"Islamizations During the Period of the Ottoman Empire"


Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice

InternatIonal scIentIfIc conference under the auspIces of the general secretarIat for greeks aBroad and puBlIc dIplomacy of the greek mInIstry of foreIgn affaIrs durIng the perIod SCIENTIFIC COMISSION of the Vasileios Koukousas President of the Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice Frederic Lauritzen IslamIzatIons hellenIc InstItute of ByzantIne and post-ByzantIne studIes In VenIce ottoman empIre Historian at the Scuola Grande di San Marco, Venezia Loukas Katsonis Chairman of Foreign Affairs Institute and publisher of the Foreign Affairs, The Hellenic Edition magazine InstItute of foreIgn affaIrs Archim. Aristarchos Grekas Chairman of the Laboratory «Church and Culture» of the Theological School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Nikos Michailidis Associate Professor of University of Missouri SEGRETΑRΙΑΤ Marialena Alexiadi Argyrò Ganali Aggelos Zaloumis Panagiotis Makris Dimitrios Roubekas Maria Roumeliotou Dimitrios Cheilas laBoratory “church and culture” of the theologIcal school 19-21 May 2022 scuola dI san marco IstItuto EllEnIco dI studI BIzantInI E PostBIzantInI dI VEnEzIa Sala del Capitolo, Castello 3412 (Ponte dei Greci), 30122 Venezia Site: - Email: Thursday 19 May Saturday 21 May Session C Chair Christos Arampatzis 18.00 Inaugural Addresses Konstantinos Nichoritis, Professor, University of Macedonia Ecumenical Patriarchate and Islamizations: Slavic testimonies about the contribution of Patriarch Gregory V of Constantinople as alipta of Islamized Orthodox. Session F 10.30 Evangelia Amoiridou, Professor A.U.TH. Islamization: political act, personal choice. 12.00 Stephanos Mytilineos, Journalist, Diplomatic Editor and Geopolitical Analyst The Islamization phenomenon in Greece during the period of the Ottoman Empire. 10.50 Thomai Chouvarda, Assistant Professor A.U.TH. Resistance to the Islamization phenomenon: The choice of death for the acquisition of “εὖ ζῆν’’. 12.20 Georgia Christodoulou, Philologist, PhD candidate of Theology, A.U.TH. Islamization in Asia Minor (15th -19th cent.). 11.10 Symeon Paschalidis, Professor A.U.TH. Islamization, apostasy and Christian martyrdom. 11.30 Discussion Discussion 11.50 Coffee Break 11.40 President of the Hellenic Institute President of Scuola Grande di San Marco Chairman of the Laboratory “Church and Culture” of the Theological School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Chairman of the Institute of Foreign Affairs Conference Launch: Andreas Katsaniotis, Deputy Minister of Greek Foreign Affairs 13.00 Session A Session D Chair Vasileios Koukousas 18.30 Fotios Ioannidis, Professor, A.U.TH The history of the Islamization phenomenon in the Ottoman Empire. 09.50 Session G Chair Loukas Katsonis 17.30 Alexandros K. Kyrou, Professor, Salem State University Islamization of Christians Under Ottoman Rule: Deconstructing the Historiography of “Tolerance”. Friday 20 May 17.50 Chair Fotios Ioannidis 18.10 Session B 09.30 Frederic Lauritzen, Historian of the Scuola Grande di San Marco, Venezia Byzantine Islam: Cohabitation or conversion? (11th-15th century). Ioannis Mpakirtzis, Associate Professor D.U.TH The contribution of the heterodox Islam to the conquest and consolidation of the Ottoman rule in Western Thrace from the end of the 14th century onwards. 18.30 Christos Arampatzis, Professor A.U.TH. The anti-Islamic literature and its role in halting Islamization. Paul Sant-Cassia, Professor of Anthropology, University of Malta Crypto-Christianity, Matrimonial Strategies, and Fuzzy Boundaries in Cyprus. 12.30 Aspasia Kaloudi, Doctor of Theology, A.U.TH. Cesarios Daponte’s “Φυλακῆς Ἐγκώμιον”. The literature as resistance to Islamization in the 18th cent. Zeynep Türkyilmaz, University of Potsdam - Global History Program Correcting the Beliefs & Converting the “Heretics”: Ezidi and Kızılbaş Communities in the Long Nineteenth Century. 12.50 Discussion 18.00 Round Table Participants: Discussion Georgios Georgiadis, Journalist Session Ε Nikolaos Nomikos, Journalist Chair Frederic Lauritzen Michail Tritos, Emeritus Professor, A.U.TH Islamizations in Epirus and Albania. 19.00 10.30 Athanasios Athanasiadis, Doctor of Slavic History, Academic Teaching Staff A.U.TH. The Islamization phenomenon in the Western Balkans, in Pontos and Cappadocia (15th-19th cent.): a comparative approach, interpretations and misinterpretations. Nikos Michailidis, Associate Professor, University of Missouri Conversion to Islam, Memory and Music in Trebizond. 19.20 Axel Corlu, PhD Indipendent Scholar The Ottoman Conquest Narrative and Islamization: Building a Conceptual Framework as Reflected in the Utilization of Monuments. 19.40 Mert Kaya, Researcher of Political Science and International Relations Hidden Family Stories: Islamization in Exchange Period. 19.50 Discussion Discussion 11.20 Coffee Break Chair Thomai Chouvarda 12.10 10.10 10.50 Chair Archim. Aristrarchos Grekas Loukas Katsonis, Chairman of Foreign Affairs Institute and publisher of the Foreign Affairs, The Hellenic Edition magazine Archim. Aristarchos Grekas, Assistant Professor, Chairman of the Laboratory “Church and Culture” of the Theological School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 19.30 Conference Conclusions Thomai Chouvarda – Athena Ralli