Process safety management


A) Differentiate btn process safety and process safety management(6mrks) Explain 14 elements that form PSM standard in process plants (14) Identify benefits of implementing a PSM standard in downstream operations(5) QN 1 a): Process safety refers to the engineering and management skills to prevent the release of chemicals, energy, and other potentially dangerous materials for example steam during the course of chemical processes that can have a serious effect to the plant and environment. Process safety involves prevention of unplanned releases which might result into a major accident and basically focuses on preventing fire, explosions, and accidental chemical release in process facilities. Process Safety Management (PSM), is a standard that requires employers to identify, evaluate, understand and control the hazards associated with the highly hazardous chemicals and petroleum materials used in their processes. This process undertakes a disciplined framework for managing the integrity of operating systems and chemical processes that are prone to hazardous substances and reactions. b) Employee participation A PSM program should involve managers, employees and contract workers, Employers develop a written plan to identify their individual responsible for the management of the program, how employees can be informed about it, and how suggestions can be submitted for improvement. Process safety information In order to properly conduct a Process Hazard Analysis on a process, information needs to be gathered concerning that process .this information is compiled about the process so employees can identify and understands its hazards. This is the first step before carrying out PHA Process hazard analysis (PHA) The PHA involves identifying and analyzing the possibility of hazard occurrence within a process. The PHA will basically look for Potential causes and consequences of fires, explosions and toxic releases. Equipment failures, human errors and external events that may cause accidents. Operating procedures This is one of the key elements of safe operation where there is establishment of the working procedures. Operating procedures provide a clear instruction for safely operating process and also implement a safe work practice involving LOTOTO, confined space entry etc. Training Each employee is involve in operating a newly assigned process, should be trained in the process and in the operating procedures. The employer should ascertain that each employee involved in operating a process has received and understood the training Contractors Employers should evaluate contractor’s safety performance and programs Inform contractor of potential hazards and precausion: fire, explosion, toxic release, applicable plant safety rules, etc. Also Contractors should advise employers of any unique work hazards of contracted work and ensure each employee follows all applicable work practices and safety rules of the facility Pre startup safety preview The employer should perform a pre-startup safety review for new facilities and for modified facilities when the modification is significant enough to require a change in the process safety information. Mechanical integrity Employers should ensure new or modified equipment is suitable, that equipment is correctly installed or modified, and that maintenance materials, spare parts and equipment are suitable. Hot work permits A hot work permit should be issued for all hot work operations conducted on or near a Process Safety Management covered process Management of change The employer should establish and implement written procedures to manage changes to process chemical, technology, equipment, and procedures, and to manage changes to facilities that affect a process Safety Management covered process. Incident investigation The employer should investigate each incident which resulted in a catastrophic release of highly hazardous chemical in the workplace. The incident investigation must be initiated as promptly as possible, but not later than 48 hours following the incident. Emergency planning and response The employer should develop and implement and emergency action plan for the whole plant. And the plan should include procedures for hazardous waste and handling small releases. Compliance audits Compliance with the PSM standard should be evaluated at least every three years to verify that the procedures and practices developed are adequate and are being followed. The compliance audits should always be conducted by at least one person knowledgeable in the process and the audit findings should be documented. Trade secrets Trade secret status of information, employers should make all information necessary available to those persons responsible for: Compiling the process safety information, developing the process hazard analysis, developing the operating procedures etc. c) PSM standard is to prevent unwanted releases of hazardous chemicals into locations, which could expose employees and others to serious hazards or disaster.