Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 48, No. 314, pp. 1639-1645, September 1997
Journal of
Requirements for the light-stimulated degradation of
stromal proteins in isolated pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Pia Angela Stieger and Urs Feller1
Received 27 November 1996; Accepted 3 May 1997
Chloroplasts from 17-d-old pea leaves {Pisum sativum
L.) were isolated to elucidate the requirements for the
light-induced degradation of stromal proteins. The
influence of electron transport through the thylakoids
and the influence of ATP on protein degradation were
investigated. When chloroplasts were incubated in the
light (45 //mol m" 2 s~ 1 ), glutamine synthetase, the
large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase and glutamate synthase were degraded,
ferredoxin-NADP +
reductase and the 33 kDa protein of photosystem II
remained more stable. Major protein degradation was
not observed over 240 min in darkness. The electron
transport inhibitor dichlorophenyldimethylurea reduced protein degradation in the light over several
hours, whereas dibromothymoquinone was less effective. Inhibiting the production of ATP with tentoxin or
by destroying the JpH with the ionophores valinomycin
and nigericin had no effect or even a stimulating influence on protein degradation when chloroplasts were
exposed to light. Furthermore, adding ATP to chloroplasts incubated in the dark had no effect on proteolysis. From these results it is concluded that the
transport of electrons through the thylakoids or photooxidative processes associated with it (especially in
presence of DTT), rather than the availability of ATP
caused the acceleration of stromal protein degradation
by light in isolated pea chloroplasts.
Proteolysis is important for the development, function
and senescence of plant organelles. Nuclear encoded
proteins are proteolytically processed in chloroplasts after
uptake across the envelope. In the plastids, newly synthesized immature or incorrectly assembled proteins are
removed by proteolysis (Vierstra, 1993; Callis, 1995).
Proteins damaged as a consequence of external stresses,
such as an excess of light or low temperature, are also
removed. For example, the Dl protein (32 kDa protein
of PSII) is rapidly degraded in light, but not in darkness
(Mattoo et ctl., 1984; Aro et al., 1993). The organelles of
pea leaves contain about 80% of the total nitrogen of a
leaf (Makino and Osmond, 1991). Thus, the degradation
of proteins in the organelles and the translocation of
nitrogen to growing organs is an important process during
senescence. Several proteolytic systems in the stroma and
associated with thylakoids are known. For example, an
ATP-dependent protease has been found by several
authors to be responsible for the removal of nonintegrated subunits, newly synthesized proteins containing
abnormal amino acids and prematurely terminated proteins (Liu and Jagendorf, 1984, 1985; Malek et al., 1984).
In addition an ATP-dependent protease is involved in the
degradation of the 25 kDa protein of LHCII when plants
are exposed to an excess of light (Lindahl et al., 1995).
ATP-dependent proteolytic systems (La and Clp) have
been described in detail in E. coli (Goldberg, 1992;
Maurizi, 1992). The major function of these proteolytic
systems is most likely to remove abnormal proteins. The
plastids of higher plants contain ClpP and ClpC, homologues of the ClpP and ClpA of E. coli (Shanklin et al,
1995). Genes encoding the subunit with ATPase activity
Key words: Isolated pea chloroplasts, light-induced protein
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: +41 31 332 20 59. E-mail: urs.feller©
6 Oxford University Press 1997
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Institute of Plant Physiology, University of Bern, Altenbergrain 21, CH-3013 Bern, Switzerland
Stieger and Feller
Materials and methods
Plant material and isolation of chloroplasts
Pea plants (Pisum sativum L., cv. Piccolo Petit Provencal) were
germinated on wet paper for 4 d and then grown for 14 d in
hydroponic culture according to Hildbrand et al. (1994), with
a photoperiod of 14 h (120funol photons m" 2 s" 1 ) at 25/21 °C
day/night temperatures. Prior to chloroplast isolation the pea
plants were kept for 24 h in the dark to reduce the starch
content in the chloroplasts. Pea leaves were homogenized with
a Polytron mixer (Kinematica, Luzem, Switzerland) in grinding
buffer (50 mM HEPES-NaOH, pH 6.8, 350 mM sorbitol, 2 mM
Na 2 -EDTA, 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM MnCl2, 5 mM isoascorbic
acid, 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), 1% (w/v) polyethyleneglycol
4000, and 0.001% (w/v) spectinomycin), filtrated through two
layers of Miracloth (Calbiochem, La Jolla, USA) and centrifuged for 1 min at 2000 g. The pellet was resuspended in
grinding buffer and loaded on 40/80% (v/v) Percoll steps
(Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden). To the 40% Percoll step bovine
serum albumin (0.2%, w/v) was added. After centrifugation of
the gradients for 12 min at 1800g, the chloroplasts were
collected from the 80% Percoll surface and resuspended in
grinding buffer. The chloroplasts were then sedimentated by
centrifugation for 3 min at 3000 g and resuspended in grinding
buffer (200 /xg chlml" 1 ). The purity and intactness of
chloroplasts isolated with this procedure were tested as reported
previously by Mitsuhashi and Feller (1992). The chloroplast
suspensions were incubated in low light (45 ^mol m~ 2 s~') or
in darkness. Where indicated, effectors from stock solutions
were added to the incubation medium. The ATP stock solution
was neutralized with NaHCO 3 . Chloroplast suspensions were
kept in the dark at 25 °C for 10 min to allow the uptake of
effectors into the chloroplasts before starting the experiments.
After incubation, chloroplasts were reisolated on Percoll steps
(21/80%) as described by Mitsuhashi and Feller (1992) to
prevent contamination by lysed chloroplasts.
SDS-PAGE and immunoblottmg
Collected samples were heated for 5 min with an equal volume
of sample buffer (250 mM TRIS-HC1, pH 6.8, 4% SDS, 10%
/3-mercaptoethanol, 20% glycerol, and 0.03% bromophenol
blue). Gel electrophoresis was carried out according to Laemmli
(1970) using 0.75 mm thick slab gels (12%). After electrophoresis, immunoblotting was carried out as described by Mitsuhashi
and Feller (1992). Primary antibodies were kindly supplied by
S Gepstein (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa)
against LS and against the 33 kDa protein of PSII; by G Ochs
and A Wild (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitat, Mainz) against
plastidial glutamine synthetase (GS, EC; by SJ CraftsBrandner (Western Cotton Research Laboratory, USDA/ARS,
Phoenix) against phosphoribulokinase (PRK, EC; by
RM Wallsgrove (IACR-Rothamsted, Harpenden) against ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (GOGAT, EC;
and by S Ida (Research Institute for Food Science, Kyoto
University, Kyoto) against ferredoxin-NADP + reductase from
rice leaves (FNR, EC All the antibodies used were
highly specific (Fig. 1).
Protein degradation in isolated chloroplasts exposed to
light was observed when DTT was present in the grinding
buffer and in the incubation medium (Fig. 2A). This
result was evident for LS when proteins were separated
and visualized on a Coomassie Brilliant Blue gel and for
GS on Western blots. Omitting DTT during chloroplast
isolation and incubation stabilized these proteins over
180 min (Fig. 2A). The substitution of DTT with /Smercaptoethanol resulted in protein degradation when
chloroplasts were exposed to light (Fig. 2B). However, in
the dark the proteins remained stable in presence of /5mercaptoethanol. Thus, it appears likely that DTT can
be replaced by other thiols. The following experiments
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(ClpC) have been identified in the nucleus of several plant
species (Gottesmann et al., 1990; Moore and Keegstra,
1993; Ko et al., 1994; Shanklin et al., 1995), whereas the
subunit with proteolytic activity (ClpP) is encoded on the
chloroplast DNA (Maurizi et al., 1990; Shanklin et al.,
1995). Specific functions of the Clp system have not
yet been reported for plants. In addition to ATP-dependent systems, a magnesium-stimulated, zinc-dependent
protease (EP1) has been found in the stroma of pea
chloroplasts and is able to degrade the large subunit (LS)
of rubisco (EC (Liu and Jagendorf, 1985,
1986; Bushnell et al., 1993).
In isolated pea chloroplasts exposed to light, a rapid
degradation of several stromal proteins has been
observed, whereas in the dark these proteins remain stable
for several hours (Mitsuhashi and Feller, 1992;
Mitsuhashi et al., 1992; Stieger and Feller, 1995). Other
workers have shown that the production of activated
oxygen species by increased light intensities, elevated
oxygen concentrations, or by the addition of the herbicide
methyl viologen caused a fragmentation of LS in isolated
barley chloroplasts (Desimone et al., 1996). Increased
light and oxygen concentrations also accelerated protein
degradation in isolated oat chloroplasts (Casano et al.,
1990; Casano and Trippi, 1992). Furthermore, oxidative
stress initiated by the addition of CuSO4 to Spirodela
plants or to isolated wheat chloroplasts led to insolubilization, dimerization and degradation of LS (Mehta et al.,
1992). Similar effects were observed when Euglena gracilis
was grown in nitrogen-deficient nutrient solution (GarciaFerris and Moreno, 1994).
The degradation of proteins in chloroplasts may be
regulated by the abundance and activity of proteases or
by the modification of substrate proteins (e.g. oxidation,
phosphorylation, acetylation). The observed decrease of
stromal proteins in the light might be dependent on ATPconsuming systems. On the other hand, activated oxygen
species produced in illuminated chloroplasts might be
responsible for an increased susceptibility of stromal
proteins to proteolysis. In an attempt to distinguish
between the requirement for ATP and effects of activated
oxygen species, a series of specific inhibitors was used to
block the electron transport or the formation of ATP and
the effects on plastid protein breakdown were analysed.
Degradation of chlorodast proteins
S2 "5. "5. s
a> 2
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S a.
*-« Q
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20.114.2Fig. 1. Specificity of the antibodies used. The polyacrylamide gels (12%; 1 mm thick) for staining (A) and for immunoblots (B) were prepared
simultaneously with a sample from freshly isolated chloroplasts (Chloropl.). Samples of 5 and 10^1 were loaded per lane (5 mm wide) for the
stained gel. Markers (SIGMA Dalton Mark VII-L) and prestained markers (SIGMA SDS-7B) were loaded on separate lanes. A special comb with
a small (3 mm wide) pocket for the prestained markers and with a large pocket (75 mm wide; loaded with 80 ^1 chloroplast sample) was used for
immunoblotting. A line at the top of the nitrocellulose membrane (L) was drawn before cutting the blot into stnps (8 mm wide). The various strips
were decorated with the appropnate antibodies and processed according to the standard protocol for immunoblotting. After colour development,
the strips were aligned in the original sequence for the photograph.
0 30 60 120 30 60120
be inhibited at the QB site of PSII, whereas dibromothymoquinone (DBMIB) inhibits electron transport at
the cyt b/f complex (Nicholls and Ferguson, 1992). These
two inhibitors may also affect the production of ATP.
Stromal proteins were degraded when chloroplasts were
exposed to light (Fig. 3). Most susceptible to degradation
in the light were GS, GOGAT and LS, whereas PRK
decreased only slightly and FNR was stable. The thy-
0.25 0.5 1 2
Light + DCMU
0.5 1
0.5 1 2 3
Fig. 2. Influence of thiols on protein degradation in intact chloroplasts.
Chloroplast suspensions (200 fig chl ml" 1 ) were exposed to light in the
presence (+) or absence (—) of 1 mM DTT (A), or in the presence of
I mM )3-mercaptoethanol (no DTT) (B). The thiols were added as
indicated to the grinding buffer, washing solution and incubation
medium. Intact chloroplasts were reisolated from samples taken at the
times indicated and equal amounts of chl (1 ^g per lane) were loaded
on a 12% polyacrylamide gel. The large (LS) and small (SS) subunits
of Rubisco and LHCII were detected on a stained gel, while GS was
visualized by Western blotting.
were all carried out in presence of DTT during chloroplast
isolation and incubation.
By adding dichlorophenyldimethylurea (DCMU) to
the incubation medium the electron transport chain can
__ ~-
Fig. 3. Influence of DCMU and ATP on protein degradation in intact
chloroplasts exposed to light. Chloroplast suspensions (200 ^g chl ml"')
were exposed to light and 5 ^M DCMU or 5 mM ATP (final
concentrations) were added to the incubation medium when indicated.
Intact chloroplasts were reisolated from all samples and proteins were
visualized by Western blotting. Equal amounts of chl (1 ^g per lane for
LS, GS, GOGAT, PRK, and the 33 kDa protein of PSII; 2 ^g per lane
for FNR) were loaded on a 12% polyacrylamide gel.
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Stieger and Feller
(Fig. 5). In the dark, proteins remained stable in the
presence or in the absence of tentoxin. Once again, the
proteins PRK, FNR and the 33 kDa protein of PSII were
quite stable in chloroplasts exposed to light. The ionophores nigericin and valinomycin had stimulating effects on
protein degradation in chloroplasts exposed to light
(Fig. 6). Degradation products of LS became visible after
15 min and the amount of LS decreased faster than in
controls without the inhibitor. Similar observations were
made for GS, GOGAT and even PRK. The thylakoidbound 33 kDa protein of PSII was stable during the
incubation period. In the dark, all proteins remained
quite stable and the ionophores had no effect.
The degradation of the stromal proteins GS, GOGAT,
and LS in illuminated pea chloroplasts was markedly
reduced by the inhibition of electron transport with
DCMU. The addition of ATP to such chloroplast suspensions or to chloroplasts incubated in darkness did not
accelerate protein degradation. Furthermore, reduction
of ATP production in isolated chloroplasts in the light
with tentoxin, an antagonist of the CF1-subunit of the
ATPase, did not inhibit the degradation of stromal proteins in the light. Destroying the proton gradient between
the lumen and the stroma with ionophores even had a
stimulating effect on protein degradation in the stroma.
0 0 15 15 30 30 60 60 120 12060 60 120 120 min
o o 15 15 30 30 30 60 120 12C 60 60 120 120 min
•«*•• 3 3 k D PSII
Fig. 4. Influence of DBMIB on protein degradation in intact chloroplasts. Chloroplast suspensions (200 ^g chl ml"') were exposed to light
or darkness and 5 MM DBMIB (final concentration) was added to the
incubation medium when indicated (+). Intact chloroplasts were
reisolated from all samples and proteins were visualized by Western
blotting. Equal amounts of chl (I ^g per lane for LS, GS, GOGAT,
PRK, and the 33 kDa protein of PSII; 2 fig per lane for FNR) were
loaded on a 12% polyacrylamide gel.
Fig. 5. Influence of tentoxin on protein degradation in intact chloroplasts Chloroplast suspensions (200 Mg chl ml"1) were exposed to light
or darkness and 5 (M tentoxin (final concentration) was added to the
incubation medium when indicated (+). Intact chloroplasts were
reisolated from all samples and proteins were visualized by Western
blotting. Equal amounts of chl (1 /xg per lane for LS, GS, GOGAT,
PRK, and the 33 kDa protein of PSII; 2 Mg per lane for FNR) were
loaded on a 12% polyacrylamide gel.
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lakoid-bound 33 kDa protein of PSII did not show any
instability at the light intensities used in this experiment.
DCMU in the incubation medium reduced the degradation of stromal proteins drastically. It stabilized the lightsusceptible proteins GS, GOGAT and LS over 4 h incubation. Adding DBMIB to the incubation medium was not
as effective as DCMU (Fig. 4). The light-susceptible
proteins GS, GOGAT and LS were only protected over
a period of 60 min, afterwards their degradation was as
fast as in chloroplasts exposed to light. Incubation of
chloroplasts in darkness resulted in protein stability,
regardless of the effectors added to the incubation medium
(Figs 2, 4).
To differentiate between the influence of ATP and other
effects of electron transport through the thylakoids, ATP
was added to chloroplasts with DCMU (Fig. 3) or to
chloroplasts incubated in the dark (data not shown). No
stimulation of proteolysis by ATP was observed under
such conditions. Tentoxin, an antagonist of the CF1
subunit of the ATPase, inhibits the production of ATP
without directly influencing the electron transport through
PSII and PSI (Avni et al., 1992). Similarly, the ionophores
nigericin and valinomycin abolish the proton gradient
between the stroma and the lumen and, as a consequence,
inhibit the production of ATP, but not the electron flow
through the thylakoids (Nicholls and Ferguson, 1992).
Stromal proteins, especially GS, GOGAT and LS, were
degraded when chloroplasts were exposed to light, regardless of the addition of tentoxin to the incubation medium
Degradation of chloroplast proteins
60 60 120 12(3 min
Fig. 6. Influence of the ionophores nigericin and valinomycin on protein
degradation in intact chloroplasts. Chloroplast suspensions (200 ^g
chl ml" 1 ) were exposed to light or darkness and a combination of 5 ^M
nigericin, 5 ^M valinomycin and 1 mM KC1 (final concentrations) was
added to the incubation medium when indicated (+). Intact chloroplasts
were reisolated from all samples and proteins were visualized by
Western blotting. Equal amounts of chl (1 ^g per lane for LS, GS,
GOGAT, PRK, and the 33 kDa protein of PSII; 2 ^g per lane for
FNR) were loaded on a 12% polyacrylamide gel.
From these results, it was concluded that the availability
of ATP is not crucial for the initial steps of GS, GOGAT
and LS degradation.
Comparing the effects of the two electron transport
inhibitors DCMU and DBMIB, it was noticed that
DCMU was much more effective than DBMIB. DCMU
binds to the QB-binding site of PSII, whereas DBMIB
interacts with the cytochrome b/f complex. Elstner and
Frommeyer (1978) measured no production of O^ and
H 2 O 2 when DCMU was added to isolated thylakoids,
whereas the addition of DBMIB resulted in the formation
of H 2 O 2 . In the latter case, electrons are transferred from
QA t o QB forming the protonated plastoquinol from
which electrons may be transferred to O 2 (Kyle, 1987).
The ATPase inhibitor tentoxin binds to the /3-subunit
of CF1 (Avni et al., 1992) and has no major effects on
the electron transport chain in the thylakoids (Bulychev
and Dahse, 1984; Dahse et al., 1986). Therefore, the
amount of activated oxygen species produced would be
very similar in tentoxin-treated and untreated chloroplasts
exposed to light. In contrast, the ionophores nigericin
and valinomycin in the presence of K + ions destroy the
proton gradient and the J p H across the thylakoids,
without reducing the flow of electrons through the membrane. The <dpH is an important regulatory component
in the dissipation of excess energy via the xanthophyll
cycle, the xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy quenching
being inhibited at a low zlpH (Gilmore et al., 1995).
Furthermore, DTT and j3-mercaptoethanol strongly
inhibit violaxanthin de-epoxidase and ascorbate peroxidase, two central enzymes of the radical detoxifying mechanisms known in chloroplasts (Yamamoto and Kamite,
1972; Chen and Asada, 1992; Neubauer, 1993). DTT in
the presence of Fe 3 + and O 2 might give rise to thiyl or
oxygenated sulphur radicals (Netto and Stadtman, 1996).
The effects of DTT causing an accumulation of radicals
by increasing their formation or by inhibiting their detoxification could explain the improved stability of stromal
enzymes in these experiments when chloroplasts were
incubated in the light in the absence of DTT.
In previous work (Mitsuhashi et al., 1992), LS fragments with molecular weights of 45, 42, 37, and 32 kDa
were described. Recently, similar fragments were also
detected when barley chloroplasts were exposed to high
doses of oxygen and light or to the herbicide methyl
viologen (Desimone et al., 1996). These fragments are in
the range between 48 and 36 kDa, the 36 kDa being the
most abundant. Such polypeptides may accumulate under
conditions which favour the production of free radicals.
In E. coli, GS is known to be very sucseptible to radical
attack. The protein is first oxidized to a catalytically
inactive form and then this form is quickly degraded by
intracellular proteases (Levine et al., 1981). In this experimental system, GS was the most labile of the stromal
proteins investigated, its degradation being very fast in
the light. Nevertheless, it remained stable over several
hours when DTT was removed from the incubation
medium, when DCMU was added or when chJoroplasts
were incubated in darkness. On the other hand, PRK,
FNR and the 33 kDa protein of PSII were quite stable
in chloroplasts exposed to light. The 33 kDa protein is
peripherally bound to the oxygen-evolving system on the
lumenal side of the thylakoid membrane and functions
as the Mn-stabilizing protein (Yamamoto, 1988). In
addition, it stabilizes the CP43 protein under photoinhibitory conditions (Yamamoto and Akasaka, 1995). In
bean leaves it remains stable until late in senescence
(Roberts et al., 1987). Thus, it was not surprising that
no decrease of the 33 kDa protein was observed in this
work. Proteins with a metal-binding site can be oxidized
in a site-specific manner by reaction of Fe(II) with H 2 O 2
forming hydroxyl radicals (Stadtman, 1992). In plants,
Rubisco and GS possess a cation binding site near the
catalytic centre which normally binds Mg 2 + but which
can also bind Fe2 + .
In this work the light-stimulated degradation of stromal
proteins occurred only when the electron transport chain
was functioning. The inhibition of ATP production did
not influence this degradation process. From these results,
it was concluded that the modification of stromal proteins
by activated oxygen species rather than the stimulation
of an ATP-dependent protease is the first step leading
to the degradation of stromal enzymes. The three-
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Stieger and Feller
dimensional structure of the proteins may be relevant for
their susceptibility to radical attack. The characterization
and purification of proteases digesting such modified
proteins will be a task for future work.
We thank Regina HSlzer for technical assistance, Dr Samuel
Roulin for helpful discussions, and Dr Andrew Fleming for
improving the English of the manuscript. This work was
supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Project
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