Writing Development
C H A P T E R in
R E E Childhood
Writing Development in
Early Childhood
Vanderbilt University
his chapter is about the beginnings of writing in early childhood. It describes what writing looked like and how it developed for one group of children between the ages of 2½ and
6 years of age. The portrait of young writers presented in this
chapter is built on the foundation provided by emergent-literacy
research, but also expanded and reframed using sociocultural
perspectives on writing development.
Until recently, most of what we know about writing in early
childhood was shaped by the emergent-literacy perspective (Teale
& Sulzby, 1986b). Prior to the 1960s, researchers working from
a readiness perspective assumed that young children began to
learn literacy through school instruction, and further assumed
that learning to read preceded learning to write (see Teale &
Sulzby, 1986a). From this vantage point, there was little reason
to take note of children’s mark-making activities prior to the start
of formal schooling.
Early childhood writing became an important focus for researchers and educators only when the beginnings of reading and
writing were retheorized from an “emergent literacy” perspective
(Teale & Sulzby, 1986b). Emergent-literacy researchers provided
evidence that young children began to learn about literacy very
early in life through informal interactions with parents, siblings,
peers, and teachers. Whereas readiness perspectives focused primarily on reading as the precursor to writing, this new perspective
broadened the focus to “literacy” and argued that reading and
writing were interrelated and learned concurrently. Emergent-
literacy researchers broadened the focus further by documenting
children’s flexible interweaving of semiotic systems, especially art
and language, leading them to recognize the multimodal nature
of early childhood composing (e.g., Dyson, 1989; Harste, Woodward, & Burke, 1984).
Whereas readiness perspectives had assumed that adults
transmitted literacy knowledge to children through planned instruction, emergent-literacy researchers proposed the metaphor
of hypothesis testing. They suggested that much as they do in oral
language learning, children constructed and tested hypotheses
about writing and reading as part of their everyday activities at
home and at school.
Whereas the readiness perspective had tied the beginnings
of reading and writing to the start of conventional decoding and
spelling, emergent-literacy researchers took a radically different
stance. They proposed that intention rather than convention was
the defining feature of writing (Harste et al., 1984; Sulzby, 1985b).
They acknowledged that young children approached writing with
different print hypotheses, but suggested that their processes were
not fundamentally different from those of older writers. From
this perspective, writing began when children showed intentionality—the understanding that their marks could represent meaning.
In her work on the “roots of literacy,” Yetta Goodman (1986)
defined reading and writing as “human interaction with print
when the reader and writer believe [emphasis added] that they
are making sense of and through written language” (p. 6). From
an emergent-literacy perspective, young children’s characteristically unconventional marks were not “prewriting” but instead
were the beginning of the real thing. As Teale and Sulzby (1986b)
wrote in their seminal volume, Emergent Literacy, “[T]he first
years of the child’s life represent a period when legitimate reading and writing development are taking place. These behaviors
and knowledges are not pre- anything, as the term prereading
suggests. . . . At whatever point we look, we see children in the
process of becoming literate, as the term emergent indicates”
(italics in original, p. xix). They described writing development
as a process in which children constructed and refined their print
hypotheses and strategies. The emergent-literacy perspective pro-
Writing Development in Early Childhood
vided a new storyline for explaining the development of writing
in early childhood.
This work has forever changed what I and other early literacy
educators can see when we look at young children’s writing.
Products I threw away as meaningless scribbles when I was teaching kindergarten in the late 1970s I now analyze and understand
using the categories generated by this line of research. Despite the
continuing importance of these understandings for my everyday
work with young children and for my research, I have found that
the emergent-literacy perspective’s focus on individual learners
and their writing intentions can also be limiting. In my own work,
I have found that using intentionality as the litmus test for the
beginnings of writing can constrain our understandings of young
writers. Ironically, I found that the focus on children’s individual
textual intentions pushed children’s earliest experiences with
writing to the side. Some children were too limited in their oral
language to verbalize their intentions. Others were too inexperienced with writing to make connections between their marks
and linguistic messages on their own, though they participated
actively with adults in writing events. The image of early writing
as an individual, in-head phenomenon seemed to account for
only part of the process through which children learned to write.
The need to better account for the very beginnings of writing
development has encouraged me to consider how we might expand the developmental storyline to include what children learn as
they participate with others in writing events. Researchers working from sociocultural perspectives (Bloome, Carter, Christian,
Otto, & Shuart-Faris, 2005; Gee, 2003) have challenged views
that focus attention only on writing as an individual mental act,
suggesting instead that writing is a collaborative process occurring
between people as they negotiate authoring processes, meanings,
and textual forms during their everyday activities. When writing is viewed as a social practice shared with other members of
children’s writing communities, the defining feature of writing is
participation in literacy events.
Applied to my own research, these perspectives have shaped
the contexts in which I choose to observe young writers and
how I have framed the developmental storyline presented in this
chapter. To illustrate, I introduce 2-year-old Javani, a participant in the Write Start! study (Rowe & Neitzel, 2010; Rowe &
Wilson, 2015). In the fall of the preschool year, I invited him to
write his name and a caption for a photo showing him playing
in his classroom. His photo page (Figure 3.1), along with those
authored by his classmates, was to be included in a coauthored
class book. This photo-caption task is the context in which
most of the data reported in this chapter were collected and was
purposefully designed as an opportunity to observe changes in
children’s participation as writers over time. A portion of Javani’s
composing event is presented in Example 3.1. In Figure 3.1, numerals have been superimposed on the image of his completed
product to indicate the beginning point for the marks described
in the transcript.
FIGURE 3.1. Javani’s photo page (age 2:11).
Writing Development in Early Childhood
EXAMPLE 3.1. Javani writes his name and a photo caption.
1. “What are you doing in the picture?”
Javani 2. “I’m riding.”
3. “You’re riding the bike! You were outside riding the bike!”
[touches the bike in the photo].
4. “OK, take a marker” [points to marker basket], “and I want you
to write your name at the top” [points, left to right, across top of
page above the photo].
Javani 5. Javani picks up the marker and takes the cap off.
6. “. . . and you can write what you’re doing and we can put that in
our book!”
Javani 7. Javani makes a mark on top of the photo at #1.
8. [gently pushing his hand away]: “Write up here on your paper.
Write up here on your paper,” [taps three times on the page
above the photo] “so we can see what you’re doing!”
Javani 9. Javani begins marking at the right side of the photo at #2.
10. [Spoken as Javani draws the line down beside the photo at #2]:
“Good for you.”
Javani 11. Javani completes a circle around the entire photo.
12. “Oh, you drew a big circle around there. Yeah!” [taps the circle
around the photo] “Tell me what that says?”
Javani 13. Javani looks at the page. He looks away from Rowe and gazes at
the marker he is holding in his left hand. With his right hand, he
uses his index and middle fingers together to make a small jabbing point at the bottom right corner of the page. He doesn’t say
14. “Can you write Javani?” [runs her finger, left to right, above the
photo several times.] “Write your name right up here.”
Javani 15. Javani makes marks beginning in the upper right corner at #3.
16. “Very good writing! Excellent!” [moves the page a bit, and
points to the left side of the white space below picture]. “Now
down here, write us something and tell us what you were doing.”
Javani 17. Javani is already making the black mark seen at #4.
18. “I am riding a bike” [offered as a suggestion for the message].
Javani 19. While Rowe talks, Javani continues marking in the center of the
page at #5 and then #6 [moving to the right with scribble units,
each in its own white space].
continued on next page
Example 3.1 continued
20. Rowe reaches for a marker and pulls the page into her workspace, angling it toward her: “I’m gonna take a red marker and
I’m gonna write in adult writing . . . I’m gonna write J A V A N I”
[spells out the letters as she writes the letters in his name at the
top of the page].
21. Rowe moves her hand to the bottom left to touch the mark at
#4: “And here’s where you wrote” . . . [sweeps her hand across
the marks to the right] “‘I am riding a bike.’” [Rowe begins to
write this message below, reading slowly, word by word, as she
writes.] “I . .am . . . riding . . . a . . . bike.”
Javani 22. As Rowe writes, Javani selects a thin red marker from the basket.
He makes a red mark at #7 on the photo, then begins another
photo circle in red at #8. When he completes the circle, he draws
a scribble at #9, over the top of the print where Rowe has written his name.
23. “Good for you!”
Javani 31. Javani starts to make marks at the left side of the space below the
photo on top of Rowe’s writing, but stops and revises his plan.
He moves his marker to the right side of the page: “Look at me!”
32. Rowe runs her hand across his #11 marks: “Read that to me.”
Javani 33. Javani points at the left side of the marks, holding the marker in
his right hand.
34. “Tell me what that says . . . in brown.”
Javani 35. Javani bends closer to the page and makes one brown mark at
#12. He uses some force at the end of the mark and raises the
marker from the page with a whole arm movement. He verbalizes one unintelligible word.
36. “Yeah? Does it say, ‘I am riding a bike’?”
Javani 37. Javani is adding brown scribbles at the right bottom of the
page at #13. [He makes no verbal response. His marks are his
Theory matters. It frames what we observe when working
with young children and shapes the developmental storyline we
derive from research observations. When this event is analyzed
with a focus on Javani’s individual writing intentions, there is
relatively little to say, as he provides little understandable information about the meaning of his graphic activity. The marks
have few, if any, printlike features that would allow the viewer
Writing Development in Early Childhood
to infer his hypotheses about print, and it is difficult to infer
intentionality since he does not verbally assign meanings to his
marks. Seen from a traditional emergent-literacy perspective, Javani is a literacy “have not.” Since he does not provide evidence
that he knows about conventional print features and he does not
show evidence of intentionality, the emergent-literacy perspective
provides little guidance for understanding this event as part of
his development as a writer.
However, when the research lens is broadened to include
the-child-engaged-in-practice as the unit of analysis (Rogoff,
2003), it is possible to see Javani as an active and responsive
participant in writing. As expected by the adults in his classroom,
he participates graphically, and uses both marking (e.g., turns 7,
9) and gesture (turn 13) as his turns in the ongoing adult-child
interaction around the page. His bid for my attention at turn 31
(“Look at me!”) shows he is socially engaged and wants to ensure
we are establishing joint attention to his marks. I use talk and
gesture to demonstrate key features of expected writing practices,
including where the writing should be placed on the page (e.g.,
turns 4, 14) and a linguistic message appropriate for this writing
task (turn 36). Though Javani is not yet orally assigning meaning
to his marks, his participation in these writing events provides
scaffolded opportunities to learn about writing processes, messages, and purposes.
If we assume learning to write begins as soon as children like
Javani begin to participate, however peripherally, in the writing practices of their homes, schools, and communities (Lave
& Wenger, 1991), it is possible to study writing development
long before children independently form textual intentions. In
this chapter, I adopt a sociocultural perspective on development
(Lave & Wenger, 1991; Miller & Goodnow, 1995; Vygotsky,
1978) that assumes that “human development is a process of
people’s changing participation in sociocultural activities of their
communities” [italics in original] (Rogoff, 2003, p. 52). Instead
of viewing individual development as separate from cultural
variables, a sociocultural perspective suggests that individual and
cultural processes are mutually constituting: “[P]eople develop
as they participate in and contribute to cultural activities that
they themselves develop with the involvement of other people
in successive generations” (Rogoff, 2003, p. 52). Individuals are
not separate from the kinds of materials, activities, and institutions that make up the social practices in which they participate
(Vygotsky, 1978).
When viewed through this theoretical lens, Javani’s participation in Example 3.1 can be analyzed as part of the beginnings of
his developmental trajectory as a writer—a path that is situated
in and shaped by local writing practices in his classroom (and the
photo-caption task) where adults encouraged collaborative and
playful adult-child interactions and valued unconventional forms
of writing. As Rogoff (2003) suggests, developmental research
conducted from sociocultural perspectives necessarily foregrounds
the child as the unit of analysis, but also interprets developmental
patterns against the background of the particular social practices
in which young children participate. The resulting storyline is one
of situated development.
Writing Development in Early Childhood:
Developmental Storylines and Unresolved Issues
Researchers working from a developmental perspective have
been concerned with the ways that children’s writing hypotheses
(Ferreiro & Teberosky, 1982) and participation in writing events
(Rowe, 2008b) change across time. A good deal of attention has
been devoted to establishing that children’s writing becomes
more sophisticated and conventional across the preschool years,
even without formal school lessons. Cross-sectional research
has shown that group means for preschoolers’ aggregate writing
scores increase with age (Gombert & Fayol, 1992; Levin & Bus,
2003), and also that, as a group, older preschoolers use more
sophisticated writing forms, directional patterns, and message
content than younger children (Tolchinsky-Landsmann & Levin,
1985). Recent longitudinal work (Molfese et al., 2011) with
4- and 5-year-olds has shown progression in scores for name
writing, letter writing, and letter formation across time. Overall,
when measures of central tendency are used to describe age-group
patterns in early writing, they have produced a developmental
Writing Development in Early Childhood
storyline that highlights progress toward convention during the
preschool years.
At the same time, many researchers have presented data to
show that there is wide variation in children’s writing and related
skills at any particular age (Dyson, 1985; Hildreth, 1936; Sulzby, 1985b). For example, taking a component skills approach,
Molfese and her colleagues (Molfese et al., 2011) conducted a
longitudinal study of relationships between children’s alphabetic
knowledge, name writing, and letter writing at three time points
(i.e., fall and spring of preschool, fall of kindergarten). Descriptive data showed that almost the full range of possible scores
was observed for each measure at each time point. Describing
features of children’s holistic writing performances, Clay (1975)
also reported great variability in the writing of same-age peers.
In her words: “[W]hat one child discovers about print at 4:11
another equally intelligent child may not learn until 6:0” (p. 7).
In addition to the interindividual variability reported at various age points, researchers have also described intraindividual
differences of two types. First, children often concurrently use
more and less sophisticated writing strategies (Gombert & Fayol,
1992). For example, Bus and her colleagues (2001) reported that
even after children demonstrated the alphabetic principle, they
continued to use less sophisticated writing strategies such as
letter-like forms. Second, individuals’ levels of development differ across writing features. For example, Dyson (1985) reported
that some children wrote sophisticated stories and messages using
unconventional marks, while others used conventional letters but
expressed less conventional content.
Finally, still under debate is whether early writing development involves a linear sequence of phases and whether there
is a developmental ordering of categories for writing forms,
directional patterns, and other features of writing. Researchers
observing young writers in the context of controlled tasks involving dictation of researcher-selected words have more often argued
for an ordered sequence of phases through which children pass
as they learn to write. An example of this perspective is Ferreiro
and Teberosky’s (1982) five successive levels of writing, each
organized by a central hypothesis about orthography. Several
studies contend that children’s understandings of general features
of print common to many languages (e.g., units, linearity) develop
first, and then are followed by learning about language-specific
features such as directional patterns and letter shapes (Puranik &
Lonigan, 2011; Tolchinsky-Landsmann & Levin, 1985).
Alternately, researchers observing children’s writing in more
open-ended situations have often argued against a strict linear
sequence of writing development. For example, Sulzby (1985b)
reported individual variation in the sequence in which kindergartners tested hypotheses about writing. Similarly, Dyson (1985) described kindergartners writing as a recursive process involving the
coordination of overlapping features of writing. Her longitudinal
case studies showed that the sequence in which children noticed
and explored various features of print was influenced by their
personal interests, styles of approaching writing, willingness to
take risks, and purposes for writing. Luria (1978/1929) described
writing development as a dialectical process marked both by
gradual improvement in the kinds of writing characterizing each
stage, and by setbacks occurring as children transitioned to new
writing techniques. These seeming regressions are also reflected
in the concurrent use of more and less sophisticated strategies
(Bus et al., 2001; Gombert & Fayol, 1992).
To sum up, regardless of research approach, it appears that
there is general consensus that, when young children are viewed
as a group, their writing becomes more conventional across the
preschool years. However, beyond this general observation,
researchers’ views about other aspects of early writing development are less settled. Despite many observations of the wide
variation in children’s writing patterns, the role of variability is
undertheorized in current models of early writing development.
Similarly, researchers continue to debate whether learning to
write involves a sequential progression through a set of ordered
hypotheses, or whether children’s learning paths are more recursive and individually ordered. In this chapter, I consider these
developmental issues from the vantage points provided by two
time scales and two analytic approaches. I describe one group of
preschoolers’ writing seen from the vantage point of six-month
intervals, but also zoom in to describe their approaches to writing within individual writing events. I conduct cross-sectional
Writing Development in Early Childhood
analyses of the writing of larger groups of same-age peers, and
then follow a smaller subgroup of children longitudinally from
2½ to 6 years of age. With this data, I first describe how writing
performances changed across the preschool years for one group
of children who had frequent opportunities to engage in emergent
writing with adults. My goal is to consider how these data may
contribute to a more nuanced storyline describing early childhood
writing development.
Data Source: The Write Start! Study
This chapter examines age-related patterns in the writing of 139
children aged 2:6 to 5:11 who participated in the Write Start!
study (Rowe & Wilson, 2015) for one to three years. Children
attended two high-quality childcare centers serving mostly African American families living in a low-income urban area of
a midsized city in the southern United States. In their childcare
or prekindergarten classrooms, children were frequently asked
by researchers and teachers to write their own messages and the
resulting texts were valued, regardless of their conventional correctness. In addition to observing the children at their classroom’s
writing center, in the fall and spring of each year all children
completed a researcher-developed, standard writing task—the
Write Start! Writing Assessment (Rowe & Wilson, 2009)—for
which we asked children to write a caption for a photograph of
themselves playing at school, and then to write their names. The
photo-caption genre was selected because it was both meaningful
and manageable for 2-year-olds, but also open enough that older
children could respond with longer texts if they chose. Further,
the task was designed to reflect local purposes for writing and
patterns of interaction in classroom writing events. Figure 3.1,
seen earlier, shows an example of a child’s completed photo page.
The categories used to describe children’s writing responses
were initially based on existing research and then expanded to
describe the full range of variation seen in the Write Start! sample.
Categories describing four features of the children’s writing—
form, directionality, intentionality, and message content (Tables
3.1–3.4)—were sequenced from least to most sophisticated. This
sequence was determined based on the usual order in which the
larger group of children displayed these writing performances in
the Write Start! study. The ordering was subsequently confirmed
with growth-curve analysis (Rowe & Wilson, 2015). Though
children often used a variety of forms, directional patterns, and
so on, in each writing event, for the purpose of most analyses
reported in this chapter children’s writing is described in terms
of the most sophisticated feature used in each event. Scoring the
most sophisticated writing features made it possible to track the
introduction of “new,” more advanced writing features over time,
thereby providing a view of the growing edge of children’s writing
performances. To create a group profile of writing development,
the children’s Write Start! assessment data have been divided into
six-month age bands and examined cross-sectionally. To explore
children’s individual developmental trajectories, I conducted a
longitudinal analysis of the ten children who began the study in
Year 1 and continued through Year 3. I refer to these students as
the longitudinal sample. Children’s participation in photo caption
events is interpreted using ethnographic understandings of local
writing practices formed through long-term participation and
observation in the children’s classrooms. In this chapter, children’s
ages are presented in the year:month format and I refer to the
Write Start! categories by the numbers assigned in the left-hand
columns of Tables 3.1–3.4. (For additional details about methods
used in the Write Start! study, see Rowe and Wilson, 2015).
What Develops? Describing Early Writing Development
In the next sections, I present categories developed to describe
the writing of the young children who participated in the Write
Start! study. Though these categories reflect the writing of one
group of children who had frequent opportunities to participate
in emergent writing, many of the writing patterns described in the
following sections have also been reported in other studies. The
last column in Tables 3.1–3.4 reports the concordance between
the Write Start! categories used in this chapter and those identified
in previous studies of preschool writing (Rowe & Wilson, 2015).
Writing Development in Early Childhood
Writing Form Categories
The unconventional graphic forms of preschool writing are the
most thoroughly described features of early childhood writing.
Research has shown that children speaking a variety of alphabetic
languages explore visual features of print such as complexity
of forms (Levin & Bus, 2003), linearity (Levin & Bus, 2003;
Tolchinsky-Landsmann & Levin, 1985), units (Levin & Bus,
2003; Tolchinsky-Landsmann & Levin, 1985), small unit size
(Tolchinsky-Landsmann & Levin, 1985), quantity of characters
(Ferreiro & Teberosky, 1982; Levin & Bus, 2003; TolchinskyLandsmann & Levin, 1985), and variety of characters (Clay,
1975; Levin & Bus, 2003; Tolchinsky-Landsmann & Levin,
1985). The categories illustrated in Table 3.1 were built on previous research and then refined to account for the writing responses
generated by the 2- to 6-year-olds in the Write Start! study.
The forms preschoolers use in their writing provide important
clues to their understanding of foundational principles about
written language including: print is visually composed of marks
surrounded by white space; alphabet letters have conventionally
determined shapes and names; writing involves attention to both
the sounds in spoken language and the marks on the page; and
letters represent the sounds of spoken language. When children
put pen to paper, they leave visible traces from which we can
infer their current understandings of these principles (Tolchinksy,
2003). Children’s unconventional writing provides a window on
their learning and application of graphic transcription strategies,
alphabet knowledge, and the alphabetic principle—understandings widely seen as important targets for beginning literacy instruction (National Reading Panel, 2000).
As seen in Table 3.1, children in our study used distinctly
different kinds of writing forms in response to the learning problems posed by writing a photo caption. To participate as writers,
children had to construct understandings about what writing
marks look like and how writers choose which kinds of marks
to make. In our study, some children initially renegotiated the
writing task by drawing a recognizable picture of an object or
person (F-1). Our qualitative observations suggested that drawing was sometimes used as an informed refusal (Sulzby, 1990);
TABLE 3.1. Write Start! Writing Assessment: Writing Form Categories
Score Category
Child makes no
Drawing only Child draws a
picture instead of
writing; marks are
clearly identifiable
as a picture.
Uncontrolled Marks are uninmotor
tentional; accidenactivity with tal swipes at paper
a pen
with marker
makes marks;
large mass of
scribbles; uses
forearm movements to create
large scribbles
Scribble units Small patches of
scribbles separated
from one another
with space; usually
created with
wrist and hand
Many repeated
stroke units lines, circles, or
curve strokes,
usually of the
same type; only
one type of stroke
in each unit
Key Study
No marks
Letter-like forms;
combinations of
strokes within the
same unit; no behavioral evidence
that child intended
to write as a conventional letter
Horizontal runs of
loops, or zig-zags
1, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9
1, 4, 6, 7, 9,
10, 11
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 12,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 10,
continued on next page
Writing Development in Early Childhood
Table 3.1 continued
Conventional Child writes
letters plus
at least one
letter, but it may
be upside down
or backwards; the
remaining marks
may be letter-like
forms, scribbles,
Conventional Upper or lower
letters (no
case, may be
letter/sound mixed;
corresponreversals are OK;
recognizable by
others as letters;
no letter/sound
Conventional Child uses
letters and
words, but
writes something
memorized like
her name or “I
love you.”
First letter sound
of word or syllable
First letter
is represented;
may not use
letter: c for “seal”;
may contain
other random
letters; must have
evidence that child
is intentionally
generating a
spelling with
First and last letter
sounds of word
First and last or syllables; many
sounds left out
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 12,
2, 4, 6, 9, 10,
11, 13
“I am happy.”
Child writes name.
2, 9, 12, 13,
I was sliding the
continued on next page
Table 3.1 continued
Most sounds
Attempts to sound “ship”
out most sounds
in the syllable or
Letter choices may
not be correct
9, 13, 15
Note: Numbers indicate key studies reporting a similar type of writing behavior,
though the category name used in the key study may differ from the category name
used for the purposes of this study: 1 = (Clay, 1975); 2 = (Dyson, 1985); 3 = (Ferreiro & Teberosky, 1982); 4 = (Gombert & Fayol, 1992); 5 = (Harste, Woodward,
& Burke, 1984); 6 = (Hildreth, 1936); 7 = (Kenner, 2000); 8 = (Levin, Both-de
Vries, Aram, & Bus, 2005); 9 = (Levin & Bus, 2003); 10 = (Luria, 1978/1929);
11 = (Martlew & Sorsby, 1995); 12 = (Sulzby, 1985b); 13 = (Sulzby, 1990); 14 =
(Tolchinsky-Landsmann & Levin, 1985); 15 = (Tolchinksy & Teberosky, 1998).
that is, children sometimes told us they could not write, and then
shifted to drawing as a way of participating in the photo-caption
event. Most children, however, did participate as writers, despite
the relative difficulty of the task.
Briefly, most children producing undifferentiated scribbles
(F-3) made marks without any of the features usually associated
with print such as linearity or small, individual units. Though
some of the same physical-motor schemes were used to produce
scribble units (F-4), the smaller size of the scribble marks and
their placement on the page surrounded by white space showed
initial attention to individually bounded units of print. Other
categories demonstrated increasingly fine-grained observations
of the visual details of print including the kinds, variations, and
combinations of strokes characteristic of English alphabet letters. When producing stroke units (F-5), children wrote with
strings of small, individual lines, circles, and curves. In personal
manuscript (F-6a), these strokes were combined within the same
unit, creating marks with even more resemblance to alphabet
letters. Children who wrote using long wavy lines of personal
cursive (F-6b) demonstrated attention to the linearity of writing.
Personal cursive usually appeared concurrently with personal
manuscript in our sample and so both forms were assigned the
same ordinal score. The appearance of alphabet letters (F-7,
F-8, F-9) showed children’s increasing recognition that writing
Writing Development in Early Childhood
required the use of a particular set of conventional notational
elements (Tolchinksy, 2003). Finally, with the shift to invented
spelling (F-10, F-11, F-12), children approached writing with an
increasingly fine-grained ability to segment words into phonemes,
and to use letter-sound correspondence as the basis for deciding
which alphabet letters to write.
From these descriptive observations, we infer that, while
children initially participated in writing events using their existing
physical-motor and gestural schemes, with experience they also
began to attend to the visual details of print, then to the specific
configurations of alphabet letters, and finally to selecting letters
based on letter-sound correspondence.
Directionality Categories
In the preschool years, children are also learning about the layout
of print on the page, the left-to-right sequence, and return-downand-left directional patterns used for English print. Table 3.2
presents the Write Start! categories describing directional patterns in young children’s writing. Observation of the directional
patterns in children’s writing provided additional clues to their
understandings about the visual/temporal sequence of print and
how they organized the motor activities of writing, and may also
give clues to the visual scanning patterns they used for reading.
Like other features of writing, children’s global hypotheses about
page layout and directionality were eventually replaced by more
specific ones.
Initially, some children understood that the expected location
for marks was on paper rather than on the table, but placed their
marks randomly on the page (D-1). Others made a more specific
observation that marks were arranged in lines, but produced unconventional linear arrangements (D-2) moving from right to left,
or from the top to bottom of the page. Reversals of the directional
patterns often occurred when children used unconventional rightside-of-page starting points (see Clay, 1991). Once they chose this
incorrect starting point, they not only placed marks on the page in
right-to-left order, but often flipped the orientation of individual
letters to a mirror image. (See Tanera’s name writing above her
photos at ages 4:0, 4:6, and 5:0 in Table 3.9.)
P E3.2.
R S PWrite
E C T I Start!
V E S OWriting
N L I F EAssessment:
S P A N W R I Directionality
T I N G D E V E LCategories
Score Category
If picture, must be
clearly identifiable
as a picture (strict).
Only a dot counts
here; any small
mark that is bigger
than a dot should
be scored below.
No writing
marks made
or a single
dot, scribble
unit, letter
unit, or large
Or, if child
makes a
clearly identifiable picture
or drawing.
of multiple
units, letterlike forms, or
Unconventional placement: linear
Child places writ- Wil-yhum
ing marks without
discernable pattern.
Assumes multiple
units are present.
Child places
writing marks in
linear pattern with
Right to Left
Top to Bottom
Bottom to Top,
Mixed directions
within same line,
Marks may not be
conventional letters.
Conventional Line 1 marks are
linear place- placed left to right;
ment, first
after line 1 an
line; other
lines uncon- directional pattern
is used;
marks may not be
conventional letters.
Conventional All lines are prolinear place- duced left to right;
ment, all
marks may or may
not be conventional
Key Study
1, 2, 12
1, 2, 15
1, 2, 15
1, 2
Note: Numbers indicate key studies reporting a similar type of writing behavior, though
the category names used in the key study may differ from the names used for the Write
Start! categories: 1 = (Clay, 1975); 2 = (Dyson, 1985); 3 = (Ferreiro & Teberosky, 1982);
4 = (Gombert & Fayol, 1992); 5 = (Harste, Woodward, & Burke, 1984); 6 = (Hildreth,
1936); 7 = (Kenner, 2000); 8 = (Levin, Both-de Vries, Aram, & Bus, 2005); 9 = (Levin
& Bus, 2003); 10 = (Luria, 1978/1929); 11 = (Martlew & Sorsby, 1995); 12 = (Sulzby,
1985b); 13 = (Sulzby, 1990); 14 = (Tolchinsky-Landsmann & Levin, 1985); 15 = (Tolchinksy & Teberosky, 1998).
Writing Development in Early Childhood
With more experience, children began to use conventional
left-to-right directional patterns some of the time (D-4). They
often established the first part of the left-to-right directional pattern, but used random or unconventional linear patterns when
they reached the end of the line or otherwise ran out of space.
Karim’s photo label in Figure 3.2 is a good example. As seen by
the numbers superimposed on his page, his first line of print,
starting with a large P, was arranged in a left-to-right pattern.
However, when he ran out of space, he continued vertically up
the right side of the page, extended a run of personal cursive
from right to left across the top of the page, and then finished
with a series of circular stroke units vertically placed from top to
bottom down the left side of the photo. Finally, children begin
to use conventional, left-to-right, return-down-left directional
arrangements for all lines of print (D-4). (See Javani’s caption
[age 5:7]—I love to eat jelly.—in Table 3.9.)
FIGURE 3.2. Karim’s photo page.
Intentionality Categories
Intentionality involves children’s understandings that their marks
can represent linguistic messages and their willingness to assign
meaning to their marks (Harste, Woodward, and Burke, 1984). I
have argued elsewhere (Rowe, 2008b) that when children demonstrate the message concept (Clay, 1975), the willingness to assign
a linguistic message to their unconventional marks, they have
reached a watershed point in early literacy learning. Once children see themselves as the kinds of persons who can express their
meanings with marks, they have additional incentive to notice how
print works in the demonstrations provided by people and texts
in their environment. Observations of children’s intentionality
strategies provide cues to the ways they see themselves as writers
and their understandings about how print represents meanings.
Intentionality does not come into being all at once. Like
other understandings about writing, it is socially constructed
through many moments of face-to-face participation in writing
events (Rowe, 2008a). The Write Start! intentionality categories
describe a developmental progression from global to more specific
hypotheses for assigning meaning to marks.
In the Write Start! photo-labeling task, intentionality was observed by recording the messages children voiced during composing, and the messages they read in response to the adult request:
“Read it to me.” Initially, some children made marks, but did not
read them (I-1). (See Table 3.3.) Some children responded to the
request to read their marks with silence or by taking their turn
with more writing, as Javani did in Example 3.1 at Turn 35. In a
second nonverbal pattern, children responded by pointing to their
marks, but offered no oral interpretation. In a third nonverbal
pattern, children produced mumble reading; that is, children who
otherwise conversed effectively with me purposefully responded
with oral productions that were too quiet to be heard or that were
mumbled so their messages were not understandable. These children appeared to understand that the request to read their marks
required a linguistic response, but were unsure or uncomfortable
in responding. Silence, making marks, pointing, and mumble
reading were important ways of participating in emergent-writing
events when no linguistic message was produced. In a fourth type
TABLE 3.3. WriteWriting
Start! Writing
in Early
Childhood Categories
Score Category
Child does not make
Intentionally makes
marks, but does not
interpretation interpret them as a
linguistic message
Sign concept
No marks
Writes/draws, hoping to create something, but without
any idea of what the
message might be
Reads message
message, no orally, but no corconventional rect letters are used;
corresponno speech/print
Intends message/
No letter/
sound correspondence
Intends message/ some
Key Study
Concordance a
Refuses to read
12, 14
(“I can’t; I don’t
know what it
Gestures only
(Points to marks,
but does not provide oral reading)
Mumble Reading
(Child provides
mumbled oral
interpretation that
is purposefully too
quiet or is unintelligible)
Writes, then asks 1, 2
assessor, “What
did I write?”
No visible attempt 10, 12, 13
at letter/sound correspondence.
No evidence of
matching speech
units to marks.
Reads message
Uses voice point- 4, 7, 10, 13
ing or finger pointmust match voice
ing to show match
or finger pointing
between talk and
to specific marks
specific marks.
(usually syllables or May match
words) to get credit. beginning/end of
No evidence of
oral message to
letter/sound corbeginning/end of
printed marks.
Reads message
There is direct
2, 9, 14, 15,
evidence (sounding 5
at least one letter
out; child’s verbal
indicates attempt
statement) that
at letter/sound cor- child has chosen
at least one letter
with a purposeful
attempt to match
speech to sound.
Note: Numbers indicate key studies reporting a similar type of writing behavior,
though the category name used in the key study may differ from the category name
used for the Write Start! categories: 1 = (Clay, 1975); 2 = (Dyson, 1985); 3 = (Ferreiro & Teberosky, 1982); 4 = (Gombert & Fayol, 1992); 5 = (Harste, Woodward,
& Burke, 1984); 6 = (Hildreth, 1936); 7 = (Kenner, 2000); 8 = (Levin, Both-de
Vries, Aram, & Bus, 2005); 9 = (Levin
2003); 10 = (Luria, 1978/1929);
11 = (Martlew & Sorsby, 1995); 12 = (Sulzby, 1985b); 13 = (Sulzby, 1990); 14 =
(Tolchinsky-Landsmann & Levin, 1985); 15 = (Tolchinksy & Teberosky, 1998).
of nonverbal response, some children refused to read their marks,
stating that they didn’t know how to read. These informed refusals were most often made by older preschoolers unwilling to risk
producing unconventional responses.
Beginning with category I-2, the sign concept (Clay, 1975),
children demonstrated that they believed their marks represented
meaning. Children displayed the sign concept when they asked an
adult to read their marks. Clay has noted that children who make
this request understand that their marks can represent a message,
but do not believe they are capable of reading it. On the other
hand, children who read their own marks demonstrated the message concept (I-3), showing both that they understood the semiotic
potential of their marks and that they saw themselves as capable
of taking up the roles of writer and reader (Rowe, 2008a). When
children read their messages, some provided no indication of how
the message was matched to the unconventional marks on the page
(I-3). Others created a global link between marks and the oral
message by pointing to print or by voice pointing (i.e., matching
the cadence of their oral message to the cadence of writing) but
without any attempt to use letter-sound correspondence (I-4). A
final strategy for assigning meaning to marks involved reading
the message based on some letter-sound correspondence (I-5).
Message Content Categories: Task-Message Match
Preschoolers are not only learning how the print system works,
they are also learning about writing purposes, genres, and the
style and content of messages expected in different social situations. When we asked children to write captions for their photos,
they faced problems not only of writing form, directionality, and
intentionality, but also of composing appropriate content for their
written messages. Observing how children matched the content
of their captions to the writing task allowed us to track their understandings about social purposes for writing. Because children
composed their own messages, we were also able to observe the
complexity of their messages.
The content of children’s written messages is the least-studied
aspect of early writing. For the Write Start! Writing Assessment’s
photo-labeling task, messages were described using categories
Writing Development in Early Childhood
that considered both the appropriateness of the message content
and the complexity of the language used in the message (i.e.,
word, phrase, or sentence). (See Table 3.4.) Observations of
task-message match were based on the content of the oral messages children read aloud during composing or in response to
the adult’s request to read their writing. Therefore, task-message
match categories describe the oral message apart from judgments
about the marks used to represent it.
Even when children began to demonstrate intentionality by
assigning meaning to their marks, the content of their messages
was sometimes related to neither the social event underway nor
the image on the page (TM-1). For example, one child read the
message, “I love my mommy and my brother,” as the caption for
a photo showing her playing with plastic alphabet letters in the
classroom. Children appeared to understand that reading their
marks meant saying something verbally, but they did not fully
understand how to connect their messages to social and material cues present in the writing event. Some children showed a
global understanding that texts should be matched to the larger
social situation (i.e., school) by producing a conventional school
literacy performance (TM-2: reciting the alphabet or counting).
Reegan used this strategy when he read “One, two, three, four”
for his marks below a photo showing him driving a toy car on
the playground. Beginning with category TM-3, global relations
to writing materials, functions, or processes, children showed
awareness that the message should in some way relate to the
writing event underway. These messages described the social function (e.g., “I’m gonna take it home.”) or material features of the
writing event (e.g., “It’s blue.”) or provided a global description
of the writing process (e.g., “I went around and around.”). The
final four categories showed awareness that the caption should
relate to the items pictured in the photo. Some children generated
messages that globally described the photo (TM-4: “It’s about
my class.”), often sounding more like oral comments to the adult
than a written caption. Finally, children created conventional
captions describing objects and actions pictured in the photos in
the form of a word, phrase, or sentence (TM-5, TM-6, TM-7).
TABLE 3.4. Write Start! Writing Assessment: Task-Message Match (Message
Content) Categories
No understandable oral
or written
Message unrelated to photo
labeling task
No message assigned
to marks
Child reads a message,
but it is not related to
photo content, or to
the writing materials,
processes, or functions
of the photo-labeling
Child reads message
unrelated to
not related to photo or
photo-labeling task. Only “standard”
messages like those
conventional in the example would
score here; otherwise,
score as 1.
Global relaChild reads mestion to writing sage that describes
characteristics of writing materials in use;
often sounds like oral
language directed at
assessor rather than a
written label.
Global relaChild reads message
TM-3b tion to writing that describes social
function of writing
product; often sounds
like oral language
directed at assessor
rather than a written
relaChild reads message
tion to writing that describes proprocesses
cesses used in writing
marks; often sounds
like oral language
directed at assessor
rather than a written
Key Study
2, 14
“I Love
1, 14, 13
“A, B, C,
Names of
friends (not
“It’s red.” 14
To describe
“It’s for
you. I’m
gonna take
it home.”
“I went
around and
To describe
use of pen.
Writing Development in Early Childhood
Table 3.4 continued
Global relation to photo
Photo label/
Photo label/
Photo label/
Child reads message
that is related to items
pictured in photo;
often sounds like oral
language directed at
assessor rather than a
written label.
Child reads message
as word that serves
as a label for items or
actions in photo
“It’s about 2
1, 2
(The child
is on the
riding a
Child reads message
“My new
1, 2
as phrase that serves
as a label for items or (Photo
actions in photo.
shows child
new shoes.)
Child reads message
“I am play- 1, 2
as sentence that serves ing with
as a label for items or Aran.”
actions in photo.
shows child
playing with
Note: Numbers indicate key studies reporting a similar type of writing behavior, though
the category names used in the key study may differ from the names used for the Write
Start! categories: 1 = (Clay, 1975); 2 = (Dyson, 1985); 3 = (Ferreiro & Teberosky, 1982);
4 = (Gombert & Fayol, 1992); 5 = (Harste, Woodward, & Burke, 1984); 6 = (Hildreth,
1936); 7 = (Kenner, 2000); 8 = (Levin, Both-de Vries, Aram, & Bus, 2005); 9 = (Levin
& Bus, 2003); 10 = (Luria, 1978/1929); 11 = (Martlew & Sorsby, 1995); 12 = (Sulzby,
1985b); 13 = (Sulzby, 1990); 14 = (Tolchinsky-Landsmann & Levin, 1985); 15 = (Tolchinksy & Teberosky, 1998).
Writing Development over Time: Age-Group Patterns in
Cross-sectional analyses were used as a first approach to describing age-related developmental changes in writing between 2½
and 6 years of age. Children’s Write Start! assessment scores,
recording the most advanced category observed for each writing
feature, were grouped into six-month age bands. To make crossage comparisons easier, in this chapter, results are reported as
relative frequencies—percentages of children receiving each score
in the age band.
Previous research has consistently shown that children’s marks
become more conventional with age (e.g., Gombert & Fayol,
1992; Levin & Bus, 2003; Tolchinsky-Landsmann & Levin,
1985)—a pattern that was also confirmed by cross-sectional
analysis of the Write Start! data. Table 3.5 displays the relative
frequency of writing forms used by each age group of Write Start!
participants. The bolded entries are the most frequent (modal)
writing forms used by children in each age band. The group’s
age-related progress toward convention is easily seen by the way
boldfaced, typical performances are mostly arranged from left to
right across the table’s columns, mirroring the table’s left-to-right
ordering of categories from less to more sophisticated.
For the youngest age band, 2:6 to 2:11, scribbles (F-3) and
scribble units (F-4) predominated. Three-year-olds most often
produced personal manuscript (F-6). Four-year-olds typically
Invented Spelling:
First/last sounds
40 0.0 25.0 10.0 22.5 30.0
Memorized word
Personal manuscript/cursive
Stroke units
Scribble units
2:6-2:11 18 0.0 27.8 27.8 22.2 22.2
No. of children
Invented spelling:
First sound
Conventional letters
Conventional letters
+ invention
Age in years:months
TABLE 3.5. Relative Frequency of Form Scores for the Photo-Caption Task
3:6-3:11 48 2.1
41.7 22.9 12.5
65 1.5
16.9 41.5 18.5
4:6-4:11 73 0.0
12.3 39.7 20.5 11.0 12.3
42 0.0
26.2 31.0 14.3 16.7
5:6-5:11 13 0.0
30.8 23.1 23.1 23.1
Note. Data are reported as a percentage of children in the age band receiving each
score. Boldface entries are modal forms for each age band.
Writing Development in Early Childhood
produced a mixture of conventional letters and invented forms
(F-7). For young 5-year-olds, conventional letters chosen without
letter-sound correspondence ( F-8) were the most frequent writing form, while the smaller sample of 5½-year-olds most often
combined conventional letters with invented forms (F-7).
While the progress-toward-convention narrative works well
to describe the typical writing forms used by different age groups,
it tells only part of the story. Table 3.5 also shows that, for each
age band, there was also considerable variation in the forms
children used when writing. Same-age peers wrote with many
different forms. The range of normal writing variation is visible
in the percentages scores arrayed to the left or right of modal
responses for each age band. For example, for 2½-year-olds,
though scribbles (F-3) and scribble units (F-4) were most common,
the children’s writing performances also showed attention to the
visual details of letters. Nearly as many 2½-year-olds produced
stroke units (F-5), or personal manuscript and personal cursive
(F-6). Examination of forms used by 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds shows
similar variability within age bands.
To further explore these patterns of variability, we followed
the age-related trajectories of writing form categories. Reading
down the columns of Table 3.5, it is apparent that not all writing
forms were used at every age. The use of some form categories increased with age, while others decreased. As new, more advanced
writing forms were added to the group’s repertoire, some less
advanced forms ceased to be used as the most advanced category.
Forms used by the youngest children in our study were those
that focused on physical-motor (F-3: scribbles) and visual details
of writing (F-4: scribble units, F-5: stroke units). Though some
of these forms continued to be used by a few children as old as
four, the relative frequencies for each of these categories followed
a rapidly declining trajectory and reached zero for the oldest age
While the use of these less advanced forms was declining,
new, more advanced writing forms were added to the group’s
writing repertoire. Writing forms containing conventional letters
(F-7: conventional letters plus invented forms, F-8: conventional
letters chosen without letter-sound correspondence) first appeared
in low frequencies in the writing of children in the 3:0–3:5 age
band and then followed a rapidly increasing trajectory. Writing
forms produced with attention to letter-sound correspondence
(F-10: invented spellings of first sounds) first appeared in low
frequencies at age four, and then increased slowly for children
in the 4:0–4:5 age band and beyond.
Not all categories followed simple increasing or decreasing
trajectories, however. Personal manuscript and personal cursive
(F-6) are such a case. Relative frequency increased sharply for 3and 3½-year olds, for whom it was the most frequent category.
However, as 4-year-olds began to more frequently use conventional letters, the use of personal manuscript decreased sharply,
then continued a more gradual decrease thereafter.
To sum up, examination of age-related changes in modal
writing forms showed a clear pattern of progress toward more
conventional forms with increasing age. However, there was considerable variability in the writing forms used by same-age peers
that was not captured in the modal analysis. Progress toward
convention not only occurred as children in each age group added
new and more advanced forms to their repertoires, but also in the
decreasing frequency of less conventional forms.
At least within the constraints of the photo-labeling task, group
patterns showed that many children controlled conventional
directional patterns relatively early, even before they were typically using conventional letters in their writing—a conclusion also
supported by two recent studies (Puranik & Lonigan, 2011; Treiman, Mulqueeny, & Kessler, 2015). Two-and-a-half-year-olds
and young 3-year-olds typically arranged marks randomly on
the page. (See Table 3.6.) Beginning at 3½ years of age, children
most frequently used conventional directional patterns for all lines
of writing, though random arrangement continued to be used
by some children from all age bands. The percentage of children
using conventional directional patterns increased steadily across
the age bands, reaching 76.9% for 5-year-olds.
Though analysis of modal patterns in directionality categories
showed a bimodal distribution of either random or conventional
Writing Development in Early Childhood
Single mark, scribbles
or drawinga
Random placement
Unconventional linear
Conventional Line 1,
then unconventional
Conventional, all lines
Age in years:months
Number of children
TABLE 3.6. Relative Frequency of Directionality Scores for the Photo-Caption
Note. Data are reported as a percentage of children in the age band receiving each
score. Bolded entries are modal patterns for the age band.
Directional patterns could not be determined when children used a single mark or
mass of scribbles, or when they drew a picture.
directional patterns, not all children moved so quickly to convention. Examination of the full range of variability in directionality
scores showed that some children in most age groups used unconventional linear arrangements (D-2) and partially conventional
arrangements (D-3), but at lower frequencies than the modal
categories. The trajectories of change for these categories were
relatively flat with small increases followed by small decreases.
Our qualitative observations suggested that a small group of
children used unconventional spatial arrangements for a longer
period. Some children, who continued to reverse the directional
principles, seemed to be influenced by individual factors such as
persistent preference for an incorrect starting point on the right
side of the page (Clay, 1991).
When compared to writing forms, these data showed, conventional directional principles began to be established earlier in
the preschool years. It is possible that directional principles were
easier to learn for two reasons. First, directional patterns were en-
tirely visible in the actions of other writers, and adults frequently
demonstrated left-to-right directionality as they touched marks
on the child’s page. (See Example 3.1, turns 4, 14, 21, and 32.)
There were no unstated principles to be inferred, as in the case
of understanding how letters are chosen to represent sounds.
Second, the conventional directional principles for arranging print
on the page were less complex than the many visual details and
representational principles children had to consider when writing
with alphabet letters.
Age-related patterns in the ways children assigned meaning to
their marks showed that 2- and 3-year-olds typically were willing
to read their marks, but did not indicate how the messages were
linked to the marks (see Table 3.7). Still, for both the 2½- and
young 3-year-olds, 27.8% to 22.5% of children did not read a
message when asked. The percentage of children who were unwilling to read their marks declined to only 10.4% for the older
Age in years:months
Number of children
Doesn’t read
Sign concept
Reads, no conventional correspondence
Global match, voice
Read with letter/sound
TABLE 3.7. Relative Frequency of Intentionality Scores for the Photo-Caption
Note. Data are reported as a percentage of children in the age band receiving each
score. Boldface entries are modal patterns for each age band.
Writing Development in Early Childhood
3-year-olds. For 2½ - and 3-year-olds, the leading edge of development involved reading messages using finger or voice pointing
to indicate a global match between speech and print. For 4- and
5-year-olds, almost all children were willing to assign a meaning
to their marks, typically creating a global match between speech
and print using finger or voice pointing.
Examination of age-related trajectories of intentionality
categories provided a more nuanced understanding of the development of intentionality. Group data showed that substantial
numbers of 2½- and 3-year-olds did not read a message when
asked (I-1), but that this category declined rapidly in subsequent
age groups and disappeared entirely for the 5½-year-olds. Reading
messages with global speech-print match was part of the repertoire of even the youngest age group, and followed an increasing
trajectory, becoming the modal response for 4- and 5-year-olds.
A more advanced intentionality strategy, reading messages by
matching speech to print with some letter-sound correspondence
(I-5), was first seen in the 4:0–4:5 age band and increased across
the next three age bands.
More than other writing features, children’s scores tended to be
widely distributed across message content categories, with the
percentage of students composing a topically related sentence
growing larger across the age bands. As seen in Table 3.8, the
most frequent pattern for 2½-year-olds was “no message.” Children in this age band also produced messages totally unrelated
to the task at hand, unrelated conventional school performances
such as reciting alphabet letters or numbers in sequence, and
general comments about some aspect of the ongoing event (see
Table 3.8). Altogether, 61.2% of 2-½-year-olds’ responses were
scored in categories where message content was unrelated to the
photo. This pattern suggests that many children had yet to form
conventional understandings of the meaning-based functions of
their writing.
Young 3-year-olds produced equal numbers of refusals to
read and sentence-length photo labels. Similar to those of the
2-½-year-olds, 57.5% of the responses produced by young
Photo label/sentence
Photo label/phrase
Photo label/word
Global relation to photo
Global relation to materials,
process function
No message
Message unrelated/
Number of children
Message unrelated to task
Age in
TABLE 3.8. Relative Frequency of Task-Message Match Scores for the
Photo-Caption Task
Note. Data are reported as a percentage of children in the age band receiving each
score. Boldface entries are modal patterns for the age band.
3-year-olds were unrelated to the photo. For older 3s, this pattern
reversed, with 43.7% of responses unrelated to photo content,
and 56.3% globally or specifically related to the photos. By the
time children reached 5 years of age, more than 80% of children
composed sentence-length labels directly related to photo content.
Examination of the full range of variability for each age band
showed children’s message types tended to be widely distributed
across many different content categories. Children between the
ages of 2:6 and 4:11 produced almost the full range of message
types in each age band. These message content categories had
different trajectories of change. Viewing the data in this way
confirmed the decreasing trajectory of the “no response” category (TM-0) and the increasing trajectory for photo-caption
sentences (TM-7). However, it also provided a more complex
view of children’s approaches to message content. For example,
in all age bands, children continued to produce messages unrelated to the task (TM-1), but the trajectory of change remained
Writing Development in Early Childhood
fairly flat. The relative frequency of messages globally related to
writing materials, processes, and function (TM-3a, 3b, 3c) was
fairly high for 2½- and 3-year-olds, and then declined as children
began to more frequently produce captions with topically related
words, phrases, and sentences. Another interesting pattern was
seen in the increasing trajectory and then decline of conventional
literacy performances unrelated to the task (TM-2). This trajectory showed that a good number of 3½- and 4-year-olds used
well-learned literacy and numeracy routines to solve the problem
of composing their own written messages.
Descriptions of early writing development built on measures of
central tendency provide a picture of age-related patterns in writing that supports a progress narrative. When writing is measured
at longer intervals, in this case four to six months, there appears
to be a sequential ordering (from less to more sophisticated) in
the typical ways children add new, more sophisticated writing
strategies to their repertoires. Ordered categories of the type
created for the Write Start! study can be helpful introductions
for adults who work with groups of young children. However,
models of early writing development based on measures of central tendency provide only a partial understanding of the ways
that writing develops. When the developmental storyline is built
on single indicators of age-typical writing, the result is often an
idealized progress narrative that models children’s learning as a
steady progression toward more sophisticated understandings
about all features of writing. My data suggest that children are
making progress in their understandings about writing across
the preschool years, but that progress is marked by variability
between children and within individuals.
Individual Trajectories in Learning to Write
To create a more nuanced developmental storyline and to further
explore children’s individual developmental trajectories, I con-
ducted a longitudinal analysis of the Write Start! photo-caption
sessions of the ten children who continued as participants in the
study from year 1 to year 3. As in the cross-sectional analysis, I
tracked the children’s developing understandings about writing
forms, directional patterns, intentionality, and message content.
My interpretations of the photo-caption sessions were supported
by ethnographic data collected as I and my research assistants
wrote with these children throughout each school year. Tracking
individuals over time allowed me to compare their patterns to
the typical profiles resulting from cross-case analysis and also to
describe developmental patterns not visible in the group data. In
this section, I focus on both progress and variability as seen in
the writing of individual children over time. First, I describe how
children’s writing became more conventional between ages of
2:6 and 5:11. Second, I focus on variability between and within
To provide an anchor for this discussion, Table 3.9 presents
the photo pages written by two children from the longitudinal
sample. Javani’s and Tanera’s texts are arranged in columns
reflecting the age bands used in the cross-sectional analysis. The
messages they read for their marks are provided below each image,
along with the child’s age at the time of the assessment. Below
each writing sample, I present the child’s Write Start! scores for
his or her photo caption (cf. Tables 3.1–3.4.). To facilitate discussion of the children’s photo captions, arrows have been added to
indicate the location where the child began writing his/her caption.
Progress toward Convention
Before turning to a discussion of variability, it is important to
acknowledge that, as shown by cross-sectional analysis of group
data, the progress narrative describes important patterns in the
writing trajectories of individual children in the longitudinal
sample. When looking at children’s trajectories over time, it is
clear that they moved from global to more specific and conventional understandings of all features of print. To illustrate this
pattern, some of the children’s individual learning trajectories
for print forms are graphed in Figure 3.3. I have graphed the
trajectories for only six of the children (Tanera, Javani, and four
Writing Development in Early Childhood
TABLE 3.9. Write Start! Scores for Four Writing Features: Multidimensional
Profiles for Javani and Tanera
Age Band
No understandable
“It says my name.”
Age: 2:11
F-3: Scribble
D-0: Scribble
I-1: Doesn’t read
TM-0: No understandable message
Age: 3:7
F-3: Scribble
D-1: Random placement
I-3: Reads, no conventional correspondence
TM-4: Global relation
to photo content
No understandable
Age 3:0
F-6b: Personal cursive
D-2: Unconventional
I-1: Doesn’t read
TM-0: No understandable message
continued on next page
P E 3.9
“A Y, like J Y”
Age 4:0
F-8: Conventional letters/
no letter sound
D-0: Single
I-3: Reads, no
TM-2: Message
unrelated to
photo content/
“I am playing
with animals.”
Age 4:6
F-8: Conventional letters/no letter
sound correspondence
D-4: Conventional, all lines
I-3: Reads, no
conventional correspondence
TM-7: Photo caption/sentence
“I love to eat
Age 5:7
F-10: Invented
D-4: Conventional, all lines
I-5: Reads with
some letter/sound
TM-4: Global
relation to photo
“I am doing
picking up
“I’m is doing a
Age 4:0
F-7: Conventional letters
plus inventions
D-2: Unconventional linear
I-4: Reads with
global match
TM-7: Photo
Age 4:6
F-6a: Personal
D-3: Conventional Line 1,
then unconventional
I-3: Reads, no
conventional correspondence
TM-7: Photo
“I write something.”
“I was playing
with markers at
the table.”
Age 5:0
F-8: Conventional letters, no
letter sound
D-4: Conventional, all lines
I-4: Reads with
global match/
points to print
TM-7: Photo
Age 5:7
F-9: Conventional letters,
memorized word
D-4: Conventional, all lines
I-5: Reads with
some letter/sound
TM-7: Photo
Note: Images show the photo pages produced by Javani and Tanera in response
to the Write Start! photo-caption task. Black arrows show the starting point for
the child’s photo caption. Scores below the images correspond to Write Start! categories for writing form (F), directionality (D), intentionality (I), and task/message
match (message content) (TM).
Writing Development in Early Childhood
FIGURE 3.3. Individual trajectories in writing forms for six children in the
longitudinal sample.
of their peers) to increase the readability of the display. Though
children’s individual trajectories were clearly different, as seen
by the differing paths of their line graphs, their trajectories show
an overall trend toward higher scores.
Javani’s and Tanera’s photo pages, presented in Table 3.9,
show overall patterns of progress in message content, form, directional patterns, and intentionality. For example, at ages 2:11
and 3:7, Javani wrote using scribbles. At ages 4:0 and 4:6 he
transitioned to writing conventional letters without letter-sound
correspondence, and at age 5:7 he used the alphabetic principle
to invent spellings representing the first letter sounds of words.
With regard to directional principles, he began with a single mass
of scribbles at age 2:11, located several sets of scribbles randomly
on the page at age 3:7, and again produced a single scribble at
4:0. By age 4:6 and 5:7, he used conventional directional patterns
for multiple lines of print. With regard to intentionality strategies,
Javani did not read a message at age 2:11, but at 3:7, 4:0, and
4:6 read his message without any indication of matching speech
to print. By 5:7, he read his message using some conventional
letter-sound correspondence. The trajectory of Javani’s messages
is uneven, but over time he shifted from not reading his marks (age
2:11) to reading messages globally (ages 3:7, 5:7) or specifically
related to the photo (age 4:6). Javani and Tanera’s patterns are
typical of the longitudinal sample in that most features show a
clear trend toward more conventional understandings over time.
Interindividual Variabilty in Writing Development
While progress toward convention appeared to be an important
part of writing development between 2½ and 6 years of age,
variation among individuals’ personal trajectories was also typical. Tracking individuals’ writing over time provided additional
insight into the variability seen within age groups in the crosssectional analysis. Two patterns are especially evident when
comparing the developmental trajectories of the children in the
longitudinal sample. First, whether we discuss writing forms,
directional patterns, intentionality strategies, or message content,
children start from different points as 2½-year-olds. Second, the
timing of children’s transitions from one hypothesis to the next
varies widely.
As 2½-year-olds, the Write Start! children already approached
writing quite differently. In Table 3.9, we see that Javani used
scribbles as his most sophisticated writing form through the
end of his third year. Tanera, on the other hand, was already
producing personal cursive at age 3:0. Figure 3.3 illustrates the
variable starting points for writing forms of six of the children in
the longitudinal sample, reminding us that children in the same
age band have varying levels of experience with writing, and that
children’s personal interests encourage them to focus on different
facets of writing.
Writing Development in Early Childhood
Differential Pacing
The pacing of children’s learning also varies. For example, the
differential timing of children’s transitions to new print forms
can be seen in Figure 3.3 in the differing slopes of the lines. For
example, of the three children who were inventing spellings with
first letter–sound correspondence by the end of the study (F-10),
two (Javani and Terohl) continued to use scribbles (F-3) for an
extended period into their third year. Denista, on the other hand,
as a 3-year-old already produced forms with printlike features
such as stroke units (F-5) and personal cursive (F-6). Children
like Javani and Terohl scribbled for a longer time than some of
their peers, but by age 5 they were using the alphabetic principle
to invent spellings.
For each of the four features of writing discussed here, variability between children’s individual trajectories was the norm.
Children’s developmental paths were characterized not only by
different starting points, but also by different pacing. Differences between children were especially evident in the timing of
transitions to new forms. Some children took longer than others
to begin to use more conventional forms, but sometimes made
large jumps in the conventionality of their writing forms in the
four to six months elapsing between assessment points, allowing
them to “catch up” with peers whose progress was more evenly
distributed across the preschool years.
Intraindividual Variability in Early Writing Development
Describing the unique developmental paths of individual children
also requires attention to variability within each child’s learning.
Viewed over time, young children’s learning paths are characterized by seesaw trajectories, concurrent use of more and less
sophisticated hypotheses, and unevenness in their learning about
different features of writing.
Though the general developmental trend for children in the longitudinal sample was toward more conventional understandings,
many children seesawed back and forth between more and less
sophisticated hypotheses for one or more features of writing. As
seen in Table 3.9, Javani’s writing showed a seesaw trajectory
for message content. As a 4-year-old he composed a conventional
message focusing on the specific actions pictured in the photo: “I
am playing with animals” (TM-7). As a 5-year-old his message
was only globally related to the photo (TM-4). He read, “I love
to eat jelly” for a photo that showed him playing in the pretend
kitchen of the dramatic play center. Tanera’s writing showed a
seesaw trajectory for writing forms and intentionality. At 4:0
years of age, she used a conventional letter T plus invented forms
of personal cursive (F-7). However, at age 4:6, she used personal
manuscript and no conventional letters (F-8). At 4:0 she read her
message using the intentionality strategy of pointing globally to
the print (I-4), while at the next assessment point she read her
marks without indicating any speech-print correspondence (I-3).
For individuals, writing development does not appear to
proceed as an even stepwise progression through a series of
ordered hypotheses. Confirming previous research (e.g., Luria,
1978/1929), children who at a previous assessment point had
displayed a more advanced writing feature sometimes used a less
advanced feature six months later—a pattern also observed for
all four writing features tracked in the Write Start! study.
Children also displayed variability in their control of different features of writing. Confirming previous research (Dyson,
1985), the Write Start! children’s understandings about writing
forms, directionality, intentionality, and message content were
not always equally well developed. While the conventionality of
children’s writing forms is often the basis on which adults judge
their writing, data from this study suggest that this kind of onedimensional judgment is not a good reflection of writing development. In particular, children who used the most conventional
writing forms did not always produce the most sophisticated
messages, and vice versa.
Take, for example, Jaron and Denista, two 4-year-olds
whose photo-labeling pages are shown in Figures 3.4 and 3.5.
Figure 3.4. Jaron’s photo page
Writing Development in Early Childhood
FIGURE 3.4. Jaron’s photo page.
The numbers superimposed on Figure 3.4 show the sequence
and direction for the child’s writing. Visually, Jaron’s writing is
less sophisticated than Denista’s. He has used personal cursive
arranged in both conventional and unconventional directional
patterns. Denista, on the other hand, has written her caption
using randomly selected letters arranged in a conventional, horizontal, left-to-right sequence. Both children, however, created
sentences with content that matched the photo, and both used
voice pointing to indicate the match between marks and syllables
in their messages. Jaron, for example, slowed and segmented his
oral message into syllables, “I – am – play – ing – with – blocks,”
writing one up or down stroke of personal cursive for each syllable (Figure 3.4). Denista read her message, orally segmenting
it into syllables and writing a letter below the photo as each syl-
Figure 3.5. Denista’s photo page
FIGURE 3.5. Denista’s photo page.
lable was pronounced, breaking the last word into two syllables:
“ I – am – on – the – sta – irs.” (See Figure 3.5.) While Denista’s
writing forms were clearly more sophisticated than Jaron’s, both
children displayed sophisticated understandings of expected message content and ways of assigning meaning to marks. Overall,
examination of the individual children’s writing showed that often
their understandings were not equally sophisticated in all areas.
It is important to understand that the Write Start! scoring protocol produced a single score for each writing event reflecting
the most sophisticated writing features used by the child. While
this approach provided an indicator of children’s changing ap-
Writing Development in Early Childhood
proaches to writing, it did not capture their tendency to retain
less mature forms in their repertoire and to continue to use them
in combination with their more sophisticated forms—a pattern
also observed in previous research (Dyson, 1985; Sulzby, 1985a).
To explore the question of whether Write Start! children
concurrently used more and less sophisticated writing forms
within a single writing event, I examined all of the photo-caption
sessions of children in the longitudinal sample, recording all of
the forms children used in each composing session. Forty-eight
percent of the photo captions were constructed using multiple
writing forms. Table 3.9 shows typical examples where, at age 3:0,
Tanera uses both personal cursive (F-6) and scribble units (F-4)
to produce her photo label, and at age 4:0 uses both conventional
letters and personal cursive (F-7) to write her message below the
photo. Overall, these findings are an important reminder that, for
individuals, writing was not conducted with a single hypothesis
about each feature of writing, but, instead, children often drew
on a wider repertoire of more and less sophisticated hypotheses
as they wrote.
Insights about Early Writing Development
In this chapter, my goal has been to describe age-related patterns in the writing of one group of children from 2:6 to 5:11
years of age. These patterns of participation were produced in a
context where children had frequent opportunities to engage in
emergent writing with adults who encouraged them to use their
unconventional writing to compose their own messages. Given
recent research (Gerde, Bingham, & Pendergast, 2015; Pelatti,
Piasta, Justice, & O’Connell, 2014; Zhang, Hur, Diamond, &
Powell, 2014) showing wide variation in the amount and types of
writing experiences US children have in preschool classrooms, it
is important to remember the situated nature of the developmental patterns reported in this chapter. While many of the writing
patterns have previously been observed by researchers studying
children learning to write in English and other alphabetic languages (see the key study concordances in Tables 3.1–3.4), more
research is needed to understand how patterns of development are
shaped by differing social practices and opportunities for young
children’s participation in writing. Nevertheless, this study provides data that are helpful in addressing the long-standing debate
about whether early writing development is best characterized as
sequenced and progressive (e.g., Ferreiro, 1990) or variable and
individually patterned (e.g., Clay, 1991; Dyson, 1985; Sulzby,
1991). Results of the current study suggest it is both.
Sequences in Learning to Write
There is no evidence from this study to support a strictly invariant sequence in children’s production of the forms, directional
patterns, intentionality strategies, and types of messages described
by the Write Start! categories. Instead, our data show that variability is a central characteristic of writing development for both
individuals and groups. Nevertheless, when children’s writing
behaviors were observed at six-month intervals, as in the current
analyses, the overall path of change for the group showed movement from less to more advanced writing categories. The Write
Start! categories have been ordered to reflect the group trajectories
observed in this study. Data supporting the match between the
sequence of the Write Start! categories and children’s trajectories
over time included changes in modal writing categories with
increasing age, the order in which the group added new, more
advanced categories to their writing repertoires, and the changing relative frequencies of more and less advanced categories.
Growth curve analyses showed that children’s scores increased
with age—a finding that could only be obtained if the order of
categories was well matched to the actual trajectory of change
(Rowe & Wilson, 2015).
Rethinking the Developmental Storyline for Writing
in Early Childhood: Making a Place for Progress and
Confirming previous research (e.g., Gombert & Fayol, 1992;
Levin & Bus, 2003; Tolchinsky-Landsmann & Levin, 1985), all
of the data examined here, whether cross-sectional comparisons
Writing Development in Early Childhood
of age-group patterns or longitudinal analyses of individuals,
showed that, over time, children moved from global to more specific and conventional understandings of each of the print features
studied. Though not a new observation, this finding underscores
the importance of early writing experience as a venue for print
learning (Levin, Share, & Shatil, 1996; Martlew & Sorsby, 1995;
National Early Literacy Panel, 2008; Puranik & Lonigan, 2011).
Data patterns also showed that variability was the rule
rather than the exception. Interindividual variability was seen
in children’s differential starting points and in the timing and
pacing of transitions from one category to the next. Children of
the same age exhibited a wide range of normal variation in their
hypotheses about print, regardless of which of the four writing
features was examined.
Intraindividual variability was also a key feature of the developmental paths of individual children in our study. Viewed
over time, children’s learning paths were characterized by backand-forth movement where they seesawed between more and
less sophisticated hypotheses for one or more features of writing.
Variability also occurred as children concurrently used more and
less sophisticated hypotheses in the same writing event. Writing
was not accomplished with a single hypothesis about each feature
of writing. Instead, children drew on a wider repertoire of more
and less sophisticated hypotheses as they wrote.
Variability within individuals’ personal developmental paths
was particularly evident when looking at children’s differential
control of forms, intentionality strategies, directionality, and
message content. Children’s understandings of these features were
not always equally well developed. The timing of children’s learning about different writing features and their way of integrating
them appeared to be more individually patterned than might be
expected when looking at the ordered sequences of categories for
each feature. While, for each feature, there remained a general
progression toward more conventional understandings, all features were not attended to in the same way or at the same pace.
Children pursued learning paths that our ethnographic observations suggested may have been influenced by their personal approaches to print, their interests, and their interactions with more
experienced writers (Rowe & Neitzel, 2010).
The current study is not the first to find normal variability
in young children’s writing. As early as 1936, Hildreth reported
wide variation in the writing of same-age peers:
When the samples within any age level were arranged in order
of excellence, considerable overlapping in the samples of any
age group with the next was found. The least mature writers
in the group 5.0 to 5.5, for example, were not so mature as
the best writers in the age group 4.6 to 4.11. This was true for
practically every age group for whom samples were collected.
(p. 292)
However, after acknowledging the age-related variability in her
participants’ writing performances, Hildreth suggested that median writing performances should be viewed as age-group norms
against which children’s writing could be compared. In this way,
she launched a developmental narrative that highlighted central
tendencies and progress toward convention, and defined variable
writing performances as outside the norm. This developmental
storyline continues to guide current research and assessment of
early writing.
Data from the current study have encouraged me to reconsider
whether the simple version of the progress-toward-convention
narrative, with its emphasis on representing age groups with typical (modal) performances, is the best fit for the writing development of the children in the Write Start! study. I have concluded
that developmental narratives built primarily on measures of
central tendency and the resulting descriptions of progress toward
convention are useful as a general picture of learning to write.
However, they are less useful for describing the expected learning paths of individual children because they obscure the great
range of normal variation within and between children that is
present in our data. Models of early writing built exclusively on
measures of central tendency for groups tend to render the kinds
of variability seen in this study invisible, and at worst define it as
outside the norm. I argue, instead, that the field needs a more nuanced developmental storyline. Portraits of early writing that fail
to capture both progress and variability run the risk of describing
everyone in general and no one in particular.
Writing Development in Early Childhood
Overlapping Waves of Writing Development
To account for the patterns reported here, a description of writing development in early childhood needs to forefront the normal
variation in children’s writing, while at the same time recognizing
that young writers do, over time, form hypotheses that bring their
personal understandings of writing in closer alignment with those
of their communities. Siegler’s (2000, 2006, 2007) overlappingwaves theory of cognitive development is a theoretical approach
that is helpful for reconciling the role of progress and variability
in the Write Start! data. Consistent with the findings presented
in this chapter, Siegler (2000) has argued that, at any time point,
children typically use a variety of ways of thinking, rather than
a single one. Both more and less advanced strategies coexist in
children’s repertoires over long periods of time (Yaden & Tsai,
2012). Variability in development is seen in the changing relative
frequencies with which children rely on particular strategies across
time, and also in children’s movement back and forth between
more and less advanced strategies in their immediate attempts
to solve problems. For Siegler, progress in development is visible
as children construct new and increasingly more effective strategies over time, rely increasingly on relatively more advanced
strategies, and decrease their use of less advanced ones. Though
the trajectory of change involves a move toward more advanced
ways of thinking, when viewed over longer timeframes the path
of progress “reflects a back and forth competition, rather than a
forward march” (Siegler, 2007, p. 105). He concludes that there
is often a good deal of consistency in the order in which children
construct new, more advanced strategies, with sequences most
visible when measured at longer intervals and variability most
clearly observed within events or between events recorded at
close intervals.
Applied to the Write Start! data, Siegler’s overlapping-waves
theory (2000, 2006, 2007) supports our finding of a broad sequence with which children constructed new, more advanced
writing performance. However, rather than stopping with a
simple progress narrative, the overlapping-waves metaphor portrays early writing development as a complex process in which
young literacy learners simultaneously add more advanced writing
strategies to their repertoires, reduce the use of less sophisticated
strategies, and draw on both more and less sophisticated strategies
to participate in writing events. This metaphor of overlapping
waves foregrounds variability, while at the same time recognizing that children’s writing performances do on the whole become
more sophisticated over time.
Implications for Early Education Policy and
Assessment Practices
A major question addressed in this chapter is how writing changes
with age and experience. Parents, teachers, and researchers are
equally interested in understanding the kinds of writing they might
expect to see from children of different ages—a question that is
rooted in broader cultural models that recognize age as an important marker of development in early childhood (Rogoff, 2003).
In The Cultural Nature of Human Development, Rogoff
(2003) points out that while many adults in Western industrialized cultures see time-since-birth as a central measure of child
development, this is not the case in all cultures. The practice of
dividing the human lifespan according to age is relatively new,
fitting with industrial societies’ goals for efficient management
of schools and other institutions. One way this concern about
age-related developmental progressions has been expressed is in
questions about whether children are at, above, or below typical patterns for their same-aged peers. In the United States, this
concern is at the forefront of current political discourse around
educational standards that can be used to determine whether
children’s academic skills are “on grade level” (Common Core
State Standards Initiative, 2010). In fact, Rogoff reports that
age-related benchmarking is so associated with US cultural perspectives that it was called “the American question” when she
studied at Piaget’s Swiss institute.
In the United States, age takes on special importance in the
early childhood years since it is a central criterion determining
whether children are eligible to attend publicly funded educational
programs, and for assigning age-eligible children to classes. While
there are exceptions, many teachers find themselves working with
Writing Development in Early Childhood
children in a fairly narrow age band. In this cultural and institutional context, where age is a central organizing construct for
cultural models of child development, adults need information
on age-related patterns in early childhood literacy.
Even so, the results reported in this chapter suggest that
age-related writing norms developed from measures of central
tendency must be interpreted with caution. Users of early writing assessments should avoid judging children’s writing progress
based on its match to modal norms. Instead, educators need to
consider young children’s writing performances in relation to the
wider array of normal variability seen within their age group.
Though there appear to be typical progressions in writing development, variations from these age-related progressions are as much
a part of the picture as are the progressions themselves. Educators
need both an understanding of typical paths and progressions,
and a keen eye for observing and supporting children’s individual
paths of development.
Taking a Lifespan View of Early Writing Development
In this volume, we have collaboratively taken up the challenge of
examining writing development across the lifespan. In Chapter
2, we presented a set of principles intended to inform a model
of writing development across the lifespan, starting with preschoolers’ unconventional scribbles and continuing through the
increasingly sophisticated texts produced by adolescents and
adults. Despite the great differences in the textual and life worlds
of writers across the lifespan, this chapter’s portrait of the very
beginnings of writing underscores continuity in writing development that begins with children’s earliest explorations of writing.
The Write Start! data provide a strong argument for our first
and eighth principles: the impact of context and curriculum on
the beginnings of children’s writing development. The children
enrolled in Write Start! classrooms were surrounded by print at
home and at school, and had easy access to writing materials in
the classroom. Perhaps even more important, their development
was shaped by an emergent-literacy curriculum where adults
invited even the youngest children to write, and positioned them
as persons capable of making meaning with marks—regardless of
the conventionality of their texts. Emergent-literacy environments
of this sort launch children on a developmental course framed by
the social press to take up roles as writers (Rowe, 2008a). Development could look quite different in contexts where examples of
writing were scarce or where adults equated good writing with
conventional spellings.
Our second principle foregrounds the complexity of writing
development in early childhood. Though writing a photo caption
seems a simple task from an adult perspective, for preschoolers
it required exploring and coordinating multiple facets of writing
including their understandings of writing forms, intentionality
strategies, directional patterns, and task-appropriate message
content. Of course there are other kinds of understandings not
analyzed here, as well. To participate appropriately as writers,
children also needed to coordinate a complex set of interactive
skills through which they negotiated access to space, materials,
and attention and interaction with adults and peers. Like older
writers, preschoolers are learning to coordinate many different
facets of writing knowledge in order to take part in writing events.
Our third principle, variability in writing development, is a
central pattern for the preschool writers in this study. While age is
an organizing structure for many early childhood and elementary
education programs, the Write Start! data suggest that educators
and parents must expect and be prepared to respond to normal
variability in the writing development of same-age peers. Young
writers also display a good deal of intraindividual variability.
Different facets of writing develop at different speeds, creating a
complex pattern of overlapping waves of writing development.
Though the source of variability in children’s writing is not explored directly in this chapter, it is likely that children’s interests
and personal histories with writing, as well as their cognitive
skills, are involved.
Our fourth principle foregrounds the impact of writing
resources and technologies. The developmental trajectories
described here were shaped by the page-based resources and
technologies children used as they wrote at preschool. Children
Writing Development in Early Childhood
were exploring ways the small size and portability of the page
facilitated certain types of mobility and social interaction around
products. They were developing their skills in writing and drawing by hand. In the future, as children more often compose with
touchscreen tablets and other digital tools, trajectories for writing
development will also be shaped by the increased multimodality
and mobility of these technologies.
Finally, the current study demonstrates how preschoolers
were reconfiguring general language functions and processes in the
service of writing—our fifth principle. Though these youngsters
were still developing their oral language skills, they arrived at
the writing table with considerable ability to express their ideas
and interests through conversation and gesture. As they began
to record their ideas in writing, their attention was turned to
language as an object. Children formed increasingly more specific
understandings of the ways speech is represented in writing—an
understanding reflected in increased sophistication of their writing
forms and intentionality strategies.
Overall, these principles of lifespan writing development serve
to highlight what can and cannot be expected of a model of writing development in early childhood. Because writing development
begins in early childhood with a highly contextualized trajectory,
we cannot expect to have one simple set of benchmark accomplishments for young writers. We need to resist the urge to simplify
the developmental picture by pushing contextual, curricular, and
technological contexts to the background. Instead, we need to
more fully describe local patterns of writing development as they
occur in different social, curricular, and technological contexts.
Because writing development begins with a highly complex
trajectory involving overlapping waves of learning about many
different dimensions of writing, we cannot expect that a single
facet of writing can be used as an indicator of the whole of a
child’s writing development. We need to resist the urge to simplify by tracing only the aspects of writing that are easiest to
measure. Instead we need to continue to press for multidimensional portraits of children that can assist teachers in building
from children’s strengths, while recognizing where instructional
nudges are needed to support learning of other facets of writing.
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