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Functional Plant Science and Biotechnology, 2010
Xanthones are an important family of polyphenols present in Garcinia mangostana fruit. Products of G. mangostana have begun to be commercialized as a dietary supplement because of their potent antioxidant properties. Interest in their beneficial health effects such as antioxidant characteristics, lipid profile and anticarcinogenic activity, etc., has encouraged scientific research to determine compounds responsible for these properties. The antioxidant capacity determination and the phenolic compound characterization in extracts of G. mangostana were investigated. High antioxidant capacity was determined in whole fruit dried extract by ORAC, FRAP and ABTS • + assays. The values obtained by FRAP, ORAC and ABTS assays were 1222 and 4088 and 3590 μM TE/g, respectively. Phenolic compound identification in these extracts was carried out by capillary electrophoresis coupled to ionization by electrospray-mass spectrometry (CE-ESI-MS) with a time of flight analyzer (Micro TOF), and a sensible, fast and efficient method was developed. The CE-ESI parameters were optimized to obtain good separation and suitable sensitivity. The CE parameters were: 80 mM ammonium acetate, pH 10.5, 30 kV, 15 s for injection and fused-silica capillary of 50 ȝm i.d. and 100 cm in length. The ESI-MS parameters were also optimized: drying gas flow of 4L/min, 300°C, nebulization gas pressure at 4 psi, sheath liquid composition and flow (60:40) isopropanol/water + 0.1% triethylamine to 0.18 mL/h. Spectrometric determination was achieved in negative polarity and the mass range was between 100-800 m/z. Considering the scarcity of commercial standards and the scanty bibliography references, some of the most important xanthones from G. mangostana fruit have been identified using CE-ESI-MS (micro TOF), such as Garcinine C, Garcinone E, Mangostenone C and beta-mangostin.
Titivillus: revista internacional sobre el libro antiguo, 2019
A través de este estudio se analizan las características materiales y físicas de diez libros cantorales o de facistol de la catedral de Toledo, datados entre los siglos XVI-XVIII. Se ofrece su reconstrucción virtual en 3D permitiendo visualizar cómo se hicieron los ensamblajes de las diversas piezas que forman las tapas de madera junto al esquema de las cubiertas, este sistema de reconstrucción ofrece datos nuevos a los presentados por otros autores con otras técnicas, como los rayos X 1. También se describen los demás elementos que forman la encuadernación, como la unión de los nervios y de las cabezadas a las tapas, el montaje de la piel de la encuadernación o las diversas piezas metálicas (bullones, cantoneras, cierres…). Through this study, we analyze the material and physical characteristics of ten Cantoral books of the cathedral of Toledo, dated between the XVI-XVIII centuries. Together with the visible cover drawings, there are technical schemes and the 3D virtual reconstruction of the different pieces that form the wooden cover below it. This information, obtained during the Restoration, allows visualizing how these internal covers were assembled. As well as offers new data to other authors working with different techniques, such as X rays. Other elements that make up the binding are also described, such as the union of the nerves and the headings to the covers, the assembly of the leather of the binding or the various metal parts (corners, closures ...). Providing a deep and complete study of each Cantoral Book.
(Benevento, 13-14 giugno 2024) Università degli Studi del Sannio - Dipartimento di Diritto, Economia, Management e Metodi quantitativi (DEMM), 2024
The Medieval England Conference
The focus of the field work at Dahshur (Egypt) lays on the investigation of the area surrounding the valley temple of the Bent Pyramid. The aim was to investigate the development of the temple precinct and its surrounding area. Excavation work was conducted in six sections located to the north, east and south of the temple enclosure. Among the main results are the discovery of a settlement for priests south of the temple and the identification of various rituals that took place in and around the temple precinct. Die Grabungen in Dahschur konzentrierten sich im Frühjahr 2016 auf den Tempelbezirk des König Snofru im Tal der Knickpyramide. Ziel der Kampagne war die Klärung der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Tempelanlage und seines Umfeldes. Auf der Nord-, Ost-und Südseite des Tempels wurden insgesamt sechs Grabungsschnitte angelegt (Abb. 1. 2). Dabei wurden Reste einer Priestersiedlung entdeckt sowie vielfältige Hinweise auf die Rituale, die im Laufe der Zeit in und um den Tempel vollzogen wurden.
Publication Date: March 29 , 2024 Number of Pages: 12 In this paper , we study and solve three Diophantine equation problems; Which were featured in two German mathematics contests: The 2006 Bundeswettbewer Mathematik and the 2017 QED(QED Mathematical Olympiad). All three problems can be found in the website , The three problems are stated on pages 1 and 2 of this paper; as PROBLEM1 , PROBLEM2 , and PROBLEM3. In this abstract , we state PROBLEM 1 and PROBLEM 3. PROBLEM1 2006 Bundeswettbewer Mathematik Problem2: : Prove that there are no integers x , y for which x^3 + y^3 = 4[(x^2)y + x(y^2) + 1] . We present a solution to this problem in Section 2 , pages 4-5 of this paper. PROBLEM 3 2017 QEDMO 15th (The 15th QED Mathematical Olympiad) A German Math Fight (19. - 22. 10.2017) (October 19-22 , 2017) Problem 6: Find all integers x , y that satisfy the equation x^3 + y^3 = 3xy . According to Result 2 (on page 3) , the above equation has only one integer solution: (x , y) = (0 , 0) . We prove Result 2 in Section 4 , pages 9-12.
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Feminism & Psychology, 2008
Journal for educational research online, 2019
OPTIMAL: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen
College English, 1976
Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2008
Axiomathes, 2019
Türkiyat Mecmuası, 1970
Journal of Virus Eradication, 2017
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2005
Cadernos Pagu, 2008
Solid State Phenomena
Ecology and Society, 2021