Dream-enacting Behaviors in a normal PoPulation
Dream-Enacting Behaviors in a Normal Population
Tore Nielsen, PhD1,2; Connie Svob3; Don Kuiken, PhD3
Dream Nightmare Laboratory, Sacré-Coeur Hospital of Montreal, Montreal, Canada; 2Department of Psychiatry, Université de Montreal,
Montreal, Canada; 3Department of Psychology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
motor activity. For some REM sleep parasomnias, most notably
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD),1–3 the emotional, verbal,
or motor components of dreaming may be enacted behaviorally
and form part of the disorder’s clinical symptomatology. These
behaviors are distinct from other behaviors observable during
REM sleep that are not clearly linked with dream content, such
as phasic muscle twitches, and from somnambulistic behaviors
observable during NREM sleep that are not typically associated
with vivid dreaming. Dream-enacting behaviors have also been
reported for healthy individuals in autobiographical accounts4
and by parents evaluating their children’s sleep.5 We recently
demonstrated6 that in the first 12 postpartum weeks, 63% of
new mothers report some form of dream enactment, whether it
be body or limb movement, emotional expression (e.g., weeping during a sad dream), or verbalization of dreamed speech;
behaviors were also prevalent for pregnant women (56%) and
nulligravid controls (40%). Such behaviors are most often reported for transitions from dreaming to wakefulness because
the individual is able to recall enactment of the imagery immediately after it takes place. To illustrate, in a dream report of being pursued by a leopard and confronted by a looming masked
figure, a dreamer describes his emotional reactions during the
dream and in the transition to awakening:
. . . Panting for breath, I turned around to see the day turned
to night, and a giant figure . . . I heard a thunderous voice saying only that it was time. And my entire body began to shake
violently with the sound, as if I were breaking apart . . . I jerked
up in a sweat, hitting my head against the wall lamp that stuck
out above the bunk. In the darkness, my heart slowly evened
itself, but I couldn’t get back to sleep again.4
This rather severe nightmare awakening underscores how
the body movements and tachycardia on awakening mirror the
vivid subjective emotions and movements of the dream—and
are thus readily identifiable as transitional DE behaviors. Such
behaviors are distinct from somnambulism or somniloquy, for
which recalled dream imagery is absent or vague at best.
A more precise characterization of DE behaviors in different healthy and clinical populations may have relevance for the
assessment of RBD and other parasomnias. For example, the
frequency and prevalence of such behaviors among the elderly,
who have the highest prevalence of RBD, is unknown. Further, it
is not known whether different types of behaviors occur among
healthy subjects in the same proportions as they do among RBD
patients, nor whether there are gender differences (male predominance) among healthy subjects as there are with patients.
submitted for publication march, 2009
Submitted in final revised form June, 2009
Accepted for publication June, 2009
Address correspondence to: Tore Nielsen, PhD, Sleep Research Centre,
Sacré-Coeur Hospital of Montreal, 5400 boul. Gouin Ouest, Montréal,
Québec, Canada H4J 1C5; Tel: (514) 338-2222, Ext: 3350; Fax: (514)
338-2531; E-mail: tore.nielsen@umontreal.ca
SLEEP, Vol. 32, No. 12, 2009
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study objectives: Determine the prevalence and gender distributions of behaviors enacted during dreaming (“dream-enacting [DE] behaviors”) in
a normal population; the independence of such behaviors from other parasomnias; and the influence of different question wordings, socially desirable responding and personality on prevalence.
Design: 3-group questionnaire study
setting: University classrooms
Participants: Three undergraduate samples (Ns = 443, 201, 496; mean ages = 19.9 ± 3.2 y; 20.1 ± 3.4 y; 19.1 ± 1.6 y)
interventions: N/A
measurements and results: Subjects completed questionnaires about DE behaviors and Social Desirability. Study 1 employed a nonspecific question
about the behaviors, Study 2 employed the same question with examples, and Study 3 employed 7 questions describing specific behavior subtypes (speaking, crying, smiling/laughing, fear, anger, movement, sexual arousal). Somnambulism, somniloquy, nightmares, dream recall, alexithymia, and absorption
were also assessed. Factor analyses were conducted to determine relationships among DE behaviors and their independence from other parasomnias.
Prevalence increased with increasing question specificity (35.9%, 76.7%, and 98.2% for the 3 samples). No gender difference obtained for the nonspecific question, but robust differences occurred for more specific questions. Females reported more speaking, crying, fear and smiling/laughing than
did males; males reported more sexual arousal. When controlling other parasomnias and dream recall frequency, these differences persisted. Factor
solutions revealed that DE behaviors were independent of other parasomnias and of dream recall frequency, except for an association between dreamtalking and somniloquy. Sexual arousal was related only to age. Behaviors were independent of alexithymia but moderately related to absorption.
conclusions: Dream-enacting behaviors are prevalent in healthy subjects and sensitive to question wording but not social desirability. Subtypes
are related, differ with gender and occur independently of other parasomnias.
Keywords: Dream-related motor activity, parasomnias, REM sleep behavior disorder, somnambulism, somniloquy, nightmares, gender differences, social desirability, alexithymia, absorption, state dissociation
citation: Nielsen T; Svob C; Kuiken D. Dream-enacting behaviors in a normal population. SLEEP 2009;32(12):1629-1636.
Finally, does socially
of DE
Gender Unspecified
mean (SD)
mean (SD)
mean (SD)
mean (SD)
Sample 1
19.9 (3.24)
19.7 (2.05)
19.9 (3.61)
18.8 (1.07)
for some respondents to
Sample 2
20.1 (3.43)
20.4 (3.51)
20.0 (3.40)
give answers that they
Sample 3
19.1 (1.62)
19.2 (1.73)
19.0 (1.55)
19.1 (0.99)
think will cast them in
a more favorable social
7 subjects withheld age; b17 subjects withheld age; c18 subjects withheld age
light, i.e., by inflating or
downplaying responses
to socially perceived
Finally, RBD is a known prodrome of synucleopathic diseases
“good” or “bad” behaviors, respectively.The issue of socially
such as Lewy body dementia and is itself often preceded by
desirable responding on self-report sleep instruments is rarely
many years by increases in dream vividness and minor activaddressed, even though it is known to influence the reporting of
ity. It remains unknown—yet particularly relevant—whether
mental health symptoms.12 In the absence of laboratory verifithe DE behaviors of healthy subjects may predict future RBD
cation, reporting bias should be minimized in the assessment of
these behaviors.
As a newly described sleep phenomenon for normal adults,
In sum, DE behaviors similar to those symptomatic of RBD
our preliminary observations of DE behaviors among pregnant
have been documented in normal adult women and raise new
and postpartum women have raised a number of additional
questions about the exclusiveness of this symptom for RBD.
methodological issues. First, what questions are best for elicitQuestions are also raised about the form of questioning that is
ing reports of these behaviors? Our finding that some behavoptimal for assessing them, their relationship with other paraiors, especially motor enactments, increase in prevalence in the
somnias, the diversity of their form in normal samples, their
postpartum state appears inconsistent with evidence7 that many
relation to personality traits, gender and habitual dream recall
parasomnias (e.g., nightmares) decrease in prevalence through
frequency and whether their reporting is influenced by socially
pregnancy to the postpartum state. Nonetheless, these findings
desirable responding. The present work addresses these issues
and our own are not necessarily inconsistent because DE beby assessing the prevalence, frequency, and correlates of DE
haviors are relatively unknown to researchers, are not probed
behaviors in 3 separate samples of university undergraduates
on standard assessment instruments, and may thus be overusing increasingly specific questions to direct subjects in idenlooked during testing. Similarly, sexual sleep behaviors were
tifying their behaviors.
first documented only when specific questions probing their occurrence were implemented.8
Three samples of undergraduate students enrolled in inSecond, might DE behaviors be expressions of some other
troductory psychology courses (Table 1) participated in the
parasomnia, such as nightmares, somnambulism, or somniloresearch for course credit. Of a total of 1140 subjects, approxiquy? The dream enactments of RBD are typically associated
mately two-thirds were female and one-third male. Subjects
with vivid nightmares,1-3 and those of new mothers are associwere first-year undergraduates (Mage = 19.9 ± 3.2 y, 20.1 ± 3.4
ated with both nightmares and dream anxiety.6 Also, because
y, and 19.1 ± 1.6 y, respectively), and male and female subjects
somnambulistic behaviors are unmasked by sleep deprivation,9
did not differ in age in any of the 3 samples.
it is possible that, even for mothers who report themselves to be
All subjects gave informed consent and participated volunasymptomatic for somnambulism, dream enactments are sleeptarily (they were free to choose an alternative educational acwalking symptoms elicited by the sleep deprivation and disruptivity). They completed an extensive battery of questionnaires
tion of pregnancy and the postpartum state. As for somniloquy,
as part of a larger research program on personality and dreamlimited evidence indicates that episodes may be accompanied
ing; the specifics of the batteries varied from study to study and
by elaborate dream content,10 suggesting that enacted dream
are not described in detail here. The questionnaires included
speech may not be differentiable from somniloquy.
standardized personality instruments including the 13-item
Third, are different types of enactment behaviors interrelated
short-form of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale,13
or separate phenomena? In our previous study, the distributions
a measure of bias in responding in a socially favorable manof 3 types of behaviors differed for the pregnancy, postparner; the Tellegen Absorption Scale,14 a measure of capacity for
tum, and nulligravid groups. For example, motor activity was
intensely focused attention, proneness to fantasy and to state
more prevalent for postpartum (57%) than for either pregnant
dissociations, and disposition to experiencing altered states of
(24%) or nulligravid (25%) women, whereas emotional expresconsciousness; and the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20),15
sion was more prevalent for nulligravid (56%) than postpara measure of inability to identify and communicate emotions.
tum (27%) women. Because the smaller size of our nulligravid
Also included were items probing for the recall of dreams
group raised concerns about the representativeness of findings
(number/month), various dream types (e.g., nightmares, bad
for all normal subjects, the assessment of additional samples
dreams, lucid dreams), and related parasomnias (sleepwalking,
was desirable. Also, because women recall dreams more often
sleep-talking, sleep paralysis). Some results from Study 1 have
than do men,11 comparative assessment of DE behaviors among
been reported previously.16 The 3 studies constitute a programmale and female samples was needed.
table 1—Age and Gender of the 3 Study Samples
Dream-Enacting Behaviors—Nielsen et al
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SLEEP, Vol. 32, No. 12, 2009
matic series over which key questions concerning DE behaviors
were clarified progressively as findings emerged. Studies 1 and
2 assessed behaviors generally, without specification of types
or references to transition to wakefulness. Study 3 employed
a more detailed series of items that specified both behavioral
subtypes and their occurrence during transitions from dreaming
to wakefulness.
Subjects in Study 1 completed their questionnaire battery alone,
and subjects in Studies 2 and 3 completed theirs in groups of
20–50. All subjects entered their responses on standard, optically
scored, answer sheets using HB pencils. Following participation,
they were given a thorough written debriefing. Records were optically scanned and verified manually by an assistant to remove
records with incorrectly coded or out of range responses.
table 2—Items for Assessing Dream-Enacting Behaviors, Somnambulism, and Somniloquy in Study 3
target Questions
Study 1. Subjects were asked the following two nonspecific
questions about DE behaviors: 1) On how many nights did the
following occur in the last year?…acting out of a dream (while
still dreaming); 2) How often did the following occur when you
were younger (e.g., 4-16 years old)?... acting out of a dream
(while still dreaming). The following 7-point response scale was
provided for both items: 0: never; 1: 1 time/year; 2: 2-5 times/
year; 3: 6-10 times/year; 4: 11-15 times/year; 5: 16-20 times/
year; 6: 21 times/year or more. In the same section as the first
item, there appeared similarly-scored items dealing with pastyear sleep-walking and sleep-talking. In the same section as the
second item were similarly-scored items dealing with childhood
sleep-walking, sleep-talking, sleep terrors, nightmares and bad
dreams. The latter variables were also evaluated for the last 30
days (e.g., How often have you experienced nightmares in the
last 30 days?) using the same 7-point response scale.
Study 2. Subjects were given the first nonspecific question
from Study 1 revised to provide examples of behaviors. Specifically, they were asked: 1) On how many nights did the following
occur in the last year?…acting out of a dream while still dreaming (e.g., crying, laughing or arm/leg movements expressing a
dream). The second question concerning childhood DE behaviors was identical to that in Study 1, as were the items dealing
with sleep-walking, sleep-talking, sleep terrors, nightmares and
bad dreams. The same 7-point response scale was used.
Study 3. Subjects were given a series of more specific questions about DE behaviors, including a sentence differentiating
them from somnambulism and somniloquy (see instructions,
Table 2). To further distinguish the two types of parasomnias,
the somnambulism and somniloquy items were revised as
shown in Table 2, questions 8 and 9. All items were accompanied by 4-point response scales: 0: Never; 1: Rarely; 2: Sometimes; 3: Often.
latter variables was further determined by principal components
factor analysis (Kaiser normalization, varimax rotation, all Eigen
values > 1), which included age as a variable. All analyses were
completed using SPSS v16 software (SPSS, Chicago, IL).
Administration of the nonspecific question about DE behaviors resulted in similar response distributions for the last
year and childhood prevalence estimates; 35.9% of subjects
reported at least one episode (score > 0 on 7-point scale) in the
last year, while 45.4% reported at least one/year in childhood
(Figure 1, solid bars). These values were higher than those
for somnambulism (12.4% and 35.0%; both P < 0.0001) but
lower than those for somniloquy (54.2% and 67.0%; P = 0.116
and P < 0.003). The mean frequency of last year behaviors
was 0.83 ± 1.36 or slightly less than 1/yr. For childhood, the
mean frequency was 1.07 ± 1.50 or slightly more than 1/yr.
Administration of the question with included examples also
resulted in similar distributions for last-year (76.7% at least
one/yr) and childhood (78.9%) prevalence estimates, although
both of these were increased relative to the Study 1 estimates
that were based on the nonspecific question alone (Figure 1,
white bars, both P < 0.00001). The mean frequency of lastyear behaviors was 2.15 ± 1.85 or slightly more than 2-5/yr.
The mean frequency of childhood behaviors was 2.54 ± 2.00
or between 2-5 and 6-10/yr. The last-year prevalence estimate
was higher than estimates for both somnambulism (13.8%, P
statistical analyses
Prevalence estimates for all 3 studies were calculated by treating the dependent variables as binary (0 = never and 1 = any
other valid response). To determine gender effects in Study 3,
we conducted a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
with gender as an independent variable and 7 DE behaviors as
dependent variables, followed by a multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) with nightmares, somnambulism, and somniloquy as covariates. The independence of behaviors from the
SLEEP, Vol. 32, No. 12, 2009
Dream-Enacting Behaviors—Nielsen et al
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The following questions [1-7] concern behaviors that are acted out while
you are dreaming about them. The behaviors are different from sleepwalking or sleep-talking behaviors [questions 8-9] which are not accompanied by clear dreams.
1. How often have you awakened from a dream about talking to find that
you are speaking out loud some of the words in the dream?
2. How often have you awakened from a sad dream to find that you are
actually crying or sobbing?
3. How often have you awakened from a happy dream to find that you are
actually smiling or laughing?
4. How often have you awakened from a frightening dream to find that
you can still feel signs of fear in your body (e.g., racing heart, perspiration, tense muscles)?
5. How often have you awakened from an aggressive or angry dream to
find that you are acting out some angry or defensive behavior (e.g.,
clenching a fist, punching, kicking, pushing)?
6. How often have you awakened from a dream with some other kind
of movement in it to find that you are acting out that movement (e.g.,
waving, pointing, holding, sitting)?
7. How often have you awakened from an erotic dream to find that you
are sexually aroused?
8. Do you ever have episodes of somnambulism (moving or walking in
your sleep) where you did not clearly recall an accompanying dream?
9. Do you ever have episodes of somniloquy (speaking or making
sounds in your sleep) where you did not clearly recall an accompanying dream?
P < 0.0001
Study 2: question + examples
% reporting at least rarely in last year
Study 1: nonspecific question
P < 0.0001
smile or
somnambul somniloquy
Dream behavior subtypes
Dream Beh Somnambul Somniloquy
Dream beh Somnambul Somniloquy
Figure 2—Prevalence of 7 subtypes of dream-enacting behavior, i.e.,
% subjects reporting speaking, motor activity, 4 types of emotions and
sexual arousal at least rarely in the last year. Somnambulism and somniloquy estimates are presented at right for comparison.
Childhood prevalence
Figure 1—Subjects responding > 0 (out of 7) to items about dream-enacting behaviors, somnambulism, and somniloquy in reaction to either a
nonspecific question or a question that includes examples. The question
with examples dramatically increased prevalence estimates for dreamenacting behaviors but not estimates of somnambulism or somniloquy.
Last-year = estimate for previous year; Childhood = estimate for childhood (ages 4-16)
table 3—Frequency Distributions for 7 Dream Behavior Subtypes
< 0.00001) and somniloquy (63.6%; P < 0.05) and the childhood prevalence estimate was higher than that for somnambulism (37.4%; P < 0.0001) but not somniloquy (79.0%; P = ns).
There was no change from Study 1 to Study 2 for prevalence
estimates of either somnambulism (both P < 0.77) or somniloquy (P < 0.06 and P < 0.18).
In Study 3, DE behaviors were more prevalent than in Studies 1 and 2; 98.2% of subjects (486/495) reported one of the 7
subtypes at least rarely in the last year (Figure 2). This value
remained high (87.1% or 431/495) when only subjects reporting a behavior at least sometimes in the last year are considered
(Table 3). The prevalence of somniloquy was approximately the
same (60.5%) as for Studies 1 (54.2%) and 2 (63.6%), whereas
that for somnambulism (40.9%) was substantially larger (12.4%
and 13.8%, respectively).
smile or laugh
sexual arousal
For Study 3, a multivariate effect (Hotelling-T = 0.376,
F7,462 = 24.830, P < 0.0000001) and univariate effects demonstrated higher frequencies of speaking (P < 0.052), crying
(P < 0.0000001), fear (P < 0.0002), and smiling/laughing (P <
0.059) behaviors for females and higher frequencies of sexual arousal (P < 0.0000001) behaviors for males (Figure 3).
Anger and motor activity behaviors did not differ (both P >
0.37). Moreover, controlling somnambulism, somniloquy,
nightmares, and bad dreams as covariates did not diminish the
multivariate effect (T = 0.358, F7,448 = 22.941, P < 0.0000001);
rather, it rendered all 7 univariate effects significant at P <
0.000007, with females now also scoring significantly higher
than males on anger and motor activity. Adding habitual dream
recall frequency (#dreams/mo) as a covariate to the preceding analysis also did not diminish the multivariate gender effect (T = 0.377, F7,461 = 24.190, P < 0.0000001) but upheld
the significant effects for crying, fear, and sexual arousal (all
P < 0.001) and the lack of effects for anger and motor activity (both P > 0.60), while reducing the effects for talking and
smiling/laughing to weak trends (P < 0.13).
gender Differences
To determine gender effects, Study 1 and 2 responses were
subjected to one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs), and
Study 3 responses were subjected to a MANOVA. For Study
1, there was no difference between males (0.91 ± 1.45) and females (0.78 ± 1.30) in the mean score for DE behaviors in last
year (F1,418 = 0.698, P = 0.404). Nor was there a gender difference for behaviors in childhood (M: 1.17 ± 1.60; F: 1.06 ± 1.49;
F1,418 = 0.494, P = 0.483). For Study 2, there were significant
gender differences for both measures: behaviors in the last year
(M: 1.72 ± 2.06; F: 2.34 ± 1.73; F1,190 = 4.486, P = 0.035) and
in childhood (M: 1.86 ± 1.95; F: 2.83 ± 1.96; F1,190 = 9.865, P =
0.002). Controlling somnambulism, somniloquy, nightmares
and bad dreams as covariates diminished these differences only
somewhat: DE behaviors in last year (F5,186 = 4.340, P = 0.039)
and in childhood (F5,186 = 9.648, P < 0.002). Adding habitual
dream recall frequency (#dream/mo) to the preceding analyses
reduced the difference for behaviors in the last year to a trend
(F1,185 = 2.504, P = 0.115) but did not diminish that for behaviors in childhood (F1,185 = 24.927, P = 0.006).
SLEEP, Vol. 32, No. 12, 2009
independence from somnambulism/somniloquy
Exploratory factor analyses conducted on all 3 study
samples distinguished DE behaviors from other parasomnia
events (Table 4). For Studies 1 and 2, 11 variables were entered: DE behaviors (in last year, in childhood), somniloquy
Dream-Enacting Behaviors—Nielsen et al
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Last-year prevalence
table 4—Factor Loadings of Dream-Enacting Behaviors, Other Parasomnias and Age for Factor Analyses of 3 Study Samples
smile or
somnambul somniloquy
Dream behavior subtype
study 2 (n = 201) (22.9%) (21.0%)
somniloquy (ch)
somniloquy (y)
dream beh (y)
dream beh (ch)
bad dream (ch)
nightmare (ch)
bad dream (30 d) 0.079
nightmare (30 d) −0.073
somnambul (y)
somnambul (ch)
0.033 −0.100
and somnambulism (in last year, in childhood), nightmares
and bad dreams (in last 30 days, in childhood), and age. For
Study 1, a 5-factor solution accounted for 75.6% of the variance and clearly grouped the 4 somniloquy and somnambulism items under one factor. Bad dreams and nightmares were
grouped under 2 separate factors, one each for the last 30 days
and childhood measures. The 2 dream behavior items grouped
clearly on Factor 3, while age loaded alone on a distinct factor.
For Study 2, which employed a smaller sample, a slightly different 4-factor solution was obtained that accounted for 69.4%
of the variance and that nonetheless distinguished DE behaviors
from somnambulism, nightmares/bad dreams, and age factors.
However, in this sample the 2 somniloquy items also loaded
strongly on the same factor as the dream behavior items.
For Study 3, 12 variables were entered: the 7 dream behavior subtypes, somnambulism/somniloquy (in last year),
nightmares/bad dreams (in last 30 days) and age. A 4-factor
solution accounted for 59.4% of the variance and largely distinguished DE behaviors from both somnambulism/somniloquy and nightmares/bad dreams. Factor 1 grouped 6 of the
7 dream-enactment variables, with the exception of sexual
arousal which loaded with age on Factor 4. Factor 2 clearly
grouped nightmares and bad dreams while Factor 3 grouped
somnambulism and somniloquy. However, dream-talking
loaded moderately on the latter factor as well. Zero-order correlations revealed that dream-talking correlated more highly
with somniloquy (r = 0.366) than with somnambulism (r =
0.233) although both relationships were highly significant
(both P < 0.0000001). All other DE behaviors correlated with
somniloquy at less than r = 0.260 and with somnambulism at
less than r = 0.220.
study 3 (n = 496) (22.1%) (14.1%) (14.1%) (9.1%)
0.037 −0.088
0.338 −0.058
bad dream (30 d) 0.168
nightmare (30 d) 0.189
0.196 −0.090
sexual arousal
0.342 −0.145
ch = childhood; y = last year; 30d = last 30 days; dream beh = dream
behavior; somnambul = somnambulism
relation to Dream recall Frequency, absorption, and alexithymia
To further assess the relationship of DE behaviors to dream
recall frequency, #dreams recalled/month was entered as a variable in each of the 3 previous factor analyses. In all 3 cases,
dream recall loaded heavily only on the bad dreams/nightmares
recall factor (Study 1: r = 0.573; Study 2: r = 0.438; Study 3: r =
0.698) but not on the DE behaviors factor (Study 1: r = −0.012;
Study 2: r = 0.252; Study 3: r = 0.211) or any other factor.
To determine if the frequency of DE behaviors is a function
of absorption, subject absorption scores available for Studies 1
socially Desirable responding Bias
There were no significant correlations between the social desirability total score and any of the 7 DE behavior items (all P >
0.134). Nor were correlations between social desirability and
either somnambulism (r = −0.072; P = 0.118) or somniloquy
(r = −0.060; P = 0.195) significant.
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Figure 3—Gender differences in percent of subjects reporting dream
speaking, motor activity, emotions and sexual arousal “sometimes” or
“often.” Females more frequently reported behaviors on all items except
sexual arousal, which was characteristic of males (unpaired t tests for
gender: ‡P < 0.06; **P < 0.005; ***P < 0.000001; ****P < 0.0000001).
Somnambulism and somniloquy did not differentiate the sexes.
SLEEP, Vol. 32, No. 12, 2009
study 1 (n = 443) (20.2%) (15.9%) (15.3%) (14.6%)
somniloquy (ch)
0.094 −0.077
somniloquy (yr)
somnambul (ch)
somnambul (y)
0.541 −0.211
bad dreams (ch) 0.113
nightmares (ch)
dream beh (y)
dream beh (ch)
nightmare (30 d) 0.095
bad dream (30 d) 0.027
0.051 −0.110 −0.028
In sum, while it seems unlikely that the DE behaviors of normal subjects are either as frequent or as severe as those of RBD
patients, longitudinal studies are still needed to determine if
RBD DE behaviors are simply a more severe expression of this
otherwise normal sleep characteristic, or whether future RBD
behavioral symptoms may even be predicted by some qualities of normal dream enactment (e.g., episodes during periods
of stress). Another question raised by these findings is whether
normal DE behaviors are associated with specific dream functions such as affect regulation. Such a role was previously suggested by the increased prevalence of DE behaviors among
new mothers, for whom infant care is an emotionally as well
as physically demanding time. Such a role was also consistent
with our findings19 that DE behaviors are correlated both with
how real an ongoing dream seems (r = 0.52, P < 0.001) and
the emotional insight it engenders after awakening (r = 0.42,
P < 0.001). A possibly related function for DE behaviors is suggested by evidence in rats20 that the tactile feedback resulting
from spontaneous muscle twitches during REM sleep atonia
facilitates the functional adaptation of spinal reflexes (e.g., calibration of withdrawal reflexes); more elaborate movements related to dreaming in humans may reflect even more extensive,
supraspinal adaptations.
Our results indicate that wording of the question about
DE behaviors is a critical factor in estimating the magnitude
of their prevalence. A nonspecific question about “acting out
a dream while still dreaming” produced an overall prevalence
rate (35.9%) that is lower than the rates from our previous study
(40% to 63%),6 for which some dream behavior subtypes were
specified. In contrast, a more elaborate question that provided
examples of behaviors (Study 2) produced a prevalence (76.7%)
that is equal to or higher than that from our previous study. And,
our use of an elaborate list of questions (Study 3) produced an
even higher prevalence still (98%). These findings suggest that
DE behaviors are common in the general population but are
difficult for subjects to identify if detailed descriptions of the
behaviors are not given. A similar conclusion about the wording
of study questions was drawn in studies of sexual parasomnias8
and sleep paralysis experiences.21 In fact, Fukuda, et al.21 found
that different wordings of a question about sleep paralysis could
lead to prevalence estimates as high as 52% or as low as 9%.
Several of the present findings suggest that normal dream enactments are not simply symptoms of somnambulism, somniloquy or other parasomnias. Factor analyses of responses from the
3 studies indicated that DE behaviors are for the most part intercorrelated and independent of somnambulism, nightmares and
bad dreams. Exceptions to this include sexual arousal, which was
more closely associated with age than with other DE behaviors
or other parasomnias, and dream-talking, which was associated
with somniloquy in Study 3. It may be that somniloquy is particularly difficult to differentiate from dream-talking. Arkin’s10 studies suggest that sleeptalking events may occur in both REM and
NREM sleep and are particularly likely to correspond to recalled
dream content in the former state. Without additional polysomnographic and videographic evidence to discriminate REM and
NREM sleep stages, it may be impossible to distinguish between
these two phenomena based on verbal reports alone.
It is also noteworthy that the prevalence and frequency estimates for DE behaviors in Study 2 were higher than those
DE behaviors are very prevalent among normal undergraduates, confirming our previous findings6 and lending support to
the conclusion that such behaviors are relatively prevalent in
non-pathological populations. This finding, along with work
demonstrating high prevalences of sleep paralysis, hypnagogic
hallucinations, and disorders of arousal in the general population, supports the notion that state dissociations, i.e., combined
or rapidly oscillating sleep/wake states, occur more commonly
than is generally appreciated.17,18 The behaviors we have documented resemble in type and variety those seen routinely in RBD
evaluations but are much less frequent and probably less severe.
RBD patients exhibit a variety of nonviolent behaviors such as
laughing, speaking, eating, and sexual movements2 in addition
to violent behaviors such as kicking and punching. This was also
the case for the present study where speaking, laughing, motor
activity and sexual activity were frequently reported in addition
to negative emotional expressions, such as crying, anger and fear.
However, whereas RBD patients enact their dreams several times
per week or even per night,1 the healthy subjects in our sample
(Study 2) reported them on average less than 6 times/yr. Also,
RBD dream enactments are typically described as severe and often violent when accompanying vivid nightmares. It is unlikely
that the DE behaviors of normal subjects are as severe, although
we did not directly assess severity. However, the most prevalent
of the 7 dream behavior subtypes assessed in Study 3, including fear, were clearly independent of nightmares and bad dreams.
They were also independent of alexithymia, an impairment in the
ability to identify and communicate emotions.15 There was mixed
evidence for a relationship between DE behaviors and absorption, a disposition to experience focused attention, fantasy, state
dissociations and altered states of consciousness. Thus, although
normal DE behaviors do not appear to constitute the expression
of an underlying Nightmare Disorder or alexithymia deficit, they
may reflect a disposition to heightened attentional engagement in
imagery processes.
SLEEP, Vol. 32, No. 12, 2009
Dream-Enacting Behaviors—Nielsen et al
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and 2 were added as variables to the factor analyses for those
studies. For Study 1, absorption loaded heavily on a factor with
dream recall frequency (r = 0.687) and lower on the DE behaviors factor (r = 0.282). Significant Pearson correlations between
absorption and the frequency of DE behaviors: last year (r441 =
0.222, P < 0.000002) and DE behaviors: as child (r441 = 0.240,
P < 0.000001) remained significant when dream recall frequency was partialled out (r440 = 0.199 and 0.221, both P < 0.00004).
For Study 2, absorption loaded moderately (r = 0.457) on the
DE behaviors factor and lower on the nightmare/bad dream/
dream recall factor (r = 0.253). Again, significant correlations
with DE behaviors: last year (r190 = 0.297, P < 0.00003) and
DE behaviors: as child (r190 = 0.232, P < 0.002) remained so
when dream recall frequency was partialled out (r189 = 0.253
and 0.193, both P < 0.008).
To determine if the reporting of DE behaviors was related to
alexithymia, the TAS-20 score available for Study 1 was added
as a variable to the factor analysis for that study. It loaded heavily and negatively on the age factor (r = −0.634) but not on the
DE behaviors factor (r = 0.068), on either of the nightmares/bad
dreams factors (last 30 d: r = 0.091; as child: r = −0.124), or on
the somniloquy/somnambulism factor (r = −0.058).
SLEEP, Vol. 32, No. 12, 2009
Grant support: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada, Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada
Disclosure statement
This was not an industry supported study. The authors have
indicated no financial conflicts of interest.
1. Mahowald MW, Schenck CH. REM sleep parasomnias. In: Kryger MH,
Roth T, Dement WC, eds. Principles and practice of sleep medicine. 4th
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2. Oudiette D, De C, V, Lavault S, Leu S, Vidailhet M, Arnulf I. Nonviolent
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4. Obama B. Dreams from my father. A story of race and inheritance. New
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5. Fisher BE, McGuire K, Honeyman K. Relationships between nocturnal
activity, parental ratings of daytime activity and measures from the Children’s Sleep Behaviour Scale. Can J Beh Sci 1994;26:477-83.
6. Nielsen T, Paquette T. Dream-associated behaviors affecting pregnant and
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7. Hedman C, Pohjasvaara T, Tolonen U, Salmivaara A, Myllyla VV.
Parasomnias decline during pregnancy. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica
8. Shapiro CM, Trajanovic NN, Fedoroff JP. Sexsomnia--a new parasomnia? Can J Psychiatr 2003;48:311-17.
9. Joncas S, Zadra A, Paquet J, Montplaisir J. The value of sleep deprivation
as a diagnostic tool in adult sleepwalkers. Neurology 2002;58:936-40.
10. Arkin AM. Sleep-talking: Psychology and psychophysiology. Hillsdale,
New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1981.
11. Schredl M, Reinhard I. Gender differences in dream recall: a meta-analysis. J Sleep Res 2008;17:125-31.
12. Bardwell WA, Ancoli-Israel S, Dimsdale JE. Response bias influences
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Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2001;23:313-17.
13. Reynolds WM. Development of reliable and valid short forms of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale. J Clin Psychol 1982;38:119-25.
14. Tellegen A, Atkinson G. Openness to absorbing and self-altering experiences (“absorption”), a trait related to hypnotic susceptibility. J Abnorm
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15. Bagby RM, Taylor GJ, Parker JDA. The twenty-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale - II. Convergent, discriminant, and concurrent validity. J Psychosom Res 1994;38:33-40.
16. Nielsen TA, Kuiken D, Alain G, Stenstrom P, Powell R. Immediate and
Dream-Enacting Behaviors—Nielsen et al
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ress validating the construct of DE behaviors (correlations
with other measures, distinct factor structure) and of excluding
social desirability as a response bias, our use of retrospective
questionnaires are an important limiting factor. Such questionnaires rely on long-term memory which may be unreliable or
confounded by other factors. It is possible, for example, that our
subjects’ episodic memories for their behaviors were inaccurate
(e.g., falsely remembering enacting behaviors that were, in fact,
only dreamed to have occurred) or that common schemas about
DE behaviors, such as those conveyed in movies and books,
distorted the recall and reporting process. As sporadic phenomena, DE behaviors are not easily studied in the sleep laboratory;
however, long-term home sleep logs or ambulatory recordings
of high frequency responders would provide more prospective and objective measures. Retrospective questionnaires may
nonetheless prove valuable as screening tools for both clinical
and basic research studies.
in Study 1 even though the estimates for somnambulism and
soliloquy in the two studies were not significantly different.
This suggests that the more detailed question enabled subjects
to identify dream-related behaviors in addition to those that
they typically associate with somnambulism and soliloquy. The
more detailed question did not appear to introduce a general
response bias for increased yea-saying; nor did it increase the
reporting of DE behaviors to the detriment of reporting either
somnambulism or somniloquy (e.g., somnambulism episodes
being reclassified as dream enactments). In contrast, the detailed questions from Study 3 were associated with a higher
prevalence of somnambulism than in Studies 1 and 2. This may
indicate that our use of the term somnambulism (rather than
sleep-walking) and the inclusion of ‘moving’ in its definition
led subjects to report more episodes in this category. It may also
indicate that the dream content that accompanied some of the
detailed dream behavioral episodes that subjects were reminded
of by the prompts in Study 3 had since been forgotten, obliging
them to classify those behaviors—incorrectly—as somnambulistic events. Finally, gender differences on all of the DE behaviors were independent of somnambulism and somniloquy,
suggesting again that these are different phenomena.
Results from Study 3 suggest that at least 5 of the 7 dream
behavior subtypes we examined were strongly interrelated. All
4 emotion items were highly intercorrelated and correlated with
the item assessing dream-related movements. All 5 of these behaviors were significantly more prevalent for females than for
males. On the other hand, dreamed sexual arousal appears to be
distinct from the others as it was highly prevalent for males and
correlated with age rather than with other parasomnias. Dreamtalking, as mentioned earlier, was associated moderately with
the other 5 behavior subtypes but to an almost equal degree
with somniloquy as well.
No evidence was found that the reporting of DE behaviors
was due to a bias toward socially desirable responding. Thus,
there is thus little reason to doubt the veracity of our subjects’
responses to these questionnaires. There was evidence that the
reporting of at least some behaviors (e.g., motor activity, anger)
varies with the gender difference in dream recall frequency that
favors women;11 however, factor analyses suggested that, apart
from this gender relationship, DE behaviors are relatively independent of dream recall frequency. Similarly, the affective
disorder alexithymia was found to be unrelated to this phenomenon.
Results for absorption scores were mixed but nonetheless
consistent with the possibility of a personality trait involvement
in DE behaviors. If replicated, the correlation between absorption and DE behavior frequency would support the notion that
the behaviors express a more general disposition to state dissociation experiences. This follows from the finding that absorption is correlated with other state dissociation indicators in
normal adolescents.22 Further, the Tellegen absorption measure
has been linked to the T102C polymorphism of the 5-HT2a
gene,23 a regulator of the serotonergic system, thus raising the
possibility of a genetically determined predisposition for DE
Some methodological considerations nonetheless limit the
generalizability of the findings and suggest improvements for
future research. Although our findings demonstrate some prog-
21. Fukuda K. One explanatory basis for the discrepancy of reported prevalences of sleep paralysis among healthy respondents. Percept Mot Skills
22. Muris P, Merckelbach H, Peeters E. The links between the Adolescent
Dissociative Experiences Scale (A-DES), fantasy proneness, and anxiety
symptoms. J Nerv Ment Dis 2003;191:18-24.
23. Ott U, Reuter M, Hennig J, Vaitl D. Evidence for a common biological
basis of the Absorption trait, hallucinogen effects, and positive symptoms:
epistasis between 5-HT2a and COMT polymorphisms. Am J Med Genet
B Neuropsychiatr Genet 2005;137B:29-32.
delayed incorporations of events into dreams: further replication and implications for dream function. J Sleep Res 2004;13:327-36.
Mahowald MW, Schenck CH. Evolving concepts of human state dissociation. Arch Ital Biol 2001;139:269-300.
Mahowald MW, Schenck CH. Dissociated states of wakefulness and
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Kuiken D, Nielsen TA. Individual differences in orienting activity mediate feeling realization in dreams: [1] Evidence from retrospective reports
of movement inhibition. Dreaming 1996;6:201-17.
Petersson P, Waldenstrom A, Fahraeus C, Schouenborg J. Spontaneous muscle twitches during sleep guide spinal self-organization. Nature
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SLEEP, Vol. 32, No. 12, 2009
Dream-Enacting Behaviors—Nielsen et al