From Computational
Intelligence to
Web Intelligence
The authors explore three topics in computational intelligence—machine
translation, machine learning, and user interface design—and speculate
on their effects on Web intelligence.
Nick Cercone
Dalhousie University
Lijun Hou
University of
Vlado Keselj
Dalhousie University
Aijun An
York University
Mahidol University
Xiaohua Hu
DMW Software
ystems that can communicate in natural
ways and learn from interactions are key
to long-term success in Web intelligence.
By focusing directly on the Web, researchers in traditional computational
intelligence topics can help in developing intelligent,
user-amenable Internet systems.
The demands of the interactive, information-rich
World Wide Web will challenge the most skillful
practitioner. The number of problems requiring
Web-specific solutions is large, and solutions will
require a sustained complementary effort to advance fundamental machine-learning research and
to incorporate a learning component into every
Internet interaction.
Natural language embodies important modalities
for human-computer interactions, from simple database interfaces and machine translation to more general answer-extraction and question-answering
In the 1990s, Simon Fraser University researchers
worked on a project that culminated in SystemX, a
natural language interface to relational databases.1,2
Techniques pioneered in SystemX led to research in
natural language access to Internet search engines.
We describe two systems—one a natural language
front end and the other a metasearch engine—to
illustrate recent applications of this research.
Natural language front ends
Despite the many Internet search engines avail72
able, finding relevant sites remains difficult. One
major problem is that search engines do not analyze queries semantically. Most simply perform keyword matching.
How can natural language semantics improve
Internet searches? One common application of
automated natural language understanding provides a “front end” that lets users access database
information without needing to know the database
structure or transform queries to another representation. NLAISE, the natural language access to
Internet search engines,3 is a front end that brings
up the same results for a set of queries like “I want
to book a flight,” “Show me some sites on online
reservations,” or just “online reservation.”
The user enters an English query that is transformed into a form for specific search engines.
NLAISE lets the user choose the search engine best
suited to the query, then analyzes the query syntactically and semantically. The system selects appropriate keywords for the information sought and
interprets them to provide meaningful search terms,
such as synonyms with Boolean operators.
NLAISE uses the Head-Driven Phrase Structure
Grammar parser to generate a complex feature
structure representing the query.4 The HPSG parser
extracts semantic content from the parsed query’s
feature structure, then interprets and transforms it
into a form suitable for the selected search engine.
For example, NLAISE generates the keywords
“travel” and “Japan” when parsing “I want to
schedule a trip to Japan.”
A test inspection of 1,473 Web pages verified that
0018-9162/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE
80 percent of NLAISE-mediated queries were relevant.3
Traditional forms of machine translation fall into
three categories: direct, transfer, and intralingual.
Search service
These approaches either translate poorly, require
resources that grow exponentially with the number of languages translated (multilinguality), or
simplify language excessively. However, recent success in statistical, nonlinguistic, and hybrid machine
translation suggest that systems based on these
technologies can achieve better results, if a large
enough annotated language corpus is available. We
have developed generate-and-repair machine translation,6an extensible, modular approach to
machine translation that systematically performs
semantics-based translation preserving meaning
between source and target languages.
As Figure 2 shows, GRMT comprises three
phases: analysis-lite machine translation (ALMT),
translation candidate evaluation (TCE), and repair
and iterate (RI).
ALMT generates translation candidates by considering syntactic and semantic differences between
language pairs. It generates the TCs simply and
quickly, without performing a sophisticated analysis. TCE interprets the TC to see if it retains the
meaning of the source language. If so, TCE considers the TC to be a translation. If not, it will diag-
Source language (SL)
A second system, English meta-access to Internet
search engines (EMATISE),5 extends NLAISE in
three user-oriented ways:
As Figure 1 shows, EMATISE’s metasearch engine
has a modular design. It passes the logical query to
the aggregation engine, which is responsible for concurrently dispatching the query to selected search
services, obtaining initial results from each service,
eliminating duplicate results, consolidating and
reranking results, and creating HTML pages from
the results for integrated display to the user.
As the Web grows, search services become
volatile. Providers launch new services frequently
and retire or replace others. They change interfaces
to query input and results. EMATISE’s modular
design includes driver classes that provide a wrapper around service-specific information, encapsulating the services, and making modifications to
them invisible to the user.
Aggregation engine
Metasearch extensions
• The search domains go beyond NLAISE’s single “travel” domain and enhance semantic
interpretation to eliminate ambiguity over
multiple domains.
• Term-expanded queries go out to multiple
search engines in parallel, and results return as
a single relevant high-precision list.
• A single search interface provides users a
higher level of abstraction than conventional
search services.
Target language (TL)
Analysis-lite machine
translation (ALMT)
Figure 1. Modular
metasearch engine
architecture. Logical queries pass
through a common
gateway interface
to the aggregation
engine, which dispatches the query
to selected search
Repair and
Translation candidate
evaluation (TCE)
Figure 2. Generateand-repair machine
translation (GRMT)
architecture. A
three-phase process
iteratively translates the source language to the target
Repair and
iterate (RI)
November 2002
nose the problem and send the TC to RI for
repair. Following the repair, TC analyzer
Combining natural
reinterprets the TC to determine if it still has
language processing
a different meaning from the SL. These two
processes iterate until the TC conveys the
with Internet
same meaning as the SL. The TCE and RI
multiagent systems
phases ensure translation accuracy.
may yield a new
GRMT treats the SL and target language
way to distribute
separately and knows the differences beprocessing costs.
tween them. Therefore, if languages can be
grouped according to various characteristics
that they have in common, such as auxiliary
verbs and continuous tenses, GRMT can perform the translation between groups. For example,
let’s say that Group 1 consists of English, French,
and Spanish; and Group 2 consists of Chinese,
Japanese, and Thai. The translation between these
two groups using the traditional transfer approach
requires six SL analyzers, six TL generations, and
18 sets of transfer rules. GRMT, on the other hand,
requires six SL TCEs, six TL TCEs, and two sets of
constraint applications.
Initial experiments (English to Thai) indicate that
ALMT generates TCs with relative accuracy. For
example, ALMT rearranged each phrase of an
English sentence with four noun phrases, “An old
woman lived in the cottage, with a fat black cat and
a plump brown hen,” into correct Thai grammatical order. In this case, the generated TC was also
the correct translation. This is not always the case,
but when TCE can diagnose an inappropriate TC,
the system can replace it in the TCE and RI phases.
ELEM2 is a rule-induction method that grew out
of data-classification and rule-induction research
at the University of Waterloo.7-9 ELEM2 outperforms existing methods, for example C4.5, and has
many applications, including Web page classification. For example, we have applied it in a data-classification, rule-induction application role for a
commercial molecular compound database in
which it predicts highly active molecular compounds.
ELEM2 induces decision rules from a set of
observed data and classifies new examples by
applying the induced rules.7 ELEM2 is distinguished from other RI systems in its induction and
classification processes. It uses a new heuristic function for evaluating attribute-value-pair relevance
to a target concept during induction and for selecting the most relevant pairs for formulating rules.
To handle inconsistent training examples, ELEM2
defines an unlearnable region of a concept accord74
ing to the concept’s probability distribution to the
training data. It uses the unlearnable region as a
stopping criterion for the concept-learning process,
which resolves conflicts without removing inconsistent examples before rule induction. It also
employs several continuous attribute discretization
methods for learning classification rules and lets
users choose the best one.
ELEM2 provides a new measure based on information entropy,8 and it employs rule-quality measures to handle imperfect data by postpruning
generated rules.9 It defines measures according to
relative rule distributions and chooses from four
alternative kinds of distributions.
Rule-quality measures promise the greatest overall performance enhancement. We have used 12
rule-quality measures encompassing statistical or
empirical formulas. Our studies show that ELEM2
provides more accurate classification results than
the C4.5 and CN2 induction algorithms for both
artificial and real data sets.9
Some of these solutions from computational
intelligence are beginning to show up in Web applications.
Parsing natural language
Stefy is a natural language parser implemented
in Java.10 Based on HPSGs, Stefy is part of a larger
project to implement a natural language system for
Internet information retrieval. This IR task requires
Java applets that can parse natural language. Java
supports the dynamic class loading and object serializations that our concept of distributed natural
language processing requires.
Stefy’s approach is similar to the filtering techniques that improve traditional parser performance, but it differs by requiring the filtered
knowledge to be in the form of a grammar. This
approach is theoretically sound, and it provides a
clean interface between subgrammar extraction
and the parser.
Recent research on grammar modularity has
focused on fast, accurate parsing of sublanguages.
Motivation for this work includes potential
improvements in managing the complexity of language expressions, parsing efficiency, and contextbased disambiguation.
Recommender systems
Recommender systems suggest information
sources, products, and services by learning from
user preferences. Two methodologies dominate:
• Collaborative (social) filtering methods base
recommendations on the preferences of users
who made choices similar to the current user’s; has used this method for years.
• Content-based methods use item-specified
information that represents a unique niche
across different product domains; wealth
demographics is an example.
We thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada for its support of our
The Internet is a large, distributed, heterogeneous
source of information. Users perceive it through a
set of applications based on point-to-point TCP/IP
communication links. Many of its applications
require finding a relevant document or other point
in the information space, which includes Telnet
sites, newsgroup postings, FTP sites, and Web documents.
In natural language processing, we try to match
the meaning of user queries to the meaning of
retrieved documents. This involves deciding what
a concept is, how to extract it from a natural language text, and how to match a concept with others that are similar. Existing systems are inefficient,
but combining natural language processing with
multiagent systems on the Internet may yield a new
way to distribute processing costs—enabling natural language IR to keep pace with the growing
wealth of information and resources currently
1. N. Cercone et al., “Natural Language Interfaces:
Introducing SystemX,” in Advances in AI in Software Engineering, T. Oren, ed., JAI Press, Greenwich,
Conn., 1990, pp. 169-250.
2. P. McFetridge and N. Cercone, “Installing an HPSG
Parser in a Modular NL Interface,” Computational
Intelligence III, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1991,
pp. 169-178.
3. G. Mahalingam, Natural Language Access to Internet Search Engines, master’s thesis, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan,
Canada, 1997.
4. C. Pollard and I. Sag, Head-Driven Phrase Structure
Grammar, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1994.
5. L. Hou, EMATISE: English Meta Access to Internet
Search Engines, master’s thesis, Computer Science
Dept., Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,
6. K. Naruedomkul and N. Cercone, “Generate and
Repair Machine Translation,” to be published in
Computational Intelligence, vol. 18, 2002.
7. A. An and N. Cercone, “ELEM2: A Learning System
for More Accurate Classifications,’’ Proc. 12th Canadian Conf. Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence 1418 (LNAI 1418), SpringerVerlag, Heidelberg, 1998, pp. 426-441.
8. A. An and N. Cercone, “Discretization of Continuous Attributes for Learning Classification Rules,”
Proc. 9th Int’l Workshop Inductive Logic Programming (PAKDD 99), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1574 (LNAI 1574), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 509-514.
9. A. An and N. Cercone, “Rule Quality Measures for
Rule Induction Systems: Description and Evaluation,” Computational Intelligence, vol. 17, no. 3,
2001, pp. 409-424.
10. V. Keselj, Modular Stochastic HPSGs for Question
Answering, doctoral dissertation, Computer Science
Dept., Univ. of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2002.
dapting existing computational intelligence
solutions may not always be appropriate for
Web intelligence, but when it is, the solutions
must incorporate a more robust notion of learning
that will scale to the Web, adapt to individual user
requirements, and personalize interfaces. ■
Nick Cercone is a professor of computer science
and dean of the computer science faculty at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
His research interests include natural language processing, knowledge-based systems, knowledge discovery in databases, data mining, and design and
human interfaces. Cercone received a PhD in com-
Future work in collaborative filtering can merge
information sources to refine the analyses and subsequent recommendations.
Content-based recommender systems provide a
unique application for embedded ELEM2. An
application could use the information extracted
from a set of documents—Web pages, newsgroup
messages, and so on—during a word-extraction
phase to develop a set of examples that serve as a
user training set. The ELEM2 rule-induction
process could then extract a user profile and rank
the rest of the examples accordingly. The topranked examples then serve as items for recommendation. This process can help to personalize the
recommender to individuals.
Agent systems
November 2002
puting science from the University of Alberta. He
is a member of the ACM and the IEEE. Contact
him at
Lijun Hou is a software developer in Waterloo. She
received an M Math in computer science from the
University of Waterloo. Her research interests
include natural language interfaces to Internet search
engines. Contact her at
Vlado Keselj is an assistant professor of computer
science at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. His research interests include natural
language processing, modular stochastic HPSGs
for question answering, and information retrieval
and extraction. He received a PhD in computer science from the University of Waterloo. Contact him
Aijun An is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at York University,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Her research interests
include data mining, machine learning, Web mining, and bioinformatics. She received a PhD in computer science from the University of Regina. Contact her at
Kanlaya Naruedomkul is an assistant professor
and the committee chair of the MSc applied mathematics program at Mahidol University, Bangkok,
Thailand. Her research interests center on artificial
intelligence applications, including automated natural language processing, computational linguistics, and machine translation. Naruedomkul
received a PhD in computer science from the University of Regina. Contact her at scknr@mucc.
Xiaohua Hu is an assistant professor at Drexel University and founder and president of DMW Software. His research interest is data mining. Hu
received a PhD in computer science from the University of Regina. Contact him at xiaohua_hu@
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