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Avant-Garde Organ
Boletim Cultural de Mafra, 2019
The identification of a 'Portuguese organ'-or a type of instrument which own characteristics are exclusive enough to make it different from the Hispanic tradition-has been discussed only very recently. The absence of data on the Portuguese organ heritage-a fault still far from being corrected-and the temptation of placing all Portuguese and Spanish instruments under the 'Iberian' label, lead to a certain negligence while appreciating the morphology of the organs built in Portugal from the eighteenth century onwards. The advance in research allows nowadays a clearer vision of the evolution of organ building in Portugal. The influence of Italian musical models, promoted since the reign of D. João V, would have reflections on the instruments: organs imported from Italy coexisted with others built in Portugal throughout the whole eighteenth century. Cultural inter-penetration is clear in the Italian features present in Portuguese organs of that time. By the end of the 1700s, (especially in the Lisbon area, through the action of builders such as António Xavier Machado e Cerveira and Joaquim António Peres Fontanes) Portuguese organ building would suffer transformations that would lead to the implementation of a type of instrument, with Italian influences but keeping strong traits of the Iberian tradition and displaying inovative thecnical and timbric solutions. This 'Portuguese' organ possessed new possibilities and presented a much more orchestral character, indispensable to face the needs of a music that had become itself more and more operatic.
Comunicacao Midia E Consumo, 2013
Thoughts about the aesthetic experience in the contemporary mediatised culture, illustrated by the identification and the analysis of productions which present a hybridisation between music and comics. The aesthetic object and the aesthetic perception in a context of cultural hybridisations and inter-culturalities. Interactions between creation and pleasure, between poetics and aesthetics of media products. A brief study of Brazilian contemporary bands of popular music that combine sounds, words and visual pictures. Using again the album Tubarões voadores [Flying Sharks], by Arrigo Barnabé and Luiz Gê, of 1984, that can be viewed as a paradigmatic experience of hybridisation between seeing and listening in the media context.
Revista Música, 2021
O que é sonologia? Por que usar um termo novo para falar de temas tão presentes como a música, a escuta, as artes do som? Por que não incorporar as pesquisas em Sonologia dentro de campos já estabelecidos como a teoria da música, a etnomusicologia, ou a sociologia da arte? Haveria espaço dentro desses campos para os “estudos dos sons”? Certamente sim. Mas nos parece evidente também que há sob o termo sonologia uma proposta de remodelar não só o que pensamos sobre o som, mas especialmente como entendemos o domínio sonoro no contexto atual. Trata-se de um deslocamento de ordem epistemológica, em que as perguntas que se estabelecem em torno do som surgem a partir de um ethos e de uma sensibilidade pouco presentes em disciplinas já consolidadas em torno da música, da acústica e do que poderíamos chamar de antropologia sonora. É também um deslocamento de ordem política, pois pretende mudar os pesos e as medidas que essas outras disciplinas tradicionalmente conferem ao som como agente de formação da cultura. Por exemplo, ao invés da abordagem expressamente voltada para questões internas da música elaborada pelas teorias da música, nos modelos de análise, ou nos formalismos da composição, a sonologia sugere um movimento centrífugo, que vai do som e da música para o que se encontra fora deles.
Osiris, 2013
The Renaissance genre of organological treatises inventoried the forms and functions of musical instruments. This article proposes an update and expansion of the organological tradition, examining the discourses and practices surrounding both musical and scientifi c instruments. Drawing on examples from many periods and genres, we aim to capture instruments' diverse ways of life. To that end we propose and describe a comparative "ethics of instruments": an analysis of instruments' material configurations, social and institutional locations, degrees of freedom, and teleologies. This perspective makes it possible to trace the intersecting and at times divergent histories of science and music: their shared material practices, aesthetic commitments, and attitudes toward technology, as well as their impact on understandings of human agency and the order of nature.
Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais, 2020
O processo de objetificação cultural é selectivo, pois, implica a recontextualização de determinados objectos culturais num outro contexto diferente daquele que os gerou, atribuindo-lhes novos sentidos e significados (Handler, 1984, p. 62). No quadro da Primeira Exposição Colonial Portuguesa (Porto, 1934), esta atitude estava relacionada com os discursos de invenção do “outro”, onde as relações entre as sociedades são regidas por certas hierarquias. Mudimbe (2013, pp. 15-16) designa por colonos, aqueles que estabelecem uma região e ditam as regras; os colonizadores, aqueles que exploram um território pelo domínio da maioria local, com uma tendência para organizar e transformar zonas não europeias em construções fundamentalmente europeias. Acrescentaria no fim desta hierarquia, os colonizados, ou seja, aqueles que obedecem. No contexto da exposição colonial do Porto (1934), a música chope foi recontextualizada em Portugal, sendo-lhe atribuídos novos sentidos e significados, tornando-...
This monumental, hefty volume is the work of someone who passionately loves musical tradition, and believes in documenting and disseminating it; it is hard to believe that the author's full-time "official" profession has nothing to do with music or ethnography. The focus on Estremadura is an unusual and welcome one: while there is always more work to be done on Trás-os-Montes, the Beiras and other regions of mainland Portugal, little attention has been paid to Estremadura. Clearly, the author wanted to get "everything" in, and the result is a multi-faceted picture of musical traditions in this province, a book to return to often, to read, to look at, and CD's to listen to for pleasure and for study. The songs and pieces discussed in the book are divided into three main chapters: (1) work of various sorts, especially agricultural but also street cries and lullabies, and the romances; (2) the religious and ritual repertoire, including Carnival; and (3) love and recreation, including dance music, and instruments. There is a thoughtful prologue by the eminent Lopes Graça, followed by an introduction, which includes methodology and quite detailed musico-historicoethnographic notes on Estremadura. Useful appendices are the musical transcriptions, mostly corresponding to the items on the CD's: texts of romances and prayers; glossary and local terminology; a guide to the three CD's; indices, and a bibliography. The music is discussed in its daily life contexts, explaining the latter in some detail. Among the interesting discussions is a section on popular dance in Lisbon, and respectful attention is given to the wandering balladmongers, to whom scholars are finally paying more of the attention they deserve. More could be explained about why the romances come under work songs, and the remark that the music of the romances has been given far less scholarly attention than the words is valid indeed, but the deep study the author calls for (pp.110-111) does not really take place here. The book includes a wealth of illustrations: colour photos taken by the author, old black and white photos, splendid post cards from the early 20 th century, 17 th century engravings, and more. Together,they attest to the indissoluble association of music with daily life: agricultural tasks, religious and ritual events.The layout makes full use of page space but avoids being cluttered. Full song texts are provided in smaller print and musical transcriptions are at the back; though one could argue for including them with the discussions which
Revista Música - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música da USP, 2020
que é sonologia? Por que usar um termo novo para falar de temas tão presentes como a música, a escuta, as artes do som? Por que não incorporar as pesquisas em Sonologia dentro de campos já estabelecidos como a teoria da música, a etnomusicologia, ou a sociologia da arte? Haveria espaço dentro desses campos para os "estudos dos sons"? Certamente sim. Mas nos parece evidente também que há sob o termo sonologia uma proposta de remodelar não só o que pensamos sobre o som, mas especialmente como entendemos o domínio sonoro no contexto atual. Trata-se de um deslocamento de ordem epistemológica, em que as perguntas que se estabelecem em torno do som surgem a partir de um ethos e de uma sensibilidade pouco presentes em disciplinas já consolidadas em torno da música, da acústica e do que poderíamos chamar de antropologia sonora. É também um deslocamento de ordem política, pois pretende mudar os pesos e as medidas que essas outras disciplinas tradicionalmente conferem ao som como agente de formação da cultura. Por exemplo, ao invés da abordagem expressamente voltada para questões internas da música elaborada pelas teorias da música, nos modelos de análise, ou nos formalismos da composição, a sonologia sugere um movimento centrífugo, que vai do som e da música para o que se encontra fora deles.
REVIEW of CD series, 'El órgano histórico español' (rec. 1991): 10 CDs. || ABSTRACT. This series demonstrates newly restored Spanish organs by way of a varied repertory of Iberian organ music from the 16th century onwards. Each disc is devoted to two or three instruments played by international organists. Advisers for the series were headed by Lionel Rogg. Review considers 8/10 discs in the series, discussing organology, presentation of material, choices of repertories and performance questions. Organs include those in: Salamanca Cathedral ('Salinas' organ; 1744 Pedro Echararría); Madrigal de las Altas Torres; Villalón de Campos; El Salvador, Seville; Ateca; Montblanch; Sa Pobla (Mallorca); Abraca de Campos; Frechilla; Labastida; Villabuena. || Review published in: 'Early Music' 21/1 (Feb. 1993), pp. 143-47.
Análise Social, 2012
The Organ Yearbook, 2015
In 2010, the Chair of Organ Musicology at VU University Amsterdam was re-established by Foundation Het Orgelpark. The Chair is part of the Faculty of Humanities; it aims at integrating research in the arts in general and research in organs and organ music. One of the major developments in the humanities in the past few decades invites to approach works of art as dynamic systems, not as ‘just’ static phenomena; any human activity is considered basically ‘performative’. This essay takes this invitation seriously with regard to organ music, by rethinking the ways it is made and perceived. In addition, the plans for the ‘New Baroque Organ’ at the Orgelpark are presented: the instrument is meant to challenge the acts of making music and listening to it in practice.
Transportation Research Part E-logistics and Transportation Review, 2011
Magni, Gabriele, and Ponce de Leon, Zoila. Women Want an Answer! Field Experiments on Elected Officials and Gender Bias. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 2020
Le choix atlante : L'origine secrète du mal planétaire actuel by (Paperback
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 1992
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021
Nutrition and health, 2006
Journal of Economic Theory, 2014
Biology Letters, 2013
Power and Protest in Central and Eastern Europe, 2025
Cor et Vasa, 2020
International Journal of Current Science Research and Review
Third world thematics, 2017
MedULA: revista de la Facultad de Medicina, 1994
… Software & Systems Engineering Curriculum Project, 2009
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Indonesia (JITPI) Indonesian Journal of Animal Science and Technology)