ACTIVE LEARNING ENHANCE STUDENTS INTEREST IN LEARNING Submitted by Madiha Riaz In the partial Fulfillment for the Degree of BScN (Post RN) Lahore School of Nursing THE UNIVERSITY OF LAHORE March 2014 – May 2014 DEDICATION This project effort is dedicated to my beloved parents and honorable teachers whose encouragements and loyalty to my best interests and willing sacrifices have been such great factors in obtaining for me an education of much value. Madiha Riaz PBSN02123008 The University of Lahore Lahore School of Nursing Undertaking I Miss Madiha Riaz Reg. no. Pbsn02123008 declare that the contents of my thesis entitled "Active Learning enhance Students’ Interest in Learning “ are based on my own research findings and have not been taken from any other work except the references and has not been published before. I also undertake that I will be responsible for any plagerization in this thesis. Madiha Riaz PBSN02123008 Acknowledgements My special thanks to Almighty Allah Who gave me courage to accomplish this work. My grateful thanks are extended to all those whose support, and inspiration have assisted me to complete this project. I wish to acknowledge the following individuals for their significant contribution and involvement in my study, Mr. M. Afzal, my principal and supervisor for continuous support, guidance and motivation; my facilitator Mr. M. Hussain and Miss Fazeelat Tahira, my preceptor, for their efforts in revising, studying, condemning and commenting on my study. My special thanks to my preceptor Miss Fazeelat Tahira who provide me guidance. I would like also to thanks my teachers Mrs. Farzana, Mr. Shahid, Miss kanwal Fatima and all other teachers for their continuous assistance to me in different issues during the entire period of my study and I also want to say thanks to Professor Javaid Iqbal; Head of Department of Pharmacy, and Professor Dr. M. H. Kazi; Director of IMBB Department for warm welcome to collect data from their department. I am also grateful to the library services, my friends and my parents for all their practical support and encouragements. At last I would like to thank all those students who passionately took part in this study. Madiha Riaz PBSN02123008 LIST Page No. Abbreviations 6 CHAPTER 1 Abstract 7 CHAPTER 2 Introduction 8 CHAPTER 3 Literature Review 9-10 CHAPTER 4 Material & Method 11 CHAPTER 5 Results 13-22 CHAPTER 6 Discussion 23-24 CHAPTER 7 Conclusion 25 Recommendations 26 References 27 APPENDIXES 28 Appendix-1 (questionnaire) 228-29 CONTENTS Abbreviations LSN: Lahore School of Nursing IMBB: Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology AL: Active Learning CS: Case Study V: Video FT: Field Trips SPSS: Statistical package for social sciences CHAPTER 1 Abstract: Background: Active learning is a need of hour to keep students engaged in learning because various studies proved that during one hour lecture students’ attention start distracting after 20-30 minutes. This present study is conducted to see whether active learning such as case studies, videos and field trips helped to keep students’ engaged in learning or not. Methodology: A Descriptive survey study done on students of University of Lahore. The sample was composed of 100 students of different departments in 2014. A self- administered questionnaire tool used to collect data on basis of convenience sampling method. Result: 89.5% students for Case studies, 89.25% for videos and 93% for field trips are agreed upon that these three strategies as a source of active learning attract them towards learning and enhance their concentration in learning by creating curiosity, motivation and excitement among them. Conclusion: Case studies, videos, field trips are very useful forms of active learning for students. These promote students’ interest in learning, help them to retain information for longer period and get new ideas about learning things. So it is essential to support these forms of active learning and consider their needs in building students’ interest. Key Words: Active learning, interest, case study, video, field trip. CHAPTER 2 Introduction: "Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; but directly include me, and I'll make it my own.” (Confucius) Confucius this statement prove that people learn more when they perform with their own hands and active learning is a best way to learn with manipulation of information. Active learning best defined by Bell,D.& Kahrhoff,J.(2006) “Active Learning is a process wherein students are actively engaged in building, understanding of facts, ideas, and skills through the completion of instructor directed tasks and activities.” And “Interest is a quality that attracts someone’s’ attention and makes them want to get more about something or to be involved in something” (Merriam dictionary). So active learning is defined as anything through which students actively participate in studies, involve with the learning material, take part in the class, and collaborate with each other to learn new things with enthusiasm, attention, concentration excitement. As interest is a feature that draws student’s attention and prepare them for learning about something or involved in studies. To grasp students’ attention and develop their interest in learning lot of active learning strategies are used by teachers like class discussion, think pair share, short written exercises, students’ debates, videos, collaborative learning groups, case studies, field trips etc. Among these lot of active learning approaches, in this study researcher is using three forms as case studies, videos and field trips to check their impact on students’ interest in learning. As these approaches of active learning play an important role in building students’ interest in learning by creating excitement among students, preparing them to learn more actively and develop skills in critical and creative thinking and help the students to retain important material, concepts, and skills. So active learning is the comprehensive and most inclusive learning principle. Case studies is a model that contains a sufficient level of detail for the learning and teaching purpose “Case studies are a student-centered approach that can be used to promote autonomous learning (Backx, 2008). Case study is a representation rather than a description because it does not have to be text-based and it can contain multiple resources. Greenhalgh (2007) said that “Cases can be used for a range of purposes such as to illustrate best practice, apply tools, invite discussion, facilitate decision making and develop skills in critical and creative thinking” So case study is a method of teaching which enables students’ abilities to get access and hold information and enhance their concentration in learning. It provides students with an opportunity to process course material and allow them to practice important skills, such as collaboration, builds self-esteem through conversations with other students. Case studies create curiosity among students and make them more eager to learn and understanding of real cases and enjoyment of topic motivates them to learn. Videos as an illustration of active learning also develop students’ interest in learning because most students love to watch movies. The video helps the students to understand what they are learning at the time in an alternative presentation mode. Students show more interest and engagement because videos make learning session more interactive and enhance students’ excitement and motivation to learn from and retain information from the lesson. Through videos Students put more concentration & attention in learning and they get different ideas about what is important to learn. Field trips. “Taking students outside of the traditional classroom on a carefully designed educational field trip can achieve a wide range of powerful learning outcome” (DeWitt & Storks dieck, 2008). Field trips are a great way to bring excitement and adventure to learning as these grasp student’s attention by providing a chance to get out of the class & experience something new so offer a clear opportunity for students to create strong reliable connections between theoretical academic material and their own life experiences. Field trips also enhance students’ participation in learning because students get real world experiences and enjoy both educational and recreational chances. Objective: To determine whether active learning in the form of case study, video and field trips have any contribution to enhance students’ interest in learning. CHAPTER 3 Literature Review: Active learning enhance student’s participation in class and improve their abilities to think and collaboration with each other. According to Brook field studies in 2005 active learning helps students discover a variety of perspectives, it increases intellectual abilities, it develops habits of collaborative learning, it helps students develop skills of creation and integration, and it leads to revolution. Hoellwarth & Moelter apply active learning techniques on Physics students in 2011 and assess their performance and interest. It was found that student learning improved 38 percent points, from around 12% to over 50%, as measured by the Force Concept Inventory, which has become the standard measure of student learning in physics courses. Distinctive studies was carried out on active learning provisions in classrooms and students interest and performance and it was discovered that people shoed greeter interest and great performance where active learning in systems were connected e.g. in an overview investigation of present and past learners of physiology gives confirmation of their solid inclination for consideration of case studies and related basic intuition exercises inside the conventional address group. Little gathering exercises based upon genuine cases can support learners to create understanding of physiology ideas and to push early and more term enthusiasm toward physiology. Ahmad, K. A., Malik, F. Y., & Hulbert, J. R. (2012). As indicated by Dr. David Devraj Kumar teacher of science training Interactive feature innovation has arrived at new statures in giving stays to issue based adapting in science. Feature are cognitive instruments for PBL with the possibility to help enhance classroom drills in science. Scholar conclusions incorporate dynamic engagement in taking in, enhanced taking in, higher practicality toward oneself, and more person cooperation in taking in science. Be that as it may, more longitudinal studies are required in a test-driven training framework. What's more, somewhere else to focus long-run adequacy of videos. Videos are additionally a huge source to draw learners' consideration to taking in. The utilization of videos to upgrade showing and taking in supplements conventional methodologies to taking in. Successful guideline constructs connects between people's information and the taking in destinations of the course. According to an essay on benefits of using videos in classrooms, use of videos to enhance learners outcome by involves students, aids student retaining of knowledge, provokes interest in the subject matter, and illustrates the relevance of many concepts. Video provides a means of interactive education and is a very elastic medium. Having the ability to stop, start and rewind is undeniably valuable. It provides the option to stop each video and challenge students to forecast the conclusion of a demonstration, and intricate on, or argument a point of ancient situation. According to Shakil, A. F., Faizi, W. U. N. & Hafeez, S. (2011), study on importance of field trip in education, educational field trips are a great way to create a student’s interest in a subject. The things students see and practice on field trips can increase their enthusiasm and eagerness for learning. These greatly boost the students understanding of things and grip of a subject information. CHAPTER 4 Research Design & Methodology: A descriptive cross sectional study survey was conducted in |university of Lahore to know the student’s views about whether active learning in the form of case studies, videos & field trips enhance their interest in learning or not. Target population was all students of university of Lahore and sample size was (n=100) calculated by using the Slovin’s formula for sample size, n = N/1+ (N) (E2) with 90% confidence interval. Convenience sampling method applied to collect data from participants. Three departments (IMBB, LSN, and Pharmacy) of UOL were included and participants from each department were selected on the bases of population percentage. Data collected through a self-administered questionnaire consist of 12 close ended questions (Appendix A) All student who are studying in three different departments (IMBB, LSN, and Pharmacy) of UOL and willing to participate in this study was included. Students of all other departments and those who will refuse to participate in study, was excluded. A written consent signed from participants before entering into study. Participants informed about the purpose of the research. For protection of these rights, permission was taken from the Ethical Review Committee of the University of Lahore. Chapter 5 Data Analysis & Results: The collected data was analyzed on SPSS.16 and converted into tables and graphs. Findings and conclusions were drawn in the light of these tables by the researchers. Demographic data analysis: Three variables are used to get demographic data, gender, age and department. Gender: Both male and female students are included in this study. After study analysis it was found that 56% male and 44% female participate in this study as shown in fig.5. 1 Fig. 5.1 Age: Students of different age groups were included but most respondent’s falls between age group 18-22 years as seen in fig. 5.2 Fig. 5.2 Department: Fig. 5.3 Students of three different departments Lahore School of Nursing (LSN), Pharmacy and Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (IMBB) were included and the percentage of each department participation was as follows (fig. 5.3) Overall view of all demographic variables, their frequencies and percentages is shown in Table 5.1 Table No. 5.1 variable Description Frequency Percentage Gender Male 56 56% Female 44 44% Total 100 100% Age 18-21 75 75% 22-26 19 19% 27-30 5 5% Above 30 1 1% Total 100 100% Department LSN 7 7% Pharmacy 53 53% IMBB 40 40% Total 100 100% Reliability: Reliability of study variables analyzed by Cronbach’s alpha. According to a table of Cronbach’s alpha values given in an article Internal Consistency at’s-alpha are: Cronbach's alpha Internal consistency α ≥ 0.9 Excellent (High-Stakes testing) 0.7 ≤ α < 0.9 Good (Low-Stakes testing) 0.6 ≤ α < 0.7 Acceptable 0.5 ≤ α < 0.6 Poor α < 0.5 Unacceptable Table. 5.2 Study Questions Analysis So in this study students interest in learning through case studies measured by 4 variables (CS.1, CS.2, CS.3, CS.4) and its Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.654. As it falls in an acceptable region so it is reliable. Video base learning interest was also measured by 4 variables (V.1, V.2, V.3 and V4). Its Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.870 which fall under good reliability. Similarly Students’ interest through field visits was also measured by 4 variables (FT.1, FT.2, FT.3, and FT.4). Its Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.783. So all these variables have good reliability. When 1st variable whether case studies enhance their interest in learning or not analyzed. Results are: When students asked about CS-1 case studies make them more curios and eager to learn. 50% were agree, 37% strongly agree, 7% disagree and 6% strongly disagree. (fig.5.4) Fig.5.4 In response to CS-2 Through case studies understanding of real cases create motivation of learning among students, 51% were agree, 44% strongly agree, 5% were disagree but no one strongly disagree.( fig. 5.5) Fig.5.5 When 3rd question, CS-3 Case studies enhance students’ concentration by facilitating their abilities to access and grip information. 56% respondents were agree, 32% strongly agree, 8% disagree and only 4% were strongly disagree. (Fig. 5.6) Fig.5.6 Fig. 5.7, in response to CS-4 Case studies increase the students’ desire to learn by creating the enjoyment of the topic. 52% respondents were agree, 36% were strongly agree, 9% disagree and only 3% were strongly disagree. Fig. 5.7 It was found that 52.25% were agree and 37.25% were strongly agreed upon that active learning in the form of case study enhance their interest in learning by making them more curios and eager to learn because understanding of real cases motivate them to learn. It facilitates their abilities to access and grip information so they can more concentrate on their studies and it also create enjoyment among them. Only 3.25% respondents were strongly disagree, 7.29% were disagree. As shown in Fig.4.8 and table 5.3. Fig. 5.8 Table. 5.3 S.N Questions SD disagree agree SA MV total 1 case studies make students more curios and eager to learn 6 7 50 37 0 100 2 Through Case studies understanding of real cases create motivation of learning 0 5 51 44 0 100 3 case studies enhance students' concentration by facilitating their abilities to access and grip information 4 8 56 32 0 100 4 Case studies increase the students' desire to learn by creating enjoyment of the topic 3 9 52 36 0 100 Total 13 29 209 149 0 400 Average 3.25% 7.29% 52.25% 37.25% 0 100% When 2nd variable Videos Enhance students’ interest in learning or not analyzed, the results are: In response to 5th question V-1 Students put more concentration and attention in learning through videos, 60% respondents were strongly disagree, 31% agree, 7%dis agree and 2% were strongly disagree with that. (fig.5.8) Fig. 5.8 In response to 6th question, V-2 through videos students enjoy, learn from and retain information from the lesson, 51% students were strongly agree, 36% agree, 10% disagree and 3% were strongly disagree. (fig.5.9) Fig. 5.9 When 7th question, V-3 Videos promote students’ interest because they get different new ideas about what is important to learn, 51% respondents were strongly agree, 38% agree, 8% disagree and only 3% were strongly disagree. (fig. 5.10) Fig. 5.10 In response to Q.8, V-4 Video learning create excitement and motivation among students, 53% replied strongly agree, 37% agree, 6% disagree and 4% strongly disagree. (fig. 5.11) Fig. 5.11 Overall results for this variable were 53.75% strongly agree, 35.5% agree, 7,75% disagree and only 3% strongly disagree upon that in video based learning students put more concentration and attention, enjoy learn from and retain information from lessons and get different ideas about what is important to learn. Videos create excitement and motivation among them for learning. As shown in Fig.5.12 and Table 5.4 Fig. 5.12 Table- 5.4 S.n Questions SD Disagree Agee SA MV Total 5 Students put more concentration and attention in learning through videos. 2 7 31 60 0 100 6 Through videos students’ enjoy, learn from and retain more information from lesson 3 10 36 51 0 100 7 Videos promote students' interest because they get different ideas about what is important to learn 3 8 38 51 0 100 8 Video learning creates an excitement and motivation among students. 4 6 37 53 0 100 Total 12 31 142 215 0 400 Average 3% 7.75% 35.5% 53.75% 0 100% When 3rd variable Whether Field trips enhance students’ interest in learning are not analyzed on SPSS, the following results were obtained: In response to FT-1 Field trips enhance students’ participation in learning by providing real world experiences, 52% respondents were strongly agree, 41% were agree, 5% disagree and 2% were strongly disagree upon that. (fig. 5.13) Fig. 5.13 In response to FT-2 Field trips build interest by providing both educational and recreational opportunities, 53% were strongly agree, 42% agree and 5% disagree but no one strongly disagree. (fig. 5.14) Fig. 5.14 When Q.11, FT-3 Field trips are great way to bring excitement and adventure to learning was asked from respondents, 47% were strongly agree, 43% agree, 8% disagree and only 2% were strongly disagree. (fig. 5.15) Fig. 5.15 In response to last question FT-4 field trips grasp students’ attention by providing a chance to get out of the class and experience something new, 51% respondents were strongly agree, 41% agree, 3% disagree and only 2% were strongly disagree. (fig. 5.16) Fig. 5.16 Overall results for this variable were, majority of students showed positive response. 51.25% students were strongly agree and 41.75% agreed upon that field trips enhance their interest by providing real world experiences, educational and recreational opportunities and a chance to get out of the class and experience something new. They also agreed upon that field trips bring excitement and adventure to learning. Only 5.5% students were not agreed upon this and 1.5% people were strongly disagree. As shown in fig.5.17 and table-5.5 Fig. 5.17 Table-5.5 Sr. Questions SD Disagree Agree SA MV Total 9 Field trips enhance students' participation in learning by providing real world experiences 2 5 41 52 0 100 10 Field trips build interest by providing both educational & recreational opportunities. 0 5 42 53 0 100 11 Field trips grasp students' attention by providing a chance to get out of the class and experience something new 2 8 43 47 0 100 12 Field trips are great way to bring excitement and adventure to learning 2 4 41 53 0 100 total 6 22 167 205 0 400 Average 1.5% 5.5% 41.75% 51.25% 100% CHAPTER 6 Discussion This current study was done to get students views about three active learning strategies: case studies, videos and field trips as these strategies have any contribution in building their interest in studies are not. Four questions about every strategy were asked. When students’ asked about contribution of case studies in enhancing their interest in learning with the help of four statements: (i) Case studies create curiosity among students and make students more eager to learn. (ii) Understanding of real cases motivates students to learn. (iii) By facilitating students’ abilities to access and grip information, case studies enhance their concentration in learning (iv) Case study increase the students' enjoyment of the topic and hence their desire to learn.89.5% students were agree and only 10.5% were disagree upon these questions. A similar study was done by Ahmad, K. A., Malik, F. Y., & Hulbert, J. R. (2012).and it was found that majority of students like case studies and show great preference for contribution of case studies in building critical thinking and reality base studies. Educational videos help students to learn more and these enhance students’ engagement, concentration and interest in learning. When students asked about whether videos enhance their interest in learning by asking these questions (i) Students put more concentration and attention in learning through videos. (ii) Through videos students’ enjoy, learn from and retain more information from lesson. (iii) Videos promote students' interest because they get different ideas about what is important to learn. (iv)Video learning creates an excitement and motivation among students. Most of the students were agree (89.25%) and only 9.75% students were disagree. Different studies have been done on importance of videos in education and building students’ interest in learning. When student asked about the questions related to variable-3 whether fieldtrips enhance their interest in learning or not by checking their responses against these four questions (i)Field trip enhance students’ participation because it provide real world experiences.(ii)Field trip built interest by providing both educational and recreational opportunities. (iii)Field trips grasp student’s attention by providing a chance to get out of the class & experience something new. (iv).Field trips are a great way to bring excitement and adventure to learning. 93% students were agree upon that field trips increase concentration. Excitement and adventure and only 7% students were disagree upon that. A similar study was done be Shakil, A. F., Faizi, W. U. N., & Hafeez, S. (2011)and it was found that that majority of students think that fieldtrips give practical approach to curriculum, provide self-experience & observation to increase knowledge. It also promotes interaction b/w teachers and students, overcome difficulties and provide opportunity to show individualities and also give awareness of professional skills. When students asked about field trips enhance their interest in learning, 97%students said yes and only 3% students said no. CHAPTER 7 Conclusion: This survey of students provides evidence of their strong preference for active learning in the form of case studies, videos and field trips in generating a higher interest in studies. Case studies based upon real cases can assist students to develop understanding of concepts and to promote early and longer-term interest in various subjects. Videos can enhance students’ interest by generating eagerness, motivation, concentration and excitement among students. Field trips provide students both education and recreational opportunities and also persuade them get out of class and learn something new in natural and reality base environment. Finally, with the current pilot survey research indicating the potential benefit of reinstructions including case-studies, videos and field trips I can recommend more advanced and complete projects be conducted. I would recommend experimental research rather than observational, because the current survey has provided sufficient evidences that new and reality base strategies should enhance students’ interest. Recommendations Due to the need of active learning in prompting students’ interest and grasp their attention in studies above three strategies of learning should highly be added in curriculum. Case studies should be major part of course so that student would be able to utilize their acquired knowledge and skills. Interactive educational videos should be included in course in aid students learning by audio-visual tools. Educational field trips should be arranged in every department at higher level. The government should provide enough funds and incomes to the institutions to held field trips for students. References Bell, D. & Kahrhoff, J. (2006). Active Learning Handbook: Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Webster University. Brookfield, S. D. (2005). Discussion as the way of teaching: Tools and techniques for democratic classrooms (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Hoellwarth, C., & Moelter, M. J. (2011). The implications of a robust curriculum in introductory mechanics. American Journal of Physics, 79, (540). Ahmad, K. A., Malik, F. Y., & Hulbert, J. R. (2012). Student preference for case studies: enhanced learning in a human physiology course. Medical Science Educator, 22(3), 117-120. Greenhalgh, A. M. (2007). Case Method Teaching as Science and Art A Metaphoric Approach and Curricular Application. Journal of Management Education, 31(2), 181- 194. Backx, K. (2008). ‘The Use of a Case Study Approach to Teaching and Group Work to Promote Autonomous Learning, Transferable Skills and Attendance: Practice and Evidence of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 3(1), 68-83. Shakil, A. F., Faizi, W. U. N., & Hafeez, S. (2011). THE NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF FIELD TRIPS AT HIGHER LEVEL IN KARACHI, PAKISTAN. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 1(2). The Benefits of Using Educational Video in the Classroom. (n.d). Retrieved from Kumar, D.D. (2009). APPROACHES TO INTERACTIVE VIDEO ANCHORS IN PROBLEM- BASED SCIENCE LEARNING. Florida Atlantic University. DeWitt, J., & Storksdieck, M. (2008). A short review of school field trip: Key finding from the past and implications for the future. Visitor Studies, 11(2). Appendix-1 “Active Learning Enhance Students’ Interest in Learning” (Lahore School of Nursing & Midwifery) Consent I Miss Madiha Riaz Student of Post RN final semester is going to study “Active Learning Enhance Students Interest in Learning”. Purpose of this study is to know whether active learning in the form of Case studies, videos and Field trips enhance students interest in learning or not. You are being invited to take part in this research study. This study is completely harmless. All data provided by you will be kept confidential. There are no costs to you for your participation in this study. You as a study participant are welcome to ask any question regarding the study. I have read this form and voluntarily consent to participate in this study. Participant’s Signature……………………….. Demographic Data Name (optional) --------------------- Gender: 1- Male 2- Female Age: 1- (18-22) 2- (23-26) 3- (27-30) 4- (above 30) Department: 1- LSN 2- Pharmacy 3- IMBB Directions: Select any appropriate response to fill this questionnaire. Sr. No Questions Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree 1 Case Studies Case studies create curiosity among students and make students more eager to learn 2 Understanding of real cases motivates students to learn. 3 By facilitating students’ abilities to access and grip information, case studies enhance their concentration in learning 4 Case study increase the students' enjoyment of the topic and hence their desire to learn. 5 Videos Students put more concentration & attention in learning through videos 6 Through videos students enjoy, learn from and retain information from the lesson. 7 Videos promote students’ interest because they get different ideas about what is important to learn. 8 Video learning creates excitement and motivation among students. 9 Field Trips Field trip enhance students’ participation because it provide real world experiences. 10 Field trip built interest by providing both educational and recreational opportunities. 11 Field trips grasp student’s attention by providing a chance to get out of the class & experience something new. 12 Field trips are a great way to bring excitement and adventure to learning. Thanks for your participation! 25