R-Interface: An Alternative
Department of Computer Science, Escuela Superior de Ingenierı´a Informática, University of Vigo,
Campus As Lagoas-s/n, 32004 Ourense, Spain
Department of Computer Science, Edif. Fundicio´n, University of Vigo, Campus Lagoas-Marcosende, 36200 Vigo, Spain
Received 25 July 2005; accepted 29 December 2005
ABSTRACT: We present R-Interface, a software application that offers an alternative
graphical user interface (GUI) to MATLAB engine and functionality. The purpose of this work is
to present a solution based on encapsulating and reusing proprietary environments. This will
allow developing custom user interfaces where we can enhance particular features, as
educational ones, in order to have more comprehensive and really user friendly GUIs. Since
functionality is reused, and therefore it does not have to be implemented, we will have the
possibility to build powerful and ad hoc tools for teaching and investigating, in a short term
and at low costs.ß2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ 14: 313 320, 2006; Published online
in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com); DOI 10.1002/cae.20081
software engineering; computer-assisted education; MATLAB applications
Nowadays, there is an extraordinary interest in the
development and usage of educational software in
different areas of engineering education to empower
procedural and practical learning [1 5]. Typical
advantages of computer-based learning, including
increased learning speed and retention, lower dropout, and a better acceptance by the students, are
described elsewhere [6,7].
Simultaneously, there are some proprietary
software environments in the engineering domain
that are practically de facto standards, thanks to
offering, among other things, a broad functionality,
Correspondence to M. J. Lado (mrpepa@uvigo.es).
ß 2006 Wiley Periodicals Inc.
robustness, and constant updating. Since the development of ad hoc tools with a graphical user
interface (GUI), suitable to educational purposes,
is an arduous and costly work, if a similar
functionality is required, several of those software
environments are widely used in pre- and postgraduated engineering courses and related studies.
One relevant example of this situation is MATLAB
[8] (see e.g., its regular presence in congresses or
journals such as Computer Applications in Engineering Education [13] or Frontiers in Education [14]).
But due to the fact that they are not specifically
software-designed for educational purposes, they
are hard to employ for students, thus hindering
The most common solution to this problem is to
develop a specific GUI for the learning of particular
contents. For example, Báez-López et al. [2] employed MATLAB for implementing a software package
for filter design, to serve as a teaching aid in analog
and digital filter design courses; they also remarked
that a user could take advantage of the power of the
MATLAB signals toolbox without any previous
knowledge of MATLAB. Cathey [3] presented a
MATLAB-based program for generating plots for an
amortization study of the cost of adjustable speed
drives of three-phase induction motors. Joshi [4] implemented a MATLAB computer simulation software
to teach autonomous robotics as a part of an introductory graduate course. Kim et al. [5] developed a webbased engineering numerical software supporting
MATLAB for providing basic solutions in linear
Recently, a software to web-enable MATLAB has
been developed [9], in which the authors intended
to achieve the sharing of MATLAB through web
browsers. This will be suitable for Internet-based
distance co-working and collaboration, and therefore,
distance learning and tutoring.
In other situations, when the goal is to teach how
to use MATLAB, or to introduce the student to some
broad part of its functionality, the options are clearly
more restricted. Some possibilities are to use coursewares, tutorials, help files, or similar computer-based
materials [10], but they can be too restrictive, timeconsuming, and expensive to develop.
In this work, we illustrate another solution, based
on integrating and reusing MATLAB to develop an
alternative GUI, in order to have at our disposal a
user-friendly and educational featured software to be
exploited in the classroom. This possibility of integrating and reusing MATLAB to provide the internal
functionality to our educational software allows for
the development at reduced costs, in a short time, and
without losing functionality regarding proprietary
environment. This reuse of the functionality of the
proprietary environment was accomplished by means
of a reusable component, previously developed and
described elsewhere, that encapsulates it, thus allowing its easy integration in other softwares [11].
Consequently, R-Interface, the alternative educational
GUI for MATLAB that we present in this work, is an
example of a powerful custom tool developed in a
short term and at low cost.
R-Interface Development
R-Interface has been developed as an alternative user
interface for MATLAB, integrating the MATLAB
engine as a component, and completely hiding its user
interface. In this way, the user only has to deal with
R-Interface, without losing MATLAB functionality.
To perform this task, an API that allows the use of the
MATLAB engine from another process is needed.
Even though MATLAB incorporates several APIs to
integrate routines or components into the MATLAB
environment, it offers less powerful possibilities to
make use of the MATLAB engine from other
applications. To overcome this limitation, we developed a reusable component library that implements a
real object-oriented, comprehensive, and easy-to-use
API to integrate the MATLAB functionality in other
local/distributed software environments. This library
has already been described in Reference 11.
R-Interface basically implements a multiple document interface (MDI) as a user interface with
MATLAB engine, employing the services offered by
the quoted library to interface with its engine in order
to offer the same internal functionality.
Visual Appearance and
User Interface of R-Interface
The GUI of R-Interface is specially designed to be
simple and intuitive for inexperienced users and thus,
for learning purposes. At the same time, it must
respect and obey the learning of MATLAB concepts
and operation. Therefore, its design is a compromise
between both goals.
Once the application is running, the appearance
of R-Interface is quite similar to those that can be
present in other widely used softwares (such as
Microsoft Excel, for example), thus facilitating the
use of the graphical interface, since the users are
already familiar with the menu bars, the icons, and the
popup helps included. The user can open a MATLAB
session from R-Interface, which then runs a hidden
MATLAB engine, but which is transparent to the user,
which only interacts with R-Interface.
Figure 1 shows a typical session of the R-Interface
environment. A toolbar is presented, incorporating
options for open and save files, zooming, as well as
help options. A command box appears at the top of the
window, where the user can directly type one or more
MATLAB commands, and execute it with a unique
mouse click or key press. A result log box shows the
commands executed and the answers obtained from
the MATLAB engine. This box can be displayed in
both a tabular or textual form. Specific colors are used
to identify text corresponding to commands, normal,
error, and warning answers from MATLAB engine.
In the bottom part of the window, there are three
elements that deserve comments. Similar elements
Figure 1 R-Interface main user interface.
already exist in MATLAB user interface, even though
here we have added and enhanced learning-oriented
A History list, which presents all the commands
executed in the R-interface session. A command
can be easily re-executed or copied to the
command box by using the mouse. Moreover,
when a command from this list is selected, the
Result log box automatically highlights the
corresponding answer obtained (and vice versa).
A command, a selection or all of them can also
be easily copied to the clipboard.
A Variables list, which shows all the variables
created in the current MATLAB session. The list
shows their name, size, and dimensions (given
all MATLAB variables are matrix). Different
icons are used for each type of variable, thus
facilitating its identification by the user. A
variable name, a selection or all of them can
also be easily copied to the clipboard.
A Figure tabbed notebook, which shows the
figures created by the user, each one in a tab. The
user can open a window to see a figure enlarged
by simply clicking it, as well as copying it to the
It must be remarked that all these panels can be
resized and moved along the screen, with a click of the
mouse. Moreover, both the Variables and the History
List allow for performing drag and drop from the
Command Box, and the corresponding icons identifying the different types of variables are used along all
the R-Interface session, including icons for windows,
features objects, register fields, and cell contents.
In addition to traditional help, R-Interface
incorporates detailed info tips and popup menus in
almost all the elements of the user interface. This is a
friendly feature for users, who only have to position
the mouse over an element to see a popup help about
it, and to click to do tasks associated with the element.
Moreover, most of the users are probably habituated
to these features, as they are incorporated in most
currently used softwares.
Other important characteristics of R-Interface are
the visual editors for all the data types provided by
MATLAB, such as multidimensional matrices (either
numerical or character matrices), data structures, or
objects, such as the window showing the neural
network object shown in Figure 1. To edit a variable in
the corresponding visual editor, the user has just to
double click on this variable in the Variables list. The
visual editors show the variable name, dimensions,
and type. If the variable has more than two
dimensions, the editors allow the user for showing it
as either a flat two-dimensional matrix or as a multidimensional matrix. The user can select the dimensions that will be in both rows and columns, and can
also fix the remainder dimensions to a specific value.
The contents of a variable can be modified, and in the
case of variables containing subelements, such as
fields (structs), properties (objects), or cells (cellarrays), a simple click allows the user for editing this
subelement in the corresponding visual editor. Moreover, in the editors of variables including subelements,
the type of each of them is identified employing the
same icons as in the Variables list.
Finally, an interesting aspect that should be
remarked when describing the R-Interface environment is the on-line help, that incorporates a specific
help for the R-Interface managing, and the classical
MATLAB help about the command language topics,
but placed in a separate window (Fig. 2), thus allowing
the user for checking the help when needed. This help
window has a popup menu that allows the user to
easily copy the help text, as well as to find another
word that appears in this text simply by selecting it
and using an option of this menu. It also shows in
another color the ‘‘See also’’ section of the command
help text. R-Interface also allows user to consult the
web-based help provided with MATLAB.
Advanced Features of R-Interface
R-Interface is a MDI environment, thus it provides the
possibility of opening and working with multiple
simultaneous MATLAB sessions at the same time,
from the same window frame, and easily exchange
data between them: a simple click of the mouse allows
for copying/pasting variables between sessions. In this
way, the user can effortlessly work with different
sessions, as well as share data between them. This is
useful for easily testing several solutions for the same
problem, for example, dividing a task into several
pieces (especially in combination with the distributed
capabilities of R-Interface).
Since R-Interface is developed using a reusable
component library that allows for opening and working with both local and remote MATLAB engines, a
user can work with local or remote sessions, or with a
mix of them, without any difference in the interface,
which is totally transparent. Variables can be shared
among local and remote sessions, and the sessions can
be saved to or loaded from local files. Moreover, the
users can save their work in their own computer.
Figure 2 Command language help window in R-Interface.
Figure 3 Several steps of a sample graph creation wizard.
Another feature of R-Interface for educational
purposes is the possibility to use wizards. Through
a COM interface, R-Interface can integrate third-party
developed wizards or assistants, which can achieve
any task. Typically, they guide the user step-by-step to
fulfill a task (i.e., creating a graph or using a function),
in a very similar way that wizards from softwares
like Microsoft Excel, for example. The wizards can
generate a MATLAB command, and the user, apart
from performing the task, can see and learn how it is
really executed (Fig. 3). Since developers can build
their own wizards using their preferred development
tool and integrate them in R-Interface, any task can be
made relatively easy for users, thus allowing for
simplification, and also direct and focus the learning
in the desired outcomes. This can also be used to
facilitate interfacing with other software environments to the user; a simple wizard to create graphs in
Microsoft Excel from MATLAB data could be easily
built, for example.
R-Interface currently offers the user interface in
three languages (Spanish, English, and French) and
can easily incorporate other ones. This is an important
feature for educational use of a software environment,
as it facilitates usage and subsequent learning.
To compare the usability of the R-Interface versus the
MATLAB user interface, both of them were presented
to different users, who were asked to cover a
questionnaire for obtaining statistically useful information from both software packages.
To construct the feedback form, several aspects
to compute the effectiveness and efficiency of the
software were taken into consideration, including
measures for completion rates and errors, time on
task, and satisfaction questions. More specifically,
several tasks were defined, and the users were asked to
indicate, for each of them: (1) the satisfaction degree,
computed as an average of different measures, categorizing all of them on a five-point scale, including
the ease of task (1: very difficult, 5: very easy), and
the overall task satisfaction (1: unsatisfied, 5: very
satisfied); (2) the completion of the proposed task,
codified in terms of a binary response (1: completed
task, 0: failed task); (3) the raw error account; and
(4) the time employed to perform the required task,
measured in seconds. Each user repeated the questionnaire for both the R-Interface and the MATLAB
platform, and for each of the following tasks:
1. Creation of a numerical matrix.
2. Matrix contents visualization.
3. Setting the value of a particular position of the
4. Creation of a struct array.
5. Struct contents visualization.
6. Setting the value of a particular field of the
struct array.
7. Creation of a cell array.
8. Cell array contents visualization.
9. Setting the value of a particular cell of the cell
10. Modification of the name of a variable.
11. Look for the list of defined variables and their
12. Deleting a variable.
13. Creation of a graph from a data collection.
14. Deleting a graph.
15. Copying information to other applications.
16. Use of the help to look for a command.
17. Use of two simultaneous sessions. (This task
can only be performed in MATLAB by
executing twice this program.)
To compare in a quantitative way the usability of
both the R-Interface and the MATLAB software
package, the numerical values obtained for each user
and for all the tasks were analyzed employing the
Standardize Usability Metrics (SUM) proposed by
Sauro and Kindlund [12], which provides one continuous variable for summative usability evaluations
that can be used in regression analysis, hypothesis
testing and usability reporting, and provides a highlevel summary information about a system [13].
In this work, we have developed a graphical interface,
alternative to MATLAB, which can be used for
educational purposes, and we have validated the
model by comparing the usability of R-Interface with
the MATLAB usability in a quantitative way, employing the SUM technique.
The corresponding point estimate yielded by
SUM, which measures the usability of each task, was
obtained for every user participating in the evaluation,
and for each graphical interface evaluated. Furthermore, an overall SUM value was obtained for each
software environment and for each task (Table I).
Results show an increase in the SUM value for all
the users when employing the R-Interface (70.0% vs.
54.2%). It must be remarked that all the users were
not familiar with neither R-Interface nor MATLAB
environment. Even though a great number of tasks can
be evaluated, our results indicate that R-Interface can
Table I Overall SUM Values for R-Interface and for
(SUM value %)
(SUM value %)
be of potential value for educational tasks, mainly
when the users are not habituated to work with
MATLAB, since it has been showed the superior
usability of the user interface of our software versus
the MATLAB. Furthermore, R-Interface is very similar to MATLAB in execution time, this indicating that
R-Interface is not perceptibly more time-consuming.
Since many of the components used to build RInterface had been previously developed to be reused,
the cost and development time employed to create
R-Interface has been really adjusted. In this way, we
have developed a novel and inexpensive graphical
interface that can be used to perform several tasks,
such as educational functions and applications, without loss of functionality. Moreover, results also show
an important increase of satisfaction level of the
user when employing R-Interface as compared to
The relevant gain in usability, as well as the
reduced time and cost employed to develop this
software, indicates the benefits of the proposed
solution, based on re-interfacing an existing software,
that is, developing alternative GUIs but integrating
and reusing proprietary environments functionality, in
order to have software specifically fitted for educational purposes.
Several engineering-related software environments,
primarily destined to professional usage, are very
widespread due to their wide functionality, continuous
update, and robustness. Because of this, they are
frequently used for educational purposes. An example
is MATLAB, which is quite a de facto standard in
engineering, widely used in education.
However, these environments are not specifically
designed for this task, and their user interface could be
too complex for some students, thus hindering the
learning process. This could make it difficult to use
these software packages in education. When the goal
is to teach certain concepts, solutions such as the
designed specific toolboxes, and the development of
routines or similar software pieces with a specific user
interface could be effective. When the goal requires
that the student learns how to use the environment, or
some significant part of the environment functionality,
the solutions are more limited. Some of the already
proposed were using tutorials, coursewares, etc.
In this work we present R-interface, based on reinterfacing the proprietary environment (MATLAB,
in this work), thus developing an alternative user
interface that enhances desirable features. This
interface can support the same functionality and
command language as MATLAB, while providing a
user-friendly interface specifically designed for educational purposes, this allows for a much more
intuitive and fast learning. The added capabilities of
this environment, such as local/remote sessions, MDI
multisession environment or integrable wizards,
demonstrate the potential of R-Interface for learning
task, as well as ilustrates the versatility of this approach.
It must also be remarked that R-interface is being
successfully incorporated as a part of a postgraduate
course dedicated to the learning of digital signal and
image processing. The possibility of using R-Interface, with specifically designed wizards integrated in
it, allows the teaching of special filters and techniques,
such as the wavelet transform or the Fourier transform, in a more simple way than when using directly
the common MATLAB user interface. Future work
will address the issue of improving other MATLABbased courses employing the R-interface.
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Marı́a J. Lado received her PhD in physics
in 1999 from the University of Santiago de
Compostela. Dr. Lado is presently a professor
of computer science at the University of
Vigo. Her research interests include computer-aided diagnosis in breast and chest/CT
imaging, as well as computer-aided systems
for teaching purposes. She can be reached at
Emilio Garca Roselló is an associate
lecturer in the Department of Computer
Sciences at the University of Vigo. His
research work, together with the other
authors, is mainly centered on reusability
and component-oriented software engineering and its applications to educational software. He can be reached at erosello@
Arturo J. Méndez is presently a professor in
the Department of Computer Science at the
University of Vigo, Spain. He received his
PhD in physics in 1996 from the University
of Santiago de Compostela. His research
interests include computer-aided diagnosis
and educational software. He can be reached
at mrarthur@uvigo.es.
Jacinto G. Dacosta is a lecturer in the
Department of Computer Sciences at the
University of Vigo. He earned his PhD with a
thesis on educational software engineering.
He can be reached at jdacosta@uvigo.es.
José Baltasar Garca Perez-Schofield is a
lecturer in computer science at the University
of Vigo. His research interests include
persistence and object orientation, especially
as related to virtual machines and dynamic
languages. He received his PhD in computer
science from the University of Vigo. He
can be reached at jbgarcia@uvigo.es or
Manuel Pérez Cota is chair professor in the
Department of Computer Sciences at the
University of Vigo. He heads a research
group on object-oriented software engineering and has many publications about this
issue. He can be reached at mpcota@