ISSN: 2581-5989
PubMed - National Library of Medicine - ID: 101738774
International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
IJDSIR : Dental Publication Service
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Volume – 4, Issue – 3, May - 2021, Page No. : 459 - 475
Optical Coherence Tomography in Dentistry – An Updated Review
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Meenakshi Ammal Dental
College and Hospital
P. Mahesh Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College
and Hospital
K. Saraswathi Gopal, Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Meenakshi
Ammal Dental College and Hospital
Corresponding Author: Sowmya Hemanthakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology,
Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital
Citation of this Article: Sowmya Hemanthakumar, P. Mahesh Kumar, K. Saraswathi Gopal,“Optical Coherence
Tomography in Dentistry – An Updated Review”, IJDSIR- May - 2021, Vol. – 4, Issue - 3, P. No. 459 – 475.
Copyright: © 2021, Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. This is an open access journal and article distributed under the terms
of the creative commons attribution noncommercial License. Which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the
work non commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Type of Publication: Review Article
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a new
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an emerging
technology for performing high-resolution cross sectional
diagnostic method for cross-sectional imaging of internal
imaging. OCT is analogous to ultrasound imaging, except
biological structures. OCT helps visualize differences in
that it uses light instead of sound. OCT can provide cross
tissue optical properties, which include the effects of both
sectional images of tissue structure on the micron scale in
optical absorption, and scattering.1 The general principle
situ and in real time.
of using reflections to create the images is the same for
It is based on low coherence
OCT and ultrasound but the methods for detecting these
wavelength) which penetrates into the scattering media
reflections are different. The use of light as the medium in
(e.g.: oral tissues) and capture sub-micrometer resolution.
OCT gives it the advantage of being non contact for the
This paper reviews the understanding of the OCT, its
basics, systems & setup, uses, limitations with the focus of
As light is faster than sound, the time delays between
it as a diagnostic imaging tool for oral lesions.
reflections from different layers cannot be measured
Keywords: Optical Coherence Tomography, Resolution,
directly, the differences would be on the order of femto
Ultrasound, Interferometry, wavelength.
seconds, hence, OCT uses low-coherence interferometry
to see the time difference corresponding to the distances
between structures3. Initially, OCT was developed to
Corresponding Author: Sowmya Hemanthakumar, ijdsir, Volume – 4 Issue - 3, Page No. 459 - 475
Page 459
Conflicts of Interest: Nil
OCT may provide a solution to these problems. Dental
been used to image non transparent tissues4. This added
OCT detects qualitative and quantitative morphological
advantage has been utilised in imaging the oral cavity as
changes of dental hard and soft tissues in vivo.
they have both transparent and non transparent tissues.
Furthermore, OCT can also be used for early diagnosis of
Moreover, oral cavity is particularly well suited for OCT
dental diseases, including caries, periodontal disease and
oral cancer, because of the excellent spatial resolution.
interrogation by the fibre-optic OCT device. 5
Early detection and treatment can increase the survival
The non-invasive nature of this imaging modality coupled
rates of teeth and patients. Three-dimensional imaging
with (i) a penetration depth of 2–3 mm, (ii) high resolution
ability is another advantage of dental OCT. It helps
(5–15μm), real-time image viewing, and (iii) capability for
clinicians to locate problems in soft and hard tissues more
cross sectional as well as 3D tomographic images, provide
accurately and rapidly.10
excellent prerequisites for in vivo oral screening and
This review paper discusses the development of dental
OCT. The applications of OCT in dentistry by imaging
Application of OCT in dentistry has become very popular.
oral tissue, tooth decay, periodontal disease and oral
The first in vitro images of dental hard and soft tissues in a
cancer are also reviewed.
porcine model were reported in 1998. Later, the in vivo
Historical Perspective
imaging of human dental tissue was presented . The oral
The concept of using light and optics to image biological
cavity consists of three main parts: (1) hard tissue,
tissues was first proposed by Duguay in 197111. Fujimoto
including tooth and alveolar bone, (2) soft tissue,
in 1989 imaged the retina of the eye using OCT. Huang et
including mucosa and gingiva tissues, and (3) periodontal
al., in 1991 did extensive work on the usage of OCT for
tissues . The traditional diagnosis of caries is based on
imaging retina, optic nerve head structure and coronary
examination using dental exploration and radiographs.
arteries. Fercher et al presented the first in vivo OCT
images in 1993. In 1994, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc (Dublin,
examination of periodontal probes. The poor sensitivity
California) patented OCT. The first commercially
and reliability of periodontal probing make it difficult for
available OCT, called OCT 1000, was marketed in 1996
dentists to monitor the progression of periodontal
and then OCT 2000 in the year 2000. Otis et al in 2000
destruction and the treatment outcome . Radiography may
proposed the OCT imaging for dental applications.
be the most popular diagnostic tool recently. However,
Wojtkowski et al., (2001) presented the first in vivo
radiography provides only two-dimensional images. The
spectral-domain (SD)-OCT scans. In 2002, US Food and
caries or bone structure on the buccal and lingual sides of
Drug Administration (FDA) approved the SD-OCT
teeth may be superimposed with tooth structures or normal
systems for clinical use12.
Principle of OCT
Optical coherence tomography and US imaging has most
Furthermore, early detection of caries, periodontal disease
often been compared. OCT and US imaging employ
and oral cancer is quite difficult with clinical examination
backscattered signals reflected from different layers in the
or radiographs.
tissue to reconstruct structural images, with the US
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image the transparent tissue, such as eye, recently it has
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
imaging quantifying sound waves rather than light. The
analyzing interference of the recombined light waves
resulting optical coherence tomography image is a 2D
engenders the image. CS images of tissues are constructed
representation of the optical reflection in a tissue
in authentic time, at near histologic resolution of 10 mm.
The 10 mm resolution of OCT displays depth, thickness,
peripheral margins, and histopathological appearances of
the tissues in-vivo. Thus, OCT ameliorates on subsisting
clinical capabilities, particularly for the identification of
biopsy sites for monitoring of lesions, and for screening of
a high-risk population. With 1-3 mm of tissue perforation
depth, the imaging range of OCT diagnostics is opportune
for the oral mucosa. The normal human oral mucosa is
very delicate, ranging from 0.2 mm to 1 mm in thickness.
Different scanning procedures in OCT imaging are axial
scans withal called as A-scan, longitudinal scan or B-scan,
En-face scans or T-scans and transverse slice scansl called
as C-scan.12-16
Interferometry is the main principle of OCT. It is an
evolving imaging modality that cumulates interferometry
with low-coherence light to engender high-resolution
tissue imaging. CS in-vivo images were obtained utilizing
interferometer, light source (1.3 μm broadband), and a
handheld fiber optic imaging probe. Image pixel has
reached the resolution of 10 μm. Broadband laser light
waves are emitted from a source (Ws) and directed toward
Figure 2
a beam splitter. One wave from the beam splitter is sent to
the tissue sample (Wt) and the other toward a reference
mirror (Wr). After the two beams reflect off the reference
mirror and tissue sample surfaces at varying depths, they
which will further analyze the beams (Figure 2). The
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and together are directed to the photo detector (Wp),
are directed toward the beam splitter, where they merge
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
It scans in a transverse direction and is actually a
collection of many T scans transversally. It is particularly
useful in imaging the retina.
Figure 4: Relative orientation of the axial scan (A-scan),
longitudinal slice (B-scan), x-y (transverse) scan (T-scan)
the engine performing the imaging and its application.
Main Characteristics Of Oct12-16
600 to 2,000 nm, where the main constituents of the
A-scan or Axial scan
It measures the depth of the object being scanned. The
data obtained is one dimensional.
tissue, water, pigments exhibit low absorption
of different A-Scans, taken linearly across the object and
should be smaller
best achieved by single scattered photons rather than
and lateral aspect of the object can be assessed.
multiple photons because, as the number of photons
T-Scan or en-face scans
transversally while maintaining a fixed reference point.
increases, the event loses the phase information
weak signal in the object arm, backscattered or
lateral direction. It is the most popular modality to record
transmitted through the tissue, is amplified by the
the occlusion. It accurately records the force exerted, time
helps in determining the length of bite, the time and force
with which the teeth occlude.
C-Scan or Coronal scan
Photodetection at the interferometer output involves
multiplication of the two optical waves, therefore, the
This reference point could either be angulated or in a
taken and amount of occlusal surface in contact. This scan
A strict phase relationship is required between the
interfering waves for interference to take place. This is
following this in a transverse direction. Thus both depth
It is produced by a beam which scans the object
To achieve high depth resolution, the optical spectrum
line width should be wider and the coherence length
It is similar to ultrasound B scan. It is actually a collection
The wavelengths utilized in OCT imaging lies within
strong signal in the reference arm.
This explains the higher sensitivity of OCT when
compared with confocal microscopy, which for
instance in skin can produce images only to a depth of
0.5 mm
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There are three main scanning procedures depending on
and en-face or transverse slice (C-scan).
Scanning modes in OCT imaging: 17
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
OCT is built around a confocal microscope, hence, the
Table 1 shows a comparison between dental OCT and
transverse resolution is determined by diffraction
other dental diagnostic methods used today.19-24
Dental OCT imaging is considered safer as the power of
1. Low cost
1. Radiative
the source in the assuming 8 hours of continuous
exposure, when compared it is thousand times less than
measurement range
the current systems falls far below the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) standard for tissue damage.
The ANSI threshold for skin damage using a source
with a 1.3 mm wavelength is 96 mW, criterion.
measurement range
image 2. Radiative
Instant, direct imaging of tissue morphology.
No preparation of the sample or subject.
1. Low cost
1. Only surface
No contact with the patient
Digital camera
No ionizing radiation
1. Low cost
measurement range
2. No image
3. Invasive
spatial 1.Limited
2.Real-time image
image scanning range
1.High sensitivity
Figure 5
to measurement
and 2. Expensive
3. No image
time 1.Lack
to consistency
and 2.No image
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Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
Types of OCT18
submucosa and muscle layer are clearly visible (A:
There are two main types of OCT
Anterior view; B: Lateral view; e: epithelium; b: basement
Time Domain OCT (TDOCT)
membrane; m: mucosa). From: Jung WG, Zhang J, Chung
Spectral Domain OCT (SDOCT)
JR, Wilder-Smith P, Brenner M, Nelson JS, Chen Z
Functional OCT
(2005). Advances in oral cancer detection using optical
Sensitive OCT
coherence tomography.
Polarisation Sensitive OCT
Differential Absorption OCT
Doppler OCT
En-Face OCT or Full-Field OCT
Applications of Dental OCT
Early OCT studies focused mainly on the topics of dental
soft and hard tissue morphology because of the limitation
of system size and light source manufacture technology.
Nowadays, OCT is not only an “imaging tool” but also an
important and non-invasive method could be applied in
Figure 7: Handheld probe for oral OCT
Normal tooth structure
advanced diagnosis problems such as tooth decay,
periodontal disease and oral cancer. The use of OCT in
dentistry is further simplified with the introduction of
handy dental probes where diagnosis can be done on the
chair side.25,26
Laboratory, 2001
wherein OCT could have important applications.
system (Imalux Corp., Cleveland, OH, USA). (b)
1. Dental X-rays considerably underestimate caries lesion
Photograph of intra-oral fiberoptic probe (Reproduced
size and are not sensitive enough. By the time a lesion is
with permission: Jun Zhang and Zhongping Chen for 3D
visible on radiographs, the demineralization has extended
imaging). (c) In the 3D reconstructed OCT images of
to or beyond the middle third of the dentin.
healthy hamster cheek pouch mucosa, the surface
2. Tooth cracks have been a diagnostic challenge because
of the difficulty in locating the fracture lines of an
© 2021 IJDSIR, All Rights Reserved
Figure 6: (a) Intra-oral imaging using the Imalux™ OCT
In general, there are different types of clinical scenarios
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
incomplete fracture. Early detection and diagnosis are
diagnosing primary caries are highly invasive and less
important to limit crack growth.
reliable in the detection of early caries.
3. Clinical assessments of margin quality for intraoral
In such instances, OCT appears to be a promising
restorations are routinely carried out in dental practice;
technique by providing information about the extent of the
however, the replacement of existing restorations and the
carious lesion and it can also differentiate between stain,
decisions related to treatment planning are very subjective
enamel dysplasia and active decay. Moreover, OCT can
In Caries Diagnosis: 28
image through water, saliva and plaque and can record
Caries is an important dental care issue. Caries has high
microstructural changes underneath any materials for
prevalence and wide distribution among ages. The World
Health Organization (WHO) revealed that dental caries is
fractures, voids and early stages of demineralization
still a major public health problem globally and major
beneath occlusal sealants or orthodontic composite
public health problem in most high-income countries. The
enamel displays powerful birefringence and there is
OCT imaging can be helpful in determining the
anisotropic propagation of light via dentinal tubules.
progression of decay and the treatment outcome by having
Baumgartner et al. presented the first polarization resolved
a vital role in evaluation of remineralization of the tooth
images of dental caries.
Wang et al. measured the
following fluoride application or in case of arrested caries.
birefringence in dentin and enamel and suggested that the
This is based on the hypotheses that the restoration of
enamel rods acted as waveguides [46]. PS-OCT is suitable
mineral volume would result in a measurable decrease in
for the detection of secondary caries, because the
the depth-resolved reflectivity. Jones and Fried in 2006
scattering properties of restorative materials and dental
conducted a study to test the above stated hypotheses by
hard tissue have marked differences.
measuring the optical changes in artificially caries induced
and remineralized human tooth specimens using PS-OCT.
The authors concluded that the mineral volume changes
before and after remineralization can be measured
accurately on the basis of the optical reflectivity of the
Figure 9
Presently, diagnoses of carious lesions are mainly through
the latter known for its high sensitivity and specificity for
© 2021 IJDSIR, All Rights Reserved
section of pulp exposure. (B) The pulp and dentin were
former does not detect the non-cavitated lesions, whereas
Figure 10: Site of pulp exposure. (A) Histologic cross-
visual and radiographic examination. Unfortunately, the
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
clearly delineated in the OCT image (P: pulp; D: dentin;
PE: pulp exposure)
In case of root canal therapy, understanding the complexity of
the root canals plays a vital role in its outcome. The OCT
outsmarts conventional endoscopes through its small diameter
and increased flexibility of the probe. In addition, OCT
imaging does not require dry root canal and they provide a
surrounding root canal circumferential from dentin to
cementum. Such measurements are capable of indicating the
exact thickness of the dentinal wall and can aid inFigure 11: Oval canals and uncleaned fins at 7 mm from
determination of minimal dentin thickness to prevent root canalthe apex revealed by histology (H) and optical coherence
over preparation and possible perforation of canal walls.
tomography (O). Oval canals (A) and canal fins (B).
Intraoperatively, OCT imaging of root canals can indicate
Fracture lines in tooth
uncleaned fins, transportation of the canals, hidden
Fracture lines (FL) in enamel, zoom (occlusal overloaded
accessory canals and measurement of the apex. Shemesh
anterior tooth, with a normal crown morphology): 18
et al in 2007 evaluated OCT’s ability to image root canal
degree in air if 18 degrees, this is not zoom, for the
walls following endodontic preparation and correlated
review you should give the size in mm
these images to histological sections. The authors
concluded that OCT was reliable for imaging root canals
and the dentinal wall in a nondestructive manner.
Determining the presence of vertical root fractures pose a
challenge to the clinician and a threat to the tooth’s
postoperatively. Diagnosis of such fractures is difficult
and mostly subjective, involving direct visualisation, bite
tests, staining, transillumination, probing and radiographs.
Radiographs are limited and can reveal a vertical root
fracture only if the X-ray beam is parallel to the line of
fracture. A controlled blind OCT endodontic study
concluded that OCT is a valuable tool for imaging and
identifying vertical root fractures and detecting the
Figure 12: Reprinted from :Carmen Todea1, 2010
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fracture’s location along the root.
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
The images obtained through OCT were correlated with
histological sections and clinical probing. The authors
observed that the images generated using the 1,310 nm
wavelength systems were significantly better as compared
with those images obtained from 850 nm system. The
authors opined that the improvement in the image quality
of 1,310 nm wavelength system was primarily due to the
two-fold increase in its imaging depth and also due to its
larger numerical aperture.
The authors concluded that the OCT can provide excellent
microleakage formation beneath resin material (G:
gingival; RBC: resin based composite; E: enamel; D:
dentin; DEJ: dental enamel junction)
The microanatomy of periodontium and its soft tissue
density does not allow routine imaging. Hence, the current
periodontal diagnosis is completely based on clinical
examination and evaluation of alveolar bony changes
which are seen only after the progression of the disease.
Otis et al in 1998 evaluated the accuracy of OCT for
taking in vitro images of periodontal structures using an
animal model. The authors found that the OCT images
were comparable with the histopathology. However, the
observations were limited because of the poor signal-to
noise ratios associated with the bulk optics used. The
images produced were thus merely topographical maps
corresponding to characteristic reflections from the
interface between tissue and air.
With the promising observations noted in the previous
study Otis et al in 1998 performed a study with porcine
mandibles using two prototypes dental OCT systems (an
850 nm wavelength, 700 mW system with a relatively low
numerical aperture of 0.03 and a 1,310 nm wavelength,
140 mW system with a higher numerical aperture of 0.20).
© 2021 IJDSIR, All Rights Reserved
images of the periodontal soft tissue attachment, contour,
thickness and depth of the periodontal pockets in vitro. At
the outset, the authors hypothesized that another important
mechanism that can improve the quality of the OCT image
is the composition of tissue that is imaged. Hence, it is
likely that in vivo OCT images will have improved
contrast when compared to the nonvital specimens used in
the present study. This is based on the theory proposed by
Brezinski et al that the strong contrast between cardiac
muscle and adjacent adipose tissue on OCT images found
in his study may be attributable to their water content.
Similarly, it is conceivable that sulcular fluid will enhance
contrast for imaging periodontal tissues in vivo. Variations
in the tissue fluid resulting from periodontal diseases may
provide differences in contrast important for clinical
To evaluate the efficacy of OCT in vivo imaging of
periodontium, Otis et al in 2000 performed a study among
healthy adults with no clinical evidence of gingivitis or
periodontal disease. The dental OCT system consisted of
140 μW, 1,310 nm superluminescent diode light source
which can detect up to 70 femtowatts of reflected light. It
has an imaging depth of approximately 3 mm, with an
image acquisition time of 45 seconds. The authors
concluded that the in vivo dental OCT images clearly
depicted periodontal tissue contour, sulcular depth and
Class V restoration in the central incisor. Arrow shows
Figure 13: Photogragh (A) and SS-OCT image (B) of
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
connective tissue attachment. In addition, the authors
fractures in several fixed partial dentures using two single
stated that as OCT reveals microstructural detail of the
mode directional couplers with a super luminescent diode
periodontal soft tissues, it offers the potential for
as the source at 1,300 nm employing enface scanning
identifying active periodontal disease before significant
procedure. Here, the image acquisition was done by
alveolar bone loss occurs.
obtaining both C-scans as well as B-scan images. The
resultant images showed voids of different sizes and
shapes between the material interfaces at different depths.
Figure 14: Images of a periodontal ligament. (A)
Radiograph. (B) OCT. (C) Logging OCT images; the
boundary of each tissue can be identified more clearly.
Figure 15: OCT image of subgingival calculus. (A)
Subgingival calculus without coverage of gingiva. (B)
Subgingival calculus covered with gingival.
Figure 16: Marginal adaptation of an empress veneer on
which are bridged or bonded together, such as acrylics,
ceramics, polymers, composites and metals.
They are
liable to fracture due to a variation in their physical and
mechanical properties and masticatory load. Currently,
several methods are employed for evaluation of the micro
leakage, such as bacterial penetration, fluid transport,
However, none of them are found be effective and can be
considered standard.
Sinuescu et al in 2008 performed a study to evaluate the
capability of OCT in detection and analysis of possible
the proximal area
Can be used for evaluating the demineralized white
determining tooth movement under light orthodontic
forces. OCT investigation provides information on the
microleakage of the bracket’s bonding , gaps are also
assessed along the bracket base. A lack of adhesive
material on the side of the bracket can be seen too.
Uses in the soft tissue pathologies:32
Oral mucosa : To operate OCT imaging of oral mucosa, a
compact, dual wavelength, fiber-based superluminescent
diodes operating at 830 nm (Dl=25 nm) and 1280 nm (Dl
=50 nm) served as the short coherent length light source,
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The dental prosthesis are integrated of various materials
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
producing 1.5 mW and 0.5 mW powers to the object
difficult to distinguish the lamina propria and submucosa
respectively. The indepth resolution of the OCT scanner
from EP. OCT imaging also reveals blood vessels and
was 13 microns (830 nm) and 17 microns(1280 nm).
glands in LP and submucosa because their optical
1. Masticatory Mucosa (gingival and hard palate mucosa)
properties differ significantly from their environment
A characteristic feature of keratinized regions in the oral
(fibrous connective tissue).
cavity is the presence of relatively high connective tissue
Malignant and potentially malignant condition:33,34
papillae projecting into the overlying epithelium. The 200
OCT can perceive early transmutations in malignant and
μm thick region beneath the squamous epithelium is the
premalignant changes like loss of epithelial stratification,
lamina propria (LP). The papillae of the LP within the
hyperkeratosis, epithelial down growth, disruption of the
epithelium contain strong
basement membrane.
bundles of collagen fibers which are tightly interlaced and
Accounting for 96% of all oral cancers, squamous cell
woven into the periosteum45 (bone covering tissue).
carcinoma (SCC) is usually preceded by dysplasia
In the OCT scan, a distinct boundary between the LP and
presenting as white epithelial lesions on the oral mucosa
the periosteum is visible. The total depth of OCT imaging
in the gingival mucosa is 600-650μm.
erythroplakias carry a risk of malignant conversion of
2. Lining Mucosa (alveolar, soft palate, labial, and buccal
90%19. Tumour detection is complicated by a tendency
mucosa, as well as the mucosa of the mouth floor and the
toward field cancerization, leading to multi centric lesions.
ventral surface of the tongue)
This high-resolution optical technique permits minimally
In OCT image of vestibular alveolar mucosa, the
invasive imaging of near-surface abnormalities in complex
epithelium (EP) is seen as a straight, transparent layer
tissues, having a penetration depth of 1-2 mm. This
~150 μm in thickness. The LP, seen as the brightly
permits in vivo noninvasive imaging of the macroscopic
backscattering (500 μm thick) strip in the OCT scan, is a
characteristics of epithelial and subepithelial structures,
fibrous connective tissue structure and is separated from
the EP by a basement membrane. It also contains muscle
appearance and peripheral margins. Oral mucosa is very
fibers and blood vessels which weakly backscatter and
thin, ranging from 0,2 to 1 mm.
appear as dark structures in the scan above the darker,
In a study of Wilder-Smith, 50 patients were evaluated,
bony attachment.
examined and photographed with white or red intra-oral
3. Specialized Mucosa (lips, dorsum of the tongue)
lesions. The imaging was carried out along the long axis at
OCT images of those parts where the epithelium
the center of each lesion using either a fiber optic high-
resolution 3D OCT probe with a scan length of up to 10
vermillion border of the lip, buccal zona intermedia,
mm or a commercially available 2D probe with a scan
dorsal surface of the tongue, hard palate) substantially
length of 2 mm Niris TM OCT imaging system by Imalux
differ from images of those parts where EP evidences low
(Cleveland, OH). Contra lateral healthy tissues were
or no keratinization in its normal state (alveolar mucosa,
scanned in a similar fashion. The acquisition required
labial mucosa, floor of the mouth, and soft palate).
approximately 5-180 seconds per 3D scanning and 1,5
Keratinization may reduce the contrast and makes it
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Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
seconds for 2D scanning, totalling less than 15 minutes for
each patient.
In the OCT images, epithelium, lamina propria, and
basement membrane are clearly visible.
The OCT image of a dysplastic lesion parallels
histopathological status, showing epithelial thickening,
loss of stratification in lower epithelial strata, epithelial
down growth, and loss of epithelial stratification as
compared to healthy oral mucosa. The epithelium is
highly variable in thickness, with areas of erosion and
invasion into the sub epithelial layers. The basement
membrane is not visible as a coherent landmark. OCT
image is rapid, unproblematic and well received by all
In another study of 97 patients utilizing OCT imaging to
detect neoplasia in the oral cavity by Tsai et al. in 2009,
Figure 17: Histological images of the (a) normal, (b) MiD,
their results revealed that the an important criteria for
(c) MoD, (d) ES-SCC, and (e) WD-SCC samples
high-grade dysplasia/carcinoma in-situ was the lack of a
layered structural pattern. Diagnosis predicated by this
method for dysplastic/malignant versus benign/reactive
conditions achieved a sensitivity and specificity of 83%
and 98%, respectively, and by 0.76 as an inter-observer
accident value. Their study concluded that OCT, had high
sensitivity and specificity along with a good inter-observer
Figure 18. SS-OCT scanned images of the (a) normal
acquiescent, is a promising imaging modality for non-
control and biopsied oral (b) MiD, (c) MoD, (d) ES-SCC,
invasive evaluation of tissue sites, suspected with high-
and (e) WD-SCC lesions. Their histological images were
grade dysplasia or/ and cancer.8 Lee et al. in 2009 had
shown in Figure 17(a–e)
diagnosed the OSMF with OCT. Compared with the
Cancer therapy-induced mucositis: 35
conventional method of quantifying maximum mouth
OCT has manifestated its benefit in the detection of
opening, the utilization of the proposed OCT scanning
transmutations in cancer therapy-induced mucositis.
results can be a more accurate technique for OSF
chemotherapy patients, 75% of patients receiving a
hematopoietic cell transplant, and basically all the patients
onset and rigor of mucositis which can cause arduousness
© 2021 IJDSIR, All Rights Reserved
>5000 cGy. It is very arduous to prognosticate the exact
experiencing head and neck radiation therapy in doses of
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
in treatment. OCT can detect early vicissitudes in
mucositis which will ameliorate the aversion and
treatment effect.
Kawakami–Wrong et al. 2007 had done study in which
five patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy for
primary breast cancer, oral mucositis, and OCT was used
to clinically assessed and imaged. Imaging was scored
Figure 19
utilizing a novel imaging-predicated scoring system. Oral
In vivo optical coherence tomography (OCT) images
mucositis assessment scale was used as the gold standard
throughout the development of oral mucositis: OCT
for conventional clinical assessment. Patients were
images of ventral surface of tongue before (a), after 2 days
evaluated on 0, 2, 4, 7, and 11 days after beginning the
(b), after 7 days (c) and after 11 days (d) of
chemotherapy. One blinded investigator viewed the OCT
chemotherapy. In (a), smooth stratified squamous
images. The findings in the study were: Transmutation in
epithelium (1) is visible, separated from the submucosa
epithelial thickness and subepithelial tissue integrity
(2) by the basement membrane (3). Cumulative diagnostic
(beginning on 2nd day), loss of continuity of surface
imaging score is 0. In (b), epithelium is thinner by 50%,
keratinized layer (beginning on 4th day), and loss of
surface is still intact, although directly below the surface
epithelial integrity (beginning on 4th day). Higher scores
some breakdown is apparent (5). Subepithelial tissues just
were obtained for imaging data compared to clinical
below the basement membrane show some disruption. At
scores earlier in treatment, suggesting the higher
this point, the patient was totally asymptomatic.
sensitivity of imaging-predicated diagnostic scoring to
Cumulative diagnostic imaging score is 2. Further
early mucositis change than the clinical scoring system.
epithelial atrophy is seen after 7 and 11 days (c, d), with
Imaging and clinical scores converged, after establishing
infiltrate around the basement membrane and disruption of
the mucositis. OCT identified oral changes induced by
the adjacent epithelial and subepithelial tissues (4), and
chemotherapy prior to their clinical manifestation, and the
breakdown of the epithelial surface (5). Cumulative
proposed scoring system for oral mucositis was validated
diagnostic imaging score for (c) is 3 and for (d) is 5. From
for the semi quantification of mucositis change
Kawakami-Wong et al (2007)
Muanza et al. in 2005 performed a study in murine
Oral vascular malformation 36,37
radiation-induced mucositis models. The study concluded
Ozawa et al. 2009 detected the two cases of vascular
that OCT can be subsidiary for both qualitative and
malformation, one with a capillary-venous malformation
quantitative assessments of acute mucosal damages. There
of the lower lip whereas the other with a reddish mass on
were predominant transmutation in the mucosa detected
the buccal mucosa. In these cases, OCT images correlated
manifestations, like ulcers became ostensible.
demarcated capillary vessel lumina and endothelial lining.
cull of surgical treatment, particularly for vascular
© 2021 IJDSIR, All Rights Reserved
vascular lesions can be secondary for the diagnosis and
Cognizance of the size, area, and the border of the
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
anomalies, and hemangiomas in the oromaxillofacial
histological animal studies have shown that gingival
connective tissue forms a scar-like fibrous connective
Mucocutaneous lesions
tissue adjacent to titanium implant surfaces, while peri-
Certain skin disorder can be detected by OCT, like lichen
implantitis is characterised by a disorganised connective
planus, pemphigus, pemphigoid etc. However, it requires
tissue containing more vascular elements. The preliminary
a specific intentness for skin disorders whose incidence is
data demonstrate that in OCT images of healthy implant
furthermore higher in the oral cavity .
sites, collagen appears well organised and its birefringent
Forsea et al. had done studies of 3 patients with psoriasis
nature produces a characteristic high OCT signal intensity.
and came to surmise that OCT showed typical thickening
OCT images of soft tissue surrounding failing implants are
of the epidermis, with epidermal protrusion into the
characterised by linear signal deficits, low-intensity
dermis, vigorous hyperkeratosis as a more tenebrous
collagen signals, and pronounced increases in vascular
superficial band.
elements. OCT will improve clinical evaluation of peri-
Forsea et al. had detected sarcoidosis with OCT, showed
hypo-dense confluent rounded structures in the dermis
advantages over existing diagnostic procedures.
OCT can produce two- or three-dimensional images
granulomatous infiltrates.
Temporo-Mandibular Joint Disc:
depicting the topography of the implant sulcus and the
relationship of implants soft tissue interfaces. A fiberoptic
The micro structure of temporomandibular disc by using
clinical OCT system was used to obtain large size, 12 mm
OCT was investigated by Marcauteanu and Colab. Two
occlusal-apical OCT images.
different OCT systems were used: an Enface (TDOCT)
The advantage of OCT compared to non-optical imaging
system working at 1300nm (C-scan and B scan mode) and
modalities are its:40
a spectral OCT system (a FDOCT) system, working at
High depth and transversal solution
840nm (B scan mode). The OCT investigation of the
Contact-free and non-invasive operation, and the
possibility to create
temporomandibular joint discs revealed a homogeneous
microstructure. The longer wavelength of the FDOCT
Function dependent image contrast
offers a higher penetration depth (2.5mm in air), which is
OCT uses light for imaging of tissues hence patient is
not exposed to ionizing radition
important for the analysis of temporomandibular joint.
OCT images provide quantitative information regarding
OCT helps in early diagnosis of oral diseases
OCT helps in real time monitoring of both hard and
micro-structural architecture, including the character of
the gingiva as well as that of the implant and the soft
soft tissues.
It has excellent resolution and penetration depth and
tissue relationships. More importantly, OCT identifies the
hence can image the normal and abnormal changes in
earliest signs of inflammation that are so minimal that
the oral mucosa.
clinical examination is unlikely to detect. OCT imaging
offers the exciting potential to detect peri-implantitis
before significant osseous destruction occurs. Several
© 2021 IJDSIR, All Rights Reserved
T scan can be for occlusal mapping and help in
recording the pattern of occlusion.
Sowmya Hemanthakumar, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
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