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2022, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)…
5 pages
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Road accidents and traffic congestion are the major problems in urban areas. Currently there is no technology for accident detection. Also due to the delay in reaching of the ambulance to the accident location and the traffic congestion in between accident location and hospital increases the chances of the death of victim. There is a need of introducing a system to reduce the loss of life due to accidents and the time taken by the ambulance to reach the hospital. To overcome the drawback of existing system we will implement the new system in which there is an automatic detection of accident through sensors provided in the vehicle. A main server unit houses the database of all hospitals in the city. A GPS and Wi-Fi module in the concerned vehicle will send the location of the accident to the main server which will rush an ambulance from a nearest hospital to the accident spot. Along with this there would be control of traffic light signals in the path of the ambulance using RF communication. This will minimize the time of ambulance to reach the hospital. A patient monitoring system in the ambulance will send the vital parameters of the patient to the concerned hospital. This system is fully automated, thus it finds the accident spot and helping to reach the hospital in time.
Journal of Computer Science
One of the main reasons for death among young people in the current era is based on road accidents. The goal of current research on accident detection systems is to shorten reporting times, increase accident detection accuracy and address them through our modern technology. Our primary goal is to recommend a system that can successfully aid in preventing any kind of accident and if such conditions exist, then how it detects and alerts the relevant authorities and people so that the problem can be handled and addressed swiftly. Automatic mechanisms for detecting traffic accidents must be put in place if assistance is to be given right away. The proposed system model Emergency Request Response and Management System (ERMS) takes the benefit of Vibration sensors (VC) and Accelerometers (AB) through the proposed phases namely AcciDet TracSys and AcciAddr TracSys. Wherein, the AcciDet TracSys helps in detection of the accident, explained in detail in this study and AcciAddr TracSys helps address the people met with an accident through technical ways that are explained in detail in this study, also tracing the location of smart ambulances. With the help of the global positioning system, the accident location is sent to the smart ambulance for timely arrival and is also tracked for further assistance through the internet. Finally, this information is communicated to the main contacts of the accident victim, so that they can reach the hospital on time. Our proposed work meets the need to assist the injured after an accident through the accident detection and addressing system, as just only notifying neighboring ambulances does not cater to the solution to the problem.
Advances in parallel computing, 2022
Recent days, Road accidents are the major cause of deaths. Numerous lives are either lost or at risk due to car accidents. It is a very important and crucial area which needs lot of attention, huge exploration and high priority to detect the accidents, identify the cause, address the issue on time and provide feasible solution during road accidents due to vehicle crash. Time delay and response time to address the accidents are the major challenges to rescue and treat people during accidents and emergencies. In order to rescue and save lives due to accidents in remote places, an efficient automated system is needed for accident detection, cause identification and on time assisting the patients after the occurrence of accident. This automated system has to communicate with the concerned fatalities about the current status of crash and respond immediately within less time. Many researchers have proposed different accident detection and alert systems in their research and survey which involves the Bluetooth, Global Positioning System (GPS), and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), various algorithms involving machine learning and mobile applications. Also Sensors for accident detection are based on the acceleration parameters, Smart phone for accident detection etc. This research work provides a critical and in-depth review of various emerging methods and techniques for addressing the road accidents which must be resolved in order to save lives.
One of the main causes of death worldwide is traffic accidents. This paper provides warning before the situation becomes dangerous and promptly discloses the site of the mishap. Once an accident has happened, their whereabouts is tracked using GPS (Global Positioning System) and an alarm will be sent when the driver is not fit to drive. This technology makes it simple to locate a vehicle, informs the driver when he has taken alcohol, assists in preventing accidents, and provides assistance as quickly as possible after a collision. When we all know, as automobile usage grows dramatically, so do the risks associated with them. High-speed is the primary cause of accidents. As we all know, as automobile usage grows dramatically, so do the risks associated with them driving while intoxicated, distracted driving, mental exhaustion, and usage of electronic devices are the leading causes of accidents. This project specifically addresses accidents that happen as a result of the driver's negligence. Most of the time, information is not promptly relayed to family members, the ambulance, or the police. As a result, seeking assistance is delayed. Because no one can predict where an accident will occur, we frequently risk being unable to find it. The system introduces a technique for detecting accidents and warning users when they occur. As soon as an accident happens, the vehicle's technology will identify it and send an email notice with the vehicle's location and emergency phone numbers. In addition, the patient monitoring system can be used the LM35 temperature and heart rate sensors to check on the victim's health and report the results to the hospital.
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, 2017
Every day, a large number of people die from accident injuries all over the globe. An effective approach to control the post accidents impact which may help in saving the life of the people by sending alert notifications to hospitals, police station and their relatives. Alert notification will help in getting the quick response in case of accident occurnce. Few systems are already in place as built in vehicle accident detection systems. However, these systems are very costly and lack in terms of availability. Whereas, to detect traffic accidents using smartphones is easily possible now because of the advances in connectivity and sensors deployed on the smartphones. The aim of this paper is to reduce the response time using Internet of Things(IOT). The proposed system includes two phases; the detection phase and the notification phase. The detection phase detects car accident in all speeds. The notification phase is used to send detailed information such as the accident location to the hospital, police station and relatives of the person who met with an accident immediately after an accident is detected, for fast recovery. This paper includes two contributions; of using smartphone-based accident detection systems. First, it provides solutions to critical issues such as fake/false alerts by deploying onboard sensors to detect large accelerations. Second, it presents the system architecture of the prototype smartphone-based accident detection system.
International Journal On Engineering Technology and Sciences – IJETS, 2024
Road accidents are a leading cause of fatalities, underscoring the critical importance of prompt emergency medical response. Minimizing the time between an accident and the provision of medical aid significantly enhances survival rates. Implementing an Accident Detection System using Arduino can expedite this process by swiftly alerting emergency personnel. This system utilizes vibration sensors to detect accidents and promptly transmits alert signals to designated locations. The alerts include the accident's location and whether alcohol was involved. Initially, latitude and longitude values are obtained via GPS, and to track a vehicle, a message is sent to activate the GSM device. The GSM device can also be activated by detecting an accident through the vibration sensor connected to the Arduino controller. Once activated, the GSM device transmits the last known latitude and longitude coordinates and sends a message to a predefined emergency number. Bicycles are a popular and eco-friendly mode of transportation, but riders are vulnerable to accidents, especially in busy urban environments. This paper proposes an Accident Detection System (ADS) designed to enhance the safety of bicycle riders by detecting potential accidents and sending alerts to the rider and emergency services.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
Every day, many people around the world lose their lives in road accidents. Most deaths occur due to lack of access to adequate medical care. Over 1.25 million people die in road accidents. The goal of this project is to find out where the vehicle is located and locate the vehicle by sending messages through a system located within the vehicle system. In most cases, you may not be able to locate the scene of the accident. I don't know where the accident happened. To avoid such situations, we project an accident detection warning system for emergency assistance using IOT and mobile applications. As soon as an accident is detected, our system will identify the appropriate coordinates and send them to nearby emergency services and the victim's family so that they can arrive as soon as possible.
June 2021, 2021
One of the many challenges that the world faces is traffic hazard. The major cause of this traffic risk is the presence of a huge number of vehicles on the road. As a result, it generates the most challenging issues, leading to an increase in the death toll due to road accidents that occur throughout the world. As a result, it necessitates the need to provide adequate transportation facilities, which will reduce the number of collisions and save human lives. The GPS, GSM, accelerometer, Arduino UNO technology, and vibration sensor are used to design and develop a vehicle accident detection model. The proposed approach is classified into three stages to prevent and detect the vehicular accidents. At the detection stage, a vibration sensor will be utilized to determine the position of the accident and to alert the user by sending SMS via the GSM module, which will include the user's data stored in Android applications. This data will be taken from the GPS module. The second phase ...
One particular concern that Public Safety Organizations (PSO) must account for whilst engaging in many activities is decreasing the effect of vehicle accidents, aiding as many injured people as possible and providing 24/7 on the spot rescue. The Red Cross humanitarian organization is one of the most known PSOs to be present onsite whenever an accident or a disaster takes place. However, some of the rescue teams face difficulty in reaching the injured people to due late alerts and insufficient information of the specific accident location. The advent of the mobile phone and Internet of Things (IoT) industries reshaped the way people communicate and brought a paradigm shift to public and private services. This ever evolving technology marked the beginning of new era affecting the lives of people and various businesses. This paper conveys a smart and reliable IoT system solution which instantly notifies the PSO headquarter whenever an accident takes place and pinpoints its geographic coordinates on the map. When an accident takes place, it demonstrates the correct area where the accident happened and send the point of interest through Short Message Service (SMS) to Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade, Crane, and Garages. Then, an algorithm is applied to process the sensor signal and send the geographic location along with some ancillary information to the PSO headquarter, indicating accident occurrence. This is a promising system expected to aid in the tedious rescuing process by reporting in a matter of seconds the location of an accident, the passengers injured, blood types, thus lowering death's rates. The geographical data collected from this system could be relied upon as admissible evidence or indicator of the road state and conditions.
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development
Nowadays the vehicle accident rate has been increasing as compared to the previous decade. This system proposes a solution to minimize the action time after an accident. It has the capability of ensuring the driver's safety along with the co-passengers and can easily be integrated with the car. The vehicle is connected to a hardware device that detects the collision with the help of a vibration sensor. The hardware device also consists of a fire sensor that senses fire breakouts. It communicates with an application in the Smartphone through Zigbee Bluetooth whenever collision or fire is sensed. If the driver doesn't want to communicate any information, he can cancel using the reset switch. Once the Bluetooth connection is established, the application would track and communicate the victim's GPS location along with the patient's entire medical report to their companions as well as the nearest hospital through an SMS. The application also checks the availability of the blood in the nearest blood bank and sends a notification back as soon as the availability of blood is ensured.
IJACSA, 2020
The internet of things (IoT) leads the noteworthy edges above customary information and communication technologies (ICT) for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The progression in the transportation system, the increment in vehicles and the accidents happened on the roads are cumulative up to an alarming situation. Additionally, 1.256 million people expire by the road bumps every year and it is very problematic to find the precise accident location of the user. If an accident occurs, the survival rate of the victim increases, if he is given instantaneous remedial assistance. You can provide remedial assistance to the victim only when you identify the precise location of accident. The main persistence of this system is to identify an accident and find the location of the user. After tracing the location, the system will search nearby hospitals for remedial treatment. System will send a message that contains user's current location, to the nearby hospitals in case of an emergency. System will acquire recommended contacts from the cloud and also send message to them for user's support by using API. If the user is safe, he can cancel the message that is being sent to the nearest hospital and the recommended contacts. This system will help the users in saving their lives within minimal time.
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