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NOTE: this syllabus will not be printed and distributed; with the exception of quizzes, printed materials will not be distributed in this course. All materials will be available through Blackboard. Thus, if you wish to have a printed copy of course materials you should print them. My apologies if this creates inconveniences; this is both a cost--cutting and an environmental measure on the part of the university. Course description: This course explores LGBTI political movements and related public policies in the United States,and locates these within historical contexts and with reference to theories about gender and sexuality. The importance of intersecting identity categories such as race, class, sex, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity will be explored as they impact political mobilization and public policy strategies and impacts of the movement. What role should the state play in regulating the relation between sexual identity and expression? What is at stake in the debates over same--sex marriage and the claims by sexual minorities for equal rights? How have responses to the LGBTI movement, including anti--gay political organizing, affected the political landscape and the strategies of the movement? Is it possible for sexual minorities to become full participants in democratic citizenship? How is the US context for LGBTI activism unique, and how is it similar to other national political contexts?
This course serves as a critical introduction to the historical foundations and contemporary innovations of the interdisciplinary field known generally as “queer theory.” Through a 15-week survey of selected “greatest hits” of the field, we will study the exigency of the movement in the U.S., which was largely a response to the AIDS epidemic, and how queer theory (or theories) has/have been transformed by critiques from outside and within. We will explore queer theory’s intersections and collisions with other political movements, including feminism, critical race studies, Marxism and disability studies.
This present research consists in realizing a model of cold room for the conservation of pharmaceutical products in the health center of Porédaka in Mamou in the Republic of Guinea. During this realization, we used the components necessary for its installation, then we chose the experimental model and then, proceed to the cutting and assembly. The prototype produced works with three temperature ranges which are defined as follows: from the point of operation for the conservation of pharmaceutical products, there are cold rooms whose conservation in ambient temperature between 15 ° C and 25 ° C, those of refrigeration whose temperature ranges vary from 2 ° C to 8 ° and finally those whose operating temperature varies between -20 ° C and -80 ° C (freezing). Considering all these temperature ranges that our prototype supports, we can say that three cold rooms have been made in one.
BIO Web of Conferences, 2015
Developed during the first half of the 20th century, in three different fields, theoretical physics, statistics applied to agronomy and telecommunication engineering, the notion of information has become a scientific concept in the context of the Second War World. It is in this highly interdisciplinary environment that "information theory" emerged, combining the mathematical theory of communication and cybernetics. This theory has grown exponentially in many disciplines, including biology. The discovery of the genetic "code" has benefited from the development of a common language based on information theory and has fostered a almost imperialist development of molecular genetics, which culminated in the Human Genome Project. This project however could not fill all the raised expectations and epigenetics have shown the limits of this approach. Still, the theory of information continues to be applied in the current research, whether the application of the self-correcting coding theory to explain the conservation of genomes on a geological scale or aspects the theory of evolution. In a comment published in October 2014 in the well-known journal Nature, specialists of evolutionary theory discussed with "point" and "counterpoint" whether their field needed a complete rethink or not [1]. The advocates of a theoretical change stated: "We hold that organisms are constructed in development, not simply "programmed" to develop by genes. Living things do not evolve to fit into preexisting environments, but co-construct and coevolve with their environments, in the process changing the structure of ecosystems." On the online version of the paper, David Tyler from the Cell Biology Department of the University of Valencia made this insightful remark: "It seems to me that the key issues relate to biological information and the word 'evolution' needs to be defined in a way that does justice to the origin (or loss) of information." In the same vein, a geneticist like Antoine Danchin worked on the links between the reproduction of cells and the replication of genomes, in relation to ageing [2]. He came to the conclusion that "making young structures from aged ones implies creating information" and added "I revisit Information Theory, showing that the laws of physics permit de novo creation of information, provided an energy-dependent process preserving functional entities makes room for entities accumulating information." Information seems to appear a central notion, next to matter, energy, time and mass. In the last couple of years scientists like Vedral or Battail respectively tried to reinterpret physics or biology putting the notion of information at the core or their approach [3, 4]. What can be the place of historians in such a contemporary scientific discussion? The lack of hindsight make it from the beginning a very difficult task to undertake. Most of those who recognized themselves as historians will officially consider that assessing the value of current scientific research does definitively not belong to their goals. Marc Bloch, the father of the famous Annales school, This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Este escrito busca compartilhar reflexões, tensionamentos e intenções que o contato com o pensamento decolonial pode provocar nos estudos sobre gênero e ciência, significando um possível movimento de insubmissão capaz de potencializar a crítica feminista à ciência. Os caminhos aqui percorridos pelas ideias são produzidos pela imersão no pensamento decolonial, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, em confronto com uma trajetória de pesquisas realizadas sobre as expressões da discriminação de gênero nas universidades e na Política de Ciência, Tecnologia & Inovação no contexto do Nordeste brasileiro. Como maior contribuição, traz para o centro do debate a desobediência epistêmica como necessária à crítica feminista -como contraposição não somente ao sexismo de modo abstrato, mas que o compreenda como parte indissociável das relações raciais, étnicas, econômicas e epistêmicas.
Ukuran prestasi suatu bank pada umumnya dapat dilihat dari berapa besar laba yang dapat dihasilkan perusahaan tersebut. Tingkat kemampulabaan (profitabilitas) suatu bank ini akan mencerminkan kemampuan bank untuk bertahan dalam kondisi ekonomi yang kompetitif. Semakin tinggi kemampuan suatu bank dalam
No entregaré el León, 2024
Declaración del P. Giorgio Mª Faré "No entregaré el León: El caso de la Declaratio de Benedicto XVI: un análisis canónico-histórico".
Embarcarse en una nao hace siglos podía convertirse en una de las decisiones más arriesgadas en la vida de una persona. Aunque en aquellos tiempos el valor que se daba a la vida era distinto al que se le otorga hoy en día, y aunque la tasa de esperanza de vida no superaba los 30 años, conservar la existencia seguía siendo un preciado deseo. Aquellos mercaderes, soldados, religiosos, aventureros o navegantes decididos a embarcarse afrontaban no pocos riesgos en los viajes marítimos que se hacían en las Edades Media y Moderna. ¿Qué ocurría cuando una tormenta asolaba un barco en medio del océano? ¿cómo se actuaba cuando la navegación convoyada de varias naos se dispersaba bajo un fuerte huracán? ¿qué decisiones se tomaban ante la amenaza de un naufragio inminente? ¿cómo se procedía en situaciones límite ante el riesgo de perder las vidas? ¿En qué consistían las echazones realizadas por barcos mercantes en sus navegaciones? ¿Cómo se resolvían los conflictos generados entre los propios tripulantes en plena navegación? ¿cuáles eran los medios de defensa de los barcos mercantes ante las amenazas de piratas y corsarios? Tres especialistas e investigadores en Historia marítima contestarán a preguntas como éstas y abordarán problemáticas sobre riesgo, navegación, comercio y conflicto en nuestra historia
Scientific Herald of International Humanitarian University. Series: Philology, 2021
The present article focuses on investigating the phenomenon of ellipsis as a productive mechanism of syntactic derivation in the 21 st c. English slang. Ellipsis is characterized by the deletion of a certain structurally and semantically autonomous element (or elements) of a compound lexeme, phrase, or proposeme with the condensation of the original meaning in the remaining constituent. As the primary focus of the article bears on the 21 st century slang, three English slang dictionaries are chosen as the research database of neologisms, namely "The concise new Partridge dictionary of slang and unconventional English" (2008), "Vice slang" (2008), and "The Routledge dictionary of modern American slang and unconventional English" (2009). Elliptical neologisms in the 21 st c. English slang are found to derive predominantly from both free and bound phrases (97.7% of the items) as well as, to a much lesser extent, proposemes (2.3% of the items). The bulk of the material under analysis is made up of dephrasal elliptical slang neologisms deriving from bound verbal phrases (47.1% of the items) and free substantival phrases (42.5% of the items). Dephrasal elliptical slang neologisms deriving from bound verbal phrases are formed in accordance with one of the two patterns: verbal phrase → [constituent] verb or verbal phrase → [constituent] noun. Dephrasal elliptical slang neologisms deriving from free substantival phrases may follow one of the four patterns: adjective+noun → adjective, noun 1 +noun 2 → noun 1 , noun 1 +noun 2 → noun 2 , or numeral+noun → numeral. The ontological semantic difference between lexemes and proposemes accounts for the minute number of deproposemic elliptical slang neologisms (2.3% of the items), which manifests itself in the structural coincidence of the resulting elided proposeme with a lexeme. The overwhelming majority (94.2%) of the items under investigation fully condense the meaning of the derivational base. The formation of 5.8% of the slang neologisms, however, is characterized by semantic shifts, based on expansion of meaning, metaphorization, metonymization and metaphtonymization.
Revista Colombiana De Antropologia, 2012
Journal of Research in Nursing, 2009
Journal of Vibroengineering, 2014
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017
Birat Journal of Health Sciences, 2017
This Digital Resource was created from scans of the Print Resource, 1975
Journal of Medical Genetics, 2019
European Heart Journal, 2010
Sensors, 2020
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020