Edited by Warren Neidich
Edited by Warren Neidich
This book collects together extended
papers that were presented at The
Psychopathologies of Cognitive
Capitalism: Part Two at ICI Berlin
in March 2013. This volume is the
second in a series of book that aims
attempts to broaden the definition
of cognitive capitalism in terms of
the scope of its material relations,
especially as it relates to the conditions of mind and brain in our new
world of advanced telecommunication, data mining and social relations.
It is our hope to first improve awareness of its most repressive characteristics and secondly to produce
an arsenal of discursive practices
with which to combat it.
Edited by
Warren Neidich
Coordinating editor
Nicola Guy
Proofreading by
Theo Barry-Born
Designed by
Archive Appendix, Berlin
Printed by
Erredi, Genova
Published by
Archive Books
Dieffenbachstraße 31
10967 Berlin
ISBN 978-3-943620-16-0
Warren Neidich
The Early and Late Stages
of Cognitive Capitalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Cognitive Capitalism
The Early Phase
Ina Blom
Video and Autobiography vs.
the Autobiography of Video.
An Historical View of the Ambiguities
of Self-monitoring Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
John Roberts
The Psychopathologies
of the Bourgeoisie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Patricia Reed
Logic and Fiction:
Notes on Finance and
the Power of Recursivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Maurizio Lazzarato
Does Cognitive Capitalism Exist? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Karl Lydén
Therapy for a
Pathological Capitalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
The Psychopathologies of Cognitive
Capitalism and its Responses
Yann Moulier Boutang
Mental Quilombos in the Production of Value:
Flights and Counter-forms of Mania Under
Cognitive Capitalism in a Postcolonial World . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Arne De Boever
A Fiction of the Great Outdoors:
The Psychopathology of Panic in
Robert Harris’ The Fear Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Pascal Gielen
A Chronotopy of
Post-Fordist Labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Alexei Penzin in conversation
with Maria Chekhonadsikh
The Only Place to Hide?
The Art and Politics of Sleep
in Cognitive Capitalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
The Cognitive Turn in
Cognitive Capitalism
Charles T. Wolfe
Cultured Brains and the Production
of Subjectivity: The Politics of Affect(s)
as an Unfinished Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Matteo Pasquinelli
The Power of Abstraction and its Antagonism:
On Some Problems of Contemporary Neuroscience
and the Theory of Cognitive Capitalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Liss C. Werner
Towards A*cognitive Architecture:
A Cybernetic Note Beyond –
or the Self-informing Machinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Sanford Kwinter
Notes Toward a Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Warren Neidich
Computational Architecture
and the Statisticon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
33 5
Computational Architecture
and the Statisticon
The recent connection of neuro-biopolitical inquiry to postOperaist ontologies has created new linkages towards a
deeper understanding of the causes, mediations, and cures
of Cognitive Capitalism and opened a new form analysis
to an activist readership. I would like to continue this conversation by moving forward the process I started in Cogntive
Architecture: From Biopolitics to NooPolitics (Hauptman
and Neidich 2010) and The Psychopathologies of Cognitive
Capitalism, Part One (De Boever and Neidich 2013) to
produce a new language with which to understand the
political and cultural consequences of digital architectures
upon our contemporary brain and minds. I would like to
suggest a new opening for critical architecture by suggesting
an alternative locus for the repercussions of avant-garde
architecture and architectural theory that is the neuroplastic
potential of the brain which forms one of the core conditions
of what I call neuropower. (Neidich 2009) An approach,
I might add, that is non-reductive or cognitivist but culturally
biased and ontogenic.
The theory of cognitive architecture that I would like to
realize in this paper stands firmly in the camp of those
theoretical approaches that are unconcerned whether or
not architecture and designed space generate platforms for
practice in the neoliberal world of commoditized forms and
environments. Rather, instead of creating spaces and buildings that potentiate the efficiencies of neo-liberal market
networks, this work rather concerns its critique and as such
its destabilization. I want to provoke another space for
architectural and design discourse to operate in the age of
information and cognitive capitalism by understanding its
power to provoke new organs of perception and new possibilities for thought. Fredric Jameson, when explaining his
initial experience of the Bonaventure Hotel in downtown
Los Angeles, implicitly understood this when he stated,
I am proposing the notion that we are here in the presence
of something like a mutation in built space itself. My
implication is that we ourselves, the human subjects who
happen into this new space, have not kept pace with that
evolution: there has been a mutation in the object unaccompanied as yet by any equivalent mutation in the subject. We do not yet possess the perceptual equipment to
match this new hyperspace, as I will call it, in part because
our perceptual habits were formed in that older kind of
space I have called the space of high modernism… The
newer architecture therefore-like other cultural products
I have evoked in the proceeding remarks-stands as something like an imperative to grow new organs, to expand
our sensorium. (Jameson 1991, 38)
Since 1991, when he wrote these prophetic words, the landscape
of understanding of the neural plastic potential of the brain
and its entangled relation to cultural plasticity with which it
creates a unstable and fluid affiliation has changed considerably
and as such our understanding of the above statement with it.
3 37
Preliminary Remarks:
Before moving on I must first elaborate on some of the
essential ideas concerning architectural responses to the
new conditions of cognitive capitalism. Firstly, I will
tether computational architecture to the other regimes and
practices of cognitive capitalism especially its emphasis
upon intensive networks. I want to argue, as Greg Lynn
and others have, that architecture is no longer about static
material space but also concerns mobile and dynamic
fields. Not only, for instance, in our new understanding
of structural techtonics and form making as multiple interacting vectors. (Lynn 1999) We now have a whole host
of apparatuses, like smartphones, navigation devices and
composite smart buildings containing assemblages of
digitally networked self-monitoring devices leading to
datascapes of ubiquitous computing. These devices are
the new engram-exogram dispositifs of cognitive capitalism and their actions are directed away from the laboring
body towards cognitive labor and the production of the
knowledge laborer or Cognitariat.
The second component of this argument is an understanding of how the relations of postmodernism as urban
design and architectural practices has helped to amplify
consumption. Branding in our age of advanced information technology will be and now is available instantly
and globally. (Klingman 2007, 63) From movies, to news
channels, to universities, museums and even churches are
using the methods of creating brands through linkages with
lifestyles, contexts and consumers all with the intention
of the fulfillment of desires, real and produced. (Ibid., 64)
Important to us as we transition to cognitive capitalism is
how this branding has linked up with the added value
spurred on by recent advances in Neuroconsumerism.
Ronald Braeutigam writes on this subject, “Montague
and all have used fMRI to study neuronal responses
associated with preferences for soft drinks. During informed testing, as opposed to blind testing, subjects are
more likely to prefer Coke over Pepsi, and this preference is reflected in increased neuronal activation in
brain regions assumed to be involved in reward. The
observations obtained… shed some light on the neuronal underpinnings of brand effects…” (Braeutigam
2005, 355-360) Could the artificial stimulation of these
regions one day lead to artificially induced preferences?
With this in mind I want to provoke another space for
architectural and design discourse to operate in the age
of information and cognitive capitalism by understanding its power to present, display and bind together fields
of exographic engineered phatic stimuli to provoke new
organs of perception in the brain as synchronously elaborated neural architectures that Jameson inferred. First
the probability that neurons synchronize their responses
both within a particular area and across areas should reflect some of the Gestalt criteria used for perceptual
grouping. (Singer 1994, 158) As we will note in what
follows this synchronization of responses implicates the
way that the brain neural plasticity is sculpted. The biophysics of neurons render them more susceptible to synchronized, excitatory synaptic input then to random
input and furthermore synchronized synaptic input is
usually more efficient at driving its target cell then if the
input is desynchronized. (Koch 2004, 43) Institutional
regimes of sovereign power utilize gestalt perceptional
relations such as closeness, similarity and contiguity and
relationship branding found in marketing techniques to
enlist different synchronously attended assemblages,
which has implications for what will be remembered.
3 39
Finally I would like to introduce the term ‘neuropower,’
which delineates the new conditions of power in cognitive
capitalism. Neuropower concerns the ways and means that
capitalism intervenes upon the neuroplasticity of the brain
in order to produce the perfect consumer through bottom-up
processing, activating the primary cortices of the brain
like the occipital or visual cortex and the auditory cortex.
“The influence of bottom-up factors may be especially
strong online, as consumers engage in fast web surfing and
often spend very little time on any given page. Systematically
manipulating low level visual features to “guide” viewers’
eyes to a webpage’s regions of interest is possible by utilizing insights from visual neuroscience.” (Plassman et al.,
2012, 22) To this form of power is added another direct
action upon the frontal cortex, which through top-down
processing, affects choice and prognostication (this is something I have discussed in greater detail in my own essay in
The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism, Part One).
“Pioneering work by Knutson and colleagues showed that
a structure within the ventral striatum (VS), the nucleus
accumbens (NAcc), is involved in encoding anticipated
rewards of monetary payoffs.” (Ibid, Plassman 2012, 23)
In cognitive capitalism this top-down processing will
subsume bottom-up processing just as tertiary service and
information economies have subsumed secondary industrial
economies. In my concluding remarks I will attempt to use
this form of power to construct a new model of archi-power
called the Statisticon. This term describes an ongoing process
of subjectivation and subjection that commences with the
panopticon, continues through the synopticon and has recently emerged as the Statisticon in which architecture and
designed space are entangled in synchronous and diachronous datascapes. I want to alert the reader to the possibility
that the Statisticon in its future rendition might not just
monitor and predict your consumer choices.
There are two kinds of cultural neural modulation: the
generational and trans-generational models. Both models
describe a process of epigenesis in which the environment
interacts with a priori genetically inscribed unfolding of the
matter of the brain. In the generational model, as the name
implies, this process is related to events that are occurring
in the life of that subject and the changes occurring in the
microarchitectures of the brain’s basic units of function, its
neurons mostly at the axon-dendrite junctions or synapses
a process called selective stabilization as well as its dynamic functional networks. (Changeux 1985) In the transgenerational model, recurrent cultural events like the discovery
and implementation of reading and writing occurring consistently over the course of many generations and which, therefore become stable conditions of, for instance, built space,
as reflected today in our symbolic and mediated spaces, are
reflected in changes in the organs of the brain over time.
Generational Neural Plasticity
In the generational model the human agent is confronted
with highly mobile, evanescent and diverse environment
for which it attempts to find consistency. In today’s world
of accelerated forms and images in flux that task can be
daunting. Neural plasticity is that quality that allows the
unfolding of the genetically prescribed neuro-ontogenic
process in the here and now to be linked up with epigenesis.
In the restricted sense of the brain, epigenesis refers to the
way that cultural influences, which create relationships
between things and objects in the environment, affect the
course of development of the genetically determined unfolding of the brain. Neural plasticity delineates the ability
of the components of the brain, its neurons, their axons,
dendrites, synapses and neural networks referred to as its
3 41
firmware in addition to its dynamic signatures, oscillatory
potentials which allow distant parts of the brain to communicate with each, to be modified by that experience.
(Edelman 1989) In Edelmans model the diversity of the
brain’s constituents, its so called primary repertoire, are
pruned as a result of its being coupled with regimes of
order, either occurring naturally or designed, nested in the
chaos of the world. Dynamic oscillations are most informative when they are the result of a process of the synchronization of stimuli, which cause neural entrainment in
which independent systems fall into step and become
linked together. Intense and naturally occurring, like those
making up an ecosystem surrounding a pond and culturally designed distributions of sensibility, those things that
are institutionally produced like brands and those artistically invented so called redistributions, for instance, deconstructive architecture, bind and bundle very different
combinations of stimuli together in synchronous packages. These then elicit different assemblages of synchronous neural oscillatory potentials which, as we will see
further along, have neuromodulatory capacities.
The point that I am trying to make in the following section is that the brain has the capacity to change in the single lifetime of an individual as well as across multiple
generations. Importantly, culture has the capacity to modulate the materiality of the brain with significant consequences. Through the traces they leave upon the cultural
artifice as recurrent and ordered forms of architectural,
poetic, cinematic, and artistic transcription as well as the
chaos they produce to obliterate already known forms, in
order to rewrite them, human beings alter their environment that shapes their brains to a degree unprecedented in
the natural world. “It is this ability to shape the environment that in turn shapes our brains that has allowed
human adaptability and capability to develop at a much
faster rate then is possible through alteration of the genetic code itself.” (Wexler, 2006, p. 4) After the initial
events of early childhood when the neural plastic potential
is greatest there occurs a period of decreased mutability.
Children can recover from brain injury easier than adults
and also have the ability to learn other languages more easily.
Neural plastic change can and does occur in the adult brain
but their capacity to do so is reduced. The child’s capacity
for neuromodulation is accompanied by a lack of capacity
to alter the environment while the decreased capacity of the
parents’ brain to change is accompanied by a greater ability
to change the environment. According to Bruce Wexler
much of the adults activity is devoted to making the environment conform to those newly constructed structures of
their own childhood, a process he refers to as internal-external consonance. (Wexler 2006, 5) As the child’s brain was
shaped by very different circumstances than their adults,
their attempt to match the environment to their modified
neural structures will produce a very different world image
or cinema. Importantly, “When young adults act to change
the environment to match their internal structures, they
struggle with their parents’ generation for control of the
public space and to the extent that they succeed they alter
the rearing environment of their own children.” (Wexler
2006, 6) Let us look deeper into this matter as a way to understand the power of art as a cultural and neurobiological
modifier. Does it work in the way proposed here? I would
argue that artistic production, as a subset of generalized cultural production, elaborates states of diversity and disorder
rather then a set of intergenerational consistent linked and
delinked patterns. This statement is counter intuitive to normalized accounts for instance of the avant-garde which uses
configurations of the myth of Oedipus as a means to understand one generations antipathy to another. The desire to kill
it off and replace another more contingent set of practices.
This leads to two corollaries. First the inherent variability
3 43
and difference that is the function of the brains primary
repertoire samples the plutipotential cultural plasticity according to different generational logics entangled and deranged as they are by the social, political, economic, psychic
and technological relations that delineate it. This leads to
different kinds of epigenetically inscribed patterns of neural
modulation. Secondly the linking, as it relates to positivist
notions of the history of technologies, comes later in the
sculpting of this cultural plasticity by the normative
processes of sovereign regimes. As opposed to emancipatory delinked artistic processes art history and market
forces, operating as apparatuses of institutional normalizing
regimes, operate upon the entropic, and diverse conditions
of artistic creativity. Conservative regimes in their attempt
to control meaning and difference operate to suppress singularities and lines of flight erupting as a result of trans-generational differences in cultural elaboration. Generous forms
of a enlightened and liberal forms of governance embrace
the inherent dissimilarities understanding their extended
neuromodulator capacities which are essential for expanded
repertoires of thought.
Trans-generational Plasticity
Trans-generational changes in neurobiological architecture
are nicely exemplified by the development of writing
and arithmetic some 6,000 years ago, with the first use of
Sumerian tablets. As every neuroscientist knows, when a
patient or subject reads while his brain is being scanned inside an MRI machine specific areas of the brain will light
up. For instance, there is evidence that an area called the
Visual Word Form Area (VWFA) located at the junction
of the occipito-temporal sulcus, in the posterior part of the
brain, is highly tuned to acquired script. This is paradoxical
since there has not been enough time yet elapsed for such an
area to form in such a short time period. (Deheane et al. 2004)
This area is very specialized for word recognition. It does
not respond to spoken words, it is best stimulated by real
words rather then consonant strings and finally the VWFA
computes only invariant representations of visual words. Of
interest for us here is that a complementary area of the Inferior Temporal Area of the macaques cerebral cortex does
similar things and is ideally suited to learn and respond to
letters, graphemes and word shapes. Of course the
macaques do not speak although they do communicate.
This part of the brain responds to a mosaic of simple shapes
that resemble our letters. It is hypothesized that this inferior
temporal area in the macaques evolved into the VWFA in
humans. “In that hypothesis, it is not the human cortex that
has evolved for reading—there was not enough evolutionary time and pressure for such an evolution. Rather, writing
systems themselves evolved under the constraint of having
to remain learnable and easily recognizable by our primate
visual system. I postulate that cultural acquisitions are only
possible insofar as they fit within this fringe, by reconverting pre-existing cerebral dispositions for another use… It
thus becomes important to consider what may be the evolutionary precursors of reading and arithmetic.” (Ibid., 141142) The implication here is that language forms such as
reading itself develops with the proclivities of the brains
neural anatomy in mind. Terrence Deacon however feels
that there is more to this story and that in a human society
symbolic reference is a selection force working on the neurological resources most critical in supporting it and writes,
“This, then, is a case of selection pressure affecting the
evolution of a biological substrate (the brain) and yet which
is imposed, not by the physical environment, but ultimately
from a purely semiotic realm.” (Deacon 2003) Taken together there seems to be two systems at work here. First the
predisposition of certain areas of the brain for reading and
simultaneously tremendous selective pressure operating on
the brains neuralplasticity by its own ontogeny.
3 45
But there is one more key to understanding this process that
is what is referred to as Baldwinian Evolution. (Deacon, 2003)
As we saw previously human brains are highly variable at
the micro-anatomical level, ie the morphology and distributions of its neurons, dendrites, synapses and glia, resulting
from the different genetic contributions of the mother and
father but also the results of events happening during pregnancy like illness or starvation. This variability gives certain
members of a population different adaptive capacities for
the wide variety of changes that they might encounter in
the environment during their lifetime: reading in this case
being one. Some members of the population could adapt
better and take advantage of what reading provided in a
broader cultural context. As Peter Godfrey-Smith states:
The population will then have the chance to reproduce
mutations that cause organisms to exhibit the new optimal
behavioral profile without the need for learning. Selection
will favor these mutants, and in time the behaviors which
once had to be learned will be innate.” (Charles Wolfe in
this book. 252) Could architecture, art and other forms
cultural production, like language to which they are linked,
provide similar patterns of abstract contingencies which act
upon distributions of genes within populations?
Reformatting Architecture in the age
of Cognitive Capitalism
Computational architecture is not an isolated sphere of
knowledge but in fact linked to a field of similarly inflected
discourses in which digital processes have become essential.
As such, architecture is but one expertise that has retooled
itself for the contemporary demands of neoliberalism as
a global system. In modern western countries the crossdisciplinary adaptation to digital machinic technicity has
had other effects on other functional systems such as the
ascension of information and knowledge based economies
in which mass production and industrialization has been
subsumed by a performative and communicative based
economy, so called Semiocapitalism which, “takes the mind,
language and creativity as its primary tools of production of
value” (Berardi 2007). In other words, as labor becomes
cognitive the machinery of the mind and brain and their attributes, like memory and attention, are the new focus of the
capitalist exploitation. Voluntary and involuntary attention as
it produces saliency is important for the formation of memories in the neurobiological substrate of the brain. Internalized
attention, or contemplating the minds eye, is important introspection and understanding. The terms communicative capitalism and cognitive capitalism had until recently been somewhat
interchangeable. As a result of the outcome of two recent
conferences entitled The Psychopathologies of Cognitive
Capitalism Part One and Part Two held in Los Angeles and
Berlin respectively the signifying ecology of these terms has
shifted. What I would like to call the late stage of cognitive
capitalism or its ‘cognitive turn’ shifts its emphasis away from
so called immaterial labor in which labor and performance
are entangled and which therefore does not leave a physical
trace. Instead there is an appreciation for the material changes
that occur in the brain. These material traces and their formation and processing are the new focuses of capitalism.
3 47
I would like to argue that the transition from architecture as
a form of organization to one of enacted articulation and
later to one of intense datafication and importantly prognostication, reenacts an alternative history of architecture and
urbanization. One that is defined rather as an ontogeny of
the optimization of extended cognition in the context of ever
increasing technicity for the enactment of political control.
Where architecture becomes a method of first capturing data
through human-building interfaces. That this data is used to
track and subjugate subjectivity embedded in actor networks
not only in the past: the where and when you happen to inhabit. As we will see neuropower is interested not in the
subject in the here and now but rather in the future. It normalizes futures by reducing chance and the unexpected.
First by sculpting the neural plasticity of the brain especially
in young children, a future subject is realized. Secondly by
creating algorithms that intervene directly with those structures of the brain found to be important for making future
decisions. (ibid., Plassmann 2012) Finally as we see here
our choices in real time are collated and correlated creating
data search profiles which can be used by corporations to
create for us personalized consumer environments. In the
age of congnitive capitalism this forms the relationship between cognitive (A)rchitecture and cognitive (a)rchitecture.
Furthermore I would like to suggest that this transition, in
fact, follows the transition occurring already in an expanded
political-cultural field. I have already argued elsewhere that
along with this transition has evolved new forms of biopower.
The disciplinary society of Michel Foucault based as it was
on Betham’s Panopticon transitioned to the society of control
of Gilles Deleuze in which the static, enclosed organized architectural frame was replaced by another more incessant,
dynamic and modulatory condition (Neidich 2011, 219-268).
As we move towards an advanced technologically inflected,
infra-structurally dominated designed space two further per-
mutations in powers methodologies occurred. Noo-politics
and Neuropower. Noo-politics was an outcome of moving
into what is called the attention economy where value
transitioned to valorization in which the number of eyeballs watching an event, the amount of chatter in gossip
and social networks became an indicex of profit. Noo-politics took memory and attention as its new territory for
exploitation. (Lazzarato) Neuropower piggybacked upon
Noo-politics concern for memory and attention. That is to
say attention’s effects on long-term memory. (Dudukovic
et al. 2009, 953-961) It concerns itself less with the indirect
comportment of attention networks in designed and built
space and more with the consequences of attention upon the
configuration of neural networks and long-term memory.
Architectural adaptations trace the story of a static and
enclosed surveillance mechanism of the panopticon where
one, the guard, watches many, the prisoners, to a more
distributed and open variation of the Synopticon in which
many watch a few, celebrities, in the age of television from
their domestic setting. Whether incarcerated in a cell or a
domestic setting, both of these models require a stabile
subject. I would like to suggest that in the last thirty years
architecture and urbanism has had to adjust to the mobile
and topologic conditions of the digital age.
First, as it manifests itself in folded and curvilinear surfaces of form finding computational strategies and later
on in the new mobility of the subject in the post-Internet
digitalized domain where mobile phones, iPads and now
smart glasses have made the subject an active rather than
a passive entity. Parametric and digital architectures have
produced an updated model that takes these dynamic
contingencies into consideration and which have already
been remodeled to capture and produce data. These
form the rudimentary conditions of the Statisticon.
Neuropower is an essential component of this Statisticon.
3 49
In cognitive capitalism information and the conditions of
general intelligence itself, which is now engineered for the
efficient use of the machinery of the brain, is sculpting its
static and dynamic architecture. In this regard one cannot
help but notice the upcoming technologies of direct monitoring. EEG machines and MRI scanners tethered to brain
wave devices, first used to help patients who are locked-in,
are now finding their way into computer games. “The Emotiv
EPOC headset is being marketed as both a gaming device
and as an aid for the disabled. It has 14 EEG electrodes to
monitor brain activity, a gyroscope so it knows where you
noggin is in space and packs a li-ion battery for 12 hours of
use. It is also wireless, and charges via USB. The headset
reads brain activity related to facial movements, and uses
this to infer your emotional state and intentions. This is then
translated in software to control various applications, from
games to photo viewers to an on-screen keyboard.” (Sorrel
2010) In the world of data mining the negative side effects
of total datafication of the built environment will be investigated. We have witnessed how the parlor games and entertainment devices of the 19th century like stereo cards and
zootropes have evolved into the sophisticated technologies
of cinema and virtual realities. What then of these ‘brain
assisted gaming devices?’
The Exogram – Engram Assemblage
The mind can be located within and outside the skin and
human cognition is locationally uncommitted; a committed
in other words to being uncommitted, distributed and decentralized. Important for us here and for what is to come
is that material engagement takes place along a continuum
extending between theories of internalization (inside the brain)
and externalization (in the environment). It is that continuum
as it becomes ‘asymmetric’ in contemporary cognitive
capitalism, as we move into a world of ‘exographic excess’
that is important for theories of contemporary built space.
But allow me to clarify these terms further.
The exogram-engram system is a distributed networked
system that does not respect the boundaries of the material
world, the body or the brain. It forms the basis of a developmental approach to distributed cognition in which “from
birth the rapidly growing human brain is immersed in a
massively distributed cognitive network: culture” (Donald
2008). Importantly as we have moved in the past fifty years
from an extensive, analogue and linearly mapped world to
one that is intensive, non-linear, and self-organized the nature of engrams and exograms followed suit mutating separately and together. As we saw above through generational
and trans-generational plastic changes this change is registered in the brain’s material nature.
An engram is a memory record stored in the head. There
are at least five dissociable engram or memory systems:
1). Motor skills used in activities such as writing, driving or
playing video games. 2). Conditional emotional responses
like anxiety created by the sight of a rival or autistic ones
defined by detachment. 3). Perceptual learning as it relates
to learning categories of things like flowers or faces, but
also parametrically curvilinear buildings. 4). Semantic
memories that tend to abstract generalizations encoded as
language. 5). Episodic memories that relate to the memory
of personal experiences in one’s life. (Donald 2010, 71-79)
Exographic systems have important properties absent in
natural memory systems that have implications for human
cognition. Examples include totems, masks, knotted cords,
built environments, cave paintings, stone circles and burial
mounds that operate as astronomical measuring devices,
trading tokens, written records, works of poetry, mathematical notations, architectural drawings, libraries and archives,
3 51
scientific instruments, moving pictures and electronic media
and recently smartphones and robots (ibid. 72). Basic to any
understanding of engrams, exograms, brain-artefacts interfaces is the primordial ‘theory of parity’ according to which
if part of the world, e.g. a soft-ware program, “functions as a
process which were it to go on in the head, we would have
no hesitation in accepting it as part of the cognitive process
then that part of the world (for that time) is in fact a cognitive
process” (Chalmers and Clark 1998, 7-19). In other words
portions of the external world can operate as a kind of
memory store, either as a remembrance of an event or a
process that exhumes and constitutes it as an assemblage in
time. However the idea of parity implies that the exogram
and the engram are in some way mimetic in their forms,
evolution, state relations, and inherent processing operations.
Recently the term parity has given way to a theory of complementarity (Malafouris and Renfrow 2010). The term
‘complementarity’ underscores the lack of exact correspondence between an inner cognitive memory repertoire,
engram, and its external cognitive relation, exogram. For
instance, “the reformatable nature of exograms allows for
information to be altered and then re-entered into storage in
ways that an engram clearly can not afford” (ibid.). In this
regard the idea of ‘things in motion’ or of cultural memory
as they travel through different epochs and social constructs
taking on different meanings and uses is interesting for us
here. Furthermore, in order to comprehend the subtleties of
the relationships engram and exogram, as singular entities or as
classes of things, it is essential to consider their idiosyncratic
diachronic, biographical and historical aspects (Sutton 2008).
Their lack of superimposition, due to a distinctive individual
and dyadic character, is related to their inherent developmental
asynchronicity and asymmetry. One needs to consider engrams
and exograms not as crystallized entities but as intensive, interactive, folded and plicated membranes. Exograms are polyvalent fields not simply equipotential and as such morphing
contextual and contingent cultural tableaux create instabilities
in them that produce spiking singularities to emerge. These
singularities, when they are strong enough, produce catastrophic changes that require morphogenetic restructuring
of the form in its internal tectonics and external morphology.
This I would argue is where the methodologies of aesthetic
form production, where use value is not a priority, and the
processes of purposeful tool production, linked as it is to a
specific job and use, diverge. As I am describing it here,
artistic and architectural production in their most utopian
condition, unfettered by for instance client requirements,
as knowledge production embraces the catastrophe and the
variable uncertain forms it yields.
The ‘becoming-cultured brain’ calls for on one hand a
sympathetic historical materialism of a dynamic and active
brain-artefact interface (BAI), which has enabled human beings to further optimize their environments for a more efficient habitation of their world and on the other realizes that
mutual engagement can lead to destabilized results as well
(Malafouris 2010). The power of architecture on one hand
continues positivist progression endemic to theories of the
ontogeny of tool production is countered by its other potential as a creative and destabilizing force. In an architectural
context BAI could be defined as a specified and engineered
technological mediation be it a material structure, process,
congregation of objects, socio-material apparatuses or process,
that facilitates the arrangement of a dynamic relationship or
tuning between neural and cultural plasticity. Importantly
in cognitive capitalism BAIs are a subset of a whole host
of arrangements under the heading of Cognitive Ergonomics
through which design platforms optimize cognition-tool
interfaces to optimize cognitive laboring (Neidich 2002).
I question the politics of this univocal concept of BAIs as
proposed here through an understanding of the importance
of noisy forms at odds with this positivistic ontogeny BAIs
and the material engagement approach they are imbedded in
3 53
must be open as the ‘Becoming Cultural Brain’ model is to
the power of noise, chaos, and entropy. For every exogram
and engram contains with it unfulfilled promises and possibilities that emerge at points of instability such in phase
changes. It is these instabilities as they morph into singularities
that have the potential to disrupt the conditions that create
the presentation of the exogram or the engram. That in fact
allows them to become the other. For a normalized exogram,
at the service of governmentality, is a synchronized assemblage of parts, an ecology of epistemic agents of thought
externalized which are complexified in specific relational
conformations and proportionalities to each other and to the
cognitive processes that are implicitly in use by regimes of
subjection. This as we mentioned above is the top-down
effect of Neuropower. They are like twins and their desire
to maintain the web of relations that constitute their relationship creates a field of checks and balances, which stabilize
their co-determinant structure. In the process of subjection
the machinery of control becomes incorporated in the
subjects thinking process as automatic self-regulation.
Modification of the cognitive life
of the life of things
Two brief explanations should hopefully suffice in illustrating how architecture might deregulate this self-regulation by acting to delink and disassemble the crystallized
condition of the collective engram-exogram assemblage.
Rem Koolhaas’ Junkspace offers a radically different idea
of understanding the condition of space then the model
of Malafouris. ‘Junkspace’ is the apotheosis of modernization with its rational program based as it is on science
and universality.
Junkspace is its apotheosis, or meltdown…although its
individual parts are the outcome of brilliant interventions, hyper technical, lucidly planned by human intelligence, imagination and infinite computation, their sum
spells the end of Enlightenment, its resurrection as farce,
a low grade purgatory… Junkspace is the product of the
encounter between escalator and air-conditioning, conceived in an incubator of sheetrock… Junkspace is… a
colossal security blanket that covers the earth, the sum of
all decisions not taken, issues not faced, choices not
made, priorities left undefined, contradictions perpetuated, compromises embraced, corruption tolerated.
(Koolhaas 2010, 137)
And what are the apparatuses of Junkspace. What are its engram-exogram assemblages? Is there a positivist treatise on
their design history? According to Koolhaas there is no design but only creative proliferation that will in the end produce an alternative history of things in transition. “Where
once detailing suggested the coming together, possibly forever, of disparate materials, it is now a transient coupling,
waiting to be undone, unscrewed, a temporary embrace that
none of its constituent parts may survive” (ibid. 140).
On the one hand such junkspace is the example par excellence of culture as a generator of diverse populations of
evanescent concretions of objects and forms tethered together
by chance. It is about a Situationist derive through tangled
and unhomely forms that through creative sensori-motor couplings produce tethered singularities and new regularities.
New assemblages of forms are created through different
points of view created in human junkspace interactions. As
such junkspace creates epistemological tools based on another paradigm, which is anti-positivistic. Tools that unleash
the potential are implicit in chaotic and anarchic space.
3 55
The second example concerns the role of generational understandings of the uses of social media in the production of
paradigm shifts that defined the political crisis known as the
Egyptian Arab-Spring. The new uses of social media created
a technological divide between digital natives, those born
after the introduction of digital technologies and Internet
immigrants, those that were born before the introduction of
digital technologies. Their differences allowed for a catastrophic field change with important consequences for those
who only understood the urban space in the form of a static
model defined by its buildings and plazas and those who understood it rather as a fluid and dynamic condition, defined
as it was by mobile phones, as a place to roam and congregate.
As such the points of powers radiation no longer emanated
from public buildings, the Murabak Head Quarters were set
ablaze, but rather from mobile hubs and their constantly reconfigured net-landscape. As such these mobile hubs and the
resulting exographic interconnectivities formed fields of dynamic modulation in which transient consubstantiation of
interactivity created morphing complexified exographic
interfaces that were sampled by one population but not the
other. This difference produced a crisis in surveillance capabilities of the government that had relied on them to track subjects and therefore a disruption in their information gathering
capabilities. As such the digital natives were able to creatively
reconstruct the fields of meaning as dynamic manifolds in
the urban and architectural designed spaces thereby gaining
control of the urban situation. Importantly this disruption of
the crystallized and instrumentalized distributions of sensibility and their consubstantiated engramic memory fields
came under siege and a state of emergency ensued. Policing
forms of normalization that had used certain systems of control and depended upon the engram-exographic system of
flows historically set in place and who themselves were constituted by those systems as means to engage in a specified
form of understanding were at a neurologic disadvantage.
They were neurobiologically blind for as we saw in the
opening remarks by Jameson they had not grown the organs
of perception necessary to understand the new hyperspace
or in this case the new dynamic fields of communication;
their neuroplasticity had been sculpted by a less dynamic
and non-topological field of space and time relations. As
such a crisis and state of exception of thought occurred
and a crisis of governmentality resulted. What is the state
of exception and how can this theory be of use to us here?
As George Schwab states in his forward to Carl Schmitt’s
Political Theology, “In short, ‘the exception” said Schmitt,
“is that which can not be subsumed.” A state of suspension
of government ensues, and a state of exception is produced
(Schmitt 2005).
From Taylorism to Hebbinism
Key to our understanding of labor and neural modulation in
cognitive capitalism is the concept of Hebbinism; an epistemological tool to understand the conditions of worker efficiency
when the factory of the mind is at stake Hebbinism is replacing
Taylorism in practices of cognitive laboring and production.
In 1910 Charles Taylor wrote his Principles of Scientific Management and laid out the fundamentals through which the mass
of rule of thumb methods could be replaced by scientific principles in order to improve the efficiency of the laborer’s performance and thus increase profits for their respective company.
His various methods, from separating the duties of management from that of the laborer to accentuate the capacities for
which they were each best suited, instituting scientific time
and performance studies to sufficiently study each task, like
shoveling ore, which would then be communicated and taught
to the laborer, planning the sequences of performance to obtain the best and most efficient results, the addition of monetary
incentives for reaching production goals were tethered to the
goals and aims of Fordist work environments. (Taylor 2011)
3 57
The term Hebbinism is associated with name of the renowned
neuroscientist D.O. Hebb, in a general way to describe the
results of those practices and theories discovered by the
heterogeneous forms of research mentioned above and applied to the production of a more efficient cognitive laborer
or cognitariat. In cognitive capitalism we are all mental laborers working for free. In Hebbian efficiency neurons that
fire together wire together, neural network dynamics optimize through the force of repetition, contingency and synchronicity are sculpted (Deacon 1997, 202). Please note
here that these are the very same strategies of marketers and
consumer neuroscientists alike are using to produce desire.
His, now classical, principle was suggested as a possible
neurophysiological basis for operant conditioning: “when
an axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth
process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells
such that A’s efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased.” (Bienenstock et al. 1982, 34-35) This law has been
used in ways so as to understand the way the world interacts
with the brain in the process of epigenesis. It is tethered to
the neural plastic potential of the brain as those synapses
that are potentiated by synchronous and repetitive stimulation whether man made or occurring freely in nature will
develop increased efficiency and will be selected for while
those that are not will degenerate and undergo what is referred to as cell death or apoptosis. “As a consequence, a
given afferent message will cause the long-term stabilization
of a matching set of synapses from the maximally connected
neuronal network, while the others will regress.”(Changeux
et al. 1993, 376) Ostensibly the consequences of this interaction with the environment over time will produce a finely
tuned parsimonious brain.
In Hebbinism the conditions of the perceptual and epistemological field are reconfigured in the brain’s image in order to
maximize the efficiency and decrease entropy in the cognitariats decision-making processes. I call this process cognitive ergonomics (Neidich, 2002). Essential to the argument
at hand is that the cognitariat is produced by a process of
Hebbinism linked as it is to the overall process of cognitive
ergonomics in order to produce the perfect citizen consumer
who not only shops but produces good and meaningful data.
“The internet is a machine designed for the efficient and automated collection, transmission, and manipulation of information, and its legions of programmers are intent on finding
the “ best method”-the perfect algorithm-to carry out every
mental movement of what we’ve come to describe as “
knowledge work.” (Carr 2008) Software agents are playing
an increased role in this development and track through the
use of, for instance, cookies our every decision and spew
their results right back at us with consuming suggestions
and individually tailored Google search pages. Assuming
the worst or the best, what affect might this have for the way
in which our brains are sculpted? Furthermore I would like
to take this argument a step further through a quote from
Andy Clark’s book Mindware, in which search engines
might in themselves directly affect the way the immature
and plastic brain of the child is sculpted.
“Imagine that you begin using the web at age 4. Dedicated
software agents track and adapt to your emerging interests
and random explorations. They then help direct your attention to new ideas, web pages and products. Over the
next 70 years you and your software agents are locked
in a complex dance of coevolutionary change and learning, each influencing and being influenced by, the other.
In such a case, in a very real sense, the software entities
look less like part of your problem-solving environment
then part of you. The intelligent system that now confronts
3 59
the wider world is biological-you-plus-the-softwareagents. These external bundles of code are contributing
rather like the various subpersonal cognitive functions
active in your brain.” (Clark 2001, 115)
Thus Hebbinism unlike its predecessor Taylorism operates
simultaneously on three fronts. First it elaborates an environment in which the very stimuli and their arrangements
are organized for the most efficient use by the cognatariat
of the brain’s cognitive potentials. Secondly, through the
analysis of Big Data results, which mirrors the variability
of the brains of its subjects, it constructs profiles used to
hone in on future decisions. Thirdly it modulates the workers
neural architectures no matter how young.
Neuropower and the Statisticon
Neuropower plays an important role in the Statisticon.
We have already looked into its indirect effects, through
the modulation of distributions of sensibility, upon the
neural plasticity of the brain. To this first condition
I would like to add a second method of subjectivation,
resulting from research in consumer neuroscience, upon
the powers of decision-making and prognostication located
in the brain’s frontal lobe (Terranova 2011). Time does not
allow a thorough investigation but I go into this in more
detail in a forthcoming essay for my book Resistance is
Fertile, Merve 2014. What I would like to say at the start
is that the predictive algorithms such as Bayesean inferences are being used in a variety of fields such as cognitive
neuroscience to understand free choice decisions in uncertain circumstances as well as in such fields as engineering,
philosophy, robotics, economics and law. This desire to
affect uncertainty to increase the efficiency of future decisions is related to neural powers desire to create a normalized future subject.
Essential to the expression of Neuropower over Noopolitics
is what is referred to as top-down processing. As opposed to
bottom-up processing in which varied stimulations inscribe
themselves on what are referred to as the primary cortices of
the brain, like visual and auditory cortex, where the initial
processing of incoming information is begun, top-down processing refers to how this incoming data is modulated by
higher brain centers like frontal lobe. In this way incoming
information can be deemed as important or unimportant to
the organisms future contingent activity and acted upon to
be either intensified or edited out. “Indeed, there is ample
evidence that the processing of stimuli is controlled by top–
down influences that strongly shape the intrinsic dynamics
of thalamocortical networks and constantly create predictions
about forthcoming sensory events. We discuss recent experiments indicating that such predictions might be embodied in
the temporal structure of both stimulus-evoked and ongoing
activity, and that synchronous oscillations are particularly important in this process.” (Engel et al 2001, 704) In bottom-up
processing primary cortical areas are directly linked to the sensorial distributed field, which in our consumer society is designed to attract constituted desire, and are therefore the site of
policing action. In Neuropower the emphasis of power shifts to
top-down processing is focused upon especially the frontal cortices responsible for decision making and prognostication (Platt
2008 and 2009). In both cases through what are referred to as
reentrant processes specific networks are stimulated repetitively and by highly synchronized activity. “Reentry is defined
as the recurrent parallel exchange of neural signals between
neuronal groups or maps taking place at many different levels
of brain organization: locally within populations of neurons,
within a single brain area, and across brain areas.
The importance of reentry as a mechanism of neural integration has been realized.” (Tononi 1994, 129) This type of
activity has the greatest sculpting effect on the neuroplastic
potential of the brain and as such forms of governmentality
3 61
have added this effect of top-down processing to their armamentarium. I would like to speculate that re-entry is an
intra-cerebral and inter-cerebral mechanism and when seen
in the context of extended cognition does not respect the
skull as a boundary of its operation. In fact in the context
of dynamic process oriented engram-exogram complexes
re-entry is the apparatus that binds the two together. In a
dynamic and mobile informationalized world the importance of mechanisms of the dynamic neural intergration is
ever ascending in importance.
From the Datascapes
to the Statisticon
Articulatory architectonics is a necessary prelude to the total
quantification and intensive datafication of the designed
space and as such is linked to a more advanced condition
prognostication. Articulated environments allow one to
make assumptions of which paths to follow in order to facilitate future encounters. Neuropower is concerned not with
the production of subjectivity in the present but in the creation of a perfect consumer of the future. Articulation has
moved from proscribed architectural determinations of set
pathways to promote social encounters within space/time to
that of proscribed contemplative decision making processes
or epistemic trajectories in the minds eye. Computationalized spaces like those suggested by the likes of Kas Oosterhuis at the Hyperbody Group at TU Delft, also have the
potential to create a pervasive electronic tracking system.
Individuals moving in algorithmic environments searching
in the datascapes either with apparatuses like Google glasses,
smartphones linked to QR coders or through physically
compressing new smart materials that are digitally linked
to massive data collecting programs. The idea of an architectural ‘program’ thus takes on a more sinister guise.
Over time these produce massive singular data profiles
that understand possible future movements decisions in
particular contexts better then the person themselves.
“Imagine a city that is described only by data. A city that
wants to be explored only as information. A city that knows
no prescribed ideology, no representation, no context.
Only huge, pure data. Overall, datascapes can also be described as highly sophisticated 3D data-maps that resemble
or allude to urban forms or landscape surfaces and spaces.
They extrapolate quantifiable data, turning information into
abstract spaces.” (Maas 1999) What seems to be a kind of
Utopian vision for the future city in 1999 becomes a dystopic
nightmare of the future. Tracked movements as mere interference patterns become differential equations that create maps
of an individuals or population’s movements and trajectories
in the city as statistics that can, as we remarked, be re-sold
as information. “The prospect of so many new (and new kinds
of) sensors cannot help beguile those groups and individuals,
ever with us, whose notions of safety-or business models-hinge
on near-universal surveillance. Law enforcement and publicsafety organizations planet wide can be numbered among
them, as well as the ecosystem of vendors, consultants, and
other private concerns that depend on them for survival.
Beyond these, it would already be hard to number the businesses fairly salivating over all the niches, opportunities, and
potential revenue streams opened up by everyware. The project
of everyware is nothing less than the colonization of everyday
life by information technology.” (Greenfield 2006, 26)
The Statisticon is an advanced condition of data mining,
some of which is already here and some yet to come,
where upon data mining is no longer limited to the Internet
and World Wide Web, in which it is used by Google and
Facebook to track users and this information is sold to
corporations, but is a generalized condition of living
labor operating in the designed and built space of cities.
36 3
With the advent of smartphones with apps that track corporeal
function, credit card swiping that tracks shopping profiles
has been added Google glasses that monitor gaze of mobile
agents and new kinds of smart buildings that create new
information vistas to gaze upon but also create environments
of data tracking and hunting.
What does this mean for future of digital architecture? When
built space becomes a totally interactive and monitored datascape data collection possibilities will abound and idea of crowd
sourcing will have new meaning. The perfect consumer is
no longer someone who is the perfect shopper, whose mind
now is self-regulated and constantly on the lookout for discounts and shopping events. The perfect consumer of the
future will be a cognitive laborer whose contemplation and
the decision making processes produce actions and thoughts
that produce data as well. In the end, will designed software
agents, which are connected to datascapes that produce simulated realities and environments tailored to our data profiles?
As such will collective assemblages of engram-exogram
complexes be folded into these datascapes in which brainmind-environment becomes a single interactive condition
of data production-storage-retrieval-analysis?
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The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism: Part Two
is the second volume in a series which maps out the complex
terrain of cognitive capitalism as an ontogeny in which its
earlier phase has transitioned into a later phase that we are now
beginning to experience. This volume collects together papers
from a conference of the same name held at the Institute of
Cultural Inquiry, Berlin, in the spring of 2013
The first part of the book delineates the recent emergence
of characteristic psychopathologies of cognitive capitalism,
which have resulted from the unique concatenation of socialpolitical-psychological-economic relations that have produced
distinct stresses and forms of derangement upon the factory
of the brain. This leads to the second stream, referred to as
“the cognitive turn” in cognitive capitalism. For example, as
a result of the necessity for an efficient brain-mind to labor
in the advanced and constantly accelerating conditions of
the knowledge economy highly sophisticated and nuanced
forms of attention have become compulsory well beyond what
was considered essential in the older regimes of the modern.
As such new dispositifs of normalization and governmentalization have arisen to, on the one hand, diffuse the attention
necessary for multi-tasking, and on the other, to enhance the
production of a hyper-attention. It is upon these and other
similar conditions that this book concentrates. It calls for the
identification of the causative factors of these psychopathologies
as well as attempting to invent the counter conditions with
which to thwart their emergence.
This book is the beginning of an antidiscursive discourse
with which to create an emancipatory materialism produced
not only in the world but in the brain as well.
WARREN NEIDICH is an artist and writer working between
Berlin and Los Angeles. In 2013 he received the Fulbright Scholarship
Award, Fine Arts Division, American University Cairo. In 2011 he co-edited
Cognitive Architecture: From Biopolitics to Noopolitics.
ISBN 978-3-943620-16-0
15.00 EUROS