Original Paper
Dev Neurosci 2012;34:488–501
DOI: 10.1159/000345154
Received: February 14, 2012
Accepted after revision: October 15, 2012
Published online: December 20, 2012
Longitudinal Study of Looming in Infants
with High-Density EEG
Audrey L.H. van der Meer Monica Svantesson F.R. Ruud van der Weel
Developmental Neuroscience Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Key Words
Perceptual development ⴢ Timing ⴢ Time-to-collision ⴢ
Infant brain ⴢ Visual looming ⴢ Visual evoked potential ⴢ
Prospective control ⴢ Role of locomotor experience ⴢ
Motion perception
A rapidly approaching object provides information about
the object’s approach and how imminent a collision is. Prospective control when responding to a looming virtual object approaching on a direct collision course was studied
longitudinally in 10 infants aged 5/6 and 12/13 months. Different characteristics of the looming-related visual evoked
potential (VEP) responses from infants’ brain electrical recordings (EEG) were explored and compared between the
infants at these different ages. The aim of this study was to
find evidence for infant brain electrical responses coherent
with a looming stimulus approaching the infant under three
different accelerations. It was also investigated whether the
use of different timing strategies to estimate the loom’s
time-to-collision would produce differences in the EEG recordings. The results showed that the timing and the duration of the VEP responses differed with age. At the age of 5/6
months, infants showed VEP peaks earlier in the looming se-
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quence and VEP responses with longer duration than when
they were 12/13 months old. Results from the timing-strategy analysis showed that with age, 4 infants shifted from a less
efficient timing strategy involving the loom’s velocity to the
more efficient strategy involving the loom’s time-to-collision. Further, it was found that peak VEP activation in the
investigated areas propagated across the cortex, showing
the highest observed activation in the occipital area at the
age of 5/6 months, whereas the parietal area showed the
highest activation when the infants were 12/13 months. The
decrease in processing time together with a peak VEP response closer to the loom’s time-to-collision indicate a developmental trend in infants’ prediction of an object’s timeto-collision. This developmental trend is further substantiated by the shift from a less efficient to a more efficient
timing strategy and by evidence of propagated peak VEP activation towards higher information processing areas in the
visual pathway with age. As infants grow older and become
more mobile, one of the underlying causes of the developmental trend found in our study could be due to an increase
in locomotor experience. More follow-up research is needed
to investigate the relation between behavioural development and changes in brain activity associated with infants’
perception of looming motion.
Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel
Audrey L.H. van der Meer, PhD, MSc
Developmental Neuroscience Laboratory, Department of Psychology
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
NO–7491 Trondheim (Norway)
E-Mail audrey.meer @ svt.ntnu.no
How does the infant brain process information of an
imminent collision of a looming object? In order to reach
our destination and to avoid objects in our path, changes
of direction have to be made. Moving towards a specific
place at a specific time when interacting with the environment involves being prepared to do specific things.
This entails that all movements have to be controlled by
perceiving what is likely to happen next. This is achieved
by foreseeing ongoing events in our surroundings, as well
as the unfolding of our own actions. Interacting with the
environment demands highly efficient systems for integration of visual information around which adaptive behaviour develops [1]. Navigation and interaction with
events in the surroundings demand prospective control
where action, perception, and cognition are tightly coupled together in a complex system [2–4].
The information needed for the perception of our own
motion or motion in the environment is available in the
optical flow field [5]. Perception of movement in our visual field transforms the entire optic array into a flow
field, which provides information of the direction of motion. Through development the expansion of prospective
control has to do with the control over and above the information available to guide our actions [2–4]. One of the
earliest indications of prospective behaviour seen in infants is the development of smooth visual pursuit of moving objects, and involves infants’ anticipation of a moving
object’s forthcoming motion. This ability develops over
the first 3 months of life [3, 6, 7].
Studies performed on monkeys were the first attempts
to analyse the functionally specialized areas of visual motion [8, 9]. These studies point to a localization of visual
processing in the middle temporal (MT) and medial superior temporal area (V5). The eyes’ perception of visual
information propagates from the lateral geniculate nucleus to the primary cortex. The information in the primary
visual cortex is distinguished by two parallel interconnected pathways, either through a dorsal stream propagating information towards the parietal lobe or through
a ventral stream directed towards the temporal lobe. The
dorsal stream is thought to be involved in the processing
of movement while the ventral stream is thought to be a
part of the processing of object recognition [10–14]. A
growing number of studies shows that the dorsal stream
in the adult cortex and its incorporated areas (V1, V2,
MT+) have neurons that are selectively activated by motion stimuli [15–17]. The functioning and development of
these areas for infants is less known.
Longitudinal Study of Looming in
Infants with High-Density EEG
Research on infant perception was at its peak in the
1960s and 1970s, studying how soon infants could respond to motion stimuli and describing characteristics
that were being processed. Experimenters caught an interest in looming stimuli and investigated defensive responses [18–20]. The ability to detect and avoid dangerous situations is one of the most important abilities for all
living creatures. Throughout the animal kingdom an essential function of the brain is to detect threats, and
threats are often posed by objects or predators on a collision course. An object on a direct collision course will
project an expanding image with a rapid symmetrical
growth on the retina. This motion is referred to as looming and on a direct collision course it provides information about the approaching object and how imminent the
collision is [19].
The notion that perception of visual motion represents
an important ability of our visual system has brought a
large number of studies trying to map the specialized
processing of this type of stimuli. Neurons that react to
such stimuli have been found in animal data [21–23] and
in adult data [10], and there is ample evidence that the
human visual system is specialized to detect and respond
to looming motion [11–13].
There are several theories about the underlying causes
of the development of the ability to process the available
information in the surrounding world. Studies have reported that sensitivity to optic flow shows a significant
increase after infants have started crawling [24–29], while
other findings argue that selective responses are due to
synaptic maturation and myelination [30, 31] of the visual cortical areas [32, 33].
The relationship between brain and behavioural development varies according to the theoretical framework
that is used to highlight this relationship. Traditional
frameworks base the relation between brain and behavioural development on brain maturation [34]. Traditional
frameworks argue that particular regions of the brain
have to mature in order for new motor, cognitive, or sensory functions to appear. The models presented from this
view often relate changes in behaviour to the physical
growth of the brain. An alternative framework for analysing and interpreting postnatal functional brain development in human infants has been presented where it is
argued that an integration of information about structural brain development with knowledge about perceptual, cognitive, and behavioural changes is necessary in
order to fully understand the relation between these components and how they interact [34]. According to such a
framework, functional brain development can be anaDev Neurosci 2012;34:488–501
lysed in terms of the differential specialization of multiple co-active pathways, and differential specialization between and within pathways which occur during development.
Studies have investigated infants’ development of prospective control and how they process information of
looming motion by looking at infants’ defensive responses to looming stimuli [18–20, 35–37]. Today it is well established that blinking is the most reliable indicator of
awareness to stimuli on a collision course in early infancy. In order to protect our eyes from something that is
about to hit our face, the timing of the defensive blink
needs to be precise. If the blinking occurs too early, there
is a risk that the eyes are reopened even before the collision takes place, or the blinking may appear too late so
that the eyes may get injured. The estimate of the response has to be made according to when an object is
about to hit, referred to as the time-to-collision. This requires precise prospective control where the defensive action has to be perceived ahead in time so that the body is
prepared to respond [2–4].
Recent behavioural studies [35–37] have investigated
infants’ defensive blinking in response to a virtual looming stimulus heading towards them. The stimuli were
programmed to loom towards the infant and approach
the infant’s face so that the infant would get an experience
of a visual collision. Characteristics of the defensive
blinking behaviour were examined by looking at different timing strategies and which information variable the
strategies were based on. Infants mainly timed their defensive blinking by relying on one of three information
variables based on the stimulus’ visual angle, velocity, or
time away from the virtual collision. The results showed
that infants initially used a strategy based on visual angle
or velocity and switched to a strategy based on time
around the age of 7 months. The results also showed that
infants that relied on a strategy based on visual angle or
velocity had a higher number of late defensive blinks than
infants using a time strategy. This led the researchers to
argue that the findings revealed a developmental trend
where infants shifted from a less useful to a more sophisticated timing strategy that was less prone to misjudgements. This shift from a less useful variable to a more
useful variable has also been found in adult data of perceptual judgments of a simulated collision [38, 39].
The use of high-density EEG allows the investigation
of how the human brain processes information available
in our surroundings. The advances in the technology of
recording event-related electrical potentials at the scalp
make it possible to use this method with young infants
Dev Neurosci 2012;34:488–501
[40]. In a recent study, infant brain electrical responses to
a looming stimulus were recorded and it was investigated
how the infant nervous system extracts and processes information for impending collision in a cross-sectional
design [41]. The findings from this study indicate that
looming-related brain activity in infants between 5 and
11 months of age is characterized by theta oscillations,
and source analyses revealed that this activity was localized in the visual cortex. The results showed a clear developmental trend where it took the youngest infants (5–7
months) about twice as long to process the looming information and they were not able to differentiate between
the loom’s three different accelerations, whereas the eldest infants (10–11 months) displayed very short, tidy,
and separated brain waves.
In the present study, high-density EEG measurements
of infants’ brain electrical activity are used to study infants’ perception and processing of a looming virtual object that approaches them on a direct collision course.
This method is used to detect electrical changes as groups
of neurons fire within the cerebral cortex. The cerebral
cortex is associated with higher cognitive functioning
and is also thought to play a central role in the development of cognitive and perceptual development [40]. The
aim of this study is to investigate whether evidence from
recent behavioural studies of infants’ prospective responses to looming stimuli can be confirmed in their
looming-related brain electrical activity. Further, the development of prospective control of the timing of looming-related brain responses will be investigated through
a longitudinal perspective by testing infants at the age of
5/6 months and again at the age of 12/13 months. Characteristic features of infant brain responses will also be
investigated from a developmental perspective by determining which timing strategies infants use to estimate
the loom’s time-to-collision as it approaches them under
three different accelerations.
A total of 14 babies were recruited from newspaper birth announcements to take part in the experiment, but only 10 of these
provided longitudinal data for the analyses. Three babies had to
be excluded because they were fussy during the second test session, resulting in too few trials for analysis. All 4 excluded infants
provided visual evoked potential (VEP) peaks after stimulus end,
preventing us from computing corresponding values for the
loom’s visual angle and velocity at these times, since these had
both become so large after the visual collision had taken place that
they were no longer meaningful. Thus, 10 infants (6 boys) pro-
van der Meer/Svantesson/van der Weel
Color version available online
80 cm
80 cm
Fig. 1. Experimental set-up with a diagram
of stimulus configuration (a) and a timeline of stimuli sequence (b). Each infant
was shown a virtual object of a flat circle
approaching on a direct collision course.
The looming stimulus simulated an object
coming from far away approaching for a
duration of 2, 3, and 4 s under three different constant accelerations (–21.1, –9.4 and
–5.3 m/s2). The stimulus approached the
infant as the image on the screen grew, and
the loom stopped when the image filled the
entire screen leaving a blank screen.
Fixation and
b Start
vided data for the final sample and were first tested at an age of
5/6 months, with a mean age of 26 weeks (SD = 1.9). The second
test session was performed when the infants were about 12/
13 months, with a mean age of 53 weeks (SD = 2.2). At the first
session, none of the infants had any crawling experience, but all
of them had between 14 and 30 weeks of crawling experience
(mean = 21 weeks, SD = 4) the second time they were tested. All
infants showed typical development and none had any birth complications as determined by parental report.
EEG recording as a psychophysical procedure causes no physical harm or pain to the participant. The parents gave their informed written consent before the experiment began and they
understood that they were free to withdraw at any time. One
of the parents was always situated next to the baby during the
experimental testing and had the opportunity to interrupt the
experiment whenever he/she wanted, whatever the reason. The
study has been approved by the Norwegian Regional Ethics Committee and the Norwegian Data Services for the Social Sciences.
The testing took place in a room with a large projection screen
hanging down from the ceiling. The infant was placed with his/
her face 80 cm away from the screen in a baby car seat. The projection on the screen was 180 cm wide and 80 cm high. Corneal
reflection (Tobii !50) was used to record the gaze of both eyes of
the infant (50 Hz) and trials in which infants did not look for the
entire stimulus duration were excluded from further analyses
(fig. 1a; online suppl. movie; for all online suppl. material, see
EEG activity was recorded with a high-density 126-channel
Geodesic Sensor Net 200 [40], run by Electrical Geodesic, Inc.
System 200. Arrays of 12-gram Ag sponge sensors were evenly
Longitudinal Study of Looming in
Infants with High-Density EEG
Looming stimulus duration
2/3/4 s
Time (s)
distributed across the head surface. Amplified EEG signals were
recorded with Net Station software on a Macintosh computer, using a sampling rate of 500 Hz with a low-pass filter of 100 Hz and
a 0.1-Hz high-pass filter. All electrode impedances were kept under 50 k⍀, as recommended for the high-input-impedance EGI
amplifiers to ensure an optimal signal-to-noise ratio [42, 43].
Triggers about the onset and offset of the looming stimuli were
communicated from E-Prime (Psychology Software Tools) onto
the EEG recordings of infant brain electrical activity. The data
were stored on a hard disc for off-line analyses.
The stimulus consisted of a flat, black circle with 4 different
coloured inner circles of equal size (red, green, blue, yellow) rotating within it. The entire object rotated with a constant angular
velocity of 300 degrees per second and was shown on a cream
white background. The radius of the inner circles was 1/3 of the
radius of the outer circle. The stimuli were programmed to loom
towards the infant and coming up to the infant’s face so that the
infant would get an experience of a visual collision. The virtual
object loomed towards the infant with a constant acceleration depending on the condition length. The image of the virtual object
appeared on the screen and stayed at its smallest size for 1 s, at a
virtual distance of 43.1 m, before it expanded during a looming
phase and finally reached its largest size and disappeared, leaving
a blank screen for 1 s. The image of the virtual object initially had
a visual angle of 5° (diameter of 6.5 cm), and grew to a maximum
visual angle of 131° (diameter of 350 cm).
The virtual object approached the infant under three different
conditions with a constant acceleration over a period of 2 s (–21.1
m/s2), 3 s (–9.4 m/s2) and 4 s (–5.3 m/s2), respectively. The image
of the virtual object had the same size/visual angle at the begin-
Dev Neurosci 2012;34:488–501
Color version available online
Fig. 2. Raw data from the EEG recordings of a 5-month-old infant
displayed using standard 10–20 reference-free sites, showing typical looming-related VEP responses for three random consecutive trials (from left to right: 2, 4, and 3 s loom, triggers at the
bottom alternately indicate stimulus start and stimulus end).
VEP peak activity is marked by the vertical line for the 4-second
looming trial in the middle. Prominent VEP peaks at sites O1, Oz,
ning and the end of the approach, independent of the virtual object’s approach time. The virtual object would move over the same
virtual distance (43.1–0.80 m) at a constant acceleration in all
three conditions (fig. 1b).
When the baby arrived with its parent(s), they were received by
two experimenters. One of them had the responsibility to inform
the parent(s) about the experiment, while the other experimenter
played with the baby so that they became familiar with each other.
When the electrode net was mounted on the infant’s head, the infant sat on the parent’s lap and was distracted with toys, while the
experimenter that was familiarized with the baby put on the electrode net. Immediately after the net was mounted, the infant was
placed in a baby car seat facing the screen. One of the parents was
always sitting next to the infant to avoid any stress a missing parent may cause, but was instructed to not interfere unnecessarily.
In addition, an experimenter was sitting on the other side to rectify and monitor the experiment and to help the baby focus on the
screen. The net was plugged into an amplifier and the impedance
of the electrodes was checked. Electrodes that had an insufficient
Dev Neurosci 2012;34:488–501
and O2 (indicated with arrows) taking place about 800 ms before
stimulus end can be viewed as direct responses to the looming
stimulus in all three trials. The timescale is 1,000 ms between the
thin dotted vertical lines. An EEG voltage build-up and decline
over time for the middle trial can be viewed in the inserted 3-dimensional mapping window (0 ms = peak VEP response at vertical line).
contact with the scalp were corrected with the use of saline electrolyte or by repositioning them somewhat to improve contact.
The stimuli were generated with E-Prime, and the three different conditions were presented in a random order. Data acquisition was performed in one block, but pauses were made if the infant seemed to have lost interest. The parent and one of the experimenters played with the baby for a couple of minutes before
the experiment was continued. The experiment was aborted if no
further interest could be obtained or if the infant showed distress.
The experimental room was divided by a window from the
control room where the computers for stimulus generation and
data acquisition were placed. The experimenter in the control
room could observe the infant on a computer screen during the
experiment and keep track of whether the infant was paying attention throughout each trial. The experiment ended when the
infant lost interest in the stimuli or started fussing.
The looming experiment was performed together with an occlusion experiment and an optic flow experiment, as a means of
providing data for other studies. The looming experiment was
usually conducted after the optic flow experiment, about 5–7 min
into the testing session.
van der Meer/Svantesson/van der Weel
Longitudinal Study of Looming in
Infants with High-Density EEG
Color version available online
VEP Responses: Timing and Duration
All EEG data analyses were carried out in the software program Brain Electrical Source Analysis (BESA) 5.1. The procedure
was the same for both sessions. First, all EEG recordings were segmented by Net Station and exported to BESA for further analyses.
Bad channels and trials contaminated with artefacts from body/
head movement were discarded by visual inspection. None of the
participants had more than 10% of the channels defined as bad.
Notch filter was set to 50.0 Hz, and low cut-off filter (high bandpass) was set to 1.6 Hz to remove slow drift in the data. High cutoff filter (low band-pass) was set to 30 Hz. To be included in the
analysis, each infant had to have VEP peaks on 3 trials for each of
the 3 looming stimuli, resulting in a minimum of 9 trials for each
infant per testing session. The analysis was performed on 424
VEP peaks across all 10 infants, 241 for the first session at 5/6
months and 183 for the second session at 12/13 months.
EEG recordings were used to measure brain electrical changes
in the infant brain as groups of neurons fire within the cerebral
cortex. This method provides information of the time course and
spatial distribution of brain activity due to the visual looming
stimulus presented to the infants. A trial-by-trial investigation was
performed on each infant’s raw EEG recordings. By looking at the
reference-free channel distribution, highly prominent VEP peaks
were marked at electrode sites O1, Oz, and O2 based on earlier
studies investigating VEPs [44]. The marked VEP peaks provided
information about the activity at the selected brain regions as a
direct measure of amplitude channel activity. This activity could
also be visualized by a 3-dimensional mapping of a build-up and
a decline of voltage activity in the visual cortex over time. This
3-dimensional mapping and the trial-by-trial visual inspection
were used as criteria to determine each VEP peak (fig. 2). At the
time each VEP peak occurred, the time remaining to stimulus end
which coincided with the loom’s time-to-collision was recorded.
Occasionally, several VEP peaks occurred within the same trial so that an additional criterion for VEP peak determination had
to be taken into consideration. A more specific localization of
brain activity as a response to looming was performed by applying
source analysis [45]. A predefined surrogate model for visual areas was used to direct the search of VEPs due to the looming stimuli. This model includes the areas of standard 10–20 sites O1, Oz,
and O2 [44]. The BESA algorithm estimated the location and orientation of multiple equivalent dipolar sources by calculating the
scalp distribution that would be obtained for a given dipole model (forward solution) and comparing it to the location and orientation in the dipole source. This leads to minimization of the residual variance between the model and the observed spatiotemporal VEP distribution [46]. A 3-shell ellipsoidal head model was
created for trials that had less prominent VEP peaks or several
peaks [45] and a predefined model of the visual cortex was inserted as dipoles into the head model. In particular two dipoles,
VCrL (visual cortex lateral left) and VCrR (visual cortex lateral
right), were used to sort out which peaks were a direct response to
the looming stimuli [41, 44]. If the performed source analysis of a
certain peak showed a symmetrical synchronized activity at these
two dipoles (i.e., source location consistency), this was considered
the one that was the response to the looming stimulus.
In addition to recording the timing of the VEP peak with respect to the virtual collision, the duration of every looming-related VEP response was also recorded: VEP duration = VEPstart –
VEPend (fig. 3).
Fig. 3. An example of how VEP duration, defined as VEPstart –
VEPend, was decided. VEP duration was taken as a measure of
processing speed and efficiency.
Timing Strategies
Infants can use different information variables to estimate the
response to the virtually colliding object. Strategies based on the
information variables of the colliding object’s visual angle, velocity, and time-to-collision were explored in this study. The different information variables would be affected by the stimulus approach velocity and the duration of the approach sequence. By
using one information variable to estimate when the virtual collision would take place, there would be expected patterns in the
other variables. This can be illustrated by plotting the looming
stimulus at an arbitrary point in time during its looming phase
(fig. 4). The three graphs show the expected pattern when the
brain response is initiated by either one of the three information
A velocity strategy concerns the rate of change of the visual
angle, which in this experiment gives the illusion of the approaching loom’s forthcoming velocity. By holding this information
variable constant (fig. 4a), infants would show a brain response
when the loom reaches a certain velocity. As the loom’s acceleration decreases the time-to-collision would decrease (fig. 4b), while
the visual angle would increase (fig. 4c). The visual angle strategy
indicates that infants use a certain angle that is subtended by the
Dev Neurosci 2012;34:488–501
Stimulus duration:
Time strategy
Visual angle
(f )
Acceleration (m/s2)
Fig. 4. A theoretical graph of the looming stimulus’ velocity, vi-
sual angle, and time-to-collision as a function of the duration and
acceleration of the looming sequence. As the acceleration of the
loom decreases the strategies based on different information
variables have different implications for the looming-related
brain response. A velocity strategy implies that as the acceleration of the loom decreases, the velocity of the loom is held relatively constant (a), while the loom’s time-to-collision decreases
(b) and the visual angle increases (c). A visual angle strategy im-
edges of the virtual object at a certain point of observation. If this
variable is held constant (fig. 4d) and the acceleration decreases,
the loom’s velocity would decrease (fig. 4e) while the time-to-collision would increase (fig. 4f).
Either one of these two strategies presented implies that infants respond to a critical value of the loom’s visual angle or velocity, respectively. When the object approaches with a constant
increase in speed and the duration of the approach varies, information variables based on velocity and visual angle would be influenced by the size and speed of the loom. The loom would reach
a certain visual angle or velocity at a different time away from the
virtual collision. This makes these optical variables prone to errors when timing a brain response with respect to a collision event
so that the response may appear long before or even after the collision would have taken place.
The third strategy investigated was the time strategy, which
indicates that the infant shows a brain response to the loom at a
specific time before the optical collision. As the loom’s acceleration decreases, the time-to-collision is held relatively constant
(fig. 4g), while the velocity would decrease (fig. 4h) and the visual
angle would increase (fig. 4i). This information variable is not dependent on knowledge of object size or speed, so the usage of a
time strategy would always leave the same amount of time for the
brain response. The time strategy is considered to be a more efficient strategy that is less prone to errors compared to the two
other strategies investigated [35–37].
At the time every selected VEP peak occurred, corresponding
values for the loom’s visual angle, velocity, and time-to-collision
were computed. In order to explore which timing strategy infants
used to time their brain responses to the virtual collision, values
Dev Neurosci 2012;34:488–501
plies that as the acceleration of the loom decreases, the visual
angle of the loom is held relatively constant (d), while the loom’s
velocity decreases (e) and time-to-collision increases (f). A time
strategy implies that as the acceleration of the loom decreases, the
loom’s time away from the virtual collision is kept relatively constant (g), while the loom’s velocity decreases (h) and the visual
angle increases (i). For simplicity, the lines are drawn as straight
lines. For colours, see online version.
for all variables were averaged for each infant across the three
looming conditions. It was assumed that the variable with the
lowest index of dispersion (ID = standard deviation divided by the
mean), also referred to as the coefficient of variation, was the one
controlled. When adhering strictly to one strategy, there would be
consequences for the other strategies, as the strategies are mutually exclusive. By holding one variable constant, the values of the
other two variables would vary [36].
Averaged Waveforms
So as to give an impression of the kind of data that were
subjected to the trial-by-trial analysis below, averaged
waveforms of two typical infants’ VEP responses to the
looms for the two testing sessions at 5/6 months and 12/13
months are presented in figure 5. It can be seen that averaged looming-related responses were most pronounced
in occipital channels O1, Oz, and O2, and that the activity propagated to parietal channels P3 and Pz particularly at the second session.
VEP Responses: Timing and Duration
Infants were very impressed with the looming stimuli
and looming-related VEPs were found in the EEG readvan der Meer/Svantesson/van der Weel
Color version available online
Visual angle strategy
Relative change
Velocity strategy
Timing Strategies
At the time each VEP peak occurred, the loom’s visual angle, velocity, and time away from collision were
computed and an ID analysis was performed across
looms on these values for each infant at both sessions (table 1). The ID indicates how much a score deviates from
its central tendency and is found by dividing the standard
deviation by the mean. It is a dimensionless number, allowing the direct comparison between the three timing
strategies. When exploring which information variable
the infants used in order to estimate the loom’s time of
arrival, it was assumed that the strategy the infants held
constant across the different approach conditions was the
one they employed. The information variable with the
smallest ID was taken to be the variable controlled by the
infant [37, 47, 48]. Based on their ID, there were 4 infants
that used a velocity strategy and 6 infants that used a time
Longitudinal Study of Looming in
Infants with High-Density EEG
Color version available online
ings from all of the tested infants where the stimulus was
approaching the infant on a direct collision course. On
average, each infant contributed 24 (SD = 4.0) VEPs in the
first session and 18 (SD = 7.1) in the second session.
Looming-related peak VEP responses in the occipital areas O1, Oz, and O2 were indexed as the times before the
loom would have made contact with the infant, i.e. the
time-to-collision. A 2 (age: 5/6 vs. 12/13 months) ! 3
(loom: 2, 3, 4 s) repeated-measures ANOVA was performed on averaged peak VEP responses. This revealed a
main effect of age [F(1, 9) = 6.072, p ! 0.05], indicating
that averaged peak VEP responses occurred significantly
closer to the virtual collision with the looming stimulus
for infants at the age of 12/13 months (–0.673 s, SD =
0.275) than for infants at the age of 5/6 months (–0.914 s,
SD = 0.148) (fig. 6).
Another 2 (age: 5/6 vs. 12/13 months) ! 3 (loom: 2, 3,
4 s) repeated-measures ANOVA was performed on averaged VEP duration (VEPstart – VEPend). A main effect of
age was found on averaged VEP duration [F(1, 9) = 6.913,
p ! 0.05], indicating that averaged VEP duration at 12/13
months (0.152 s, SD = 0.036) was significantly shorter
than averaged VEP duration at 5/6 months (0.187 s, SD =
0.042) (fig. 7).
Findings from the two ANOVAs indicate that the averaged peak VEP response appears earlier in the looming
sequence and has a longer VEP duration when infants are
5/6 months old as opposed to when they are 12/13 months
old. At 12/13 months, this response is closer to the loom’s
virtual collision and of a shorter duration. There were no
significant main effects of loom, nor any interaction effects in either of the two ANOVAs performed.
Fig. 5. Averaged waveforms across the 3 loom speeds for 2 typical
infants at 5/6 months and at 12/13 months using a virtual montage
where the standard 27 interpolated channels are displayed against
a reference-free average reference. Note the prominent loomingrelated VEP responses in occipital channels O1, Oz, and O2 and,
in addition, in parietal channels P3 and Pz especially at the second
session. Both infants contributed with between 25 and 30 trials
per session. The timescale on the x-axis is 500 ms.
strategy at the age of 5/6 months. The ID calculations of
the second session showed that 9 out of 10 infants used a
time strategy at the age of 12/13 months. These findings
indicate a strategy shift from a less efficient strategy to a
more efficient strategy in 4 of the infants. One of the infants (infant U.L.; table 1) showed an opposite pattern of
strategy shift and went from a time strategy to a velocity
Dev Neurosci 2012;34:488–501
VEP duration (s)
Time-to-collision (s)
5/6 months
12/13 months
5/6 months
12/13 months
Loom (s)
Fig. 6. Timing of averaged looming-related peak VEP responses
(including SD bars) for the 3 looms at the age of 5/6 months and
at the age of 12/13 months. With age, infants time their VEP peaks
significantly closer to the loom’s virtual collision compared to
when they were younger.
Loom (s)
Fig. 7. Averaged VEP duration, VEPstart – VEPend (including SD
bars) for the 3 looms at the age of 5/6 months and at the age of
12/13 months. With age, infants show significantly shorter VEP
durations compared to when they were younger.
Table 1. Index of dispersion
5/6 months old
12/13 months old
velocity time
velocity time
For each infant at both ages tested, an ID analysis was carried
out to allow a direct comparison of the optical variables of visual
angle, velocity, and time-to-collision so as to assess which of these
three variables the looming-related VEP responses were geared
to. A small ID indicates little variation across the different approach conditions. The lowest ID is highlighted in italics for each
infant and is, in turn, interpreted as the variable being controlled
by the infant. Please note that by the age of 12/13 months, all
infants except 1 appear to be gearing their looming-related VEP
responses to the loom’s time-to-collision.
Dev Neurosci 2012;34:488–501
VEP Amplitudes
Averages of looming-related peak VEP activation were
computed for each infant for both testing sessions. The
individual participant averages were referenced to an artificial reference calculated from the average potentials
over the scalp and interpolated to 81 standard electrode
positions. These interpolated files consisting of individual participant averages were combined into a grand average for infants aged 5/6 months and compared with the
grand average for the same infants aged 12/13 months. A
2 (age: 5/6 vs. 12/13 months) ! 3 (area: O, PO, P) repeated-measures ANOVA was performed on averaged peak
VEP activation. The investigated electrode areas were selected based on anatomical positioning of the brain areas
involved in visual processing [10–13, 15–17] and on the
grounds of visual inspection of the two grand averages.
The results showed an interaction effect between age and
cortical area [F(2, 18) = 5.982, p ! 0.01], indicating that
the activity in our investigated occipital and parietal areas differed between the measurements performed at 5/6
months and 12/13 months. The amplitude activity in the
O area decreased from 5/6 to 12/13 months, while the activity in the P area increased from 5/6 to 12/13 months.
The amplitude activity in the PO area in between stayed
relatively the same at the two ages (fig. 8).
van der Meer/Svantesson/van der Weel
–40 µV
0 ms
Color version available online
5/6 months
12/13 months
600 ms
+40 µV
Fig. 8. Grand average looming-related VEP activity for infants
aged 5/6 months and 12/13 months. Scalp localization of the electrode sites from bottom to top and from left to right for the two
ages (O1, Oz, O2, PO3, POz, PO4, P3, P1, Pz, P2) is indicated with
the filled circles on the head drawing (nose up). Infants at the age
In order to respond adequately to a looming visual object approaching on a direct collision course, infants have
to perceive the collision before it happens, which requires
prospective control with regards to the forthcoming collision. This kind of processing would demand highly
efficient systems that are able to integrate visual information with action in order to produce an appropriate
response [1–4]. Such prospective control is fundamental
when timing interceptive actions. The present longitudinal study investigated the development of motion processing of a looming object in infants aged 5/6 and 12/13
months. While infants observed a stimulus looming towards them on a direct collision course under three different accelerations, their looming-related brain responses were measured through EEG recordings.
VEP Responses: Timing and Duration
When investigating the timing of the looming-related
averaged peak VEP responses with respect to the virtual
collision, infants at the age of 5/6 months showed an average peak VEP at 0.914 s before the virtual collision, compared to 0.673 s at the age of 12/13 months. Infants at the
age of 5/6 months thus showed a peak VEP on average
0.241 s earlier in the looming sequence compared to at
12/13 months. Irrespective of the loom’s three different
Longitudinal Study of Looming in
Infants with High-Density EEG
of 5/6 months show a larger negative amplitude activity in the O
areas (bottom arrow) compared to when they were 12/13 months.
At the age of 12/13 months, on the other hand, infants show a
larger negative activity in the P areas (top arrow) compared to
when they were 5/6 months. For colours, see online version.
approach conditions, at 5/6 months the looming-related
brain responses appear relatively early in the looming
phase, when the looming object is still far from the infant’s face. At 12/13 months, however, infants’ VEP peaks
appear much closer to the virtual collision. The peak VEP
responses found early in the looming sequence at the age
of 5/6 months could be a result of not yet fully processed
visual information. Neural pathways at the age of 5/6
months are generally less specialized compared to neural
pathways developed in the infant brain at the age of 12/13
months. As a result of immature cortical pathways within the visual processing route, cortical regions may respond to a wide variety of visual stimuli. This implies that
several pathways become partially activated; consequently, young infants’ response actions are often based on outputs conducted from the first available brain pathway.
This can occur when a task situation is complex or demanding and responses become deteriorated or incorrect
[34]. Through development, the same region gets more
specifically tuned to certain stimuli or situations so that
neural pathways only become engaged by a subset of
these stimuli, which would lead to a more accurate response [34, 49]. This can be one of the explanations of the
findings in our data showing more accurately timed VEP
peaks with respect to the virtual collision at 12/13 months
compared to at 5/6 months.
Dev Neurosci 2012;34:488–501
Infants in our study showed looming-related VEPs
not only earlier in the looming sequence, but also of a
slightly yet significantly longer mean duration of 35 ms
at 5/6 months compared to at 12/13 months. A VEP response closer to the virtual collision and of a shorter
duration could indicate an increase in speed and efficiency of the processing of visual information [31–34,
41, 50]. During the first year of life, the infant brain
more than doubles in weight simultaneously as it undergoes rapid changes [34, 50], suggesting that infants at
the age of 5/6 months generally have a less developed
brain than at the age of 12/13 months. Looming-related
VEPs timed closer to the loom’s virtual collision and of
a shorter duration could indicate a developmental trend
in our findings.
Several underlying mechanisms connected to infants’
functional brain development can be used to explain
these findings. An important physiological change that is
associated with more efficient cortical processing is an
increase in white matter due to myelination of axons [30,
31, 51]. Through experience of certain stimuli or situations, the brain becomes tuned and myelination of axons
between neurons appears. The conductivity velocity between pathways increases mainly due to myelination,
which indicates that the processing speed also increases
[50]. Infants in our data showed a decrease in VEP duration from 5/6 months to 12/13 months. This decrease
could indicate that as infants get older they require less
time to process looming stimuli which could be related to
improved synchronization of responses across occipital
and parietal regions.
Infants’ functional brain development is probably best
explained by looking at multiple coactive and differential
specialized neural pathways [34]. When pathways in the
brain get specialized to a certain type of stimulus, a
smaller brain area is activated and the processing speed
increases. This specialization may occur in relation to
several physiological changes in the brain. Maturational
development of the infant brain could be an outcome of
synaptic maturation through neural selection and competition between neural pathways. As connections between pathways are more easily stabilized between nearby pathways than pathways separated by a longer distance, close-by pathways are more likely to be favoured
over other pathways. The distance between pathways together with a correspondence between pathways’ structures and functions concerns a strengthening of some
connections and pruning of other connections. Strengthening and pruning of neural pathways could be one of the
developmental changes that affect processing speed and
Dev Neurosci 2012;34:488–501
efficiency as a smaller brain area becomes activated as
neural pathways become more specialized to a certain
stimulus [34, 49].
Timing Strategies
The ID analysis conducted on infants’ use of timing
strategy when estimating their VEP response with respect to the looming stimulus showed that 6 of the infants
used a time strategy and 4 used a velocity strategy at the
age of 5/6 months. This implies that 6 of the infants already used a strategy that was supposedly based on a
more efficient information variable compared to the other strategies investigated. Only 4 of the infants showed a
strategy shift from a less efficient strategy to a more efficient strategy. These infants switched from a velocity
strategy to a time strategy between the ages of 5/6 and
12/13 months. Interestingly, the only infant who at the
age of 12/13 months appeared to be using a velocity strategy had started rolling over relatively late at 28 weeks and
had between 1 month to up to almost 4 months less crawling experience than the other infants.
Using a strategy based on time, infants’ brain electrical response becomes less prone to errors associated with
the looming object’s acceleration. By timing the response
a certain time away from the loom’s virtual collision,
infants would always have the same amount of time to
make a response independent of the loom’s acceleration
[35, 36]. However, infants’ brain responses to looming
would be influenced by when in the looming sequence
the response is estimated [47, 52]. If the estimate of the
time-to-collision appears early in the looming sequence,
there is more room to make impoverished or incorrect
judgments. By delaying the response, other relevant information from the loom’s accelerative approach could be
taken into account to make a more accurate response [34,
36, 52, 53]. For example, an estimate made according to
the loom’s acceleration early in the sequence would probably lead to a less accurate interpretation of the loom’s
acceleration and thus change in velocity as it approaches
the baby. The possible loss of important information
about the loom’s acceleration when responding too early
in the looming sequence can cause an incorrectly estimated defensive response with respect to the loom’s virtual collision.
At 12/13 months, infants showed VEP peaks on average 0.241 s closer to the virtual collision than at 5/6
months. As argued above, this would lead to more inaccurate responses at 5/6 months which could be explained
by developmental factors such as unspecialized and less
mature pathways in the infant brain at this age [34]. By
van der Meer/Svantesson/van der Weel
just looking at the ID analysis, it is difficult to point out
differences between infants in the two strategy groups.
The observed shift in strategy between infants using a
velocity strategy at 5/6 months and a time strategy at
12/13 months could nevertheless imply maturation and
specialization of brain pathways. The shift from a less to
a more efficient strategy concurrent with a more efficient
employment of the used timing strategy, as evidenced by
the VEPs occurring closer to the virtual collision, provides further evidence for the developmental trend found
in our data. An increase in accuracy and efficiency of an
output response indicates further processing of visual
information and specialization of brain pathways [34,
VEP Amplitudes in the O, PO, and P Areas
Infants’ awareness of a looming object on collision
course is well established through behavioural studies of
the blinking response [19, 20, 35–37], but less is known
about infants’ specialization in visual pathways of looming motion. The dorsal stream in the adult cortex (V1, V2,
MT+) has neurons that are selectively activated by motion
stimuli [15–17], and studies of the human visual system
have provided growing evidence that the visual system is
specialized to detect and respond to looming motion [11–
13]. The results from our study concerning averaged peak
VEP activity at the cortical areas O, PO, and P showed
that the activity at these sites varied according to the infant’s age. For infants aged 5/6 months, the activation in
the O area showed larger negative amplitudes than at the
age of 12/13 months. An opposite pattern was shown in
the peak amplitudes in the P area at 12/13 months, implying that infants had larger negative amplitudes in the P
area at 12/13 months than at 5/6 months. As mentioned
above, larger brain areas show a stimulus-specific effect
when the infant lacks experience with a stimulus or situation. An increase in experience to certain stimuli or situations would lead to specialization of the pathways involved in the processing, whereas others become inhibited. This change of localization can be viewed as a direct
consequence of specialization as fewer pathways become
activated by a given stimulus [34, 49, 50]. This explanation may correspond with our findings from the averaged
peak VEP activation analysis together with findings from
adult data which show that the processing of motion
stimuli is propagated along the dorsal stream towards the
MT+ area of the brain [11–13]. The decrease in activity in
the O area and increase in the P area with age may imply
that activation in occipital areas propagates forward and
starts to influence more advanced areas in parietal and
Longitudinal Study of Looming in
Infants with High-Density EEG
temporal leads [31]. The cortical areas composing the
dorsal stream appear to be arranged due to a progression
of areas in which a more complex or specialized visual
processing develops [54].
Findings of the propagated amplitude activation between the different areas of the brain as well as findings
of an increased processing speed could indicate that the
visual pathway has become more specialized with age
from 5/6 to 12/13 months. This assumption is also supported by other findings where an increase in processing
speed of a visual stimulus in infants between 1 and 4
months was observed, suggesting that there is a strong
correlation between microstructural maturation of optic
radiations and the functional development of visual perception during early infancy [33]. Myelination of the visual pathway was considered to play a major role in the
increase in processing speed found in their study.
A direct comparison of electrode site activity is very
likely to have been influenced by activation from neural
sites other than those accounted for in our investigation.
Because EEG measures the summation of neural activity
that has propagated to the scalp, it may not adequately
separate sources that temporally overlap. Our finding of
the propagated activity could therefore be a result of the
temporal summation of changes in other components
[31]. It could also occur because of additional processes
emerging that are not yet identified or taken into consideration.
Another factor that could have influenced our findings of differences in amplitude activation between the
two age groups could be the result of an increase in skull
thickness. Infant skull thickness increases most rapidly
within the first year of life [30, 55], resulting in a thicker
skull at 12/13 months than at 5/6 months. Because of the
skull’s poor conductivity, it is possible to argue that the
decrease in activity at the O area may have been caused
by an increase in skull thickness from the age of 5/6
months to the age of 12/13 months, instead of being a result of changed localization for more specialized and advanced processing of the visual information. On the other hand, this argument would become inadequate when
applied to the findings from the increased activity in
the P area with age. Despite the fact that the infants’ skulls
became significantly thicker as they aged from 5/6
months to 12/13 months, we still found an increase in averaged VEP activity in the P area as they became older.
This supports the argument that infants’ processing of
the looming stimuli propagates from occipital towards
more specialized and advanced parietal neural pathways.
Dev Neurosci 2012;34:488–501
General Discussion
In this study, infant brain electrical activity was investigated before any of the infants had started to crawl and
then again after 5 months of crawling experience had
been achieved. In a perspective where structural brain
development and perceptual, cognitive, and behavioural
changes are integrated in order to fully understand human functional development, brain and behavioural
development become reciprocally dependent [34]. One
of the differences between the infants at the two different
ages was the ability to locomote. When aged 12/13
months, all of the infants had ample crawling experience,
whereas none of them could crawl when aged 5/6 months.
Self-produced motor activity has been linked to psychological development by a number of theories [24, 28, 56].
These studies argue that motor experience can influence
whether available information about a stimulus will be
noticed and used by the perceiver. Experience related to
self-produced locomotion may permit infants to convert
effective information variables available in the optical
flow field into information useful for prospective control
[5]. Based on the view of an interdependent relationship
between brain and behavioural development it is possible
to argue that as infants get more experience with selfproduced locomotion, the ability to more accurately process information about an impending virtual collision
will improve [41]. Changes in locomotor development
could thus be one of the underlying causes of the developmental trend observed in our data.
In conclusion, younger infants not yet capable of
crawling showed different brain responses to a looming
stimulus approaching on a direct collision course, compared with when they had several weeks of crawling ex-
perience. First of all, the present study identified looming-related brain electrical responses in the raw data from
the EEG recordings in infants. The study further showed
clear differences in VEP responses as infants got older,
shown by a decrease in processing time and VEP peaks
closer to the loom’s time-to-collision. The measured peak
VEP activation also propagated towards higher information processing areas in the visual pathway. Infants further showed a shift from a less efficient to a more efficient
timing strategy involving the loom’s time-to-collision between the ages of 5/6 months to 12/13 months. The findings indicate a developmental trend in infants’ prediction
of an object’s time-to-collision. The observed differences
can reflect both a more mature anatomy as well as a higher degree of specialization of brain pathways in the infant
brain at around 1 year of age. It is also possible to argue
that changes in behavioural development together with
changes in the developing brain could be the underlying
causes of this trend. Our study of the development of prospectively judging when a looming object will collide by
using EEG recordings may contribute to a deeper understanding of the neural functions underlying the development of visual motion perception.
The research presented in this paper was part of a Master’s
thesis by Monica Svantesson. The authors acknowledge the assistance of Jan Frederik Léger and Sanne Houweling in programming the visual stimuli, and are grateful to Magnus Holth for his
help with testing. We would like to thank all infants and their
parents who took part in the work and without whom this study
would not have been possible.
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