Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2000;82:F173–F175
Management of severe alloimmune thrombocytopenia in the
Petechiae or echymoses and severe thrombocytopenia
(< 20 × 109 platelets/litre) is a worrying and serious condition in newborn infants. Rapid correction of the platelet
count is essential to prevent cerebral bleeding and
associated life long disability, and this should be combined
with laboratory investigations to confirm the clinical diagnosis. Prospective studies have revealed that the most likely
cause of severe thrombocytopenia in a term and otherwise
healthy neonate is immune mediated destruction of
fetal/neonatal platelets by maternal alloantibodies.1 2 Antibodies can be formed against human platelet alloantigens
(HPAs)3 4 present on fetal but not maternal platelets (table
1). Leakage of fetal platelets and possibly other HPA
alloantigen expressing fetal cells5 into the maternal circulation during pregnancy can stimulate the mother’s immune
system to produce IgG alloantibodies against “non-self ”
HPAs inherited from the father. Maternal HPA alloantibodies of the IgG class cross the placenta and bind to fetal
platelets, shortening their survival.
Is neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia a rare
Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia is the platelet
homologue of haemolytic disease of the newborn and was
initially thought to be a rare disease. However, a recent
prospective screening study in 25 000 non-selected pregnant women showed an incidence of severe thrombocytopenia (< 50 × 109 platelets/litre) caused by anti-HPA-1a
Table 1 Clinically most relevant human platelet alloantigen (HPA)
systems associated with neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
HPA-2 HPA-2a
HPA-3 HPA-3a
HPA-4* HPA-4a
HPA-5 HPA-5a
Zwa, plA1
Zwb, plA2
Koa, Siba
Baka, Leka
Yukb, Pena
Yuka, Penb
Brb, Zavb
Bra, Zava, Hca
Amino acid
Glutamic acid505
*Not important in the white population because the mutation has only been
detected in populations from the Far East.
antibodies (see below) of one in 1100 (95% confidence
interval, 684 to 2910).6 No antenatal screening procedure
is in place to identify women at risk of HPA alloimmunisation because it has not been proved that this would significantly reduce morbidity and mortality.6 Thus, neonatal
alloimmune thrombocytopenia is diagnosed in utero if a
pregnancy is complicated (for example, cerebral bleeds,
hydrocephalus,7 8 or hydrops fetalis) or in the newborn by
obvious signs of bleeding or abnormal neurological
features pointing towards a possible cerebral bleed.3 4
Infrequently, a diagnosis is made when a blood count is
performed for an alternative reason.
Laboratory diagnosis
That maternal platelet alloantibodies could cause neonatal
thrombocytopenia was first reported in 1959 by van
Loghem et al,9 but laboratory investigations to confirm a
clinical diagnosis were cumbersome. Over the past two
decades immunological, biochemical, and molecular biological studies have resulted in major improvements in
anti-HPA antibody detection and in the determination of
parental HPA genotypes.
The molecular basis has been determined for 14 of the
19 “platelet specific” alloantigen systems described so far,
and in all but one, the diVerence between the two alleles is
based on a single nucleotide diVerence that results in a single amino acid substitution.4 Table 1 shows the clinically
most relevant HPA systems. Some of the HPA alloantigens
are relatively non-immunogenic and alloantibodies are
only formed sporadically.3 4 HPA-1a and HPA-5b are the
most immunogenic alloantigens and are implicated in
more than 85% and 10% of clinically diagnosed cases of
neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, respectively. Interestingly, the ability of an HPA-1a negative mother to
form anti-HPA-1a is controlled by the HLA DRB3*0101
allele.6 The chance of antibody formation in an HLA
DRBR3*0101 negative individual is small when compared
with a DRB3*0101 positive individual, with an odds ratio
of 140.6 The risk of having a severely aVected child
(< 50 × 109 platelets/litre) in the latter group is one in 15.
Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia is, a priori, a
clinical diagnosis, to be considered in an otherwise healthy
term neonate with a low platelet count and a normal
Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed: first published as 10.1136/fn.82.3.F173 on 1 May 2000. Downloaded from on May 4, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Leading article
Treatment of the neonate with thrombocytopenia
The optimal treatment of a neonate with severe thrombocytopenia (< 20 × 109 platelets/litre), and a probable diagnosis of neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, is an
urgent correction of the platelet count. Transfusion of a
neonatal dose of ABO, RhD compatible, and HPA-1a (and
HPA-5b) negative platelets is treatment of choice, because
these will be compatible in approximately 95% of cases
with an alloimmune cause. In the UK, HPA-1a (and HPA5b) negative platelets can be obtained from the National
Blood Service and treatment should be started as soon as
practically feasible. Many authorities now accept that the
cytomegalovirus status of the donor is not important
because, in the UK, leucocytes are now removed routinely
from platelet concentrates. Irradiation is indicated if platelets are of maternal origin or where intrauterine transfusions preceded the transfusion.
The outcome of serological investigations should not be
awaited because these are time consuming and the risk of a
cerebral bleed is highest in the first days after delivery. HPA
compatible donor platelets for neonatal use should be used
where available, but when these are unavailable, maternal
platelets (from which the plasma has been removed and
replaced with donor plasma) can be considered. Correction of the platelet count might be lasting, although it can
again dip below 20 × 109/litre, warranting close monitoring
of the platelet count and possible subsequent platelet
transfusions.6 High dose intravenous IgG (1 g/kg body
weight/day for two consecutive days) seems to be eVective
in approximately 65% of cases with severe thrombocytopenia, but the delay in achieving a “safe” platelet count is significantly longer when compared with platelet transfusion.
Transfusion of HPA incompatible platelets should only be
contemplated when compatible ones are not available, but
their survival will be poor in most cases. Corticosteroids for
the neonate are not advised. The platelet count should be
monitored if it is between 20 and 50 × 109/litre, but platelet transfusion is recommended only if there is evidence of
Counselling and treatment options in next
Counselling of couples with an index case of neonatal
alloimmune thrombocytopenia about the risks of severe
fetal/neonatal thrombocytopenia in a next pregnancy needs
to be based on the severity of disease in the index case and
the outcome of immunological investigations. First,
thrombocytopenia in subsequent infants is as severe or
generally more severe. Second, if the father is heterozygous, there is a 50% chance that his oVspring will not be
aVected. Third, the antibody specificity and titre have some
correlation with severity.6 For example anti-HPA-5b
antibodies generally cause mild disease, which rarely
results in cerebral bleeds, whereas most severe cases are
associated with anti-HPA-1a antibodies.4 A high titre HPA
antibody is more likely to be associated with severe thrombocytopenia, but cerebral bleeds have also been seen with
low titres. A decision needs to be taken on whether
treatment of the fetus, the mother, or both is indicated, or
whether conservative management is acceptable. In the
latter case, the pregnancy should be closely monitored, and
the mother advised to avoid any non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, as well as aspirin. The delivery needs
careful planning by obstetric and paediatric teams in close
consultation with the haematologist to arrange availability
of compatible platelets for the neonate and compatible
blood for the mother. Treatment during pregnancy should
be reserved for the cases in which the estimated risk of
severe fetal/neonatal thrombocytopenia is considerable,
and treatment should be carried out in collaboration with
a fetal medicine unit with an interest in the disease. The
available treatments during pregnancy are: (1) intrauterine
intravascular transfusion of compatible platelets by periumbilical blood sampling at weekly intervals or just before
delivery; and (2) the administration of intravenous IgG or
corticosteroids, or a combination of both, to the
mother.14–16 Because no randomised trials have been
performed using either treatment, firm evidence of eYcacy
is lacking. However, weekly platelet transfusions via
peri-umbilical blood sampling, although invasive and technically demanding, has shown good outcome in families
with previously severely aVected children.16 Repeated infusion of intravenous IgG to the mother remains highly controversial because the initial report of its possible eVectiveness made use of a historical control group,17 18, the costs
are high, and there is a small risk of transmission of infectious agents by a pooled plasma product. The precise
mechanism of action, if any, of maternally administered
corticosteroids on the severity of fetal disease is poorly
understood. In one study, no significant benefit was seen
from the addition of low dose steroids to high dose
intravenous IgG treatment.19
Emerging novel treatments
Despite a thorough understanding of the molecular and
immunological basis of neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, its treatment relies on the use of donor derived
platelets or immunoglobulins. However, it is expected that
with the advent of molecular immunology it should be
possible to develop a specific treatment for fetal and
neonatal thrombocytopenia caused by anti-HPA-1a antibodies. A detailed understanding of the molecular interactions between maternal antibody and its antigen might lead
to the design of competitor molecules that could out compete the binding of harmful maternal antibody.20 More
speculative is the possible use of peptides that would inactivate antigen specific T cells, or DNA based V gene
vaccines, which might lead to an active immune response
against B cells producing harmful antibodies.
Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed: first published as 10.1136/fn.82.3.F173 on 1 May 2000. Downloaded from on May 4, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
coagulation screen. The hospital laboratory diagnosis is
made by an isolated thrombocytopenia on a whole blood
count and is confirmed by investigations on parental blood
samples in a platelet immunology reference laboratory
experienced in the appropriate techniques. The mother’s
serum will be investigated for anti-HPA antibodies; in general, two techniques are used: an indirect immunofluorescence test3 and a sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent
assay (monoclonal antibody specific immobilisation of
platelet antigens, MAIPA).10 The current second generation immunoassays are sensitive but “antibody negative”
cases have been reported. An initial antibody negative case
might become positive when a repeat sample taken 2–4
weeks after delivery is tested. In addition, a clinical case
might remain serologically unconfirmed because of
variations in the proficiency of diagnostic laboratories,
although this unsatisfactory situation has improved more
recently.11 Genotyping of the parents for the HPA 1, 2, 3,
and 5 systems by the polymerase chain reaction using
sequence specific primers12 aids the interpretation of the
serological investigations, determines whether parental
HPA incompatibility exists, and is crucial for counselling.
In women with HPA alloantibodies and an already aVected
child, the knowledge of the zygosity of the father for the
relevant HPA allele is important. In cases of paternal heterozygosity, antenatal HPA genotyping of the fetus from
amniocytic DNA13 can be planned for the first trimester,
with the option of termination or the provision of well
managed antenatal care (see below).
Ouwehand, Smith, Ranasinghe
Management of severe alloimmune thrombocytopenia in the newborn
Division of Transfusion Medicine, University of Cambridge and National
Blood Service, Cambridge CB2 2PT, UK
Correspondence to: Dr Ouwehand
1 Burrows RF, Kelton JG. Fetal thrombocytopenia and its relation to maternal thrombocytopenia [see comments]. N Engl J Med 1993;329:1463–6.
2 Dreyfus M, Kaplan C, Verdy E, Schlegel N, Durand Zaleski I, Tchernia G.
Frequency of immune thrombocytopenia in newborns: a prospective
study. Immune thrombocytopenia working group. Blood 1997;89:4402–6.
3 von dem Borne AE, Ouwehand WH. Immunology of platelet disorders.
Baillieres Clin Haematol 1989;2:749–81.
4 Warkentin TE, Smith JW. The alloimmune thrombocytopenic syndromes.
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7 Montemagno R, Soothill PW, Scarcelli M, O’Brien P, Rodeck CH.
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8 Murphy MF, Hambley H, Nicolaides K, Waters AH. Severe fetomaternal
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11 Metcalfe P, Allen D, Chapman J, Ouwehand WH. Interlaboratory variation
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platelet alloantigens. Br J Haematol 1997;97:204–7.
12 Cavanagh G, Dunn AN, Chapman CE, Metcalfe P. HPA genotyping by
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13 McFarland JG, Aster RH, Bussel JB, Gianopoulos JG, Derbes RS, Newman
PJ. Prenatal diagnosis of neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia using
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14 Bussel JB, Zabusky MR, Berkowitz RL, McFarland JG. Fetal alloimmune
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15 Kaplan C, DaVos F, Forestier F, et al. Management of alloimmune thrombocytopenia: antenatal diagnosis and in utero transfusion of maternal
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16 Murphy MF, Waters AH, Doughty HA, et al. Antenatal management of
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pregnancies. Transfus Med 1994;4:281–92.
17 Kroll H, Kiefel V, Giers G, et al. Maternal intravenous immunoglobulin
treatment does not prevent intracranial haemorrhage in fetal alloimmune
thrombocytopenia. Transfus Med 1994;4:293–6.
18 Bussel JB, Berkowitz RL, McFarland JG, Lynch L, Chitkara U. Antenatal
treatment of neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia. N Engl J Med
19 Bussel JB, Berkowitz RL, Lynch L, et al. Antenatal management of alloimmune thrombocytopenia with intravenous gammaglobulin: a randomized
trial of the addition of low dose steroid to IVIg in fifty-five maternal–fetal
pairs. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;174:1414–23.
20 GriYn HM, Ouwehand WH. A human monoclonal antibody specific for the
leucine-33 (P1A1, HPA-1a) form of platelet glycoprotein IIIa from a V
gene phage display library. Blood 1995;86:4430–6.
Embryology of the circulation
Embryonic/fetal circulation has appeared once
on postage stamps. This 1988 stamp from
Denmark was released to commemorate the
40th anniversary of the World Health Organisation. The development of the major vasculature is shown and appropriate colours of red
and blue have been chosen in the design which
also shows the WHO logo in the bottom left
hand corner.
Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed: first published as 10.1136/fn.82.3.F173 on 1 May 2000. Downloaded from on May 4, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
In conclusion, maternal alloantibodies against the platelet specific alloantigen HPA-1a are the most frequent cause
of severe thrombocytopenia in the neonate, with an
estimated incidence of one in 1100 births. Over the past
two decades, confirmation of a clinical diagnosis of neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia by serological and
genetic tests has improved greatly, allowing optimal counselling of aVected couples. Parents of an index case should
receive advice on the risk of severe disease in subsequent
pregnancies, and need to be given an explanation of the
advantages and disadvantages of possible interventions. In
serologically confirmed patients with a severe history, care
should be provided by a team of fetal medicine experts,
including neonatologists, haematologists, and immunohaematologists.