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Mechanisms of change in dialectical behaviour
therapy and cognitive behaviour therapy for
borderline personality disorder: a critical review of
the literature
Susie Rudge, Janet Denise Feigenbaum & Peter Fonagy
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Mechanisms of change in dialectical behaviour therapy and cognitive behaviour therapy for
borderline personality disorder: a critical review of the literature, Journal of Mental Health, DOI:
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Date: 10 May 2017, At: 20:33
ISSN: 0963-8237 (print), 1360-0567 (electronic)
J Ment Health, Early Online: 1–11
ß 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2017.1322185
Mechanisms of change in dialectical behaviour therapy and cognitive
behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder: a critical review
of the literature
Susie Rudge1, Janet Denise Feigenbaum1,2, and Peter Fonagy1
Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, University College London, London, UK and 2North East London NHS
Foundation Trust, London, UK
Background: Little is known about the ‘‘active ingredients’’ of psychological therapy for
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) despite a growing evidence base documenting its clinical
effectiveness. This information can be used by clinicians to inform service planning and care
Aims: The aim of this study was to review published empirical research investigating the
potential mechanisms underlying therapeutic change in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for BPD.
Method: A thorough search of the PsychInfo, CINAHL Plus, PubMed, MEDLINE and EMBASE
databases revealed research into potential mechanisms of change.
Results: A total of 52 abstracts were reviewed. After a full text screen of the most relevant
studies, 14 met inclusion criteria. Twelve examined DBT and two CBT. Mechanisms of change
identified broadly fell into three categories: emotion regulation/self-control, skills use and
therapeutic alliance/investment in treatment. Outcomes measured included general mental
health diagnoses (e.g. anxiety, depression) and BPD-specific symptoms (e.g. self-harm/
suicidality, impulsivity, substance misuse, anger).
Conclusion: Further empirically robust research is required to test hypotheses about the
influence of the proposed mechanisms on therapeutic change in psychological therapies
for BPD.
Borderline personality disorder, CBT, DBT,
outcomes, therapeutic change
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is arguably the most
common subtype of Personality Disorder seen by services
(Coid et al., 2006; de Ruiter & Greeven, 2000) and has been
extensively studied due to its association with suicide, selfharm, violence and substance misuse (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013). Symptoms of BPD result in high levels of
service usage (Bender et al., 2001; Comtois et al., 2003) and
high mortality rates (American Psychiatric Association,
Several characteristics of the disorder (e.g. impulsivity,
recurrent suicidal behaviour) unfortunately lend themselves to
early disengagement from treatment and difficulty committing to and engaging with the therapeutic process.
Additionally, BPD is characterised by difficulties in establishing trusting and collaborative interpersonal relationships
Correspondence: Dr Susie Rudge, c/o Dr Janet Feigenbaum, Research
Department of Clinical, Educational, and Health Psychology, University
College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK. E-mail:,
Received 5 August 2016
Revised 19 November 2016
Accepted 27 February 2017
Published online 5 May 2017
and, ‘‘frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment’’
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013), which naturally
extend to difficulties in the therapeutic relationship. Indeed, a
recent qualitative study confirmed patients’ reluctance to be
open and honest with their therapist because of fears of
rejection and abandonment (Morris et al., 2014). Owing to
the stigma associated with BPD, clinicians may find it
difficult to communicate the diagnosis in a patient-centred
manner (Sulzer et al., 2015), further exacerbating problematic
therapist–patient relationships.
Although research has sought to identify effective therapeutic treatments for the condition, the majority of BPD
research to date focuses on outcome data with relatively few
studies identifying reasons why therapies are successful, and
what the specific processes through which improvements
occur might be (Lynch et al., 2006). Linehan (2000) notes the
need to identify ‘‘active’’ components of psychological
therapy so that those aspects can be emphasised when
striving for the most effective treatment. Clarkin & Levy
(2006) highlight the difference between the vast number of
outcome studies and the relatively few studies of mechanisms
S. Rudge et al.
of change clarifying that, ‘‘the question of the mechanisms of
change in psychotherapy seeks to learn how a particular
therapy works, not what is the outcome of the treatment per
se’’. Elliott (2010) refers to this research as ‘‘change process
research’’ describing it as, ‘‘a necessary complement to
randomised clinical trials and other forms of efficacy
research’’. Even in the most rigorously researched psychotherapeutic interventions, researchers lack insight into the
mechanisms through which these treatments result in successful outcomes and future investigations should strive
towards evidencing this as the next step in psychotherapy
research (Kazdin, 2007). Identifying specific mechanisms
through which symptoms improve with treatment has vast
implications for the future of psychological therapy for BPD.
Pre-assessment, these data could allow clinicians to predict
which patients are more likely to do well with which
treatment. As well as informing care pathways, this information could assist in the planning and formation of new
Current therapies for BPD include Dialectical Behaviour
Therapy (DBT; Linehan et al., 2006a), Cognitive Behaviour
Therapy (CBT; Beck et al., 2004), Mentalization Based
Therapy (MBT; Bateman & Fonagy, 2008; Bateman &
Fonagy, 2004), Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP;
Clarkin et al., 2006) and Schema-Focused Therapy (SFT;
Kellogg & Young, 2006). Evidence suggests that CBT is an
effective treatment for BPD (Davidson et al., 2006;
Leichsenring & Leibing, 2003) with therapy focusing particularly on the development of functional new core beliefs.
The therapeutic relationship is seen as a vital means for
exploring the patient’s style of relating to others and for
fostering more adaptive future interactions. Arntz (1994)
describes CBT for BPD as consisting of five stages: (i)
construction of working relationship, (ii) symptom-management, (iii) correction of thinking errors, (iv) emotional
processing and cognitive re-evaluation of childhood trauma
and schema changes and (v) termination.
Developed by Linehan (1993), DBT has a large and robust
evidence base (Bloom et al., 2012; Feigenbaum et al., 2011;
Feigenbaum, 2007; Kliem et al., 2010; Linehan et al., 2006a;
Panos et al., 2014). It uses strategies developed to aid
enhanced regulation of emotions as well as teaching distress
tolerance and using third wave approaches such as mindfulness to promote awareness and acceptance. Because of the
large number of studies of DBT and CBT for BPD, this review
focuses on potential mechanisms of change in these two
treatments only.
Searching, identifying and selecting studies for
Searches of paper titles, abstracts and full text content were
initially performed in July and August 2012 then updated in
February 2014, in PsychInfo, CINAHL Plus, PubMed,
MEDLINE and EMBASE databases. Search terms used
were (a) ‘‘mechanism* change borderline personality disorder’’, (b) ‘‘mechanism* change’’ and ‘‘borderline personality disorder’’, (c) ‘‘mechanism* change’’ and ‘‘BPD’’, (d)
‘‘mechanism* change’’ and ‘‘borderline personality
J Ment Health, Early Online: 1–11
disorder’’ and ‘‘treatment’’ and (e) ‘‘borderline personality
disorder’’ and ‘‘therapeutic change.’’ Studies included in the
review involved participants who
met standardised diagnostic criteria for BPD
had received either CBT or DBT treatment for their BPD
were treated as outpatients (due to the limited number of
manualised DBT/CBT studies of inpatients or partially
hospitalised patients with BPD)
were treated within full text, peer-reviewed, empirical
studies published in English since 1990 (as this was the
earliest that the literature began to report CBT and DBT
treatment of BPD)
were adults (aged 18+ years) at the time of treatment (as
there is a limited research presence investigating emerging BPD in adolescents)
The review excluded
single case studies
studies which did not ultimately produce evidence on
mechanisms of change and were, therefore, better defined
as outcome studies. To ascertain this, two questions were
(1) Is the studied variable theorised to be a mechanism
of change in a (separately defined) outcome
(2) Does the data presented investigate an association/
correlation between the proposed mechanistic
variable and an outcome variable?
Using the five search terms within each of the aforementioned databases yielded a total of 104 references which,
following a title screen, reduced to 34 abstracts for review.
It was clear that 15 papers did not meet inclusion criteria
and, therefore, 19 full texts were appraised. Nine studies were
ultimately excluded for presenting outcome data only, failing
to separate out potential mechanisms by treatment type, or for
combining inpatient/outpatient data. One study (Stepp et al.,
2008) did not strictly meet inclusion criteria as only 63% of
participants met diagnostic criteria for BPD and because at
least one participant was under 18 years. It was decided,
however, that because of the study’s relevance to the review
it would still be beneficial to include, albeit with caveats.
This left ten studies for inclusion.
In October 2016, identical searches to those completed in
2012 and 2014 were re-run in all five databases. This search
returned 261 references, yielding a total of 18 new abstracts
for review after removal of studies appraised previously and
those not relevant to BPD. Eleven further full texts were
reviewed and a further four studies met inclusion criteria,
taking the total to 14. See Figure 1 for flow chart of the
review process.
Studies included
The 14 studies reviewed were published between 2000 and
2016 (Table 1). Twelve studies examined mechanisms of
change in DBT and two in CBT. The two CBT studies
(Gibbons et al., 2009; Wenzel et al., 2006) utilised the
same sample of participants (n ¼ 32) from a previous larger
trial (Brown et al., 2004), but investigated different hypothesised mechanisms of change. Two of the DBT studies
Mechanisms of Change in DBT and CBT for BPD
DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2017.1322185
Figure 1. Flow chart of review database.
Electronic database
search results
Electronic database
search results
n = 104
n = 261
Excluded following
electronic title screen
Excluded following
electronic title screen
n = 70
n = 243
Abstracts screened
Abstracts screened
n = 34
n = 18
abstract screen
abstract screen
n = 15
Full texts screened
Full texts screened
n = 19
n = 11
following full text
following full text
Papers identified for
inclusion in final
Papers identified for
inclusion in final
n = 10
Papers included in
final review
n = 14
(Bedics et al., 2012, 2015) also used the same sample
(n ¼ 101). Ten studies took place in the USA, two in
Switzerland, one in Canada and one in the UK. Sample
sizes ranged from 24 to 165 and combined, the studies
included 961 participants of which 912 (95%) were female.
Ages ranged from 16–61 years with a mean of 31.2 years.
Studies were evaluated based on their design and findings and
measured against a critical appraisal checklist (DBC; Downs
& Black, 1998) which assesses the methodological quality of
both randomised and non-randomised studies of healthcare
interventions. Due to difficulty in ascertaining reliable scores
for the final item (power analyses, item 27) which awards up
to five points, this item was instead scored either ‘‘0’’ (no
power calculation completed or power not met) or ‘‘1’’
(power calculation completed, and met). Therefore, a maximum score of 28 was possible (items 1–27 are scored either
‘‘0’’ or ‘‘1’’ with the exception of item five which is worth up
to two points). A summary of each study’s performance
against the DBC can be found in Table 2 (DBT) or Table 3
Across the 14 studies evaluated, three main themes
emerged under which all identified mechanisms of change
could be categorised, (i) emotion regulation and self-control,
(ii) skills use and (iii) therapeutic alliance and investment in
treatment. Each study is described in detail below under one
of these three categories.
Emotion regulation and self-control
Axelrod et al. (2011) posited that greater control of emotions
in BPD would lead to less impulsive behaviour which would,
in turn, reduce the need to self-medicate using substances
to regulate emotions. Females with substance dependence
and BPD received a 20-week course of outpatient DBT
and emotion regulation was assessed using the Difficulties in
Emotion Regulation Scale (Gratz & Roemer, 2004).
Substance use was recorded for 30 d preceding treatment
and for the final 30 d of treatment, corroborated by weekly
self-report, clinician assessment, urine toxicology and alcohol
breathalysers. The study concluded that improvements in
emotion regulation explained the variance in decreased
substance use frequency. Changes in substance use lost their
significance when improvement in emotion regulation was
controlled for.
This study has some limitations. First, the authors use the
term ‘‘behavioural control’’ as their primary outcome but
they measured this only by substance use. There are other
aspects of behavioural control relevant to BPD (e.g.
Table 1. Papers included in the review.
n ¼ 27
Barnicot et al.
n ¼ 70
Bedics et al.
n ¼ 101
Bedics et al.
n ¼ 101
Gibbons et al.
n ¼ 32
Kramer et al.
n ¼ 41
Linehan et al.
n ¼ 99
99 women aged 18–60 years (no mean age
McMain et al.
n ¼ 80
67 women and 13 men with BPD. Mean
age ¼ 32.6 years (S.D.¼10.1 years)
Affect balance, problem
solving and ability to
identify and describe
Neacsiu et al.
n ¼ 108
Increasing use of DBT
O’Toole et al.
n ¼ 165
63 recurrently suicidal women with BPD
and 45 women with BPD. Mean
age ¼ 31.4 years (S.D.¼7.4 years)
165 women with BPD. Mean age ¼ 37.1
years (S.D.¼12.04 years)
Perroud et al.
n ¼ 54
Mindfulness and
Stepp et al.
n ¼ 27
n ¼ 24
Wenzel et al.
n ¼ 32
47 women and 7 men with BPD and
suicidal/self-harm behaviour. Mean
age ¼ 30.5 years (S.D.¼7.7 years)
23 women and 4 men. 63% met DSM-IV
criteria for BPD. Mean age ¼ 30.4
(range ¼ 16–61 years)
19 women and 5 men with BPD. Mean
age ¼ 22.0 years (range ¼ 18-27 years)
28 women and 4 men with BPD. Mean
age ¼ 29.0 years (range ¼ 20–55 years)
(from Brown et al., 2004)
Axelrod et al.
27 women with BPD and substance
dependence. Mean age¼ 38.0 years
(range ¼ 27–51 years)
63 women and 7 men with BPD. Mean
age ¼ 32.0 years (S.D.¼10.2 years)
101 women with BPD. Mean age ¼ 29.3
years (S.D.¼7.5 years)
101 women with BPD. Mean age ¼ 29.3
years (S.D.¼7.5 years)
28 women and 4 men with BPD. Mean
age ¼ 29.0 years (range ¼ 20-55 years)
(from Brown et al., 2004)
36 women and 5 men with BPD. Mean
age ¼ 34.4 years (S.D.¼9.1 years)
Mechanism(s) of change
Main findings
Improvements in emotion
Improved emotion regulation can account for
increased behavioural control
Improvements in DBT
skills use
Facets of therapeutic
Personality factors and
intrapsychic change,
perception of therapeutic
Self-understanding and
compensatory skills
More frequent use of DBT skills was independently associated with less frequent self-harm
Reduction in self-harm associated with increase
in patient-rated total alliance in DBT group
DBT patients reported self-affirmation, protection, love and less self-attack than controls
Productive use of ager as an
emotion and DBT skills
DBT skills use
The use of DBT skills resulted in greater
symptom reduction in the DBT skills group
Mindfulness skills
Increased DBT skills use
Quality of therapeutic
Belief change, reduction in
hopelessness, improvement in attitude towards
Change in compensatory skills observed in CBT
Standard DBT was not superior to other forms of
DBT on suicide outcomes but was superior in
reducing self-harm and improving other
mental health problems
Participants with improvements in affect balance, problem solving, and the ability to
identify and describe emotions showed greaterimprovements in symptom distress and
interpersonal function
DBT skills use mediated decreases in suicide
attempts and depression
The use of mindfulness skills predicted emotional well-being. Women reporting greater
use of mindfulness skills also reported less
use of healthcare services although there was
no associated change to prescription levels
Increase in skill of accepting without judgement
correlated with improvements in BPD
Increased overall DBT skills use had a significant effect on measure of BPD symptoms
DBT group improved more than controls on most
Positivity towards treatment correlated with
improvement in BPD diagnostic criteria
J Ment Health, Early Online: 1–11
S. Rudge et al.
Mechanisms of Change in DBT and CBT for BPD
DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2017.1322185
Table 2. Checklist appraisal of DBT studies according to the DBC (Downs & Black, 1998).
Strengths according to DBC
Axelrod et al. (2011)
Reporting, sampling
Barnicot et al. (2015)
Reporting, outcome measure, statistical techniques
Bedics et al. (2015)
Randomisation, control group, large sample
Bedics et al. (2012)
Randomisation, control group, large sample
Kramer et al. (2016)
Linehan et al. (2015)
Neacsiu et al. (2010)
O’Toole et al. (2012)
Randomisation, blinding of observers, control group
Randomisation, comparison groups, blind assessors,
participant matching
Randomisation, statistical control of data, control of
confounds, control group
Randomisation, control group, blind assessors
Reporting, sampling, large sample size, analyses
Perroud et al. (2012)
Turner (2000)
Stepp et al. (2008)
Outcome measures, sampling
Randomisation, blind, independent assessors
Reporting, statistical analyses
McMain et al. (2013)
Total DBC
score (/28)
Limitations according to DBC
Attrition (44.4% did not complete treatment), small
sample, lack of control group
Attrition (46% did not complete treatment), lack of
control group
Reliance on self-report and lack of control of confounding variables
Reliance on self-report, unable to determine treatment
Non-blinding of participants
Non-blinding of participants
Non-blinding of participants and researchers
Non-blinding of participants
Lack of control group, presence of confounding
Lack of control group
Lack of information about non-completers
Non-randomisation, lack of control group, small sample
Table 3. Checklist appraisal of CBT studies according to DBC (Downs & Black, 1998).
Gibbons et al. (2009)
Wenzel et al. (2006)
Strengths according to DBC
Limitations according to DBC
Randomisation, large sample, control/comparison groups
Management of data from participants lost to follow-up
impulsivity, self-harm) that could have been measured to
more convincingly argue the role of emotion regulation as a
mechanism of change. Further, the lack of controls of course
impedes the possibility of attributing emotion regulation
improvements exclusively to DBT. Additionally, most DBT
studies utilise lengthier treatment (12 months/40 + sessions)
so it is unclear whether this study replicated a full,
comparable ‘‘dose’’. The study’s all-female sample does
not facilitate conclusions about emotion regulation in males
receiving DBT, although it is perhaps justified (and other
BPD samples are also female-dominated) due to the ratio of
BPD treatment-seeking females to males (currently estimated
at 3:1; American Psychiatric Association, 2001), as well as
the fact that current NICE (2009) guidance for BPD
recommends the use of DBT treatment for females only.
Using participants from a larger randomised controlled
trial (RCT), over nine months McMain et al. (2013) used
self-report measures to investigate the role of affect, problemsolving and emotional control. BPD symptoms and interpersonal function were assessed as outcomes every four months
using well-known, standardised measures. The RCT compared the clinical effectiveness of DBT versus general
psychiatric management (GPM) in 80 patients (67 female)
diagnosed with BPD. Defining improved affect balance as an
increased positive to negative ratio of emotions, results
supported associations between improved affect balance with
both reductions in symptom distress and improved interpersonal function. The researchers managed their data conscientiously; however, the final sample size in each parameter was
reasonably small, limiting generalisability. Additionally, there
Non-blinding of participants
Lack of control group
Total DBC score (/28)
was inadequate statistical power to test for between group
differences and effects were, therefore, potentially confounded by the differences between DBT and GPM.
Using a primarily female sample of 41 participants with
BPD, Kramer et al. (2016) compared a 20 session version
of DBT-informed skills training against a treatment as usual
(TAU) control condition in an RCT (DBT: n ¼ 21, TAU:
n ¼ 20) which investigated two forms of anger: primary,
adaptive, ‘‘assertive’’ anger and secondary, ‘‘rejecting’’
anger. The latter could be classified in BPD patients as
hostility or aggression. The former is a more accepted and
adaptive emotional experience in which a person’s rights are
rationally defended. The researchers hypothesised that the
occurrence of rejecting anger would remain stable over time
for both DBT and TAU but that observed expressions of
primary assertive anger would increase more in DBT
participants. Anger was measured both early and late in
treatment using an intensive behavioural assessment of a
standardised psychological interview (Perry et al., 2005).
As well as finding that symptom reduction was greater in the
DBT group than TAU, as expected the researchers discovered
that the DBT group displayed increased use of assertive anger
compared to TAU, whereas no effect was found for less
productive rejecting anger. The authors link their findings to
the theory that reactive angry responses may drive the staterelated problematic behaviour seen in BPD (e.g. self-harm,
suicidal ideation, interpersonal aggression; Brown et al.,
2002). A particular strength of this study lies in its robust
methodology; however, because participants were not blind to
treatment condition, expectation biases may have occurred.
S. Rudge et al.
Not uncommonly, attrition was a problem; however, the
researchers adequately addressed this using intent to treat
analyses. Throughout the paper, the DBT administered is
described as ‘‘DBT-informed skills training’’ (a group
format) meaning that it lacked the other components of
standardised DBT (individual therapy sessions, therapist
team consultations and between-session telephone coaching)
which comprise the complete treatment. It is possible that
the observed effects could be lost if the skills focus of
the treatment program was diluted with comprehensive DBT.
Additionally, effects were not demonstrated at followup which could have been due to post-treatment dropouts lowering statistical power or because the shortened
treatment format may have represented an insufficient dose
of DBT.
Skills use
A key aspect of DBT is the teaching of specific behavioural
skills which aim to replace maladaptive behaviours with more
adaptive responses (Linehan, 1993). Neacsiu et al. (2010)
noted that no study to date had directly tested this mechanism
of change. They investigated DBT skills use in a sample of
108 women with BPD who were participating in a 12-month
RCT with a 4-month follow-up. Participants included 63
recurrently suicidal women and 45 women with drug
dependence (there were no significant demographic differences between the two groups). Participants received either
DBT or one of three control treatments: Community
Treatment by Experts (CTBE), Comprehensive Validation
Therapy (CVT) or TAU in conjunction with a 12-step
program. Measures of DBT skills use, anger, suicidal/selfharm behaviour and depression were gathered using a
combination of self-report and semi-structured interviews.
Although anger suppression and expression was not found to
mediate outcome, significant mediation effects did indicate
that use of DBT skills fully mediated decreases in suicide
attempts and depression symptom severity and an increase in
the control of anger over time. The use of DBT skills also
partially mediated a decrease in self-harm over time.
Participants who received DBT reported using three times
more skills by the end of their treatment (mean skills use
increased by 15.3%), compared with control participants
(mean skills use increased by 4.6%). At follow up, DBT
participants maintained increased skill use but control
participants had decreased by 5%. Although this study
demonstrated support for the DBT skills deficit model of
BPD, it is limited by its primary reliance on subjective selfreport as well as using retrospective methods which are
subject to both memory biases and over/underreporting
responder biases. Assessing skills use on a daily basis using
a more objective measure would increase reliability. When
using standard mediation analysis, an assumption is made that
there are no confounds manipulating the mediator and
outcome (Robins & Rotnitzky, 2005) and it is possible that
uncontrolled extraneous variables influenced the meditational
analysis in this study such that an increase in DBT skills use
was not the only variable influencing positive outcomes.
Nevertheless, methodologically, this remains a robust study,
reflected by the highest score awarded by the DBC.
J Ment Health, Early Online: 1–11
Gibbons et al. (2009) were specifically interested in the
acquisition of compensatory skills, self-understanding and
perception, which they considered to be theoretically important mechanisms of change affecting outcomes in cognitivebased therapy for BPD. As part of a larger clinical trial
(Brown et al., 2004), 34 participants with a primary diagnosis
of BPD received 12 months of cognitive therapy tailored to
BPD with self-report questionnaires used to measure selfunderstanding and acquisition of compensatory skills.
Outcomes of depression, anxiety and quality of life were
measured using well-known, validated self-report measures.
The researchers found that change in compensatory skills was
apparent in the BPD group and that in particular, a decrease in
negative compensatory responses/negative thinking cooccurred with symptom improvement. This study used data
from a larger trial which also included participants with a
primary diagnosis of depression or anxiety so outcome
measures were perhaps too broad to capture some of the
additional symptoms experienced by those with BPD. Not
uncommonly, this study relied heavily on self-report, creating
the possibility of biased responding. The researchers concede
that the relatively small within-study sample sizes and their
associated limitations on statistical power meant that the use
of a pooled database was not the best way to investigate
mechanisms of change in specific treatments for specific
diagnostic categories.
Over a 12-month period, Perroud et al. (2012) investigated
improved skills in mindfulness, a key component of DBT.
Fifty-two (predominantly female) participants with a BPD
diagnosis were regularly administered the Kentucky Inventory
of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS; Baer et al., 2004), a self-report
questionnaire which categorises mindfulness into four discrete dimensions: observing, describing, acting with awareness and accepting without judgment. Self-report measures of
depression and hopelessness were also administered at regular
intervals, as were standardised diagnostic clinician-administered assessments of BPD psychopathology. Accepting without judgement was the only dimension found to significantly
increase following statistical adjustment for potential confounds. Increases in this dimension specifically correlated
with improved BPD symptoms. Mindfulness is perhaps a
construct inherently difficult to measure objectively so selfreport may be the best way to capture it, despite potential
response biases. However, this study lacked a control group,
limiting the possibility of drawing conclusions about whether
observed improvements are exclusive to the acquisition of the
accepting without judgement skill or whether they are
partially or otherwise explained by a natural change in
mindfulness skills and/or correlate with an uncontrolled
O’Toole et al. (2012) also studied improvements in
mindfulness skills in 165 women with BPD recruited from
five DBT programs. Self-report measures of perceived social
support and physical and emotional well-being were used to
assess outcomes. Mindfulness skills were measured using the
Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ; Baer et al.,
2008), a 39-item self-report measure. Mindfulness emerged as
the strongest predictor of emotional well-being and women
who reported greater use of mindfulness skills reported more
infrequent use of healthcare services. Mindfulness was,
DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2017.1322185
however, unrelated to the use of prescription medication. The
large sample size and robust statistical techniques add to the
reliability of these findings although the voluntary and diverse
recruitment process creates potential biases and as with some
other studies, data relied solely on self-report. This study,
nevertheless, makes an important contribution to the evidence
regarding the role of mindfulness skills as a DBT change
Using a multi-level repeated measures, non-randomised,
uncontrolled design, Stepp et al. (2008) set out to identify
possible ‘‘active ingredients’’ of DBT that may account for
improved BPD symptoms. Their sample of 27 participants
(85% female) ranged in age from 16 to 61 years but only 63%
met diagnostic criteria for BPD. To assess BPD symptoms,
the Personality Assessment Inventory-Borderline Features
Scale (PAI-BOR; Morey, 1991), a 24-item self-report measure
was administered at the start of each new skills module
(teaching sequence: (i) mindfulness, (ii) interpersonal effectiveness, (iii) emotion regulation and (iv) distress tolerance).
Skills use was assessed by weekly self-report diary cards.
Analyses revealed that overall skills use produced a significant effect on PAI-BOR total scores over the course of
12 months. This finding held when analyses controlled for
baseline levels of distress and diary card compliance. The
methodological limitations of this study meant that it
achieved the lowest score on the DBC: the researchers
concede that their findings could reflect motivation rather
than skills utilisation; more motivated participants would
arguably also be more committed to completing diary cards.
However, this confound was controlled as much as possible.
Both skills use and outcome could be more reliably assessed
by using blinded performance-based observer ratings. Despite
the study’s power-maximising design, small effect sizes could
have been missed due to the small sample and the fact that
one-third of participants did not meet DSM-IV criteria for
BPD introduces an uncontrolled confound limiting the
conclusions that can be drawn about BPD from this research.
The lack of a control group means that results may not be
reflective of skills specific to DBT and could be a finding
common to any skills utilisation program.
Within a single-blind, randomised trial of three different
types of DBT, Linehan et al. (2015) aimed to ascertain the
effect of DBT skills use on outcomes of suicide attempts, selfharm and mental health problems in 99 women diagnosed
with BPD. Outcome measures included the Suicide Attempt
Self Injury Interview (SASII; Linehan et al., 2006b) and the
Suicidal Behaviours Questionnaire (Addis & Linehan, 1989).
Assessments were conducted by blinded independent assessors prior to treatment, every two months during the 12month treatment and then 12 months post-treatment. The
researchers’ methodology dismantled DBT into the following
formats: skills training plus case management (DBT-S), DBT
individual therapy plus activities group (DBT-I) and standard
DBT (this includes both skills training and individual
therapy). Standard DBT was not shown to be superior over
other forms of DBT with regards to suicide-related outcomes;
all three formats were equally effective at reducing suicidality
among high-risk participants. However, the two interventions
which incorporated DBT skills training were more effective in
reducing self-harm incidents and improving other mental
Mechanisms of Change in DBT and CBT for BPD
health problems. This rigorously controlled, single-blind
study used computerised randomisation and matching to
allocate participants to their DBT program and a particular
strength lies in the management of the data and control of, and
statistical investigation into, potential confounds. Because
participants were informed of their treatment allocation
during their first therapy session, the possible effect of
expectation biases cannot be ruled out, however.
Barnicot et al. (2015) used a predominantly female sample
of 70 participants with BPD, aiming to examine whether DBT
skills use was associated with positive treatment outcomes
independent of treatment processes common to most psychological therapies: therapeutic alliance, treatment credibility
and self-efficacy. Skills use, the proposed change mechanism,
was measured by self-report every two months and self-harm
was clinician-assessed every two months using items selected
from the SASII (Linehan et al., 2006b). The researchers
concluded that more frequent use of DBT skills was
independently associated with less frequent concurrent selfharm. This is a solid study; however, due to the use of DBTspecific terminology, it was not possible to compare skills use
in a control group not receiving DBT.
Therapeutic alliance and investment in treatment
Bedics et al. (2012) aimed to explore the therapeutic alliance
as a mechanism of change on self-harm outcomes in DBT.
One hundred and one females were randomised to receive
either DBT or a control condition, Community Treatment by
Experts (CTBE). As well as meeting criteria for BPD, all
participants had a history of self-harm and at least one
incident in the eight weeks prior to commencing the study.
The quality of the therapeutic alliance was rated by patients
using the Structural Analysis of Social Behaviour (SASB;
Benjamin, 1974). Results showed that in comparison to CTBE
participants, DBT participants reported their therapists as
increasingly more affirming, protecting and controlling
during treatment. Additionally, DBT participants reported a
stronger association between increased therapist affirmation
and protection with decreased self-harm. Despite the strength
of the RCT data, the reasonable sample size and the use of
multiple time points to assess symptomatic change and the
therapeutic relationship, this study has some limitations.
Assessment of BPD symptoms was limited to self-harm only
and the researchers note the value that further research could
add in extending these results to other relevant domains.
Additionally, reliability of the data is limited because of the
lack of clinician-recorded or blinded observations.
Continuing their research, Bedics et al. (2015) used DBT
and CTBE comparison data from their previous sample
(Bedics et al., 2012), this time employing the California
Psychotherapy Alliance Scale (CALPAS; Gaston, 1991) to
investigate the association between different components of
the alliance and BPD outcomes (suicide attempts, self-harm,
introject and depression) which were measured using
standardised, validated tools. No differences were found
between patient ratings of the alliance between the two
treatments; however, a reduction in self-harm was associated
with an increase in patient-rated total alliance in DBT but not
in CTBE. Although it did not quite reach significance,
S. Rudge et al.
researchers also discovered that DBT participants who
perceived greater understanding and involvement from their
therapist reported reductions in self-harm. As per their
rationale, investigating specific facets of the alliance highlighted mechanisms that may not be revealed when focusing
on total alliance ratings; however, the researchers did not
control for the possibility that early symptom improvement
may have influenced alliance ratings, causing subsequent
changes in symptoms.
Turner (2000) tested the effects of DBT versus a ClientCentred Treatment control condition (CCT) in a naturalistic
evaluation of 24 (primarily female) participants with a
diagnosis of BPD. In order to understand its role in
differences in outcomes (depression, anxiety, anger, selfharm/suicidality, hospitalisation) between the two therapies,
the quality of the therapeutic alliance was measured using the
Helping Relationship Questionnaire (HRQ; Luborsky, 1984).
Participants were randomly assigned to receive either DBT or
CCT and outcomes were evaluated using a combination of
self-report and a blind rating assessor. Differences in ratings
of the quality of the therapeutic alliance were found to
account for significant variance in outcomes across both DBT
and CCT but no significant difference in therapeutic alliance
was observed between the two treatments. This suggests that
the alliance accounted for as much variance in symptom
improvement as did differences in the treatment conditions
themselves. Researchers rated the quality of the alliance at
one single time point rather than measuring a change
(improvement) in alliance over time, making it harder to
infer its role as a mechanism of change linked explicitly to
improved BPD symptoms. Like others, this study relied
heavily on self-report within a relatively small sample but the
use of randomisation and controls contribute to the reliability
of these important findings.
Wenzel et al. (2006) proposed that change in dysfunctional
beliefs, reduction in hopelessness and improvement in attitude
toward treatment all function as mechanisms of change in
CBT for BPD. Using data from 32 participants diagnosed
with BPD as part of a wider clinical trial (Brown et al., 2004),
the researchers conducted clinical evaluations at baseline, 6
months and 12 months then again at 6 months follow-up.
Baseline assessments involved clinician-administered interviews, self-report questionnaires and review of treatment
histories. Attitude towards treatment was measured using the
Attitudes and Expectations Questionnaire (ERQ; adapted
from Elkin et al., 1989). Results showed that 66.7% of
participants who had positive attitudes toward treatment no
longer met criteria for BPD after 12 months of treatment,
compared with 14.3% of participants with a negative attitude
toward treatment. This may be a spurious link, however; it is
not clarified how changes in attitude towards treatment
specifically influence outcome and without the benefit of data
obtained at more than one time point it is perhaps not reliably
described as a mechanism of change. The researchers
investigated other hypothesised mechanisms of change
concluding, in support of their hypotheses, that reductions
in hopelessness were associated with significant reductions in
borderline beliefs. However, this conclusion does not shed
much light on the specific processes by which change occur,
as both belief change and reduction in hopelessness might be
J Ment Health, Early Online: 1–11
more reliably classed as outcomes rather than change
mechanisms. Further, the small sample size precludes the
possibility of making generalisable inferences to larger
samples and the standard critique of self-report measures
also applies, although the use of clinician-administered
assessments and treatment records did introduce more
objective ratings.
Results from this review show that there are at least three
distinct categories of mechanisms of change in DBT and CBT
for BPD. Empirical support for improvements in emotion
regulation and behavioural control as change mechanisms in
DBT is perhaps unsurprising given that Linehan’s (1993)
DBT biosocial theory views BPD as a disorder of persistent
emotional dysfunction occurring largely due to deficits in the
ability to regulate difficult emotions and because of emotional
instability and vulnerability. By contrast, no studies reviewed
investigated emotion regulation and self-control in CBT,
which, again, is perhaps unsurprising given that the core aim
of CBT for BPD focuses more on dysfunctional schema
identification and cognitive restructuring (Arntz, 1994).
Axelrod et al. (2011) discovered an association between
emotion regulation and behavioural control in DBT, although
both variables might be considered both mechanisms of
change and outcomes in their own right. Similarly, as well as
discovering a link between improved affect balance and
reductions in symptom distress, McMain et al. (2013) found
an association between balanced affect and improved interpersonal function, a key component in DBT skills training.
Also supporting a link between emotion regulation and skills
use, Kramer et al. (2016) showed that receipt of a DBT skills
training module was associated with improved ability to use
productive, assertive anger, an association also apparent in
Neacsiu et al.’s (2010) mediation analysis which concluded
that the frequency of DBT skills use by patients with BPD
was associated with an increase in control of anger over time.
In addition to Neacsiu et al. (2010), several DBT studies
(Barnicot et al., 2015; Linehan et al., 2015; O’Toole et al.,
2012; Perroud et al., 2012; Stepp et al., 2008) provided some
support for Linehan’s (1993) skills deficit theory of BPD
suggesting that acquisition of new skills is associated with
better DBT outcomes. Indeed, a study of 49 women found that
both mindfulness and crisis survival skills were practiced
frequently by DBT participants and that the majority
practiced their DBT-learned skills on most treatment days
(Lindenboim et al., 2007). Arntz (1994) lists ‘‘correction of
thinking errors’’ as one of the five main components to be
addressed in CBT for BPD. It is, therefore, again encouraging,
yet unsurprising, that Gibbons et al. (2009) concluded that
compensatory skills use was association with reductions in
negative cognitions which correlated with BPD symptom
Across a range of psychotherapies, the therapeutic alliance
is considered helpful in retaining patients in therapy as well as
contributing to positive outcomes (Horvath & Luborsky,
1993). Patients view a trusting alliance as something to be
prioritised (Morris et al., 2014). However, it remains a
difficult concept to quantify and could easily be conflated
DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2017.1322185
with other mechanisms of change such that its role as
an independent factor becomes less clear. The most sensible definition for considering therapeutic alliance as a
mechanism of change might be to measure change in
the alliance over time to show that as it develops (and
hopefully improves) so BPD symptoms reduce – a positive,
measureable outcome.
Because of their similarity, therapeutic alliance and
investment in treatment were clustered to form one category
in the current review but examination of both proved
problematic in terms of identifying isolated processes which
could reliably be classed as mechanisms of change. Barnicot
et al.’s (2015) study into the association between DBT skills
use and treatment outcome (self-harm, drop-out) investigated
the mediating effect of three common treatment processes but
of the three, both therapeutic alliance and treatment credibility were not found to be linked with decreased self-harm.
More promisingly, Wenzel et al. (2006) found that a positive
attitude towards treatment was associated with a reduction in
BPD symptoms in CBT, although it was unclear how much
this factor alone was responsible for patients no longer
meeting diagnostic criteria for BPD post-treatment. Exploring
components of the therapeutic alliance in further detail,
Bedics et al. (2015) discovered that participants who
perceived greater understanding and involvement from their
therapist reported a reduction in self-harm. This fits with
Linehan’s (1993) model as instead of the invalidating
environment that BPD patients are accustomed to, therapists
provide warm, emotionally validating settings, fostering
increased emotional regulation and decreased instability and
impulsivity (which manifest in behaviours such as deliberate
Therapeutic alliance and investment in treatment are
examples of non-specific processes theorised to be common
across all psychological therapies, as opposed to specific
effects that are produced by different therapists/models (see
Wampold (2001) for review of the value of specific versus
non-specific processes in psychotherapy mechanism research
and Lynch et al. (2006) for a discussion of theorised common
and unique mechanisms in DBT treatment). Interestingly,
although Bedics et al. (2012) and Turner (2000) both
concluded that a more positively-perceived alliance was
associated with improved DBT outcomes, they produced
contradicting evidence on the importance of the alliance as a
positive change process. Bedics et al. (2012) found that the
alliance was reported more favourably in DBT than controls
whereas Turner (2000) found no significant difference in
patient-reported alliance between DBT and controls.
Nevertheless, the importance of the therapeutic alliance in
the studies reviewed is a finding in agreement with a review
of factors predicting outcome in BPD treatment (Barnicot
et al., 2012) and is particularly promising given the difficulty
BPD patients have with interpersonal relationships. Martin
et al.’s (2000) meta-analysis of studies measuring alliance
concluded that the overall relationship between the alliance
and outcome is moderate but consistent regardless of any
hypothesised confounds. They found great diversity in
measures of alliance, suggesting that this research may not
be easily replicable, adding to the difficult task of producing
robust evidence of the alliance as a mechanism of change.
Mechanisms of Change in DBT and CBT for BPD
As well as the inherent risk of this search omitting relevant
studies, this review was limited by ultimately being primarily
DBT-focused with little CBT evidence. This is likely due to
the prominence of DBT in the most current BPD clinical
guideline (NICE, 2009) as well as the fact that DBT was
created specifically for BPD. It explains why the DBT model
more aptly describes the mechanisms of change identified
herewith than the CBT model. This does, however, suggest
that further research into mechanisms of change in cognitive
therapy for BPD is warranted, especially as NICE (2009)
advises that should these data be produced, future revisions
may recommend CBT for BPD. The empirical data reviewed
highlight the difficulty in demonstrating causality, much of the
evidence relying on associative relationships, and the majority
of studies revealed difficulties in obtaining large enough
sample sizes and in establishing satisfactory scientific rigour
from which to base conclusions. Whether some variables were
classed as mechanisms of change or could more reliably be
considered as outcomes was also somewhat muddied. Indeed,
in their study of DBT partial hospitalisation, Yen et al. (2009)
concluded that, ‘‘BPD is a complex, heterogeneous disorder
for which there is no single pathognomonic criterion, so that
each criterion should be considered individually in determining its potential effect on treatment outcomes.’’
Further robust research and hypothesis testing will help to
corroborate the identified mechanisms and attempts to
establish causality would be highly beneficial in concluding
which components of therapy to focus on. These data could
assist practitioners in testing the efficacy of briefer interventions that incorporate the specific mechanisms that are most
likely to lead to positive outcomes, particularly benefitting
those for whom only brief treatments are available.
Encouragingly, there was a large increase in the number of
relevant studies published between the 2012 and 2016
searches, with more than a quarter of the studies that met
inclusion criteria being published in the last two years.
Demonstrating that this is a research-worthy area of growing
interest, searches also revealed several studies of mechanisms
of change in other treatments for BPD such as TFP and SFT.
There are several potential mechanisms of change associated
with the theoretical underpinnings of BPD treatment (Lynch
et al., 2006) and this review is a start in a long journey
towards being able to confirm which specific mechanisms are
active in treatments for such a complex, challenging disorder.
Three broad categories of mechanism of change were
identified which are well explained by Linehan’s (1993)
DBT biosocial model of BPD: initial deficits in emotion
regulation and self-control are improved via the therapeutic
alliance and investment in treatment which result in increased
skills use leading to favourable outcomes on mood and
anxiety symptoms, and on measures of BPD symptoms
including self-harm, impulsivity, substance misuse and borderline beliefs.
Declaration of interest
Susie Rudge and Peter Fonagy have no conflicts of interest to
declare. Janet Feigenbaum is an international senior trainer in
S. Rudge et al.
DBT with British Isles DBT, and Chairman of the Board of
Accreditation for the Society for DBT UK.
Peter Fonagy
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