoint than the simple criterion of 'careers'; in the
end, when the evaluation findings are reviewed, guidance is obtained on a wider variety of practices that
match more closely the needs for guidance and more
aggressive planning strategies in order to meet the
needs of the greatest number.
Spain is one of the countries that uses what is intended to be a more typically qualitative approach to
evaluation. Box 15 gives a brief description of the
purpose and objective.
Box 15
The dialectic approach to evaluation
The Spanish approach to evaluation is eminently
qualitative. It attempts to analyse the consequences
of measures in terms of social 'viability', studying how
occupational support, counselling and guidance
measures meet the twofold objectives of performance and economic effectiveness and whether they
make the intended impact on the people concerned.
It has one obvious advantage: it provides an opportunity to discover not only 'the facts' but also the volume of the various measures undertaken by the officials participating in the counselling process.
It operates by identifying target groups and through
The main disadvantage to be borne in mind is that it
appears to be difficult to measure or quantify this
concept of effectiveness.
Source: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and
Working Conditions Eurocounsel Report Watt, 1997 (p. 93).
lossary sg Ema
bbreviations used
To w
C '5
.0 tii
itO cna)
>0 a3
ED c
C cce
a) 2
Regional enterprise creation allowance programme (Ireland)
Initiative programme to combat unemployment (Thuringen, Germany)
F i xed -t e rm contracts
CEDEFOP European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Centre interinstitutionnel de bilans de compétences (France)
Local employment initiative centres (Piedmont, Italy)
Caisse interprofessionnelle de retraite par repartition du sud est (France)
National institute for employment (Spain)
Local technical education centres (Scotland)
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
International Labour Office
Personalised employment search programme (Spain)
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Pro Mente Infirmis, mental and social health association (Austria)
Association for the mentally handicapped (Seville, Spain)
Local training and enterprise councils (England and Wales)
Adult education centre (Denmark)
Adult education subsidy (Denmark)
11 UJ
Synthesis reports
Chisholm, L., 1994.
Determining the need for vocational counselling among different target groups of young people under 28
years of age in the European Community Young Europeans and vocational counselling: what do which
young people need and want?, CEDEFOP panorama, Synthesis Report, 82 p., April.
Watt, A.G. (Dir.), 1997.
The Role of the Adult Guidance and Employment Counselling in a Changing Labour Market', Final Report on Eurocounsel: An Action research, Programme on Counselling and Long-Term Unemployment,
Stathopoulos, P.A., 1997.
'Social Occupational Integration at Local Level Synthesis report, mimeographed, 80 p.
National reports
Alveca, C., Gaboleiro, C., Bernardo de Lemos, J., 1994.
Determination of the school and vocational counselling needs of different target groups of young peopled
aged 15 to 27 in Portugal: the case of the Setabal Peninsula. National Report, CEDEFOP, April, 88 p.
Fandel, C., Pauwels, D., 1994.
Les besoins des élèves des classes de Some de l'enseignement secondaire technique et des sortants de
l'enseignement complémentaire en matière d'orientation au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, national report,
CEDEFOP, 52 p.
Fernández de Castro, I., De Elejabeitia, C., 1994.
Determining the need for vocational counselling among different target groups of young people under 28
in Spain First target group: women whose chief activity is domestic work in their own homes (autonomous community of Madrid); second target group: young people of both sexes affected by industrial
reconversion on the left bank of the Bilbao estuary), national report, GEDEFOP, 115 p.
Howieson, C., Hurley, N., Jones, G., Raffe, D., 1994.
The vocational guidance needs of young people in full-time employment and homeless young people in
the United Kingdom, national report, CEDEFOP, 126 p.
Maalee, I., 1994.
Determining the need for vocational counselling among different target groups of young people under
28 in the European Union Young people in Denmark and their counselling needs, national report,
CEDEFOP, 108 p.
McCarthy, J., 1994.
Determining the need for vocational counselling among different target groups of young people under 28
in Ireland. Case study: disadvantaged rural youth, national report, CEDEFOP, 51 p.
Ouali, N., Rea, A., Vanheerswynghels, A., 1994.
Determining the need for vocational counselling among different target groups of young people under 28
in the European Community Definition of two target groups Belgium, national report, CEDEFOP, 45 p.
Schweitzer, C., Wolfinger, C., 1995.
Determining the need for vocational counselling among different target groups of young people under 28
in Germany Target group: girls and young women, CEDEFOP, 105 p.
Wijnaendts van Resandt, A., 1994.
Vocational guidance needs of homeless young people in the Netherlands
report, CEDEFOP, 48 p.
Young Drifters, national
Zanni-Teliopoulou, C., Stathakopoulou, P., 1995.
The vocational counselling needs among different target groups of young people under 28 in Greece
the young population in general; young people who leave school without completing compulsory
education, young women with no skills training (Greece), national report, CEDEFOP, 94 p.
Local reports
CEDEFOP, 1996.
Final Report on the CEDEFOP Project in Connemara, Ireland, CEDEFOP Cumas Teo, 62 p.
CEDEFOP, 1997.
Social and Occupational Integration of Young People on the Local Level
(SWeden), CEDEFOP, 70 p.
A Reflection on Kalmar
CIAPI, 1997.
Social and occupational Integration of Young People on the Local Level: Modica Ragusa, CEDEFOP, 26 p.
CIBC, 1996.
Social and occupational Integration of Young People on the Local Level: 16" and 16" districts of
Marseilles, CEDEFOP, October, 73 p. + annexes.
Cotton, P., 1996.
Social and vocational integration of young people at the local level
(West Hainaut), Belgium, CEDEFOP, final report, 59 p, June.
Pilot district of Ath and Lessines
>0 as
CS) c
C 49
CD °
Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, V., Psalti, A., Bournoudi, E., 1996.
Local Networks for Promoting Underprivileged Young People to the Labour Market, Final abstract
report, CEDEFOP, May.
Gavira, L., Gonzalez, F., 1996.
Social and Vocational Integration of Young People on the Local Level
Carmona Pilot District, Seville,
CEDEFOP, 72 p.
Lu 3
Hietala, A.L., 1996.
Social and Occupational Integration of Young People on the Local Level
Raahe Regions in Finland, CEDEFOP, 71 p.
Koillismaa, Oulu and
Reiberg, L., SchOrmann, W., Worth, M.A, Jung, I., Boll, M., 1996.
Social and Vocational Integration of Young People at Local Level Cologne's Miilheim/Kalk and Porz
Pilot Districts,. Final report, CEDEFOP, 74 p.
Sessar-Karpp, E., Korfes, G., AIDahoodi, U., 1996.
Social and Vocational Integration of Young People at Local Level
CEDEFOP, July, 60 p.
Potsdam and Dresden Pilot Districts,
Stathacopoulou, P., Papadimitriou-Sahini, A., Teliopoulou-Zanni, K., 1996.
Social and Vocational Integration of Young People at the Local Level Greece, CEDEFOP, March.
Tolentino, D., Dorazio, M., Arcobello Varlese, G., 1997.
The Social and Occupational Integration of Young People at Local Level
XIII, final report, CEDEFOP, 56 p.
The Case of Ostia
Additional bibliography
European Commission, 1997.
Employment in Europe, Directorate-General for Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs,
Employment and Labour Market series, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,
Luxembourg, 144 p.
Cresson, E. and Flynn, P. (ed.), 1995.
White Paper on Education and Training. Teaching and learning Towards a society of knowledge. European Commission, DG XXII Directorate-General for Education, Training and Youth, Brussels; DG V
Directorate-General for Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs, Employment and Labour
Market series, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 107 p.
Delors J, 1993.
Growth, competitiveness, employment. The challenges and ways forward into the 215t century. White
Paper. Commission of the European Communities, COM(93) 700 final, Brussels, 5 December 1993.
Eurocounsel, 1994.
A Guide to Good Practice in Labour Market Counselling, European Foundation for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, 19 p.
European Union, European Commission, Directorate General V, 1998.
Guidelines for employment in 1998: Council Resolution of 15 December 1997, European Commission,
Hurley, N., 1994.
Case Study Portfolio Examples of Innovative Practice in Labour Market Counselling, Eurocounsel,
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, 150 p.
Watt, G., 1993.
Counselling and Long-Term Unemployment: Report on Phase II of the Eurocounsel Action Research Programme, Working paper, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 31 p.
Watt, G., 1994.
Eurocounsel Conference Report Improving Counselling Services for the unemployed and for those at
risk of unemployment, report on the conference in Dublin on 24-26, May 1993, European Foundation for
the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 101 p.
Watt, G., 1993.
Counselling and Long-Term Unemployment. Report on Phase I of the Eurocounsel Action Research
Programme, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 112 p.
Watt, G., 1994.
Eurocounsel Final synthesis report 2 Counselling a Tool for the Prevention and Solution of Unemployment, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 155 p.
CEDEFOP European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
EUROPEAN FOUNDATION for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Lifelong Vocational Guidance: European Case Studies
Sylvie Chiousse, Patrick Werquin
CEDEFOP panorama
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
75 pp.
21.0 x 29.7 cm
ISBN 92-828-4121-9
Cat.-No: HX-15-98-148-EN-C
Free of charge
5079 EN
Lifelong Vocational Guidance: European Case Studies
This synthesis report is addressed to all decision-makers, players and
even users of advice on matters of vocational integration and social
integration in the wider sense. In part it is a response to all those wishing
to know more about the concepts of target groups and forms of action. It
clearly defines the fields not yet fully explored and argues against the
idea that the sole aim is vocational integration. This is central, of course,
but it must not be the only objective, for there is a risk that it may never be
This report covers a series of interim solutions put to the test, or merely
recommended, in various places. Nevertheless it is very much in line
with the-various European Union actions to promote employment. In the
text that follows, the aim is to bring out the topics that recur in the
reference texts as.well as to outline an analysis and potential debates.
Throughout the text, then, is the concern to arrive at practical
Sylvie Chiousse and Patrick Werquin
Free of charge
5079 EN
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