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The ongoing massive global environmental changes and the past learnings have highlighted the urgency and importance of further detailed understanding of the earth system and implementation of social ecological sustainability measures in a much more effective and transparent manner. This short communication discuss the potential of sensor webs in addressing those research challenges, highlighting it in the context of air pollution issues.
Sensors, 2005
In 1997, the Sensor Web was conceived at the NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to take advantage of the increasingly inexpensive, yet sophisticated, mass consumer-market chips for the computer and telecommunication industries and use them to create platforms that share information among themselves and act in concert as a single instrument. This instrument would be embedded into an environment to monitor and even control it. The Sensor Web's purpose is to extract knowledge from the data it collects and use this information to intelligently react and adapt to its surroundings. It links a remote end-user's cognizance with the observed environment. Here, we examine not only current progress in the Sensor Web technology, but also its recent application to problems in hydrology to illustrate the general concepts involved.
Environmental sensing is seen as key to understanding the physical processes that affect our lives. The collection of such data is used to enhance the decision making processes of governments, organizations and society as a whole in their future interactions with the planet. In order to be able to generate a global picture of the effects a physical phenomenon may have it is necessary to generate a framework which is capable of networking sensing devices on a global scale. This paper presents an initial overview of a framework to facilitate the worldwide networking of a wide variety of sensing device types into a Worldwide Sensor Web.
Environmental monitoring systems deal with time-sensitive issues which require quick responses in emergency situations. Handling the sensor observations in near real-time and obtaining valuable information is challenging issues in these systems from a technical and scientific point of view. The ever-increasing population growth in urban areas has caused certain problems in developing countries, which has direct or indirect impact on human life. One of applicable solution for controlling and managing air quality by considering real time and update air quality information gathered by spatially distributed sensors in mega cities, using sensor web technology for developing monitoring and early warning systems. Urban air quality monitoring systems using functionalities of geospatial information system as a platform for analysing, processing, and visualization of data in combination with Sensor Web for supporting decision support systems in disaster management and emergency situations. Th...
Se plantea un estudio sobre el mapa viario romano en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica, contextualizado cronológicamente entre finales del siglo III a.C. hasta el año 711 d.C. A través del análisis de las fuentes escritas, así como de las fuentes arqueológicas, destacando en ellas la epigrafía, se ha realizado un corpus de datos cartográfico mediante el cual realizar una investigación histórica sobre el funcionamiento de las vías terrestres en Hispania durante la Antigüedad, así como en épocas posteriores. Gracias a la multidisciplinariedad del estudio, se ha planteado un trabajo de comparación de fuentes clásicas y arqueológicas, así como la implementación de la informática en la transformación de los datos técnicos en espaciales a través de software GIS. El resultado pretende establecer un nuevo estado de la cuestión a nivel de conocimiento historiográfico y espacial, desde el cual se puedan proponer nuevas hipótesis de trabajo sobre el tejido viario antiguo en el Sureste peninsular, así como las relaciones entre diferentes municipia a través de estas infraestructuras. A study on the Roman road map in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula is proposed, chronologically contextualized between the end of the third century BC to the year 711 AD. Through the analysis of the written sources, as well as archaeological sources, highlighting in them the epigraphy, a corpus of cartographic data has been made through which to carry out historical research on the functioning of the roads in Hispania during the Antiquity, as well as in later times. Thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of the study, a comparison of classical and archaeological sources has been proposed, as well as the implementation of computer science in the transformation of technical data into spatial data through GIS software. The result aims to establish a new state of the question at the level of historiographic and spatial knowledge, from which new working hypotheses can be proposed on the ancient road network in the Southeast peninsular, as well as the relationships between different municipia through these infrastructures.
Líneas Actuales de Investigación en Paleoarte, 2016
A paleoartistic reconstruction of dromeosaurid Deinonychus antirrhopus is provided in juvenile stage with certain flight capacities, according to the proposal in the article by Parsons & Parsons (2015). A reconstruction of D. antirrhopus as a ground dwelling adult is offered as well in order to establish an ontogenic comparison. We take the skeletals of adult D. antirrhopus and Sinornithosaurus millenii growth stages, both by author Scott Hartman, as a reference for our adult and juvenile models respectively.
América latina transfronteriza , 2024
Entre los años 2016 y 2021, desde Venezuela se da una emigración masiva de su población, principalmente, hacia países de América latina. Con la finalidad de comprender este éxodo se han estudiado tres de sus dimensiones. Primero, el origen político y económico del fenómeno; segundo, las condiciones para salir de Venezuela, las rutas hacia los países de destino y el dimensionamiento de la emigración; y tercero, las iniciativas de recepción, regularización y contención de migrantes en ocho países, donde se encuentran un poco más del 90% del total de la emigración venezolana en la región y del 80% en relación al total mundial. El resultado es una visión general del proceso migratorio venezolano de 2016 a 2021. Texto publicado en: América latina transfronteriza. Dirigido por Benoît Santini y Julio Zárate, Presses Universitaires de Savoie, 2024, 175-198.
Paleorient, 2019
This paper presents the results of a unique fur garment from the megalithic tomb of a rich man in the Northwest Caucasus, dated to the Early Bronze Age, which was excavated in 1898 (Tsarskaya, Russia). The garment was made from the fur of a souslik group animal, most likely the ground squirrel. Direct radiocarbon dating puts the fur at around 4445 ± 35 BP (ca. 3300-3000 BC), making it the earliest known fur garment in Eastern Europe. The choice of souslik fur stands in direct contrast to widely held views on prestigious fur clothes in traditional and contemporary societies. Résumé. Nous présentons ici les premiers résultats des analyses d'un vêtement de fourrure unique provenant de la tombe mégalithique d'un noble, datée de l'âge du Bronze ancien dans le Caucase et qui a été fouillée en 1898 (Tsarskaya, Russie). Le vêtement s'avère être en fourrure de souslik (Spermophilus sp., écureuil terrestre). La datation directe au radiocarbone place la fourrure aux alentours de 4445 ± 35 BP (environ 3300-3000 BC). C'est le premier vêtement de fourrure connu en Europe de l'Est. Nous ne savons pas pourquoi la fourrure de souslik a été choisi, mais cela tranche avec les opinions populaires tenues sur les fourrures de prestige des vêtements des sociétés traditionnelles et contemporaines.
Optimization of fracture length and well spacing can be critical to the economics of the exploitation of natural gas resources. If the fracture length is small compared to well spacing, then fracture azimuth will not affect interference between wells; many fields will be drilled to dense spacings and therefore require knowledge of the fracture azimuth to optimize the number of wells, the placement of the wells, and the length of the fractures. This is contrary to historical approaches to the optimization of ultimate recovery and net present value from tight gas fields, which are based on the idealiza-tion of homogenous, isotropic reservoirs and which neglect interwell interference. This paper reviews current technology for determining hydraulic fracture azimuth, and presents a solution for uniform flux fractures which accounts for fracture azimuth. It is shown that the uniform flux fracture model fails when interference between wells is significant. Numerical simulation of high conductivity fractures confirms that knowledge of fracture azimuth will be important for cases for which the ratio of interwell distance to fracture length is less than 2.0. Permeability anisotropies increase the importance of knowing fracture azimuth. A general procedure for optimization of fracture azimuth and well spacing is presented. OVERVIEW Increased well density is typically required when :
News Networks in Early Modern Europe, 2000
IDT 2022: *mit.sprache.teil.haben Band 4: Beiträge zur Methodik und Didaktik Deutsch als Fremd*Zweitsprache, 2023
Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, 2011
Proceedings of the 25th ascilite conference, Melbourne. http://www. ascilite. org. au/conferences/melbourne08/procs/goold. pdf, 2008
Niken Agustin, 2024
Asian research journal of arts & social sciences, 2022
Physiotherapists, 2019
Conservation Science and Practice, 2021
Journal of Urban Affairs, 2018
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2011