The American Journal of Sports
Salvage of Contaminated Osteochondral Allografts: The Effects of Chlorhexidine on Human Articular
Chondrocyte Viability
Joel Campbell, Giuseppe Filardo, Benjamin Bruce, Sarvottam Bajaj, Nicole Friel, Arnavaz Hakimiyan, Stephen Wood,
Robert Grumet, Sasha Shafikhani, Susan Chubinskaya and Brian J. Cole
Am J Sports Med 2014 42: 973 originally published online February 11, 2014
DOI: 10.1177/0363546513519950
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Salvage of Contaminated
Osteochondral Allografts
The Effects of Chlorhexidine on
Human Articular Chondrocyte Viability
Joel Campbell,* MD, Giuseppe Filardo,y MD, Benjamin Bruce,z MD, Sarvottam Bajaj,*z MD,
Nicole Friel,z MD, Arnavaz Hakimiyan,* BS, Stephen Wood,§ BS, Robert Grumet,k MD,
Sasha Shafikhani,§ PhD, Susan Chubinskaya,*z PhD, and Brian J. Cole,z{ MD, MBA
Investigation performed at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Background: Because chondrocyte viability is imperative for successful osteochondral allograft transplantation, sterilization
techniques must provide antimicrobial effects with minimal cartilage toxicity. Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) is an effective disinfectant; however, its use with human articular cartilage requires further investigation.
Purpose: To determine the maximal chlorhexidine concentration that does not affect chondrocyte viability in allografts and to
determine whether this concentration effectively sterilizes contaminated osteoarticular grafts.
Study Design: Controlled laboratory study.
Methods: Osteochondral plugs were subjected to pulse lavage with 1-L solutions of 0.002%, 0.01%, 0.05%, and 0.25% CHG
and cultured for 0, 1, 2, and 7 days in media of 10% fetal bovine serum and antibiotics. Chondrocyte viability was determined
via LIVE/DEAD Viability Assay. Plugs were contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus and randomized to 4 treatment groups.
One group was not contaminated; the 3 others were contaminated and received no treatment, saline pulse lavage, or saline pulse
lavage with 0.002% CHG. Serial dilutions were plated and colony-forming units assessed.
Results: The control group and the 0.002% CHG group showed similar cell viability, ranging from 67% 6 4% to 81% 6 22%
(mean 6 SD) at all time points. In the 0.01% CHG group, cell viability was reduced in comparison with control by
2-fold at day 2 and remained until day 7 (P \ .01). The 0.05% and 0.25% CHG groups showed a 2-fold reduction in cell viability
at day 1 (P \ .01). At day 7, cell viability was reduced to 15% 6 18% (4-fold decrease) for the 0.05% CHG group and 10% 6 19%
(6-fold decrease) for the 0.25% CHG group (P \ .01). Contaminated grafts treated with 0.002% CHG demonstrated no colonyforming units.
Conclusion: Pulse lavage with 0.002% CHG does not cause significant cell death within 7 days after exposure, while CHG at
concentrations .0.002% significantly decreases chondrocyte viability within 1 to 2 days after exposure and should therefore
not be used for disinfection of osteochondral allograft. Pulse lavage does not affect chondrocyte viability but cannot be used
in isolation to sterilize contaminated fragments. Overall, 0.002% CHG was shown to effectively decontaminate osteoarticular
Clinical Relevance: This study offers a scientific protocol for sterilizing osteochondral fragments that does not adversely affect
cartilage viability.
Keywords: osteochondral graft; contamination; dropped; decontamination
determinant for allograft selection.14 Key steps in the procedure include graft harvest and procurement, followed by
allograft preparation and implantation into the recipient
defect site. Accidental graft contamination, such as mishandling in the operating room, remains a concern. Up to 25%
of sports medicine surgeons experience at least 1 contamination event in their practice.9
Staphylococcus aureus has been shown to be the most
common orthopaedic surgical site infection.1,11 Furthermore, it has been identified on skin flora as well as on
Cartilage restoration offers treatment for localized chondral
and osteochondral defects in patients who are too young for
joint replacement. Such articular cartilage defects can be
treated with surgical implantation of fresh osteochondral
allograft tissue containing viable chondrocytes, a principal
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 42, No. 4
DOI: 10.1177/0363546513519950
Ó 2014 The Author(s)
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Campbell et al
The American Journal of Sports Medicine
the operating room floor.1 The deleterious effects of
methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA) on postoperative
orthopaedic patients are significant from both a clinical and
a financial perspective.6,8,13,17 Efforts to minimize MRSA contamination for orthopaedic surgery have been shown to be
effective in preventing surgical site infections.8
Multiple methods for decontaminating orthopaedic
implants have been studied. Chlorhexidine has been
shown to be a valuable agent for bacterial decontamination.12,15 Previous work with anterior cruciate ligament
allograft decontamination procedures has demonstrated
that a chlorhexidine solution is an efficacious antimicrobial
agent when compared with povidone-iodine and tripleantibiotic solutions.4,10 Povidone-iodine has been shown
to decontaminate with minimal chondrocyte toxicity in
some studies; however, others have contrarily demonstrated that wet povidone-iodine solutions did not
effectively decontaminate bone fragments, even after
10 minutes of irrigation.2,4,18 Overall, a multitude of studies have collectively concluded that chlorhexidine is more
effective than povidone-iodine.
When further detailing the use of chlorhexidine in irrigation, it is important to consider that its use, in some
cases, has been associated with the development of severe
chondrolysis in anterior cruciate ligament graft transplantation.5,7 Bruce et al4 further described this by demonstrating that 1-minute exposure of bone fragments to 4%
chlorhexidine resulted in almost complete chondrocyte
death. Recent studies using 0.05% chlorhexidine, however,
have shown that 1-minute jet lavage of articular cartilage
does not have a significant effect on chondrocyte metabolism as measured by radiolabeled sulfur uptake.8,17 This
method and determined 0.05% chlorhexidine concentration
have proven effective in removing or killing up to 99.8% of
contaminating bacteria.3,16
Although other studies support the use of 0.05% chlorhexidine jet lavage for osteochondral allograft decontamination procedures, they are limited in that the analysis of
chondrocyte metabolism was not continued beyond
24 hours. Furthermore, the articular cartilage tested in
these studies was obtained immediately after orthopaedic
surgery, while cartilage transplantation procedures utilize
prolonged (14-28 days) fresh cold-preserved cadaveric
donor tissue.19,20 In addition, to our knowledge, the effects
of different concentrations of chlorhexidine jet lavage on
articular cartilage have not been investigated.
The purpose of this study was to identify the maximal
chlorhexidine concentration that would not affect chondrocyte viability in fresh human osteochondral allografts and
to subsequently determine the effectiveness of decontamination. We hypothesized that chlorhexidine pulse lavage
with concentrations of 0.05% or less will not significantly
affect chondrocyte viability but will effectively sterilize
contaminated allograft fragments.
This investigation represents a 2-phase study in which the
first phase identifies a concentration of chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) that does not adversely affect chondrocyte
viability. The goal of the second phase is to determine
whether this concentration of CHG effectively sterilizes
contaminated osteochondral fragments.
Phase 1: Determination of Cytotoxic
Concentration of CHG
Experimental Design. Five human femoral hemicondyles, refrigerated at 4°C for 14 to 28 days, were obtained
from AlloSource (Centennial, Colorado, USA) (Figure 1, AF). A total of 48 six-millimeter osteochondral plugs were
harvested with the osteochondral autograft transfer system technique (Arthrex Inc, Naples, Florida, USA) and
randomized to the following treatment groups: untreated
control, saline pulse lavage, 0.002% chlorhexidine pulse
lavage, 0.01% chlorhexidine pulse lavage, 0.05% chlorhexidine pulse lavage, and 0.25% chlorhexidine pulse lavage.
These concentrations were chosen because each represents
a 5-fold reduction in chlorhexidine concentration (0.25 .
0.05 . 0.01 . 0.002), with base concentration being 0.05.
Cell viability of cartilage from osteochondral plugs was
analyzed at selected time points of 0, 1, 2, and 7 days after
treatment with LIVE/DEAD Cell Viability Assay (Molecular Probes Inc, Eugene, Oregon, USA). There were 8 plugs
per group with 2 plugs per time point.
Osteochondral Plug Harvest. Hemicondyles were held
in place with bone clamps, and the osteochondral autograft
transfer system harvester was oriented at a 90° angle to
the articular surface and advanced with a mallet to a depth
of 10 mm. The harvester with the osteochondral plug was
removed by axial loading the harvester and rotating 90°
clockwise, then 90° counterclockwise. The core extruder
was then inserted and advanced to atraumatically eject
the plug (Figure 1, A-F). Plugs were then placed in culture
containing 10% fetal bovine serum in standard 50/50 Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium/F12 nutrient mixture and
penicillin/streptomycin/fungizone/gentamicin at room temperature and treated immediately after procurement.
Chlorhexidine Pulsatile Lavage. Two controls were
included: osteochondral plugs immediately cultured after
harvest (untreated control) and plugs subjected to saline
Address correspondence to Brian Cole, MD, MBA, Department of Orthopedics, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Rush University Medical Center, 1611 West
Harrison Avenue, Suite 300, Chicago, IL 60612, USA (e-mail:
*Department of Biochemistry, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Orthopaedic Surgery-Trauma, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Bologna, Italy.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, St Joseph Medical Center, Orange, California, USA.
One or more of the authors has declared the following potential conflict of interest or source of funding: Arthrex Inc (Naples, Florida, USA) provided
OATS harvesting tubes. AlloSource Inc (Centennial, Colorado, USA) provided OA tissue.
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Vol. 42, No. 4, 2014
Salvage of Contaminated Osteochondral Allografts
Figure 1. (A) Femoral hemicondyle, (B) osteochondral autograft transfer system harvesters, (C) graft harvest, (D) plug removal
using core extruder, (E) hemicondyles with osteochondral plugs, (F) osteochondral plug, (G) pulse lavage system with saline
bag, (H) pulse lavage of osteochondral plugs.
pulse lavage only before culture (saline pulse lavage). The
saline pulse lavage group was washed with 3 L of saline
before culture in 10% fetal bovine serum media. Pulse
lavage was performed with sterile technique via a
battery-powered, variable-speed Stryker InterPulse hand
piece (Stryker, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA) spiked into
1-L saline bags and operated at maximum speed, with
each 1-L bag lasting approximately 1 minute (Figure 1, G
and H). All surfaces were equally exposed to lavage. Osteochondral plugs from treatment groups were subjected to
pulse lavage with 1-L solutions of 0.002%, 0.01%, 0.05%,
or 0.25% CHG, preceded and followed by 1-L saline pulse
lavage (3-L total volume). Chlorhexidine solutions were
created by injecting calculated volumes of a 20% CHG solution (Xttrium Laboratories, Chicago, Illinois, USA) into 1-L
bags of sterile water to achieve desired concentration.
After treatment, plugs were cultured in 10% fetal bovine
serum media at 37°C until selected time points (0, 1, 2,
and 7 days) for analysis.
Determination of Chondrocyte Viability. At time points
(0, 1, 2, and 7 days), cartilage (full thickness) was removed
from subchondral bone and cell viability analyzed with
LIVE/DEAD Viability Assay. This is a 2-color fluorescence
cell viability assay based on the determination of live and
dead cells through simultaneous use of calcein AM and
ethidium bromide homodimer 1 stains to measure intracellular esterase activity and plasma membrane integrity.
Live cells emit a green fluorescence after intracellular
esterases convert calcein to fluorescent calcein. Ethidium
bromide homodimer 1 enters cells upon the disruption of
the plasma membrane integrity after cell death, staining
the nuclear DNA red. Images were visualized via fluorescent microscopy with Image J software (National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA) and Metamorph software (version 6.1r6; Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, California, USA). Images were assigned random numbers,
and live and dead cells were counted twice per image and
averaged. Cell viability was determined as follows: number
of live cells/total cells.
Phase 2: Determination of Efficacy of CHG
Treatment in Sterilizing Contaminated Grafts
Twelve 6-mm osteochondral plugs were harvested from
fresh hemicondyles and subjected to antibiotic cocktail
treatment as detailed above. Osteochondral grafts were
immersed in regular media 5-mL baths containing 1.4E5
bacteria colony-forming units (CFUs) of Newman strain
of MRSA for 1 minute. Control cells were similarly exposed
to sterile regular media. Osteoarticular fragments were
subsequently removed and randomly subjected to 1 of 3
treatments: no wash, pulse lavage with saline, or pulse
lavage with saline and 0.002% CHG. This concentration
of CHG was based on data obtained from phase 1. The
grafts were sterilely transferred to a 5-mL bath of regular
media for 5 minutes to deposit any remaining bacteria to
the media. The fragment was sterilely removed and the
media incubated for 24 hours. The number of CFUs was
identified after plating serial dilutions.
LIVE/DEAD Viability Assay was performed at 0, 1, 2, and
7 days after osteochondral plug harvest and treatment.
Overlay images of live and dead chondrocytes from fullthickness specimens were compared at days 0 and 7 with
qualitative evaluation of the untreated control showing
similar distribution and amount of live cells (green) as
well as minimal surface death (red cells) at both time
points (Figure 2). The saline pulse lavage and 0.002%
CHG group overlay images also showed very little
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Campbell et al
The American Journal of Sports Medicine
control. However at day 7, chondrocytes exposed to
0.01%, 0.05%, and 0.25% CHG showed evident decreases
in cell viability as compared with day 1 images and
untreated control images.
Cell viability was calculated as live cells (green fluorescence)/total cells (green 1 red cells) for each experimental
group and time point. Untreated control, saline pulse
lavage, and 0.002% CHG groups all showed similar cell viabilities, ranging from 67% 64% to 81% 6 22% at all time
points (0, 1, 2, and 7 days; no statistical significance among
these groups at each time point) (Table 1, Figure 3). In the
0.01% CHG group, cell viability was reduced in comparison
with the untreated control by 2-fold at day 2 and remained
at this level until day 7 (P \ .01) (Table 1, Figure 4). CHG
groups 0.05% and 0.25% showed a 2-fold reduction in cell
viability compared with the untreated control already at
day 1 (P \ .01). At day 7, cell viability was reduced to
15% 618% (4-fold) for the 0.05% CHG group and 10%
619% (6-fold) for the 0.25% CHG group (P \ .01).
Osteochondral grafts contaminated with 1.4E5 bacterial
cells that subsequently underwent no treatment or saline
pulse lavage demonstrated 2.9E8 and 3.3E7 CFUs, respectively. The uncontaminated control grafts as well as contaminated grafts that were treated with 0.002%
demonstrated no CFUs. LIVE/DEAD Viability Assay
showed similar chondrocyte viability between 0.002%
CHG and untreated control cells.
Figure 2. LIVE/DEAD overlay images for each treatment
group comparing day 0 and day 7. Fluorescent green, live
cells; fluorescent red, dead cells.
deviation from untreated control images with symmetrical
distribution of viable cells at days 0 and 7. Similar results
were observed for higher concentration of CHG at day 0,
where overlay images of 0.01%, 0.05%, and 0.25% CHG
groups at day 0 reported comparable cell viability to
This study suggests a scientific protocol to sterilize osteochondral fragments that does not adversely affect cartilage
viability. At many cartilage restoration centers, fresh coldpreserved cadaveric donor tissue is used because of the
preservation of cell viability and its importance to successful graft incorporation. Osteoarticular fragments identical
to those used for these procedures were utilized. Multiple
studies have suggested that chlorhexidine is toxic to chondrocytes.2,4,21 However, previous studies by Best et al,3
using 1-minute exposures of articular cartilage to 0.05%
chlorhexidine jet lavage, have shown that cartilage metabolism measured by radioactive sulfur uptake is not significantly affected. On the basis of these reports, we
thought that chlorhexidine pulse lavage with concentrations of 0.05% or less would not significantly affect chondrocyte viability. However, the results from the first
phase of this study confirmed otherwise.
LIVE/DEAD analysis showed that chlorhexidine pulse
lavage caused significant chondrocyte death as early as
day 1 after exposure to 0.05% and 0.25% CHG and at 2
days after exposure to 0.01% CHG. This onetime exposure
continued to have effects on cell viability beyond the initial
exposure. In our study, 1-minute 0.05% chlorhexidine
pulse lavage caused a significant reduction in cell viability
already by day 1 and a 4-fold reduction by day 7. This progression of cell death implies that chlorhexidine’s cytotoxicity may be delayed, and early analysis of chondrocyte
metabolism may not adequately reflect the detrimental
effect on chondrocyte viability.
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Vol. 42, No. 4, 2014
Salvage of Contaminated Osteochondral Allografts
Cell Viabilities (in Percentages) by LIVE/DEAD Assay for Each Experimental Group at Time Points 0, 1, 2, and 7 Daysa
Average Cell Viabilities of 5 Samples (2 Counts Each)
Untreated control
Saline pulse lavage
0.002% CHG
0.01% CHG
0.05% CHG
0.25% CHG
Day 0
Day 1
Day 2
Day 7
CHG, chlorhexidine gluconate.
Log bacterial growth (CFU)
Figure 3. Phase 1: chondrocyte viabilities of groups after
exposure to chlorhexidine at all time points.
No wash
Saline + CHX
Untreated control, saline pulse lavage, and 0.002% CHG
groups all showed similar cell viabilities at all time points
analyzed, suggesting that 0.002% CHG did not compromise
cell viability. The saline pulse lavage group was used as control to determine potential chondrocyte damage due to the
pressurized lavage treatment and to evaluate the effects of
saline on cell viability, since previous studies reported diminished chondrocyte metabolism with saline pulse lavage or
mechanical scrubbing.4 Saline pulse lavage is used in osteochondral allograft transplantation procedures to remove
marrow elements from the graft before implantation and to
reduce risk of potential immunogenic interactions. Our
results showed that saline pulse lavage does not significantly
reduce cell viability of osteochondral allograft tissue.
Furthermore, 0.002% CHG pulse lavage was found to
effectively sterilize contaminated osteoarticular fragments. Chlorhexidine disrupts cell membranes leading to
cell death, but to our knowledge, its antimicrobial effects
at concentrations less than 0.05% have not been investigated.7 Our study suggests that even dilute chlorhexidine
effectively decontaminates nonsterile fragments. There is
debate about the necessity of cell viability preservation in
osteochondral allograft transplantation procedures, but
this is beyond the scope of this discussion. The level of
cell viability deemed adequate for successful graft incorporation remains to be determined.
There are several limitations to this study that have to be
considered. In the first phase of the experiment, cartilage
Figure 4. Phase 2: Bacterial growth assessment after treatment of contaminated osteochondral fragments with chlorhexidine. Osteochondral fragments were immersed in
regular medium containing 1.0 3 105 bacteria for 1 minute
(T0). Osteochondral fragments were then removed and left
unwashed (no wash) or rinsed with either saline (saline) or
saline 1 chlorhexidine at 0.002% concentration (CHX). After
the rinsing step, osteochondral fragments were placed in
regular medium for 5 minutes so that remaining viable bacteria could be deposited in the medium. The effect of chlorhexidine on bacterial disinfection was assessed after 24-hour
growth phase (T24) in regular medium, and the data are
shown as the mean 6 SD (n = 3; P \ .0001).
viability was evaluated only up to 1 week. Long-term effects
of chlorhexidine exposure on chondrocytes remain to be
investigated. In the second phase, the number of actual
CFUs could have been underestimated, as some bacteria
may remain attached to the osteochondral fragments and
may cause damage at later stages or within the intra-articular environment. Second, because of specimen limitations,
only MRSA was tested. Multiple other studies have confirmed that a spectrum of bacteria, including MRSA, colonize
in the hospital.11,13,15 In this experiment, MRSA was chosen
because it represents one of the most common orthopaedic
infections and has devastating consequences.11 Compared
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Campbell et al
The American Journal of Sports Medicine
with Staphylococcus epidermis infection, MRSA infection is
much more difficult and expensive to treat. Finally, this
study does not address the in vivo risk of infection after
decontamination. A randomized controlled study, however,
would not be ethically feasible.
Chlorhexidine solutions of concentrations of 0.05% or above
cause significant decreases in chondrocyte viability within 1
to 2 days after exposure and are not recommended for use
with allograft articular cartilage; however, 0.002% CHG
does not cause significant cell death within 7 days after
exposure and is comparable with saline graft lavage. Isolated pulse lavage with saline does not effectively decontaminate osteoarticular fragments. Osteoarticular fragments
contaminated with MRSA can effectively be decontaminated with a protocol that includes 1-L pulse lavage with
0.002% CHG, but the use of this protocol in clinics is far
from being defined and thoroughly investigated.
The authors acknowledge Lev Rappoport, MD, Rush University Medical Center, for providing tissue and histologic
analysis support.
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