Interview by the writer and publisher Alexander Kabishev

2022, DEMO GOG Literary Magazine


Pressed by the daily bombardment of negative news coming from the Russian-Ukrainian war front, after a month of bloody conflicts, I made sure to rediscover the ancient roots of a Renaissance that seems buried in the ashes of past laurels. On the day Dante Alighieri is celebrated, my thoughts turn to culture. So that it is not a rift in the cultural field between east and west, I think that RRM3, a spiritual and global avant-garde cultural movement, has the task of mending the tears that have occurred recently, exactly from February 24, 2022, the date of the beginning of the war. Russian-Ukrainian in the heart of Europe. The task that belongs to RRM3 is above all to mend two worlds, two cultures now conflicting after centuries of common symbiosis, even if between alternating cultural and socio-political events, not least the Russian revolution of 1917. It seems to me, therefore, necessary to write the word PEACE, the same one used by Pope Francis too, to resolve diplomatically and without the use of weapons the intricate political and socio-economic crisis that is shaking all of Europe, putting people in crisis. its geopolitical and cultural balance.

I thank the publisher Alexander Kabishev (St. Petersburg) of DEMO GOG for giving me the opportunity to illustrate the aims of the #RMM3 International Movement RENAISSANCE RENAISSANCE - MILLENNIUM III by posting my interview in your prestigious literary and humanitarian Magazine. . Interview questions: 1. Please introduce yourself. 2. How many years have you been a member of RRM3? How did you join this union? 3. What are RRM3's plans for 2022? Which projects will be the main and most interesting? 4. What about your creativity? How does teamwork affect him? 5. What are your plans for the near future? What projects and books are you working on? 6. Who are the most active members of RRM3 currently? 7. What would you like to wish to all humans? §§§ 1. Please introduce yourself. I am an Italian Architect, writer, freelancer, blogger of UN SDGs goals on Sustainability, poet, former Italian teacher of "Design and Art History" in Italy and Istanbul (Turkey) on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Italian Affairs (M.A.E.). I was appointed in March 2018 Global Goodwill Ambassador (GGAF Director ~ ITALY) by the influencer Richard DiPilla (Virginia - USA) and, in March 2019, INSPAD ~ Ambassador of Peace & CEO of IHC ~ International Harmony Council by the President of INSPAD ~ Institute of Peace and Development, in Islamabad (Pakistan). I am also Ambassador of MERLE REBIRTH FOUNDATION (an NGO in India that is interested in the education of the Indian orphan girls); Peace Ambassador from the UK (GPLT – GLOBAL PEACE LET’S TALK), and Academic Coordinator in the Board of the International Association: RINASCIMENTO RENAISSANCE – MILLENIUM III, whose founder and President is Prof. George Onsy from Egypt. During the seven years spent abroad, thanks to my multiethnic and multicultural experience, I organized art exhibitions at the Italian (I.M.I.) Scientific High School, at the Italian Cultural Institute, and the most prestigious universities in Istanbul (Turkey). Eclectic, creative, and enthusiastic, strongly convinced of the importance of organizational innovation, I am an excellent team worker even in a multicultural context given her multiple linguistic knowledge.Back in Italy in 2002, I passed on her foreign experience to the educational Italian system through annual art exhibitions on the didactic-artistic path of high school students, studying for a Master’s Degree in Lifelong Learning System at Casinis University and South Latium (Italy). Selected in 2005, on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs E.N.D. - OIB1, as an expert in Building Policy - GUIM 06/51, at the European Community in Brussels (Belgium), I achieved numerous professional and academic awards from recognized organizations both in Turkey and in Italy, certifications, diplomas, n. 4 Honorary Ph.D. also from an American university. Passionate about social justice, attentive to the rights of the weaker social classes, and the importance of education for women and children, I currently deal with novels, poems, essays, articles in various newspapers and blogs on Human Rights, Kashmir, Peace, environmental problems, refugees, women's empowerment, sustainability, education, and health-related programs, etc. Very active on social media, I believe that teamwork and a lot of goodwill are needed to build a better world. 2. How many years have you been a member of RRM3? How did you join this union? I joined the Association RRM3 exactly last year when Prof. George Onsy (from Egypt) contacted me in October 2021. I was a little bit confused in the beginning about the finalities and especially the hard work attended me. In fact, I am been working, no stop, for more than four years on behalf of some ONGs from Pakistan, India, and the UK. Plus, being also a humanitarian, a GGA_Director Italy, I am very involved in writing comments on all social media and articles as an official blogger of Long Term Economy and UN Sustainability. As a freelancer O write in a lot of newspapers, blogs, and especially on Linkedin,, etc. 3. What are RRM3's plans for 2022? Which projects will be the main and most interesting? RENAISSANCE RENAISSANCE - Millennium III sets out to face the difficult challenges of our world. Working through a large governing body of thinkers, writers, and media people who are collaborating as both members of the European Council and the Intercontinental Advisory Committee. This ever-expanding movement continues to echo the rumors of a reawakening of European values at the same time as those of the whole world. Especially now that Europe finds itself suspended in the abyss of a war between Russia and Ukraine that could turn into the much-feared third world war, even by the Pope. To avert this danger, the activities of both the president and co-founder, Prof. George Onsy, (together with the Italian journalist, Goffredo Palmerini, and my personal collaboration as a researcher and academic coordinator in the International Board. Certainly not an easy role, as I should be able to coordinate the various activities and disseminate them on social media.It is certain that RENAISSANCE Third Millennium | RENAISSANCE-RENAISSANCE Millennium III works for the future of Europe, to face not only its rapid demographic change which is changing its identity but also to manage the current and future conflicts, especially in light of the latest events. 4. What about your creativity? How does teamwork affect him? What would you like to wish to all humans? My creativity consists not only in artistic expression, poetry, articles, novels, social media comments, but also research on Long-Term Economy, Climate Change, Sustainability with my participation in many UN zoom and webinar on the latter and also on world peace, without which nothing is possible. As a result of my appointment as Peace Ambassador, I have also become an expert on the issue of Kashmir, disputed between India and Pakistan, a longstanding issue since 1947 with many UN resolutions but no conclusions for the suffering people of Kashmir. The centuries-old dispute comes from afar and seems to have no solution due to the massive presence of the Indian economy in the world which is more incisive and decisive on a global level. 5. What are your plans for the near future? What projects and books are you working I am currently focusing on my battles today to try to throw water on the fire in the Russia-Ukraine dispute, writing only words of peace, especially on Twitter which seems to have become the battlefield on the web, and in the hope that a peaceful negotiation occurs. shortly to ward off another bloodbath. The future, hoping for a rainbow of peace between the opposite shores of east and west, I am building today through the fulfillment of a dream: to make Europe a continent in its own right, free from the claims of the superpowers, autonomous, neutral and above all fulcrum of the whole world. Europe has its roots right next to my city, in the islet of Saint Stephen. • Brief illustration of the birth of the Manifesto for a Free Europe. “Il Manifesto di Ventotene” comes to mind, with the original title: “For a free and united Europe”. The promoters of the Project of a Manifesto for the promotion of European unity were Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi in 1941 during the period of confinement on the island of Ventotene, in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Subsequently published by Eugenio Colorni, to whom the preface is to be ascribed, the Manifesto represents the very roots of Europe, an idea born in a strip of hermit land on the Tyrrhenian Sea, in the prison (political confinement) located on the tiny island of S. Stefano near the island of Ventotene in the archipelago of the Pontine Islands. It is now considered one of the founding texts of the European Union.Well, how many sacrifices were the basis of the idea of Europe, born on the ashes of the Second World War! It was in Rome (Italy) that the first two treaties were signed on 25 March 1957, which entered into force on 1 January 1958, to regulate respectively: the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom). • Considerations in the light of recent events On the basis of these latest historical-political quotes to re-establish a relationship between ancient and modern, I am reminded of a recurring reflection on the history of Europe, crossed by very painful moments such as the Shoah and the two Great Wars, but also from moments of glory and wide-ranging artistic and scientific achievements that also marked the twentieth century despite the war events. Turning back the clock of history, we see how the apex of Italian artistic-cultural beauty which, starting from Florence, then invested all of Europe, is undoubtedly attributable to Humanism and the Renaissance (15th-16th centuries). 6. Who are the most active members of RRM3 currently? I shouldn't be the one to say who are the most active members in the RRM3 Movement, but it is evident that the most active is certainly Prof. George Onsy works tirelessly day and night to keep the flame alive in the souls of the members. For my part, I try to do everything possible to help him disseminate the light of culture, to which so many thinkers and poets contribute. Just look at the videos on YouTube and the posts prepared by the President George Onsy, with excellent graphics, to realize the facets and personalities that operate within each with its specificity, ability, the conception of beauty, and good in the logic of a rainbow of peace among all men regardless of race, religion, and gender. Here, in this regard, I would like to point out that having formed two groups on Facebook (WIM - WOMEN IN MOTION) and on Linkedin (HUMAN SOLIDARITY WAVE) has helped me understand how to face the increasing challenges that the future places before us is at the level of women's empowerment and of a chain of solidarity in a post-pandemic moment that sees a serious economic crisis. The ongoing war in Ukraine has become a further deterrent to post-pandemic economic growth. What to do then? Let's roll up our sleeves and don't sit idly by! 😎 I would like to wish humans, especially nowadays, that the only real answer to war is PEACE, there is nothing else! From the war, misery, hunger, and further oppression of the powerful over normal men are born. Puppets in a game bigger than them, suddenly feel like heroes. True heroism is to keep peace and give well-being to people! Long live the builders of Peace! 7. What would you like to wish to all humans? From the ashes of the Renaissance other arts and cultures were born, the famous "isms", widely quoted by Prof. George Onsy also in one of his beautiful poems, through a flow of arts, even on the rubble of the two great wars. Wandering today a New Renaissance, moral and cultural, is not just an idealization of a happy era to be re-proposed in the midst of many artistic and cultural currents. Will Italy, the epicenter of the old Renaissance, Italy the melting pot of many Mediterranean peoples, still become the cradle of a New Renaissance? Dr. Arch. Franca Colozzo 4