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2005, São José dos …
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Copyright © Editora MundoGEO Editora Coordenação Editorial Revisão Produção gráfica, capa с editoração eletrônica Impressão с acabamento MundoGEO Gilberto Câmara Lúbia Vinhas AR Comunicação Gráfica Infante B221b Bancos de dados geográficos / Organizadores ...
JULY 14 I don't know why I'm writing this. That's not true. Maybe I do know and just don't want to admit it to myself I don't even know what to call it-this thing I'm writing. It feels a little pretentious to call it a diary. It's not like I have anything to say. Anne Frank kept a diary-not someone like me. Calling it a "journal" sounds too academic, somehow. As if I should write in it every day, and I don't want toif it becomes a chore, I'll never keep it up. Maybe I'll call it nothing. An unnamed something that I occasionally write in. I like that better. Once you name something, it stops you seeing the whole of it, or why it matters. You focus on the word, which is just the tiniest part, really, the tip of an iceberg. I've never been that comfortable with words-I always think in pictures, express myself with images-so I'd never have started writing this if it weren't for Gabriel. I've been feeling depressed lately, about a few things. I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it, but he noticed-of course he did, he notices everything. He asked how the painting was going-I said it wasn't. He got me a glass of wine, and I sat at the kitchen table while he cooked.
La membrana celular es la parte externa de la célula que envuelve el citoplasma. Permite el intercambio entre la célula y el medio que la rodea. Intercambia agua, gases y nutrientes, y elimina elementos de desecho.
Reflexiones epistémicas sobre la Ciencia del Derecho, 2022
Plano epistémico, ubicación teórica y ontologización de las teorías Fase de comprobación teórica Fase de consolidación teórica en la teoría del derecho Plano epistémico en la ciencia del derecho Conclusiones Referencias FOUCAULT Y LA HISTORIA DEL DERECHO: ¿BARBARIE EN LA MODERNIDAD? INTRODUCCIÓN Leges Barbarorum: Ordalías y Luchas ¿Tiempos modernos? Inquisitio, Testimonio y Tortura Los Aportes de la Historia al Derecho: Nuevas Expresiones Metodológicas Referencias DERECHO PÚBLICO COLOMBIANO EN PERSPECTIVA CONTEMPORÁNEA INTRODUCCIÓN Marco epistémico general del derecho público Derecho público en Colombia Retos del siglo XXI Derecho público para el siglo XXI Pandemias y derecho público: arriesgando una hipótesis Conclusión Referencias EL IUSNATURALISMO Y EL NORMATIVISMO EN LA EVOLUCIÓN DE LA TEORÍA JURÍDICO-PENAL INTRODUCCIÓN Y PROBLEMA Fundamentos filosóficos del problema actual del normativismo en el derecho penal El problema del ser y del deber ser en el derecho penal El problema del ser y del deber ser desde el análisis conceptual de la pena Criminología y política criminal: una apuesta interdisciplinar de difícil interpretación Conclusiones Referencias FILOSOFÍA DEL DERECHO Y SIGLO XXI: ¿RENOVACIÓN DEL MARCO EPISTÉMICO? INTRODUCCIÓN Estado del arte en occidente del derecho y la filosofía del derecho en el siglo XX Cambio de paradigma de la filosofía del derecho La justicia como expresión de la filosofía del derecho en el siglo XXI Conclusión Referencias EL USUARIO DE LOS SERVICIOS PÚBLICOS DOMICILIARIOS: APROXIMACIÓN DE TARELLO INTRODUCCIÓN Realismo jurídico tarelliano y su aplicación a la perspectiva contemporánea de los servicios públicos domiciliarios Análisis del cambio doctrinal del concepto de usuario dentro de la teoría de servicios públicos, a partir de las premisas metodológicas del realismo jurídico El usuario de servicios públicos domiciliarios y sus posibilidades jurídicas de acuerdo al sistema jurídico colombiano Conclusiones Referencias APLICACIÓN DEL TRIALISMO JURÍDICO AL ANÁLISIS DE LAUDOS ARBITRALES EN LAS INVERSIONES EXTRANJERAS EN ENERGÍAS RENOVABLES Introducción Fundamentos metodológicos del trialismo jurídico Problema jurídico Análisis de laudos arbitrales desde el trialismo jurídico Reflexiones dikelógicas de los laudos arbitrales revisados Conclusiones Referencias LA DIGNIDAD HUMANA Y SU CARÁCTER PRESCRIPTIVO: ¿DERECHO PARA EL SIGLO XXI?
Erciyes İletişim Dergisi
It is observed that women have a series of roles that are positioned within the framework of beautiful and attractive adjectives in the traditional order of social structure and they do not have a life away from home. It has been seen that the identity elements of women have begun to change during the transition to the process of modernism. Within the scope of the study, the changes that the female identity has undergone from the traditional period to the present were analyzed through the female characters in animated films. Twenty posters of Disney and Hayao Miyazaki animated films made between 1984 and 2022 were analyzed by semiotics in the context of female identity construction. The answer to five basic questions were sought, which include the roles identified with women's identity in the posters, the imposition of beauty, the existence of environmental pressure elements on women, as well as the reflections of the change that women's identity has experienced until the po...
Regime Change: New Horizons in Islamic Art and Visual Culture, ed. Christiane Gruber and Bihter Esener, 2024
--SELECT PAGES ONLY / Go to for the full publication-- This essay focuses on a previously unpublished fritware vessel produced in late seventeenth-century Iran (Victoria and Albert Museum, 1187-1893) and considers how this and other examples of later Safavid ceramics may have been designed to mobilize an interplay between material, object, and image; between mediality, performativity, and representation. In a departure from earlier scholarship on Safavid ceramics, which has largely aimed to establish formal and decorative taxonomies or to determine sites of production using connoisseurial and technological methods, this study situates the vessel it in the context of Safavid-era discourses on image making and cultural difference.
Fiuggi, 31 May - 2 June 2003.
I continue with the second part but with other priorities in relation to movements and communities. Thank you. We spoke of these two criteria of discernment, which are educational criteria, which are criteria for growth towards that ecclesial maturity to which the pope called the new realities on May 30, 1998. And now I will allow myself, with your benevolence, to speak of the other three, of these great criteria, priorities, directions of growth towards maturity. The third that I mentioned, which is also illuminating for the entire pontificate, is this responsibility for the truth, a greater responsibility for the truth in its integral contents, in its proposal as contents to which we refer in our Christian formation. And movements and communities also prove to be providential for this phase of implementation of the Council at the dawn of the third millennium, when they are and when they operate as places and methods of education, so that fidelity to Christ and to tradition may be sustained and comforted by an ecclesial environment truly aware of this necessary fidelity. Is it perhaps too much to say that we have experienced and are still experiencing in the Church very frequent situations of crisis of an authentic Catholic education, of increased difficulties in the formation of robust and mature personalities in the faith, of more integral adherence to the truths taught by the Church? Cardinal Ratzinger pointed out, a few years ago, the disproportion between the large investments in all kinds of catechesis, at the parish, diocesan and course levels of all kinds, and their actual results. What, too, can we say about the achievements of many of our important Catholic teaching institutions? Schools. The dominant culture of our days tends to form, to condition fragile individuals who are very lacking in truly educational references and investments. It tends to close reason in pragmatism, in skepticism, in drifting in the midst of the confusion of contemporary Babel, it promotes the trivialization of life, in short, an impoverishment of the experience of the person's conscience with respect to his own humanity. It was not in vain, after the collapse of messianic atheisms, which in the parable of modernity had claimed to take up, replace, and erase tradition and Christian hope, claiming to build the kingdom of man against God, paradises on earth that were later revealed to be authentic hells. The exhaustion of these messianic atheisms, in the collapse of the recapitulating summit that was Maxism-Leninism, the regime of atheistic socialism appears today by spreading new modes of nihilistic and libertine atheism. An apparent joy and comfortable nihilism: living without foundations, without meaning, without great ideals, without well-founded hopes, just like a tangle of sensations and impressions for the enjoyment of the day. You know in your communities how much effort it is to rebuild each person, to the rebirth of personal conscience, to the point of being able to say with awareness: I. Keeping alive, awake, the best desires, expectations that make up our heart, the desires for happiness and a sense of truth. We are as if dragged by a gigantic machine of divertissement, in a Pascalian way, of distraction that tends to atrophy our desires, to cancel or censor our most capital questions, our fundamental expectations, a patient educational effort, even in our communities, in our families. And the person grows in experience, in the awareness of his own humanity when he encounters a greater testimony of himself, an extraordinary presence, a fatherhood and a motherhood, an authoritative and friendly company, which goes as if showing him the path of his own growth, the dramatic crossroads of his own freedom, the need for his own responsibility, without replacing it, so as not to remain shrunken in his own limitations, in their passions, in their disorders, in their justifications.
IEEE Access, 2024
This research presents a novel approach to detecting epileptic seizures leveraging the strengths of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms in EEG signals. Epileptic seizures are neurological events with distinctive features found in Electroencephalography (EEG) that lend considerable credibility to researchers. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep learning (DL) algorithms have emerged as powerful feature extraction and classification tools in EEG signal analysis. Many studies have converted the EEG signals into either images and /or calculated time-frequency domain features and performed classification. This study focuses on classifying time-series data representation of EEG signals with machine learning-based classifiers by tuning parameters and deep learning-based One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D CNN) methods. The primary objective is not only to determine the optimal classifier but also to emphasize critical metrics such as sensitivity, precision, and accuracy, which are critical in medical investigations, particularly for the early detection of diseases and patient care optimization. The UCI Epileptic Seizure Recognition dataset used in this study consists of time-series data points extracted from the EEG signals. The dataset has been preprocessed and fed to the classifiers, namely Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), TabNet, Random Forest (RF), One Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network, and achieved encouraging accuracies of 98%, 96%, 98%, and 99%, respectively. The proposed 1D-CNN model performed better than other state-of-the-art models concerning accuracy, sensitivity, precision, and recall. INDEX TERMS XGBoost, TabNet, deep learning (DL), machine learning (ML), random forest (RF), epileptic seizures, 1D CNN, data points, time series.
international journal of pharmaceutical and biological archives, 2017
Antimicrobial agents are the drugs that kill or suppress the growth of microorganisms. The discovery of antimicrobial agents in 1928 marked the origin of antibiotic era. They were widelyused in the treatment of dreadful infectious diseases and their use has made possible the therapy of cancer and surgical transplantations without facing the death. The infections that were once controlled by antimicrobial agents are turning unresponsive due to the development of antimicrobial resistance. Activities like irrational antibiotic use, use of antimicrobial agents for non-therapeutic purposes isfavoring the development of antimicrobial resistance. The spread of antimicrobial resistance is influenced by various ecological, environmental behavioural and financial factors. The rise in antimicrobial resistance contributes to alarming effects like development of pan resistant infections which are not treatable even with rarely used antibiotics like Colistine and Tigecycline resulting in increased healthcare costs. The further development of antimicrobial resistance can be prevented through workable and effective interventions like reducing the need of antibiotics, eliminating their non-therapeutic use, providing educational approaches and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance. Also, reducing gaps in antibiotic discovery pipeline by promoting novel innovations and also implementation of antimicrobial steward ship programmers reduces the impact of antimicrobial resistance.
Miscel·lania Litúrgica Catalana , 2023
NOTA SOBRE LA INTERPRETACIÓ DE NOVES DADES CIENTÍFIQUES PUBLICADES RECENTMENT L'objectiu d'aquest article és presentar una sèrie de consideracions sobre la funcionalitat litúrgica del baptisteri mallorquí de Son Peretó (Manacor). Aquest baptisteri ha tingut moltes interpretacions controvertides, suscitades per unes excavacions realitzades amb una metodologia antiquada. Ara, per sort, s'han publicat els resultats científics de les excavacions efectuades entre 2005 i 2016, la qual cosa permet endinsar-nos una mica més en la reconstrucció dels ritus de la litúrgia baptismal en les dues fases del baptisteri: una datada entre el segle V i principis del segle VI, d'època vàndala, i l'altra, ja datable sota la dominació bizantina en ple segle VI.
Revista Percursos & Ideias, 2018
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
Automatica, 2009
Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 2020
Crítica y Resistencias. Revista de conflictos sociales latinoamericanos N° 18 (junio-noviembre). Año 2024. ISSN: 2525-0841. Págs. 162-178 Edita: Fundación El llano - Centro de Estudios Políticos y Sociales de América Latina (CEPSAL) nencia de la tierra en Ar..., 2024
Juwara, 2024
Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2013
Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía de Santa Fe, 46, 2024
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2021
Biological Psychiatry, 2009
World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2021
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2015
Science (New York, N.Y.), 2015