C 2003)
Journal of Archaeological Research, Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2003 (°
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
Miriam T. Stark1
The last decade has seen a surge in ceramic ethnoarchaeological studies worldwide, covering such important topics as ceramic production, technological change,
ceramic use and distribution, and social boundaries. Some of the most exciting
new Americanist research helps archaeologists refine models of ceramic production. Increasing numbers of non-Americanist studies use a technology and culture
framework to examine manufacturing variability, the dynamics of cultural transmission between generations, and the articulation between ceramic technology
and social boundaries. This review summarizes these recent trends, places current
ethnoarchaeological research in its theoretical contexts, and looks to the future of
research in a dynamic landscape in which ceramic production systems are undergoing rapid change. Many varieties of research currently now fall under the rubric
of ceramic ethnoarchaeology, and Americanist archaeologist are encouraged to
look beyond their own regionalist and theoretical paradigms to consult this wider
KEY WORDS: ceramic ethnoarchaeology; ceramic production; ceramic consumption; technological
change; social boundaries.
Ethnoarchaeology’s primary service mission is still the revising of the analogical consciousness of archaeologists, many of whom prefer their culture dead, sensitizing them to
dimensions of variability and the richness of the relationship between humans and their
artifacts . . . (David, 1992a, p. 352)
Ceramic ethnoarchaeological studies have now become an established tradition in archaeological research, and the last 15 years has seen a proliferation of
research on a variety of topics germane to archaeologists. Throughout this period,
reviews of the field (P. Arnold, 2000; Costin, 2000; Hegmon, 2000; Kolb, 2001)
have explicitly considered contemporary pots and potters in terms of particular
1 Department
of Anthropology, University of Hawai’i, 2424 Maile Way, Saunders 346, Honolulu,
Hawai’i 96822; e-mail: miriams@hawaii.edu.
C 2003 Plenum Publishing Corporation
1059-0161/03/0900-0193/0 °
problems with which archaeologists frequently struggle (Kramer, 1985, p. 77).
Previous scholars have summarized portions of the ceramic ethnoarchaeological
literature that concentrate on particular topics in the field (Costin, 2000; David and
Kramer, 2001; Kolb, 2001), focus on specific geographic regions (London, 2000b;
MacEachern, 1996; Sinopoli, 1991), or survey theoretical approaches (P. Arnold,
2000; Hegmon, 2000). General reviews of trends in archaeological ceramic studies (Krishnan, 1997; Matson, 1995a; Rice, 1996a,b; Tite, 1999; Vandiver, 2001)
also include ceramic ethnoarchaeological research as part of their broader literary
This review has three primary goals. The first is to summarize key trends
in ceramic ethnoarchaeological research from the last 10 to 12 years by use of
a broad geographic and thematic lens. A second goal lies in identifying key
issues and exploring articulations between that research and its theoretical underpinnings. This review’s third goal is to discuss issues that are relevant to
the nature, aims, and practice of ceramic ethnoarchaeology today and in future
Recent summaries of the field, while valuable, have focused largely on a
processual literature that ignores most non-Americanist research. This review,
in contrast, selectively surveys the world’s current literature in ceramic ethnoarchaeology. By defining what constitutes ceramic ethnoarchaeology more broadly
(contra P. Arnold, 2000, p. 123), this review illustrates an even wider range of
contributions that ceramic ethnoarchaeology can make to archaeological interpretation.
Following current trends in the field, this review concentrates on low-fired
earthenwares, made from low-refractory clays, which are fired in the range of
700–1200◦ C, and manufactured in nonindustrial settings. Most attention focuses
on ceramic containers rather than on noncontainers (like flower pots, sculptures,
figurines, cooking stoves) and structural ceramics (like bricks, roof tiles, drain
pipes, concrete), although research on these items, where available, is summarized.
Secondly, this review generally restricts its discussion to published materials, with
a bias toward the English-language literature.
This review is organized into five sections. The first section reviews current definitions of ceramic ethnoarchaeology, discusses competing theoretical
approaches that its various practitioners employ, and describes discrete regional
traditions across the world. I then summarize major research themes in ceramic ethnoarchaeological research since 1992, with a focus on technology, the organization
of production, ceramic production and social boundaries, assemblage formation,
and ceramic change. In following sections I examine the relationship between ceramic ethnoarchaeology and archaeological research, and consider critical issues
in the contemporary practice of ceramic ethnoarchaeology, both methodological
and ethical. The paper concludes with a discussion of the future of ceramic ethnoarchaeological research in a globalizing world.
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
Ceramic ethnoarchaeology has Western intellectual roots and was launched in
an era of Western expansionism in the late nineteenth century (David and Kramer,
2001, pp. 14–32; Longacre, 1991, pp. 1–5). With salvage ethnography as a primary
goal, such research soon became associated with material culture studies and
was relegated to second-class status (Stark, 1998, pp. 3–4). Few archaeologists
engaged in such research until Kleindeinst and Watson (1956) called for an “action
archaeology” during the 1950s, when ceramic ethnoarchaeology as we know it
was born (following David and Kramer, 2001, p. 146). It became entrenched in
archaeological research by the 1970s (David and Kramer, 2001, pp. 21, 26), and
its popularity remains undiminished.
Myriad definitions exist for ethnoarchaeology (see summary in David and
Kramer, 2001, pp. 6–13). Most, however, view ethnoarchaeology as a research
strategy rather than as a “self-contained discipline” (Krause, 1999, p. 559) and
as a tool for developing middle-range theory (Kosso, 1991, p. 625). Archaeological interpretation is, by its very nature, dependent on inferential reasoning (Porr,
1999, pp. 5–8; Stahl, 1993; Stark, 1993, pp. 93–94; Wylie, 1985), and ethnoarchaeological data provide material for building stronger archaeological inferences
than do commonsense explanations of material culture patterning (e.g., D. Arnold,
1998, p. 355; Kramer, 1985, pp. 77–78). Few ceramic ethnoarchaeological studies
have focused explicitly on constructing general interpretive models (David, 1992a,
pp. 338–339). Such research, however, may ultimately revitalize the ethnological
study of material culture through the development of theory relating to technology
and culture (David, 1992b; Lemonnier, 1986, p. 180, 1992; Pfaffenberger, 1992;
van der Leeuw, 1994; van der Leeuw and Papousek, 1992).
This review concentrates on studies that explicitly consider ceramic systems
in terms that are archaeologically relevant. For the purposes of this review, a wide
variety of contemporary research falls under the rubric of ceramic ethnoarchaeology, including ceramic ethnography. While ceramic ethnoarchaeology is generally
structured with archaeological questions in mind and often done by archaeologists,
ceramic ethnography is undertaken by anthropologists and art historians (e.g.,
Berns, 1993; Duncan, 1998, 2000; Frank, 1993, 1998; Lefferts and Cort, 1999;
Moeran, 1997; Reith, 1997). Ceramic ethnographers rarely ask explicitly archaeological questions (David and Kramer, 2001, p. 304), but often gather quantitative
data on production and formation process issues, and also expand our knowledge
of how pottery works in social contexts.
Both regional and theoretical differences characterize ceramic ethnoarchaeological research done today. Not surprisingly, these differences parallel discrete
regional intellectual traditions in the broader realm of archaeological research. The
next section explores the geographic distribution of current research and differences in thematic emphasis.
Regional Traditions in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeological Research
The Western roots of ethnoarchaeological research may explain why it remains a predominant concern of Euro-American researchers working across the
globe. Most ethnoarchaeological explanations focus on functional variability
around behavioral norms and operate within a progressive evolutionary framework.
Within ceramic ethnoarchaeology specifically, the link between archaeological ceramic studies and ceramic ethnoarchaeology is closer in Americanist than in British
research, where anthropology and archaeology are taught as separate disciplines
(Rice, 1996a, p. 137).
Geographic emphases in recent ceramic ethnoarchaeological research are evident in some recent reviews of the field (David and Kramer, 2001, tables 1.2–1.5;
London, 2000b, pp. 2–6; MacEachern, 1996; Sinopoli, 1991). Little ethnoarchaeological research has been undertaken recently in the industrialized countries of
Europe and North America, where most ceramic production systems (including indigenous technologies) are now geared toward the art market. Worldwide ceramic
ethnoarchaeological research has been biased toward the study of ceramic production systems in small-scale (and “tribal”) societies, characterized by household
industries. This paucity of research in urban industrial settings limits the utility of
current ceramic ethnoarchaeological research for the study of state-level societies.
In the New World, Latin America has been a focus of ceramic ethnoarchaeological research since the mid-1950s (Druc, 2000, pp. 78–79); few ethnoarchaeologists, however, hail from these countries (David and Kramer, 2001, p. 28). The
intensity of Mesoamerican research has decreased recently. Dean Arnold’s longitudinal research with Yucatecan potters, begun in 1965, is a notable exception (e.g.,
D. Arnold, 1971, 1985, 1987, 1989). Whether changing interests of Mesoamerican
archaeologists or the disappearance of traditional ceramic systems in the region
explains this shift is unclear. More work from South America concentrates on
Andean regions (e.g., D. Arnold, 1993, 1998; Chavez, 1992; Sillar, 1996, 1997,
2000) than on lowland areas where potters remain active (Bowser, 2000) and where
exemplary ethnoarchaeological research was undertaken in the past (e.g., DeBoer,
1990; DeBoer and Lathrap, 1979).
Ceramic ethnoarchaeological research has been conducted throughout many
parts of the Old World for decades. However, political conflicts in the Near East,
where valuable ethnoarchaeological research was undertaken previously (e.g.,
Kramer, 1982; Watson, 1979), have prevented the development of new projects in
this region. This review consequently includes few studies from the Near East.
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
Africa has become a prominent research location for ceramic ethnoarchaeological research. Its vast size, cultural diversity, active ceramic production systems,
and accessibility make it a major research locus, and the pace of work by African
scholars has accelerated since the early 1990s (David and Kramer, 2001, p. 28).
Sub-Saharan Africa is a particularly rich area for ethnoarchaeological research
(Agorsah, 1990; MacEachern, 1996). Local scholars are better represented in the
African literature than perhaps in any other region in the world, in part because
ethnoarchaeology provides a low-cost alternative to archaeological survey and excavation (McIntosh, 1994, p. 182), because continuities in the region encourage the
use of ethnoarchaeology as a direct historical approach (McIntosh, 1994, p. 182),
and because African archaeologists employ Western theoretical frameworks that
privilege ethnoarchaeology as a research strategy (Lane, 1996, pp. 727–731).
Current literature reflects a growing research emphasis on West Africa, where
ethnoarchaeological research increased substantially in the last decade (McIntosh,
1994, p. 182). Francophone scholars have undertaken a disproportionate amount
of this research (MacEachern, 1996, pp. 250–262). Researchers from three largescale projects dominate the current literature, and their names feature prominently
in the literature review that follows. The Mandara Archaeological Project, begun
in 1984 by Nicholas David, has produced a wealth of research on style and social
identity (among other topics). Research by the Swiss Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Mission in West Africa (MAESAO), begun in 1988 by Alain Gallay
and Eric Huysecom, concentrates on manufacturing techniques (classification and
typology, and life span of pottery). Researchers from the Ceramics and Society
Project, begun in 1990 by Pierre de Maret, have studied ceramic traditions in 13
countries across Sub-Saharan Africa and blend ethnoarchaeological, experimental,
and archaeometric approaches.
Little ceramic ethnoarchaeological research has been undertaken across Asia
relative to its geographic and demographic size, in part because proportionately
few archaeologists trained in the Americanist tradition work in these regions. Civil
war and political instability have precluded researchers from studying pottery
traditions in the Caucasus and Central Asia, although potters were at least active
in areas such as Afghanistan in the late 1960s (e.g., Matson, 1995b, pp. 14–17).
Discrete trends in ceramic ethnoarchaeological studies characterize South, East,
and Southeast Asia, but each region contains a mixture of Americanist research
and local research.
Disappointingly little work has been published from East Asia (i.e., China,
Japan, Korea), given the scope of the region and the diversity of its traditional cultures. Until recently, Western scholars were prohibited from undertaking projects
in countries like China and Tibet. Countries like Korea and Japan both have
high-fired folk pottery ceramic traditions. Western-language research on these
industries, however, has been the work primarily of art historians and anthropologists (e.g., Moeran, 1997) rather than anthropological archaeologists (whose
primary interests lie in the prehistoric period and in low-fired earthenware pottery). Some provinces of China still contain substantial populations of cultural
minorities, particularly in the southwestern provinces, who manufacture and use
earthenware ceramics (see Underhill, 2002). China now welcomes archaeologists
to work in their country, and many areas of China provide ideal settings for future
Americanist archaeologists have paid distressingly little attention to the
wealth of ethnoarchaeological research produced in South Asia and by South
Asian scholars, despite the region’s rich cultural diversity and its dynamic ceramic
traditions (for reviews, see Allchin, 1994; Sinopoli, 1991). The existence of socalled “tribals” (traditional indigenous groups) across an otherwise stratified and
casted India has prompted some ceramic research (e.g., Ghosh and Bhattacharya,
1997), as has the continued operation of urban, industrial-level ceramic production
systems (e.g., Kramer, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1997).
Southeast Asia’s rich cultural diversity and its uneven economic development
make the region an ideal locus for ceramic ethnoarchaeological study; potters are
active today in most areas in the region. Research from the Kalinga Ethnoarchaeological Project (begun in 1973 by William Longacre) and its offshoots elsewhere
in the Philippines currently dominate this region’s literature, including publications on assemblage formation, formation processes, and organizational models
of ceramic production and distribution (e.g., Kobayashi, 1994; Longacre, 1991;
Skibo, 1992, 1994; Stark, 1992, 1994, 1999; Stark and Longacre, 1993; Tani, 1994;
Tani and Longacre, 1999). Other ceramic ethnoarchaeological research published
recently concentrates either on issues related to cognition and choice in ceramic
manufacture (Goto, 1997; Neupert, 2000) or on documenting ceramic production
and distribution systems in the Philippines (Ushijima and de la Peña, 1996; Zayas,
1996), Burma (Reith, 1997), Thailand (Lefferts and Cort, 1999), and Cambodia
(Cort and Lefferts, 2000; Kojo and Marui, 2000). The world’s fourth most populous
nation—Indonesia—has seen few Western-language ceramic ethnoarchaeological
publications in the last two decades.
The idea of theory—and its linkage to practice—remains a problem for ceramic ethnoarchaeologists. The term “theory” as used in this paper describes what
elsewhere has been called “high-level” or “general” theory (O’Connell, 1995;
Schiffer, 1988; Yoffee and Sherratt, 1993), and that determines the kinds of research questions that can be asked of the archaeological record. Although theory
shapes ethnoarchaeological practice either implicitly (Simms, 1992, p. 190; Stahl,
1995, p. 404) or explicitly (David, 1992a; O’Connell, 1995), the link between theoretical perspective and ethnoarchaeological application is rarely articulated explicitly in published studies. Ceramic ethnoarchaeologists have embraced a range
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
of theoretical stances and criticize each other with great vigor (e.g., P. Arnold,
1998, p. 27; O’Connell, 1995, p. 208).
Americanist archaeologists have advocated several alternative theoretical
frameworks as the guiding paradigm for ceramic ethnoarchaeological research. At
one end of the continuum are “naturalists,” who embrace materialist and empiricist
approaches and use ceramic ethnoarchaeological research to either develop empirical generalizations about human-behavior relationships or study accumulation
processes in the material record (David, 1992a; David and Kramer, 2001, p. 251).
At the other end of this theoretical continuum are “antinaturalists” who emphasize humanistic and hermeneutic approaches and use ceramic ethnoarchaeology
to study structure and agency through material culture (David and Kramer, 2001,
pp. 36–40). Despite the often-combative tone of debates in this realm—away from
either endpoint of the continuum—thematic domains overlap, and most ceramic
ethnoarchaeologists fall somewhere in between.
The following discussion attempts to answer several questions. First, what
should be the role of theory in ceramic ethnoarchaeology? Should ceramic ethnoarchaeological research be theory-driven to produce relevant results for archaeologists? Second, what should be the role of non-Western ethnoarchaeological
research? Answering these questions requires some discussion of changing trends
in method and theory in ceramic ethnoarchaeological research.
Changing Theoretical Perspectives
Competing theoretical frameworks have structured ceramic ethnoarchaeological research in the Western archaeological literature since its fluorescence. Yet
many ceramic ethnoarchaeologists continued their research into the 1980s without paying attention to the theoretical battles that waged around them. Thus these
undercurrents have often only marginally influenced ceramic ethnoarchaeological
The “ceramic ecology” approach, coined by Matson (1965), dominated ceramic ethnoarchaeological research in the 1980s (see D. Arnold, 1985, 1999,
pp. 321–324; Kolb, 1989; Rice, 1984b, 1996b, pp. 184–185). Its theoretical roots
lie in cultural ecology, neoevolutionism, and neofunctionalism (D. Arnold, 1991,
p. 326, 1999, p. 59; Kolb, 1989, p. 308). As the 1980s progressed, proponents of
“behavioral archaeology” emerged who shared their epistemology with ceramic
ecologists and concentrated on ceramic production and use/performance in ethnographic and experimental settings (e.g., Schiffer et al., 1994, 2001; Schiffer and
Skibo, 1987; Skibo et al., 1995; Tschauner, 1996). Neither of these approaches
developed a sufficiently unified theoretical framework, however, to set the theoretical agenda for ceramic ethnoarchaeological research (Broughton and O’Connell,
1999, pp. 160–161; McGuire, 1995; cf. Schiffer, 1996, 1999; Schiffer and Skibo,
Changes in archaeology’s theoretical landscape during the 1980s stimulated
the adoption of alternative frameworks that characterized previous approaches
as “narrowly functionalist, optimizing, and biological” (Wobst, 1999, p. 124).
Ceramic ethnoarchaeological studies of this ilk focused on symbolic dimensions
of power as reflected in material culture (Braithwaite, 1982; Miller, 1985, 1986;
Welbourn, 1984).
Since the fragmentation of archaeological theory in the 1980s, different
groups have vied for prominence by promoting their approach as the preferred
theoretical framework for Americanist archaeology. Reaction to critiques in the
following decade has stimulated ceramic ethnoarchaeology’s search for a theoretical identity. Increasing numbers of practitioners have called for social theory
that encompasses both technical concerns and practice in their historical contexts
(Gosselain, 1994, p. 99, 1998, 2001; Livingstone Smith, 2000, pp. 21–22; Pool,
2000; Sillar, 1997, 2000; van der Leeuw, 1993, p. 238). More than a decade later,
this critical approach has gained supporters in many quarters (e.g., Rice, 1996a,
p. 143; Sillar and Tite, 2000, pp. 15–16; Tite, 1999, p. 225; Valdez, 1997).
By the end of the 1990s, several approaches characterized ceramic ethnoarchaeology: studies using the direct historical approach (by both Western and nonWestern scholars) and research under several competing theoretical schools. Most
scholars in developing countries document traditional technologies as they undergo significant change. Some eastern European approaches, which are poorly
represented in the ceramic ethnoarchaeological literature, employ the direct historical approach in studying surviving “folk traditions” to interpret the archaeological
record (Kobyliński, 1995).
Theoretical Tensions in Contemporary Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
Scholars remain divided regarding the need for theoretically engaged ethnoarchaeological research, with a more pronounced concern with this topic found
among Euro-American practitioners (David, 1992a; O’Connell, 1995). Theoretically committed ceramic ethnoarchaeologists in ceramic ethnoarchaeology today
work along a messy theoretical continuum (following David and Kramer, 2001).
At least two major divisions are evident: one that distinguishes European scholars
from their Americanist peers, and another that divides the Americanist group into
several competing factions.
Significant differences characterize ceramic ethnoarchaeological research
from opposite sides of the Atlantic. Abundant European ceramic ethnoarchaeological research, done primarily in Africa and Asia, eschews the evolutionary approach
that still structures most Americanist archaeology and instead prefers an historicist approach (Dobres, 1999a; Loney, 2000, pp. 651–653). The school of “logicism” (sensu Gardin, 1980) characterizes European ceramic ethnoarchaeological
research and concentrates on the relationship between technological sequences and
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
social identity (de Ceuninck, 1993; Gallay, 1989, 1998; Gallay and de Ceuninck,
1998; Gelbert, 1999; Huysecom, 1992, 1994; Mayor 1991/92, 1994; see reviews
in MacEachern, 1996, pp. 260–261; McIntosh, 1994, pp. 183–184).
Americanist approaches, in contrast, continue to embrace an evolutionist perspective and to emphasize relationships between behavior and material cultural
patterning (e.g., D. Arnold, 1999, 2000; P. Arnold, 1990, 1991a,b; Pool, 2000;
Shott and Williams, 2001). Seemingly few Americanists are familiar with the
European literature (but see Dobres, 2000). Three modal tendencies in current
ceramic ethnoarchaeological research are as follows: (1) the “science” group who
uses evolutionary ecology as its theoretical framework; (2) Binfordians and behavioral archaeologists, who use an eclectic evolutionist framework; and (3) neoprocessual archaeologists, whose eclectic background includes numerous theoretical
frameworks within and beyond the strictures of anthropology. Each approach is
described in more detail below.
Mode 1: the “evolutionary science” group. Proponents of this approach
use an evolutionary ecological framework to reconcile the ethnoarchaeological
study of short-term behavior with archaeology’s goals of explaining long-term
change (O’Connell, 1995; Simms, 1992). This neo-Darwinian approach seeks to
understand behavior rather than simply its material consequences and is particularly concerned with long-term consequences of decision making (Broughton and
O’Connell, 1999; O’Connell, 1995, p. 206). Evolutionary archaeologists have contributed very little to recent developments in ceramic ethnoarchaeology (P. Arnold,
1999; Rice, 1996b, p. 185), perhaps because their interest lies in material patterning
rather than in behavior or process (Broughton and O’Connell, 1999, p. 157).
Mode 2: the Binfordians and behavioral archaeologists. Proponents of this
approach contend that archaeology constitutes the “science of the archaeological
record” (Binford, 2001, p. 669) and that the archaeological record as the appropriate subject of archaeological theory building (P. Arnold, 1990, 1991b; Binford,
1977, 1983; Longacre, 1991, p. 1; Longacre and Skibo, 1994a; O’Connell, 1995,
pp. 206–207). Their ceramic ethnoarchaeological research generally involves ceramic taphonomy, with the goal of establishing uniformitarian relationships concerning the “supra-cultural, mechanical, physical, and/or chemical properties of
artifact production, use, and discard” (P. Arnold, 1998, p. 26). David (1992a,
pp. 336–337) calls this the “scientist” or “Binfordian” approach. This group includes some “behavioral archaeologists” (Walker et al., 1995), who borrow methods from materials science and ceramic engineering and use a cultural materialist
framework. Proponents of this approach emphasize the use of rigorous methodology (e.g., Schiffer et al., 2001, pp. 730–733), controlled experimental approaches,
and the use of ethnoarchaeological settings as actualistic laboratories for refining and enhancing analytical techniques and the interpretation of data produced
through the use of analytical techniques.
Mode 3: neoprocessual ethnoarchaeologists. Neoprocessual ethnoarchaeologists view ethnoarchaeology as a tool for understanding organizational systems,
for identifying cross-cultural regularities in human behavior, and for explaining
the formation of the archaeological record (e.g., Costin, 2000, p. 399; Hegmon,
1998, 2000, p. 135; Kent, 1996, p. 23; MacEachern, 1996, p. 250; Rice, 1996a,b;
Sinopoli, 1991, p. 184; Skibo and Feinman, 1999; Stark, 1993, pp. 94–95). Examples include models of ceramic production and ceramic distributional systems, and
of various frameworks for understanding stylistic patterning and social boundaries.
Neoprocessual ethnoarchaeologists use a holistic framework that examines
both technical factors (i.e., ecological and economic factors, mechanical and
functional properties of artifacts) and cultural factors (historical, political, and
social) that generate variability in ceramic systems (see also Costin, 2000). Increasing numbers of neoprocessual archaeologists embrace some variant of Pierre
Bourdieu’s practice theory (Bourdieu, 1977; Dietler and Herbich, 1998, pp. 244–
248; Dobres, 1999b, pp. 130–148; Porr, 1999, pp. 8–10) and use approaches
lumped under the rubric of “technology and culture” (see, e.g., Lemonnier 1986,
1992, 1993).
Scholars within ceramic ethnoarchaeology remain mildly fractious and advocate opposing viewpoints (compare, e.g., Hegmon, 2000, p. 135, with P. Arnold,
2000, pp. 121–122). It remains possible to transcend the intradisciplinary squabbles and claim staking that make for rich reading and lively debate, because ceramic
ethnoarchaeologists share more philosophical and pragmatic research goals than
they might initially imagine. Some of these shared goals are evident in the literature
review that follows.
The range of topics that ceramic ethnoarchaeologists have studied in the last
decade includes many of the same issues that Kramer (1985, p. 78) initially identified: technology, taxonomy, vessel function, longevity, recycling and disposal,
division of labor, learning, style, ethnicity, distribution, and technological and
stylistic change. Much research focuses on low-fired handmade earthenwares, but
fieldworkers also have studied wheel-made ceramics and stonewares. Both market and nonmarket (occasionally called “tribal”) ceramic production systems have
been the object of recent research, contrast to previous decades. The following section examines aspects of ceramic production, technological change, distribution,
consumption, and social boundaries.
Ceramic Production
Ceramic ethnoarchaeological research continues to focus intensively on aspects of ceramic production and manufacturing technology (see also P. Arnold,
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
2000, pp. 107–113; Costin, 2000; Rice, 1996a,b; Tite, 1999). One theme underlying of many recent studies concerns the relative importance of nontechnical vs.
technical factors throughout the manufacturing process (see especially D. Arnold,
2000, pp. 339–351; Arthur, 1997, pp. 287–289; Deal, 1998, pp. 37–41; Gosselain,
1994, 1998; Gosselain and Livingstone Smith, 1995; Neupert, 1999, 2000; Sillar,
1996). Research has increasingly focused on raw materials procurement and use
to help archaeological ceramicists strengthen the assumptions that structure their
compositional studies (Costin, 2000, pp. 379–384; Rice, 1996b, pp. 168–169).
Accordingly, recent efforts have focused on identifying behavioral correlates of
compositional signatures or “petrographic footprints” (following Walde et al.,
2000, p. 92). Thus far, most successful studies of this ilk have concentrated on
the relationship between compositional variability and production communities
(D. Arnold et al., 1999, 2000; Druc, 2000; Druc and Gwyn, 1998; van den Bel et al.,
1995) and on behavioral factors that influence raw materials selection (Aronson
et al., 1991, 1994; Druc, 2000, p. 80; Efstratiou, 1992, p. 322, Table 2; Stark et al.,
2000; van den Bel et al., 1995). Other studies, following Owen Rye’s pioneering
study (Rye, 1976) among Papuan potters, have focused on factors that govern raw
materials preparation techniques (e.g., Krishnan and Rao, 1994).
Ethnoarchaeological studies of ceramic production locations and associated
activity areas have been approached from several angles (see also P. Arnold, 2000,
pp. 109–110; Costin, 2000, pp. 384–385). Philip Arnold (1991b, pp. 120–137) examines surface artifact patterning from potters’ houselots in two Mexican communities. Ethnoarchaeologists working in South Asia (Kramer, 1997, pp. 183–212),
Upper Egypt (Nicholson and Patterson, 1992, Figure 2.4), Mexico (P. Arnold,
1991b, pp. 105–119; Williams, 1995), Central America (Deal, 1998, pp. 71–76),
and South America (Cleland and Shimada, 1998, Figures 8 and 13; Joffre, 1999,
p. 23) have published plans of potters’ workshops and discussed associated spatial
patterning and material residues. Most of these studies concentrate on full-time
specialists who manufacture ceramics by hand, mold, or wheel. Some studies
have also concentrated on firing technologies (Gosselain, 1992a; Hosler, 1996;
Livingstone Smith, 2001; Nicholson and Patterson, 1992; Pool, 2000). Others
have examined the physical configurations and performance of firing facilities like
kilns (Cleland and Shimada, 1998, Fig. 14; Duncan, 1998, p. 179; Livingstone
Smith, 2001; Pool, 2000; Sillar, 2000, pp. 179–184).
Studying the organization of production remains common in ceramic ethnoarchaeological research (Costin, 2000, pp. 385–394; David and Kramer, 2001,
pp. 311–315). Topics within this theme include specialization (e.g., Kramer, 1997,
pp. 72–80), the division of labor and constitution of labor units (Costin, 2000,
pp. 389–392), and social relations of production (e.g., LaViolette, 2000, pp. 66–67).
Comparative information on the intensity of production, as measured by output,
is now available for hand-built ceramic traditions like those in Ethiopia (Arthur,
1997, p. 285), for mold-made technologies in Mexico (Druc, 2000, p. 84), and for
some wheel-made industries (e.g., Duncan, 1998, p. 157; Tekkök-Biçken, 2000,
p. 99; Underhill, 2002; see also Costin, 2000, p. 392). This research suggests that
production volume multiplies 10-fold when potters use the wheel, although production scale and intensity can vary greatly among communities within the same
region (LaViolette, 2000, pp. 58–70)
Gender is another topic of recent ceramic ethnoarchaeological research
(P. Arnold, 2000, p. 108; David and Kramer, 2001, Table 11.1). In Colombia,
women in rural Ráquira make utilitarian pots by hand, using prehispanic techniques, while urban men use the wheel and mold (two Spanish introductions)
to engage in commodity production (Duncan, 1998). This gendered division of
labor is also evident at the household and village level in Andean South America (Chávez, 1992; Hosler, 1996), in parts of India, Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco
(Bala, 1997; Hudson, 1997, p. 134), and also historically under the Ottoman Empire
(Kalentzidou, 2000a, pp. 177–178). In some cases, potters use discrete manufacturing technologies to make different forms; Ticul potters, for example, use two
kinds of turntables and a two-piece mold to supply different sets of consumers
(e.g., P. Arnold and Nieves, 1992, p. 96).
Ceramic ethnoarchaeology has contributed substantially to research on cultural transmission, a key topic in current archaeological theory (e.g., Neff, 2001,
pp. 279–281). Studies of learning patterns (Deal, 1998, pp. 27–31; Duncan, 1998,
pp. 61–86; Herbich, 1987; Kaplan, 1994, pp. 33–36; Kramer, 1997, p. 69;
LaViolette, 2000, p. 61; Wallaert-Pêtrie, 1999a,b, 2001) shed lights on processes
of vertical transmission. Processes of horizontal transmission, through marriage
or migration or contact, also have been the subjects of recent studies (e.g., Gelbert,
1999; Gosselain, 1998, 1999, 2001). Technology is a process that is replicated and
transformed through learning; comparative research on apprenticeship, like that
done by Hélène Wallaert-Pêtrie (1999a,b, 2001), thus contributes to archaeological
theory building and interpretation (Minar and Crown, 2001).
Some recent research contends that nearly every stage of the manufacturing
sequence is imbued with ritual meaning from South America and Africa to Asia
(e.g., Barley, 1997, p. 141; Gosselain, 1999, pp. 209–211; Huyler, 1994, pp. 331–
332; Sillar, 1997, pp. 6–7; Wandibba, 1995, p. 165). Significant events in the
life cycle—like birth, marriage, and death—may be signaled by the creation of
ceramic vessels in North Africa (Hudson, 1997, p. 139). Ceramics are used as
ritual vessels throughout the Old World (Huyler, 1994; Lefferts and Cort, 1999,
p. 25; Norman, 2000). The production of ritual objects may be restricted to certain
groups of artisans (e.g., Blurton, 1997; Huyler, 1994) or made by only one gender,
as in West Africa (Berns, 1993, pp. 136–141). In other cases, menstruating and
pregnant women are prohibited from making pottery (e.g., Misago, 1996, p. 122)
or approaching operating kilns (Duncan, 1998, p. 63). Even the act of firing may be
rich with ritual significance: followers of Sufi Islam in South and Central Asia, for
example, use the Professional Book of Potters, which contains prayers that potters
must recite to ensure successful firings (Matson, 1995b, p. 15).
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
With changing theoretical perspectives in the 1990s has come an increased
ethnoarchaeological interest in the social identity of artisans: their socioeconomic
status, their gender, their caste, and other social categories. Despite archaeologists’
and art historians’ affinity for potters, most are independent specialists who occupy
the lower rungs of most status hierarchies (LaViolette, 2000, p. 91; London, 2000a,
p. 105; Sillar, 1997, p. 7; Stark, 1995). Rare exceptions exist, in cases where ceramic
production becomes a recognized and profitable art form, as has happened among
the Pueblos of the North American Southwest.
Recent ceramic ethnoarchaeological studies examine gender as part of the potter’s social identity (see a review in Costin 2000, pp. 394–395; see also Kramer,
1997, pp. 47–52). Cross-cultural research on the sexual division of labor among
potters (Byrne, 1994) suggests that the locus of production moves from women to
men, as access to traditional resources decreases and ceramic production becomes
a more lucrative economic livelihood. A close link exists between male potting
and the wheel (Kramer, 1985, pp. 79–80; see also Byrne, 1994, pp. 230–231), although exceptions have been noted (e.g., Mahias, 1994). In parts of South America
(Chávez, 1992, p. 51; Duncan, 1998, pp. 68–90) and Southeast Asia (Lefferts and
Cort, 1999, p. 28), we see that women from the same general community use
hand-building techniques while men use the wheel.
Recent studies have also examined the widespread association of potters with
castes or castelike groups, ethnolinguistic units, or particular religious backgrounds
(David and Kramer, 2001, p. 308). Casted potters throughout South Asia provide
the clearest example (Blurton, 1997; Ghosh and Bhattacharya, 1997, pp. 135–
136; Huyler, 1994; Kramer, 1991, 1997): these subcastes tend to be endogamous, patrilineal, and virilocal (Kramer, 1994, p. 315). Endogamous smith-potter
“castes” are found in much of sub-Saharan Africa (David and Kramer, 2001,
pp. 215–216; Frank, 1993; Gelbert, 1999; Herbert, 1993; LaViolette, 2000) in
which female potters marry male artisans, from blacksmiths and woodworkers to
weavers and traditional praise singers called “griots.” These women often cross
village and language boundaries to find suitable marriage partners within their
caste. Producer identity, expressed through religious affiliation (Bourges, 1993,
p. 10; Ghosh and Bhattacharya, 1997, p. 134), economic niche (de Ceuninck,
1993), and ethnolinguistic group (Ahern, 1993; Gosselain, 1998, 2001;
Lefferts and Cort, 1999), is reflected in the range or variants of goods
Increasing numbers of ceramic ethnoarchaeologists have concentrated on
cases of village-based ceramic specialization, or what Rice (1991) calls “site
specialization.” Specialization may involve either wares or ceramic forms within
the same region: western Turkey (Tekkök-Biçken, 2000), the Philippines (Stark,
1991b; Zayas 1996, p. 113), Ghana (Cruz, 1996, pp. 32–34), Mali (de Ceuninck,
1993), and Mexico (Druc, 2000, pp. 86–87). This pattern is especially pronounced
in the Andes, where community-based specialization creates horizontal
dependencies within, and vertical dependencies between, ecological zones
(Chávez, 1992, pp. 79–84; Sillar, 1997, pp. 13–14; Valdez, 1997).
Studies of ceramic specialization remain popular at the levels of both manufactured product and producer community (e.g., P. Arnold, 2000, pp. 110–112;
Longacre, 1999, pp. 44–45; Rice, 1996b, pp. 177–182; Stark, 1995a, pp. 231–
234; Underhill, 2002). The link remains strong between production intensity and
product standardization, but recent research identifies several factors other than
producer skill that affect the relative variability of goods produced: the number
of producers involved in creating the assemblage (or what B. Stark (1995) calls
the “ratio effect”), the products themselves (the problem of multiple authorship;
Kramer, 1985, p. 79), and the intended market (e.g., Arnold and Nieves, 1992,
p. 110). Even the variables measured and statistical techniques used to assess homogeneity in assemblages will affect the utility of the outcome (Kvamme et al.,
1996; B. Stark, 1995, pp. 238–240). Most studies focus on independent specialists
(following Rice, 1991), rather than on attached specialists, because the latter are
rarely found among contemporary ceramic-producing societies.
Technological Change in Ceramic Production Systems
The study of technological change should be one of ceramic ethnoarchaeologists’ top priorities, as the focus of so much archaeological research concerns tracking change in the archaeological record. Recent reviews treat this topic only lightly
(e.g., P. Arnold, 2000, pp. 113, 118–119; Hegmon, 2000, pp. 133–134; Stark,
1991a, pp. 194–195), and Carol Kramer’s discussion of ceramic change (Kramer,
1985, pp. 92–95) remains the most comprehensive discussion available. Loney’s
recent article (Loney, 2000) on technological change provides some ceramic examples that update previous source guides by Rice (1984a, 1987, pp. 449–459).
Ceramic ethnoarchaeologists use direct historic analogy to identify focal
points of continuity and discontinuity through time. Ethnoarchaeologists have
examined continuities in several regions where complex societies have flourished
for millennia, in Asia (Bala, 1997; Lugli and Vidale, 1996; Underhill, 2002),
Eurasia (Efstratiou, 1992; Kalentzidou, 2000a,b; Tekkök-Biçken, 2000), northern
and sub-Saharan Africa (LaViolette, 2000; Lindahl and Matenga, 1995; Misago,
1996; Ndoro, 1996; Nicholson and Patterson, 1992, pp. 25–26; Redmount and
Morgenstein, 1996; Stahl, 1999; Stahl and Cruz, 1998; Walde et al., 2000), and the
New World, including Mexico (Kaplan, 1994, pp. 2–13; McQuade, 2000) and
Andean South America (e.g., Cleland and Shimada, 1998). Some documented
ceramic traditions have enormous time depth, like the nearly 2000-year span of
Iñupiat pottery in the Arctic (Lucier and Van Stone, 1992) and the 2200-year pottery span of Chinese pottery in Guizhou province (Underhill, 2002), and even
older traditions in South Asia that trace back to Harappan times (Blurton, 1997;
Krishnan and Rao, 1994).
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
These studies have grown increasingly systematic and quantitative in recent
years and identify both continuities and discontinuities between the archaeological
target of study and contemporary practices (see also P. Arnold, 1999, pp. 119–120).
In some cases, comparisons of the archaeological record with ethnoarchaeological
patterning identify situations in which ancient ceramic systems exhibited greater
variability than do those operating today (e.g., Balkansky et al., 1997; Feinman,
Excellent research on ceramic change has been published recently that combines ethnoarchaeology with documentary data (e.g., Aronson and Fournier, 1993;
Duncan, 1998, pp. 16–45; Kalentzidou, 2000a,b). Studies by individual researchers
on longitudinal projects provide time depth on ceramic traditions under study (e.g.,
D. Arnold, 1999; D. Arnold et al., 2000; Chávez, 1992; Cleland and Shimada,
1998). So does research by long-term research projects that involve multiple researchers as they focus on complementary aspects of change, by the Mandara
Archaeological Project in West Africa (e.g., David, 1992b; MacEachern, 2001;
Sterner, 1992; Walde et al., 2000), the Kalinga Ethnoarchaeological Project in
the northern Philippines (Skibo, 1994; Stark, 1991a; Stark and Longacre, 1993),
and a University of the Philippines project in the central Philippines (Paz, 1996;
Ushijima and de la Peña, 1996; Zayas, 1996).
Ceramic ethnoarchaeologists have recently explored why, and under what
conditions, potters decide to change their technological practices. Some studies
suggest that the most avid innovators are the least technically skilled artisans
(D. Arnold, 1999, pp. 65, 72; M. Stark, 1995, pp. 213–214; Stark and Longacre,
1993), and that rates of change vary by functional category (e.g., Stark, 1991a,
pp. 201–208). Persistence in technical systems also requires explanation. Some
reasons may involve technofunctional performance characteristics (e.g., Skibo,
1994), yet even such cases entail nontechnical factors that play decisive roles in
potters’ decisions to modify or retain aspects of their technologies.
Broad-scale political changes (like decolonization, national economic reform,
and monetization of the local economy) are an important category of nontechnical
factors that induce change in ceramic systems. In some cases, the state may promote
certain types of ceramic production as one form of craft industry (e.g., Allchin,
1994, p. 5; Aronson and Fournier, 1993, p. 47; Duncan, 1998, p. 91). Fluctuating
governmental landholding policies for nearly a century have affected ceramic
production in Mexico (Aronson and Fournier, 1993, pp. 45–46), and unsuccessful
governmental efforts to construct dams in the Philippines left their mark on Kalinga
ceramic traditions (Stark, 1991a; Stark and Longacre, 1993, pp. 16–19). State-level
policies may also have unintended consequences for ceramic systems that lead
to local technological extinctions, as occurred with the collapse of the Ottoman
Empire in the 1920s (Kalentzidou, 2000a,b) and in Cambodia during the Khmer
Rouge era in the 1970s (Kojo and Marui, 2000, p. 5).
Recent processes of modernization have also stimulated ceramic change.
Some traditions are disappearing, in northeastern Greece (Efstratiou, 1992,
pp. 314–315), Nepal (Lugli and Vidale, 1996), and the central Philippines (Ushijima and de la Peña, 1996). Others are undergoing extensive shifts in their organization of production and the products their artisans manufacture (e.g., Aronson and
Fournier, 1993, p. 49; Stahl and Cruz, 1998, pp. 212–213; Stark and Longacre,
1993). The case studies illustrate that ceramic traditions experience differential
rates of change that reflect cultural values rather than rote responses to external
pressures. Notions of what constitutes a proper container for different functions,
from mixing medicines (Deal, 1998, p. 90) to various rituals (Barley, 1997, p. 140;
Bowser, 2000, p. 26; Hardin, 1996, pp. 40–41), explain some reasons for the differential persistence of certain ceramic types in particular traditions. So do particular
qualities of ceramics, from their low cost (which makes them less attractive to
thieves than their metal counterparts (Cruz, 1996, p. 36) to their close fit with
traditional cuisines (Kalentzidou, 2000b, p. 75).
Ceramic Distribution
Most recent studies of ceramic distribution discuss mechanisms by which
ceramics circulate, including residential selling (e.g., Druc, 2000, p. 86; Vander
Linden and Gosselain, 1996), workshop selling (Kaplan, 1994, p. 47; Kramer,
1997, pp. 81–107), market vending (Druc, 2000, p. 85; Duncan, 1998, pp. 187–
199), and itinerant peddling by the producers or by intermediaries (Kaplan, 1994,
pp. 47–48; LaViolette, 2000, pp. 67–68). Potters in a single production system
often use several strategies to circulate their vessels and distribute their goods
to multiple and discrete consumer markets (e.g., D. Arnold and Nieves, 1992,
pp. 95–96). Some Andean potters, for example, circulate their pots through a variety of mechanisms, including annual fairs held in conjunction with Catholic
religious festivals (Chávez, 1992, pp. 68–79), daily and weekly markets, and
sales from their homes (Sillar, 1997, p. 15, Tables 3 and 4). Potters may also
be itinerant; they move their goods and their families from one village to the
next in Mali (LaViolette, 2000, p. 68). In the Andes, potters even transport their
clay to consumers’ households, up to 100 km from the original clay source,
by either llama caravan or, more frequently, by truck (Sillar, 1997, p. 7, 2000,
pp. 92, 98).
Recent research also explores the social relations of ceramic distribution,
including institutionalized relationships between producers and consumers.
Jajmani relationships have been documented across South Asia (e.g., Kramer,
1997, pp. 25–27, 120–123; Kramer and Douglas, 1992; Miller, 1986). In some
countries like Nepal, these jajmani relationships are being replaced by governmental structures (Lugli and Vidale, 1996, p. 353). In the Philippines, patron–
client (suki) relationships characterize potters and consumers (Stark, 1992), or
between potters and the intermediaries to whom potters sell their goods (Ushijima
and de la Peña, 1996, pp. 142–143). Institutionalized relations of distribution that
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
involve intermediaries have been documented elsewhere like West Africa (e.g.,
LaViolette, 2000, pp. 69, 86–87) and the Andes (e.g., Sillar, 2000, pp. 93–94), and
require additional study.
Ethnoarchaeologists also have discussed the scale of ceramic distributional
systems (Costin, 2000, pp. 396–398). Selected ethnoarchaeological studies have
systematically mapped the spatial configuration of ceramic distribution (Duncan,
1998, pp. 187–200; Kramer, 1997, pp. 31–38, 109–119; Nicholson and Patterson,
1992, pp. 41–44; Stark, 1994), have identified distributional zones by vessel type
(e.g., Deal, 1998, pp. 63–65, Table 3.15), and have provided scalar estimates for
distributional networks (P. Arnold, 2000, p. 109). Kalinga potters, for example,
circulate their vessels within distributional networks stretching over an area of
about 75 km2 (Graves, 1991, p. 142). Potters commonly circulate their wares
within a 15- to 50-km radius of their homes, with a tendency toward the lower
end of the range (e.g., Gallay et al., 1996; Kalentzidou, 2000b, p. 79; Kramer,
1997, p. 153; Livingstone Smith, 2000, p. 34; Stark, 1994, p. 187; Underhill,
2002; Vander Linden and Gosselain, 1996, p. 19). In parts of West Africa, this
figure also characterizes the average distance that female potters move upon marriage (Gosselain, 1998, p. 95). The distributional scale increases in cases where
ceramics are transported by water: Soa potters in the inland Niger delta travel
nearly 100 km to sell their goods (LaViolette, 2000, p. 94), and Maripipi traders
(central Philippines) still engage in 9–14 day pottery-vending boat trips that circulate anywhere from 800 to 1400 vessels per trip (Ushijima and de la Peña, 1996,
pp. 148–151).
Aspects of Ceramic Consumption
Limited ceramic ethnoarchaeological research has been devoted to studying ceramic consumption, despite the fact that consumption patterns form the
basis of much archaeological research. Some of the most useful ethnoarchaeological research on ceramic consumption involves household-based pottery censuses
(e.g., Arthur, 1997, 2002; Bourges, 1996; Deal, 1998; Deal and Hagstrum, 1995;
Hildebrand and Hagstrum, 1999; Longacre and Stark, 1992). When such work is
done at least once (e.g., DeBoer and Lathrap, 1979; Nelson, 1991), it provides
valuable information on archaeological assemblage formation. The repetition of
such censuses over a period of decades allows ethnoarchaeologists to begin to
approximate the small intervals of an archaeological time scale.
Particularly useful research has been undertaken recently on typology, vessel
function, use alteration, use life, and recycling (P. Arnold, 2000, pp. 114–118;
David and Kramer, 2001, pp. 91–115; Rice, 1996a, pp. 138–141). Some work
has examined typology (e.g., Carvalho et al., 1996; Kaplan, 1994), and more
research has focused on vessel classification and function (e.g., Akinade, 1995;
Arifin, 1991, pp. 379–383; Arthur, 2003; Chávez, 1992, pp. 52–56; Choksi, 1995;
Deal, 1998, pp. 58–59; Kramer, 1997, pp. 39–43; Lindahl and Matenga, 1995,
pp. 39–47; Skibo, 1992). Using Kalinga data, Tani (1994, pp. 58–59) identifies
a correlation between household size and ceramic vessel volume. At the aggregate level, information on household pottery assemblages can be divided by activity sets (following Deal, 1998, p. 84) to study the location and contexts of
pottery use.
Ethnoarchaeological work also has been published recently that examines
ceramic use-life and use-alteration (Arthur, 2002, pp. 344–350; Mayor, 1991/92,
1994; Nelson, 1991; see review in Rice, 1996a, p. 143–147). Recent studies have
discussed the relationship between use life and vessel size (Shott, 1996) and between pottery use life and annual replacement rates (Deal, 1998, pp. 91–97; Shott
and Williams, 2001). Selected studies have focused specifically on traces of use
alteration on ceramics from the northern Philippines (e.g., Kobayashi, 1994, 1996;
Skibo, 1992), South Asia (Lugli and Vidale, 1996, pp. 364–375), and in Africa
(Arthur, 2002; Smith, 1993) with goal of providing directly analogous patterns for
interpreting archaeological ceramics.
The fact that people recycle ceramics through almost innumerable activities
(e.g., Deal and Hagstrum, 1995, pp. 113–188 and Table 9.3) could conceivably
cause problems for archaeologists who want to study household assemblages or
identify activity areas on the basis of vessel function. In Maya and Wanka households, for example, vessels that no longer serve their original use represent about
20% of the ceramic inventory (Deal and Hagstrum, 1995, p. 122). Most case studies that have concentrated specifically on pottery disposal behavior have been done
in Latin America (e.g., Arnold, 1990; Deal, 1998, pp. 116–140; Hildebrand and
Hagstrum, 1999).
Other studies of ceramic consumption have focused on household assemblages and factors that generate variability in them (e.g., Bourges, 1996; Deal,
1998, pp. 79–83; Longacre and Stark, 1992; Tani, 1994; Trostel, 1994). Recent
research also has concentrated on the role of consumer preference vis-à-vis consumption patterns (e.g., Aronson et al., 1994; Arthur, 1997; Longacre et al., 2000).
Producers may manufacture discrete sets of goods for different sets of consumers
(D. Arnold and Nieves, 1992, p. 103), and potters’ social and ethnic identities
also may affect the range of consumers who obtain their products (Bourges, 1996;
Choksi, 1995, pp. 97–106).
Recent ethnoarchaeological studies also outline ritual contexts that require
earthenware ceramics (e.g., Bowser, 2000; Hardin, 1996; Norman, 2000; Sterner,
1992). For example, potters in eastern India make earthenware planters to contain basil plants, which to Vaisnavite Hindus represent the embodiment of their
goddess Tulası̄ (e.g., Huyler, 1994). Other caste potters in eastern India manufacture large clay sculptures (some more than 4 m tall) that embody Hindu gods
and goddesses and that feature in annual religious celebrations (Blurton, 1997,
p. 171).
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
Ceramic Production, Distribution, and Social Boundaries
Ethnoarchaeologists and archaeologists alike continue to be interested in the
relationship between ceramic production, ceramic style, and social boundaries
(e.g., P. Arnold, 2000, pp. 113–114; Bowser, 2000, pp. 220–222; Carr, 1995; Carr
and Neitzel, 1995; David and Kramer, 2001, pp. 183–224; Hegmon, 1992, 1998,
2000, pp. 130–133; Rice, 1996a, pp. 148–153; Welsch and Terrell, 1998; Wobst,
1999). Much recent work focuses on style in its many manifestations: adjunct,
instrumental, isochrestic, iconological, active, passive, technological emblemic,
assertive, vernacular, latent, and deep (see a review in David and Kramer, 2001,
pp. 170–173).
This interest in style unites archaeologists of many theoretical stripes, including “evolutionary archaeologists” (sensu Lyman and O’Brien, 1998), who
measure the “interrelatedness” of ceramic assemblages using seriation techniques
(e.g., Neiman, 1995). This unity fractures, however, in competing interpretations
of style and function. What the selectionists separate, the neoprocessualists believe
may overlap (e.g., Sackett, 1990; Schiffer and Skibo, 1997, p. 43; Wobst, 1999,
p. 126). Ceramic ethnoarchaeological research illustrates that style has function
and function has style (David and Kramer, 2001, pp. 140–141; Hegmon, 1998,
pp. 264–271).
Increasing numbers of ethnoarchaeological studies concentrate on the relationship between technical choices and finished product, which Lechtman (1977)
first described as a “technological style.” This approach draws from two intellectual
lineages: (1) the work of Leroi-Gourhan and (to a lesser extent) Mauss on châine
opératoire, and (2) work by Bourdieu (1977) and others on practice theory and
structuration (see reviews in Dietler and Herbich, 1998, pp. 234–248; Stark, 1998,
pp. 5–7). Proponents of this approach examine the cultural construction of technologies and the importance of historical context and contingency (Dobres, 1999b;
Lemonnier, 1992, pp. 25–50, 1993, p. 7; Loney, 2000; Sillar, 1996, p. 283). This
approach uses empirical and comparative approaches and envisions a sophisticated
dynamic of causality that emphasizes intentionality and choice. In this perspective,
artisans have great latitude in the production process and make a series of technical
choices that determine the appearance of the final product (following Lemonnier,
1986, 1992, 1993). The entire manufacturing sequence or chaı̂ne opératoire, from
raw materials procurement to the addition of postfiring coatings to the vessel (e.g.,
Goto, 1997; Lugli and Vidale, 1996), creates a single, measurable entity that is
called technological style. One current weakness of the “technology and culture”
approach (Roux, 2001, p. 282; van der Leeuw, 1993, p. 238) lies in its practitioners’
lack of adherence to a coherent theoretical framework.
Recent ceramic ethnoarchaeological research has nonetheless made great
advances in measuring technical choices involved in selecting and preparing clays
(Gosselain, 1994, 1999; Livingstone Smith, 2000) and nonplastics (e.g., Efstratiou,
1992; Sillar, 2000; van den Bel et al., 1995), in shaping the vessel (de Ceuninck,
1994; Gelbert, 1999, p. 217; Gosselain, 1998; Gosselain and Livingstone Smith,
1995; Stark, 1999), and in choices regarding firing technology and facility (e.g.,
Pool, 2000). Some aspects of the shaping technique leave microtraces that are
visible to the ethnoarchaeologist in the field (De Crits, 1994; Huysecom, 1992,
1994) or in the laboratory (e.g., Courty and Roux, 1995; Roux, 1994). The shaping
stage of the manufacturing process may contain the greatest amount of information
about potter’s social identity, in part because motor habits involved in the shaping
process are so resistant to change (D. Arnold, 1998, p. 358; Reina and Hill, 1978,
p. 230; Rice, 1984a; van der Leeuw et al., 1992).
Other steps in the manufacturing sequence are more sensitive to change,
like decoration, firing techniques like smudging, and most postfiring treatments
(e.g., Gelbert, 1999, p. 219; Gosselain, 2000, pp. 191–193). Stylistic differences in
ceramic decoration distinguish ethnolinguistic groups and production communities
from each other in a single region (Ahern, 1993; DeBoer, 1990; Graves, 1994a,b;
Walde et al., 2000) or factions within a single community (Bowser, 2000, 2002;
Neupert, 1999, 2000). Technological styles in ceramic production also are echoed
in other domains of life and reflect core cultural concepts like containment in
Africa (e.g., Hardin, 1996) or transformation in Andean South America (Sillar,
1996). How artisans choose one alternative over another, however, requires more
investigation (van der Leeuw, 1993, p. 241).
Ceramic ethnoarchaeological work indicates that technological style, reflecting gender and other social identities, can be studied within individual communities, within regions, and even across parts of continents (e.g., Cort and Lefferts,
2000; De Crits, 1994; Gelbert, 1999; Gosselain, 2000, pp. 204–207; Hosler, 1996;
Mahias, 1993; Sillar, 1997, pp. 12–13; Vander Linden and Gosselain, 1996, p. 19).
Massive population movements involving large populations may leave their traces
in technological traditions. Historical archaeological research on African earthenware ceramic traditions in colonial and plantation sites (Ferguson, 1992; Garrow
and Wheaton, 1989) has inspired recent ethnoarchaeological research in the source
areas like southern Benı́n and Zaire (Norman, 2000; Smith, 1993; see a review in
Singleton, 1995, pp. 131–133). Technological styles of West African Kadiolo potters also may reflect the slave status of their nineteenth-century female ancestors,
who were forcibly moved to the region (Frank, 1993, p. 387), while entire Greek
potting communities were moved involuntarily after the collapse of the Ottoman
Empire (Kalentzidou, 2000a, p. 173).
Technological styles also can cross and thus smear social boundaries. In
Zaire, Elinga potters trade their wares with neighboring groups of farmers and
foragers from different groups, producing material culture patterning that does
not distinguish between these occupationally and socially discrete populations
(Misago, 1996, pp. 112–114). The operation of exchange relationships between
foragers and farmers in the Congo has a similar effect (e.g., Mercader et al.,
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
2000, pp. 180–181). So can patrilocal postmarital residence rules, as potters from
other villages (using other technological styles) move into their husbands’ villages and introduce new techniques to their affinal relatives (e.g., de Ceuninck,
Increasing numbers of ethnoarchaeologists (e.g., P. Arnold, 1998, 2000,
p. 123; Huysecom, 1992; O’Connell, 1995; Simms, 1992) call for research that
is more directly guided by explicit archaeological questions. Some criticisms of
the current literature stem from the fact that differing theoretical frameworks
structure ethnoarchaeological practice; it is not therefore surprising that hardline Binfordians believe that recent ceramic ethnoarchaeological literature that
does not seek to develop general laws through relational analogy unimportant. Not
all scholars, however, agree (e.g., Gallay et al., 1992). Regardless of theoretical
bent, closer linkages between archaeological questions and ethnoarchaeological
practice are clearly possible: the challenge lies in identifying questions that merit
ceramic ethnoarchaeological inquiry.
Ceramic ethnoarchaeological research has direct utility to scholars studying
ceramic production, consumption, distribution, social boundaries, and change (see
also Deal, 1998, p. 3). For example, recent work provides models and expectations
regarding material culture patterning that should be incorporated into research
designs (e.g., D. Arnold, 2000, p. 365; Gosselain, 1992b, 1998; Sackett, 1990;
Stark, 1998). In regions that have an unbroken tradition of ceramic manufacture,
ethnoarchaeological studies also can provide conventional analogies—often focusing on aspects of technology—that directly enhance archaeological research
(e.g., Redmount and Morgenstein, 1996).
Ethnoarchaeological research, coupled with materials science research and
experimental archaeology, provides valuable insights into the reconstruction of
ceramic manufacturing systems (e.g., Rice, 1996b, pp. 168–169; Sillar and Tite,
2000). Some behavioral factors, or “vulgarities of idiosyncratic expression”
(Bishop, 1992, p. 167), affect material compositional variability and can be studied
using ethnoarchaeological strategies (D. Arnold et al., 2000; Costin, 2000, p. 379;
Krishnan, 1997, p. 187; Neupert, 2000; Stark et al., 2000). Ceramic ethnoarchaeological studies also provide controlled samples that yield valuable comparative
data sets for technical studies on subjects ranging from ceramic compositional variability to the reconstruction of manufacturing techniques (e.g., D. Arnold et al.,
2000; Blackman et al., 1993, p. 60; Courty and Roux, 1995; Krishnan and Rao,
1994; Livingstone Smith, 2001; Roux, 1994; Tite, 1999, pp. 183, 208; Velde and
Druc, 1999, pp. 238–240; Walde et al., 2000).
Ethnoarchaeological research on manufacturing techniques, coupled with
controlled experimental studies, also helps define the relative importance of different performance characteristics. In their review of technical studies, Tite et al.
(2001, p. 321) conclude that ancient potters were clearly concerned with thermal
shock resistance, but not as concerned with ceramic strength and toughness as are
experimental archaeologists who like to study these physical properties of ceramics (see also D. Arnold et al., 2000, p. 342; Longacre et al., 2000, p. 287). In some
areas, these performance characteristics involve trade-offs: some griot potters in
the inland Niger delta produce thin-walled vessels which have higher heating effectiveness, but are more fragile and thus less valued by consumers (LaViolette,
2000, p. 62).
Ethnoarchaeological research on ceramic consumption helps archaeologists
model production scale in fourteenth- to-sixteenth-century south central India
(Sinopoli, 1999) and develop models of regional ceramic production systems in
the North American Southwest (e.g., Stark and Heidke, 1998). Comparative analyses using dimensional standardization data from ethnoarchaeological examples
comprise one of the most common archaeological applications of ceramic ethnoarchaeological data in recent years (e.g., Blackman et al., 1993; Crown, 1995;
B. Stark, 1995). Ceramic ethnoarchaeological data also help archaeologists estimate the accumulation rate and volume in the archaeological record (e.g., Varien
and Mills, 1997; Varien and Potter, 1997). In such work, archaeology and ethnoarchaeology have a symbiotic relationship (Varien and Mills, 1997, pp. 144–145).
Excluding those areas of the world with “strong archaeological cases” (well-dated
sites, established chronologies, and ideal deposits) like the North American Southwest, ethnoarchaeological data provide the best parameters for modeling accumulations rates.
Making Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology More Relevant
Ceramic ethnoarchaeology can be made still more relevant; it need not be
restricted to cautionary tales (following D. Arnold, 1991) or taphonomic correlates.
Reconciling spatial scales of ethnoarchaeological and archaeological study is a
prerequisite. Some questions concerning ceramic production, consumption, and
assemblage formation are best addressed at the household or community levels,
which are the scales at which most ethnoarchaeologists and ethnographers work.
Studying topics like ceramic distribution and social boundaries requires larger
geographic areas to approximate archaeological scales of analysis (MacEachern,
2001, p. 95), and some recent studies have attempted such work (e.g., D. Arnold
et al., 2000; Chávez, 1992; De Crits, 1994; Gosselain, 1992b, 1994, 1998, 2001;
MacEachern, 1998; Stark, 1994, 1999).
Ceramic ethnoarchaeologists can also improve the relevance of their work
by reading each other’s research more closely. Too much of the current research
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
is couched in a “case study” (rather than a comparative) format, in which the
author ignores substantial research on the topic. Adopting a more comparative
framework, as some scholars have done (e.g., D. Arnold, 1989, 1999; Gosselain,
1998, 2001; Mills, 1989; Nelson, 1991; Shott, 1996), strengthens each case study
by contextualizing it in its broader literature. Linguistic limitations also curtail the
relevance of ceramic ethnoarchaeological research. The fact that recent papers cite
so few publications in foreign languages suggests that most Americanists largely
overlook the non-English ceramic ethnoarchaeological research. Such oversight
contributes to the fragmentation of the field.
Not only do most ceramic ethnoarchaeologists study the small scale; they
study the short term: research projects rarely last long enough to approximate archaeological time. This discrepancy is a problem, and some archaeologists argue
that irreconcilable differences exist in time scales of ethnoarchaeological and archaeological research. Neff (2001, p. 278), for example, contends that focusing on
issues like technical choices in the manufacturing process addresses only proximate causes while the goal of selectionist archaeology is to understand ultimate
causes. Can ceramic ethnoarchaeological research ever be useful in understanding
long-term patterns of human change? Increasing numbers of studies use a multidecade or century-long time span that parallels time units used by archaeologists
(see also Hardin and Mills, 2000).
Most ceramic ethnoarchaeologists actively seek linkages between human behavior or daily practice and the material record, but they must work more diligently
to make their work relevant to archaeologists. Archaeologists can help make ceramic ethnoarchaeology more relevant by identifying key questions that ethnoarchaeological work might answer (sensu Costin, 2000). Doing so would produce more problem-oriented ceramic ethnoarchaeological research, with greater
interpretive returns for those studying archaeological ceramics.
Disappearing Ceramic Traditions in a Postcolonial World
Ongoing globalization is one of the greatest challenges for ceramic ethnoarchaeology’s future, since our work requires functioning pottery economies.
People whose technological organization and technical systems we study are engulfed in a massive set of cultural changes: economic development, educational
reform, and ensuing population pressure are some examples. These factors stimulate changes in traditional ceramic systems in tandem with massive urban-to-rural
Ceramic systems continue to shift or to disappear altogether—in some cases,
during the study period of the ceramic ethnoarchaeologist (e.g., Tekkök-Biçken,
2000, p. 100). It is already too late to work in most areas of Oceania, where
previously rich ceramic traditions have ceased (Descantes, 2001; May and Tuckson, 2000). For these reasons, scholars must heed Carol Kramer’s call for descriptive research (Kramer, 1985, p. 97) and documentation of these technologies
before they disappear (Hegmon, 2000, p. 134). Doing so requires theoretically
committed scholars to accommodate both explicitly ethnoarchaeological studies
and research that does not have explicitly taphonomic goals (see also Sinopoli,
1991, p. 178). This may prove difficult for Americanists who define ethnoarchaeology exclusively as Binfordian middle-range research. Such theoretical myopia
is, however, no longer acceptable. Widening ceramic ethnoarchaeology’s scope
is intellectually ethical (to enable international colleagues to make meaningful
contributions), scholarly (to broaden the range of literature available for building
models), and necessary (to document rapidly disappearing traditions).
Methodological Concerns
Lack of attention to methodological concerns (e.g., research design, sampling,
and relative merits of different data collections) continues to characterize ceramic
ethnoarchaeology despite periodic calls for greater rigor (David and Kramer, 2001,
pp. 63–85; Deal, 1994, pp. ix–x; Schiffer, 1978; Tani and Longacre, 1999). Several
recent studies, for example, compare informant-derived data with observational
data and identify problems inherent in relying on the former (e.g., Aronson et al.,
1994, pp. 98–102; Arthur, 1997, pp. 281–296; Hildebrand and Hagstrum, 1999,
p. 41; Neupert and Longacre, 1994). High-quality research requires a careful balance of observational and informant-derived data collection strategies.
High-quality ceramic ethnoarchaeological research also requires clear articulations between research questions and carefully selected research methods.
One reason why the subfield has been criticized is that—as Dietler (1999, p. 194)
points out—many archaeologists undertake such work without adequate training in
ethnographic field methodologies. Yet literature is available: work by the Coxoh
Ethnoarchaeological Project (Deal, 1998, pp. 4–7; Hayden and Cannon, 1984,
pp. 1–39) provides exemplary models of research methodology. So, too, does research in Africa (e.g., Arthur, 2002; LaViolette, 2000, pp. 13–17) and Mexico (e.g.,
Kaplan, 1994, pp. 65–81). Other researchers provide valuable guidance for why
study sites were chosen (e.g., Shott and Williams, 2001, pp. 102–103) and how
research was conducted (e.g., Arthur, 1997, pp. 284–285; Kramer, 1997, pp. 6–7;
Shott and Williams, 2001, pp. 104–105; Stark et al., 2000, pp. 306–307).
Making methodology explicit not only helps readers interpret resultant data,
but also enables researchers to replicate methodologies in different field settings
to produce stronger comparative studies. Examples of such work include research
on consumer preferences vis-à-vis raw materials selection (compare Arthur, 1997,
with Aronson et al., 1991, 1994) and vessel reuse behavior in Central and South
America (Deal and Hagstrum, 1995). Similarly, comparative studies of vessel use
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
life and size (e.g., Nelson, 1991; Shott, 1996) are only possible when similar
data collection techniques have been implemented. Posting research protocols
electronically could also advance efforts to standardize ethnoarchaeological data
collection techniques.
We also need a closer fit between the analytical units that archaeologists and
ethnoarchaeologists study (e.g., Deal, 1998, pp. 141–148; Shott and Williams,
2001, p. 101). Doing so requires attention to both the spatial and organizational
units that ethnoarchaeologists study (individual, household, community, and region) and also the material culture that these units generate. Ethnoarchaeologists
must also become more quantitative and less anecdotal in their data collection.
Ethnoarchaeological studies of dimensional standardization provide a good model:
most studies measure similar dimensions and use similar quantitative measures of
variability, which facilitates comparison with archaeological assemblages (e.g.,
Blackman et al., 1993; Eerkens and Bettinger, 2001; B. Stark, 1995).
A final methodological issue concerns the length and intensity of field research. Regrettably few ethnoarchaeological studies involve the kind of long-term
commitment at the field season level that characterizes ethnographic work (David
and Kramer, 2001, p. 64; Kramer, 1994, p. 320; but see Arthur, 2000; Bowser,
2002), and that provides valuable insights regarding the nature of human–material
culture interaction. While some role exists in salvage ethnoarchaeology for regional
surveys of ceramic traditions (e.g., Huyler, 1996; May and Tuckson, 2000; Reina
and Hill, 1978), the most useful ethnoarchaeological research requires a sustained
commitment to a host community and its population. Ceramic ethnoarchaeology
produced through short field visits to the field of a few weeks to a few months is often inadequate for carefully documenting the cultural and environmental contexts
of technological change (David and Kramer, 2001, p. 406).
Greater commitment is needed to long-term research projects (D. Arnold,
1991, pp. 327–328; London, 2000b, pp. 6–7; Rice, 1996b, p. 188), despite resistance from some scholars (e.g., P. Arnold, 2000, p. 122). Several different strategies
can be used to obtain this level of commitment. For example, conducting fieldwork
repeatedly over several years, mitigates against problems inherent in short-term
research (D. Arnold, 1991, p. 327). So, too, does conducting short-term research
as part of a longitudinal project, where the broader project provides a research
foundation and context (see also David and Kramer, 2001, pp. 50–51).
More integrated research is also needed that embeds ceramic production systems into their particular historical contexts. Ethnoarchaeological research done
in the context of the direct historical approach is more likely to be integrated into
archaeological insights. Some recently published ceramic ethnoarchaeological research uses the direct historical approach to dictate one’s research location and
combines locally relevant research questions with a more general framework of
study. Work by the Coxoh Ethnoarchaeological project in Guatemala (e.g., Hayden
and Cannon, 1984) exemplifies this framework: Michael Deal’s ceramic ethnoarchaeological research (Deal, 1998) through the project provides important insights
both for interpreting the local archaeological record and for building comparative
models (see also Deal and Hagstrum, 1995). So, too, does work by the Banda Research Project in Ghana (e.g., Cruz, 1996; Stahl, 1999; Stahl and Cruz,
Researchers also should place ceramic ethnoarchaeological studies into their
broader cultural contexts because ceramics carry less information than we would
like (see also Wobst, 1999, p. 131) and form one part of a larger social and material world. Researchers can examine a wider range of artisans in a particular
society (e.g., LaViolette, 2000) or work in teams with multiple specialists who
examine different traditions within the same society. This latter approach has
been done by members of the Mandara Archaeological Project (e.g., David et al.,
1988; MacEachern, 1998; Walde et al., 2000) and the Kalinga Ethnoarchaeological Project (e.g., Longacre and Skibo, 1994b). Combining ethnohistorical and
ethnoarchaeological approaches with archaeological research, as the Banda Research Project (Stahl, 1999, 2001) has done, also generates on long-term patterns of
More interdisciplinary collaboration is needed to bring together ethnoarchaeological, experimental, and analytical approaches to study topics of archaeological
concern (e.g., Deal, 1998, p. 174; Longacre, 1992; Picon, 1992; Sillar, 2000, p. 57).
Comparative ethnoarchaeological research provides a necessary complement to
controlled research in the laboratory (Livingstone Smith, 2001, p. 1001) and occasionally offers superior results to those obtained through simulations (Rice, 1996b,
p. 170).
The Ethical Imperative
Archaeologists’ autocritique in the 1980s and 1990s (e.g., Earle and Preucel,
1987; Yoffee and Sherratt, 1993) and key legislative changes in cultural resources
management have compelled archaeologists to recognize their responsibilities to
the communities in which they work. Nowhere are such responsibilities greater
than when one works in a “living community.” Ethnoarchaeologists must consider
research ethics (e.g., David and Kramer, 2001, pp. 72–75, 88–90). In a transnational world, our extraordinarily tolerant friends and “consultants” who welcome
us into their homes and their pottery workshops increasingly have access to print
and electronic media; many of them will read what we write. Ceramic ethnoarchaeologists must exercise care in using sensitive economic and personal data, how
we reference our study location, and whether we name our consultants. Adopting
new media techniques, from videography (Deal, 1998, p. 173) and other digital
recording mechanisms to web-based media, will make research more accessible
to several publics that include members of host communities.
Ceramic ethnoarchaeologists work in communities that are not simply “laboratories within which to test and sharpen methods of archaeological inference”
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
(Lane, 1996, p. 730); they contain people and households and factions with long
memories. We must exercise caution to avoid objectifying the people whose material culture we study (Gosden, 1999, p. 9; MacEachern, 1996, p. 246). Some
ethnoarchaeologists may even abandon their research to assume advocacy roles
at different points in their careers (David and Kramer, 2001, p. 87; Kent, 1996,
pp. 25–26).
Relationships that ethnoarchaeologists form in their study communities are
meaningful to the residents; care is needed in these relationships during and after
research (David and Kramer, 2001, pp. 85–87). Contributing back to the study
communities, both during and after the fieldwork experience, is an ethical imperative (David and Kramer, 2001, p. 87). So is respecting indigenous protocol and
knowledge, and considering the short- and long-term impact of our research on
the people who host us (David and Kramer, 2001, pp. 75–77). In some cases, respect involves refraining from publishing studies on sensitive topics and seriously
considering how we depict our host communities in print. Adhering to such ethics
is a small price to pay for the wealth of knowledge and experience that our host
communities so willingly share with us as we continue our efforts to understand
what happened in the past.
Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology of the Future
Myriad topics merit future ceramic ethnoarchaeological research in many
regions of the world. The world’s pottery-manufacturing systems remain to be
studied in vast areas of the world, including much of East and Southeast Asia.
Research also is needed in industrial urban settings, like those described in parts
of the Old World (Hudson, 1997; Kramer, 1994, 1997; Nicholson and Patterson,
1992), to provide comparable material for archaeologists working in complex
Costin’s recent discussion (Costin, 2000) cogently summarizes key issues in
ceramic production that merit future research. Studies are needed to document
variation in clay-mining technologies, the spatial configuration of ceramic production activity areas (workshops and firing locales), and production facilities
(like tanks for slaking and levigating clays, trampling floors for preparing pastes,
potter’s wheels, kilns and ovens for firing (following Pool, 1992, p. 298). We
need research on the scale and nature of production units with respect to compositional variability and physical characteristics of the manufactured products (Costin,
2000, pp. 388–389; David and Kramer, 2001, p. 358; Livingstone Smith, 2001,
p. 1001). Continued studies of product standardization and producer specialization
could refine models and measurements for archaeological application (Eerkens,
2000, p. 667). More comparative research that follows Dean Arnold’s precedent (1985) could refine our understanding of relationships between agricultural
productivity, raw materials, and demographic and economic variables (Costin,
2000, p. 382).
More research is needed on social and behavioral factors that influence ceramic variability (David and Kramer, 2001, p. 418; Rice, 1996b, p. 169; van der
Leeuw, 1993, pp. 240–241), from the relative salience of different manufacturing
steps in signaling cultural affiliation to the relative importance of different physical
properties in raw materials selection and preparation (Costin, 2000, p. 383; Rice,
1996b, p. 169; Shott and Williams, 2001, p. 110; Tite, 1999, p. 218). Developing a
systematic, cross-cultural database on clays, tempers, and firing temperatures used
worldwide, as Tite et al. (2001, p. 322) recommend, also would provide valuable
information to compare against experimental data.
Future research also should concentrate on ceramic consumption: in particular, more work is needed using pottery inventories on variability in consumer
assemblages at the household and community levels. Additional long-term projects
are necessary to monitor life histories of individual ceramic vessels (Shott, 1996,
p. 480). The collection of additional data on ceramic discard and recycling also
would refine models.
Little recent ethnoarchaeological research has concentrated on ceramic distributional patterning. Recent studies by Chávez (1992) and Kramer (1997) provide
models for future research at the regional scale, which might be organized using
GIS techniques. More work is also needed that examines the social relations of
distribution in order to evaluate extant archaeological models (see Kramer, 1997,
pp. 170–176, for model).
Ceramic ethnoarchaeological research on ceramic production, consumption,
and social boundaries is integral to archaeological interpretation. Ethnoarchaeologists, like their archaeologist counterparts, still struggle with notions of ethnic
groups as static entities and currently work to improve their methods for studying technological style (Hegmon, 2000, pp. 131–132). Future research could investigate differences in manufacturing techniques within communities, and from
one generation to the next. More work also is needed on the nature of material correlates for social boundaries, which are complicated (e.g., Dietler and
Herbich, 1994; Gosselain, 1998, 2000; MacEachern, 1998; Stark, 1999; Stark
et al., 2000; Sterner, 1992; Welsch and Terrell, 1998) and exhibit clinal variability that remains poorly understood (Graves, 1994b, pp. 48–49; Kramer, 1997,
p. 181).
Ceramic ethnoarchaeological research can help also construct theoretical
units that can be identified in the archaeological record (Dunnell, 1995, pp. 41–
42). Such units may characterize production communities (D. Arnold et al., 1991,
1999, 2000; Stark et al., 2000) of one or multiple villages and that cover
geographic areas as large as 8 × 5 km2 (Druc, 2000, p. 87). Ceramic ethnoarchaeologists contribute to the identification of “low-level principles” and
“material–behavior correlates,” and also to studies of physical and technological
Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
properties of raw materials, manufacturing techniques, and motor skills (Rice,
1996b, pp. 189–190).
This paper has surveyed recent advances in ceramic ethnoarchaeology by focusing first on the field’s current definitions, competing approaches, and regional
traditions. Theoretical tensions within ceramic ethnoarchaeology were highlighted
to illustrate how adherence to some theoretical frameworks significantly affects
how we define, undertake, and apply ceramic ethnoarchaeological research. Discussion then turned to salient research themes and contributions that recent research
has made to archaeological interpretation. Whether—and how—future ceramic
ethnoarchaeologists will conduct their research remains an open question, given
the rapid disappearance of ceramic systems worldwide. A host of methodological concerns confronts each future ethnoarchaeologist, in terms of both research
design and ethics; some of these issues were addressed. This paper’s last section
identified many potential areas for future research and provides a springboard
rather than an authoritative source.
Ceramic ethnoarchaeological research today is dynamic and popular worldwide. One index of this field’s health lies in the large number of publications
summarized here. Another is the existence of several thoughtful recent reviews;
still another is the lively debate that surrounds the practice and application of
ceramic ethnoarchaeological research. This paper’s central objective has been to
demonstrate the viability and vibrancy of ceramic ethnoarchaeology and to present
this approach as an integral component of world archaeology. Its many applications, including those outside the processual, Americanist framework, strengthen
archaeological interpretation globally. We have much to learn from looking beyond
our own theoretical and national borders.
This paper is dedicated to the memory of Carol Kramer: it could not have been
written without her many years of advice, assistance, and extraordinary mentoring. Gary Feinman is gratefully acknowledged for his patience with me in finally
producing this document. Deep thanks also go to Bill Longacre for his continuous
encouragement and support of my participation in the Kalinga project. Several colleagues also provided valuable bibliographic research support: Sutee Veerawan,
Nic David, and Charles Kolb. Thanks also go to Dean Arnold, John Arthur, Brenda
Bowser, Cathy Costin, Olivier Gosselain, and Anne Underhill for sharing their recent research with me, and to Maria de Dores Cruz for translation assistance with
Portuguese publications. The following colleagues provided particularly useful
comments on various iterations of this review: Brenda Bowser, Nic David, Ann
Stahl, Dean Arnold, Jim Bayman, Carla Sinopoli, and Michael Galaty. I followed
many of their recommendations, as well as those of others. Faults with this review,
however, rest squarely on my shoulders.
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Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
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Current Issues in Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology
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