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Pulsed light technology consists of successive repetitions of short duration (325 ms) high power flashes emitted by xenon lamps. These flash lamps radiate a broadband emission light (approx. 200 to 1000 nm), with a considerable amount of this light being in the shortwave UV spectrum. PL technology´s main use in water treatment has been in the inactivation of pathogens (Bohrerova et al., 2008). The presence of parasitic species such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia in water supplies causes gastrointestinal illness such as diarrhoea, vomiting, and cramps. The EPA Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) for these parasites are zero. Hence water disinfection has been a common practice without any country limitations. Chlorination cannot prevent Cryptosporidium and Giardia, whereas UV treatment has proven effective at causing cell death in numerous microbial species. However, it does have its limitations, such as depth of-water penetration, presence of contaminants and the repair mechanisms organisms possess to fix UV damage. New methods of delivering UV light to the treatment areasuch as pulsed UV (PUV)have been developed which may eliminate these issues. Consequently, the aim of this study was to review if a PUV system provides a suitable means of disinfecting water, with particular emphasis on parasite species.
This frontier study investigated the timely development of pulsed ultraviolet light (PUV) and pulsed-plasma gas discharge (PPGD) technologies for the destruction of harmful Cryptosporidium oocysts and other problematical microorganisms in water. This constitutes the first study to report on the use of these pulsed power electrotechnologies (PPET) for the destruction of chlorine resistant Cryptosporidium oocysts, which have caused waterborne illness outbreaks worldwide. By accumulating energy over relatively long time periods, and by dissipating this energy in ultrashort pulses, the energy remains constant thus offering a radically new approach to energy delivery that have been shown to be orders of magnitude more efficient compared to using conventional decontamination approaches. Critical inter-related factors affecting the effective and repeatable decontamination performance of PUV and PPGD were identified during this study. The PUV approach proved superior to the PPGD system for treating similar artificially spiked samples in water, which is a positive finding considering the fact that commensurate toxicological investigations carried out in this study revealed that PPGD-treated water produced unwanted toxic end-points. This innovative,
Water Science and Technology, 2004
Ultraviolet light is now recognised to be very effective for inactivation of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts; however, its application for disinfection of finished water necessitates validation of UV reactors prior to their installation. Although reactor performance will likely be assessed using non-pathogenic microorganisms as biodosimetry surrogates, it would be prudent for the water industry to simultaneously measure Cryptosporidium oocysts inactivation in controlled bench-scale studies using the water matrix intended for disinfection. The likelihood of that occurring is dependent upon the availability of infectivity measurement procedures that are more user-friendly than the mouse infectivity assays currently used. This study describes a modified cell culture procedure that would enable reliable measurement of changes in oocysts' infectivity following their UV treatment. Also, a number of different biodosimetry surrogates were examined and one selected for comparing the UV do...
Finished water disinfection using two commercial ultraviolet light reactors and flows between 1 MGD and 13 MGD was assessed by MS2 bacteriophage biodosimetry and confirmed using bench-scale studies. An optimized cell culture IFA procedure for measuring Cryptosporidium oocysts inactivation indicated >4 mJ cm-2 of UV light resulted in >4 log inactivation of oocysts. These inactivation levels were similar to those expected from mouse infectivity assays. Initial operational problems were encountered with both UV reactors, but both functioned reliably after the start-up phase. Using biodosimtery, lower (10 to 20 mJ cm-2) computer generated doses were more accurately predicted for one reactor than for the other, however, both reactors demonstrated a high correlation between computer predicted and biodosimetry confirmed doses at 40 mJ cm-2. No impact was observed on water characteristics or disinfection by products following disinfection. Cost analysis at 40 mJ cm-2 was estimated to be approximately $10 per million gallons. UV disinfection appears reliable and cost-effective for safeguarding public health from transmission of waterborne cryptosporidiosis.
Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is a common disinfection option for water treatment in the developed world. A sufficient dose of ultraviolet light inactivates most microorganisms. Ultraviolet light is produced by an electric arc struck in mercury, or more recently, xenon vapor much like ordinary florescent bulbs. The UV spectrum runs from 100 and 400 nanometers (nm) with the optimal wavelength for bacterial disinfection occurring between 200 and 280 nm. The most UV-resistant organisms are viruses, specifically Adenoviruses, and bacterial spores. The protozoon Acanthamoeba is also highly UV resistant. Bacteria and cysts of Cryptosporidium and Giardia are more susceptible. As with any disinfectant, the process consists of dose and contact time with different organisms being affected differently. The dose for UV is expressed in millijoules per square centimeter. To increase the dose, you can increase the output of the lamp, decrease the distance to the lamp, increase the transmittance of the water or slow the flow through the reaction chamber. The objective of this study was to review the literature on UV disinfection and extract quantitative information about the relation between the inactivation of micro-organisms and the applied UV fluence. The quality of the available studies was evaluated and only high-quality studies were incorporated in the analysis of water disinfection. The results show that UV is effective against all waterborne pathogens.
Background, aim, and scope The novel system of ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV LEDs) was studied in water disinfection. Conventional UV lamps, like mercury vapor lamp, consume much energy and are considered to be problem waste after use. UV LEDs are energy efficient and free of toxicants. This study showed the suitability of LEDs in disinfection and provided information of the effect of two emitted wavelengths and different test mediums to Escherichia coli destruction. Materials and methods Common laboratory strain of E. coli (K12) was used and the effects of two emitted wavelengths (269 and 276 nm) were investigated with two photolytic batch reactors both including ten LEDs. The effects of test medium were examined with ultrapure water, nutrient and water, and nutrient and water with humic acids. Results Efficiency of reactors was almost the same even though the one emitting higher wavelength had doubled optical power compared to the other. Therefore, the effect of wavelength was evident and the radiation emitted at 269 nm was more powerful. Also, the impact of background was studied and noticed to have only slight deteriorating effect. In the 5-min experiment, the bacterial reduction of three to four log colony-forming units (CFU) per cubic centimeter was achieved, in all cases. Discussion When turbidity of the test medium was greater, part of the UV radiation was spent on the absorption and reactions with extra substances on liquid. Humic acids can also coat the bacteria reducing the sensitivity of the cells to UV light. The lower wavelength was distinctly more efficient when the optical power is considered, even though the difference of wavelengths was small. The reason presumably is the greater absorption of DNA causing more efficient bacterial breakage. Conclusions UV LEDs were efficient in E. coli destruction, even if LEDs were considered to have rather low optical power. The effect of wavelengths was noticeable but the test medium did not have much impact. Recommendations and perspectives This study found UV LEDs to be an optimal method for bacterial disinfection. The emitted wavelength was found to be an essential factor when using LEDs; thus, care should be taken in selecting the proper LED for maximum disinfection.
Water Environment Research, 2014
Research into alternative methods of disinfecting water and wastewater has proven necessary due to the emergence of chlorineresistant organisms and the disinfection byproducts associated with chlorine use. The use of UV light to inactivate microbial species has proven effective, however; standard UV lamps have proven to be less effective in their ability to inactivate parasites and bacterial endospores in water treatment settings. Pulsed UV (PUV) light may potentially provide a novel alternative to water and wastewater disinfection. Research outlined in this study assesses the potential of a novel PUV system for the rapid and reproducible inactivation of a range of test species including Bacillus endospores. In comparison to standard low-pressure (LP) UV lamps, this PUV system provided significantly higher levels of inactivation for all test species. Furthermore, there was a remarkable decrease in time needed to obtain significant inactivation rates following treatment with PUV compared to LP-UV. With the PUV system, a 70second treatment time (7.65 lJ/cm 2) resulted in similar inactivation rates of Bacillus endospores to that of the LP-UV inactivation of their vegetative counterpart. Also, at PUV doses exceeding 4.32 J/cm 2 , there was not a significant difference in the PUV inactivation of Bacillus endospores in the absence or presence of 10 ppm organic matter. However, the presence of organic matter resulted in a significant reduction in microbial inactivation for all treatment doses using the LP-UV system. The findings of this study suggest that PUV technology may provide a rapid effective method for the disinfection of water and wastewater. Water Environ. Res., 86 (2014).
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018
Ultraviolet light-emitting diode (UV-LED) is an emerging UV source and has a number of features that do not exist in conventional mercury based UV lamps. One such feature is the ability to turn the radiation on and off with a high frequency, which enables pulsed irradiation with flexible pulse patterns by UV-LEDs. In this study, the inactivation of different microorganisms by continuous and pulsed irradiation was investigated using UV-LEDs, in order to utilize this unique feature to distinguish the effect of pulsation on inactivation, and to explore the potential benefits of UV-LEDs pulsed irradiation for water disinfection. The analysis was based on the equivalent UV fluence between continuous and pulsed irradiation using two types of actinometry techniques (iodide-iodate and ferrioxalate) for UV fluence determination. The disinfection study involved the inactivation of E. coli and coliphage MS2 in laboratory water, as well as E. coli and total coliform in wastewater. The effects of pulse patterns including frequency (i.e., the number of on-off cycles per second) and duty rate (i.e., the percentage of irradiation time in each on-off cycle) on the inactivation effectiveness were also examined for these microorganisms. The results showed comparable inactivation of all the examined microorganisms by 265 nm UV-LED continuous and pulsed irradiation with various pulse patterns under equivalent UV fluence. The findings in this study were compared with those from conventional xenon lamps pulsed irradiation studies, which not only distinguished the role of pulsed UV irradiation on microorganisms inactivation, but also revealed a key feature of UV-LEDs pulsed irradiation with respect to improved thermal management, potentially affecting application of high output UV-LEDs for water disinfection.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013
The treatment process described in this research explores the impact of exposing water samples containing fecal coliforms to the radiation produced by single ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) operating at 265 nm. UV LEDs are long lasting, compact in size and produce more efficient light output than traditional mercury-vapour bulbs, making them ideal for application in point-of-use disinfection systems, such as in remote areas. In this study, contaminated water samples containing either a pure culture of Escherichia coli or tertiary effluent from the City of Regina Wastewater Treatment Plant were used to study the application and efficiency of using UV LEDs for water disinfection. The results indicate that bacterial inactivation was achieved in a timedependent manner, with 1-and 2.5-log E. coli reductions in water following 20 and 50 min of UV LED exposure, respectively. Ultraviolet radiation was less effective in reducing coliform bacteria in wastewater samples due to the elevated turbidity levels. Further work remains to be completed to optimize the application of UV LEDs for point-of-use disinfection systems; however, the results from this study support that bacterial inactivation using UV LEDs is possible, meriting further future technological development of the LEDs.
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2009
Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is a common disinfection option for water treatment in the developed world. There are a few systems installed in developing countries for point-of-use treatment, but the low-pressure mercury lamps currently used as the UV irradiation source, have a number of sustainability issues including a short lifetime of approximately one year and toxic mercury inside that must be disposed of after they are used. UV light emitting diodes (LEDs) may present solutions to many of the sustainability issues presented by current UV systems. LEDs are small, efficient, have long lifetimes, and do not contain mercury. LEDs have recently become available in the germicidal wavelength range and this research assessed their efficiency for inactivation of E. coli in water compared to low-pressure lamps. A UV-LED prototype was also evaluated as a proof-of-concept of this technology for a point-ofuse disinfection option.
Chlorine is used worldwide for disinfection of water and it's very effective on killing the microorganism which causes the different types of water-borne diseases and directly effect on human health. But chlorine also produced their by-product when it comes in contact with water and hence different method for disinfection of water was produces. The research work is aimed to do disinfection by UV –radiation. In this UV lamp are used for inactivation of microorganisms and effect of UV-radiation on contaminated water for different seasons will be compared. The efficacy of the disinfectant is assessed through bacteriological parameters E.coli and also physico-chemical parameters viz. turbidity, total hardness, and pH. UV-radiation and many others methods discovered for water disinfection but some are costlier and some are unable to kills microorganisms at high rate as compared with chlorine. The result obtained from the work that the physic-chemical parameters are in permissible limit and 99.999% of reduction of E-coli was found out.