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Mnemosyne 51 (1998)
12 pages
1 file
Sobre el Anarcocapitalismo
Crestomatía de Miguel Anxo Bastos Boubeta que recoge los 44 artículos que escribió para el Instituto Juan de Mariana bajo el título Algunas cuestiones disputadas sobre el anarcocapitalilsmo.
Оборотни и оборотничество С.Ю. Неклюдов Оборотничество: «природа вещей», объем понятия, региональные версии / 13 Д.Ю. Доронин Красавица-алмыска и душа шамана: оборотничество в мифологии алтайцев / 35 В.А. Черванёва Одежда ведьмы в описаниях оборотничества (на материале восточнославянской мифологической прозы) / 89 Дьявол как оборотень М.Р. Майзульс Саморазоблачающаяся иллюзия. Внешняя и внутренняя перспектива в иконографии дьявольских наваждений / 105 А.Е. Махов Оборотень-теолог: в поисках богословских ключей к «странным» дьявольским обличьям / 161
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 1998
The amnesic population provides a unique opportunity to examine the reliability of clinical tests because amnesics do not consciously recollect initial testing sessions. In this study, amnesic subjects were studied to examine the reliability between the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the MMPI-2. Findings indicated that there were no statistical differences between versions of the MMPI and further revealed that many of the scales were significantly correlated. Amnesic patients produced elevated scores on subscales two (depression) and eight (schizophrenia), not unlike various other groups of neurologically impaired individuals. This indicates that MMPI and MMPI-2 scores in these patient populations may reflect the medical and psychosocial effects of brain damage rather than premorbid personality dysfunction. A close evaluation of amnesics' performance, in conjunction with the critical items they endorsed, offers insight into the personality traits of the amnesic patient population. The relative stability of performance across personality tests administered over several weeks is relevant to the formation and stability of the amnesic's concept of self.
Borítóterv Auri Bt. A hátsó borító Koncz Margit rajzainak fölhasználásával készült.
Revista paraguaya de educación a distancia, 2024
Pharos Journal of Theology, 2024
The current developments in New Prophetic Churches (NPCs) raise the necessity for theological research. There are some practices within these formations, similar to African spiritualities. Spirituality is defined and some reflections on African spiritualities highlighted. This article identifies the NPCs and African spiritualities and how the two converge towards spiritual formation for Christians in these churches. Literature review and social media are used to research and conclude the research question, which is the resurgence of African spiritualities in faith formation of this faith community. Justification for this resurgence is based on both theological and etymological analyses of features, especially occultism and deliverance. Research finding is that many believers abandon Christian faith or opt to be opponents of the Gospel when promised prophecies are not fulfilled. Hence a conclusion is arrived at as an appeal for the return to Christian apologetics and vivacious socio-cultural contextual studies in the church. Robust dialogue with NPC leaders is long overdue, as at the end the local pastors are the ones engaged with damage control after the prophet has passed. Minimum standards should be suggested to minimize emotional damage in individuals and communities of faith, and discipleship into Christian faith needs to be heightened.
Provided are fluorinated analogs of MDMA, including fluorinated empathogens. In some embodiments, such compounds are monoamine releasers or inhibit monoamine transporters. In some aspects, features of the compounds provide stability, such as metabolic stability, and efficacy. Also provided are methods for the preparation of fluorinated empathogens and pharmaceutical compositions comprising the same. Methods of using the fluorinated empathogens, alone or in combination with other therapeutic agents, are provided. In some embodiments, fluorinated empathogens are used to treat CNS disorders, such as mental health conditions and neurodegenerative disorders.
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Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 2016
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Створювальна сила знання / Матеріали 3-го круглого столу «Створювальне знання: гуманізм, інновація, самоосвіта», 12 червня 2020 р. / Під ред. Доннікової І. А. – Одеса: НУ «ОМА», 2020. – 58 с.
Problems, Perspectives and Challenges of Agricultural Water Management, 2012
The Astrophysical Journal, 2012
Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy, 2021
Вопросы государственного и муниципального управления, 2014
Roma, Aracne, 2014
Lineamientos metodológicos para la caracterización de materiales mixtos suelo-roca tipo Bimsoils, 2022