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2016, International Scientific days 2016 :: The Agri-Food Value Chain: Challenges for Natural Resources Management and Society :: Proceedings
8 pages
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Uzbekistan is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Structural changes have been occurring during the last two decades since its independence in 1991. In this paper we analyze the structure of the economy of Uzbekistan to measure the influence of agricultural sector on it. By reviewing the dynamic changes in agricultural development in Uzbekistan for the last 20 years, including share of agriculture in GDP, population, employment in agriculture, etc., we argue that growth in agricultural productivity is central to development, a message that also appears prominently in the traditional development literature.
Discussion paper No. 7.08, 2008
Agricultural transition in Uzbekistan, as in all CIS countries, is driven by a process of land reform, which involves redistribution of land among producers and concomitant changes in farm structure. In this article we review the process of land reform since Uzbekistan’s independence and examine its impacts on agricultural growth and rural family incomes. The analysis is based on official statistics and data from a farm-level survey carried out in 2007.
Journal of Phytology, 2011
Discussion Papers, 2009
The paper examines agricultural production and productivity growth in two Central Asian countries -Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Both countries are characterized by a significant shift of resources from the traditional Soviet model of collective agriculture to more market-compliant individual and family farming. In both countries, the beginning of the policy-driven switch to family farming around 1997 coincided with the beginning of recovery in agriculture, namely resumption of agricultural growth after a phase of transition decline since 1991. In addition to growth in total agricultural production, we also observe significant increases in productivity of both land and labor since 1997. These observations suggest that productivity growth may be attributable to the changes in farming structure in Central Asia. To check this conjecture we assess the sources of growth by applying the standard Solow growth accounting methodology. Using time series of country statistics for farms of different organizational forms, we decompose the growth in output into growth in the resource base (extensive growth) and growth in productivity (intensive growth). Solow growth accounting clearly shows that, first, much of the growth at the country level is attributable to increases in productivity rather than increases in resources and, second, the increases in productivity in family farms (especially household plots) outstrip the increases in productivity in former collective and state farms. These findings confirm that the recovery of agricultural production in Central Asia has been driven largely by productivity increases, and it is the individual farms that are the main source of agricultural productivity increases.
The article presents the results of a survey of 797 dekhkan (relatively small) and 803 peasant (larger) farms in Uzbekistan, conducted from August 2007 to May 2008. After analyzing the legislative framework for the country’s agrarian reform, the author focuses on its impact on land holdings and the livestock economy (particularly dairying). Also discussed are herd sizes, milk yields, cattle breeding, feed crops, as well as household incomes and standards of living of rural inhabitants. The relevance of the survey to the state of the agricultural economies of Central Asian and other CIS countries is noted in the concluding section.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018
Agricultural productivity in the Central Asian republics of the USSR stopped growing from the late 1970s and declined in the 1990s when the transition to the market occurred. As a result, most agricultural goods were uncompetitive on the both the domestic market and the world market, and the agricultural trade balance deteriorated as imports grew faster than exports. Although there have been a few success storiescereals in Uzbekistan, meat production in Azerbaijan, oil seeds in Kazakhstanthe overall picture is not one of agriculture as the driving force of the region's future growth. We argue, however, that the relative decline of agriculture is consistent with international experience. In 'economic miracle' countries, the share of agriculture fell faster than in other countries because the sector donated labour to the industrial sector, which was the engine of growth. The problem in Central Asia is not the slow growth of agricultural output, but the slow growth of productivity in agriculture, which fails to increase the competitiveness of agricultural products and leads to an inability of the rural population to move to more productive industrial activities.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2009
The paper examines agricultural production and productivity growth in two Central Asian countries-Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Both countries are characterized by a significant shift of resources from the traditional Soviet model of collective agriculture to more marketcompliant individual and family farming. In both countries, the beginning of the policy-driven switch to family farming around 1997 coincided with the beginning of recovery in agriculture, namely resumption of agricultural growth after a phase of transition decline since 1991. In addition to growth in total agricultural production, we also observe significant increases in productivity of both land and labor since 1997. These observations suggest that productivity growth may be attributable to the changes in farming structure in Central Asia. To check this conjecture we assess the sources of growth by applying the standard Solow growth accounting methodology. Using time series of country statistics for farms of different organizational forms, we decompose the growth in output into growth in the resource base (extensive growth) and growth in productivity (intensive growth). Solow growth accounting clearly shows that, first, much of the growth at the country level is attributable to increases in productivity rather than increases in resources and, second, the increases in productivity in family farms (especially household plots) outstrip the increases in productivity in former collective and state farms. These findings confirm that the recovery of agricultural production in Central Asia has been driven largely by productivity increases, and it is the individual farms that are the main source of agricultural productivity increases.
Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2009
Two noted specialists on the agricultural economies ofthe former Soviet Union examine thc cffects ofland rcform on agricultural production and the income ofrural households in Tajikistan. The authors utilize official govemment statistics to discem fends ofagricultural output at the national level, and the results ofthree extensive surveys conducted in 2007-2008 (nf> 2,000) and one in 2003 (lf= 4,000 respondents) by international organizations (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Asian Development Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development, World Bank) to identifo householdJevel changcs. Thcy also review the lcgislative framework for agrarian reform in the country; examine national-level trends in farm structure and organization, livestock production, farm productivity, and cropping pattcrns; and analyze shifts in size ofland hotdings and rural family incomes at the household level. Journal of Economic Literalure, Classification Numbers: DI30, Ot30, P320, Q I 50. I I figures, I 0 tables, 42 references.
Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2024
The paper focuses on the institutional shifts in agricultural relations that establish the prerequisites for raising production efficiency in the context of agriculture's transition. It was investigated how quickly and qualitatively new structural and market reforms could be introduced in the agricultural sector. Sustainability and organizational development of state assistance that is effective in the face of market volatility and development transformation processes is predicated on the enhancement of the mechanism. Agriculture-related subsidies, the application of resource-saving technology, and specifically the efficacy of water-saving technologies were examined.
The objective of this study is to provide an analysis of the sources of Uzbekistan’s economic growth, the challenges and opportunities for the private sector in those sectors, and policy measures that would support the expansion of the economy. Although high and sustained rates of annual economic growth in the order of 8.0 to 8.5 percent are needed to meet the Government's Living Standard Strategy (LSS), the general consensus among Uzbekistan's development partners is that a substantially structural reform effort is needed to achieve such high levels of growth and to realize widespread and visible improvements in the living standards of the population. The present study is specifically intended to provide an analysis of the macroeconomic issues surrounding the reforms needed to meet that LSS growth target, as well as to identify existing policy and structural constraints and macroeconomic policy reforms measures that would help to remove those constraints. The first parts to this report reviews the performance of the economy and providing a detailed analysis of its major structural characteristics as a means of identifying the major constraints and potential of each of its economic sectors. In the first chapter reviews the growth trends in the last decade with a demand and factor decomposition and the contribution of those components to overall economic growth. It also assesses the impact of economic reforms undertaken during the mid-1990s and first part of the present decade. The next chapter examines employment and savings-investment trends, as well as their composition and performance. The final chapter in this part examines the country’s external sector performance in terms of both the composition and geographic distribution of trade. Given the importance of exports to the medium and long-term development plans of Uzbekistan, the analysis gives special emphasis to the country’s external competitiveness in terms of factors affecting past levels and the potential that improvement in the country’s competitive position would have on exports. The second part of the study assesses the potential and prospects for Uzbekistan under different policy regimes. It begins by reviewing the Government’s medium-term economic plan and long-term strategy vision for social and economic development, and it examines in details the potentials and constraints on the main economic sectors and sub-sectors within agriculture, industry and services. The next chapter provides a set of forecasts under alternative policy regimes, beginning with a hypothetical base-line forecast under which the present policy mix is maintained, followed by slow versus fast-track policy reforms aimed at accelerating growth. It also provides economic growth projects under a series of measures aimed at improving the export competitiveness of the country, as well as reforms designed to stimulate private sector investment and promote the activities of this sector. Developments in the country have given rise to three broad policy issues for the country’s current medium term outlook: how to diversify the economy into the production of high value-added goods and services, how to increase saving and investment, and what needs to be done to achieve the Government’s high growth targets for 2007-2010. The ambitious growth target implies the need to allocate investment requirements among the sectors of the economy. From a policy perspective, it means that increased savings will need to be generated to drive investment and meet the overall growth target as well as those of specific sectors, while at the same time balancing the need for growth with that of macroeconomic stability. Under the LSS the GOU aims to increase incomes and reduce poverty and inequality through high economic growth rates that are targeted at between 8.0 and 8.5 percent a year in 2007-2010. With population growth of 1 to 1.1 percent a year, real per capita GDP is projected to increase by 7 to 7.5 percent a year in 2007-2010. The basis for the Government’s forecast is improved production conditions that will lead to increased output. These improvements are expected to derive from the reallocation of inefficient labor from low to high productivity industries, and specifically those of agro-business enterprise in rural areas that are dominate by small and micro-businesses. On the demand side, the expansion is expected to be driven by both the external and internal sectors. The Government plans to stimulate foreign demand using a variety of instruments, including adjustments in tariffs and non-tariff barriers (NTBs) to trade, taxes incentives, and exchange rate policies. The indicative forecasts of Uzbekistan’s economy presented in this report have been generating by two macroeconomic simulation models that were developed as part of the present economic growth analysis for Uzbekistan. The first is a Revised Minimum Standard Model - eXtended (RMSM-X) that provides a simple spreadsheet-based tool for feasibility and sustainability analysis of the economy of Uzbekistan. The present RMSM-X model for Uzbekistan has been modified from other models of this type in a number of ways to accommodate existing data constraints of the country. Essentially, a number of key economic indicators used in Uzbekistan replaced some of the standard indicators used in the RMSM-X model, while others used in the RMSM-X model for which data were not available in Uzbekistan needed to be eliminated and some of the relationships in the system altered to accommodate the changes. The second macroeconomic simulation model that has been developed for Uzbekistan also provides a parsimonious representation of the macro economy using a simple spreadsheet framework for making rational and consistent predictions about Uzbekistan’s overall economic activity, the standard components of the balance of payments, the expenditure concepts of the national accounts, and the financial sector balances. The model applies a conventional framework to the economic system and, as a policy-oriented system it incorporates key parameters for policy formulation. The baseline projections for Uzbekistan adopt the Government’s economic growth targets for 2008-10 using the RMSM-X model to analyze the implications for key economic variables. To achieve the targeted annual growth rate of 8.0 to 8.5 percent in 2007-10, the 2004 estimated growth rate of 4.5 percent is raised to 6.4 and 7.5 percent in the 2005-06 transition period. Achievement of those targets growth rates will, of course, require continued and, in some areas, accelerated domestic policy reforms, private sector development, an improved investment climate and a strong external demand for Uzbekistan’s major exports drive by improvements in the country’s international competitiveness. The improved investment climate would be reflected in a deceleration of inflation to around 5 or 6 percent by 2007-10, according to the LSS forecasts. Those rates would require a substantial effort on the part of the monetary authorities since inflation, measured by the GDP deflator, was estimated at around 20 percent in 2004, based on estimates for the first three quarter of the year. Several alternative simulations have been carried out. The first set consists of simulations of accelerated economic reforms, as well as a slowdown in those reforms have been carried out with the second econometric-based model of Uzbekistan in which behavioral equations provide a richer interaction of the relationships used to describe the economy and therefore rely much less on assumptions about the behavior of key variables needed in the RMSM-X model. The second set consists of an improvement in the international competitiveness of Uzbekistan based on macroeconomic policy variables would be brought about through changes in the real effective exchange rate. The final one consists of the acceleration of economic growth through more efficient investment activities.
The event will be held on December 3, 2024, at the Academy of Science of Albania, in collaboration with and supported by the Academy of Sciences of Albania. The conference aims to engage young researchers at both national and international levels. Eligibility for participation is extended to early-career researchers who have completed their doctoral studies within the last 10 years or are currently pursuing a doctorate.
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