3rd High Performance Yacht Design Conference
Auckland, 2-4 December, 2008
Len Imas 1 , Len.Imas@stevens.edu
Gregory Buley 2 , Greg.Buley@cdicorp.com
Bryan Baker 3 , bryan@farrdesign.com
Britton Ward 4 , britton@farrdesign.com
Abstract. Advances in Navier-Stokes solver technology have enabled naval architects and hydrodynamicists to implement high
fidelity CFD models as a means of analyzing complex flows around high performance racing yachts. As a consequence, recent research
activity in this area has increased and the associated results have contributed to enlarging the boundaries of the design spaces being
explored. This paper will present selected examples from a research study based around tow tank tests and CFD simulations of a
canonical high-performance racing yacht. The geometry configuration studied was fully appended with rudders, keel/bulb and a
dagger-board. Simulations were performed under a multitude of sailing conditions covering both lifting and non-lifting flow regimes.
Topics covered will address (i) validation against tow tank measurements; (ii) efficient performance of large-scale computations; and
(iii) numerical issues related to (a) mesh generation, (b) solution, discretization, and free surface capturing algorithms, (c) turbulence
modelling, (d) rigid body dynamics and sail force models.
Simulation of free-surface hydrodynamics of a fullyappended sailing yacht has been undertaken in various
studies utilizing Navier-Stokes based CFD solvers with
varying degree of quantitative success. A number of
factors related to the formulation of the transport
equations in the solver, numerical solution algorithm, and
computational mesh type and quality, contribute to the
accuracy and validity of the solution. To fully assess the
importance of multiple free variables in the set-up of a
numerical solution requires systematic studies which
themselves may be time and cost-prohibitive and require
large computational resources. In this paper, we present
an assessment and a discussion of factors that we believe
are relevant to a successful cfd-based hydrodynamic
analysis of a sailing yacht in a context of several
In our study, we simulate the hydrodynamics of a
canonical ocean-going fully-appended racing yacht
geometrically similar to that depicted in Figure 1 and
make comparisons to tow tank measurements [2, 3]. In
the simulations, which are performed over a range of
upwind and downwind sailing conditions, the yacht is
free to sink and trim, and the appendage angles of attack
are adjusted according to the yacht’s heel and leeway
angles relative to the boat track.
In addition to validating our results against experimental
data, we also study the accuracy with which both
resistance (drag) and side force (lift) may be predicted on
a fully-appended boat configuration and whether
computations may be carried out utilizing an
unstructured mesh topology rather than a more traditional
simulation approach, which makes of use of curvilinear
or fully-hexahedral block-structured meshes.
Figure 1. An Open 60 racing yacht [1]
Lastly, we discuss several details
hydrodynamic phenomena observed in
simulation results, the relevance of the
numerical solution scheme, and
hydrodynamic load predictions.
2.1 Geometry
At full-scale, our canonical racing yacht has a lengthoverall of approximately 21 meters and a maximum
beam of approximately 5.5 meters, with a flotation
weight of approximately 14000 kg. The yacht geometry
consists of a transom-stern hull with a dual rudder
system, a canting keel, and port and starboard canards.
During the study, multiple appendage configurations
were considered.
Associate Professor Davidson Laboratory, Stevens Institute of Technology
Senior Engineer, CDI Marine Company, Band Lavis Division
Naval Architect, Farr Yacht Design
Senior Naval Architect, Farr Yacht Design
of modelled
the presented
accuracy of
2.4 Grid
The simulations were performed on unstructured hybrid
meshes consisting of tetrahedral and prismatic elements
in the mesh volume, including both the yacht’s boundary
layer and the far-field. The surface mesh on the hull and
appendages comprised triangular elements. The grid
generation was performed using Pointwise Gridgen [4].
Figure 2. Canonical yacht geometry with starboard canard
deployed and keel canted to port
The yacht top-sides in the hydrodynamic model were
represented by a sealed deck. The overall configuration is
depicted in a CAD schematic shown in Figure 2.
2.2 Sailing Conditions
Simulations are performed over a range of upwind and
downwind sailing conditions where boat speeds vary
from 5 knots to 30+ knots; heel angles range from 0
degrees to 20+ degrees; and yaw angles range from 0
degrees to 3+ degrees. Corresponding keel cant angles
vary between 0 and 40 degrees while rudder angles range
between 0 and 3+ degrees. Results presented here are for
calm water conditions, i.e., no incident wave field is
2.3 Computational Domain
For the simulation results presented, the computational
domain is a rectangular bounding box, analogous to that
shown in Figure 3. The extents of the domain are set so
as to minimize reflections of waves generated by the
advancing hull and to position the yacht sufficiently far
from the inlet / outlet planes in order to minimize the
effect of far-field boundary conditions on the near-field
flow around the hull. While it is common practice to pay
more attention to the former rather than the latter in freesurface computation, if solution accuracies on the O(1%)
are required, care should also be taken with far-field
boundary condition positioning relative to the yacht
Figure 3. Canonical computational domain around a halfship body [5]
In parametric studies involving large numbers of
geometric configurations, the hybrid mesh approach is
more attractive because it lends itself more readily to
automation. Namely, the grid generation process may be
scripted to the extent where the procedures of importing
the CAD geometry into the meshing tool and preparing
the surface and volume meshes is executed with minimal
human intervention.
Furthermore, and more importantly, the unstructured
mesh approach is attractive when one considers the
meshing requirements for appendages / lifting surfaces.
Namely, to adequately predict the side (or lift) and drag
forces acting on appendages or the hull, the
representative length scale of the surface mesh resolution
at and near the leading and trailing edges of the geometry
in question must be at least an order of magnitude finer
compared to the maximum allowable on that surface.
While such meshing requirements can be achieved with
structured mesh topologies, they will lead to an
appreciably larger element count driving up the
computational cost. As one consequence of this, what is
often observed in structured mesh computations, are
under-resolved solutions, leading to incorrect load
A near wall boundary-layer grid with between 20 - 30
cells was formed around the entire yacht body, with a y+
value of the first grid point being O(10). For resolution of
the boundary-layer then, wall-functions are deployed
with the turbulence model. In simulated cases where
investigating boundary layer transition was of interest,
y+ value of the first grid point was reduced to O(1). The
later was driven by the transitional turbulence model
requirements. The surface mesh length scales at and near
leading and trailing edges of appendages were further
constrained by mesh element aspect ratios in the
boundary layer. Namely, in the computations performed,
maximum aspect ratios in the grid were constrained to
O(1000) or less.
To properly resolve the free-surface flow field, additional
attention must be given to designing the mesh around the
free-surface region. There are two aspects to this
problem, one dealing with resolution normal to the mean
water line, the other being the resolution parallel to and
in the mean water line plane itself. The result is a
pancake-type mesh layer, shown in Figure 3, which
wraps around the mean water-line and yacht.
The normal spacing requirement is dictated by
anticipated crest and trough heights of waves generated
by the yacht in the near field and wake. Typically, 20 –
30 unequally-spaced points were used in the normal
direction, with the minimum spacing based on Froude
and Weber number considerations. The in-line spacing is
dictated by the wavelength of the yacht-generated waves,
hence the speed of the yacht.
In the simulations performed, the yacht was permitted to
dynamically sink and trim, therefore the computational
grid has to be developed in a manner so as to allow for
body motion. The approach taken in this regard is
determined by the solver and mesh motion algorithm
being used. This aspect of the simulation model is
discussed in the following section. The mesh topology
used to generate the presented results consisted of a two
part grid; a rigid part which undergoes the same rigid
body motions as the yacht and a moving part, which
undergoes motions relative to the yacht. Grid quality was
controlled by not permitting the mesh to deform near the
body while far away from the body, mesh deformation
was permitted. In dealing with grid deformation, grid
quality was insured by appropriately designing the grid
to fit the problem being simulated.
The simulation grids for which results are shown
typically consisted of about 6 - 8 million elements. This
resolution was arrived upon in part based on mesh
specifications outlined above and in part based on the
computational resources that were being deployed in this
2.5 Solution method
Computations were performed using Ansys CFX, a
general finite-volume Navier-Stokes solver [6, 7].
Turbulence treatment was uRANS-based using a two
transport equation kω SST (shear stress transport) type
model with automatic wall functions. The automatic
wall function formulation dynamically switches between
the low Reynolds number formulation and a wall
function formulation depending on the locally computer
When transitional turbulence physics were
considered, additional transport equations for transitional
flow transport were solved. No wall functions were
employed in transitional flow computations. The
selection of the turbulence model was based on physical
considerations related to the flow around the yacht and
results of a turbulence model sensitivity study performed
by the authors.
For the two-phase (air/water) flow with a free-surface, a
homogeneous multiphase model based on a compressive
volume of fluid type scheme was used. High order
spatial discretization was employed in all equations. The
turbulence and volume fractions equations are solved
together with the momentum equations in a coupled (vs.
segregated) manner. The coupled solution algorithm
significantly improved convergence rates while reducing
overall computational time. Unstructured meshes have
in the past been employed in free-surface RANS finite
volume computations using both interface tracking and
interface capturing methods. However, results obtained
with tracking schemes have typically been of limited
value since mesh deformation prevented simulation of
flow fields with wave breaking and limited analysis to
relatively low Froude numbers and/or simple hull
topologies. Results previously obtained with capturing
schemes have demonstrated that volume of fluid
methods, when employed on unstructured grids, yielded
mixed results because of numerical free surface wave
diffusion and body surface smearing. In this work, we
have revisited the technical problems previously
observed in interface capturing methods on unstructured
grids, within the framework of the tools we employed.
To simulate yacht motions, two approaches were
considered: a fully unsteady time-accurate pitch and
heave motion solution using a 6dof rigid body motion
solver and a quasi-steady force/moment balance iteration
for sink and trim. In the results presented, since only the
steady-state boat position was of interest, the latter
approach was employed. The quasi-steady iterative
solution was determined to be computationally less
expensive in comparison to the former and for the
iterative procedure itself, an algorithm was developed
that optimized convergence rates based on Froude
number, thereby further decreasing the run-time.
The corresponding mesh-motion solution made use of a
mesh deformation scheme based on a spring-type
deformation approach. The rigid mesh motion was
coupled to the deforming mesh though sliding and joined
interfaces. While this approach was chosen in part based
on solver capabilities available in CFX, the authors
believe that in comparison to mesh motion treatments
involving rigidly moving the entire computational
domain, the presently-employed method allows for
computations to be performed at larger time-steps (or
fewer iterations) and reduces numerical stiffness issues
associated with boundary conditions where the freesurface may not be near-normal to the inflow/outflow
Mesh domain partitioning was performed using a
directionally-dominant partitioning method. The
partitioning direction was chosen relative to the
orientation of the free-surface. The simulations were
performed as distributed-parallel using HPMPI. The
computing cluster CPU and O/S are 64bit based. A
gigabit backbone for inter-node communications was
used. Anywhere from 8 to 24 processors were employed
per calculation.
In addition to the decay in transport equations’ residuals,
the convergence of the calculations was judged based
upon the convergence of the hydrodynamic loads. A
typical convergence history is illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Convergence of the differential in the vertical
hydrodynamic force (left) and convergence of the pitching
moments, showing the convergence of the pressure and
viscous components of pitching moment
Figure 4 shows the convergence of the differential
between the vertical hydrodynamic force and weight as a
measure of sink convergence and the convergence of the
hydrodynamic pitch moment as a measure of trim
The hydrodynamic complexity of the flow field around a
modern ocean-going racing yacht is evident from the
flow visualization shown in Figure 5.
a boundary layer solver), Navier-Stokes (NS) based
interface capturing solutions lend themselves more
readily to simulation of the necessary physics. The result
illustrated in Figure 5 shows the free-surface near-field
around one of the configurations analyzed. The dynamic
Cp contours on the surface of the hull are also shown.
Some of the salient features that can be seen in the
visualization are a semi-planning hull with bow wave
breaking near the bow, separated stern flow, and
appendages that are either surface-piercing or operating
in very close proximity to the free-surface. While such
phenomena have been resolved with non-NS based
methods, numerical stiffness of the resulting solution
scheme, variable solution accuracy, and limited ability to
adequately represent viscous and multiphase effects, and
free surface nonlinearities do not justify the lower
computational overheads associated with such methods.
Instead, NS solutions, while more computationally
expensive and geometrically-complex in terms of mesh
development, lend themselves more directly to
simulation of such phenomena. Furthermore, increase in
computational hardware performance, decrease in its
cost, and advances in solver technology now permit for
large-scale NS-based simulations to be performed
From our study, we present two sets of results; the first
addressing resistance of an appended yacht sailing
upright without any side force generation. This part of
study is therefore concerned primarily with resolving the
boundary layer and wave systems, including the bow and
stern flows, generated by the hull.
We simulate the model-scale canonical yacht at full
Froude scale and make comparisons of the resulting
resistance with tow tank measurements [2] made at same
Drag (N) / Displacement (N)
Oceanic TT Immersion Deep
Figure 5a. Canonical yacht sailing upwind at high speed;
bow view.
Oceanic TT Immersion Deeper
Oceanic TT Immersion Deepest
CFX Immersion Deep
CFX Immersion Deeper
CFX Immersion Deepest
Vs Full Scale (knots)
Figure 6. Upright resistance; comparison of CFD model vs.
tow-tank data taken at 1/3 scale.
Figure 5b. Canonical yacht sailing upwind at high speed;
stern view.
In comparison to more traditional analysis methods (e.g.
potential flow panel method solution, possibly coupled to
Results given in Figure 6 show a comparison between
results obtained with our CFD model and those measured
in the tank. In relative terms, the agreement between the
two sets of results is on O(1%). In the plotted
comparison, results are presented for three different
transom immersions and the resistance is normalized by
the yacht displacement.
The second part of the study addresses hydrodynamic
loads acting on a sailing yacht sailing with heel and
leeway. Hence, both drag and lift are present. We
simulate the full-scale canonical yacht and make
comparisons of the resulting loads to tow tank
measurements [3] adjusted to full-scale.
Figures 7 and 8 show flow visualizations of the results
from one of the canonical yachts simulated. In the
configuration shown in Figure 7, the daggerboard is
deployed while in the configurations shown in Figure 8,
no daggerboard is deployed. Differences in heel, yaw,
sink, and trim between the two conditions are also
evident. The corresponding free-surface is coloured by
wave elevation amplitude with red indicating higher than
static water line and blue indicating lower than the static
water line. Figure 9 shows the computed variation in
side force and resistance as a function of yaw angle for a
given boat speed heel. Comparisons to tank
measurements are also shown.
Like in the upright results, the agreement shown is again
of O(1%). In our model, the increase in error at large
negative leeway may be attributed due to asymmetry in
mesh resolution between port and starboard and relative
to the oncoming flow as a consequence of appendage
orientation. Consequently, the volumetric mesh
distribution was redesigned to address this shortcoming.
While boundary layer stimulation is employed in modeltests to generate fully turbulent boundary layers and
minimize flow laminarization (even though the model is
not Reynolds number scaled), it has also been observed
to modify both drag and measured side force in a manner
that is both scale-dependent and dependent on the type of
stimulation used. To reduce uncertainty in comparisons
of numerical and experimental data, the stimulation
effect should be accounted for.
In the context of the results and comparisons presented,
the current study also considered the role of boundary
layer stimulation at tow-tank model-scale and how it is
accounted for in CFD vs. experiment comparisons.
From the standpoint of CFD simulations, one can either
simulate the flow at full-scale; at model-scale without
including the effect of stimulation in the CFD model; or
with the inclusion of stimulation in the CFD model. The
latter can be done implicitly or explicitly depending on
the numerical algorithm capabilities of the solver used.
Consequently, depending on whether full-scale or modelscale simulations are performed, CFD results can be
compared to measurements made at model-scale or
comparisons can be made to model-scale data scaled to
full-scale. Either way, if the contribution to the
hydrodynamic loads due to presence of stimulation is not
accounted for, it is unrealistic to expect quantitativelyacceptable agreement or even agreement in trends. Lack
of including such a correction in the comparison, can
lead to observations of erroneous trends in measured data
or conclusions indicating poor CFD solutions. One
example where attention to this detail is important is
analysis of attachment / separation streamlines. Surface
streamlines for one particular configuration are shown in
Figure 10.
Figure 7. Flow visualization of yacht sailing with heel and
yaw, no canard deployed.
Figure 8. Flow visualization of yacht sailing with heel and
yaw, with canard deployed.
side force vs. yaw angle
20 deg heel and 14 knots
side force (N)
yaw (deg)
Figure 9a. Side force vs. yaw; comparison of CFD results vs.
tow-tank data taken at 1/9th scale.
drag vs. side force
20 deg heel and 14 knots
sink and trim convergence criteria were based on
Froude number
existing procedures for comparisons of simulation
and measured data were extended to account for
additional physics
It is anticipated that future directions in this research area
will focus in the following:
continue to expand on the fidelity of physics being
resolved in the simulation models:
unsteady and highly nonlinear flow effects
nonhomogeneous multiphase effects
multi-dof rigid and elastic body dynamics
further exploration and extension of the existing
mesh generation and solver strategies
total drag (N)
side force (N)
Figure 9b. Drag force vs. side force; comparison of CFD
results vs. tow-tank data taken at 1/9th scale.
Figure 10. Separation and attachment surface streamlines
on yacht hull.
Based on the results obtained in this study, we observe
the following about our solution methodology:
utilizing an unstructured mesh topology in our
simulations, rather than a more traditional grid
generation approach, permits us to achieve the
necessary free-surface resolution and volume
fraction fidelity while allowing for a much more
direct manner in which:
mesh resolution requirement for both resistance
and drag may be met
meshing procedures, for parametrically varying
the geometric topology of the sailing
configurations being analyzed, may be
use of a coupled solver improves convergence
performance across all Froude numbers
CFD modelling methodologies are not unique. Among
CFD practitioners experienced in engineering analysis
simulations, it is well known that given a particular
problem (statement), different results may be obtained
depending purely on the grid generation and flow
solution algorithms employed. While numerical fluid
flow analysis theory provides us with guidelines by
which to perform CFD analysis, namely mesh and
algorithm selection, sensitivity, validation, and
systematically and consistently is to a certain extent
driven by problem complexity. While modelling of
simple canonical problems may serve as a good
academic example to illustrate these factors, simulation
of more complex flow problems requires combining such
guidelines with experience and developed best practices.
Furthermore, the later item has to be considered in the
context of the tools being employed to discretize and
simulate the problem as well as the tools’ end user.
As pointed out by one of the reviewers, others have done
work in the subject area described here. All studies, past
and present, add value to further developing best
practices for a particular class of problems. In this paper,
we have described one particular procedure with which
we were able to simulate free-surface hydrodynamics
around a sailing yacht using a particular set of tools. In
the presented discussion, our objective was to describe
various technical and scientific factors that we
considered in the process of setting-up and executing the
simulations as well as assessing the results.
The authors wish to thank Ansys Technical Support and
Developer Staff for their guidance.
Oceanic Report BFA006 – Farr Yacht Design
Transom Immersion Testing – October 2005.
Davidson Laboratory Report for Farr Yacht Design –
April 2007
Courtesy of Dr. J.M.T. Penrose, ANSYS-CFX, UK.
Penrose, J.M.T., Jones, I.P., Zwart, P.J., Imas, L.
(2008), “Application of CFD to Flows Around
Marine Vessels”, Proceedings of RINA Marine CFD
Conference, Southampton, UK, 26th–27th March
Menter F. R. and Egorov, Y., "Re-visiting the
Symposium; One hundred years of boundary layer
research, Göttingen, 2004.