Evolving the Ecosystem of
Personal Behavioral Data
Jason Stampfer Wiese
September 2015
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
Jason Hong (Co-Chair)
John Zimmerman (Co-Chair)
Anind Dey
James Landay (Stanford University)
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
© 2015 Jason Wiese. All rights reserved.
Funding for this research comes from the Yahoo InMind project, The Stu Card Fellowship, A Google Faculty
Research Award, NSF Grant No. DGE-0903659 and ONR N66001-12-C-4196. Any opinions, findings and
conclusions or recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of any of the sponsors.
Personal data is everywhere. The widespread adoption of the Internet, fueled by the
proliferation of smartphones and data plans, has resulted in an amazing amount of
digital information about each individual. Social interactions (e.g. email, SMS,
phone, Skype, Facebook), planning and coordination (e.g. calendars, TripIt,
Basecamp, online to do lists), entertainment (e.g. YouTube, iTunes, Netflix, Spotify),
and commerce (e.g. online banking, credit card purchases, Amazon, Zappos, eBay)
all generate personal data.
This data holds promise for a breadth of new service opportunities to improve
people’s lives through deep personalization, through tools to manage aspects of their
personal wellbeing, and through services that support identity construction.
However, there is a broad gap between this vision of leveraging personal data to
benefit individuals and the state of personal data today.
This thesis proposes unified personal data as a new framing for engaging with
personal data. Through this framing, it synthesizes previous research on personal
data and describes a generalized framework for developing applications that depend
on personal data, exposing current challenges and issues. Next, it defines a set of
design goals to improve the state of personal data systems today. Finally, it
contributes Phenom, a software service designed to address the challenges of
developing applications that rely on personal data.
I am thankful for the advice, support, insights, and feedback from my co-advisors
Jason Hong and John Zimmerman. Throughout my time as their student, their
patience with me and commitment to me has been steadfast. I am also grateful for
the insights of my committee members Anind Dey and James Landay, and of my
internship mentors Jacob Biehl, Elizabeth Churchill, A.J. Brush, and Scott Saponas.
The faculty, staff, and students of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute have
provided a warm and supportive community of colleagues, collaborators, and dear
friends. In particular, I would like to thank Ian Li, Sauvik Das, Derek Lomas, Jenn
Marlow, Jenny Olsen, Iris Howley, Scott Davidoff, Eiji Hayashi, Will Odom, and
Queenie Kravitz. I am especially grateful to my Friendship House roommates Chris
Harrison, Stephen Oney, and Amy Ogan. These years at Carnegie Mellon have
been immeasurably better because of the three of you.
Thank you to my family for always believing in me: my parents Evette and Charlie,
and my sisters Sarah and Samantha.
Most of all, I want to thank Eliane, my partner in life, who has contributed blood,
sweat, and tears to this dissertation.
Table of Contents
Abstract .......................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... iv
List of Figures ................................................................................................................. vi
List of Tables .................................................................................................................. viii
Introduction: The Challenge of Personal Data .......................................................... 9
1.1 Research Contributions ...............................................................................................14
1.2 Dissertation Overview ..................................................................................................14
The Landscape of Personal Data ............................................................................... 16
2.1 Personal Information Management .............................................................................18
2.2 User Modeling ..............................................................................................................20
2.3 Recommender Systems ................................................................................................21
2.4 Lifelogging ....................................................................................................................22
2.5 Context-Aware Computing ..........................................................................................24
2.6 Personal Informatics and Quantified Self ...................................................................25
2.7 Computational Social Science and Data Mining To Understand Human Behavior .26
2.8 Identity Interfaces: Virtual Possessions and Self-Reflection ........................................27
2.9 Sharing Context ...........................................................................................................29
2.10 Privacy.........................................................................................................................30
2.11 Research Examples .....................................................................................................31
2.12 Discussion ..................................................................................................................38
A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data................. 40
3.1 Connecting Features of Social Relationships to Sharing Preferences .........................42
3.2 Using Communication Data To Infer Tie-Strength ....................................................53
3.3 Case Study Discussion .................................................................................................68
A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data ............................................................. 70
4.1 The ecosystem of personal data today..........................................................................71
4.2 The Personal Data Continuum ...................................................................................74
4.3 The steps for working with personal data ....................................................................78
4.4 The Conceptual Framework ........................................................................................81
4.5 Design Goals ................................................................................................................82
Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data .......................................................... 86
5.1 System Architecture .....................................................................................................86
5.2 Evaluation: Example Applications and Queries ..........................................................98
5.3 Discussion ....................................................................................................................105
5.4 Related Work ...............................................................................................................110
Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 113
References ................................................................................................................ 115
List of Figures
Figure 1: Personal data today is separated across the applications and services where each
type of data originated (left). To unlock the full potential of personal data, it
should instead be structured to prioritize the coherence of the heterogeneous
data around each individual who is the subject of that data (right). ..................11
Figure 2: The conceptual framework of the steps involved in developing software that
depends on personal data: data is collected from some number of data
sources, the collected data is transformed into the appropriate level of
abstraction or meaning for the target application, and the data is
incorporated in that target application. .............................................................13
Figure 3. A map highlighting research domains across HCI that generate, make use of, or
investigate personal data, and the interconnections between them. ..................18
Figure 4: Stage-Based Model of Personal Informatics Systems (Li et al., 2010) .....................25
Figure 5: An example of a scenario presented during one of the sessions. .............................33
Figure 6: The goal of the research in this chapter is to use communication logs (call and
SMS logs) to infer sharing preferences, using tie strength as an intermediate
representation. Theoretical literature supports the connection between
communication logs and tie strength and also the connection between tie
strength and sharing preferences. Additionally, past work has demonstrated
that communication behavior corresponds to tie strength. Therefore, I
focused first on the connection between tie strength and sharing preferences
before attempting to replicate the prior finding connecting communication
behavior to tie strength. .....................................................................................41
Figure 7: The instructions for the grouping activity. ..............................................................44
Figure 8: Hierarchical clustering using average linkage distance. Horizontal position of
the branches is directly proportional to the calculated distance between each
cluster. Scenarios are shorthand for the same ones in Table 3. .........................49
Figure 9. Total number of friends within each tie strength level across all participants,
separated by the number of contacts who only appeared in the contact list,
only in the Facebook friends list, appeared in both, or neither. The data
indicates that there is a notable number of strong ties that appear only in the
phonebook and not in facebook, but there are few strong ties who appear
only in facebook and not in the phonebook. ......................................................54
Figure 10. Number of friends in the mobile contact list who exchanged zero (No Comm
Logs) vs. at least one (Some Comm) SMS or call with our participants
(determined from call log data). There are a number of strong ties with zero
communication logs in the dataset. Any classifier that is based on this
communication behavior will misclassify those strong ties as weak ties. This
issue is even more pronounced for medium tie-strength: nearly half of those
contacts have no communication in the collected dataset. ................................55
Figure 11. A grid of six plots showing communication frequency and total talk time. The
top 3 graphs plot each contact’s aggregate call duration (y-axis) against
number of calls (x-axis). The bottom 3 graphs plot each contact’s number of
SMS messages (y-axis) against number of calls (x-axis). For both top and
bottom, the columns separate the contacts by tie strength group. The graphs
include data for contacts with at least one call or SMS. All numbers are
represented as the percentage of a participant’s total communication
frequency/duration. ...........................................................................................56
Figure 12: Personal data today is separated across the applications and services where
each type of data originated (left). To unlock the full potential of personal
data, it should instead be structured to prioritize the coherence of the
heterogeneous data around each individual who is the subject of that data
(right). .................................................................................................................71
Figure 13: The personal data continuum ranges from very low-level data (far left side) like
sensor data that describes the user’s behavior and surroundings to very high
level data (far right side) that describes information about individuals that
they might not even know about themselves. Information in the lower levels
can often be directly sensed, but data higher on the continuum has to be
provided manually or inferred from a combination of lower level data. ...........75
Figure 14: The personal data pipeline breaks down the steps of working with personal
data. At a high level, using personal data means collecting the data, inferring
some meaning from that data, and then applying the data to the target
application. However, these steps are deceivingly simple. In reality each of
these steps is complex with many components and a host of implicit
challenges. ..........................................................................................................78
Figure 15: A system diagram for Phenom illustrating its different components. The
Epistenet Data Store serves as a semantic knowledge base of personal data.
Data providers bring personal data in from external data sources. Bots
operate on the data contained within the datastore to generate inferences
and abstractions. A unified querying API provides application developers
with a single query interface to access the richly interconnected personal
data from the datastore. .....................................................................................87
Figure 16: An example of an ontology in Epistenet. Direction edges in this graph refer to
“subsumptive” relationships. So, a PhoneCall is a type of Communication.
Attributes of a parent ontology class are also contained in the descendents of
that ontology class. .............................................................................................89
List of Tables
Table 1 Data collected for each friend. Data in the top half of the table (“observable
features”) is data that was potentially observable by a UbiComp system or
social networking site. Data on the bottom half of the table would either be
inferred from the observable features or manually inputted by the user ...........44
Table 2: Linear regression models predicting sharing and closeness (last column only),
controlling for each participant. Each column is a different model and data
in the table are non-standardized β coefficients, except for R2 in the last row,
which can be compared across models to demonstrate the variance
explained. For example, the “close” model (fourth column) includes one
effect, friend closeness, and this model accounts for 63% of the variance in
sharing preferences. Gray cells indicate effects that were not included for
that particular model. The data indicate both that closeness is the best
predictor of sharing, and that observable features can predict closeness.
Significance: *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001 ...................................................44
Table 3: Summary of data for each sharing scenario, sorted by overall mean sharing. The
first column reports the correlation with closeness, and all correlation
coefficients are significant to p<.001. The Tukey-Kramer test compares the
overall means for sharing in each scenario: scenarios that have the same
letter are not significantly different from each other. .........................................48
Table 4 The results of 9 classifiers constructed using SMO. The prediction classes are tiestrength categories. For 2-verystrong, the medium strong and weak tie
strength classes are combined and for 2-mediumstrong the medium strong
and very strong tie strength classes are combined..............................................59
1 Introduction
In the last decade, our society has undergone a fundamental shift in day-to-day life
starting with the widespread adoption of the Internet and rapidly accelerated by the
proliferation of smartphones and data plans. For a large and growing portion of the
first world population, an incredible number of people’s daily tasks are now
mediated by Internet-connected computing technology: social interactions (e.g.
email, SMS, phone, Skype, Facebook), planning and coordination (e.g. calendars,
TripIt, Basecamp, online to do lists), entertainment (e.g. YouTube, iTunes, Netflix,
Spotify), and commerce (e.g. online banking, credit card purchases, Amazon,
Zappos, eBay) are all activities that are increasingly digitally mediated. In addition,
people are generating increasing amounts of files including documents, media, and
contact lists. Fueled by convenience and increased efficiency, the way people do
things today is markedly different from the prior decade.
Through this lens, the massive accumulation of data that describes people’s behavior
in these applications and services is merely a byproduct of this major societal shift:
these applications capture who their users communicate with, what their users
purchase, and what content they consume. But these large caches of data are hardly
a coincidental byproduct: Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Netflix each owe their
continued success in large part to the massive stores of personal data they have
amassed that describe their users’ behaviors. These companies employ their users’
data to sell advertising, recommend content, and personalize interfaces. Often,
companies use the amassed data while users remain uninvolved. Most users do not
understand what data is being used, how it is being used, how they might be at risk,
and how they might benefit from applications that use their data.
People are understandably concerned, distrustful, and feel helpless when it comes to
their data. Other than withdrawing altogether from our technology-drive society,
Chapter 1: Introduction
what choice do they have? As a result, most people have a fairly distanced
relationship with the data about them: the typical person has effectively no
relationship with their data. The concerned person tries to minimize what is
collected, to say “no” whenever offered a choice that lets them still receive service
without surrendering their data. Thus, the ecosystem of personal data appears quite
dysfunctional: the people who are the subject of that data have limited access to it
and try to minimize its existence while companies vie for users so that they can have
unrestricted access to the data users will generate in their services.
Simultaneously, there is a sense that this data holds immense value that when
combined could unlock an exciting new future of highly personalized, meaningful
personal computing experiences. Many applications and services have begun to
demonstrate the personalized, holistic, and user-centric potential that individuals’
data has to offer. Personal assistants like Google Now, Siri, and Cortana use the data
collected within their platforms to suggest contextually relevant information and
answer queries. The Nest thermostat adapts to a user’s behavior and makes
adjustments auto-magically. Gmail’s priority inbox feature uses a variety of heuristics
like which emails the user reads first and who the user sends emails to in order to
guess which emails the user wants to be prioritized.
Yet, these examples feel like they fall short of the real potential of personal data.
Researchers motivate their papers with promises for the awesome, intelligent,
personalized future of computing. Science fiction envisions personal assistants that
understand complex situations1, learning environments that can relate lessons to our
actual life experiences 2 , and technology that can automatically assess and treat
mental health conditions3. With a little imagination, there is the clear potential for
technology to support tasks that are difficult for people to do today: Where should I
go on vacation? How can I live more sustainably? Who should I room with in
college? What thing should I buy to make my life better? What should I do
differently to be a better boss/employee/ spouse/parent/friend? A future where
technology can help us in these situations seems more plausible than it has ever been
before. Following the path to realizing this vision will require major advances across
computer science: speech interfaces, machine learning, robotics, sensing hardware,
database systems, privacy and security, distributed systems. Furthermore, beyond
computer science much of this personalization will require domain-specific
knowledge and will likely require advances in those fields as well.
To be able to attempt the advances required to enable this promising future requires
engaging with the present-day dysfunctional landscape of personal data
characterized above, itself a daunting task. Even worse, beneath the surface of the
societal and social issues surrounding personal data is a similarly dysfunctional
technological landscape. Science and engineering research answers well-defined
Her (2015)
Star Trek (2009)
3 Card, O. S. (1985). Ender's game (Vol. 1). St. Martin's Press.
Chapter 1: Introduction
questions, but in the case of personal data, the goal state is ill defined. Making an
advance under these conditions first requires specifying a new frame for
understanding what could and should be; a vision for the future of personal data.
Figure 1: Personal data today is separated across the applications and services where each type of data
originated (left). To unlock the full potential of personal data, it should instead be structured to prioritize
the coherence of the heterogeneous data around each individual who is the subject of that data (right).
Recent work by Pentland has proposed “a new deal on data,” specifying that users
should be the owners of the data that describes their own behavior (Pentland, 2009).
Following this theme, Estrin has proposed a vision of “small data” wherein each
individual can leverage the traces of data about them in order to build insights about
themselves (Estrin, 2014). These visions offer components of an intriguing future:
who should own a person’s data (people should own their own data) and what people
ought to do with their own data (people should be able to build insights about
themselves from their own data).
Building on this recent work, this thesis proposes the framing of unified personal
data as an opportunity and a goal state for advancing the landscape of personal
data. The unified personal data vision claims that an individual’s heterogeneous
personal data should be tightly integrated and represented all together on the level of
the individual (Figure 1 right), rather than each user’s personal data being disparate,
disjoint, and siloed across each of the particular services and devices that an
individual uses. This framing of unified personal data as a goal state for personal
data signifies an important design contribution that advances many areas of
An entire host of challenges must be overcome to bring about unified personal data.
Personal data is siloed within the services and devices where it was collected.
Companies independently determine what data to collect, whether or not data can
be accessible outside of the service, how long data will be kept, the terms of use for
the data, and what format that data can be accessed in. Even if a user has the power
to grant a developer access to her data, the challenges continue: bringing data
together from multiple sources, doing something to process that data (e.g. machine
learning), and applying the data are all a massive undertaking. Furthermore, there is
very little structure or support for this process today.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Advancing the state of personal data will require a fundamental shift in the way that
personal data is managed. Today, personal data is stored separately by each
company that collected it, and then within each application or service it is separated
by user. This approach is a natural fit for “big data” analysis: a company can use the
data they have amassed across all of their users to gain insights on user behavior.
If the goal is to gain insights about individuals, the current approach is a bad fit. The
amount of effort required to participate in the quantified self movement helps to
illustrate just how inhibitive the current approach is: to get even a partial view of
one’s own data requires technical skills, and a fair amount of invested time in order
to write the code that brings together data from these disparate sources and do
something interesting with that data. While motivated individuals are able to draw
together some of their data and even generate their own insights from it4, these
systems tend to be built in an ad hoc fashion (e.g. connecting to specific sets of
services, designed to run in specific programming environments). Even for
individuals with technical skills, these can be difficult to build on, and for those
without technical knowledge most tools that bring together multiple sources of
heterogeneous data are out of reach.
Though these observations might seem obvious in retrospect, they were not. In my
early days as a doctoral student at Carnegie Mellon, colleagues and I would
hypothesize many ideas of the form “I bet if you had [X], [Y], and [Z] data, you
could infer [A].” Finally, I tried one, a comparatively simple one: “I bet if you had a
person’s communication logs you could infer the strength of their relationships with
all of their contacts.” In fact, we expected it was going to be so simple that the real
research contribution would not be the relationship model, but instead the
contribution was going to be “inferred relationship strength can be used to set
sharing preferences.” As chapter 3 details, this was in fact not a simple task, and the
result left much to be desired. Furthermore, following up with more data from more
sources was not feasible. The resources required to make even some simple additions
were too great. Why was this so difficult, so resource intensive? What changes are
necessary to improve this state of personal data?
This dissertation seeks answers to those questions by stepping back to take a holistic
look at the ecosystem of personal data. To accomplish this, I employ a
multidisciplinary human-computer interaction approach, integrating inquiry
techniques from both computer science and design to make advances in both
http://feltron.com/ for two notable examples.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Figure 2: The conceptual framework of the steps involved in developing software that depends on
personal data: data is collected from some number of data sources, the collected data is transformed
into the appropriate level of abstraction or meaning for the target application, and the data is
incorporated in that target application.
Another important outcome of this dissertation is a conceptual framework that
describes the general process that is required to develop software that depends on
personal data (see Figure 2). The conceptual framework consists of two components.
The first component is a continuum of personal data from very low-level (e.g. raw
sensor data) to very high level (e.g. is the user experiencing major depression?). The
second component is a set of three steps that are required to develop applications
that depend on personal data. First, capture or collect the necessary personal data.
Second, transform the collected personal data into the required level of abstraction
or meaning for how it will be used. Third, apply the transformed data to the target
application. While these three steps may seem simple on the surface, chapter 4
highlights a variety of challenges that highlight the complexity of engaging in this
process. The conceptual framework is a useful tool for engaging a conversation
around the process of developing applications with personal data, and exposes some
critical issues for working with personal data, which limits what is reasonably
possible for researchers and application developers to accomplish today. By distilling
these challenges, this dissertation proposes a set of goals for achieving the vision of
unified personal data.
Finally, this dissertation describes the design and implementation of Phenom, a
service designed to make progress towards these goals by modularizing the process of
working with personal data. Phenom dramatically reduces the effort that is required
for a developer to incorporate personal data in an application. By employing a
semantic data store and focusing on an integrated, flexible, and modular approach
to handling personal data, Phenom radically changes how easy it is for a developer
to program applications that depend on personal data, demonstrating a first step
towards the vision of unified personal data.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Research Contributions
This dissertation offers the following technical and design contributions to HCI:
1. A proposal for unified personal data; a reframing of many HCI challenges,
human needs, and technical opportunities that can all be advanced through a
more holistic view of all of the individual data amassing around people as
their personal data that should be brought together and structured such that
it works for them and remains under their control.
2. The notion of personal data as a continuum, and a conceptual framework
that unpacks the implicit process involved in working with personal data.
3. A set of design goals for improving the ecosystem of personal data.
4. The design of Phenom: a service that supports software development with
personal data. Phenom modularizes the collection, interconnection,
processing, and querying of personal data to solve a key set of challenges
involved in developing applications that use personal data.
5. The implementation of a proof of concept of Phenom, which demonstrates its
viability and utility as a personal data service.
1.2 Dissertation Overview
Chapter 2 highlights many research domains that have incorporated personal data
(often implicitly) in their work, including a variety of my own projects across those
domains. Personal data underlies multiple threads of research, and in many cases
progress in those domains appears stifled because of the limitations of the state of
personal data today. Despite these limitations encountered and the commonalities
across fields, it appears that no efforts have been made towards connecting these
domains and engaging holistic thinking on the ecosystem of personal data. The
vision of unified personal data offers a new frame for viewing people’s collections of
personal data, one that offers benefits to the various research domains that have
helped to define personal data and that employ it to offer an advance.
Chapter 3 offers a detailed case study of the process and findings of my own research
to connect communication behavior to social sharing preferences. The practical
challenges faced in that work highlight many of the shortcomings of engaging in
research with personal data.
Chapter 4 synthesizes the landscape of personal data mapped out in the previous
two chapters to engage personal data from a holistic perspective. This synthesis
produces a set of general steps that are required for making use of personal data:
collecting the data, making higher-level sense of the data, and applying the processed
data to an application. It identifies a set of challenges and issues that inhibit work
with personal data, using the framework to illustrate these challenges. Finally, it
proposes a set of design goals that offer an agenda for improving the personal data
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 5 describes Phenom, a service that I developed to support the process of
developing applications based on the vision of unified personal data. Phenom
addresses some of the most prominent challenges of working with personal data by
offering a modular approach that separates the steps of the personal data
development process. Phenom unifies personal data on the level of the individual,
supporting rich interconnections in the data and reuse of components across
completely independent applications.
Chapter 6 concludes the dissertation with an eye towards the future of personal data
2 Situating Unified Personal Data
within the Landscape of
Research that Leverages
Personal Data
Traditionally, scientific and engineering research both focus on answering wellformed research questions; the mantra “what is your research question?” is
universally familiar and relevant. And yet sometimes identifying what the question
should be is itself a major research challenge. These situations can be daunting from
the perspective of science and engineering research. Design research, in contrast,
focuses on the search for a question that is worth answering. Design researchers refer
to this as framing a goal state that supports an advance toward a preferred state of
the world. It asks about relevance and improvement to the world as the most critical
criteria. To understand this approach requires a basic understanding of the concept
of design thinking.
When describing design, Herbert Simon wrote “To design is to devise courses of
action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones,” (Simon, 1969).
This places design thinking in a subjective space with a focus on what might be
better for the world. Rittel and Webber advanced this idea with their work on
“Wicked Problems,” large-scale social issues like urban crime, that are not easily
addressed through science or engineering inquiry, but that are approachable
through design thinking (Rittel & Webber, 1973). These challenges cannot be
accurately modeled (and thus cannot be solved by scientific or engineering methods
alone) because of the conflicting perspectives of the stakeholders involved. The
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
complex open system of multiple stakeholders with conflicting goals and
innumerable possible solutions described by Rittel and Weber are applicable when
considering the ecosystem of personal data5. They describe how design thinking
makes advances on these types of problems by proposing solutions that offer a
unique framing of the problem to be solved, and that it is only through the
articulation of a solution that researchers can even know the problem they want to
Speaking on how design functions as a reflective practice, Donald Schön argues for
the importance of framing problems, and specifically that the process of design
thinking is about picking a specific frame to engage (Schön, 1983). Design thinkers
employ a process of reflecting-in-action and reflecting on action as they generate and
assess many possible frames (i.e. the futures they might want to achieve). More
recently, Kee Dorst considered different forms of reasoning (deduction, induction,
and abduction) to position design thinking with respect to the kinds of reasoning
frequently encountered in science and engineering (Dorst, 2011). Dorst builds on
Schön’s concept of framing, identifying that framing is a form of perspective-taking,
with many different perspectives possible. He discusses how designers systematically
cycle through many possible desired outcomes in order to discover a path forward
that can resolve a problematic situation.
This thesis proposes unified personal data as a mechanism to unlock the promised
future of personalized computing experiences. The articulation of this goal (a
preferred future) and this mechanism (unified personal data) is a match to Dorst’s
conception of framing in design thinking. Framing the vision and the opportunity of
unified personal data is a core contribution of this dissertation that unfolds through
chapters 2, 3, and 4. The messy and iterative nature of this process does not easily
lend itself to the serial format of this dissertation, and this chapter relies in part on
the overview offered in Chapter 1 to offer a structure to this framing.
To begin this framing, this chapter provides a broad survey of research domains that
have led to the conception of unified personal data as a solution. Across computing
research, researchers have been implicitly examining the need and benefit of
personal data from a variety of perspectives over many years. Despite the common
interest in personal data shared by each of these domains, and perhaps because of
the lack of a broader cross-discipline unified personal data framing, the contributions
between them have been mostly disconnected: progress in one personal-data-focused
sub-discipline typically has little impact on the work in other sub-disciplines.
Treating personal data holistically as a research community rather than as a
disconnected (or loosely connected) combination of research topics may provide the
long-term support necessary to push forward the evolution of personal data.
The bulk of this chapter highlights each of these domains and connections between
them (see Figure 3), focusing on challenges that each domain has encountered
see chapter 4 for a discussion of some of the stakeholders for personal data
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
related to personal data. Highlighting these challenges serves several purposes in this
dissertation. First, understanding the personal-data-related challenges in each field
offers multiple perspectives that contribute to the problem framing. Additionally,
understanding how each of these fields relates to personal data offers the ability to
contextualize advances made in the space of personal data with respect to each
The end of this chapter offers an overview of various personal-data-related research
projects that I have worked on. While many of these projects also have separate
research contributions of their own, in the context of this dissertation these projects
can be seen as design probes. Through this lens, each of these projects has offered a
different perspective towards framing the opportunity of unified personal data,
which I have synthesized in chapter 4.
Figure 3. A map highlighting research domains across HCI that generate, make use of, or investigate
personal data, and the interconnections between them.
2.1 Personal Information Management
The research area of Personal Information Management studies how people acquire,
organize, maintain, and retrieve the many different types of information that they
use in their day-to-day lives. In many ways, the field draws inspiration from
Vannevar Bush’s seminal paper “As We May Think” (Bush, 1945). Bush describes
the hypothetical Memex, a microfilm-based system for storing and retrieving the
multitude of information that people handle throughout their lives. The first work
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
actually referencing PIM appeared in the 1980s6, evolving as a research area around
the same time as HCI.
Jones’ survey chapter of PIM (W. Jones, 2007) describes three “senses” of Personal
1. The information people keep for their own personal use (e.g. contact lists,
financial records, time-tracking logs)
2. Information about a person but possibly kept by and under the control of
others. (e.g. invoices from purchases made on Amazon, electronic medical
3. Information experienced by a person even if this information remains outside
a person’s control. (e.g. the news stories a person views online, the items a
person browses on Amazon but does not buy)
As Jones identifies, the study of PIM primarily focuses on the first sense, but
acknowledges the relevance of the second and third as well. Put another way, PIM is
primarily a study of how humans use the tools available to them in order to store
information that they would like to access in the future, including contacts
(Whittaker, Jones, & Terveen, 2002), calendar appointments (Starner, Snoeck,
Wong, & McGuire, 2004), to do items (Bellotti, Dalal, Good, Flynn, & Bobrow,
2004), email (Ducheneaut & Bellotti, 2001), and the myriad pieces of unstructured
information that we collect (Bernstein, Van Kleek, Karger, & Schraefel, 2008) and
the possibility of finding the structure in that data (Chang et al., 2013). Other recent
work in PIM has explored the concept of unifying different types of heterogeneous
personal information (Karger & Jones, 2006). The problems cited in this work offer
support for the design goals specified in chapter 4.
PIM research offers an important component to the broader context of personal
data research. First, PIM research provides an important examination of the
interface between the user and the storage and retrieval of their personal data. In
PIM research the specific interaction is about users explicitly storing pieces of their
personal data for the purposes of retrieving it themselves later: there is no additional
processing happening on the data while it is stored. However, PIM research can
contribute insights into how best to collect hand-labeled ground truth data. This is
particularly important for training models on personal data. With personal data the
ground truth labeling task is more constrained than in the general case because with
personal data models the person labeling the data typically needs to be the person
who that data is about.
Today, there is much more personal information for users to manage than ever
before. The volume of data has grown both because there are more types of digital
personal information (e.g. media collections, shopping behavior, and taxes), and also
See (W. Jones, 2007) for a helpful explanation of the study of PIM that offers some connections
between Vannevar Bush’s “As We May Think” and the modern study of PIM starting in the
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
because there are more data in existing channels (e.g. growing histories of email
interaction, and more and more email each year). The result of this is that people
have more personal data than ever to keep track of and many of the “things” are
stored on different third-party services. A major challenge for PIM is to provide
people with easy and relevant access to their data. This dissertation focuses on
offering new ways of connecting relevant data together, even across different thirdparty services, which is one component of the challenge facing PIM. Furthermore,
this dissertation proposes a unified approach to track and store people’s interactions
with their data, which is another aspect of PIM.
2.2 User Modeling
Research related to the goal of creating software that responds and reacts to
characteristics of the user first appeared in the 1970s in several different application
domains. Some of this work had a goal of creating intelligent tutoring systems that
would use the student’s behavior within a tutoring system to personalize the
software’s behavior for that student (Burton & Brown, 1979). Other work was
focused on dialog systems that would tell different things to different users based on
what the software could infer the user already knew (Allen, 1979; Cohen & Perrault,
1979; Perrault, Allen, & Cohen, 1978), or by using characteristics of the user to guess
what the user’s intention was (Rich, 1979a, 1979b). In these early modeling systems,
the modeling components were not distinct from the rest of the application, but as
the field grew user modeling systems were made more modular. The first wave of
modularization was in the form of shell applications that would be a part of the
application. Fueled by the advent of the internet, the next wave was server-based
user models that could support multiple distributed client applications (Kobsa, 2001).
User modeling has grown with the rest of computing to include modeling in mobile
and ubiquitous contexts. The info-bead user modeling approach (Dim, Kuflik, &
Reinhartz-Berger, 2015) is one such system, which represents different pieces of user
context as info-beads that can be connected together through info-links to form infopendants. The complete collection of info-beads and info-pendants can be combined to
form user models and group models, which can be used to personalized specific
systems. This modular approach can enable the reuse of info-beads and info-pendants in
different deployments of the info-bead user modeling approach. Though the
architecture and the approach to modularity in the info-bead approach are different
from the implementation of Phenom described in chapter 5, the value placed on
modular components that can be used across different applications and Phenom’s
bots (see section 5.1) share a common inspiration.
User modeling has also begun to expand to include the idea that user data can come
from across the user’s lifetime. PortMe (Kay & Kummerfeld, 2010) is a user model
framework that is designed to support models that are based on the user’s lifetime of
personal data. PortMe provides an interface so that users can view and interact with
details of user models that are based on their own data, and relies on the PersonisAD
user model server (Assad, Carmichael, Kay, & Kummerfeld, 2007) for the
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
underlying user model representation. This concept of holistically thinking about
personal data that spans a person’s entire life is core to engaging some of the
fundamental issues with personal data, and it informs the design goals in chapter 4.
Where PIM research was mostly focused on a user-centric perspective of explicitlycollected personal data, User Modeling is different in many ways. Instead User
Modeling takes a primarily system-centric perspective, focusing instead on
developing domain-specific models based on user behavior.
User modeling brings to personal data research a demonstrated process for making
end-to-end systems that leverage a user’s behavior to model a specific item, and
incorporate that model into the application. Though these tend to be closed systems
(i.e. data is collected from, modeled by, and applied to a single application), work in
user modeling represents concrete examples of leveraging personal data to create
models and apply those models to specific applications.
One important challenge facing work in user modeling is deploying the models. This
is essential for being able to build on the models (either in research or in commercial
contexts), and also for understanding the real-world validity of the models beyond
the more controlled environment of a traditional study. Phenom, the system
described in this dissertation, offers an architecture that supports deploying models
that depend on a user’s personal data.
2.3 Recommender Systems
Recommender systems emerged in the early 1990s, growing out of user modeling
into a space that was more directly focused on user experience. Specifically, early
recommender systems set out to address a clear problem: as more and more people
started using the internet, the amount of content was growing considerably and
information overload was setting in (Konstan & Riedl, 2012). Tapestry (Goldberg,
Nichols, Oki, & Terry, 1992), the first recommender system, targeted email
overload. That work also introduced the phrase collaborative filtering, which has
been an essential technique used by many recommender systems. In the twenty years
since, recommender systems have grown massively and are deployed across many
commercial systems offering personalized recommendations and predictions across
many different domains from media consumption (i.e. news, movies, books) to
recommending social relationships (i.e. dating websites, following people on Twitter).
For personal data research, recommender systems (similar to user modeling)
demonstrate the potential for closed systems to leverage personal data to enable realworld personalization. One interesting dimension that recommender systems bring
to the conversation around personal data is the concept of collaborative filtering:
dynamically using labeled data captured from a breadth of users to predict another
user’s behavior or interests. This also draws together one aspect of the research on
personal information management: the manual labeling of data by users.
Recommender systems, particularly those based on collaborative filtering,
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
demonstrate interactions where users can provide labels for their personal data and
receive direct benefits in turn for that labeling.
A key challenge facing recommender systems is to integrate different kinds of
recommender approaches including content-based approaches (i.e. using
information about the content), collaborative approaches (i.e. collaborative filtering),
and contextual approaches (i.e. situational information about the user) (Konstan &
Riedl, 2012). This goal is an important component of the personal data vision as
well. In most recommender systems, the personal data that is used by the system is
personal data that was generated within the system (e.g. ratings, viewing behavior,
sharing behavior). However, to fully realize the potential of contextual approaches,
recommender systems will need to start to depend on data from outside of their
systems as well. Work on context-aware recommender systems represents a
movement in that direction (Abbar, Bouzeghoub, & Lopez, 2009; Adomavicius &
Tuzhilin, 2011). Most context-aware recommender systems to date focus on
immediate context, like the time of day or location (Matyas & Schlieder, 2009; Oku,
Kotera, & Sumiya, 2010). Moving forward, recommender systems will need to
broaden their focus to include a more holistic view of the user’s data and begin to
make use of logs of personal data that show routines, changes in behavior, and
trends over time (Bobadilla, Ortega, Hernando, & Gutiérrez, 2013). As a result, the
work of this dissertation is of direct interest to recommender systems.
2.4 Lifelogging
The research topic of lifelogging first emerged in the mid-1990s and in many ways
started as a combination PIM, multimedia, and ubiquitous computing, sharing the
same basic PIM inspiration of Bush’s Memex (Bush, 1945), but dramatically
increasing the amount and kinds of data that might be captured in such a system (i.e.
location, video, workstation logging) (Lamming et al., 1994). Other early work in the
topic of lifelogging includes Lifestreams, which proposed a new metaphor for
dynamically organizing a person’s data (Freeman & Fertig, 1995; Freeman &
Gelernter, 1996). While the Lifestreams work was particularly focused on
documents, it sets out a list of six observations that motivated their work, and remain
relevant today:
Storage should be transparent
Directories are inadequate as an organizing device
Archiving should be automatic
The system should summarize multiple related documents in a concise
5. Computers should make reminders convenient
6. Personal data should be accessible everywhere
With a small amount of interpretation, when placed in the context of today’s
landscape of personal data many of these observations remain applicable and the
spirit of the goals expressed through those observations have not been met.
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
Unified on the concept of “total capture” with a primary goal of serving as a
memory aid, a variety of lifelogging systems appeared to focus on capturing as much
data as possible about individuals’ behavior (Hodges et al., 2006; Hori & Aizawa,
2003) and providing usable ways of accessing that data (Adar, Karger, & Stein, 1999;
Dumais et al., 2003; Gemmell, Bell, & Lueder, 2006; Gemmell, Bell, Lueder,
Drucker, & Wong, 2002). This style of lifelogging work attracted criticism and lost
favor in the research world when it became apparent that the collection of these
huge archives of disparate data did not lead to compelling applications (Sellen &
Whittaker, 2010). Despite these criticisms, a number of commercial systems have
emerged in recent years that enable the “capture” portion of lifelogging (e.g
Narrative camera7, Saga mobile app8). One notable exception to this criticism is in
more specific populations where there has been demonstrated value in lifelogging,
for example in people with memory impairment (Browne et al., 2011; Lee & Dey,
2008), or serving as a tool for helping and understanding children with autism
(Marcu, Dey, & Kiesler, 2012).
In many ways, lifelogging is an attempt at finding a solution (developing the
technology) without fully understanding the problem (validating the application
area). lifelogging as a research area communicates an underlying hunch that there
must be value in the data that characterizes our lives. However, it lacks a clear need
that collecting this data will fill.
Lifelogging is a different perspective on personal data: the idea that individuals will
drive the collection of their own personal data, perhaps without a specific purpose in
mind. This contrasts against User Modeling and Recommender Systems where the
user may not even know that data is being captured and used by the system.
lifelogging research is in some ways similar to PIM: a user-centric focus on the
collection and retrieval of personal data. However, where lifelogging and PIM differ
is in the volume and use of the data: PIM collects a comparatively small amount of
data that the user expects to need later, where lifelogging collects as much data as
possible, typically without a specific use in mind.
Lifelogging research faces a difficult duality. On one hand, there is a general hunch
that there is value contained within personal data, and it is impossible to harness that
value (or even to understand what that value is) without first collecting large amounts
of data. On the other hand, lifelogging is a cautionary tale of finding a solution
without knowing what problem it solves. One way for personal data to address these
issues is by making it easier for developers and researchers to experiment with
different ways of finding value in personal data. Lowering the barrier to entry is
likely to surface many more ideas and enable a real-world validation of their utility.
This dissertation explores opportunities for reducing the burden on developers for
carrying out these steps.
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
2.5 Context-Aware Computing
The field of context-aware computing is a research domain that was established in
parallel with and closely related to ubiquitous computing in the early 1990’s to
develop computing systems that could capture, process, and react to a person’s
immediate context (Schilit, Adams, & Want, 1994). A widely used definition of
context comes from (A. K. Dey, 2001): “Context is any information that can be used
to characterise the situation of an entity. An entity is a person, place, or object that is
considered relevant to the interaction between a user and an application, including
the user and applications themselves.” Dey also offers a definition of context-aware:
“A system is context-aware if it uses context to provide relevant information and/or
services to the user, where relevancy depends on the user’s task.” These definitions
are quite general, and Dourish (2004) argues that full context-awareness is
intractable, as the relevance of context surely changes from moment to moment.
The Context Toolkit is a very prominent piece of work in this domain (A. Dey,
Salber, & Abowd, 2001). The Context Toolkit was a response to the problem that
developing context-aware applications was far too difficult because the components
of a context-aware system were not modular enough to facilitate reuse. This
observation and the resulting requirements for dealing with context are in many
ways analogous to the observations made in this dissertation with respect to personal
data: developing with personal data is also very difficult, and one of the sources of
that difficulty is also the lack of modularity and the exposure of too much
Context-aware computing is largely motivated by vision proposed by Weiser’s “Sal”
story (Weiser, 1991) where as a user moves through her day, technology is seamlessly
integrated into her day, to the point where the technology becomes unremarkable
and invisible in use. Despite the fact that an important component of realizing this
vision will require longer-term knowledge, for example knowledge of a person’s
routine behavior (Tolmie, Pycock, Diggins, Maclean, & Karsenty, 2002), contextaware computing has traditionally focused on immediate context based on data that
was collected in the short term, often based only on instantaneous sensor readings.
This represents an entire category of data that describes information about a person,
and thus fits into the category of personal data.
From the perspective of personal data, context-aware computing research
contributes technical solutions for transforming sensor data into more meaningful
personal data. In this way, context-aware computing makes possible the automatic
collection of new kinds of personal data, or of improving the accuracy or coverage of
that data.
There is far too much work in the realm of context-aware computing to describe in this
chapter, however (Baldauf, Dustdar, & Rosenberg, 2007) and (Chen & Kotz, 2000) offer
surveys of the field.
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
One important problem that the field of context awareness faces is the challenge of
reconciling instantaneous data, which captures part of a person’s context in the
moment, with the much more expansive logs of heterogeneous data that provide the
information necessary to correctly interpret that instantaneous context. To engage
this challenge, context-awareness research will either need to access and interpret
those disparate logs of heterogeneous personal data themselves, or build on the work
of others who have done this. The framing of unified personal data includes the
concept of collecting long-term logs of data about the user, simplifying this challenge.
2.6 Personal Informatics and Quantified Self
Personal informatics is defined as a class of systems that help people collect
personally relevant information for the purpose of self-reflection and gaining selfknowledge (Li, Dey, & Forlizzi, 2010). Personal informatics has emerged as a
research area simultaneous with the widespread adoption of smartphones and
increased consumer interest in fitness-related wearables. At a high level, personal
informatics involves two major steps: collecting data and reflecting on that data. On
the collection side, personal informatics has its roots in PIM, lifelogging, contextaware computing. On the reflection side, personal informatics has its roots in
information visualization (Pousman, Stasko, & Mateas, 2007). One example of an
early personal informatics system that combines these steps is the Ubifit Garden
(Consolvo et al., 2008), which used mobile phones to collect and visualize physical
activity information.
Figure 4: Stage-Based Model of Personal Informatics Systems (Li et al., 2010)
Li, et al. (2010) proposed a stage-based model of personal informatics systems (see
Figure 4) targeted toward behavior change that identified five stages: preparation,
collection, integration, reflection, and action. This work highlighted two important
features that the model emphasized: this process is iterative, and that barriers in
earlier stages of the process (e.g. difficulty collecting data, difficulty integrating data
from different sources) cascade to impact later stages, perhaps even making those
later stages impossible.
The quantified self movement, a group of people interested in self-tracking, has
appeared and has gained some traction across the world over the last several years,
with a small but loyal following. While a few notable individuals have attracted some
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
press for reporting on their own findings from examining their own personal data
(e.g. Stephen Wolfram’s “The Personal Analytics of My Life” 10 and Nicholas
Felton’s “Feltron Annual Report”11), for the most part examining one’s own data
remains a fairly uncommon activity that requires the user to have logged her own
data and also have the knowledge, skills, and motivation to turn that raw data into
something meaningful or consumable.
Research in personal informatics, and the growing quantified self movement
demonstrate that the process of collecting personal data is a challenge, so much so
that it inhibits what information can be collected even if the data already exists.
Recently, there has been a sort of call to arms towards data liberation throughout the
community. For example, Deborah Estrin’s concept of small data envisions a future
where individuals have access to and control over all of their data own data, for use
however they choose (Estrin, 2014). For personal informatics to continue to grow, it
needs to be easier for people to bring together and synthesize their own data, and to
do this from more sources. The vision of unified personal data offers one way of
accomplishing this.
2.7 Computational Social Science and Data Mining
To Understand Human Behavior
With the widespread adoption of cell phones, it has become possible to collect largescale datasets that capture the dynamics of human movement and social behavior
over large populations and/or long periods of time. A major differentiator in this
work is whether or not the researchers have access to individuals in the population.
Typically, if the researchers have access to individuals in the population, it is because
the researchers have recruited the population directly and have collected the data
themselves. One early example of this style of work is the reality mining project
(Eagle & Pentland, 2006). In this work, 9 months of data was collected from 100
participants that included call logs, Bluetooth proximity to other devices in the study,
cell tower IDs (providing rough location), and application usage. Through the
collected dataset, the researchers were able to examine individual routines, dyadic
behavior across individuals, and organizational behaviors across the entire dataset.
Since the time that this original data was collected, subsequent studies have been
conducted to examine routines within families (Davidoff, Ziebart, Zimmerman, &
Dey, 2011), location dynamics of a heterogeneous sample (Kiukkonen, Blom,
Dousse, Gatica-Perez, & Laurila, 2010), shifting behaviors in a residential
community (Aharony, Pan, Ip, Khayal, & Pentland, 2011), and mental health in the
students of a college class (R. Wang et al., 2014). By engaging in these data
collections, researchers have the opportunity to collect participant responses focused
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
on a particular research question, which can then be used as ground truth when
developing a model based on the automatically sensed data. These data collections
each represent a massive effort on the part of the data collector.
An alternative approach taken by many researchers in the space of computational
social science is to obtain and analyze a dataset that already exists, for example
(Conti, Passarella, & Pezzoni, 2011; González, Hidalgo, & Barabási, 2008; Onnela et
al., 2007; D. Wang, Pedreschi, Song, Giannotti, & Barabasi, 2011). The perspective
taken by this work mimics the broader “big data” trend: using anonymized logs,
typically from a single data source, to build some insight or observe a broad scale
phenomenon (Lazer et al., 2009). However, there are some major drawbacks to this
approach, many of which stem from the lack of access that researchers have to the
individuals whose data comprise the dataset. In particular, this lack of access means
that the data is often homogeneous (e.g. only call log data no other data) because
connecting multiple sources of data would require knowing who those individuals
are, linking data together, and perhaps even requesting permission to do this work.
Additionally, this means that this style of work also does not have access to explicitlyprovided data (e.g. survey responses), only implicitly-provided data (e.g. phone call
logs from a telecommunications provider). Even if individuals wanted to provide
additional information to researchers, there is no mechanism by which to provide
that information. As a result, this leads researchers to define proxies based on the
data that are used to represent the desired data. However, these proxies are not
necessarily validated before use, which can lead to systematic problems when
interpreting the data (Wiese, Min, Hong, & Zimmerman, 2015).
These challenges (lacking the ground truth and real-world understanding of what
these data actually represent) limits the conclusions that can be drawn from this kind
of research. The ability to have anonymized unified data with useful ground truth
labels from a large population could have a massive impact on the world. This kind
of data could produce important scientific results, and also build insights about the
population that can affect city planning, health, and public policy. The challenge of
bringing this data together today, even for a single individual, inhibits this progress.
The vision of unified personal data described in this dissertation represents an
important step towards these goals by bringing together a user’s heterogeneous
personal data.
2.8 Identity Interfaces: Virtual Possessions and SelfReflection
As technology has become increasingly integrated into people’s everyday lives, many
aspects of everyday life that were previously well established in the physical world
have begun to bridge into a hybrid physical/digital space, or even a fully digital
space. The effects of this shift are incredibly broad and far reaching, and have
changed the way that people communicate, collaborate, create, consume, and
collect. One important effect of this shift is the transition of many different kinds of
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
possessions that were previously physical possessions into virtual possessions (Odom,
Zimmerman, & Forlizzi, 2010). This shift is significant in part because people’s
possessions both reflect and contribute to their identities (R. W. Belk, 1988). In
contrast to material possessions, virtual possessions are placeless, spaceless, and
formless (Odom, Zimmerman, & Forlizzi, 2014). These qualities affect the
circumstances under which people manage their possessions including the process of
curating and archiving their possessions (Kaye et al., 2006), their process of spending
time with and reflecting on their virtual possessions (Odom et al., 2010), and the
legacy that they leave through their possessions (Gulotta, Odom, Forlizzi, & Faste,
Research on virtual possessions stands distinct from that in personal informatics,
though they are in some ways related. Personal informatics is a user-driven goaloriented process for collecting personal data (often through explicit action) that
describes a user’s own behavior. Virtual possessions is also focused on users
interacting with their own data, but the user’s motivation for interacting with this
data and the provenance of this data is a much more fluid component of the user’s
life: even without explicitly collecting virtual possessions, people have them and
interact with them on a regular basis.
The metadata that captures people’s interaction with their virtual possessions, and in
many cases the virtual possession itself, are all personal data. Furthermore, this data
could be used as a component of a personal informatics system. As such, many of the
challenges, research questions, and exploratory systems within virtual possessions
and personal informatics inform each other and the study of personal data at large.
For example, the finding that fragmented virtual possessions are problematic for end
users (i.e that they are stored in different non-compatible applications and services)
(Odom et al., 2014) is an important issue for personal data at large. Similarly, the
importance of and challenges with leaving a digital legacy (Gulotta et al., 2013) is an
important point of consideration for the whole of an individual’s personal data
archives, even the aspects of that archive that might not be considered “virtual
Research on identity interfaces is an examination of the way people relate to the
personal data that has become an integral part of their everyday lives. Having
personal data in a digital format, when contrasted with the previous era where this
data was either a material object or did not exist affords a different way of
interacting with that data.
Fragmented personal data is a major challenge for identity interfaces. While people
present fragmented identities to different social groups (Farnham & Churchill, 2011),
the fragmentation of personal data is service-based, not identity-based. Thus, an
essential component of moving identity interfaces forward is to bring together
service-fragmented data, which will enable research in this domain to continue.
Unified personal data offers one solution to this very issue.
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
2.9 Sharing Context
The widespread adoption of the Internet over the last twenty years has brought the
general public the ability to digitally share personal data socially with other people.
One major reason to share personal data is to facilitate awareness across colleagues,
family members, and close friends. Sideshow (Cadiz, Venolia, & Jancke, 2002),
Community Bar (McEwan & Greenberg, 2005), MyVine (Fogarty, Lai, &
Christensen, 2004), and ConNexus (J. Tang et al., 2001) collected some awareness
information, such as IM status and calendar, and automatically shared that
information with contacts in a side bar interface on the desktop. Awarenex (J. Tang
et al., 2001), ContextContacts (Oulasvirta, Raento, & Tiitta, 2005) and Connecto
(Barkhuus et al., 2008) are all mobile awareness systems with various representations
of location and other data, such as calendar information, ring tone profile, and
Bluetooth neighbors.
Location is one type of personal data sharing that has been the subject of a great deal
of research. While early location sharing was focused on instrumenting an office or
workplace (Want, Hopper, Falcão, & Gibbons, 1992), subsequent studies explored
location sharing with colleagues and friends IMBuddy (Hsieh, Tang, Low, & Hong,
2007), or with family Whereabouts Clock (Brown et al., 2007). Tang et al. explored
location sharing from the perspective of the motivation behind sharing location data,
focusing on the difference between purpose-driven sharing and social-driven sharing
(K. P. Tang, Lin, Hong, Siewiorek, & Sadeh, 2010). They found that where
purpose-driven sharing typically focuses on an exact location, social-driven location
sharing was more likely to favor semantic place names to specific geographic
Context sharing brings the technical contributions of context-aware computing
toward a user-centric space. Research on context sharing offers insights into
mechanisms for sharing personal data, and how people interact with that data are
important dimensions of the broader domain of personal data.
Context sharing depends on bringing together the information required to do a
contextual inference and making that inference. The challenges of doing both of
these steps are major, and this challenge inhibits more complex context sharing
scenarios (e.g. the “in-common” sharing scenarios described in (Wiese, Kelley, et al.,
2011)). To enable these more complex context-sharing scenarios that depend on
multiple pieces of context requires a significant development effort if developers
cannot easily build on context inferences that have been developed by others. In this
dissertation, Phenom offers an architecture that supports the integration and reuse of
many different kinds of abstractions (including inferences) that could be made on
personal data.
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
2.10 Privacy
Privacy is perhaps the most dominant topic when it comes to collecting, using, and
sharing personal data. Academic discussions about data protection and personal
privacy date back to the late 1960s and early 1970s and have expanded considerably
in scope since then. A major challenge in privacy research, and in designing privacysensitive systems, is that expectations and perceptions of privacy co-evolve with
technology, (Iachello & Hong, 2007) and vary across individuals whose opinions may
also change over time (M. S. Ackerman, Cranor, & Reagle, 1999; Westin, 2001).
Thus, protecting users’ privacy is both a moving target, and also must allow for some
dimension of control across individuals. Furthermore, privacy is often viewed as a
tradeoff, for example trading off the risks and benefits of disclosing some
information, or the tradeoff between privacy and the public interest (Iachello &
Hong, 2007). The disclosure of personal data can offer benefits (either tangible or
intangible) for people who disclose the data and also for the companies that hold the
data, but can also be costly for either or both parties (Brandimarte & Acquisti, 2012).
Personal data privacy has been a particularly active topic in recent public discourse
in large part because of the exposure of the mass-data-collection of the NSA’s
PRISM program12, but also because of discomfort caused by behavioral advertising
and a rash of recent data breaches. A major concern within this space is that even in
the cases where individuals are explicitly paying attention to the permissions that
they are granting to the applications and services that they use, they often do not
fully understand the permissions that they are approving (Kelley et al., 2012).
One way of thinking about user-centric personal data privacy research is through the
following categories:
Understanding the potential privacy risks of disclosing personal data,
especially cases where disclosing some data inadvertently leaks other data
(e.g. (Acquisti & Gross, 2009))
Understanding the potential benefits of disclosing personal data (e.g.
(Lindqvist, Cranshaw, Wiese, Hong, & Zimmerman, 2011)
Helping users to understand the meaning behind different privacy options
and the tradeoffs of granting or denying access to different kinds of data (e.g.
(Kelley, Bresee, Cranor, & Reeder, 2009))
Providing users with interfaces that enable them to easily express their
privacy preferences (e.g. (Klemperer et al., 2012))
Guaranteeing enforcement of a user’s privacy preferences (e.g. (Yang,
Yessenov, & Solar-Lezama, 2012))
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
Privacy is an extremely important, and also extremely challenging, topic in usercentric research on personal data, and must be an integral part of ongoing research
on personal data.
One major challenge towards implementing usable privacy controls is the lack of
continuity in setting those controls. Users are forced to specify privacy settings in a
fragmented way, specifying these preferences per-application. While in some cases
this granular control might be desirable, in many cases users would benefit from a
simpler, unified interface for specifying these controls. The vision of unified personal
data offers the possibility of this kind of unified interfaces for considering privacy
concerns and specifying privacy preferences in a unified, coherent way.
2.11 Research Examples
The previous sections have offered brief overviews of the breadth of research subdisciplines that contribute to a broader understanding of personal data. This section
highlights research projects related to personal data that I have engaged in across a
variety of these research areas. These projects demonstrate in more detail how
research in some of these different domains connects to personal data. Additionally,
these projects have served as research probes that have greatly contributed to my
task of framing the opportunity of unified personal data.
2.11.1 Personal Information Management: The Contact List
Name Field
I examined contact lists with an initial goal of leveraging the structured data within
the contact list entries of users’ smartphones to infer aspects of the user’s relationship
with her contacts (Wiese, Hong, & Zimmerman, 2014). To understand the feasibility
of this, I collected the contact lists of 54 participants, containing 35,599 contacts.
However, to my surprise 67% of the contact entries that I collected contained either
no contact information, or only an email address. Most of the remaining 33% of
contacts only contained one piece of information, usually a phone number. The
majority of contact list features were unused.
Despite the apparent lack of information contained in these lists, a deeper
exploration of the content uncovered more subtle structures within the data. Analysis
of the contact name field yielded twelve distinct and unexpected naming strategies.
This analysis of contact lists from a broad range of 54 participants found that those
lists were used in surprising ways and revealed consistent patterns. The behaviors we
identified present both a challenge and an opportunity: though usage patterns
prevent simple automated approaches for data mining or contact-list merging, they
also suggest alternative directions for data mining to understand the behavior of
individuals and their relationships with others. More broadly, the results of this work
point to a mismatch between the expected use and actual use of the contact list, a
very common interface for interacting with personal data.
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
2.11.2 Context Awareness: Inferring Phone Placement
One example of context awareness from my own work is using sensors to infer the
placement of a device (Wiese, Saponas, & Brush, 2013). Enabling phones to infer
whether they are currently in a pocket, purse or on a table facilitates a range of new
interactions from placement-dependent notifications setting to preventing “pocket
dialing.” Phone placement data may not seem to be personal data at first glance, but
over time phone placement data can be used to characterize the behavior of
In this work I collected two weeks of accelerometer data from 32 participants’
personal mobile devices. Using the experience sampling method (ESM), participants
recorded how their devices were being stored in-situ. To evaluate algorithms for
inferring the placement or proprioception of the phone, I built and evaluated models
using features from the in-situ accelerometer data. These models achieve accuracies
of 85% for two different two-class models (Enclosed vs. Out and On Person vs. Not)
and 75% for a four-class model (Pocket, Bag, Out, Hand).
I also explored opportunities to improve the accuracy of the accelerometer-only
models, using prototype sensors that leverage capacitive sensing (previously
unexplored for this task), multi-spectral properties, and light/proximity sensing. I
compared data gathered with these sensors in a laboratory setting, with resulting
models achieving top accuracy levels of 85% to 100%.
This work represents one example of developing a context-aware component of an
application. To the extent that a smartphone is associated with a primary user, the
place that they put their phone is a form of personal data: it describes something
about the user’s behavior. Furthermore, over time logs of this data can reveal trends
that might offer even more information on the user’s behavior.
2.11.3 Lifelogging and Identity Interfaces: Evaluating
Applications that Make Use of Long-Term Location
A major shortcoming of early Lifelogging research was the general lack of
applications for collecting large logs of personal data. The process of testing
application ideas and finding value can be a difficult one, but is an important
component of human-centered computing.
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
Figure 5: An example of a scenario presented during one of the sessions.
In one example from my own work, I developed a set of scenarios that illustrated
some potential use cases for applying histories of a user’s location and conducted a
needs validation session, following guidelines from the “speed dating” design
technique (Davidoff, Lee, Dey, & Zimmerman, 2007). Needs validation uses
storyboards of different scenarios, in our case to depict different concepts for location
histories and future history (see Figure 5), to provide participants with many quick
views of possible futures. During a session, a researcher presents the storyboards one
at a time to an individual or to a small group of participants. The researcher then
follows the storyboard with a lead question that focuses the discussion on the
underlying need and away from the specific way the technology in the storyboard
shows the need being addressed. By presenting the participants with storyboards
showing people like themselves in situations that seem common, this method helps
participants draw on their own experience as they visit and reflect on an imagined
near future.
Participants were invited to share their reactions to the storyboards and to address
the corresponding questions, which ask them specific ways that their own
experiences have led them to a similar need as the one addressed in the scenario.
Furthermore, participants were told not to think about the technology that would be
used to implement these scenarios, but just to assume that the technology could
I brainstormed 36 scenarios, which I refined down to 18 based on redundancy of the
underlying need we were addressing and the level of convincingness for each
scenario. Once made, I thematically clustered the scenarios based on content. These
clusters, and results from the needs validation, are described here:
Icebreaking (3 scenarios): These scenarios describe situations where
location history is used to strengthen existing relationships or build new ones.
Participants strongly identified with the needs implicit in the icebreaking
scenarios (e.g. needing a good topic of conversation when talking with a new
person). However, participants were also concerned that the usage of a
conversational aid that supplies conversational topics might be awkward,
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
make them look socially inept, or even come across as “stalkerish”.
Participants felt that this kind of technology would be best suited for
professions where social relationships are brief (e.g. nurse, taxi driver), so
building commonality earlier is better. Recent work has continued to explore
this concept of computer-supported icebreaking (Nguyen, Nguyen, Iqbal, &
Ofek, 2015), though not necessarily using location history.
Future – intersections and obstacles (3 scenarios): These scenarios
address different aspects that affect one’s plans in the short or long term,
including things that might inhibit them or that they may want to include in
their plan. There are fewer future location scenarios compared to location
history because of the differences in how easy it is to obtain that data
accurately, which affects technical feasibility. Participants reflected a clear
need for monitoring how different logistics might affect their future plans,
and they also strongly identified with being able to take advantage of
opportunistic serendipitous overlap with friends that they had not seen for a
while. One concern expressed by some participants was that they take pride
in “having it together” and being prepared for different situations, which they
feared this kind of technology might diminish.
Identifying a person by time and place (2 scenarios): These
scenarios explore the idea that there are some situations where one would
want to contact the people that were around them in a particular place some
time in the past, but do not have contact information for them. Scenarios
here provide a functionality that is otherwise not available in the real world.
One place where this functionality is slightly available is through Craigslist
“Missed Connections”13, which allows people to post a message, hoping that
the person they saw at a particular place will get that message. While
participants were not at all interested in the scenario for supporting missed
connections, but they were however much more interested in situations
where they had spoken with somebody, but had not exchanged contact
information. Also, when the scenario motivation was functional rather than
social, (e.g. who left the meeting room messy, or who saw the car accident),
then it was no longer a problem if they hadn’t spoken. However, one
important issue here was that participants did not want the barrier for a
stranger to contact them to be too low.
Personal traces (7 scenarios): These scenarios build on data from
interviews with early adopters, which suggest that there is value in having
access to your own location history. Participants responses to these scenarios
were in many ways neutral: there was no problem with the scenarios, but
they also were not really sure how much value the scenarios offered. This
differed from the early adopters who had expressed that these kinds of
scenarios are a major motivation for their usage of location logging
applications. One explanation for this disparity is that the real value in this
scenario actually comes from being able to see your own data, so speed
dating might not be the best way to evaluate this because participants are not
looking at their own data. Additionally, these scenarios are usually easier to
implement: they only depend on the location logs of an individual, while
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
many of the other scenarios would require wide adoption in order to realize
their potential.
Mining existing social networks for location overlap (3 scenarios):
These scenarios use existing social connections to share information,
experience, or interest in a place. They differ from icebreaking in that their
primary goal is not to strengthen the relationship, though it could certainly be
a byproduct. Participants expressed a strong desire for these scenarios,
particularly social place recommendations. Participants expressed that this
would reduce the need to read and write reviews (i.e. if you see that
somebody you know has been there, you can just ask them). Additionally
discussion of these scenarios revealed an additional unmet need: the need to
identify common interests with friends that were previously unknown.
The results from this work demonstrate the importance of creating low fidelity
prototypes of the future, in particular where personal data is concerned. At a high
level, this exercise demonstrated that location history logs have the potential to offer
real value to consumers. Even today, 6 years after that study was run, location data is
mostly used in the form of “present location”, very little with past or
planned/projected future location. With longer location logs and better ways of
managing this data, a lot more seems possible. On the other hand, there were
numerous issues and concerns associated with many of these scenarios that really
reveal the challenge and the complexity of working with personal data.
2.11.4 Identity Interfaces:
Recent research speculates that changes to the form or behavior of virtual things
might increase people’s perceptions of value (Odom, Zimmerman, & Forlizzi, 2011).
To investigate this further, we designed and deployed a technology probe that
radically altered the form and presentation of potentially valuable elements within
people’s massive email archives by sending them physical postcards of email
snippets. We interviewed participants, probing to understand the properties of cards
that did and did not encourage self-reflection, a behavior shown to be associated
with value creation (Odom et al., 2011) and a behavior that reflects the
meaningfulness of an item.
For the technology probe, we created a piece of software to extract potentially
meaningful snippets from a person’s archive based on several heuristics, and chose
photos from Google Image Search using the generated snippet as a search term. We
conducted the study over a three-month period. We sent a postcard (with the image
and the snippet) to each participant at a random interval between 7 to 10 days so
that they likely received each new card on a different day of the week. We conducted
three in-home interviews with each participant at the beginning of the study, one
months, and three months into the study.
Work done in collaboration with Jennifer Olson, Dan Tasse, David Gerritsen, Tatiana
Vlahovic, William Odom, and John Zimmerman
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
During the interviews with participants the postcards caused them to reflect on
events, people, and humorous memories or jokes that were related to the snippets.
However, many cards also left the participants feeling bemused or disinterested
because they could not place the card in context. In these instances participants
looked to the images on the postcards, but because of the loose coupling between
snippet and image these were not helpful aids. Most participants also felt uncertain
about where to place a card after it arrived. Contrasted with email, when the snippet
arrived as a material postcard, the fact that the message was in their hand forced
them to evaluate it from a new perspective in order to determine its next location in
the world.
This technology probe offers evidence for a variety of insights that further our
understanding of how people relate to their personal data. At a high level,
participants had clearly not thought about or engaged with their vast email archives.
Even with email archives, personal data that is amongst the more accessible to end
users, it is still a mostly untapped archive full of rich memories. Another insight
offered by this work was the fragmented state of personal data today, brought into
sharp relief by how difficult it was to contextualize the email snippets. If personal
data were less fragmented it might have been easier to select meaningful snippets,
and we could have better contextualized the snippets for users. Perhaps the postcard
photos could themselves have had more contextual meaning, even coming directly
from the participants’ photo archives.
Finally, this technology probe demonstrates strong limitations on being able to
interpret personal data. Many systems attempt to draw insights from personal data
automatically. In this probe, even the participants, who should theoretically be the
gold standard for interpreting information from their own email archives, often
struggled to interpret those archives. Moving forward, to realize value by
interpreting personal data the people who are the subject of that data must be
2.11.5 Context Sharing: Facilitating Workplace Awareness
through MyUnity
I deployed myUnity, a cross-platform awareness system designed to support
awareness, communication, and collaboration for an office worker environment
(Wiese, Biehl, Turner, van Melle, & Girgensohn, 2011). Where previous systems
were platform-centric, myUnity supported both mobile and desktop environments
both for sensing information and also for presenting that information. myUnity
brings together personal data from disparate sources including: vision-based office
activity, mobile phone location, desktop location via network, calendar, IM
presence, and phone call status. The myUnity server aggregated this data, and also
aggregated these disparate data sources into a higher-level abstraction of “presence”,
which was a proxy for how accessible an individual in the system was. Results from a
deployment of myUnity highlighted the value of connecting to multiple data sources
and of automating the sharing process.
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
From the perspective of personal data, there several valuable takeaways from this
work. First, the value of a service (in the case of myUnity the service is awareness)
can be amplified by including multiple data sources, rather than a single one.
Furthermore, even some simple processing to make a higher-level inference (e.g.
presence) can be very useful for helping people find value in the data. Finally, much
of the value in myUnity came from the automated nature of the sharing process.
2.11.6 Context Sharing: Understanding User Motivations for
Sharing Location Using Foursquare
We examined social location sharing on the check-in-based location sharing site
Foursquare (Lindqvist et al., 2011). Foursquare is typically considered to be the first
successful social location-sharing service. In this work we conducted interviews with
early adopters and deployed two surveys to understand the reasons why people use
Foursquare. One major goal of this work was to gain perspective on the factors that
led to the success of this site in the domain of location sharing where many others
had previously failed. In this work, we found a variety of reasons why people used
Foursquare: to have fun and earn badges, to facilitate social connection, to discover
new places, and to keep track of where they had been previously. While it seems that
over time the novelty of the social gaming wears off, the value of other motivations
persisted over time.
Perhaps most notably from these findings is that there was not one specific “killer
app” that led to the success of Foursquare where so many location-based
applications had previously failed. Instead, there were a variety of reasons that
people were using Foursquare, which combined to make the site successful. This
combination of motivations seems to have helped Foursquare overcome the difficult
chicken-and-egg problem that plagues many services: a service can offer an exciting
new feature once it has built up users and data, but it can only build up the user base
if it offers value to users to begin with. This is a challenge that extends beyond
location data and applies more generally to applications and services that depend on
personal data.
2.11.7 Privacy: Understanding
investigating self-censorship
I have explored user’s privacy decisions was by investigating their decisions not to
post content on Facebook, a phenomenon we termed self-censorship (Sleeper et al.,
2013). In this work we asked participants to take note of when they considered
sharing a piece of content on Facebook, but instead decided not to. Participants were
instructed to send a quick text message whenever this occurred with a few words to
describe the situation (Brandt, Weiss, & Klemmer, 2007), and then to complete
nightly surveys that described the situations in more detail. We conducted and coded
semi-structured interviews with participants. The findings of this work indicated that
in many cases, participants chose not to share content because it would have
required too much effort to specify the subset of people that they wanted to share
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
with. Instead of Facebook’s manual list-based sharing controls, participants wanted
to be able to specify a target sharing group more dynamically, using factors such as:
life facet (specific work/school, family), demographics (age, gender, geography, race),
tie strength, and the person’s relationship with the post (i.e. will this person be
This work has broader implications for personal data. First, if privacy controls are
inadequate for capturing user’s preferences within a service, it may lead to decreased
usage of the service, and hence less overall value for the user. This may be especially
significant for new and less established applications and services which do depend on
a critical mass of engaged users in order to succeed. The second implication for
personal data is that personal data could make possible the kind of sharing controls
specified above. Specifically, the dynamic factors above that specify the target
sharing groups refer either to information about the person being shared-with, or
about the relationship between that person and the sharer. These are both types of
personal data, and thus if a system had access to this personal data it might enable a
new class of privacy controls.
2.12 Discussion
This chapter has offered a brief overview of a variety of research domains that relate
to personal data. Particularly striking through this chapter is the broad variety of
perspectives and research that relate to personal data: active research is taking place
with personal data across many different domains, often with a tenuous or even
totally absent connection between those domains. This lack of coherence across
personal data research is counter-productive, and even potentially harmful.
Research in one domain wrestles with issues and challenges that have already been
explored in a different domain. Today the canon of personal data research is
extremely scattered, if a researcher wanted to think about her research project
holistically with respect to personal data, it would be very difficult to even know
where to start. How does a particular piece of research relate to the broader
landscape of personal data? What are the major issues that exist around personal
data? Who are the stakeholders involved? What solutions already exist to challenges
that I’m encountering? Answering questions like these requires considering personal
data as its own topic, from a holistic perspective.
In the early days of research that involved personal data, before smartphones and
the Internet, a research system could be completely self-contained. In this way,
research with personal data was simpler then than it is today. For example, user
modeling researchers could collect data within the context of their particular
experimental system, and that data was sufficient for pushing the field forward. Users
did not have other data that could potentially be added to the system, it simply
didn’t exist yet. One research system was unlikely to need to use the data from a
different system, and the participants in an experiment with one system were
unlikely to be participants with another system anyway. In the case of context aware
systems, researchers could focus only one type of data: the data in their systems.
Chapter 2: Situating Unified Personal Data within the Landscape of Research that Leverages
Personal Data
Furthermore, they could focus only on immediate context, data that had been sensed
immediately or in the short term.
Current research with personal data has stagnated in large part because it continues
to follow these trends. Researchers use data from one or two sources. They often
have to collect the data themselves using ad-hoc, one-off systems designed
specifically for their study. When the study is done, the infrastructure used to collect
that data, application that was built on top of personal data, it all dies with that
particular study. However, where this was once acceptable and a reasonable
approach to conducting research, it no longer makes sense. Today, people have
large amounts of personal data built up across a variety of applications, devices, and
services, and failure to take advantage of this is at best a missed opportunity.
Across the board, work on personal data is pushing up against the limitations of this
approach: virtual possessions, context sharing, personal informatics, and user
modeling are all dealing with various formulations of the problem that there is no
uniform way of accessing or working with personal data. The solution to these
challenges will not come from a single research project or line of inquiry. The space
of personal data is complex and multifaceted, and advancing the way that it is
handled today will require a holistic approach with advances across many
In short, personal data needs to be established as a separate research area, bringing
together researchers of many backgrounds to focus on and solve the challenges
present in this very important aspect of computer science. A holistic, multidisciplinary approach to personal data will lead to stronger research contributions
across the board, and establishing standard tools, approaches, and protocols for
working with personal data will benefit the entire research community.
3 A Case Study: Inferring Sharing
Preferences Using
Communication Data
A central claim of this dissertation is that working with personal data is an
unnecessarily arduous process. The previous chapter lays the groundwork for this at
a high level: the current ad-hoc process of working with personal data inhibits many
research areas. Working with personal data is challenging for a wide variety of
reasons, and efforts to improve the state of personal data require an understanding of
these challenges. How, specifically, does the current ecosystem of personal data
inhibit research or application development?
Building this understanding is itself a challenging task. Application developers and
their companies make many decisions (often implicitly) throughout the software
development process and even before it begins based on myriad issues and
considerations around personal data. Even with complete access to the entire
software development process, there is no expedient way to capture that data in
order to understand these challenges.
Exploring this question from the perspective of research offers a different view with
some tradeoffs. Research applications can ignore or temporarily solve issues around
developing with personal data (e.g. user adoption, privacy concerns), which distance
them from the reality of deploying a production system. Research is often intended
to push the boundaries of what is possible, which can offer a stronger perspective of
how the current state of personal data may be limiting the imagined future of that
research vision.
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
This chapter documents my work to infer social sharing preferences using people’s
communication history. In the context of this thesis, the ability to infer social sharing
preferences from automatically collected communication logs is an example of
translating low-level personal data into a higher level understanding of the user (i.e.
who is she willing to share sensitive personal information with?). The process
documented offers numerous concrete examples of the challenges of working with
personal data.
On a functional level, the ability to infer sharing preferences from automatically
collected data offers real value for users. It is often reported that people are unlikely
to adjust the default privacy settings, sometimes even choosing not to share at all
rather than adjusting their sharing preferences (Sleeper et al., 2013). Automatically
inferred sharing preferences have the potential to avoid sharing too much or too
little information, both of which can be harmful for users: while over-sharing can
annoy others, cause embarrassment, or even lead to job loss, under-sharing has
social consequences as well, including missed opportunities for connection and social
Figure 6: The goal of the research in this chapter is to use communication logs (call and SMS logs) to
infer sharing preferences, using tie strength as an intermediate representation. Theoretical literature
supports the connection between communication logs and tie strength and also the connection between
tie strength and sharing preferences. Additionally, past work has demonstrated that communication
behavior corresponds to tie strength. Therefore, I focused first on the connection between tie strength
and sharing preferences before attempting to replicate the prior finding connecting communication
behavior to tie strength.
The insight that communication behavior has the potential to predict sharing
preferences is based on a combination of two different findings in the HCI and social
science literature. The first finding connects communication behavior with the social
science construct of tie strength (informally this is the strength of the relationship
between two people): more communication between two people indicates a stronger
tie between them (Granovetter, 1973). This finding applies across all communication
between two people, including in-person communication. Not only does social
science theory support the connection between tie strength and amount of
communication, but recent work has demonstrated this connection in social media
(Gilbert & Karahalios, 2009). Furthermore, a number of recent research projects
have use communication frequency as a direct proxy for tie strength (Conti et al.,
2011; Miritello et al., 2013; Onnela et al., 2007; D. Wang et al., 2011). Automatic
detection of strong ties has many potential benefits. Social support from strong ties
has been associated with mediating the occurrence and severity of depression (N. Lin
& Dean, 1984) as well as finding employment after losing a job (Burke & Kraut,
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
2013). Automatic detection of strong ties could also be useful for a variety of user
interface personalization: determining notification preferences, sorting contact lists,
or setting sharing preferences.
The second finding relevant to communication behavior and sharing preferences
comes from theoretical literature on sharing. Belk distinguishes two sharing motives.
When “sharing-in” people share things with people they feel close to or desire to feel
closer to, as a way of strengthening this relationship. “Sharing-out” involves
interactions with people outside of close social boundaries and is generally more like
gift-giving or commodity-exchange (R. Belk, 2010). However, unlike tie strength and
communication, the HCI literature had not explored the connection between tie
strength and sharing preferences.
With the connection between communication and tie strength already established in
the literature, this chapter demonstrates a connection between features of social
relationships and users’ preferences for sharing different kinds of personal
information (Section 3.1). However, using phone and SMS logs as communication
data, this work could not predict the entire chain (going from communication
preferences to tie strength to sharing preferences; Section 3.2). Specifically, phone
and SMS log data was not sufficient to accurately predict strong ties. Altogether, this
process highlights many of the challenges and complications inherent in working
with personal data.
3.1 Connecting Features of Social Relationships to
Sharing Preferences
The study presented in this section explores salient features of interpersonal
relationships that predict the user’s preference for sharing personal information, such
as location, proximity to another person, and activity. Specifically, this study
examines the association between several factors (e.g., collocation frequency,
communication frequency, closeness, and social group) with preferences for sharing
specific kinds of information. In this online study, participants provided basic
demographic information and a list of friends. They then associated each friend with
relevant social groups, rated their perception of closeness with each friend (tie
strength), and stated a willingness to share information with each individual for 21
different sharing scenarios.
3.1.1 Method
To recruit participants, I posting ads in several nationwide online bulletin boards
and through two study recruiting websites. Prospective participants were selected
based on several criteria:
Age (20 - 50): This age range includes different life stages, especially with
respect to being a parent or child within an immediate family.
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
Occupation (non-student): Students were excluded because they do not easily
allow distinctions between work and school groups.
Social network membership (members of Facebook with at least 50 Facebook friends): This
was a source for generating friends’ names for the study. Additionally,
membership in a social networking site indicates that participants are more
likely to want to share information about themselves with people they know,
allowing us to observe differences in their sharing preferences (as opposed to
a person who does not want to share at all).
Mobile device usage (must have a smartphone): Participants with smartphones were
more likely to understand the potential values and risks of the sharing
Participants were compensated $20 for completing task 1, and $60 for completing
tasks 2 and 3 (listed below, and described in more detail in the following sections).
The data collection took place online and participants were given two weeks to
complete all parts of the study.
Participants completed three distinct activities:
1. Generating a lists of friends
2. Describing each friend in terms of closeness and affiliation with different
3. Stating willingness to share different kinds of information with each friend
Generating lists of participants’ friends
To ensure that participants would answer questions about friends who varied in
social group and in closeness, I asked participants to provide two lists. The first list
was intended to target potential strong ties, and was generated from categories which
I derived from qualitative work on relationships (McCarty, 2002; Spencer & Pahl,
2006). The categories were:
People you currently live with (5 people maximum)
Immediate family members (5)
Extended family members (10)
People you work with (10)
People you are close to (10)
People you do hobbies or activities with (10)
I instructed participants to avoid duplicates. The second list consisted of all of their
Facebook friends. I provided participants with instructions on how to download this
information from Facebook.
The final friend list included everyone from the first list (typically less than 40
people), plus a random sampling from the Facebook friend list to reach 70 total
friend names. Each list was checked for duplicates and for names that the participant
did not recognize. If any were found, they were replaced with randomly selected
names from the Facebook friend list. This final list of 70 names is referred to as the
“friend list.”
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
Figure 7: The instructions for the grouping activity.
Describing each relationship
Data collected
Friend sex
Friend age
Years known
Frequency seen
Frequency communicated with
Closeness (strength of tie)
Next, participants provided information about their relationship with each person on
their friend list. The complete list of data collected per friend is in Table 1. I
organized this information into two categories: data that would be easily observable
from within a UbiComp system or social networking site, and data that would
require more work either to infer from observable features or for the user to express
manually. Participants indicated tie strength by answering the question “How close
do you feel to this person?” on a 1-5 Likert scale. This approach is similar to the one
taken in work by McCarty (2002).
Data type
Rounded to nearest year
Likert 0-7: Less than yearly (0), yearly,
monthlyweekly, weekly, weekly-daily, daily (7)
Likert 1-5: very distant (1), distant,
neither distant nor close, close, very close
Participant-dependent, however each
group was put in a pre-specified category
Table 1 Data collected for each friend. Data in the top half of the table (“observable features”) is data
that was potentially observable by a UbiComp system or social networking site. Data on the bottom half
of the table would either be inferred from the observable features or manually inputted by the user
Next, participants detailed their mutual affiliations with each friend by placing them
into groups. The interface (see Figure 7) allowed participants to create personalized
groups. In addition, it required them to classify each group into one of 12 predetermined categories: neighborhood, religious, immediate family, extended family,
family friend, know through somebody else, work, school, hobby, significant other,
trip/travel group, and other. I developed these categories based on a combination of
literature sources (McCarty, 2002) and data from previous work on grouping friends
in social network sites (Kelley, P.G., Brewer, R., Mayer, Y., Cranor, L.F., Sadeh,
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
2011). I instructed participants to indicate at least one group affiliation for each
friend, and encouraged them to indicate multiple group affiliations when relevant.
For example, if a person and their friend went to college together, and they both
attend or attended the same church, the participant would place that friend in two
groups. The result is a set of affiliations, and all of the people on the friend list who
are associated with each affiliation.
Sharing scenarios
Finally, participants indicated their willingness to share information with each friend
in the context of 21 different information-sharing scenarios (see Table 3).
To develop the final list of scenarios, I first brainstormed over 100 different
UbiComp scenarios in which individuals could share information, such as location,
activity, calendar, history, photos, etc. I grouped scenarios into 11 categories based
on the type of information being shared. I assembled these scenarios in a survey and
posted it on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, with two questions for each scenario:
How often do you currently share this information now (whether with one
person or with many people): never, seldom, sometimes, frequently,
How useful is it to you to share this information with somebody you know,
answering for maximum usefulness: totally useless, somewhat useless, neither
useless nor useful, somewhat useful, totally useful
I used the results from this survey as a guide to reduce the list of 100 scenarios down
to 21 specific scenarios. Survey results allowed me to pick scenarios with information
that respondents found was more useful to share. Further, for that information that
would be useful to share, I selected for a range in current sharing practices, including
a mix of information that people currently do and do not share. The resulting list fit
into five different categories: current personal location (7), personal location history
(5), calendar and location plans (7), communication activity (1), and social graph
information (1). See Table 3 for a list of the final set of scenarios used.
For each of the 21 scenarios, I asked participants to indicate their willingness to
share information with each of their 70 friends using a 5-point Likert scale (labels: 1definitely not, 3-no preference, 5-definitely). I adapted this method based on past
work (Olson, Grudin, & Horvitz, 2005).
3.1.2 Findings
Forty-two participants completed the study. Their occupations ranged from
education and engineering to administration and legal. I eliminated three
problematic respondents who each demonstrated no variance for more than 65 out
of the 70 friends; each individual friend had the same rating for each of the sharing
scenarios. These participants seemed to have simply rated the sharing scenarios as
quickly as possible. Of our remaining 39 participants, there were 28 female and 11
male, with ages ranging from 21 to 49 (M=29.8, SD=6.4).
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
Table 2: Linear regression models predicting sharing and closeness (last column only), controlling for each participant. Each column is a different model and data in the table are
non-standardized β coefficients, except for R2 in the last row, which can be compared across models to demonstrate the variance explained. For example, the “close” model (fourth
column) includes one effect, friend closeness, and this model accounts for 63% of the variance in sharing preferences. Gray cells indicate effects that were not included for that
particular model. The data indicate both that closeness is the best predictor of sharing, and that observable features can predict closeness. Significance: *p<0.05; **p<0.01;
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
Modeling sharing preferences
The differences in participants’ mean sharing answer indicated a range of individual
privacy/sharing preferences (M = 2.83 out of 5 where 5 is “definitely willing to share
this information with this person”, SD = 0.66). To address the question of which
relationship characteristics predict sharing preferences, I conducted a mixed-model
analysis of variance predicting sharing as the outcome variable (see Table 2, note
that the variables ‘user age’ and ‘user sex’ refers to our study participants). This
analysis accounts for the non-independence of observations within each participant.
Running this analysis with different models allows for an exploration of which
combinations of independent variables explain the most variance in participants’
sharing preferences.
All of the regressions in Table 2 were done on a per-friend level of analysis; the
models use the mean sharing value across all scenarios for each friend (n=2730) as
the dependent variable, and the features that described each relationship were effects
in the models. The models included the participant as a random effect to account for
non-independence of ratings within each participant. The first column of Table 2
shows means and standard deviations for all continuous effects in the model.
The second column in Table 2 (model name = user) is a model that has no effects
except for the effect of the participant (which accounts for individual differences
among participants). The result shows that certainly some amount of the variance
relates to individual differences, indicating preferences for sharing in general (R2 =
0.36). Models that additionally accounted for participant-level effects of sex and age
performed poorly.
Modeling sharing preferences with non-observable features
The third, fourth, and fifth columns in Table 2 show models with effects that only
include the non-observable data. For these analyses, I sorted group categories into
the three descriptive “life modes” identified by Ozenc and Farnham, (family, work,
and social) (Ozenc & Farnham, 2011), which they suggest are the primary areas of a
person’s life.
Closeness by itself turns out to be a very strong predictor of sharing preferences
(model name = close, R2 = 0.63) with each 1-point gain in closeness accounting for
a 10% increase of the sharing outcome. This means that a friend who is at closeness
5 (top closeness) is 40% more likely to be shared with than a friend at closeness 1
(bottom closeness). The regression that only had life modes as a predictor did not
account for as much of the variance as closeness alone did (model name = mode, R2
= 0.48), with membership in family, work, and social modes accounting for a 12%,
3%, and 3% increase in likelihood to share respectively (note that all friends were
categorized into at least one of these modes). This means that just knowing which of
these categories a contact is in is not particularly helpful in predicting sharing
preferences. Finally, adding life mode to closeness resulted in only a slight increase in
performance over just closeness (model name = non obs, R2 = 0.65), and resulted in
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
a loss of significance for the “social” and “work” effects: closeness and family were all
that mattered in this model, with participants being more likely to share with
contacts they are closer to and with contacts that are family members.
Modeling sharing preferences with observable features
The previous section discussed models based on relationship features like closeness
that are not immediately observable. How well do observable features predict
sharing? These observable features (see Table 2) include friend age, sex, years
known, frequency seen, and frequency communicated with. I call these features
observable because current UbiComp systems are capable of capturing them from
existing social network data, or from sensor and communication logs. As such, by
testing these features, I can evaluate how well a fully automated system might
perform for predicting sharing preferences. This model performed well (model name
= obs, R2= 0.57), though still not as well as the model with just closeness. Significant
effects included friend age (0.2% less likely to share per year), frequency seen (1.4%
more likely to share per point increase), frequency communicated with (3.6% more
likely to share per point increase), years known (0.6% increase per year known). The
only feature that was not predictive was friend sex.
The model also included four interactions. First, I included the interactions between
participant and friend sex and the interaction between participant and friend age to
see if homophily accounted for sharing preferences (are people more likely to share
with others of the same gender or others who are closer in age?), but neither of these
interactions were significant.
The next interaction was between years known and participant age, which I
included because I hypothesized that the duration of a person’s life that they have
know another person might be a useful indicator. This did have a very small effect,
indicating that younger participants were more greatly influenced by how long this
person had known them.
Finally, the model included an interaction between frequency seen and frequency
communicated with. I hypothesized that some strong ties are communicated with
much more often than they are seen (e.g. family who do not live nearby); similarly,
some weak ties are seen often but not communicated with particularly frequently
(e.g., one might see coworkers often, but not communicate with them outside of
work). This interaction was also significant, revealing that communication is a
stronger indicator of willingness to share when collocation is less frequent.
Modeling sharing preferences with observables and nonobservables
The next model includes both observable and non-observable features. This model
(model name = obs+close, R2 = 0.65) includes all of the observable features (and the
interactions described in the previous section), and also includes closeness. This
model explains 65% of the variance in sharing preferences, an improvement over the
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
57% explained by the model that only included observable features, without
closeness. Closeness has nearly the same effect in this model as it does in the
closeness only model, with each point in closeness increasing the likelihood to share
by 8.8%. Frequency seen is no longer significant in this model, neither is the
interaction between frequency seen and frequency communicated with.
Additionally, frequency communicated with has less of an effect in the model (0.8%
more likely to share per point increase, down from 3.6%).
The final model (model name = all) added life mode to the obs+close model
described above. Including all features in the model led to almost no difference in
the variance explained (R2= 0.66, compared with R2 = 0.65 for the obs+close
model), and the model effects were nearly identical to those in the previous model. A
model that kept all 12 group categories distinct instead of grouping them into the 3
life modes was comparable (R2= 0.67).
Overall, the models with closeness explained more of the variance in sharing
preferences than any of the models without closeness, and adding closeness results in
the loss of significance for other effects in the model.
Predicting closeness using observables
Since closeness is such a predictive feature, it is worth examining how well the
observable features of each relationship predict closeness. I used the same approach
as before, with a mixed-model analysis of variance controlling for participant as a
random effect, but this time with closeness as the outcome. I included all observable
effects from the other models. This model was quite effective (R2 = 0.70, last column
of Table 2). Significant effects in this model included: friend age (0.2% less close per
year), frequency seen (4.2% closer per point increase), frequency communicated with
(6.8% closer per point increase), years known (0.6% closer per year). The interaction
between frequency seen and frequency communicated was also significant, showing
that communication has a much stronger effect when collocation is infrequent. The
interaction between participant age and years known was significant with a small
effect as before. The friend’s sex and the interactions of the participant’s and friend’s
age and participant’s and friend’s sex were not significant.
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
Table 3: Summary of data for each sharing scenario, sorted by overall mean sharing. The first column reports the correlation with closeness, and all correlation
coefficients are significant to p<.001. The Tukey-Kramer test compares the overall means for sharing in each scenario: scenarios that have the same letter are not
significantly different from each other.
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
Figure 8: Hierarchical clustering using average linkage distance. Horizontal position of the branches is
directly proportional to the calculated distance between each cluster. Scenarios are shorthand for the
same ones in Table 3.
Willingness to share across different scenarios
The previous analyses examined sharing preferences in general, and found that
participants were more willing to share with closer ties. Are there differences in how
well closeness predicts sharing between the different sharing scenarios? Is closeness a
strong predictor for certain scenarios only, or for all scenarios? Correlations between
closeness and willingness to share are significant for all of the sharing scenarios, with
Pearson’s correlation values ranging from r=0.25 to r=0.53, all p<0.001 (see Table 3
for all values).
By asking about sharing across 21 different scenarios, I was able to investigate
differences in sharing as a function of scenario type. Willingness to share in all
scenarios were significantly and positively correlated with each other (r=0.40 to 0.96,
Cronbach’s α = 0.97).
I examined these similarities further by performing a hierarchical cluster analysis
using the average linkage distance formula, a standard technique for examining
groupings among items which Olson et al. also used in their analysis of privacy and
sharing (Olson et al., 2005). I chose to use mean sharing per level of closeness as the
input because of the strength of closeness in explaining the variance of sharing
responses. The dendrogram in Figure 8 shows the clusters. The horizontal scale for
the dendrogram is linearly related to the cluster distance at each point where a pair
of clusters was merged. For example, in the middle of the dendrogram “hist:common
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
hist” and “hist:I’ve been where you are” were more closely clustered than the next
two “hist:everywhere traveled” and “loc:on vacation”: this is indicated with the
horizontal distance, with the first cluster formed closer to the right side than the
second one. Note that the scenario names are shorthand for the scenarios in Table 3.
The three clusters in the dendrogram can be roughly labeled as categories of
scenarios: 1) scenarios with information about something that the participant and
friend have in common (see Figure 8 top, e.g. loc:within 1 mile); 2) location-historyrelated scenarios (see Figure 8 middle, e.g. hist:everywhere traveled); and 3) scenarios
that reveal sensitive information (see Figure 8 bottom, e.g. loc:always).
To ensure that the means for willingness to share were in fact significantly different
across clusters, I performed a Tukey-Kramer HSD across all of the means (see Table
3; there was no significant difference across scenarios that are connected by the same
letter). This revealed 13 groups (some of which overlap) of scenarios with no mean
difference. Table 3 shows that the seven highest-mean sharing scenarios all involve
sharing personal information that has something in common with the friend’s
information, for example shared calendar events or location proximity with the
3.1.3 Discussion
The main focus of this study was to understand which of the collected features are
most useful for predicting individual sharing preferences, with the ultimate goal of
being able to automatically predict sharing preferences from that information. The
results show that the simple 1-5 Likert scale for closeness was clearly the most useful
feature for predicting sharing, outperforming grouping and all other models that do
not include closeness.
Despite the relative success of closeness as a predictor when compared with life
modes, the literature has favored privacy controls that focus on grouping (Danezis,
2009; Fang & LeFevre, 2010; S. Jones & O’Neill, 2010). In addition, commercial
OSNs all seem to either provide grouping controls (e.g. Facebook and LinkedIn), or
else require users to specify sharing preferences on a per-friend basis (e.g. Google
Hangout’s “send my location” feature). While a grouping paradigm does not prevent
individuals from constructing groups based on closeness, it may be more useful to
explicitly ask users to do so.
One advantage of using closeness to aid in the specification of sharing controls is that
closeness is ordinal; providing the closeness for two friends also indicates if one is
closer than the other. In contrast, a weakness of group-based privacy controls there is
no natural ordering between groups; they are nominal. The ordinal nature of
closeness can be useful for expressing privacy controls, as users could simply express
“don’t share with anybody below medium closeness” (closeness = 3). Closeness can
also support tiered rules, such as “closest friends (5) can always see my location,
medium-close friends (3 and 4) can only check up to twice a day, nobody else (1 and
2) can see it without requesting.”
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
Additionally, closeness is a useful intermediate between communication frequency
and sharing controls because it offers intelligibility to users (i.e. a user can understand
that a sharing preference was specified based on closeness, and even fix incorrect
inferences of closeness). This also benefits any other applications that might use
closeness for various features: closeness ratings will be improved for all applications.
3.1.4 Limitations
One limitation of this data is that it is entirely self-reported. Additionally, further
work is required to demonstrate the real-world application of these findings. By
conducting the study online and anonymously, experimenter effects were likely
minimized. Furthermore, individual self-report data is the ground truth on some
measures such as felt closeness. However, some of the participants’ answers may
have been idealized responses (e.g. people they call less frequently than reported), or
participants may have been unable to answer thoughtfully for every sharing scenario
(e.g. cannot answer for all places I’ve been to).
3.2 Using Communication Data To Infer TieStrength
According to social science theory, features of communication such as frequency of
contact (Granovetter, 1973) and communication reciprocity (Friedkin, 1980) are
reliable proxies for tie strength, and these have been increasingly used as proxies for
tie strength in the research literature. Following the findings of the previous study,
that self-reported tie strength predicts sharing preferences, the goal of this next study
was to connect communication behavior to sharing preferences, using automatically
inferred tie strength as an intermediate step in that chain. Since communication
behavior should predict tie strength, and tie strength was just shown to predict
sharing preferences, the results of this study were expected to be straightforward.
Instead, the main result was surprising: communication behavior was not a reliable
predictor of tie strength, in particular for strong ties.
3.2.1 Method
How well can tie strength be inferred from contacts, call logs, and SMS logs? These
data sources can be found on nearly every smartphone, and I chose them to validate
an assumption in the research community that communication frequency and
duration from these channels can work as an effective proxy for the strength of a
relationship. Further, I planned to use the inferred tie strength to predict sharing
preferences. I collected data from participants’ Android smartphones and asked
them to manually categorize and rate their relationships with individual contacts as
ground truth for tie strength.
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
I recruited 40 participants (13 male and 27 female) living throughout the United
States by posting ads in several places: on Craigslist in 6 major US cities, on a
nationwide site for recruiting study participants, on a website for posting social
relationship research studies, and on a participant pool within our university.
Participants met three selection criteria. First, to avoid privacy concerns with minors,
participants had to be at least 18. Second, to focus on people who could benefit from
a more computationally sophisticated representation of relationships, participants
had to use Facebook and have at least 50 friends through the service. Third, to
ensure a sufficient amount of log data, participants had to have used the same
Android phone for at least six months prior to the study. 55% of the participants
were students (graduate or undergraduate), 35% were employed in a variety of
professions, and 10% were unemployed. Participant ages ranged from 19 to 50 years
(mean = 28.0 years, σ = 8.9). Participants were instructed to complete the ground
truthing within two weeks, and were compensated $80 USD. Of the 40 participants,
four were excluded from our analysis: each had fewer than two weeks of data and
fewer than 100 phone calls. Findings are based on the remaining 36 participants.
Participants downloaded an Android app that copied their contact list, call log, and
SMS log to a database file. Participants then uploaded this file, in addition to their
Facebook friends list, to the study server through a custom website that was designed
for this study. The entire study was conducted through this website. Participants
could stop and resume whenever they wanted, and were given two weeks to
complete the entire process. By default, Android phones limit the call log to the last
500 calls and typically have a default limit of 200 SMS messages per contact. This
resulted in broad differences in how many days the logs represented (range: 21-369;
median: 80; mean: 108).
Participants’ contact and Facebook lists were much too long for participants to
completely ground truth. Through pilot testing, we found 70 contacts to be a
reasonable number for participants to rate before the task became overly
burdensome. To maximize participant retention, participants were asked to rate 70
The vast majority of any individual’s contacts will be weak ties. However, for this
study it was necessary to collect information on strong ties as well. To ensure that
strong ties were included in the list of 70 contacts, participant generated a list of
contacts that fit specific social categories, regardless of their appearance in the phone
contact list or Facebook list. Participants listed five people in each of the following
categories: immediate family, extended family, people they live with, coworkers, people they feel
close to, and people they do hobbies with. Past qualitative work suggests these categories
will contain an individuals’ strong ties (McCarty, 2002; Spencer & Pahl, 2006;
Wiese, Kelley, et al., 2011). This process resulted in approximately 25 unique names
per participant (some names were repeated across the categories). In addition, each
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
participant’s top 15 contacts with the highest communication frequency for calls,
SMS, and Facebook were included in the list. The characteristics of the contacts on
the list allow for an examination of the assumptions that communication is a direct
proxy for tie strength: participants provided ground truth data for all of their highcommunication contacts, and also for all of their self-reported strong ties. If call and
SMS communication is a perfect proxy for tie strength, these two groups should be
the same.
The final list of 70 contacts was comprised of the category list and the frequency list,
after removing duplicate names. In cases where this process yielded fewer than 70
contacts, I added randomly selected contacts from the participant’s phone’s contact
list and Facebook friend list. Afterward, participants manually inspected the list for
duplicates, since automatic detection using contact names alone does not reliably
identify all duplicates (Wiese et al., 2014). This process repeated until each
participant had a list of 70 distinct contact names (hereafter called the 70-person list).
Participants provided demographics for each contact in the 70-person list, such as
sex, age, and relationship duration. Participants also answered four questions about
their relationship with each contact, adapted from (Marin & Hampton, 2007):
1. How close do you feel to this person?
2. How strongly do you agree with the statement “I talk with this person about
important matters”?
3. How strongly do you agree with the statement “I would be willing to ask this
person for a loan of $100 or more”?
4. How strongly do you agree with the statement “I enjoy interacting with this
person socially”?
Participants answered questions using a discrete 5-point scale, following previous
work on tie strength (J. M. Ackerman, Kenrick, & Schaller, 2007; Burke, 2011;
Cummings, Lee, & Kraut, 2006; Roberts & Dunbar, 2011). I used a discrete rather
than continuous scale to reduce cognitive load and fatigue – participants provided a
large amount of data for many contacts, and a continuous slider may have been an
additional burden. To protect privacy, I did not collect the content of SMS
messages. However, I did collect descriptive information such as email domain
name, first six digits of phone numbers, and city/state/zip code.
3.2.2 Dataset
The dataset consisted of logs for 24,370 phone contacts, 16,940 calls, 63,893 SMS
messages, and 1,853 MMS messages. Note that Android phones can be set to
automatically sync the phonebook with online contact lists (e.g. Gmail and
Facebook), so phonebooks may have included these contacts in addition to ones
entered manually.
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
Medium Strong
Figure 9. Total number of friends within each tie strength level across all participants,
separated by the number of contacts who only appeared in the contact list, only in the
Facebook friends list, appeared in both, or neither. The data indicates that there is a
notable number of strong ties that appear only in the phonebook and not in facebook,
but there are few strong ties who appear only in facebook and not in the phonebook.
3.2.3 Tie Strength and Basic Properties of the Dataset
As a first step to explore the validity of using information available on a smart phone
(contact list, call logs, and SMS logs) to infer tie strength, I analyzed participants’
answers for the four tie strength questions (questions 1-4 listed in the procedure
section). The questions were highly reliable (α = 0.91), so I added all four responses
together to form a scale. This is a standard practice that increases the reliability of a
measure (Gliem & Gliem, 2003). Using the scale, I generated a ranked list of each
participant’s contacts based on relationship strength.
Next I partitioned each participant’s contacts into three levels of tie strength. I
explored several approaches for identifying these levels. An assessment of the
distribution of Z-scores from the combined tie strength metric both across all
participants and per-participant revealed no obvious gaps in ratings on which I could
split strong and weak ties. Instead, I based these levels on previous work by Zhou et
al, which finds that “rather than a single or a continuous spectrum of group sizes,
humans spontaneously form groups of preferred sizes organized in a geometrical
series approximating 3–5, 9–15, 30–45, etc.” (Zhou, Sornette, Hill, & Dunbar,
2005). They found that the top group represents a person’s closest relationships
(support group), and the second group represents the next closest set of relationships
(sympathy group). The larger sized groups of 50 and 150 people are considered to be
less stable, and are referred to as clans or regional groupings.
In constructing each participant’s 70-person list, I took multiple steps to increase the
likelihood of capturing many of a participant’s closest contacts. Therefore, since the
70-person list likely included the majority of a participant’s strong ties, I assigned the
contacts into their respective groups based on the numbers from Zhou et al. By
identifying relative tie strength for contacts within each participant instead of setting
absolute ratings as a cutoff points, I normalized out individual differences between
participants (e.g. a tendency for some participants to use 3 as the baseline and others
to use 1, or a participant’s negative reaction to a particular question).
I partitioned each contact list into three groups:
strong tie - the top group (rank 1-4)
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
medium tie - the middle group (rank 5 – 19)
weak tie - the remaining contacts
In cases where multiple contacts tied for a rank, all of those contacts were assigned to
the same tie strength level, resulting in a slight variation in group sizes per
With these tie strength groupings, I began to investigate communication patterns as
a proxy for tie strength. First, I discuss simple features and their relationship to the
tie strength groupings. Next, I describe machine learning models for inferring these
tie strength levels.
Contact Source and Tie Strength
The properties of the 70-person list allow me to estimate an upper bound for the
percentage of a user’s close contacts who could be detected from the two contact
sources: only Facebook, only the contact list, or both. As Figure 9 shows, overall
99% of people on the 70-person list showed up in either a phonebook or Facebook list
(range: 95-100%, med: 100%). Overall, 19% of contacts existed only in the
phonebook (range: 4-57%, med: 18%); 29% were only in Facebook (range: 0-56%,
med: 31%); and 51% were in both (range: 20-90%, med: 52%). Looking across the
tie strength categories reveals distinctive trends. I used Spearman’s rho (ρ) to
measure the non-parametric correlations between tie strength group and presence in
the phonebook and Facebook friend list. Being a Facebook-only contact was
negatively correlated with tie strength (ρ=-0.32, p < 0.001). Being a phonebook-only
contact was not correlated with tie strength (ρ=0.03, n.s.), although percentage-wise,
more of the closer contacts were only in the phonebook. Being a phonebook-andFacebook contact was positively correlated with tie strength (ρ=0.27, p < 0.001).
The red points in Figure 9 represent the 21 people that were neither in the
phonebook nor Facebook list. They were people whom participants identified as
immediate and extended family members, housemates or roommates, or people they
worked with, felt close to, or did hobbies with. The orange points in Figure 9
represent Facebook-only contacts and the blue points represent the phonebook-only
contacts. 29% of contacts would be missed if using a phonebook-only list to classify
No Comm Logs
Some Comm
Weak Medium Strong
Figure 10. Number of friends in the mobile contact list who exchanged zero (No Comm Logs) vs. at least
one (Some Comm) SMS or call with our participants (determined from call log data). There are a number
of strong ties with zero communication logs in the dataset. Any classifier that is based on this
communication behavior will misclassify those strong ties as weak ties. This issue is even more
pronounced for medium tie-strength: nearly half of those contacts have no communication in the
collected dataset.
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
tie strength and 19% would be missed if using a Facebook-only list. Both a
Facebook-only and a contact-list-only approach would miss some strong ties;
however, the Facebook-only approach would miss a notably larger number of strong
ties (29% vs. 4%).
Tie Strength and Phone/SMS Communication
To establish an upper bound for the accuracy of inferring tie strength from phone
and SMS communication, I divided the phonebook contacts into two groups by
communication history (none vs. some). A reasonable baseline expectation would be
that contacts with no communication history would have weak tie strength. Figure
10 shows that most contacts with at least one communication in the dataset have
higher levels of tie strength. Additionally, as the tie strength level increases, the
percentage of contacts with some communication with the participant also increases
(ρ=0.35, p < 0.0001). Still, several contacts with strong tie strength have no
communication history in the dataset. Thus, attempts to classify tie strength using
only call and SMS data could not correctly classify these contacts.
Having at least one communication in the call and SMS logs increases the likelihood
of a contact having higher tie strength. However, this is not an absolute rule: there
are counter-examples in both directions - strong ties without communication history
and weak tie contacts with it.
% Of Total SMS
Call Duration
% Of Total Calls
Figure 11. A grid of six plots showing communication frequency and total talk time. The top 3 graphs
plot each contact’s aggregate call duration (y-axis) against number of calls (x-axis). The bottom 3
graphs plot each contact’s number of SMS messages (y-axis) against number of calls (x-axis). For both
top and bottom, the columns separate the contacts by tie strength group. The graphs include data for
contacts with at least one call or SMS. All numbers are represented as the percentage of a participant’s
total communication frequency/duration.
Next I explored the relationship between communication frequency and duration
with respect to tie strength. Figure 11 shows six plots in a grid, with each dot
representing a contact in the dataset. The graphs in the top row show aggregate call
duration (y-axis) against the total number of calls (x-axis) for each contact. The
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
bottom row shows the total number of SMS messages (y-axis) against the total
number of calls (x-axis) for each contact. Each column indicates the contact’s ground
truth tie strength level. Both aggregate duration and frequency are represented as a
percentage relative to the total call duration or number of calls/SMSs per
participant. I expected some close contacts (appearing in the two graphs on the right
column) to stand out with long call durations (high y-axis value), and others to stand
out with high frequency (high x-axis value) when compared with medium tie
strength contacts (middle column) or low tie strength contacts (right column). For
example, a person might call an old friend infrequently, but chat for a while each
time. Conversely, one might regularly make short calls to a roommate to coordinate.
As expected, contacts with more frequent or longer duration communications were
more often in the higher tie strength levels. Number of calls, duration of calls, and
number of SMS are all positively correlated with tie strength (ρ = 0.42, 0.43, and
0.20, all p < 0.0001). Surprisingly, many people in all tie strength levels had very
little communication. Weak ties generally had few calls and short durations. For
strong ties, the ranges increase for number and duration of calls, with a clump of
few-and-short contacts.
Summary of Simple Features
This section established a basic upper bound of accuracy for inferring tie strength
with smartphone communication logs. The data shows that using Facebook as the
only data source would miss 29% of strong ties, either because they are not
Facebook friends, or because these contacts do not use Facebook at all. Next, there
are some strong ties without any record of communication within the phone logs.
Finally, while communication frequency and duration of calls can help indicate
strong tie strength, low frequency and duration are not clear indications of weak tie
These trends are consistent with tie strength theory: more communication on more
channels indicates a strong tie. However, our dataset has a number of
counterexamples, pointing to critical challenges for automatically inferring tie
strength from communication behavior.
3.2.4 Classifying Tie Strength
While the above findings already indicate significant issues for using call and SMS
logs to indicate tie strength, perhaps a combination of more subtle features than
frequency and duration might indicate tie strength. To explore this prospect, I
developed several machine learning models to classify tie strength based on call and
SMS log data.
Features Used for Inferring Models
I defined a total of 153 machine learning features: 17 from the contact list, 66 from
call logs, 36 from SMS logs, and 34 from combined calls and SMS. These features
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
are based on (Min, Wiese, Hong, & Zimmerman, 2013), and more details on the
specific features can be found in that paper. These features include:
Intensity and regularity: The number of and duration of communications has
been used to infer tie strength in past work (Hill & Dunbar, 2003; Roberts &
Dunbar, 2011). I modeled this factor using features such as total number and
total duration of calls.
Temporal tendency: In their friends-acquaintances work, Eagle, Pentland, and
Lazer observed the temporal tendency in contacting people (2009). For
example, calling particular contacts at different times of day and days of the
Channel selection and avoidance: People favor a certain communication medium
based on the person they are communicating with (Mesch, 2009). I modeled
this using features such as the ratio between SMS and phone calls.
Maintenance cost: Roberts and Dunbar (2011) found that people apply different
amounts of effort in maintaining different kinds of relationships. This effort is
measured with the time to last contact. To model maintenance cost, I used
the number of communications in the past two weeks (short-term view) and
in the past three months (longer-term view).
Inferring Tie Strength Using Communication Logs
Using all of the features described above, how well can a model infer tie strength?
The nature of tie strength poses a challenge for building this model. Tie strength
could be treated as a numeric class value based on the answers to the tie strength
questions. However, the difference between a rating of 1 and 2 is not necessarily
equal to the difference between a rating of 2 and 3. Additionally, early iterations
treating tie strength as a continuous value tended to push scores closer to the middle,
with very few people classified as being weak ties. Therefore, I used the tie strength
levels of very strong tie, medium strong tie, and weak tie as nominal class values in these
I evaluated the models using the Weka Toolkit’s (“Weka 3: Data Mining Software in
Java”) implementation of a support vector machine (SMO). I conducted a leave-oneparticipant-out cross-validation (each fold contained data from one participant). This
prevents any anomalies within a particular participant’s data from causing a
performance overestimate. I trained 9 models, varying two aspects of input data.
First I varied what the model was classifying (First column of Table 4):
3-class: classifies as very strong, medium-strong, or weak
2-verystrong: binary classifier that combines medium strong and weak ties
into one class, with very strong as the other class
2-mediumstrong: binary classifier that combines very strong and medium
strong ties into one class, with weak ties as the other class
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
Table 4 The results of 9 classifiers constructed using SMO. The prediction classes are tie-strength categories. For 2-verystrong, the medium strong and weak tie strength
classes are combined and for 2-mediumstrong the medium strong and very strong tie strength classes are combined.
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
I also varied the input data for the classifier (Second column of Table 4):
all includes all contacts on the 70-person list
contactlist includes only contacts from the 70-person list who appear in the
user’s phonebook (see Figure 9)
somecomm includes only contacts from the 70-person list with at least one
logged SMS or call (see Figure 10)
Classification results vary considerably (Table 4), ranging from 46.28% (κ=0.179), to
91.55% (κ=0.361). The Kappa statistic measures the agreement between predicted
and observed categorizations, correcting for agreement that occurs by chance. Table
4 The results of 9 classifiers constructed using SMO. The prediction classes are tiestrength categories. For 2-verystrong, the medium strong and weak tie strength
classes are combined and for 2-mediumstrong the medium strong and very strong tie
strength classes are combined. These results reveal clear trends. First, within each of
the class conditions, classifiers perform best for all, second best for contactlist and
worst for somecomm. Figures Figure 9, Figure 10, and Figure 11 provide some insight
into these results. Most of the contacts who are not in the contact list (thus excluded
from contactlist models) or who have no communication history (thus excluded from
the somecomm models) are not strong ties, and thus are easier to classify. As a result,
the models that include them perform better.
The most successful class condition is 2-verystrong, followed by 2-mediumstrong. 3-class
performs the worst. This is typical of multi-class models, which usually take a
performance hit compared to binary classifiers.
More often than not, the models classified strong ties incorrectly – they were more
likely to classify a strong tie as a weak tie than as a strong tie (in Table 4, the recall
values for the strong tie class are the percentage of strong ties correctly classified, and
are under 50% for all but the 2-mediumstrong model). Also, about half of ties that were
classified as strong were actually not strong (in Table 4, the precision values for
strong ties is the percentage of contacts that were classified as strong ties who were
actually strong ties – they are under 55% for six of the nine class conditions). The
plots from Figure 11 offer insight into these errors. These misclassifications
emphasize the weakness of using call and SMS logs to infer tie strength, and thus the
problem with using those logs as direct proxies for tie strength. This result is even
more pronounced in recall values for the strong tie class of the 2-verystrong models in
Table 4. The 2-verystrong-all model, which has the best overall accuracy, only detects
1/3 of strong ties correctly.
3.2.5 Error Analysis Participant Interviews
Motivated by the particularly low recall of the very strong tie class in these models, I
conducted semi-structured interviews with 7 of the participants. For each
participant, I selected 5 to 10 contacts they had labeled as strong ties that were
misclassified as weak ties (58 contacts total). I focused on this type of misclassification
based on an error analysis of the data. In the error analysis, I referenced tie strength
theory to consider communication expectations for medium and weak ties. People
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
do not only communicate with strong ties, so the presence of some communication
with weak ties is reasonable. However, if participants had more communication with
more of their strong ties, the model would have been better able to distinguish
between strong and weak ties. This led me to focus on very strong ties with little or
no communication (who were misclassified as weak ties), rather than weak ties with
some communication (who were misclassified as very strong ties).
Interviews took place over the phone, lasted about 30 minutes, and were recorded to
facilitate note taking. I asked participants open-ended questions about the nature of
their relationship and communication with each selected contact:
When and how did you meet this person?
What led to this being a close relationship?
Has anything changed between the time that you became close and now?
Was there anything different about the channels that you used to
communicate with this person or the frequency of communication that you
used with this person between then and now?
I iteratively coded participants’ responses about each contact for themes to provide
insight into the misclassifications. Several themes surfaced that help explain the
discrepancy between communication frequency and tie strength. I present them in
two categories: Communication Channel and Relationship Evolution.
Communication Channel
We used to talk on the phone more when we first became close (7 of 58
contacts). In these cases, participants indicated that they used to speak on the
phone more frequently, but do so less frequently now, mostly just to catch up. In
some cases, this seemed to be a result of a change in life stage (either for the user or
for their contact) and/or a change in their geographic location, replicating findings
from prior work (Spencer & Pahl, 2006). For example, one participant complained
that he used to keep up with a friend much more regularly before that friend got
married, and now they hardly speak at all. Change in life stage and change in
geography are discussed further in the Relationship Evolution section below.
Other contacts in this category appear to be in relationships in decline, yet the
feeling of closeness lingers. One participant spoke about reaching out to a friend
multiple times without reciprocity: “I’d like to be friends, but it doesn’t work unless
we both put in the effort.”
In-person communication (11 of 58 contacts). Participants also identified
contacts whom they mostly interacted with in person. A contact’s close proximity to
the home seems to play an important role in tie strength. One participant described
talking to her neighbor opportunistically, when they see each other. Another detailed
how she spoke with her 11-year-old son regularly, just not over the phone. Three
participants described friends from classes and their dorm with whom they spoke
when they saw each other.
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
Extended family often fell into this category. Many participants reported primarily
speaking with parents, siblings, and other family members in person. In one case, a
participant reported going to her parents’ house a couple times per month, but
mostly not calling her dad on the phone. In these cases, lack of communication logs
did not mean lack of effort in maintaining the relationships. In discussing these
contacts, some participants specifically mentioned making an effort to travel once a
year to see each other, or making a special effort to get together when they do
happen to be in the same place.
Other communication channels (25 of 58 contacts). For some strong ties,
participants noted that they communicate regularly, but not via phone calls or SMS.
For several participants, communication with a contact happened almost exclusively
using Facebook. Other participants used instant messenger, email, Skype, or SMS
replacements such as WhatsApp to stay in touch with close contacts.
Relationship Evolution
Different location or different life stage (27 of 58 contacts). When asked
what was different about their relationship between when they became close and
now, many participants responded immediately that either they or their contact had
moved. As in the literature (Spencer & Pahl, 2006), participants said that with the
change in geography, the communication frequency had changed, but not the
perception of closeness. The move was often triggered by a change in life stage (e.g.,
going to college, graduating, getting a new job). However, even without moves, a
significant life stage change could trigger a communication change on its own (e.g.
getting married or having a child).
Family is close regardless of communication (17 of 58 contacts). Many
misclassified participants were family members. Several participants described
specific familial relationships from the perspective of obligation, which hinted at a
greater underlying complexity. For example, one participant said that she refused to
take her grandmother’s phone calls, stating that she calls too frequently and repeats
herself. Yet, the participant still reported feeling very close to her grandmother.
Another participant, the mother of an 11 year old, said “of course I am close to
him,” but that it is not necessary for them to talk on the phone. Another participant
said her uncle was “definitely close, but he’s different from the other close people.
He’s that really strict uncle that wants to tell me how to live my life, so I don’t talk to
him too much, maybe every couple months.”
Interview Summary
These interviews highlight the limited effectiveness of the tie strength models. One
issue that limits the effectiveness of these models is the way that relationships change
over time. In particular, the circumstances under which two people became close are
not necessarily the same as the current circumstances of the relationship, even if the
two people remain close. Since the communication logs only capture relatively
recent behavior, they do not contain the data that would indicate a strong long-term
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
relationship. The other main component that limits these models’ effectiveness is
that much interpersonal interaction occurs outside of phone calls and text messages,
including communication in other media as well as face-to-face communication. Call
and SMS-based models do not account for these interactions.
3.2.6 Discussion
This section (3.2) investigates the growing practice of using communication
frequency and duration as a proxy for social tie strength. While social psychology
theory holds frequency and long durations across all communication channels as
indicators of strong ties, the research community has used behavior across a few
communication channels and over relatively short time windows as a tie strength
proxy. This study examined if the call and SMS logs stored on a smartphone held
enough information to infer tie strength.
Communication Is an Indicator of Tie Strength, But…
These results support the tie strength theory literature, showing a strong relationship
between tie strength and communication patterns (Gilbert & Karahalios, 2009;
Roberts & Dunbar, 2011). Higher levels of communication frequency, call duration,
and, in particular, communication initiated by the phone’s owner are all indicators
of a strong tie. However, when operationalizing this theory with call and SMS logs,
the signal is very noisy. Low levels of communication do not accurately identify weak
ties: participants had many strong ties who they rarely called or SMSed. The
interviews probing strong ties with little communication revealed several
explanations for this pattern, each of which pose fundamental challenges for
inferring tie strength.
First, a person’s communication via phone and SMS does not capture all of their
communications. Interactions happen through many other channels (e.g., Skype,
instant messenger, landline phones), in some cases replacing communication via
phone or SMS. Second, face-to-face communication remains a primary form of
communication for some very close contacts, but capturing this kind of
communication is difficult with current technology. Third, strong ties may form in
an earlier life stage and persist across stages even as communication frequency
diminishes. Even if one could capture data across multiple channels and do so for
long periods of time, it is not clear that this would be sufficient to improve the
models of tie strength.
A breadth of recent and highly-cited research has assumed that call and SMS
behavior is a good proxy for tie strength (Conti et al., 2011; Miritello et al., 2013;
Onnela et al., 2007; D. Wang et al., 2011). These contributions do not attempt to
identify all strong ties exhaustively. Rather, they only identify strong ties who use a
specific communication channel. Our contactlist and somecomm datasets best match this
task. The models for these datasets produce similar errors, and also indicate that
communication frequency and duration are an incomplete signal for determining tie
strength. While theory supports the relationship between communication frequency
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
and duration and tie strength (Hill & Dunbar, 2003), these communications should
not be operationalized only through the call and SMS logs stored on a person’s
Alternatives for Identifying Tie Strength
Researchers looking for a way to separate strong ties and weak ties need to consider
alternatives to using short term communication logs from one or two channels, such
as those available of today’s smartphones.
One alternative is to collect data from more communication channels. This
approach has several challenges. First, beyond the most popular additional sources
(i.e. email, Facebook), researchers are likely to face diminishing returns when adding
additional data sources. For example, some people use Skype, while others use
Google Hangouts. Similarly, there are many text message replacement apps (e.g.,
WhatsApp, GroupMe, Kik). The number of communication channels is growing,
people have different preferences for which channels they use and for what purposes,
and people switch between services based on fads, or on what services their friends
are using. Second, many of these services offer no API for accessing log data. Third,
correctly linking contact identities across multiple communication sources is nontrivial and error-prone.
Another way of augmenting this process while still using communication data to
separate strong and weak ties is to use a lot more data: data that extends back to when
close relationships first began, which could be on the order of years or even decades.
Since this data does not exist for current close relationships, the only way to evaluate
this method would be to start collecting the data now and see if it predicts the
presence of strong ties, which may only be formed several years from now. Current
data collection and retention practices are not conducive to long-term data
collection. For example, Android devices by default only store the last 500 calls and
200 SMS messages. Furthermore, there are no standard APIs to access one’s data,
and no unified structures for storing user data and maintaining history as users
change devices and services. For work on long-term communication history to be
possible, these practices will have to change.
Investigating message content might also help to improve the separation of strong
and weak ties. It is possible that in cases where there is some communication, the
content of the communication with strong ties is different from weak ties in a
systematic way. A drawback to this approach, and the reason that we did not explore
this avenue, is that many people are uncomfortable with the privacy implications of
granting content level access to calls and SMS.
Another approach is to differentiate relationship-maintenance communications with
strong ties (which can be infrequent but very important) from other types of
communication. One way to do so is to see whom a person calls or visits when
traveling (factoring in time of day to differentiate between a likely work contact
versus a social contact). Another way might be to use age or the inferred life stage of
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
individuals and incorporate that into tie strength models. For instance, college
students, 40-year-old parents, and senior citizens likely have different kinds of people
in their strong ties. This method would require much deeper investigation into how
people’s friendships change over time and how life stage affects these relationships.
The most reliable option for distinguishing strong and weak ties is to include users in
the process through interviews (Spencer & Pahl, 2006), or a survey (as I did). Some
research has considered computer supported tools for collecting this kind of data
(Ricken, Schuler, Grandhi, & Jones, 2010). The primary challenge here is that, even
in the case that labeling is efficient, this approach still requires the time and effort of
the user.
The primary drawback to all of these approaches is that they require data that is
hard to obtain. In general, researchers who use communication frequency as a tie
strength proxy do so because it is easily available. Many of the research datasets that
are being analyzed were collected and anonymized for a different purpose, often by
a third party such as a telecommunications company. Researchers using such
datasets do not have the possibility of collecting more data, or have any access at all
to the actual participants. Furthermore, many of these datasets contain data from far
too many users for a non-automated approach to be possible.
Using Communication Frequency as Tie Strength
Researchers will likely continue to use communication frequency as a tie strength
proxy because, with the rise of smartphones, the log data is increasingly available.
Here, I offer some implications for those that make this choice.
Researchers should carefully consider how the imperfect proxy of communication
frequency as tie strength limits the strength of their claims. A strong tie might have
some in-channel communication (meaning that they would be included in the
experiment), but may still have less communication in that channel than some weak
ties – does this hurt the strength of a claim being made on that data? It will depend
on the claims being made, and to what extent those claims rely on a clear separation
between strong and weak ties.
One solution for researchers in these situations is to modify their claims so that
instead of relating claims to tie strength, they relate the claims directly to communication
frequency. For example, the existing work (Conti et al., 2011; Miritello et al., 2013;
Onnela et al., 2007; D. Wang et al., 2011) that equates tie strength and
communication frequency are valuable contributions. However, their findings are
explained directly in the context of tie strength, which over-estimates the reliability
of inferring tie strength from communication frequency. This can negatively impact
the reader’s ability to correctly interpret their findings. If tie strength is important to
an argument, researchers should also explain how they believe tie strength and
communication frequency are related to each other within their dataset, and should
explicitly identify that communication frequency is a limited proxy.
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
This work has not yet explored the possibility of systematic per-user differences
based on demographics, behavioral characteristics, or life stage that may affect
classification accuracy in separating strong ties from weak ties. If any such effects
exist, they may affect the claims that can be drawn from using communication
frequency to classify tie strength. Similarly, communication frequency may be useful
for detecting other dimensions of interpersonal relationships. In turn, the influence of
per-user differences and other dimensions of personal relationships may further the
definition of tie strength and the understanding of the nuances of tie strength as a
3.3 Case Study Discussion
The goal of the studies presented in sections 3.1 and 3.2 was to use the
communication behaviors of users with their contacts to predict their preferences for
sharing different kinds of information with those contacts, using tie strength as an
intermediate representation. At the outset this logical chain seemed well supported
by theory, especially since communication behavior is known to predict tie strength.
However, operationalizing this theory revealed fundamental challenges for working
with personal data.
First, obtaining the participants’ communication data was a difficult process. It
required me to write custom applications to scrape the data from participants’
devices and additional effort to gather and process the data from Facebook.
Collecting data from more sources would have significantly increased the complexity
of this task. The process for transforming this data so that it could be used in the
machine learning models also required linking the data across the two different data
providers (phone and Facebook) and merging duplicate contacts. Since simple name
matching did not identify all duplicates, merging duplicates required significant
manual effort both by the researchers and by the participants.
Further, the type and amount of data available varied widely by participant.
Android restrictions limited the total number of call logs (and SMS logs for some
participants as well). For other participants the data was limited by how recently they
had obtained their current phone, because call and SMS logs are not automatically
synced from an old device. In some cases this meant the timespan of the dataset did
not cover enough time to make the tie-strength inferences. Additionally, the
irregularity of the contact list entries and the amount of contact data that was
completed made it practically impossible to use data from the contact lists for any of
the model’s features at all.
Improving these models by including communication logs from additional data
sources is not trivial. The effort need to collect, link, and merge the additional data
sources would be equal to or greater than the effort needed to do so for the original
data, especially since applications for scraping data are not re-usable across data
sources. In the two studies presented in this chapter, manual steps were required,
both for the researcher and the participant.
Chapter 3: A Case Study: Inferring Sharing Preferences Using Communication Data
Finally, the models developed here still offer potential value for inferring tie strength
to some noise-tolerant applications where the cost of an incorrect inference is small.
Unfortunately, even in this case deploying these models remains a significant
challenge. This is in part because the entire machine learning pipeline here was
static and one-off. Formatting the data, extracting features from the data, collecting
ground truth, and classifying instances from the dataset all happened with limited
automation to complete this research project. Furthermore, there is no mechanism
to deploy inference models. Deploying this model (e.g. as an Android library) would
require significant additional development effort to automate this process and
generate a usable API.
Additionally, deploying a machine learning model of tie strength raises privacy
concerns. In particular, inferring tie strength information for contacts requires
permission to access the user’s communication metadata. One solution would be to
require that any applications using the library declare these permissions in their
manifest. However, this may give developers pause: for some applications, adding
permissions declarations for call logs, SMS logs, and the contact list in order to
obtain tie strength may not be worth the additional scrutiny of a user. Some users
may ultimately choose not to download an application that accesses too much data
(J. Lin et al., 2012). It seems unnecessary for an application to need to require these
permissions if all they are accessing is the resulting tie-strength inference.
As a case study, this work illustrates some of the challenges in using personal data to
make high-level inferences: the availability of the raw data, the limited effectiveness
of automated approaches for identifying duplicates, and dispersion of one behavior
across many channels (in this case, communication across phone calls, SMS, and
channels not captured in the study). Most importantly, personal data was found to be
an unreliable indicator for a higher-level inference even in an area where strong
theoretical work already existed. These challenges point to deeper issues that affect
the way that personal data can be used. While they are illustrated with
communication logs and inferences of tie strength, these challenges are not unique to
this specific area: researchers and developers in many situations are sure to
encounter the same issues.
4 A Conceptual Framework for
Personal Data
The previous chapters have offered a broad set of insights that speak to the
complexity of personal data from the perspectives of end users, researchers, and
application developers. This chapter begins by examining the ecosystem of personal
data today from a macro level, identifying breakdowns between stakeholders. Next
the chapter offers a synthesis of issues highlighted here and in previous chapters to
extract more general systemic issues with the ecosystem of personal data. This
synthesis leads to a conceptual framework for understanding the breadth of personal
data, a range of applications that could use that data, and the process for working
with that data. The conceptual framework (described in section 4.4) consists of two
components. The first component is a continuum of personal data (described in
section 4.2) from very low-level (e.g. raw sensor data) to very high level (e.g. is the
user experiencing major depression?). The second component is a set of three steps
that are required to develop applications that depend on personal data (described in
section 4.3). This framework serves as a boundary object to facilitate shared
understanding of this domain of personal data and the process of working with that
data to serve some client application. Finally, this chapter offers some design goals
for improving the ecosystem of personal data from its current state to address the
many issues highlighted throughout this thesis.
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
Figure 12: Personal data today is separated across the applications and services where each type of
data originated (left). To unlock the full potential of personal data, it should instead be structured to
prioritize the coherence of the heterogeneous data around each individual who is the subject of that data
4.1 The ecosystem of personal data today
Despite its “personal” nature, personal data today is organized and stored separately
within each service or application where that data was collected, rather than all of an
individual’s personal data being stored together. This “siloed” approach to storing
personal data introduces significant problems. At a high level, these problems are:
Provides poor service: Each service has an incomplete view of the user,
which limits the service’s offerings. It is impossible for the user to manage the
access and usage of their data across these distributed silos.
Facilitates customer lock-in: Users are bound to their services that hold
their data, and leaving these services would cause the user to lose all of the
value that they get from their data. For example, if a user wanted to stop
using Netflix and start using Amazon Instant Video, he would have to leave
behind the value of recommendations based on his viewing history.
Chicken-and-egg: New services that rely on rich personal data are subject
to a chicken-and-egg problem for procuring that data: the service is not
valuable without the data, but the data is hard or impossible to obtain
without the user using the service.
Ground truth data labels: If a user tracks her location using one service
and labels “home” and “work” in that service, those ground truth labels do
not propagate to other services that the user wants to have access to that
information (for example, a direction-finding service). This diminishes the
value for the user to provide ground truth and further increases the
challenges for leveraging personal data.
For an independent application developer to incorporate personal data into a new
application today, she must follow all of the steps outlined below in section 4.3 and
faces many decisions along the way. In all but the most trivial straw man examples,
following this process requires a significant investment in development resources.
Through this system, many applications of personal data are simply not feasible, or
are even impossible. To make matters worse, because each developer solves these
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
challenges on their own, these bespoke solutions are unlikely to be reusable for other
developers. This further impairs a successful outcome when working with personal
4.1.1 Stakeholders
To fully understand the current state of personal data, it is important to acknowledge
different stakeholders and their goals. Together, these stakeholders and their goals
form an ecology of personal data. Considering the entire ecosystem is helpful for
understanding why things are the way that they are today, and also what kinds of
effects any changes in this ecology might have. The stakeholders include:
Data-logging companies and service providers: Products, services, and
applications that generate logs of user data. This can include large companies that
have many products (e.g. Apple, which includes iOS, OSX, Apple-written
applications, iCloud, iTunes, the iOS App Store). This can also include small
companies and companies with fewer products (e.g. Dropbox, Netflix). Truly any
service that a person uses has the ability to collect rich data on that person’s actions.
Data-consuming applications and services: These are services that take the
user’s personal data and apply it in some way to provide a service to the user. In
many cases, one organization is both of these first two stakeholders (data consumers
and data loggers). For example, Netflix collects a user’s viewing data, and uses that
data to make recommendations. However, services may also make use of many
different kinds of personal data from a multitude of different data loggers.
End users: Everybody as individuals. These are the people whom the data is about
and the people who are using these applications and services. Relationship Between Data-Logging Services and Users
Data-logging services would not be meaningful without people who use that service.
This relationship is mutually beneficial: users get to use the product or service and
the services get the data that describes the individual’s usage of the service. The data
that users generate while using a service is inherently under the direct control of the
data-generating service. Data-generators decide which data to collect and not to
collect, how long to store collected data, and how accessible that data is to users and
third-parties. Services typically do not give a user complete access to the data that
has been collected about them. Even in notable situations where data is made easily
accessible to end users (like Google Takeout15), there is still valuable data that is not
included, but that the company still collects (e.g. a Google user’s search history and
Chrome browsing history).
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
A user’s data is often essential to the business model of a data logger. In many cases,
services are provided to the user for free or at a price that is below the amount of
money that it costs the service provider to provide that service. This is made possible
by selling information gleaned from the user’s data (i.e. market insights), or
incorporating that data into a service (e.g. facilitating targeted advertising by
employing the user’s data). In other cases, the user’s data is what can differentiate a
service to make it more attractive to a user (e.g. Netflix relies on a user’s ratings and
viewing history). As a result, some service providers are likely to behave in ways that
users are unlikely to switch service providers. One way that service providers can do
this is by locking a user into their particular service by withholding access to the
user’s data or limiting portability to different services.
Finally, privacy issues for users arise when data-generators capture data that users
did not want to be captured and/or did not know was being captured. Relationship Between Data-Logging Services and DataConsuming Services
As mentioned above, in the current ecology of personal data, an individual service is
often both a data-generating service and also a data-consuming service. For
example, the dialer application on an Android Smartphone as a data-generator
collects data about whom the user calls. As a data-consumer, the dialer application
shows the user whom they have called most frequently and also most recently.
However, despite sometimes being the same entity, Data-consuming services are
separate from data-logging services because data-consumers may also want to access
data from a data-provider that is a different service. For example, the Android dialer
may want to also use data from Facebook and Skype to show people that the user
communicates with frequently across different communication media.
In some cases, data-generators charge data-consumers money for access to a user’s
data. For example, Facebook, Google, and many smartphone applications make a
lot of money by leveraging a user’s data to deliver targeted advertising. Here, privacy
issues can arise for users when data is made accessible to data-consumers without the
knowledge or explicit consent of the user. Relationship Between Data-Consuming Services and
As we said above, many data-consumers are companies that are consuming the data
that they created themselves as data-generators. Privacy issues arise when data
consumers use data in a way that a user did not intend, or when the data reveals
(either directly or indirectly) information that the user did not want revealed. One
example is the recent story of a teenage girl who received advertising in the mail for
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
maternity clothing and cribs based on her shopping habits, even though she had not
told her father that she was pregnant16.
In some cases, a user might wish to provide their own data to a data-consumer. For
example, a user wants to use their data from one service to help personalize a
different service. Another possibility is a user might want to donate their data to
researchers that are going to analyze it. In general, users are fairly limited in their
ability to do this.
There is typically very little communication/interaction between data-consumers
from different organizations, (except in formal business relationships like Facebook &
Advertisers from above), so if the user provides some information to a data-consumer
(e.g. this location is my home), then the user probably needs to provide that
information separately to other data-consumers, even if they were okay with that
information being used by other data consumers as well.
4.1.2 Summary
The way that these stakeholders interact today is troubling and leaves much to be
desired. Data-loggers wield a lot of power in deciding what data is collected, how it is
stored, and who has access to it. With this power also comes the responsibility of
maintaining the user’s trust, and obeying laws. Data-consuming services want to
provide their users the best possible service, which can rely in part on access to the
user’s data. Users want to receive the best services possible, but also want to be
comfortable with how their data is being used, which requires a combination of
transparency and trust. Finally, all stakeholders are seeking to minimize costs, even
at the expense of other stakeholders (e.g. storing data and providing it through an
API can cost money, so loggers may avoid it).
Examining the ecosystem of personal data in this way highlights clear problems with
how personal data is managed today. The current ecosystem stifles innovation,
facilitates lock-in, and offers a sub-optimal user experience. Considering these issues
holistically offers the potential to improve personal data for all stakeholders.
4.2 The Personal Data Continuum
In this thesis, data is considered personal data if it describes something, anything,
about an individual person: her behavior, her interests, her social relationships. So
far in this thesis, personal data has been discussed as a single concept: either
something is personal data or it is not. However, to fully engage how personal data is
collected, stored, and used, it is useful to think about different kinds of personal data
and how they are related to each other.
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
This section develops the idea that personal data can be thought of as falling
somewhere along a continuum. This continuum is a core component of the
conceptual framework. It ranges from very low-level data (e.g. a log of accelerometer
data, latitude and longitude coordinates, audio levels) to extremely high-level data
(e.g. my behaviors that do not support sustainability, the set of skills that I don’t have
which would be most beneficial to learn, an inference of the state of my mental
health). Personal data can exist at various points along the continuum. The personal
data continuum is intended to be continuous rather than discrete, however it’s also
important to keep in mind that continuum is a conceptual tool, not an absolute
dimension. The personal data continuum described here is one of two components
(the other being the steps introduced in section 4.3) of the conceptual framework for
working with personal data (described in section 4.4). The following examples offer
additional perspective into various points along the personal data continuum.
Figure 13: The personal data continuum ranges from very low-level data (far left side) like sensor data
that describes the user’s behavior and surroundings to very high level data (far right side) that describes
information about individuals that they might not even know about themselves. Information in the lower
levels can often be directly sensed, but data higher on the continuum has to be provided manually or
inferred from a combination of lower level data.
4.2.1 Points along the continuum
Low-level data
Low-level data is often sensor data such as data produced from an accelerometer,
light sensor, temperature sensor, and microphone, but this data might also be log
data like keypresses or mouse movements. One characteristic of this low-level data is
that it typically does not mean very much if a human is looking at it on their own.
For example, the readings from an accelerometer mean very little to a human
without additional processing to interpret this data, usually on a time series.
At first glance, it’s not always immediately obvious what low-level data is personal
data and what low-level data is not. For example, accelerometer data from a
smartphone can vary in its functionality as personal data: if a user is in possession of
their smartphone then the accelerometer data describes something about the user’s
behavior. However, if the user has lent their smartphone to somebody else, the
accelerometer is no longer generating personal data for the owner because that data
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
does not describe anything about that person, instead the accelerometer is now
generating personal data about the person currently in possession of the phone.
Person-Readable Logs
At this slightly higher level, personal data begins to have more clear meaning. The
kind of data that exists at this level are often logs of user behavior from different
applications: phone call logs, text messages, emails, browsing history, sleep logs,
physical activity logs, purchase history, a log of places visited, media consumption
history (music, news stories, TV shows, movies). The list of data that roughly fits into
this category is very long.
This category is what most people likely think of when they think of personal data.
In general the common concerns about personal data, privacy, and control relate to
this kind of data. The data collected as a part of the NSA’s infamous PRISM
program17 generally fits into this category.
Personal Inferences
At the level of personal inferences, personal data is less about individual moments in
time and more about a general higher-level kind of knowledge about an individual,
the kinds of things that change over the course of weeks, months, or even years. For
example, social relationship data such as tie strength and life facet (Farnham &
Churchill, 2011) from the previous chapters are examples of personal inferences.
Other examples of these kinds of inferences might include: how physically fit the user
is, how well she has been sleeping, or how social she has been. This level is
completely removed from the set of things that can be instantaneously observed and
automatically collected by a computer system.
Holistic Understanding
This category represents the upper limit of personal data. These are very high-level
inferences that describe things about individuals that they might not even know
about themselves. It is easier to think about the items in this category in terms of
questions: Am I becoming depressed? What should I be when I grow up? What skill
should I learn? How can I live more sustainably? What item should I purchase to
make my life better? These are all questions that would require an incredible amount
of data to answer. These questions require more information than simply personal
data, but personal data is a very important component to the answers to these
PRISM program is a clandestine surveillance program run by the NSA that collected large
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
One vision of the far-off future of personalized computing systems imagines that
technology might be able to answer these questions for users automatically, or at
least help lead people to these answers themselves.
4.2.2 Detecting Depression: Tracing an example through the
Part of the value of thinking about personal data on this continuum comes from
thinking about how data at different points along the continuum relate to each other.
Inferring the onset of clinical depression is one type of very high level inference that
has been increasingly explored recently (Doryab, Min, Wiese, Zimmerman, & Hong,
2014; Saeb et al., 2015). This example offers a useful example for reasoning about
the personal data continuum.
At the high end, of the spectrum the goal is to know whether or not an individual is
depressed. Obviously this is very high-level and not directly observable, especially
not by today’s technology. However, it is indirectly observable (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013). Criteria include:
Patient has been less social
Patient has been doing fewer things that he enjoys
Patient hasn’t been sleeping well
Patient has been less physically active
Patient has had a significant change in weight
Patient has been experiencing high stress
Each of these represents a characteristic that is certainly further down on the
continuum: these are closer to things that can be easily observed (though not
necessarily instantaneously). Each of these items informs a the top-level inference of
depressed/not depressed.
Going another level lower, each of those items can be broken down into lower-level
data that can generate output that answers those questions. For example, some data
that might feed into how social a person has been could include data about how
much time they have spent talking on the phone, how many text messages and
emails they have exchanged, how many total people they have spoken on the phone
with, what percentage of their time they’ve spent speaking with other people face-toface. It would be easy to brainstorm many other kinds of data here. To infer that the
patient has been experiencing high stress, a model might again employ features of
the patient’s communication behavior, stress indicators in their speech patterns,
perhaps even the content of communication exchanges. The model might also take
into account how full the patient’s calendar is and how many of the events are
Finally, at the lowest level, a variety of sensors provide data that inform the higherlevel types of data. For example, accelerometer and gyroscope data can be used to
infer what kinds of activities the individual has been engaging in. Those sensors,
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
combined with the microphone and light sensor can be used to infer sleeping
behavior (Min et al., 2014).
This single example of detecting depression in an individual has demonstrated
aspects of personal data all along the continuum, from the very lowest levels of
personal data as sensor logs through several layers of inferences up to a high-level
inference of detecting depression.
4.3 The steps for working with personal data
Figure 14: The personal data pipeline breaks down the steps of working with personal data. At a high
level, using personal data means collecting the data, inferring some meaning from that data, and then
applying the data to the target application. However, these steps are deceivingly simple. In reality each
of these steps is complex with many components and a host of implicit challenges.
The illustration of inferring depression in the previous section, as well as the case
study of inferring tie strength and sharing preferences in chapter 3 are both examples
that offer some insights into the process of working with personal data with the
ultimate goal of applying it to some target domain. This section expands on these to
establish generalized steps that capture the process of applying personal data to an
application, leveraging the continuum from the previous section. Together, the
continuum and the steps described in this section combine to form the conceptual
framework of personal data.
At a high level, the steps are:
1. Collect the personal data from one or more sources where the data has been
recorded and stored.
2. Transform the collected data on the continuum from the point where it was
when collected to the point where it needs to be in order to be applied to a
particular target application.
3. Use the transformed personal data in the target application.
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
It is easy to look at that list and infer that this is a simple process: each step is short
and concise. However, this process is actually much more complicated than what it
would seem at first glance.
4.3.1 Collecting the Data
The first step of the process is to collect the source personal data. This data tends to
be towards the lower parts of the continuum, but it might be anywhere along the
continuum. This can include collecting data directly from sensors, usage logs, or
from other systems that have already processed the data in some way. Collecting this
data is really broken down into several steps.
1. Choose services that allow programmatic access to user data: The
discussion of stakeholders highlighted the power that data-loggers have in this
ecosystem: they are the gatekeepers to personal data, so if they don’t collect
the desired data or don’t provide programmatic access to it, nothing else can
be done.
2. Authenticating the user: Most personal data is protected through some
authentication mechanism that the user must authenticate with in order to
provide access to the developer.
3. Obtaining permission: The application or service that is collecting the
data must obtain permission from the user to access the data. This can take
many forms. On Android, this is done at install time. If connecting to a
REST API (e.g. Fitbit, Email, etc) then the user must authenticate and grant
permission to access the desired data at runtime.
4. Representing the data: In almost all cases, different data sources
represent their data in different schemas, even when the underlying type of
data is similar.
5. Linking the data together: When combining data from multiple sources,
making use of the data often means linking it together in some way. For
example, when collecting different kinds of communication data, it is often
necessary to connect the communication based on the person that the
communication was with.
6. Cleaning the data: In some cases, data from one data source could be
duplicated by the data from a different source. The complexity here can vary
considerably. For example, Gmail offered the ability to archive Google Talk
conversations within Gmail. So, collecting data from Gmail as well as Google
Talk would result in a double-counting of those communications for the users
who had enabled that archiving feature. In other cases, individual pieces of
data or all data from a data source may be biased or incorrect in some way.
Whether a developer thinks about these steps consciously or just implicitly, each of
these steps is essential for collecting personal data. Furthermore, the complexity
increases considerably when collecting data from multiple sources, whether they are
different data sources for the same type of data or for different types of data.
For many developers, the challenges present here severely limit what they do with
personal data. They may support fewer sources or they may choose not to attempt
an ambitious idea because of these limitations. Furthermore, decisions made at this
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
stage, whether purposeful or implicit, will affect what can be done with the data later
on and also the ease with which additional data sources can be added in the future.
4.3.2 Transforming the Data
The next step of the process is to transform the data from the point on the
continuum where it was collected to the point on the continuum that it needs to be
in order to apply it in the application. Again, there are multiple steps involved here.
1. Deciding what the target data is: There are many possible ways to
abstract and transform the data, and there are tradeoffs between them. (e.g.
Does the application need a representation of tie strength, or just
communication frequency? Communication frequency is much more explicit
and easier to obtain than tie strength, but for a particular application tie
strength might be the right level of abstraction). Is the target numerical?
2. Deciding the transformation mechanism: Is the transformation going
to be machine learning-based? Rule-based? A mathematical transformation?
Part of this step will depend on the resources available to the developer. Does
the developer know how to apply machine learning? Does the developer have
a way of collecting the ground truth data that will be necessary to train
machine learning models?
3. Assembling the input for the transformation: This step involves
preparing the source data. One aspect of this step is strongly related to how
the data was collected: is it in a format where it is easy to prepare for input,
or does it require additional processing? If the transformation involves
machine learning, the developer needs to determine the feature set and
calculate the features. The developer must also consider what will happen for
radically different inputs (e.g. if there is no data available from a particular
data source for a particular user, or if the data is too sparse or over too short
of a period of time for a particular user).
4. Collecting training data: Having a good dataset is key to developing a
good machine learning algorithm. In the case of personal data, it can be very
difficult to assemble that data: it requires collecting personal data from many
users, trying to broadly cover the spectrum of possible inputs in order to
produce robust models.
5. Collecting labeled ground truth: Related to collecting the training data,
the developer must have labels for that training data in order to construct
models. However, unlike many other machine learning problems, the effort
of providing these ground truth labels cannot necessarily be shifted to paid
laborers (e.g. crowd workers). Instead with personal data, the user often must
label their own data because they are the only person that knows what the
label is For example, in the tie strength and sharing models of chapter 3, the
only person that could possibly answer is the user.
The transformation step is again a complex step that will have implications for how
data will be applied in the last step and also for how easy it will be to maintain the
code and implement changes in the future.
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
4.3.3 Using the Data
With the data transformed, the final step of the process is to actually apply the newly
transformed data to the application. Again, this seems like it should be
straightforward, but again there is the potential for complexity.
1. Integrating the data into the application: Figuring out how to present
the data to the user requires consideration. Will the user be able to
understand the transformed data? Do they need to understand it? Will users
feel that a particular transformation is sensitive or invasive in some way? If
the transformation involved some uncertainty, how is that uncertainty
handled by the application and/or represented to the user? Does the system
simply display the data to the user, or does it personalize or automate some
behavior based on the data?
2. Handling incorrect inferences: How does the application handle
incorrect inferences? Does it allow the user to correct them? Are these
changes stored? Are the changes used to retrain the model?
3. Offering transparency and control to the user: How is the resulting
data used in the application? Does the user have the ability to know how
their data is being used? Is the data being shared with third parties? Is there a
data retention policy? Can the user change, hide, or remove data? Can the
user change how the application behavior that is associated with the
underlying data?
4.4 The Conceptual Framework
Together, the continuum of personal data and the steps that are required to
incorporate personal data in an application, which have been described above, form
the components of a conceptual framework (Figure 14). This framework captures
and makes explicit the otherwise implicit realities of applying personal data to an
application. The framework serves as a boundary object to support reflection and
discourse on the process of working with personal data. One thing that this
framework makes particularly salient is the amount of effort that is currently
required for a developer to incorporate personal data into an application.
In some ways, this framework looks similar to a more general data analytics pipeline,
however many of the specifics are notably distinct between data analytics in general,
and personal data in specific. For example, the pipeline described by Fisher, DeLine,
Czerwinski, and Drucker (2012) define five steps that describe the process of working
with big data: acquire data, choose architecture, shape data into architecture,
code/debug, and reflect. The first three of these steps map to the first step described
here (collecting the data), code/debug corresponds to the second step of
transforming the data, and reflect is one way of completing the third step of applying
the data. However, where these steps correspond abstractly, the specifics of these two
processes have important differences that make them distinct.
Acquiring a big data dataset involves identifying an existing dataset, (e.g. from an
online repository). This is a static step, it happens once. When developing with
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
personal data, the data that is being acquired is specific to each user. Thus, the data
is not acquired all at once, it is instead acquired at application runtime for each
individual user, and is typically continuously collected over time. Individual users
can either grant or deny access to their data. Furthermore, collecting data oftentimes
requires collecting hand-labeled ground truth from users, which is completely
outside of the requirements for a big data pipeline. Other aspects of this step are
more similar, such as linking together data from different data sources and working
with different schemas.
Coding and debugging with big data is largely focused on issues of scale (e.g. writing
parallelizable code and abstracting away the cloud). There are other tradeoffs in this
step as well, such as the tradeoff between doing manual operations on the data
versus scripting. When developing a personal data application, the challenges are
very different. Developers need to consider what transformation is taking place on
the data. They do not have the ability to access each users’ data while developing the
transformation. Instead, they need to prepare for contingencies ahead of time (e.g.
how will the transformation behave with small amounts of data, large amounts of
data, sparse data, dense data, etc). Another important dimension of personal data is
that the same behavior can mean different things for different users. Will the
developer support user-specific transformations (e.g. personalized models)?
Finally, the step of reflecting with big data is a discrete step that is iterative with the
step of coding and debugging in which analysts reflect on transformed big data in
order to build insights in that data. By contrast, personal data is applied directly in
an application that faces the end user, who is the subject of that data. Even in the
case that the data is being used to support the user in reflecting on her own data,
there are differences in this step (e.g. this data is personally meaningful, the user can
identify errors and fill in holes in the data). Beyond reflection, personal data can be
used in applications to enable new applications or support personalization, which
goes beyond the structure of a traditional data analytics pipeline. The personal
nature of this data has implications for the way that users relate to the data.
Overall, personal data has many differences from a traditional analytics data
pipeline, and two main differences stick out in particular. First, with traditional data
analytics it is possible to follow the process with a series of manual steps: the start-toend pipeline does not need to be fully automated. Second, the individually
meaningful nature of personal data has the potential to impact all steps of the
personal data framework.
4.5 Design Goals
I have synthesized the insights and challenges throughout this document to establish
a set of design goals aimed at improving the state of personal data. These goals are a
combination of insights gathered from the broader landscape of personal data work
within the research community from chapter 2, the case study of my own experience
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
developing with personal data from chapter 3, and reflecting on the current state of
personal data and the process of working with it from chapter 4.
4.5.1 Minimize redundant effort required of developers
This design goal is a very broad goal that should be further broken down to highlight
the many different places that redundant effort is currently required:
Authenticating to multiple APIs
Working with non-standard data formats
Gathering or collecting the data
Cleaning the data
Linking data together so that it is easy to query
Developing and testing useful abstractions or inference models to transform
the data so that it can be used in an application
These are all tasks that could be simplified or completely eliminated from the
responsibility of an individual application developer. This will make the development
process easier and significantly lower the bar for innovating in this space. End users
will benefit from more services, better services, and less effort required fixing their
own data. This design goal is directly inspired by chapter 3: the entire project would
have been much more straightforward without all of the complexity involved in
bringing the data together.
Developing inferences can be a major barrier for developers. Even if the developer is
skilled at applying machine learning (e.g. extracting features, selecting an algorithm,
tuning parameters) these tasks still require time and effort (Patel et al., 2010).
Furthermore, collecting training data and ground truth labels can be an even more
difficult challenge. Essentially, the to address this goal the process of developing a
reliable model should be made separate from the process of deploying that model in
a target application.
One component of addressing this design goal is to have a set of inferences that are
general enough that they can be used across multiple applications. For example,
there are a number of ways that tie strength could be applied in different ways across
a variety of applications.
4.5.2 Organize data by individual, not by service
Today, data is siloed in each application or service. This makes it easy to build
applications that are based on their own data, but makes it much more difficult to
offer an integrated and consistent user experience across multiple applications. This
process should be quick and easy for developers.
It is easy to see why personal data today is organized by application or service: there
is value for a service in having this data across all of its users, and it is the simplest
thing to do. Even if a service wanted to make it easy for users to store their data on
the level of the individual, there is no infrastructure for this today. Where would this
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
data be stored? Who would protect the data? Who would pay the costs associated
with storing this data? This concept has been proposed before in (Want et al., 2002),
but the infrastructure for this is simply not there today. This is a major challenge
across many of the research domains described in chapter 2, and the research
projects in chapter 3 offer specific insights into how much of a challenge and a
frustration this siloed approach is for developers and researchers. This also addresses
the need cited in (Karger & Jones, 2006), that personal information must be
defragmented (i.e. unified and linked together) in order for individuals to be able to
realize the full potential of their data.
4.5.3 Support connections within the data
It should be easy to access data that is related to a particular piece of data. It should
be easy to jump between related pieces of data. For example, a piece of information
such as the most recent phone can have connections to other items that are
overlapping in time such as a calendar appointment, or where the user was when she
made the call. It can also be related to whom the call was with. There are many
cases where these rich interconnections within the data are particularly useful. In the
case of the tie strength model in chapter, rich interconnections in the data would
simplify the process of calculating the features for the model. Having well connected
data dramatically simplifies applications is also useful for episodic memory queries
(e.g. “who did I call last time I was in San Francisco?”), personal-informatics-style
data exploration (e.g. “do I spend more time on the phone when I’m at home or
travelling”), specifying complex rules (e.g. in end-user programming environments),
and for applications such as Autobiographical Authentication (Das, Hayashi, &
Hong, 2013).
4.5.4 Limit unnecessary disclosure
One way of minimizing opportunities for personal data to be exploited is to follow
the privacy maxim of limiting unnecessary disclosure (Romanosky, Acquisti, Hong,
Cranor, & Friedman, 2006). In the ideal world, the only data that an application
would access would be the data that it needed to access. For example, if an
application only needs to know how many phone calls the user has made over a
certain period of time, the application should definitely not have access to the
individual phone call logs, only access to the count of logs over a specified time
period. If the system can guarantee that only a specific set of data was accessed, it
will be better able to support the user in controlling and limiting data access.
4.5.5 Offer users transparency
Offer as much transparency as possible when it comes to what personal data is used,
specifically how that data is used, what (if anything) is stored, and what is shared or
transmitted. One way of accomplishing this is by giving examples that demonstrate
what can be done. Today, many privacy policies include language that is so general
that it hardly communicates anything at all. Part of this design goal is to be as
specific and clear as possible.
Chapter 4: A Conceptual Framework for Personal Data
4.5.6 Offer users choices and control, while specifying
reasonable defaults
Hand-in-hand with transparency, systems that handle personal data should also offer
users choices and control.
In many cases, personal data is a component of the economics that enable a
particular service to operate (often through revenue generated from behavioral
advertising). In these cases, a user’s privacy decision might affect the viability of that
service. In these cases, a combination of transparency (e.g. letting the user know that
they are able to offer free or subsidized service because of access to this data) and
choices (e.g. the user could pay for the service instead of providing their data) offers
more flexibility to the concerned consumer.
There is also room to innovate directly in the space of privacy and sharing
mechanisms that are provided. Chapter 2 offers several examples of this in the form
of expressing preferences that depend on “in common” information (Wiese, Kelley,
et al., 2011), or easier ways of partitioning the target audience (Sleeper et al., 2013).
A broad and growing literature makes it clear that designing privacy and sharing
controls is incredibly difficult, and in many cases people do not even understand
what privacy settings mean (Kelley et al., 2012; Liu, Gummadi, Krishnamurthy, &
Mislove, 2011). This is far from a solved problem. Thus, it is not enough to offer
control, services should also specify reasonable defaults.
Finally, another component of this design goal is to offer users the ability to improve
the service they are receiving (e.g. by providing ground truth or resolving duplicates).
5 Phenom: A Service for Unified
Personal Data
Approaching the ecosystem of personal data from a user-centered perspective
represents a significant shift from how personal data is handled today. Chapter 4
offered insights into how personal data is handled today, some of the issues with the
current state of personal data, and design goals for improving this state. Achieving
these goals is a long-term agenda that will require buy-in from many different
stakeholders. There are many opportunities for improving the ecosystem of personal
data. There are also so many prospects to employ personal data to improve the way
that users interact with their technology.
This chapter describes the design and implementation of Phenom, a prototype
service for managing personal data. Phenom incorporates several key ideas that
represent a significant advance in the way that personal data is handled. While many
issues remain to be addressed before the vision set forth in chapter 4 is achieved,
Phenom is a proof of concept that represents an important step towards this goal.
The name Phenom comes from phenomenology, a field of study which “set out to
explore how people experience the world – how we progress from sense-impressions
of the world to understandings and meanings” (Dourish, 2001).
5.1 System Architecture
The main philosophy behind Phenom is that personal data is managed centrally in a
single application-agnostic service, rather than in each independent application or
service. This approach offers several key benefits:
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
1. A single API for an application developer to work with. The developer only
has to authenticate the user to a single API, and the developer only has to
work with a single format for representing the data.
2. Linking data together, correcting bad data or mistakes, and removing
duplicates can all be done only once and the results will be reflected
3. Inferences and models can be developed and improved centrally and the
benefits can be had by all applications.
4. Operations on personal data can happen within the service, making it easier
to constrain what data a client application has access to.
5. A user can specify privacy preferences in a centralized service with a familiar
user interface, rather than in each client application.
Figure 15: A system diagram for Phenom illustrating its different components. The Epistenet Data Store
serves as a semantic knowledge base of personal data. Data providers bring personal data in from
external data sources. Bots operate on the data contained within the datastore to generate inferences
and abstractions. A unified querying API provides application developers with a single query interface to
access the richly interconnected personal data from the datastore.
At a high level, the Phenom architecture is composed of several key components:
Data providers are responsible for connecting to a data source, retrieving
new data from that source, and storing it in the internal datastore.
The data store contains the rich interconnected data that has been brought
in from the providers. The datastore contains objects of many different types,
with attributes that can include references to other objects. Finally, object
types are defined in a semantic tree, where the children of a type contain all
of the attributes of its parent (but may contain additional attributes as well).
The data store also contains inference data and ground truth data.
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
Bots perform operations on the data in the semantic data store, for example
simple “housekeeping” operations, model-based inferences, heuristic-based
inferences, etc.
The API offers the flexibility of SQL-like queries to the personal data store
that is particularly focused on the needs associated with querying personal
data, such as connecting across multiple data types and working with
timestamps and aggregates. The Java API offers a simplified abstraction on
the much more complicated structure of the underlying datastore while
preserving query flexibility.
The remainder of this section offers a more in-depth discussion of these components
that together form Phenom.
5.1.1 Epistenet: A Semantic Data Store
Epistenet, the semantic data store component is a core component to Phenom
[XXX tech report]. Epistenet is a system that I co-developed with Sauvik Das, who
lead the development of this component.
One major challenge when developing with personal data is that data from different
sources are completely separate. For example different data sources use different
To address this issue, Epistenet offers a unified internal format for storing personal
data with a source-agnostic schema, support for connections between different
objects, and a hierarchical ontology that specifies subsumption relationships between
different data types. To enable this source-agnostic schema and rich
interconnections between data, every piece of personal data in Epistenet is
represented as an object with some number of attributes that are associated with that
For example, a PhoneCall is one type of personal data captured by Phenom.
Epistenet represents the PhoneCall object with the following attributes: Direction
(incoming or outgoing), Duration, and AlterAddress (phone number). The
underlying data schema of this implementation is very flexible. Data is stored in an
SQLite database where EpistenetObjects are stored in one table and all
Attributes are stored in a table that contains the name of the Attribute, a reference
to the EpistenetObject that it is associated with, and the value. This simple
database schema offers a flexible framework for objects to be represented within
Another issue for working with personal data is that data from different sources may
be interconnected with each other in many ways, but because they are coming from
different sources, those interconnections are difficult to leverage. Sometimes these
interconnections are across semantically disjoint data (e.g. a user’s presence at a
physical location, and a cell phone call might be connected through their timestamp.
The types of data are completely different). In other cases types of data have a more
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
direct semantic relationship (e.g. phonecalls and SMS messages are both types of
Epistenet also has infrastructure to support these kinds of connections. Each
EpistenetObject is associated with an OntologyClass that identifies its type.
PhoneCall is one example of an OntologyClass, so every EpistenetObject that
represents a log of a phone call is associated with the PhoneCall ontology class.
Ontology classes are key to a very important feature of Epistenet: the ability to
maintain connections between data that is semantically related. Continuing the
phone call example, a related type of data is a text message. Text messages and
phone calls are both types of communication, and because of this similarity they
share some attributes in common, such as Direction and AlterAddress, but not
others like Duration. To capture this semantic relationship, Epistenet has a
hierarchical representation of ontology classes. In the example, both the PhoneCall
and SMSMessage ontology classes are children of the Communication ontology class
(see Figure 16). The Communication ontology class defines the common attributes of
Direction and AlterAddress and the PhoneCall and SMSMessage ontology classes
inherit those attributes, and can define their own additional attributes as well.
Figure 16: An example of an ontology in Epistenet. Direction edges in this graph refer to “subsumptive”
relationships. So, a PhoneCall is a type of Communication. Attributes of a parent ontology class are also
contained in the descendents of that ontology class.
As a result, a query to Epistenet for objects of a particular OntologyClass can
specify whether the objects that are returned should only be the objects that are
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
concretely associated with that OntologyClass (e.g. only objects that are explicitly
identified as Communication, not PhoneCall and SMSMessage which are children of
the Communication ontology class), or if it should also include objects that have a
concrete type of a child OntologyClass (e.g. a query for the Communication
ontology class would also return objects that were defined as both PhoneCalls or
SMSMessages). Epistenet refers to these relationships as identity (i.e. only objects that
are the concrete type specified in the query) and subsumption (i.e. all objects in the
ontology subtree of the specified type).
This semantic linkage is powerful. Inserting a PhoneCall object into the datastore
means that automatically through the ontology relationship it is also represented as a
Communication object, and tied the object to a CommunicationHandle (through the
AlterAddress), which is linked to a Contact ontology class object, which is
subsumed by the Person ontology class. This structure allows for very rich flexible
queries, enabling a single query to automatically incorporate the data from different
but semantically related data types. For example, it would be very simple to query
for a list of the 10 contacts that a user had communicated with most recently across
all communication media (Section 5.1.3 describes the specifics of executing queries
such as these using the API).
Defining a new Ontology Class
The following steps document the process of defining a new ontology class within
1. Determine where in the Ontology the new class should be added. For
example, if we are adding a provider for phone call logs, the place to put the
PhoneCall Ontology Class would be Communication à PhoneCall. An
Ontology Class could also be at the root.
2. Declare the new ontology class in the ontology.config file. This includes
specifying the name, and a versioning number (here it’s 2). This file also
specifies the ontology:
+ Phonecall,2
+ Communication,Phonecall,2
3. Declare a new class that includes the attributes that will be associated with
the Phonecall ontology class in in the ontologyclasses namespace:
public class Phonecall extends Communication {
public static final Attribute DURATION =
new Attribute("Duration", AttributeValueType.INTEGER);
public static Attribute[] getAttributes() {
return ArrayUtils.addAll(Communication.getAttributes(),
new Attribute[]{Duration});
4. Declare Gmail in the OntologyClass.java enum. The number just needs to be
unique within the enum:
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
Phonecall("Phonecall", 6) {
public Attribute[] attributes() {
return Phonecall.getAttributes();
After completing these steps, a new Phonecall ontology class will exist in Epistenet
with all of the attributes associated with the Communication ontology class, in
addition to a “Duration” attribute.
Reference Attributes
The example above offers a view into the general process for defining new
OntologyClass types, but there are a few more details that are involved when
defining some kinds of attributes. Many attributes are similar to “Duration” in the
example above: they represent a basic value such as Integer, Double, Timestamp, or
String. However, some attributes actually reference an Epistenet object. These are
ReferenceAttributes. In the phone call example, one example of a
ReferenceAttribute is the phone number. The reason that this attribute did not
appear in the description above is that it was inherited from the Communication
ontology class.
In fact, this is even more complicated because at the level of the Communication
ontology class, the identifier isn’t necessarily a phone number. It could also be an
email address, or a screen name. Thus, the definition for Communication includes
public static final ReferencesAttribute ALTER_ADDRESS =
new ReferencesAttribute("AlterAddress",
This “AlterAddress” ReferencesAttribute in Communication references a
CommunicationHandle ontology class which has ontology class children
PhoneNumber and EmailAddress. This preserves the overall structure of the
Communication ontology class (i.e. communication happens with other people), but
also maintains differences between different kinds of handles (i.e. phone numbers
and email addresses).
The Communication ontology class also includes a reference to the Person ontology
class. However, in this case it is not possible to use a ReferenceAttribute, because
the communication is only indirectly tied to a person through the communication
handle. Instead, the IndirectReferencesAttribute is a sort of ghost reference that
references the target ontology class (i.e. Person), through the attribute of an
intermediate ontology class to which this ontology class has a reference (i.e. the
Person attribute of the AlterAddress, which is a direct reference from
public static final IndirectReferencesAttribute PERSON =
new IndirectReferencesAttribute(
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
One issue with ReferencesAttribute and IndirectReferencesAttribute is that
they are unidirectional. In this case, the PhoneCall ontology class has a
ReferencesAttribute for AlterAddress and Person, but Person does not have a
ReferencesAttribute to PhoneCall. ReverseReferencesAttribute solves this
problem. ReverseReferencesAttribute uses the existing attribute connection to
make the relationship bi-directional. For example, the following two attributes are
defined in the Person ontology class:
public static final ReverseReferencesAttribute PHONE_CALLS =
new ReverseReferencesAttribute(
"PhoneCalls", OntologyClass.Phonecall, Phonecall.PERSON);
This attribute is a sort of convenience attribute. No additional data is stored in
Epistenet, but when querying the Phenom API, ReverseReferencesAttribute
behaves the same as ReferencesAttribute by reversing the direction of the original
Together, the structure of Epistenet makes it very easy to interact with the data. For
example, perhaps when a phonecall is initially recorded, Phenom does not know to
whom the phone number belongs. With this approach, when the connection is made
between the phone number and the person, all of the data is instantly updated for
5.1.2 Data Providers
Today, working with personal data means any application that wants to use the data
from a data source needs to individually connect to all of the datasources to access
that data. This process it often painful and involves a fair amount of boilerplate code.
Phenom removes this responsibility for each developer by doing this only once.
Data providers are the component of Phenom that brings in raw personal data from
any external source—for example, system content providers such as SMS logs,
hardware sensors such as the accelerometer, and third-party applications such as
“What’s App”. The call log, for example, is a data provider that contributes objects
of the “PhoneCall” ontology class, while a web browser would contribute objects of
the “SiteVisit” ontology class.
Data providers are responsible for connecting to the external data source, mapping
the data from that data source to an ontology class within Phenom, and avoiding
creating duplicate data. Data providers are polled at configurable intervals so that
the can aggregate new data. While providers themselves do not offer much novelty
to Phenom, they are an essential component for Phenom.
Defining a New Provider
Creating a data provider involves only a small amount of overhead beyond the
boilerplate code that is required to query the data source and extract data from that
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
1. Add a line to providers.config with a name for the provider the number of
milliseconds between polling times, and the Java classname for the provider:
+ call_logs,14400000,CallLogsProvider
2. Implement the CallLogsProvider class in the providers namespace. The
key aspect of implementing the provider is implementing the poll method.
public class CallLogsProvider extends Provider {
public static final long PERSISTENCE = Long.MAX_VALUE;
public static final String PERMISSION =
public static final String PROVIDER_NAME = "call_logs";
public void poll() {
Within this method, the main steps are to
a. Poll the data source for new data:
EpistenetAdapter adapter = this.getAdapter();
long lastUpdated =
Cursor c = this.mContext.getContentResolver().query(
new String[] { Calls.DATE, Calls.NUMBER,
Calls.DATE + " > " + String.valueOf(lastUpdated),
null, null);
b. Cycle through the new data to create new objects:
if (c != null && c.getCount() > 0) {
while c.moveToNext()) {
long oid = adapter.createObject(PERSISTENCE);
c. Associate all of the relevant attributes with each object:
adapter.createAttribute( Phonecall.DURATION,
adapter.createAttribute( Phonecall.DIRECTION,
c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(Calls.TYPE))), oid);
adapter.createAttribute( Phonecall.ALTER_NAME,
// Code to create phone number object if necessary
long[] numberCreated =
new String[]{ PhoneNumber.HANDLE.getSelectName()},
new String[]{UtilityFuncs.formatPhoneNumber(
c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(Calls.NUMBER)))}, -1);
if(numberCreated[0] > 0){
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
adapter.createAttribute( Phonecall.ALTER_ADDRESS,
String.valueOf(numberCreated[1]), oid);
d. Finally, add in the meta attribute, link the object to the rest of the
ontology, and release resources:
long metaAttribute = this.createMetaAttribute(oid,
Omitting a few accessors and utility methods, this is all that’s required to create the
provider for phone logs. The flexibility of this approach allows for much more
complex providers to be implemented if necessary.
5.1.3 API for Querying Unified Personal Data
For Phenom to be effective, it needs to enable developers to access the rich
interconnected personal data that is contained within in a simple and flexible
manner. This requires designing and deploying an API that will be support the
ontological structure and flexible attribute schema supported by the rest of Phenom,
and providing a single unified environment for accessing the results of an arbitrary
ontology class.
The Phenom API provides a unified interface for accessing the personal data that is
stored within Phenom. The Phenom API is accessible to client applications through
a lightweight Android Library Project. Client applications can use the library to
query the API. The library binds to the Phenom service, which runs in a separate
process on the phone. Results are then returned to the client application through a
callback mechanism.
Specifying a query
Specifying a query to Phenom requires defining one or more Filter objects. A Filter
can be very simple. For example, the following Filter specifies that the duration field
should be returned for all phone calls:
Filter phonecallFilter =
new Filter(OntologyClass.Phonecall).projection(Phonecall.DURATION);
While filters can also be more complex than this, the basic idea is the same. To
create a Filter, the OntologyClass that specifies the type the Filter should
return. After this, the Filter object behaves like a builder. Options for the filter
Simple Constraints on the OntologyClass’s attributes (e.g. lessThan,
greaterThan, equal, notEqual, inSet, notInSet, inRange)
Limit the number of results returned
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
Specify the sort order based on an attribute
Specify an SQL-style “group by” on an Attribute
Specify the projection of attributes to be returned. Attributes not explicitly
included here will not be
Constrain through join: essentially allowing for a compound query to be
specified based on a ReferencesAttribute that connects this
OntologyClass with a different OntologyClass.
In all of these cases, when an Attribute is required as a parameter, any attribute can
be used. In particular, Phenom provides support for three additional non-concrete
attribute types not previously discussed: AggregateAttribute, TimepartAttribute,
and ReferencesAggregateAttribute.
perform the same behavior as SQL aggregates (i.e. sum,
average, count, min, max, and group concat). An AggregateAttribute must be based
on a concrete attribute, and can be obtained by calling the asAggregate() function
of Attribute. For example:
The resulting AggregateAttribute can be used in any place where a concrete
attribute would normally be used. It is important to note that the “group by” for a
filter should be specified, otherwise the ID attribute is used as the attribute by
TimepartAttributes make it easy to extract information from a timestamp and use
it within the query. For example this is the query for extracting the year number and
month number from a timestamp and returning it in a single attribute:
PlaceVisit.TIMESTAMP.asTimePart(TimePart.YEAR, TimePart.MONTH)
It is also possible to get an AggregateAttribute of a TimepartAttribute, which
allows for easy querying of aggregated statistics based on time. For example, the
following attribute would give the most recent month and year of a PlaceVisit:
PlaceVisit.TIMESTAMP.asTimePart(TimePart.YEAR, TimePart.MONTH)
Finally, ReferencesAggregateAttribute makes it easy to get aggregate information
about the attributes of an object referenced by a ReferencesAttribute. For example
Together, this simple query interface easily enables a set of rich queries to be made
to Phenom. For example, the following query returns statistics about the 10 places
where the user has spent the largest amount of time, including:
Latitude and longitude
the total amount of time spent there
the average length of a stay
and the most recent year and month that the user was there
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
Filter placeVisitsFilter = new Filter(OntologyClass.PlaceVisit)
PlaceVisit.TIMESTAMP.asTimePart(TimePart.YEAR, TimePart.MONTH)
.orderBy(PlaceVisit.DURATION.asAggregate(AggregateType.SUM), false);
Filter placesFilter = new Filter(OntologyClass.Place)
.projection(Place.LATITUDE, Place.LONGITUDE)
.constrainThroughJoin(placeVisitsFilter, Place.VISITS)
This is a prime example of a query that would be much more difficult, or even
impossible, to execute without Phenom.
Handling a Query Result
Queries to Phenom are executed asynchronously, so handling a result from Phenom
involves implementing a callback. It is easy to implement this callback as an
anonymous function similar to the way that click handlers are often implemented:
mApiClient.sendQuery(placesFilter, new PhenomCallback() {
public void onSuccess(ArrayList<PhenomObject> objs) {
Queries are returned as a list of PhenomObjects, which offers a basic structure for
representing query results. Essentially, each PhenomObject represents an object of
the OntologyClass specified in the query. Attributes of the ontology class that were
specified in the Filter’s projection can be accessed by calling the get method for
the corresponding type of the attribute.
5.1.4 Bots
The raw personal data gathered and stored within Phenom is useful in its own right,
but often the real value of this aggregated personal data comes from additional
processing or inferences that are done on top of the raw data. In some cases it makes
sense for individual developers to do this additional processing, but in many cased
multiple developers can make use of the same processing work. For example, as
discussed in chapter 3, tie strength can be useful to a variety of applications.
Bots are the component that offers this functionality to Phenom. Bots carry out
worker functionality on the Epistenet semantic data store, following a blackboard
architecture where the Epistenet datastore is the blackboard. Bots are somewhat
similar to Providers in that they are polled on a fixed schedule and they do work on
the contents of the semantic data store. However, instead of inserting new data into
the datastore, bots operate on the existing data. This can include maintainance tasks
such as removing duplicated data or identifying connections across multiple kinds of
However, the more exiting use of Bots is to offer the ability to generate inferences
and abstractions based on the existing data within Epistenet. For example, the
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
“home_labeler” bot uses some basic heuristics to label places that the user calls home
or has called home in the past, and the “strong_tie” bot uses communication
behavior to infer some of a user’s strong ties and label those contacts as strong ties in
Epistenet. In these examples, there is an Attribute associated with the Place and
Contact ontology classes respectively for each of these inferences. When a bot has
made an inference, it simply adds or updates the corresponding attribute.
Defining a new Bot
There are only a few steps required to create a new Bot.
1. Add a line to bots.config with a name for the bot, the number of milliseconds
between polling times, the Java classname for the bot, and the version
number of the config file for which this bot was added:
+ tie_strength_bot,86400000,TieStrengthBot,2
2. Implement the TieStrengthBot class in the bots namespace. The key aspect
of implementing the bot is implementing the poll method.
public class TieStrengthBot extends Bot {
private static final String BOT_NAME = "tie_strength_bot";
public TieStrengthBot(Context c){ super(c); }
public String getBotName() { return BOT_NAME; }
public String getPermission() {
return "phenom.permissions.tie_strength";
public void poll() {
Implementing this method depends on the specific functionality of the bot. In
the case of the tie strength bot, the steps are to:
a. Query Epistenet for the relevant data:
// A few aliases for readability
ReferencesAggregateAttribute smsCount =
ReferencesAggregateAttribute callCount =
ReferencesAggregateAttribute callDuration =
Filter personList = new Filter(OntologyClass.Person)
.projection(Person.ID, Person.NAME,
smsCount, callCount, callDuration);
ArrayList<PhenomObject> allPeople =
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
b. Calculate tie strength based on the specified heuristics:
int maxDur = 0;
int maxCallCt = 0;
int maxSMSCt = 0;
for (PhenomObject person : allPeople) {
maxSMSCt = Math.max(maxSMSCt, person.getInt(smsCount,0));
maxCallCt = Math.max(maxCallCt, person.getInt(callCount,0));
maxDur = Math.max(maxDur, person.getInt(callDuration,0));
for (PhenomObject person : allPeople) {
double closeness = ((person.getInt(callDuration,0) / maxDur) +
(person.getInt(callCount,0) / maxCallCt) +
(person.getInt(smsCount,0) / maxSMSCt))/3;
Double.toString(closeness), person.getLong(Person.ID));
In this case, creating a bot was as simple as that, there are no other steps. Of course,
bots can be much more complex, for example actively retraining a model based on
new data labels from the user.
5.2 Evaluation: Example Applications and Queries
This section offers two examples of applications that Phenom makes particularly
simple, where previously they would have been much more complicated, perhaps
impossible. These examples offer a basic evaluation that demonstrates the value
offered by Phenom.
5.2.1 Bootstrapping Users’ Interests from Location Data
The first example is an approach that is intended to solve the “cold start” problem
that happens when a user begins using a new service that is trying to personalize
content within the application (e.g. a personalized news reading application). One
innovative approach to solving this problem is to try to use the user’s location history
to identify significant places that the user has been to. Specifically, a location history
can be used to identify unique places that a user has visited, how recently, and how
frequently the user has been there. With this information, it is possible to look up
additional information about a location, like what type of a location it is, and any
identifying characteristics of the location (e.g. a user that frequents a rock gym is
likely interested in climbing). This data can then be used to generate an interest
profile for a user. Even if the results are only partially correct, this approach is still
better than completely random data, or no data at all.
Phenom Implementation
One of the bots implemented in Phenom is a SignificantPlaces bot, which uses a few
different heuristics to identify places that are significant to the user based on her
location history.
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
With the significant places bot implemented, this particular application is fairly
straightforward in Phenom:
mApiClient = new ApiClient(this);
Filter placesFilter = new Filter(OntologyClass.Place)
.projection(Place.LATITUDE, Place.LONGITUDE)
mApiClient.sendQuery(placesFilter, new PhenomCallback() {
public void onSuccess(ArrayList<PhenomObject> objs) {
Upon receiving the callback from Phenom, the application can cycle through the
significant locations and query a third-party API for tags that are associated with
those locations. In this example, The application connects to Flickr to retrieve the
annotated photo tags from geotagged photos, but an implementation might also use
data from Foursquare, Yelp, or Google Maps. Next, the application does TF-IDF
with the words from the tags, and the result is a word vector that offers some clues to
the user’s interests that should be better than a random selection of articles.
This is a great example of the value offered by Phenom: there were very few steps
involved in getting the data needed in a usable format. Phenom obviates the need to
create the custom code to gather and store location data. Furthermore it makes it
easier to retrieve location data based on different qualities of the data points (e.g. a
window of time, a particular city, etc). This offers a similar kind of abstraction to that
which happens within modern GUI toolkits. These toolkits offer developers a lot of
support for developing the graphical interface portions of an application. While each
developer still needs to write the business logic and functionality of an application,
they do not need to be concerned with the specific implementation of the GUI
components (e.g. standard appearance of widgets, event stream, etc.). Similarly,
Phenom obviates the boilerplate code that each developer would need to write in
order to raise the abstraction level to a point where developers can focus on the
business logic and functionality that is specific to their application.
Non-Phenom Implementation
Without Phenom, the first step to implementing this example is to access enough of a
user’s location history that it would be possible to identify the user’s significant
places. Possibilities include:
1. Asking the user to upload their location history (e.g. from Google Location
History, which provides users with that data but does not offer an API)
2. Collecting the data from the API of a service that the user already uses (e.g.
from Moves, or from Foursquare)
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
3. Collecting the user’s location automatically within the application over a
period of time until enough data has been collected that significant places
are salient
Each of these options has drawbacks. Options 1 and 2 are service-dependent in a
way that excludes users who do not use those services. Option 3 includes all users,
but involves running on the user’s device for long enough to bootstrap with enough
data that significant places could be determined. Developers who are using Phenom
are not exposed to this challenge because the data has already been brought together
through the use of data providers, which can cover all three of these alternatives in a
way that supports reuse across applications. However, without Phenom a developer
has to cobble together a solution that is likely to exclude more users from the feature.
In this case, the goal was to eliminate the cold-start problem, so option 3 does not
work. From a development perspective option 2 seems easier than option 1, though
this does have the drawback of only collecting location check-ins, rather than all
location data. First is pseudocode for accessing a user’s checkins:
Intent intent =
FoursquareOAuth.getConnectIntent(context, CLIENT_ID);
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_FSQ_CONNECT);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode,
data) {
switch (requestCode) {
AuthCodeResponse codeResponse =
FoursquareOAuth.getAuthCodeFromResult(resultCode, data);
Intent intent =
FSOauth.getTokenExchangeIntent(context, CLIENT_ID,
AccessTokenResponse tokenResponse =
FSOauth.getTokenFromResult(resultCode, data);
checkins = retrieveCheckinData(resultCode.getAccessToken());
private Checkin[] retrieveCheckinData(String accessToken){
FoursquareApi api = new FoursquareApi(
"ClientID", "ClientSecret", "CallbackURL",
accessToken, new IOHandler());
Result<CheckinGroup> result =
api.usersCheckins(null, 1000, 0, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
return result.getResult().getItems();
At this point, we have access to the user’s checkins. The next step is to process the
checkins in a way that surfaces “significant places”. Where developers that are using
Phenom can make use of the existing “significant places” bot, here the developer
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
would need to determine those significant places independently. For simplicity here,
significant places can be the user’s most frequent places. We might also want other
information to be included here, such as the places where the user has spent the
longest duration. However because we are using checkins this information is not
available. Pseudocode for this follows:
HashMap<Location, Integer> visitCount = new HashMap();
for(Checkin c : checkins){
Integer count = frequency.get(c.getLocation());
if(count == null)
count = 0;
frequency.put(c.getLocation, ++count);
visitCount.sortByValue(); //Implemented elsewhere
Comparing Implementations
Even with this relatively basic task, these two implementations demonstrate several
ways that Phenom offers value compared to the non-Phenom implementation. The
most obvious difference between these two examples is the number of lines of code
written for each example: notably fewer lines of code for Phenom. This is possible
because the code for gathering and storing locations, as well as for calculating
significant places, is code that many applications would be able to use across a
variety of applications. Even more value for the developer comes from the
modularity behind Phenom. Specifically, the Phenom-based implementation above
will instantly be able to take advantage of any improvements made to earlier parts of
the process without changing any lines of code (e.g. collecting data from more
sources, automatically collecting location data even before this application was
installed, an improved algorithm for detecting significant places, or user-provided
ground truth on which places are or are not significant). This means that the
developer could deploy her application and not need to make any changes in order
to receive these benefits.
By contrast, for the non-Phenom implementation, the developer had to make
choices on which data to include in the process. Adding another data source to the
existing data source means more coding for the developer, both for accessing the
data, but also for integrating it. Adding two new data sources is twice as much work.
Furthermore, the non-Phenom implementation is unlikely to receive corrections to
significant place labels from the user. If the developer wanted this information, she
would need to implement a mechanism for the user to provide it. However, even
with such an implementation, the likelihood of a user providing feedback for use in a
single application seems low.
One drawback to the existing implementation of Phenom is that the codebase (i.e.
for providers, bots, and the schema) is managed centrally: there isn’t an immediate
mechanism for a developer to add a new data provider, or to contribute her own
bot. The most immediate way to address this is to run Phenom as an open source
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
project, where individual developers could submit pull requests for changes that they
would like to make.
5.2.2 Ordering Contacts Based On Tie Strength
The next example again demonstrates something that would require many more
steps to complete without the assistance of Phenom. In this example, we will make
use of the TieStrengthBot described earlier in this chapter.
Filter contactTieStrengthFilter = new Filter(OntologyClass.Person)
.projection(Person.NAME, Person.TIE_STRENGTH)
.orderBy(Person.TIE_STRENGTH, false);
mApiClient.sendQuery(contactTieStrengthFilter, new PhenomCallback() {
public void onSuccess(ArrayList<PhenomObject> objs) {
After retrieving the ordered list of contacts, the application can use that information
to determine which contacts to show more prominently. One interesting example
where this could be applied might be in an Email application: the email inbox might
first group emails by day, but within each day it could show emails first from people
that the user is closer to, and then show other emails below.
Non-Phenom Implementation
Without Phenom, the first step to implementing this example is to get programmatic
access to the user’s call and SMS logs. For this example, we’re trying to calculate the
number of phone calls in the call log, number of SMS messages in the SMS log, and
the total duration of calls in the call log. There are two main approaches for doing
this, and each has tradeoffs.
One alternative is to take a more SQL-centric approach to calculating the
communication statistics. This involves making SQL group-by queries that groups
the communication log tables by each contact and uses SQL aggregates (i.e.
COUNT() and SUM(duration)). This solution might typically require the fewest
lines of code, but because of the structure of the Android Content Providers, this
process has several problems. First, there is no way to join between the CallLogs
provider and the Contacts provider. Doing a GROUP BY on the phone number
column is tempting, but the implementation is such that the same phone number
might be represented by different strings, even on the same device (e.g. dashes,
parentheses, leading country code). In this case, the best solution is that the CallLogs
provider does have a cached URI for each contact, which can be used in the
GROUP BY clause. However, this information is not guaranteed to be updated as
contact records change. Finally, the Android Content Provider API does not support
GROUP BY anyway, so it turns out that this approach is simply not possible
The other approach is to calculate those statistics in the Java code of the application.
This approach requires writing much more code, but will also be more precise and
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
reliable. Furthermore, if the developer wanted to add some other data that was not
already in an SQLite database or Android content provider (e.g. if querying a REST
API), then these calculations would need to be done in code.
In spite of this, we will need to pursue the second approach because the first is simply
not possible with the current implementation of Android.
HashMap<String, Integer> callCount = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<String, Integer> callDuration = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<String, Integer> smsCount = new HashMap<>();
int maxCallCount = 0;
int maxCallDuration = 0;
int maxSMSCount = 0;
Cursor callCursor = this.mContext.getContentResolver().query(
new String[] {
}, null, null, null);
while( callCursor != null && callCursor.moveToNext()){
String lookupURI = callCursor.getString(
int count = 0;
if (callCount.get(lookupURI) != null)
count = callCount.get(lookupURI);
callCount.put(lookupURI, ++count);
maxCallCount = Math.max(maxCallCount, count);
int duration = 0;
if (callDuration.get(lookupURI) != null)
duration = callDuration.get(lookupURI);
duration += callCursor.getInt(
callDuration.put(lookupURI, duration);
maxCallDuration = Math.max(maxCallDuration, duration);
Cursor smsInboxCursor = this.mContext.getContentResolver().query(
new String[] {
}, null, null, null);
Cursor smsSentCursor = this.mContext.getContentResolver().query(
new String[] {
}, null, null, null);
for(Cursor c : new Cursor [] {smsInboxCursor, smsSentCursor}){
while(c != null && c.moveToNext()){
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
String phoneNumber = c.getString(
/* Note that the method below doesn’t exist so must be implemented
* and requires a call to the contacts provider
String lookupURI = getLookupUriForNumber(phoneNumber);
int count = 0;
if (smsCount.get(lookupURI) != null)
count = smsCount.get(lookupURI);
smsCount.put(lookupURI, ++count);
maxSmsCount = Math.max(maxSmsCount, count);
So the code above produces the call counts, total call duration, and SMS counts for
each contact. There are a couple of things to note in the inconsistency between the
APIs for the calls and SMSs. First, note that SMSs are split into different tables,
depending on whether they are incoming, outgoing, drafts, etc. Thus, the developer
needs to know to query both the inbox and the sent SMSs. Additionally, the SMS
Content Provider does not provide the cached lookup URI, so that information has
to be retrieved manually in the code from the Contacts Content Provider.
The next step is to calculate a tie strength score for each contact.
HashMap<String, Double> tieStrength = new HashMap<>();
for(Entry<String, Integer> e : callCount.entrySet()){
String lookupURI = e.getKey();
int callCount = e.getValue();
int callDuration = callDuration.get(lookupURI);
int smsCount = 0;
if((int val = smsCount.remove(lookupURI)) != null)
smsCount = val;
double tieStrengthVal = (callCount/maxCallCount/3) +
(callDuration/maxCallDuration/3) +
tieStrength.put(lookupURI, tieStrengthVal);
// For the remaining SMS counts, where a contact didn’t have any calls
for(Entry<String, Integer> e : smsCount.entrySet()){
String lookupURI = e.getKey();
int smsCount = e.getValue();
double tieStrengthVal = (smsCount/maxSmsCount/3);
tieStrength.put(lookupURI, tieStrengthVal);
The last step is to sort the HashMap by its values, so that the highest tie strength
values are at the top of the list. That code is omitted here.
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
Comparing Implementations
Again, as with the previous implementation example, it is clear that the Phenom
implementation is much simpler for an application developer. The Phenom solution
is more robust as well: it does not rely on the cached contact information or the
phone’s contact list. This also means that adding in additional communication data
(e.g. emails, social network, or instant messaging) would be easier with Phenom than
in the custom implementation. Finally, the Phenom implementation can
automatically and for free take advantage of any ground truth data provided by the
user (i.e. fixing incorrectly labeled contacts whose real tie strength does not match
that which was calculated).
The reason that this approach works for Phenom is because there are many
applications that might be able to make use of communication metadata, and of tie
strength (e.g. contact ordering, notification prioritization, personal informatics).
Additionally, these are both potentially useful as input to even higher-level inferences
(e.g. mental health, social support, busyness). Thus, the code that supports this in
Phenom is valuable because it can be reused across a variety of applications,
eliminating the need for any of those developers to redo the common steps of these
5.3 Discussion
Phenom is a proof of concept system that demonstrates the possibility and the power
of an integrated service for managing personal data on the level of the individual
rather than on the level of a company or data source.
The architecture of Phenom described in this implementation organizes the personal
data process into a modular set of reusable components that are flexible enough to
store arbitrary types of personal data, support the linkages between personal data
regardless of whether they are from the same or different sources, generate
inferences and abstractions on the data, and provide access to that data through a
unified API. As a result, individual applications do not need to solve the issues and
challenges associated with storing personal data, those responsibilities can be
delegated to Phenom and solved once.
5.3.1 Reflecting On Design Goals
Section 4.5 laid out an ambitious set of design goals targeted at addressing the issues
and challenges that are associated with the current ecosystem of personal data.
While no single developer, system, or approach could possibly address the entirety of
these goals singlehandedly, the implementation of Phenom that is described in this
chapter represents an important step towards reaching these goals. Phenom speaks
directly to some of these goals, and indirectly to others. Each of those goals is
discussed in turn below.
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
Minimize redundant effort required of developers
Phenom dramatically reduces the net effort that is required of developers in order to
make use of personal data, and each of the components of Phenom contribute to
this. Through the abstraction of Data Providers, Phenom simplifies the process of
working with multiple APIs and the only developer who needs to be concerned with
the structure of the API of the data source is the developer who implements the data
provider for that data source. The Epistenet data store supports rich interconnection
between data, both homogeneous through the semantic network of
ReferenceAttributes. The combination of these two types of interconnection is
especially powerful. Finally, the API offers even more value to developers by
simplifying operations that would otherwise be complicated and would require a
deeper understanding of the underlying implementation.
Phenom’s Bots offer the ability to support the reuse of machine learning by enabling
the modular deployment of models that can generate inferences and abstractions
based on the contents of Epistenet. This represents a good first step, but more can be
done to further streamline the process of developing machine learning models. Part
of that opportunity comes from better mechanisms for collecting ground truth and
retraining models. Another opportunity is to provide better support for the actual
process of coming up with an initial model. With the current design of Phenom this
remains a challenge because Phenom does not offer developers who are
implementing bots any way to access the personal data of individuals, even if a user
is willing to offer their data.
The real value of Phenom on this design goal is visible through the two examples
highlighted in section 5.2. The amount of code required, the complexity, and the
potential to make errors was dramatically better with Phenom than without it. The
Phenom solutions are easier, more robust, and more flexible to future additions and
improvements to the process.
Organize data by individual, not by service
Phenom addresses this goal very directly: in Phenom, the top level of organization
for personal data is the user, not the service or data source that the data came from.
Support connections within the data
Again, Phenom directly engages the goal of supporting connections within the data.
The main limitations of supporting connections within the data now likes in the
hierarchical organization of the ontology, and in the choice of
ReferencesAttributes to associate with a particular OntologyClass.
Limit unnecessary disclosure
Phenom’s API easily supports many queries that would have previously required the
developer to have access to copious amounts of raw personal data. Not only does this
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
capability help to minimize redundant effort by developers, but it also lays the
groundwork for a system that offers users strong guarantees on how much data is
being accessed by developers. While Phenom does not fully implement that system, it
is now conceivable to do.
Offer users transparency, and offer users choices and
control, while specifying reasonable defaults
These final two personal data design goals remain mostly untouched by Phenom,
and are ripe for implementation and further work.
5.3.2 Next Steps
Phenom is a big idea and it represents a major shift in the approach to handling
personal data. However, as the previous section suggested, there are a number of
important aspects of Phenom that will need further development in order to realize
its full potential.
Without question, the topic of privacy is the aspect of Phenom requires the most
attention. However, developing a strong approach to privacy here is a large topic
that will require significant additional work.
One approach to handling privacy in Phenom is to simply continue to enforce the
Android permissions framework that is already in use on the platform. This
implementation would involve tracking the permissions that were required to obtain
all of the data that was used in the specification of a certain query, and ensuring that
the client application has declared all of those permissions in its own
AndroidManifest.xml file. This approach is in some ways the most obvious and
probably the simplest to implement as well, however there are several problems with
this approach. First, querying for something like tie strength, for example, would
require Android’s permissions for contacts, call logs, and sms logs, even though
neither call logs nor SMS logs are directly accessible by the developer, and it would
be very difficult to infer much meaning from the value produced by the tie strength
bot (except to infer that the user has shared no communication with a particular
contact). This approach is suboptimal because it does not allow for stronger
guarantees on what data an application is or not accessing, which is an important
aspect of the design goals. The next problem is that some data that Phenom
aggregates or will be able to aggregate in the future does not have an Android
permission (and did not come from Android in the first place). In these cases, a
different permission approach would be necessary because developers would not
have access to a permission that they should declare for those data types.
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
Another approach for handing privacy controls in Phenom is to define custom
permissions for new types of data (e.g. a permission for tie strength, a permission for
accessing aggregated statistics on calls, etc). This is approach is a permutation of the
previous approach that at least offers some solutions to the aforementioned issues.
While this approach is more plausible, it suffers from an unfortunate tradeoff. In
order for this approach to guarantee minimum access, it will likely result in an
explosion of new permissions for every possible permutation of different
combinations of data that might be accessed. This will be unwieldy for developers,
and certainly will make the development process more complex. However, even
more troubling is that users are likely to be overwhelmed or confused by the
explosion of new preferences. This could result in the average user paying less
attention to privacy preferences. Studies have already shown that users often do not
understand the existing permissions (Kelley et al., 2012).
Finally, a more progressive approach would be to rethink the permissions system
more holistically. One idea in this directions is the idea of tiered permissions. The
idea behind tiered permissions is that some kinds of data are considered to be less
sensitive than others, and so permission to access this data should be presented
differently to the user. For example, something as simple as how recently the user
made a phone call, how many contacts are in the contact list, or the average number
of text messages the user sends per month are all likely to be perceived as less
sensitive, so these items might appear at a lower tier. By contrast, the exact location
of the user’s home and work, her entire call log, or the amount of money the user has
in her bank account might be considered more sensitive items and belong in the top
tier. There are probably different kinds of data that belong in between these two as
well. For example, tie strength seems like it might be in between the two extremes.
The idea with this approach is that lower tier items would require less confirmation
from the user in order to access, while higher tier things might be especially
prominent to encourage the user to be cautious.
This tiered approach feels promising, but also introduces its own challenges. For
example, deciding what belongs in each tier requires non-trivial effort. Furthermore,
adding additional bots or data sources is going to require even more decisions to be
made. Finally, there is the question of this approach to the vulnerability of an
inference attack. For example, the tiered permissions model may determine that
simply knowing whether or not the user is currently at home is less sensitive than the
exact location of the user’s home. However, if the application can gain access to the
user’s current location in some other way, then the developer still has access to the
more sensitive information. In this particular example, perhaps Phenom would
check to be sure that the application has not declared permissions to access
Android’s location APIs. However, there are many different combinations of
inference attacks that might occur, and it seems intractable to be able to protect
against all of them. Even the combination of different data that are accessed within
Phenom might change something that was otherwise not very sensitive into
something that was very sensitive. For example, it has been demonstrated that
having access to an individual’s date of birth and place of birth (both fairly
innocuous facts on their own), can be exploited to guess the considerably sensitive
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
information of the individual’s social security number (Acquisti & Gross, 2009).
Ultimately, the challenges of creating usable interfaces for managing privacy and
security are so difficult that an entire research area has developed to understand and
address these challenges. This topic is a rich space for future work.
Ground Truth and Mediation
Beyond privacy, there are a number of opportunities to push Phenom forward. First
is providing users with opportunities for correcting incorrect inferences and
providing ground truth data to help improve inference mechanisms. It is conceivable
that individuals would be willing to provide better labels for their own data if in
exchange they receive better service. Existing examples of this include features like
Netflix asking users to rate more movies so that they get better recommendations,
and Gmail Priority Inbox asking users to select which items should be moved to the
Priority Inbox and which items should be removed. There are many opportunities
for individual applications to encourage this type of labeling and Phenom should
provide a process for integrating with that. Also along these lines, as discussed in the
previous section, there are opportunities to further simplify the process of developing
machine learning models and improving those models after they have been
Externally Defined Providers
Next, it would be very useful for Phenom to accept incoming data from external data
providers. This feature would allow client applications that otherwise do not want to
expend resources to provide and maintain an API to still contribute that data to
Phenom and thus offer access and control of that data to the user. This will lead to
other important challenges to consider. For example, what if the data that an
application wants to contribute to Phenom does not fit into the existing ontology or
requires an additional attribute? The way that Phenom is implemented today, those
decisions are made statically at compile time. However, in the future it is possible
that the ontology definition and the attributes associated with a particular ontology
class could be dynamically defined. Such an implementation would need to have a
centralized component for handling the definition of the ontology. Otherwise, a
decentralized version would mean that a developer could never depend on what
ontology is implemented on a particular device, which is problematic from a
development perspective.
The topic of a centralized component for storing a dynamically changing ontology
also leads to a broader discussion of the particular architecture that Phenom is
implemented in today. Phenom is quite decentralized in its current implementation,
with an instance of Phenom running on the phone of each user. This has a variety of
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
Individuals may feel more secure that their data is physically in their control
on their own device. The reverse perspective is that a smartphone is much
easier to physically steal than if the data was stored in the cloud.
There is no centralized cost for owning and maintaining servers, including
the processing power, storage capacity, and electricity costs. This means that
it might be easier to spark adoption of Phenom because there is no cost
barrier to starting to use it. The reverse perspective here is that resources on
a smartphone are certainly limited: storage space, processing power, and
battery. If Phenom really became popular, its impact on the resources of the
device might become more salient to the user.
Because Phenom is decentralized, there is no real support for non-phone
applications to gain access to Phenom. This could become an issue, in
particular if part of the value of Phenom is to offer a consistent user
experience across all of the applications that an individual uses.
If we collectively adopted a computing architecture more akin to one that would
support the proposed Personal Server (Want et al., 2002), but given the widespread
success of mobile data and cloud computing, the idea of changing our computing
infrastructure to support this idea of a Personal Server seems unlikely.
With a centralized architecture, the issues and concerns would be reversed. A third
option to consider is the potential to support a hybrid architecture, with some
components of Phenom centralized, and others decentralized. Such an approach
might begin to offer the benefits of each approach while minimizing the drawbacks.
One example of this idea of a hybrid decentralized platform is the social network
platform Diaspora18. In Diaspora, the idea was that any individual could host their
own server (called a pod), and that pods could connect with each other, but physical
control of the server and the personal data is decentralized. Ultimately, a hybrid
architecture would represent a massive undertaking, but may also offer the most
promise for deploying the ideas behind Phenom out into the real world.
5.4 Related Work
Aspects of the approach that Phenom takes to handling personal data are related to
a variety of project in the space of HCI and mobile computing. While Chapter 2
gave a much broader overview of various work related to personal data, this section
is mainly focused on systems that may appear similar or related to Phenom.
The Context Toolkit (A. Dey et al., 2001) is a software framework for making
software context-aware. In the context toolkit, data is collected from sensors by
context widgets that separate the data that was collected from the specific complexity of
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
how it was collected, interpreters raise the level of abstraction of the data within each
sensor, aggregators bring together related contextual information together from
different sensors, services trigger actions based on the data, and discoverers maintain a
registry of what capabilities exist in the framework. Phenom was inspired in part by
The Context Toolkit. The most obvious difference between these two systems is that
The Context Toolkit is designed to bridge the gap between very low-level, sensorbased personal data. By contrast, Phenom is not designed to handle very low level
sensor data but is much more focused on accepting the output of a system such as
the Context Toolkit.
Following on from The Context Toolkit, a number of frameworks and tools have
been developed that further expand the idea that underlies The Context Toolkit. In
particular, following the creation and widespread adoption of the Android operating
system, a handful of tools have emerged that are focused on offering a unified
framework for interacting with a phone’s contextual data, whose definition has in
some instances been expanded beyond hardware sensors to include data from
“software sensors” and even humans. These systems include the AWARE framework
(Ferreira, Kostakos, & Dey, 2015), ohmage (Ramanathan et al., 2012), and the Funf
Open Sensing Framework (Aharony et al., 2011). While the specific details of the
implementations of these systems do vary, the basic structure is fairly similar across
all of these systems. All three of these systems have a strong focus on collecting data
in the context of a study: they all include a backend server component and tools for
researchers to collect and analyze data from participants. In addition to these
features, all three systems do offer a library that contains the core components for
developers to integrate the framework into the development of their own
These systems do share some aspects of similarity with Phenom: they all run on
Android, they all collect personal data, and in some cases (particularly with
AWARE), there is some effort to raise the level of abstraction of the data beyond the
level it was collected at. However, Phenom stands distinct from these systems.
Perhaps most distinct is the combination of Phenom’s semantic data store and
Phenom’s API. None of the three systems mentioned above support linking and
interconnection of data across different data types. Instead, they all expose the
underlying personal data through a very thin API layer. Phenom’s API offers the
ability to easily specify complex cross-data-type queries. Furthermore, the
ontological hierarchy in Epistenet offers additional power and flexibility in working
with the data. Finally, Phenom’s framing as a service for managing the breadth of
personal data is distinct from those presented in the above systems, where the focus
is more directly on the information that is available on the phone.
One idea that was proposed is that the phone’s operating system is what should be
responsible for collecting and making inferences from contextual data (Chu, Kansal,
Liu, & Zhao, 2011). This offers a different perspective on collecting personal data
from a smartphone. For example, operating system-level support for collecting
context could provide unified support for collecting user behavior within applications
(Fernandes, Riva, & Nath, 2015). This is a perfect example of the kind of data that
Chapter 5: Phenom: A Service for Unified Personal Data
Phenom would be perfect for collecting: information about what users do when they
are in applications could dramatically improve the amount of data from which we
can make personal inferences in Phenom. Again, the level of inference described in
this work is at the lower levels of contextual inference, where Phenom is positioned
to be making higher-level inferences.
A number of personal data stores have been proposed over the years, with various
architectures, access mechanisms, and privacy controls (Bell, 2001; Cáceres, Cox,
Lim, Shakimov, & Varshavsky, 2009; de Montjoye, Shmueli, Wang, & Pentland,
2014; “Higgins Personal Data Service,” n.d.; Hong & Landay, 2004; Mun et al.,
2010; Want et al., 2002). The motivations behind these systems echo each other:
offering users ownership and control over her personal data, strongly emphasizing
privacy. Echoing the points above, Phenom’s unique approach to storing,
interconnecting, and querying the data makes it distinct from these other
approaches. Furthermore, Phenom’s bots offer additional functionality for making
inferences and abstractions internally in the system. The related work that offers
something most similar is openPDS (de Montjoye et al., 2014). openPDS includes a
component called SafeAnswers. SafeAnswers essentially offers functionality
complimentary to bots. However, in the SafeAnswers model, individual developers
are responsible for writing the code that will be run in the system, and the only data
that is released to the developer is the answer to the question. By contrast, Phenom’s
Bots are intended to be highly-reusable, application-agnostic modules. Furthermore,
because the output of bots is also stored in the semantic data store, Bot output can be
easily and flexibly combined with other parts of the user’s data, a functionality not
supported by the SafeAnswers architecture.
Recently, both Google and Apple have released platforms (Fit (“Google Fit,” n.d.)
and HealthKit (“Apple HealthKit,” n.d.) respectively), which share some aspects
with Phenom: they are intended to collect fitness and health data from arbitrary
applications, store that data in a data-centric format rather than a source-centric
one, and then make that data available to other applications with the user’s
permission. The approach taken here is in some ways closer to Phenom’s ontologyclass-driven semantic approach to organizing data. However, these systems are
restricted to health data, they lack the ability to generate inferences within the
system, and they do not provide the same interconnected API querying facilities that
Phenom offers.
6 Conclusion
Personal data today is abundant, and there remains enormous potential for it to
grow both in the breadth of sources captured and in the duration of time captured.
Applications that make use of this data are limited only by our own creativity. But
between the vast amounts of personal data and the functional applications that are
enabled by the data lies an orthogonal set of challenges. The ecosystem of personal
data was not purposefully designed with a goal of unlocking the full potential of a
collected and quantified world. In fact, it seems that nobody at all has approached
personal data from a holistic perspective.
This dissertation explores a holistic view of personal data. A broad survey of
computer science in chapter 2 research reveals multiple domains where an
integrated approach to personal data is the key to advancing the state of the art in
that discipline. The case study in chapter 3 demonstrates the practical challenges
and issues that transform the simple steps of a research project into a resourceintensive distraction from the main goal of the work. Chapter 4 explores the
ecosystem of personal data: What does it look like today? What is wrong with it?
What would improve it? It introduces a conceptual framework for thinking about the
process of working with personal data consisting of a continuum of abstraction levels
of personal data, and three steps necessary for working with it. Using the frame of
unified personal data, simplifies many of the challenges involved in this process.
Chapter 5 demonstrates a proof-of-concept service for unified personal data that
offers a single user-centric data store of richly interconnected personal data.
This dissertation offers the following technical and design contributions to HCI:
1. A proposal for unified personal data; a reframing of many HCI challenges,
human needs, and technical opportunities that can all be advanced by more
Chapter 6: Conclusion
holistically viewing all of the individual data amassing around people as their
personal data that should work for them.
The notion of personal data as a continuum, and a conceptual framework
that unpacks the implicit process involved in working with personal data.
A set of design goals for improving the ecosystem of personal data.
The design of Phenom: a service that supports software development with
personal data. Phenom modularizes the collection, interconnection,
processing, and querying of personal data to solve a key set of challenges
involved in developing applications that use personal data.
The implementation of a proof of concept of Phenom which demonstrates its
viability and utility as a personal data service.
Personal data is only in its beginnings as a research domain. If researchers from
many disciplines are going to continue to employ personal data to make research
advances in their own disciplines, it is imperative that we establish this multidisciplinary domain.
The possibility of a world where unified personal data can be used to enable
powerful and complex applications is very real, however many important and
interconnected questions remain in personal data research. What economic model
will enable companies to maintain their value and competitive advantage while also
enabling end-users fair access to their data? What software architecture offers the
best compromise of across concerns? What access mechanisms will offer an effective
balance between privacy and utility?
Even beyond research, as a society we will need to answer a set of questions that we
might not be ready for. Who “owns” my personal data? Is ownership even the most
applicable concept? Does an individual have a right to access their own data? A right
to demand that it is collected? A right to demand that it is deleted? A right to stop it
from being deleted? In the context of these questions, Phenom is a software artifact
that offers the ability to engage these questions, explore potential solutions, and
continue to evolve the ecosystem of personal data.
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