10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
14 – 26 July 2014
Orlando, Florida
Md. Mahbub Alama,b,*, S. Rehmanc, L. M. Al-Hadhramic, J.P. Meyerd
Institute for Turbulence-Noise-Vibration Interaction and Control, Shenzhen Graduate School
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
Key Lab of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation
Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
Center for Engineering Research, Research Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran31261, Saudi Arabia and
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Department, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
*E-mail: alamm28@yahoo.com
random variation at very short interval (turbulence scale),
synoptic scale, seasonal variation, annual cycle variation, etc.
This statistical information is required not only for a feasibility
study of the wind farm to be installed but also for wind power
prediction at different years/seasons/months/day as well as
wind turbine control. This article provides statistical
information about wind speed nature for a long time in the past
which is directly needed for long-term wind speed predictions.
Furthermore, without analytical prediction, the statistical
information on variations of past wind at different at timescales can give us a rough idea about how the wind will behave
in the near future [2].
Usually, most of the signals contain numerous nonstationary or transitory characteristics such as drift, trends,
abrupt changes, and beginnings and ends of events. These
characteristics are often the most important part of the signal
and are needed to be analyzed to understand physical
phenomena hidden behind the signal. To study these
characteristics, wavelets have been being developed since the
early eighties. Wavelet analysis methods allow the use of long
time intervals where we want more precise low-frequency
information, and shorter regions where we want high-frequency
information. One major advantage afforded by wavelets is the
ability to perform local analysis, that is, to analyze a localized
area of a larger signal.
Kitagawa and Nomura [3] used the inverse wavelet
transform method to generate wind velocity fluctuations. To
investigate the timescale structure of natural wind, the wavelet
transform was applied to the time history of measured wind
velocity data. Pettit et al. [4] applied the wavelet transform to
the time data of roof-corner pressures with extreme local loads
and obtained the PDFs on the time-dependent characteristics of
the pressure transients. Based on these PDFs, a method to
Due to the availability of multi-megawatt wind turbines,
ease of installation and maintenance, economic compatibility
and commercial acceptance, the power of the wind is being
used globally for both grid-connected and off-grid applications.
The power of the wind is intermittently available due to the
fluctuating nature of the wind and hence needs to be understood
well. Therefore, its variability in time and spatial domains was
studied. The present work utilized daily mean values of wind
speed from different meteorological stations spread over the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in conjunction with wavelet
transform and fast Fourier transform power spectrum
techniques to understand the dynamic nature of the wind at nine
stations. The study found that wind speed changed by ±0.6 to
±1.6 knots over a long period of about 10 years depending on
the locations. The long-term mean wind speed of 5.6, 8.9, 6.25,
8.1, 6.0, 7.1, 6.0, 8.6 and 7.3 knots were obtained at Abha,
Dhahran, Gizan, Guryat, Hail, Jeddah, Riyadh, Turaif and
Yanbo, respectively. The annual fluctuation in wind speed is
larger (±1.3 to ±3.0 knots) and more regular at Abha, Dhahran,
Guryat and Yanbo, while smaller (±0.7 to ±1.1 knots) and less
regular at Gizan, Hail, Jeddah, Riyad and Turaif, with the
greatest (±3.0) and smallest (±0.7) at Guryat and Gizan,
When thinking of installing a wind farm at a site, an
indispensable task is to conduct an on-site wind speed
measurement campaign for a few years (the longer the better)
and analyze the measured data to extract information on the
variability of the wind [1]. The variability covers a wide
spectrum of time-scales from seconds to several years, say,
generate synthetic signals was developed, and time histories
similar to the original roof-corner pressure data were
composed. Aksoy et al. [5] introduced a new wind speed data
generation scheme based on wavelet transform and compared
this scheme with existing wind speed generation methods.
Their results proved that the proposed wavelet-based method
was found to be the best for wind speed data generation
compared with existing methods. Chellali et al. [6] applied
wavelet transform as a time-frequency analysis to
meteorological data for the region of Adrar, Algeria. They
conducted this analysis to investigate the power spectra
behaviors of wind speed and its variations with time. The
results showed significant synoptic oscillations for periods of 2
to 16 days in the cold weather. The wavelet power spectrum
also revealed the presence of intra-seasonal oscillations for
periods of 30 to 60 days.
When the wind has salient periodic features only over
limited intervals of times, a global Fourier analysis is
theoretically possible; but it may not be practical or efficient.
The Fourier transform is limited because an analysis with single
window cannot detect features in the signal that are either much
longer or much shorter than the window size. Therefore, to
have better representation of the wind spectrum for such case,
we should seek a representation that is capable of following the
wind spectrum as it varies with time [7]. Such representation is
known by Time–Frequency Representation [8].
The signals of meteorological parameters of the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia have so much noise that their overall shape is
not apparent upon visual inspection but trends become clearer
with each approximation. Thus, wavelet analysis is useful in
revealing signal trends, a goal that is complementary to the one
of revealing a signal hidden in the noise. If the signal itself
includes sharp changes, then successive approximations look
less and less similar to the original signal. A repeating pattern
in the wavelet coefficient plots is characteristic of a signal that
looks similar on many scales. If a signal is similar to itself at
different scales, then the wavelet coefficients will also be
similar at different scales. In the coefficients plot, which shows
scale on the vertical axis, this self-similarity generates a
characteristic pattern.
The main objective of the present work is to understand the
fluctuating nature of the wind using wavelet and fast Fourier
transform power spectrum techniques which are very useful to
quantify the highly fluctuating natural phenomenon. Wind
power industry is competing with the conventional power
systems and hence accurate prediction of wind speed in future
time domain is very helpful in assuring quality energy supply.
Furthermore, the wind and other meteorological measurements
are sparsely available and hence these methods can also be used
to estimate values at locations where measurements are not
ψ a , b (t ) = a 2ψ (
Tψ f ( a, b) = a
t −b
), where a > 0
f (t )ψ (
t −b
) dt
where Tψ f ( a, b) is called the wavelet transform of function
f(t). A wavelet transform Tψ decomposes a signal into several
groups of coefficients. Different coefficient vectors contain
information about the characteristics of the sequence at
different scales. It may be observed that the wavelet transform
is a prism, which exhibits properties of a signal such as points
of abrupt changes, seasonality or periodicity. The wavelet
transform is a function of the scale of frequency (a) and the
spatial position (b). The plane defined by the variables (a, b) is
called the scale-space or time-frequency plane. The wavelet
transform Tψ f ( a, b) measures the variation of f in the
neighborhood of b. For a compactly supported wavelet (for a
wavelet vanishing outside a closed and bounded interval), the
value of Tψ f depends on the value of f in the neighborhood of
b of size proportional to the scale a. At small scales,
Tψ f ( a, b) provides localized information such as localized
regularity (smoothness) of f. The global and local Lipschitz
regularity can be characterized by the asymptomatic decay of
wavelet transformation at small scales.
Wind speed is a highly random meteorological
phenomenon and changes with the time of the day, month, year,
etc., and with geographical location. It is very difficult to
predict the trend of wind speed both in time and spatial
domains. In order to evaluate the frequency content of the time
series of wind speed data, fast Fourier transforms (FFTs)
providing power spectral density (PSD) are widely used. FFTs
are useful to extract frequencies in a stationary or transient
signal as well as their predominance over the entire time series.
In this chapter, illuminations are shed on FFT analysis
results of wind speed time series data recorded at nine different
locations, namely Abha, Dhahran, Gizan, Guryat, Hail, Jeddah,
Riyadh, Turaif and Yanbo in Saudi Arabi. Wind speed data are
obtained from the nine weather stations in Saudi Arabia,
showing great potential for application in verifying the current
criteria used for design practices. The FFT analysis is done
through MATLAB software, which provides a very useful
function in FFT algorithm. Parameters of engineering
significance, such as hidden periodicities, frequency
components, absolute magnitude and phase of the transformed
data, power spectral density and cross-spectral density can be
obtained. Here data analysis of daily average wind speed time
series data is done for 1990 to 2005. The data was scanned
every three seconds and 10-minute average values were
recorded. Finally, the daily average values were obtained using
144 10-minute average values recorded during 24 hours. The
In wavelet theory, a function is represented by the infinite
series expansion in terms of the dilated and translated version
of a basis function and called the mother wavelet ψ :
the sea to the station. Here the peak corresponding to annual
repetition (f = 0.0027 D-1) is more clear (Figure 1b). However,
the half-year recurrence that appeared at Abha is not explicit.
The high-frequency energies (f > 0.02 D-1) at Dhahran (Figure
1b) are larger than those at Abha (Figure 1a). A small peak
emerges at f = 0.074 D-1 at Dahran, which communicates to
biweekly repetition of wind speed. The biweekly change in
wind speed may be a unique feature for a coastal area as it is
observed in other coastal area, namely Yanbo, which will be
total number of daily average data points in the time series for
1990 to 2005 is 5960.
The power spectra of daily average wind speed time series
data at the nine locations are shown in Figure 1. While the
horizontal axis represents the frequency f (1/day = D-1), the
vertical axis shows energy at the frequency. Abha is a station
with many hills around. As seen in Figure 1(a) for Abha,
power spectral energy mostly concentrates on a low frequency
range 0.002 – 0.006 D-1 with a peak at f = 0.0027 D-1. The peak
f = 0.0027
f = 0.0027
f = 0.0027
f = 0.0027
Energy (knot )
Energy (knot 2 )
f = 0.0027
f = 0.0027
Energy (knot )
Energy (knot 2 )
f = 0.0027
Frequencyf f(1/day)
Energy (knot )
f = 0.0027
Energy (knot 2 )
f = 0.0027
Frequency ff(1/day)
Frequency ff(1/day)
Figure 1 FFT power spectrum of wind speed data for (a) Abha, (b) Dhahran, (c) Gizan, (d) Guryat, (e) Hail, (f) Jeddah, (g) Riyadh, (h) Turaif, and
(i) Yanbo.
presented later.
Gizan is a coastal station on the west coast of Saudi
Arabia, some 100 meters inland. There are one small singlestorey airport building and some trees around. This station is
only 5 m above the mean sea level. The Red Sea is a bit more
turbulent than the Arabian Gulf on the east coast (Dhahran)
and is wide open. Therefore, the annual and biweekly peaks
are not as dominant as those in Abha or Dhahran (Figure 1c).
Another cause may be that the site is only 5 m above the sea
level. Guryat is an inland station with high land and small hills
with gentle topographical features. Since the station is high,
the annual recurrence (f = 0.0027 D-1) is more dominant than
corresponds to a period of about T = 1/f ≈370 days ≈ one year,
implying that wind speed variation in a year is similar to that
in another at least qualitatively. One should not be confused
with the 370 days; the least deviation from exactly 365 days
arises from the frequency resolution in the FFT analysis. The f
= 0.006 D-1 over which energy decays corresponds to about
half a year. That is the half-year repetition in wind speed also
exists. Dhahran is a coastal site 3 km inland from the Arabian
Gulf. There is a small single-storey airport building in the
vicinity of the meteorological station. The station is 17 m
above the mean sea level and the wind direction is mostly from
that at Abha and Dhahran (Figure 1d). Hail is a highland
plateau in the north central area of Saudi Arabia. As seen in
Figure 1(e), speed varies not only annually (f = 0.0027 D-1) but
also at further low frequencies (f < 0.0027 D-1), e.g. two- and
three-year repetitions which will be further clarified through
wavelet analysis results later.
Jeddah station is around 10 km inland from the Red Sea.
The FFT power spectrum for this station is presented in Figure
1(f). There are many buildings around and it is situated in an
urban area. The wind blows from the sea inwards and is
intercepted by high-rise buildings and structures such as
bridges and other industrial installations. Due to this
confrontation of wind with structures, the annual maximum
wind speed is smaller compared with that in Abha, Dahran,
Guryat and Hail. Gizan also has similar power spectra because
of wind obstructed by trees. The presence of high-rise
buildings and/or trees makes the flow boundary layer wider,
resulting in a smaller speed. The FFT power spectrum obtained
using long-term mean wind speed data for Riyadh is shown in
Figure 1(g). Riyadh station is on the mainland and is around
450 m above the mean sea level. Riyadh is the capital of Saudi
Arabia, hence it is a very developed region and surrounded by
high-rise buildings, bridges and various industrial installations.
The winds are prevalent from the northern and north-western
direction in this region. Since the site is quite high above sea
level, the annual variation is evident.
and is a hilly inland area. The wind blows mostly from the
north onto this area and accelerates due to topographical
features. The power spectrum displays low-frequencies
variation (f < 0.0027 D-1), having similar characteristics to that
at Hail. Yanbo is a coastal site on the Red Sea in the north-west
of Saudi Arabia. It is an industrial area and is surrounded by a
range of hills on the northern side and exposed to the sea on its
western side. The station is 10 m above the mean sea level. The
peak at f = 0.0027 D-1 is sharp, indicating the annual variation
in wind speed is very regular (see Figure 1i). A biweekly
variation also exists. A scrupulous observation of all the FFT
figures reveals that Abha, Dhahran, Guryat and Yanbo having a
sharp peak at f = 0.0027 D-1 retain a more regular annual
repetition of wind speed than Gizan, Hail, Jeddah, Riyad and
Turaif. Wavelet analysis results will provide more details.
Data (D)
Figure 3 Decomposition of wind speed time series data for Dhahran using DB8.
A discrete wavelet analysis of the daily mean values of
wind speed time series data was conducted over a period of
1990 - 2005 at the nine locations (Abha, Dhahran, Gizan,
Guryat, Hail, Jeddah, Riyadh, Turaif and Yanbo) using db8.
Naturally the daily mean signal captures information for a
period of longer than 2 days following the Nyquist frequency
criterion. The decomposition analysis results of wind speed
data for Abha, Dhahran, Gizan, are shown in Figs. 2 3 and 4,
respectively, while those for Guryat, Hail, Jeddah, Riyadh,
Data (D)
Figure 2 Decomposition of wind speed time series data for Abha using DB8.
The FFT power spectrum for Turaif is shown in Figure 1(h).
Turaif is a small city in the northernmost part of Saudi Arabia
Turaif and Yanbo are not shown here. In these figures, the xaxis presents the number of days (D) of the entire data period
(1990 to 2005) used in this study. Each of these figures has 10
parts. The first part ‘S’ represents the signal or raw data and the
second part ‘a8’ corresponds to the amplitude of the signal for
wavelet Daubechies (db) at level 8 corresponding to a period of
longer than 512 days. Note that that the dashed line in a8 signal
is not an output of the analysis, but just a hand sketch showing
the low-frequency trend. The last eight parts, i.e. d1, d2, d3, d4,
d5, d6, d7 and d8 of these figures represent details of
decomposed signals of the raw data at eight different levels
corresponding to a period range of 2 to 4, 4 to 8, 8 to 16, 16 to
32, 32 to 64, 64 to 128, 128 to 256 and 256 to 512 days,
The raw signal S in Figure 2 (Abha) displays a sharp spike
at D = 1200 and a nearly regular variation of speed. The nearly
regular variation is evident in the d8 signal with a periodicity of
approximately 365 days (one year), forming a peak between
June and August of each year. The minimum speed occurs
sometime in December to January. The fluctuation of the speed
is relatively high, -2.5 to 2.5 knots for D < 3300 (<1 998) and 2 to 2 knots for D > 5000 (> 2003) and small, -1 to 1 knots for
D = 3300 to 5000 corresponding to year 1998 to 2003. On an
average, the fluctuation occurs from -1.7 to 1.7 knots. That is,
an annual fluctuation can contribute a speed of ±1.7 knots.
Further low-frequency (longer than 512 days) variation is
evident in signal a8. This signal can also be considered as the
signal of yearly (exactly 256 days) average wind speed. The
duration for the average is long enough. The signal, however,
contains approximately two-year undulations with small
amplitudes. If the two-year undulation is ignored, the mean
speed indicated by the dashed line is initially about 7 knots,
slowing down to 4.7 knots at D =1700 (1995), followed by
augmentation to 6.5 at D = 2800 (1998). This variation
constitutes a period of about 8.5 years as evidenced by the
dashed line. This information is very useful for a long-term
wind prediction and power production. The observation also
explains why a long-term wind speed trend at a location should
be known to run a wind farm productively. Signals d7 and d6
display oscillation with a period of about a half and a quarter
year, respectively. The oscillation is, however, small (±2
knots). The d5 and d4 signals have some large amplitude
variations in the ranges of peaks in d8 signal. The amplitude is
greater in d4 (±2.0 knots) than d5 (±1.5 knots). The observation
insinuates that the monthly variation in wind speed is stronger
than the bimonthly variation and it occurs in the peak season
(June to August) of wind speed. The d3 and d2 signals display a
spike at D = 1200; the spike is nevertheless larger at d2 than d3.
It has been mentioned that in signal S there is a spike at D =
1200 where the magnitude of speed is about 27 knots, which
can now be explained with a view on d2 signal that around D
=1200 (1993) there was a persistent wind gust or storm in a
period of 4 to 8 days. Similarly, another wind gust is observed
in d1 signal at D = 2200 (1996) for a shorter period of 2 to 4
days. Overall, wind speed variation is stronger for a period of
one year (d8), half a year (d7), one month (d4) and less than 8
days (d1 and d2) but weaker for a period of a quarter year (d6),
bimonthly (d5), and bi-weekly (d3).
At Dhahran, a station on the east coast of Saudi Arabia, the
raw signal ‘S’ in Figure 3 displays sharp spikes at D = 500,
800, 2000, 3400, 4150, 4750, 5400. Gusty winds were afoot
more frequently. Here the long-term variation shown by the
dashed line in a8 represents a period of about 9 years. This
long-term variation period is almost the same for both Abha
and Dhahran. The speed fluctuates from 8.3 to 9.5 knots
(dashed line), while that for Abha oscillates from 4.7 to 6.5
knots. Therefore, the mean speed over the whole duration can
be considered as 8.9 knots for Dhahran and 5.6 knots for Abha.
The contribution of the long-term variation to the speed is
about ±0.6 and ±0.9 knots for Dhahran and Abha, respectively.
The annual variation of speed (d8 signal) is more regular for
Dhahran than for Abha, forming a peak in the months of April
to June of each year. This regularity was also reflected in the
power spectrum results with a peak at f = 0.0027 appearing
sharper at Dhahran than at Abha. While the mean variation in
amplitudes at Dhahran (d8 signal) is about ±1.3 knots, that at
Abha is about ±1.7 knots, i.e. slightly larger in the latter. The d7
– d3 signals display almost the same characteristics as those for
Abha. The d2 and d1 signals, however, have larger amplitudes at
Dhahran than at Abha. The larger amplitudes at Dhahran result
from the fact that Dhahran is 17 m above the sea level and very
close (3 km) to the sea.
Data (D)
Figure 4 Decomposition of wind speed time series data for Gizan using DB8.
At Gizan (Figure 4), which is located on the south-west
coast of Saudi Arabia, the long-term variation period (dashed
the half-weekly fluctuation is the largest at all locations,
varying from ±1.6 to ±3.8 knots. This observation points to the
fact that the daily fluctuation should also to be investigated.
Overall, the annual, monthly, and half-weekly fluctuations are
the largest at Guryat and the smallest at Gizan. The most
possible cause behind the largest and smallest fluctuations at
Guryat and Gizan, respectively, is that while Guryat is a high
land with low and high hills, Gizan is a coastal area only 5 m
above the sea level. The information in Table 1 will be very
useful for short- and long-term wind forecasts, hence to
distinguish idle and running periods of a wind turbine. Using
wavelet transform, Chellali et al. [6] made a time-period
analysis of wind speed data recorded at Adrar, Algeria for four
years (2005 to 2009). Their analyzing period ranged from 2 to
64 days only, which is rather small compared with our range of
2 to 512 days investigated. They observed the dominant
oscillation of periods between 2 and 16 days including intraseasonal oscillations of periods between 30 and 60 days.
line) is slightly longer, about 12 years with a change in speed
from 5.0 to 7.5 knots. The entire duration average is about 6.25
knots. The annual variation in amplitude is very small here,
about ±0.7 knots (d8 signal). Because of the small amplitude,
the corresponding peak at f = 0.0027 in the FFT power
spectrum was not distinguished enough (Figure 1c). Wavelet
analysis results for Guryat, Hail, Jeddah, Riyadh, Turaif and
Yanbo are shown here; Table 1 extracts important intrinsic
features of wind speed analysis results in Figures 2-4 and in the
other figures not shown. The long-term (16 years) mean speed
(second column), long-term period (third column) and longterm fluctuation (fourth column) are extracted from a8 signals.
On the other hand, annual fluctuation (fifth column), monthly
fluctuation (sixth column) and half-weekly fluctuation in speed
are obtained from d8, d4 and d1 signals, respectively. Having
smaller fluctuations, other data are not included in Table 1. The
data in Table 1 are plotted in Figs. 5 and 6 for the sake of a
better perceptibility of comparison between different locations.
The long-term mean speed is a minimum of 5.6 knots at Abha
(Table 1, Figure 5). Dhahran, Guryat and Turaif undergo a
higher speed of 8.9, 8.1 and 8.6 knots, respectively (Table 1,
Figure 6). It is interesting that the wind speed has a long period
of about 10 (8.5 to 1.2) years (third column of Table 1) which
contributes to a change in speed by ±0.6 to ±1.6 knots (fourth
column) depending on the location.
The long-term contribution is, however, maximum at
Yanbo (±1.6 knots) and Hail (±1.5 knots). It was found in the
FFT analysis results that Abha, Dhahran, Guryat and Yanbo
showing a sharp peak at f = 0.0027 preserved a more regular
annual repetition than Gizan, Hail, Jeddah, Riyad and Turaif.
The data in the fifth column agree with the observation in the
FFT analysis results, displaying larger fluctuations (±1.3 to
±3.0 knots) at the former locations and smaller (±0.7 to ±1.1
knots) at the latter locations. The annual variation is, however,
the largest (±3.0 knots) at Guryat and the smallest (±0.7 knots)
at Gizan. Except for the small value (1.5 knots) at Gizan, the
monthly fluctuation is less dependent on location, nestling
between ±2.4 and ±3.0 knots. Among the long-term, annual,
monthly and half-weekly fluctuations (Table 1 and Figure 6),
Figure 5 Long-term (16 years) mean wind speed at different sites.
Table 1. Intrinsic features of wind speed at different locations. June to August is the wind peak season.
mean speed
fluctuation, June –
August (knots)
Alam wishes to acknowledge supports given to him
from the Research Grant Council of Shenzhen Government
JCYJ20130402100505796 and from China Govt through
‘1000-young-talent-program’. Rehman wishes to acknowledge
the support of the Research Institute of King Fahd University of
Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
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[6] Chellali, F., Khellaf, A., and Belouchrani, A., Wavelet
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[7] Alam, M.M., Moriya, M., and Sakamoto, H., Aerodynamic
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Structures, Vol. 20, 2005, pp. 425-449.
Figure 6 Contributions of fluctuation in wind speed at different periods.
FFT and wavelet analyses were done of daily average wind
speed time series data at nine different locations, namely Abha,
Dhahran, Gizan, Guryat, Hail, Jeddah, Riyadh, Turaif and
Yanbo in Saudi Arabia over the period 1990 to 2005. The
analyses extracted the intrinsic features of wind speed,
including long-term, annual, half-yearly, quarter-yearly,
monthly, bi-weekly, weekly and half-weekly fluctuations. The
information on speed fluctuations at different periods is very
useful for meteorological purposes, including wind and weather
The wind speed over Saudi Arabia has a long period of
about 10 years, contributing to change in speed by ±0.6 to ±1.6
knots depending on the locations. The long-term contribution is
maximum (±1.6 knots) at Yanbo and minimum (±0.6 knots) at
Dhahran. The long-term mean wind speed is 5.6, 8.9, 6.25, 8.1,
6.0, 7.1, 6.0, 8.6 and 7.3 knots at Abha, Dhahran, Gizan,
Guryat, Hail, Jeddah, Riyadh, Turaif and Yanbo, respectively.
The annual fluctuation in wind speed is larger (±1.3 to ±3.0
knots) and more regular at Abha, Dhahran, Guryat and Yanbo,
while smaller (±0.7 to ±1.1 knots) and less regular at Gizan,
Hail, Jeddah, Riyad and Turaif, with the greatest (±3.0) and
smallest (±0.7) at Guryat and Gizan, respectively. Among longterm, annual, half-yearly, quarter-yearly, monthly, biweekly,
weekly and half-weekly fluctuations, the largest change in wind
speed occurs half-weekly, by about ±1.6 to ±3.8 knots
depending on location. The highland and coastal sites, Dhahran,
Guryat and Yanbo, correspond to larger annual, monthly and
half-weekly fluctuations of wind speed.