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2006 Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings
11 pages
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The North Carolina Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (NC-LSAMP) project is an ongoing project aimed to substantially increase the number of underrepresented minorities who will contribute significantly in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, engineering, and technology (STEM) areas, especially in graduate degree programs. To assess the effectiveness of the project, student information from the lead institution, NC A&T State University has been collected for analysis. To assess the effectiveness of the project, two control groups were carefully chosen for years 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. Statistical analysis was performed to ensure the compatibility between the control group and the experimental group. Student cumulative GPAs were recorded for each group over the past two years. Preliminary results from the statistical analysis indicated that the NC-LSAMP project has had a very significant positive impact on student performance. Participants of the NC-LSAMP project performed significantly better than their counterparts in the control group for both years. Although this project is ongoing, it has the potential to significantly impact the retention and graduation rates of underrepresented STEM students.
1 James M. Graham, Texas A&M University, TAMU FC A&E, 347 Zachry, TAMU MS 3405, College Station, TX 77843-3405 2 Rita Caso, Texas A&M University, 3 Jeanne Rierson, Texas A&M University, 4 Jong-Hwan Lee, Texas A&M University, ACKNOWLEDGMENT: This project was funded in part by NSF HRD-9624602 i The full range of LSAMP Program Objectives specified in LSAMP Project Cooperative Agreements with NSF include: (1) increasing (by specified percentages, e.g., 100%, over each 5 year award period) the number of underrepresented minorities successfully completing SMET baccalaureate degree programs; (2) improving the quality of the undergraduate educational experience, the knowledge and skills learned by underrepresented minority SMET students; (3) increasing the number of underrepresented minorities progressing from BS to graduate SMET programs; (4) increasing the pool of qualified underrepresented minority SMET teachers in K-12 education. ii US 5 th Circuit Court of Appeals decision Abstract The NSF-funded Texas A & M University System Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (TX LSAMP) was successful in more than doubling the number of minority Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology (SMET) baccalaureate graduates in partner universities between 1991-98, with a variety of programs strategies and tactics, such as mentoring, stipends, tutoring, and supplemental instruction. In 2000-01, a focused study on one partner campus (TAMU) compared active LSAMP program participants with comparable under-represented minority students in the College of Engineering and found that, in 1996-98, participation in the LSAMP program contributed to the success of freshmen in SMET programs, as measured by outcome variables such as GPA, retention, and course progression. The present study expands upon its predecessor, by providing a longitudinal, quantitative, multidimensional outcome study of the TAMU LSAMP program, spanning 1995. Additionally, the control of preexisting socio-economic and educational variables is used to examine the impact of the LSAMP program on minorities from diverse backgrounds. Some post-hoc explorations of results are also included.
Aiming to substantially increase the number of underrepresented minorities who will contribute significantly in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, engineering, and technology (STEM) areas, especially in graduate degree programs, the North Carolina Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (NC-LSAMP) project has seen a positive impact in the past few years. A longitudinal study has been carefully planned and data are being collected. So far, academic performance has been evaluated by comparing student GPA between the control group and the experimental group for the past two years. However, there are some other factors that can help assess the effectiveness of the project. In this study, two important factors were chosen to assist the evaluation of the NC-LSAMP Project: graduation rate and gate-keeping course performance. Results from the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test revealed that students in the experimental group performed significantly better than those in the control group for both measures. Once again, strong evidence from the statistical analysis indicated that the NC-LSAMP project has the potential to significantly impact the retention and graduation rates of underrepresented STEM students.
New Directions for Institutional Research, 2010
Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and …, 2007
African American, Latino and American Indian students are less likely to graduate in science than comparable White and Asian students . Logistic regression modeling of data from the University of Colorado, Boulder, confirmed this, after controlling for preparation and need (p<.05). However, students in the University of Colorado Minority Arts and Sciences Program (MASP) were more likely to graduate in science than White and Asian students (p<.05). MASP students valued the program's financial support, academic community, and relationships with professors, but not, notably, academic enrichment workshops. This finding provides insight into factors that increase retention of well prepared African American, Latino and American Indian students, and calls for further research and theory.
2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings
and Lydia E. Skeen professor in the Department of Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs. She served as a program director (IPA) with the National Science Foundation in the disabililty, gender and evaluation programs. Thurston has been PI on NSF and USDE awards for gender and disability projects, and is currently co-PI on the KS-LSAMP project. Her research foci include gender and disabilities issues in post-secondary STEM education, mentoring and program evaluation. Thurston has conducted research and taught about disability, gender and evaluation issues for over 35 years.
Underrepresented racial minorities (URMs) earn college degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields at lower rates than do their majority peers. For the purposes of this discussion, the term underrepresented minority refers to Black, Latina/o, Native American, and Southeast Asian American (Cambodian, Hmong, Lao, and Vietnamese) students (Byars-Winston, Estrada, and Howard, 2008). Statistics show that these groups suffer as they navigate through the STEM pipeline. For example, while Black and Latina/o students begin college interested in STEM majors at rates equal to or higher than their White peers, they are approximately 24 percent less likely than White students to earn a bachelor' s degree in those fields within six years (American Council on Education, 2006). Moreover, while Black, Latina/o, and Native American students comprise approximately 30 percent of the national population, they earn only approximately 12 percent of degrees granted in the field of engineering (National Action Council on Minorities in Engineering, 2008). While Southeast Asian American students are often excluded from such statistics and from research and discourse in higher education in general (Museus, 2009), they earn college degrees at rates lower than all other racial groups and are underrepresented in the STEM fields as well (Hune, 2002; Nealy, 2008; U.S. Census Bureau, 2004). Despite these low success rates among URMs in STEM, evidence suggests that institutions of higher education have the ability to foster their success. Researchers studying underrepresented minority students in STEM can learn much from the examination of successful cases. In this chapter, authors discuss how the analysis of high-performing institutions can inform future research on students of color in STEM.
2005 Annual Conference Proceedings
Normal.dotm 0 0 1 301 1718 University of Cincinnati 14 3 2109 12.0 0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false Research indicates that importance of scholarship for underrepresented engineering student populations as a strategy for increasing their enrollment numbers. This paper examines the results of the 2006 NSF S-STEM award consisting of (32) scholarships for underrepresented ethnic and women students who will entered the University of Cincinnati College of Engineering beginning the fall of 2007, and the impact on the new grant proposal to fund students for 2010 – 2011. The primary objectives of the 2006 grant include the following: 1) In five years, the recruitment of women (non-minority and minority) engineering students will be increased from 16% to 21% of the freshmen students relative to the Fall 2005 enrollment; 2) In five years, the recruitment of minority (women and men) engineering students will be increased from 5% to 10% of the freshmen students relative to the Fall 200...
Operation STEM (OpSTEM) is a NSF grant-funded program at Cleveland State University that seeks to improve the retention and graduation rates among high-risk students seeking STEM degrees by supporting them through the precalculus-calculus sequence and creating a cohort group that receives additional support services. OpSTEM focuses its attention on students from underrepresented minority (URM) groups, first-generation college students, and women. The OpSTEM program has created two levels of treatment-one group receives mandatory supplemental instruction while another group receives a comprehensive program that begins with a summer institute and includes stipends, mentoring, and cohort activities. This study considers URM students as compared with their non-URM counterparts and considers how well these groups fare in their precalculus courses depending on the level of treatment they receive. A control group receiving no treatment shows that URM students lag far behind their non-URM counterparts. Both of the OpSTEM treatments show all groups making significant gains, with URM students making relatively greater gains. For non-URM students, the majority of the gains in pass rates are seen with mandatory supplemental instruction alone, and the more comprehensive program produces only incremental gains beyond those. For URM students, however, the comprehensive program increases the pass rates so much that URM students become difficult to distinguish from their non-URM counterparts, and there is a significant difference between the URM group in pass rates between the supplemental instruction alone and the comprehensive program. We conclude that for URM students in particular, a comprehensive program is necessary in order to narrow the achievement gap between these students and their white and Asian peers.
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