Topology of the World Trade Web
Ma Ángeles Serrano and Marián Boguñá
arXiv:cond-mat/0301015v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 2 Jan 2003
Departament de Fı́sica Fonamental, Universitat de Barcelona, Av. Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
(Dated: February 1, 2008)
Economy, and consequently trade, is a fundamental part of human social organization which, until
now, has not been studied within the network modelling framework. Networks are mathematical
tools used in the modelling of a wide variety of systems in social and natural science. Examples
of these networks range from metabolic and cell networks to technological webs. Here we present
the first empirical characterization of the world trade web, that is, the network built upon the
trade relationships between different countries in the world. This network displays the typical
properties of complex networks, namely, scale-free degree distribution, the small world property, a
high clustering coefficient and, in addition, degree-degree correlation between different vertices. All
these properties make the world trade web a complex network, which is far from being well-described
through a classical random network description.
PACS numbers: 89.75.-k, 87.23.Ge, 05.70.Ln
The world is facing a challenging era. Social, political
and economic arrangements initiated after the end of the
Second World War are now culminating in the recognition of globalization, a process which has been accelerated by the new technological advances. When applied to
the international economic order, globalization involves
control of capital flow and liberalization of trade. As a
consequence, economies around the world are becoming
more and more interrelated, in other words, the world is
becoming a global-village [1, 2]. In this scenario, trade
plays a central role as one of the most important interaction channels between countries. The relevance of the
international trade system goes beyond the fundamental exchange of goods and services. For instance, it can
also be the channel for crises spreading [3]. A good example is found in the recent Asiatic crisis, which shows
how economic perturbations originated in a country can
somehow propagate elsewhere in the world [4, 5]. Thus,
it seems natural to analyze the world trade system at a
global level, every country being important regardless of
its size or wealth. Despite the extremely complex nature
of the problem, relevant structural information can be extracted from modelling the system as a network, where
countries are represented as vertices and trade channels
as links between these vertices. In this way, the global
trade system can be examined under a topological point
of view. This analysis will reveal complex properties
which cannot be explained by the classical random graph
Complex networks have been the subject of an intense research activity over the last years [6, 7]. This
great interest is fully justified by the extremely important role that this class of systems play in many different
fields. Examples range from metabolic networks, where
cell functionality is sustained by the network structure, to
technological webs, where topology determines the system ability transmitting information [8, 9, 10, 11]. The
term complex network typically refers to networks showing the following properties: (i) scale-free (SF) degree
distribution, P (k) ∼ k −γ with 2 < γ ≤ 3, where the
degree, k, is defined as the number of edges emanating
from a vertex, (ii) the small-world property [12], which
states that the average path length between any pair of
vertices grows logarithmically with the system size and
(iii) a high clustering coefficient, that is, the neighbors of
a given vertex are interconnected with high probability.
In addition, degree-degree correlation has been recently
added to this list since it appears as a common feature
in many real-world networked systems [10, 13, 14, 15].
This correlation accounts for the probability that a vertex of degree k is connected to a vertex of degree k ′ and
is a key issue for the correct description of the hierarchical organization within the network. This correlation
is found to be assortative, that is, highly connected vertices tend to attach to other highly connected vertices in
social networks such as scientific collaboration networks
[13]; conversely, the correlation is disassortative in technological networks, such as the Internet [10].
Classical random graph theory, first studied by Erdös
and Rényi [16, 17], does not provide a good framework
to fit all the above properties. This fact has posed the
question of the origin of these anomalous topological features. Two possible mechanisms could explain their appearance: either the network is the result of macroscopic
constraints, that is, the network is made ad hoc so that
those properties are satisfied, or there is a self-organized
evolution process leading, in the stationary state, to complex structures. This idea is at the core of the preferential attachment mechanisms, first introduced by Barabási
and Albert [18], where a dynamical process of creation of
new links, or rewiring of the existing ones, using global
(or quasi global) information leads to SF networks displaying complex properties.
Among all the studied networks, the social and technological networks have become the paradigmatic example
of complex networks. Perhaps, the reason lies in the fact
that each type exemplifies human activity working at one
of two different levels: the cooperative level, where concepts such as friendship are dominant, and the competitive level, where the activity is governed by optimiza-
Cumulative distribution
Fit of the form Pc(k) α k
Fit of the form ck=k
; γ=2.6
with ω=0.7
Random network with <k>=43
FIG. 1: Cumulative in- and out-degree distributions, Pc (kin )
and Pc (kout ), and undirected, Pc (k), corresponding to the
import/export world trade web. The solid line is a power law
fit of the form Pc (k) ∼ kγ−1 with γ = 2.6 ± 0.1. It is also
shown the cumulative distribution of the equivalent random
network with the same average degree
tion criteria. These two different levels will probably
lead to different attachment mechanisms which could be
the origin of the assortative/disassortative degree-degree
correlation observed in these networks. As an example
of social network working at the competitive level, we
study the network of trade relationships between different countries in the world, hereafter referred to as the
world trade web (WTW). The topological characterization of the WTW is of primary interest for the modelling
of crisis propagation at the global level as well as for the
understanding of the effects that the new liberalist policies have on the world trade system. Moreover, we shall
show that the WTW is a complex network sharing many
properties with technological networks.
In order to perform our analysis, we extracted data
from aggregated trade statistics tables in the International Trade Center site [19], which are based on the
COMTRADE database of the United Nations Statistics
Division. These tables contain, for each country, an import and an export list detailing the forty more important exchanged merchandises in the year 2000. Primary
and secondary markets are also reported for each product. If we consider imports as in-degrees and exports as
out-degrees, it is possible to construct a directed network
where vertices represent countries and directed links represent the import/export relations between them. The
fact that the number of merchandises is bounded is, a
priori, a limitation for the analysis. However, it is possible to overcome this problem taking advantage of the
symmetry between in and out degrees. Let Ãimp
Ãij be the import/export adjacency matrices calculated
from the import/export databases. Each adjacency matrix is defined so that Ãij = 1 if the country i imports
from/exports to the country j and zero otherwise. These
FIG. 2: Clustering coefficient of single countries as a function
of their degree for the undirected version of the WTW. The
solid line is a power law fit of the form ck ∼ k−ω with ω =
0.7 ± 0.05
matrices account only for a subset out of the total number of actual connections between countries. The import/export connections that are of little relevance for a
given country are not considered in the matrices Ã, although they may be relevant to the partners as the symmetric export/import links. In fact, imports and exports
definitions can apply to the same trade flow depending on
whether origin or destination is considered. This implies
that the complete adjacency matrices satisfy the symmetry relation Aimp
= Aexp
ji , which can be used in order to
recover missing information from the original matrices.
Thus, we can write
1 + δ(Ãimp +Ãexp ),2
where δ·,· is the Kronecker delta function. In this way
we obtain an adjacency matrix where each connection
is relevant, at least, to one of the two involved countries. At this point, it is worth noticing that we consider
the unweighed version of the WTW. Since the weight of
a link can be different depending on the import/export
point of view, it is unclear how these weights should be
assigned. After this symmetrization procedure, we obtain a directed network with 179 vertices representing
countries and 7510 directed links representing commercial channels among them. The average degree of this
network is hkin i = hkout i = 30.9.
The question that first arises refers to the directed nature of the WTW. In fact, the in- and the out-degree
of a given vertex are random quantities which may be
correlated. A complete description should involve the
knowledge of the joint probability p(kin , kout ). This function is often difficult to obtain although relevant information can be extracted from the correlation coefficient r =
(hkin kout i − hki2 )/σin σout , where σin /σout are the in/out
standard deviations (notice that hkin i = hkout i = hki).
For the WTW this coefficient is r = 0.91, pointing to
a strong similarity in the number of in and out connections. However, not all these connections run in both
directions, that is, the fact that country A imports from
country B does not necessary imply that country B imports from country A. In order to quantify this effect we
compute the reciprocity of the network, defined as the
fraction of links pointing simultaneously to both ends of
the link. In our case the reciprocity is 0.61. These results
suggest that, actually, the WTW may be thought of as
an undirected network without losing relevant topological information. The average degree for the undirected
version of the WTW is hki = 43.
One of the most important topological properties of a
network is the degree distribution, P (k). This quantity
measures the probability of a randomly chosen vertex to
have k connections to other vertices. In our case, due to
the directed nature of the network, we have to distinguish
between in- and out-degree distributions. Fig.1 shows the
in, out, and undirected cumulative
distributions for the
WTW, defined as Pc (k) ≡ k′ =k P (k ′ ). In all cases, the
cumulative distribution shows a flat approach to the origin, indicating the presence of a maximum in P (k), at
k ∼ 20, and, at this respect, similar to the Erdös-Rényi
network. However, for k > 20 the cumulative distribution is followed by a power law decay Pc (k) ∼ k 1−γ , with
γ ≈ 2.6, showing a strong deviation from the exponential tail predicted by the classical random graph theory.
The exponent γ is found to be within the range defined
by many other complex networks and, thus, we can state
that the WTW belongs to the recently identified class
of SF networks [6, 7]. The SF property implies an extremely high level of degree heterogeneity. Indeed, the
second moment of the degree distribution, hk 2 i, diverges
in the thermodynamic limit for any SF network.
It may be surprising that, in fact, the SF region does
not extend to the whole degree domain and that, for
small values of the degree, the distribution is similar to
the Erdös-Rényi network. In fact, the underlying preferential attachment mechanisms could differ depending
on the particular political and economic situation of a
country. Low-degree countries, most of which turn out
to be the poorest, are basically constrained to subsistence
trade flows and, therefore, preferential attachment mechanisms could not hold. As expected, there exists a positive correlation between the number of trade channels
of a country and its wealth, measured by the per capita
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) [20]. This correlation is
found to be high, 0.65, which means that, indeed, most
low-connected countries are poor countries –Angola, Somalia, Rwanda, Cambodia...– and most high-connected
countries are rich countries –the USA, Japan, Germany
and the UK, for example. However, there also exists a
significant number of cases in the reversal situation, that
is, low per capita GDP countries with a large number
of connections and high per capita GDP countries with
a relatively low number of trade channels. A germane
example for the first circumstance is that of Norway or
Fit of the form <knn(k)>=k
, νk=0.5
FIG. 3: Average in (out, undirected) nearest neighbors degree
as a function of the in (out, undirected) degree of the vertex.
The solid line is a fit of the form hknn (k)i ∼ k−νk with νk =
0.5±0.05. The dashed line is the theoretical value of the hknn i
corresponding to an uncorrelated network, that is, hk2 i/hki =
Iceland, which are between the top ten wealthier countries but only have 56 and 24 trade channels respectively.
For the second case Brazil, China or Russia are typical
Thanks to a number of recent studies, it is becoming more and more evident that real networks are not
completely random but they are organized according to
a hierarchical structure [9, 10, 15, 21]. This hierarchy
is usually analyzed by means of the local clustering coefficient and the degree-degree correlation. The clustering coefficient of the vertex i, of degree ki , is defined as
ci ≡ 2ni /ki (ki − 1), where ni is the number of neighbors
of i that are interconnected. If hierarchy was not present
in the system, the local clustering coefficient should be
a random quantity independent of any other property.
Fig. 2 shows the local clustering coefficient of the undirected WTW as a function of the vertex’s degree. As it
is clearly seen, this function has a strong dependence on
the vertex’s degree, with a power law behavior ck ∼ k −ω ,
with ω = 0.7 ± 0.05. The clustering coefficient averaged
over the whole network is C = 0.65, greater by a factor
2.7 than the value corresponding to a random network of
the same size.
Hierarchy is also reflected on the degree-degree correlation through the conditional probability P (k|k ′ ), which
measures the probability of a vertex of degree k ′ to be
linked to a vertex of degree k. Again, this function is
difficult to measure due to statistical fluctuations. In order to characterize this correlation, it is more useful to
work with the average nearest
degree (ANND),
P neighbors
defined as hknn (k)i ≡
k′ k P (k |k) [14]. For uncorrelated networks, this function reads hknn i = hk 2 i/hki,
independent of k. However, recent studies have revealed
that almost all real networks show degree-degree correlation [10, 13] which translates into a k dependence in the
size hki hdi
WTW 179 43 1.8 0.65
Internet 5287 3.8 3.7 0.24
179 43 1.73 0.24
2.6 0.7 0.5
2.2 0.75 0.5
ANND. This correlation can be assortative or disassortative depending on whether the ANND is an increasing
or decreasing function of the degree. Fig. 3 reports the
ANND for the directed and undirected versions of the
WTW. It can be observed a clear dependency on the
vertex’s degree, with a power law decay hknn (k)i ∼ k −νk
with νk = 0.5±0.05. This result means that the WTW is
a disassortative network where highly connected vertices
tends to connect to poorly connected vertices. This result, together with the scaling law ck ∼ k −ω reveals a hierarchical architecture of highly interconnected countries
that belong to influential areas which, in turn, connect
to other influential areas through hubs.
Surprisingly, these results point to a high similarity
between the WTW and the Internet. Indeed, the Internet is a SF network, with a critical exponent γ = 2.2,
which is also organized in a hierarchical fashion. The
functional behavior found for the clustering coefficient
and the ANND is a power law decay as a function of
the degree with exponents ωint = 0.75 and νk = 0.5
[10], exponents that turn out to be very similar to the
ones reported here for the WTW. In some sense, these
results are not surprising since both are competitive systems evolving in a quasi free market and, in both cases,
there exists, for instance, a geographic limitation that
increases the connection costs and, thus, acts as a constraint in the optimization process of each vertex. Table
I presents a summary of the main characteristics of the
WTW, the Internet [10] and a random graph of the same
size and average degree as the WTW.
As a final remark, the average path length, defined
as the average of the shortest distances between all the
pairs of vertices, is hdi = 1.8, which, in this case, is very
[1] P. Krugman, The Accidental Theorist, and other
Dispatches from the Dismal Science, (W. W. Norton&Company, New York, 1998).
[2] S. Amin, Capitalism in the Age of Globalization: The
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[3] R. Glick and A. Rose, Journal of International Money
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[5] M. Goldstein, The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes,
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similar to the corresponding random network of the same
size and average degree.
In conclusion, this first approach to the topology of
the WTW points out some previously unnoticed features
which are of primary importance in the understanding
of the new international order. Our research suggests
that the network’s evolution is guided by collective phenomena, and that self-organization plays a crucial role
in structuring the WTW scale-free inhomogeneities and
its hierarchical architecture. It remains an open question if these properties could also be made apparent at
other different scales, for instance, in the trade relations
between regions, cities or even individuals. At the country level, the activity is driven by competition. In the
same way as it occurs with the Internet, optimization
criteria are applied to local decisions made by the individual vertices. Resolutions are based on information
that is biased toward the more visible vertices, and may
be influenced by geographical or other convenience constraints. The findings in this paper may lead to consider
that there exist underlying growing mechanisms common
to all competitive systems, characterized by disassortative associations, and such mechanisms may differ from
the evolutionary processes in social cooperative networks,
characterized by assortative associations.
Further modelling efforts must be done for acquiring a
more realistic representation of the WTW, where inward
flows differ from outward flows and where their weights
depend on the exchanged quantities. It is also essential
to do further research on the underlying formation mechanisms and on the dynamic processes running on top of
the WTW, such as economic crises spreading.
Acknowledgements are due to Romualdo PastorSatorras for helpful discussion and advices. This work
has been partially supported by the European commission FET Open project COSIN IST-2001-33555.
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[19] Import/Export databases are publicly avalable at the address
[20] Gross domestic product data are publicly avalable at the
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