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2022, Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics…
7 pages
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In this article, we offer a new polynomial or polynomial-exponential bounds for the exponential function. Its main interest is to be both simple and sharp, under some clear conditions on the parameters involved. Applications are given for a probability function and the Kummer beta function.
Asia Mathematika, 2023
We present new generalized lower and upper bounds for the natural exponential function. These bounds are algebraic in nature and each involve a parameter a. Each bound is optimal as a → 0.
Journal of Nepal Mathematical Society
In 1934, Hopf established an elegant inequality bounding the exponential integral function. In 1959, Gautschi established an improvement of Hopf’s results. In 1969, Luke also established two inequalities with each improving Hopf’s results. In 1997, Alzer also established another improvement of Hopf’s results. In this paper, we provide two new proofs of Luke’s first inequality and as an application of this inequality, we provide a new proof and a generalization of Gautschi’s results. Furthermore, we establish some inequalities which are analogous to Luke’s second inequality and Alzer’s inequality. The techniques adopted in proving our results are simple and straightforward.
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 2011
Let p be a prime and ep(·) = e 2πi·/p . First, we make explicit the monomial sum bounds of Heath-Brown and Konyagin:
Applied Mathematical Sciences
In this paper, we present some new inequalities for sums of exponential functions which improve upon upper and lower estimates given in Ahmad [2004]. In some cases, a more general choice of exponential function parameters is allowed. Numerical comparisons are also made. Besides upper and lower bounds for minimum values, we present a very accurate approximation to the minimum values considered in Ahmad [2004] which is applicable to functions belonging to the absolutely monotonic class.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
This paper considers MEP-Mixed Exponential Polynomials as one class of real exponential polynomials. We introduce a method for proving the positivity of MEP inequalities over positive intervals using the Maclaurin series to approximate the exponential function precisely. Additionally, we discuss the relation between MEPs and stratified families of functions from [1] through two applications, referring to inequalities from papers [2] and [3].
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014
In this paper, we present some inequalities involving k-gamma and k-beta functions via some classical inequalities, like Chebyshev's inequality for synchronous (asynchronous) mappings, Grüss' , and Ostrowski's inequality. Also, we give applications of k-beta function in probability distributions. Most of the inequalities produced in this paper are the k-analogs of existing results. If k = 1, we have the classical one.
Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 2020
This article is devoted to the determination of sharp lower and upper bounds for exp(-x2) over the interval (-?,?). The bounds are of the type [a+f(x)/a+1]? , where f(x) denotes either cosine or hyperbolic cosine. The results are then used to obtain and refine some known Cusa-Huygens type inequalities. In particular, a new simple proof of Cusa-Huygens type inequalities is presented as an application. For other interesting applications of the main results, sharp bounds of the truncated Gaussian sine integral and error functions are established. They can be useful in probability theory.
Academia Materials Science, 2024
Purpose: Evaluate color change, surface roughness, and microhardness of enamel subjected to bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP) gels combined with different concentrations of 45S5 Bioglass (BG). Methods: Enamel/dentin blocks (n=10) were submitted to: (PC) positive control with 35% HP bleaching; (HP_BG): HP combined with a gel containing BG at concentrations of 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 wt%, and a negative control (NC), with no treatment. Bleaching was performed in 3 sessions of 40 min, 7 days apart. The dental blocks were kept in artificial saliva up to 14 days after bleaching. Color parameters (ΔL, Δa, Δb), color change (ΔE00), whiteness index (ΔWId), roughness average (ΔRa), and surface microhardness were evaluated at baseline (T0), after 24h (T1), and 14 days elapsed from bleaching treatment (T2). The percentage of surface hardness loss (%SHL) was calculated at T1 and T2. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test (α=0.05). Results: No differences in ΔE00, Δb, and ΔWID among HP_BG-containing groups were observed, regardless of the BG concentration or the evaluation time points (p>0.05). The NC exhibited lower ΔE00, Δb and WID than HP_BG-containing groups at both time points (T1 and T2, p<0.05). Additionally, no differences were noted in ΔRa, ΔL, and Δa among the groups (p>0.05). However, BG incorporation into the bleaching gels prevented enamel mineral loss in comparison to PC immediately after bleaching (T1, p<0.05). At T2, 10% BG promoted lower %SHL than 0%BG, and all BG-containing groups exhibited statistically lower %SHL than PC (p<0.05). The addition of BG did not affect the HP bleaching efficacy or enamel surface roughness, and the combination of BG and HP controlled enamel surface microhardness loss.
The Classic Rabbinic Literature of Eretz Israel: Introductions and Studies, 2018
2018( תשע"ח ירושלים © שמורות הזכויות כל או זה ספר להפיץ או מידע במאגר לאחסן לתרגם, להקליט, לצלם, לשכפל, להעתיק, אין ההוצאה מבית אישור ללא מכני, או אופטי אלקטרוני, אמצעי ובשום צורה בשום ממנו קטעים 978-965-217-420-8 מסת"ב Printed in Israel העניינים תוכן חז"ל ספרות לחיבורי מבואות ראשון: כרך ז הספר עם 1 למשנה מבוא רוזן-צבי ישי 65 המשנה נוסח תולדות רוזנטל דוד 109 תוספתא מנדל פינחס 137 התנאים למדרשי מבוא כהנא מנחם 179 תענית מגילת נעם ורד 211 עולם סדר מיליקובסקי חיים 225 ירושלמי תלמוד עסיס משה 261 הבבלי בתלמוד ארץ-ישראל תורת רוזנטל דוד 297 האמוראיים האגדה מדרשי קדרי תמר 351 והתלמוד המשנה בתקופת בארץ-ישראל התפילה ארליך אורי 379 בארץ-ישראל הפסח הגדת לתולדות תבורי יוסף 403 הארמיים המקרא תרגומי טל אברהם והקשריה חז"ל ספרות של לעולמה שני: כרך 453 שני בית מימי ומסורות חז"ל מסורות קיסטר מנחם לוין דוד 473 חז"ל בספרות ההלכה פוקס ועוזיאל הירשמן מנחם 511 אגדה מדרש קדרי ותמר בארץ-ישראל היהודית בחברה החכמים של עולמם שרמר עדיאל 553 ציבורי ומעמד יוקרה תורה, המשנה: בתקופת העניינים תוכן 583 חז"ל בספרות העבר ודימויי היסטוריוגרפיה היסטוריה, גפני ישעיהו בר-אשר משה 601 חכמים לשון הנשקה ויהודית 635 בארץ-ישראל הארמית טל אברהם 665 ומילונאות מילונות חז"ל: ספרות של המילים אוצר פסברג שמואל 681 הנוצרית הכנסייה ספרות של באספקלריה חז"ל ספרות ניומן הלל 705 והתלמוד המשנה בתקופת בארץ-ישראל המאגיה בוהק גדעון 729 המחברים רשימת 730 האיורים מקורות בארץ-ישראל היהודית ברה בח החכמים של עולמם 553
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