Physiol. Res. 53 (Suppl. 1): S177-S185, 2004
From Spreading Depression to Spatial Cognition
Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Memory, Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the
Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
Received February 10, 2004
Accepted March 10, 2004
The Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Memory started its existence in 1954 by systematic research into spreading
depression of EEG activity of laboratory rodents and by the use of this remarkable phenomenon as a functional ablation
method in behavioral research. Its main contributions were in the study of memory formation and consolidation,
interhemispheric transfer, motor learning, conditioned taste aversion and spatial orientation and navigation. In the last
five years it concentrated on navigation of rats in multiple reference frames, on electrophysiological evidence for the
role of hippocampal place cells support of behavior in such dissociated frames, on the analysis of idiothetic and
allothetic forms of navigation and on the mathematical methods allowing assessment of the contribution of goal
directed locomotion to place cell activity. The methods used in spatial memory research in rats were used for
examination of human subjects in a laboratory equipped with a tracking system for humans in the hospital Homolka.
Animal models of Alzheimer disease were studied in transgenic mice with the human gene for the beta amyloid
precursor protein.
Key words
Spreading EEG depression • Spatial memory • Place cells • Hippocampus • Alzheimer’s disease
Historical introduction
The Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Memory
belongs to the oldest research units of the Institute of
Physiology ASCR in Prague. Its history is reviewed in
more detail by Bureš (2003). It was informally started 50
years ago by publication of two papers on spreading
depression (SD) of EEG activity (Bureš 1954a,b),
reporting the possibility to elicit this remarkable
phenomenon in non-anaesthetized rats. This finding
stimulated the rather ambitious project to use local
blockade of the depressed brain regions as a reversible
functional ablation procedure (Burešová 1956, Bureš et
al. 1958) and to organize a research group dedicated to
this task. Such unit was officially established in 1958 as
the Laboratory of Physiology of Central Nervous System
with Jan Bureš, Olga Burešová, Jiří Křivánek, Eva
Fifková and Tomáš Weiss as the founding members. The
method was widely used in the fifties and sixties to
achieve reversible decortication for investigations
concerned with the formation of localized engrams
(Bureš and Burešová 1960a), analysis of their stability,
accessibility and migration (Bureš and Burešová 1960b)
and disruption of the memory consolidation process
(Bureš and Burešová 1963).
In the late sixties this group pioneered research
into the nature of network connectivity underlying
classical conditioning at the level of single neurons
(Bureš and Burešová 1967) by using electrical or
iontophoretic stimulation of the recorded cell as the
© 2004 Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
ISSN 0862-8408
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Bureš and Lánský
unconditioned stimulus. In the early seventies, the
laboratory concentrated its efforts on additional
behavioral models, conditioned taste aversion (Burešová
and Bureš 1973) and motor learning (Dolbakyan et al.
1977) and its name was changed to the Laboratory of
Neurophysiology of Memory.
During the last two decades recognition of the
importance of animal models of declarative memory has
oriented the laboratory to spatial memory research (Bureš
and Burešová, 1990). Relevant contributions concerned
methodological development in this field (two-level
radial maze, aversively motivated radial maze, on
demand platform in the computerized water maze) and
the role of neocortex and hippocampus in the
mechanisms of spatial orientation.
Results of the above research form the bulk of
almost 500 primary articles and chapters and three
monographs (Bureš et al. 1974, 1988, 1998) published
from 1949 to 2003. Throughout its 50-year-long history
the laboratory served as training center hosting more than
100 graduate and postdoctoral students and visiting
scientists from 27 different countries, who coauthored
about 50 % of its publication output. The side products of
the teaching activities were several books on
neuroscience methods (Bureš et al. 1960, 1976, 1984)
which appeared in repeated English editions and were
translated into Russian and Chinese.
Present state
In the last five years, the research of our
laboratory has concentrated almost exclusively on spatial
memory of rats and mice while spreading depression,
conditioned taste aversion, and motor learning have
gradually been phased out. The inaugural PNAS article
was an important publication for this period (Bureš et al.
1997). It formulated the assumption that place cells
participate in navigation behavior and verifying it by
experiments making it possible to record simultaneously
place cell activity and place navigation. In the place
avoidance task the rat foraging for food dispersed over a
metal arena was punished by mild foot shock for entering
a to be avoided region defined either in the coordinate
system of the room (room frame) or of the arena (arena
frame). When the arena was stable, both systems
overlapped and yielded identical tracks. The rat rapidly
learned a passive avoidance of the punished sector and
concentrated its foraging to the safe part of the arena even
when the shock was disconnected.
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An interesting situation arises when the arena is
made to slowly rotate at 1 rpm (Fenton et al. 1998). A
trained rat is now exposed to an ambivalent state that may
sometimes require different responses. It may be far from
the part of arena floor, which was associated with shocks
during pre-training in the stationary situation, but at the
same time arena rotation may bring the rat into the
punished room frame location. After 10 to 20 s the above
conditions reverse: the rat is out of the dangerous zone
according to its room frame position but inside it
according to its arena frame position. Strong passive
avoidance formed on the stable arena forces the rat to
avoid two places: the room frame defined zone of
punishment (e.g. the North-East sector of the arena) and
the arena frame defined part of the floor delivering
shocks. In the absence of punishment this “double place
avoidance” extinguishes after 2 to 3 sessions, but can be
changed into a permanent response, when the foot shock
is applied as soon as the animal enters either the room
frame-defined or the arena frame-defined sector of its
surface. In the first case, the task cannot be solved by
passive avoidance, because rotation of the arena would
eventually transport the rat into the punished sector. Thus
the rat has to move against the rotation of the arena and
superimpose this active avoidance on the foraging in the
safe part of the arena. In the second case, when the rat is
punished for entering a specific segment of the arena
floor the task can still be solved by passive avoidance.
Finally, it was possible to punish the animal both for
entering the room frame defined and the arena frame
defined regions. This means avoidance of two different
places on the rotating arena.
The passive avoidance run without foraging is
not very suitable for place cell recording because it often
elicits reduced activity in the parts of the arena most
remote from the punished sector. From this point of view,
the active avoidance on rotating arena is preferable
because it forces the animal to move in circular paths
around the center of the arena, but most of these
trajectories are close to the periphery of the arena and are
too narrow to represent standard firing fields. This
disadvantage is absent in the appetitive place preference
task (Rossier et al. 2000). Rats are trained to find a room
frame or arena frame-defined place on the arena and stay
there for 1 s. This triggers delivery of a food pellet to a
random location on the arena. To get the food the rat has
to leave the trigger point and search the arena. After the
pellet has been found, the animal must return to the
trigger point to release another one. The advantage of this
From Spreading Depression to Spatial Cognition
arrangement is that the whole surface of the arena is
freely accessible to the foraging rat, which spends most
time (more than 90 %) in random search of the invisible
pellet. The straight goal-directed runs account for only
5 % of the 30-min session. The place preference task
combines the foraging task routinely used for plotting
firing fields of hippocampal place cells with navigation to
a hidden location corresponding to the trigger point
activating the feeder. In this way it is possible to verify
the assumption that navigation requires activity of place
cells implementing the cognitive maps that are
presumably indispensable for successful navigation.
First results obtained with this method (Zinyuk
et al. 2000) showed that in rats with long foraging
experience the most firing fields (58 %) recorded on
stable arena dissipate on rotating arena. On the other
hand, most firing fields (78 %) recorded in rats trained in
the place preference task remained preserved during
rotation of the arena. The fact that the rats were trained to
navigate to a room frame-defined location on rotating
arena was reflected in the ratio of room frame-defined
and arena frame-defined firing fields which was 3/2 in
foragers and 12/3 in navigators. The above results are
consonant with the assumption that navigation to a room
frame defined goal needs a support of room framedependent firing fields. Figure 1 shows results of a
similar place cell activity recording performed during
double place avoidance task (Klement et al. 2004).
Stable arena
Firing rate
>5 Hz
>0 Hz
>unvisited places
Rotating arena
Room frame
Arena frame
The finding that the arena frame dependent
firing fields remain preserved in darkness suggested that
they are supported by idiothesis and tactile or olfactory
intramaze cues. This possibility was examined in
experiments in which parts of arena not contacting the
animal were shuffled so that the cues on arena floor were
destabilized and made irrelevant for navigation (Stuchlík
Fig. 1. Place cell activity
correlates of a double place
avoidance experiment. Above :
distribution of spikes recorded
during a 15-min session from a
CA1 pyramidal cell of a rat trained
to avoid the northern sector of
the stationary arena. Efficient
avoidance is indicated by the
white (unvisited) part of the
arena. Note the well delineated
firing field at the eastern margin
of the arena. Below : the same
unit on the rotating arena when
the rat was punished for visiting
the segment of the arena
pointing to the north and for
visiting the part of the floor which
was punished on the stable
arena. The firing maps show
generated by the particular unit
during repeated visits of the rat in
various positions plotted either in
the room frame or in the arena
frame. Note that the firing field is
well preserved in the room frame
but it fully dissipates in the arena
frame. This indicates that this
unit may help the rat to recognize
its position relative to the
punished northern sector but its
activity does not help the rat to
find the safe sector of the arena
et al. 2001). Active place avoidance in the darkness
allowed the animal to stay outside the prohibited sector of
the rotating arena for 10 to 20 min. This performance
mediated by intramaze cue supported idiothesis
deteriorated to 2 min when the surface of the arena was
shuffled, probably because the cumulative errors of path
integration could not be corrected by intra-maze
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Bureš and Lánský
allothesis. Similar result was obtained when the arena
was covered by 2 cm layer of water obliterating the local
tactile and olfactory cues so that it was changed into a
wading pool.
Fig. 2. Locomotion tracks tell what was on the mind of the
subject solving the navigation task irrespective of whether it is an
animal or a human being. This can be illustrated in a series of
place navigation experiments in the water maze. The rat is
trained for 5 days to swim 8 times per day from the wall of the
small pool (diameter 90 cm) to the underwater escape platform
in the pool center ( B). Similar training continues to the center of
the large pool (diameter 190 cm) ( A). After both tasks are
learned to asymptotic performance the animal is exposed to a
situation requiring decision between several alternatives. I t is
placed into the pool in total darkness without knowing whether it
is in a large pool, a small pool or a pool of completely different
shape and size. I ts track ( C) is an eloquent expression of its
changing assessment of the situation. I t assumes first that it was
placed into the small pool and starts its search in the expected
location of the escape platform. When it finds nothing there, the
rat rejects the small pool hypothesis and assumes that it is in the
large pool and continues its centripetal swim to the presumed
center of the large pool, where it eventually finds the goal
(Wittnerová and Bureš 2004).
Critical role of hippocampus in place navigation
has been demonstrated by lesions and functional ablation
(Fenton and Bureš 1993). Whereas bilateral blockade is
required for disruption of the water maze escape behavior
or of the place avoidance task on stable arena, spatial
behavior requiring dissociation of two reference frames is
disrupted already by unilateral blockade elicited by
injection of 5 ng of tetrodotoxin (TTX) into one dorsal
hippocampus. A simple version of such behavior is
avoidance of a room frame defined sector (e.g.
North-East) of the rotating arena, which requires the rat
to move against the movement of the arena in order to
avoid mild foot shock (Cimadevilla et al. 2001) This
active allothetic place avoidance (AAPA) task is
disrupted by hippocampal TTX injection applied before
training (blockade of acquisition), immediately after
training (blockade of memory consolidation) or before
retrieval testing (blockade of memory readout). It seems
that AAPA sensitivity to disruption is due to the necessity
to disregard one of the standard reference frames (arena
frame) and pay attention only to the other one (room
Sequential dissociation of memories activated by
a rat solving complex navigational problems can also be
demonstrated by the trajectory of the animal’s movement
in the water maze (Fig. 2). When the initial goal was not
found, the search was directed to the subsequent goal
showing a well conceived cognitive plan. Experiments of
this type will be used in the research of electrophysiological correlates of the neural representation of
the goal-directed locomotion.
The room frame and arena frame are not the only
reference systems governing the spatial behavior of
animals. In the nature animals must follow biologically
important moving objects the locomotion of which may
interfere with their access to food, endanger their pups or
limit their home range. A simple model of predator
avoidance (Paštálková and Bureš 2001) uses two rats,
carrying different LED markers, engaged in foraging on a
circular arena. Their locomotion is recorded with a
computerized tracking system which delivers to one rat
(the prey) mild foot shocks when it is closer than 20 cm
from the other rat (the predator). In the no shock
habituation period, the two rats prefer to be close
together, about 10 to 15 cm from each other. After the
shock is introduced, the prey rat rapidly learns to stay
away from the predator rat, i.e. to keep a safe distance
from the approaching predator. After 20 sessions the
modal distance between the two rats increases to 40 cm.
The prey rat receives during a 20 min session only a few
shocks, most of which were administered during sudden
rapid approach of the predator to the inattentive prey.
More predictable results can be obtained when a robot is
From Spreading Depression to Spatial Cognition
used instead of the predator, because it uses linear paths
of constant velocity. Figure 3 shows the robot and the rat
on arena and gives examples of the rat’s reactions to the
approaching robot.
Fig. 3. Rat-robot avoidance. Left : The rat carefully observes the robot waiting at a distant section of the arena wall. Right : Tracks of
the robot (straight) and of the rat (tortuous). The points indicate positions of the robot and of the rat at 100 ms intervals. The thin lines
connecting the robot points and rat points indicate their mutual positions at selected times. The letters S and E indicate the positions of
the robot and rat at the start and the end of the record. Note that the rat was immobile at the N section of the wall while the robot
started to move from SW to N. When the rat-robot distance approached the shock delivery level, the rat moved to E and stayed there
while the robot returned to SW. After the robot stopped at the wall, turned around and started to move to NE, the rat assessed the
direction of the robot’s next movement and made another rush to by-pass the robot at a safe distance and assumed a position at S
(Svoboda and Telensky, unpublished results).
In a model of appetitive cooperation (Svoboda et
al. 2003) two rats learn an operant approach-withdrawal
task. When they approach to less than 10 cm to each
other, the tracking system activates the feeder which
delivers a pellet onto the arena. The rats disperse to find
the food and to increase their mutual distance to more
than 50 cm. When this condition is satisfied, the feeder is
loaded with another pellet and prepared to deliver it when
the rats come again together. After ten training sessions,
the rats learned to synchronize their activities and
perform a kind of dance, in which the approach-trigger
pellet delivery was followed by departure in different
directions and subsequent pellet search. The rat, which
has found the food, estimates the distance from the other
rat and when it is too short, it tries to increase it. The
other rat is either continuing the search or cooperating by
locomotion in opposite direction. When at least one rat
decides that the critical distance has been reached, it will
start the approach run which often coincides with an
opposite movement of the partner rat. Whereas in the
predation model only the prey learns to move in the
reference frame formed around the predator, in the spatial
cooperation task both animals can contribute to its
successful solution by assuming proper positions in the
reference frame formed by both animals.
Several papers were devoted to place recognition
during passive transport of the animal through familiar
environment. Whereas in the AAPA task the passive
transport of the immobile rat toward the shock sector of
the room elicited recognition of the approaching danger
and triggered protective locomotion, in the new
experiments subject’s recognition of a definite position in
the environment indicated availability of reward and was
manifested by increased activity in an operant task. In the
first study (Klement and Bureš 2000) a rat in a Skinner
box placed on the periphery of a rotating arena was
trained to observe the experimental room through the
transparent centrifugal wall of the box and to bar press
when the long axis of the Skinner box passed through a
60° sector of the circular trajectory. The rats rapidly
learned the task, started to bar press when the Skinner
box approached to –30° from the reward sector, ceased
bar pressing when eating the first pellet and when passing
through the segments of the trajectory opposite the target
zone. Under extinction conditions bar pressing
culminated throughout the passage of the Skinner box
Bureš and Lánský
across the reward sector, but stopped shortly after the
Skinner box had left the rewarded part of the trajectory.
The next step of the place recognition research
addressed the question whether passive transport of the
observer is an essential prerequisite of place recognition.
Paštálková et al. (2003) placed the rat into a Skinner box,
the transparent front wall of which overlooked a slowly
rotating scene surrounded by a black curtain. The rat
could observe the scene and bar pressing was only
rewarded when the configuration of objects forming the
scene assumed a specific position relative to the Skinner
box. Rats learned in 20 sessions to concentrate bar
pressing into a –30° angle anticipating the reward
orientation and into the subsequent –15° segment of the
reward zone. An important feature of this experiment is
that the Skinner box was immobile and that absence of
vestibular signals indicated to the animal that the
movement of the scene was not produced by self-motion.
When the conditions of the experiment were inversed
(Skinner box rotated around the stationary scene), rats
learned to recognize the rewarded scene orientation as
efficiently as they did when observing the rotating scene.
Theoretical and methodological investigations
were performed in addition to the experimental studies.
The spontaneous firing activity of the place cells reflects
the position of an experimental animal in its arena. The
firing rate is high inside the firing field and low outside.
It is a generally accepted concept that this is the way in
which the hippocampus stores a map of the environment.
This well-known fact was reinvestigated (Fenton and
Muller, 1998) and it was found that while the activity was
highly reliable in position, it did not retain the same
reliability in time. The numbers of action potentials fired
during different passes through the firing field were
substantially different (overdispersion). This overdispersion indicates that place cells carry information in
addition to position. We have presented a mathematical
model based on a doubly stochastic Poisson process,
which is able to reproduce the experimental findings
(Lánský and Vaillant 2000, Lánský et al. 2001). This
model enables us to propose specific statistical inference
on the experiments in order to verify data and model
compatibility. Furthermore, it permits to speculate about
the neural mechanisms leading to the overdispersion in
the activity of the place cells. Namely, the statistical
variation of the intensity of firing can be achieved, for
example, by introducing a hierarchical structure into the
local neural network.
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The informational content of the locationspecific discharge of rat hippocampal cells is usually
quantified by an average for the entire behaviorally
accessible space. In contrast to this "global" information
measure, we considered information that can be obtained
from "local" spike counts at each position. The properties
of these local information measures were illustrated on
simulated data of location-specific spike counts. Next, the
place cell data recorded from rats foraging in a cylindrical
arena with two cue cards on its walls were analyzed. It
was shown that information at the centers of firing fields
is higher for fields nearer to the cues. Neither firing rates
nor "global" information measure detects differences
between fields near and far from the cues. Thus, analyses
of the location-specific information provide a new tool
for studying the location-specific activity. We found that
while a rat is foraging in an open space, this additional
information may arise from a process that alternatingly
modulates the inputs to place cells by about 10 % with a
mean period of about a second. It is argued that an
additional signal carried by place cells is information
about which navigation mode is currently being used
(Olypher et al. 2002b, 2003).
While the bulk of our research was devoted to
development of methods suitable for investigation of
basic aspects of spatial cognition of animals, we have
also examined possible application of our methods in
clinically oriented studies. With the support of the
McDonnell-Pew and GACR grants a neuropsychological
laboratory equipped with a dry arena for navigation
testing of human subjects and with a computerized
tracking system was established in the hospital Na
Homolce and used for examination of spatial memory of
patients after hippocampal neurosurgery of intractable
epilepsy (Bohbot et al. 1998). A battery of navigation
tests was developed and used for examination of healthy
people (Štěpánková et al. 2003), neurological and
psychiatric patients as well as for evaluation of similar
virtual tests, intended for early diagnostic of memory
deficits heralding the first stages of Alzheimer’s disease
and other neurodegenerative disorders.
In collaboration with USA and Finland we
examined spatial memory of transgenic mice expressing
the human beta amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP) and
demonstrated significant deterioration of water maze
performance even in animals lacking amyloid plaques
(Koistinaho et al. 2001). This research continues in
pharmacological models of Alzheimer’s disease in mice
which develop several months after intracerebral
injection of beta amyloid precursor protein significant
impairment of navigation behavior. It is hoped, that
administration of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory drugs
or drugs preventing aggregation of beta-APP into plaques
may show directions for future causal therapy of this
degenerative process.
Beside traditional experimental studies, we shall
also apply theoretical and computational approaches in
order to contribute to better understanding of information
processes performed by neurons and neuronal nets. We
will be primarily concerned with mechanisms that are
crucial in information transfer from input activation to
output signaling. The primary tool will be mathematical
analysis based on the theory of stochastic processes and
differential equations, supplemented by computer
From Spreading Depression to Spatial Cognition
Currently most of the computational algorithms
used in artificial systems are deterministic to ensure
absolute reliability of the computational process. On the
other hand, there is increasing evidence that the
computational algorithms used by nervous systems are
stochastic, which at the risk of marginal decrease of
reliability are far more efficient than the deterministic
ones. We will investigate these stochastic principles of
information coding in nervous system and on the basis of
the achieved results new computational algorithms for
man-made devices, like computers or artificial sensors,
can be proposed and/or computational processes in living
systems influenced.
Supported by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic (Research Project AVOZ 5011922) and GACR
(309/03/0715 and 309/02/1218).
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PAŠTÁLKOVÁ E, KELEMEN E, BUREŠ J: Operant behavior can be triggered by the position of the rat relative to
objects rotating on an inaccessible platform. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 100: 2094-2099, 2003.
From Spreading Depression to Spatial Cognition
ROSSIER J, KAMINSKY YU, SCHENK F, BUREŠ J: The place preference task, a new tool for studying the relation
between behavior and place cell activity in rats. Behav Neurosci 114: 273-284, 2000.
ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ K, PAŠTÁLKOVÁ E, KALOVÁ E, KALINA M, BUREŠ J: A battery of tests for quantitative
examination of idiothetic and allothetic navigation modes in humans. Behav Brain Res 147: 95-105, 2003.
STUCHLÍK A, FENTON AA, BUREŠ J: Substratal idiothetic navigation is impaired by removal or devaluation of
extra-maze and intra-maze cues. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 98: 14675-14680, 2001.
SVOBODA J, TELENSKÝ P, BUREŠ J: Role of spatial cognition in an operant withdrawal-approach task performed
by two rats. Program No. 622.10. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for
Neuroscience, 2003.
WITTNEROVÁ S, BUREŠ J: Idiothetic navigation of rats in pools of simple geometry. Physiol Res 53: (in press) 2004.
ZINYUK L, KUBIK S, KAMINSKY YU, FENTON AA, BUREŠ J: Understanding hippocampal activity using
purposeful behavior: place navigation induces place cell discharge in both the task-relevant and task-irrelevant
spatial reference frames. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA, 97: 3771-3776, 2000.
Reprint requests
Dr. Jan Bureš, Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Vídeňská 1083, 14220 Prague,
Czech Republic. E-mail: