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2022, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)…
7 pages
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This Project mainly aims at optimizing the use of water. Since water wastage has become a major and global issue now, hence water conservation has now become more important. One of the common sources of wastage we encounter is the overflow of water. This project aims to help judge the water level inside the water tank and display it accordingly on the screen while also preventing any overflow of water which is achieved through the Arduino Uno. The ultrasonic sensors used helps determine the water level in tank which is then send to the Arduino Uno, the LCD then attached to it displays the level to us. According to the level of water inside the tank, the Arduino helps turn ON or OFF the servo motor hence closing the source of water. In this way, through the automation of water control, we intent to save the energy and our natural resource.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
Global climate change and unpredictable rain circle cause uncertainty of water availability. Therefore, the technology which can increase water distribution efficiency is needed. This paper describes prototype water level control system that has an important role in providing convenience in the drainage system. If usually the water gate at the dam is operated manually, this prototype is simulation open and close automatically water gate based on rainfall levels using Arduino. To automatically control open and close the water gate, we use Ultrasonic sensors as input values. The water gate will be driven using a Servo Motor. The output of the water level status is displayed in the form of LCD display and is also followed by sound output for people with visual impairments (blind). The design results of this prototype are expected to be one of the good contributions the drainage system. With this automatic sluice of, the course will minimalize the risk from flood or another risk.
Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research, 2017
Shortage in water supply is one of the major issues that some major cities throughout the world are facing nowadays. Due to not having full day water supply, households will have to efficiently manage the problem of water shortage and overcome the crises. This paper presents a system that indicates and controls the level of water in overhead tanks. Ultra-sonic sensors are employed to detect the level of the water between predefined minimum and maximum levels. LabVIEW which is a graphical programming language that uses a dataflow model is used to program microcontroller board Arduino UNO that is an interface between the software and the rest of the circuit components. From measured results good performance and accurate results are achieved.
This is an Arduino based automatic water level controller and indicator project. Here, we are going to measure the water level by using help of ultrasonic sensors. The ultrasonic sensors use the principle of "echo". When sound waves are transmitted, they after striking any obstacle return. So, by using this principle we can calculate the time of travel for outgoing as well as returning. By calculation we can calculate the distance. Here we use this concept in our project. The motor pump automatically turns ON when the water level is low. Actually there is a lot of drinking water crisis in India and also in other countries. Today we need to preserve water at any cost. In India, we can see many houses as overhead tanks and they keep on overflowing water. It wastes a lot of water as well as electricity. If we do not do anything on this matter than we can face huge scarcity of water. In this project I Am going to implement automatic water level controller so that we no longer ...
Water is an essential ingredient for daily life and a scarce natural resource despite its usage. The excessive water usage either for domestic, commercial or industrial purposes, coupled with Man-made climatic change and pollution has led to water shortage; hence, previous civilizations have vanished from lack of water (due to droughts). To control and manage the utilization of water at different sectors, electronic system was designed by using discrete component known as an analog device. The shortcoming of most of this discrete components-based system is two levels, to obtain a multiple levels system a microcontroller has to be employed. This research works with a microcontroller based multi levels water supply and control device with alarm and digital display which was designed and implemented for suitable residential, commercial and industrial users.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
The drinking water crisis in Africa is reaching alarming proportions nowadays. Hence, it is of the utmost importance to preserve water for animals and human beings. In many houses, there is unnecessary wastage of water due to the overflow of overhead tanks. An automatic water level indicator and controller can provide a solution to such problems. The operation of the water level controller works upon the fact that water conducts electricity due to the presence of minerals within it. So, water can be used to open or close a circuit. As the water level rises or falls, different circuits in the controller send different signals. These signals are used to switch ON or switch OFF the motor pump as per our requirements. The total amount of water available on Earth has been estimated at 2 billion cubic kilometers, enough to cover the planet with a layer of about 3 km. About 95% of the Earth's water is in the oceans, which is unfit for human consumption and usage. About 4% is locked in the polar ice caps, and the rest 1% constitutes all the fresh water found in rivers, streams, and lakes that is suitable for our consumption.
Sanjay, 2019
The drinking water crisis in Asia is reaching alarming proportions. It might very soon attain the nature of global crisis. Hence, it is of utmost importance to preserve water for human beings. In many houses there is unnecessary wastage of water due to overflow in overhead tanks. Automatic Water Level Indicator and Controller can provide a solution to this problem. The operation of water level controller works upon the fact that water conducts electricity due to the presence of minerals within it. So water can be used to open or close a circuit. As the water level rises or falls, different circuits in the controller send different signals. These signals are used to switch ON or switch OFF the motor pump as per our requirements. The total amount of water available on Earth has been estimated at 1.4 billion cubic kilometers, enough to cover the planet with a layer of about 3 km. About 95% of the Earth's water is in the oceans, which is unfit for human consumption. About 4% is locked in the polar ice caps, and the rest 1% constitutes all fresh water found in rivers, streams and lakes which is suitable for our consumption. A study estimated that a person in India consumes on an average of 140 litres per day. This consumption would rise by 40% by the year 2025. This signifies the need to preserve our fresh water resources.
Abstract: A Water Level Indicator is used to detect and indicate the water level in an overhead tank or any other water container. In this paper, we investigated the design of a water level sensor device using Arudino UNO, that can detect the level of water in a water storage system. An ultrasonic sensor is used to generate ultrasonic waves, a water sensor to detect the water level, LEDs to signify the importance of different water levels, PC to observe the levels of water. We indicated a green LED for safe water level, one red LED for about to reach max level and two red LEDs for maximum water level. This circuit is efficient and can be used for any application involving the levels of any liquid. Keyword: Arduino UNO, water sensor, water level, LEDs
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2018
We live in a world which is moving at such a fast pace that everything if automated will help us to keep our lives going. The project on Water Level Indicator will help us to know when the water in our tanks is either full or empty and automatically switch on and off the pump as and when necessary. By using the basic principle of ultrasonic sensors, i.e the ECHO method, we calculate the time of the ultrasonic waves travelling to and fro and after a few calculations the answer obtained will be the water level in the tank. By using this concept, the water pump is switched on or off automatically when the water level falls below a certain level.
— before there was no system to track the water in the tank, then there came a secondary problem that is when their water pump is started they have no idea when it gets filled as it needs to be checked. There are situations where the pump keeps on pumping water to the tank and the water starts spilling out from the tank. There is wastage of energy as well as wastage of water. To overcome this problem we came up with a solution Automatic water level indicator which indicates the water levels at various levels through LEDs using microcontroller.
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