Production System Design: Work Structuring Revisited
LCI White Paper #11
Glenn Ballard, Lauri Koskela, Gregory Howell, and Todd Zabelle
January 24, 2001
A guide is proposed for the design of production systems, which are understood to
involve both designing and making products. Production system design is called “work
structuring” and serves the three goals of production systems: do the job, maximize
value, and minimize waste. For each of the latter two, ends-means hierarchies are
proposed that progressively answer the question “What should we do to achieve a goal?”,
moving from desired ends to actionable means.
Work Structuring1 is a primary component of the Lean Project Delivery System2. Its
fundamental purpose is production system design3, which extends from global
organization to the design of operations; e.g., from decisions regarding who is to be
involved in what roles to decisions regarding how the physical work will be
accomplished. Previously, project planning has focused primarily on organizational
structuring and creation of work breakdown structures that divide the work to be done.
We propose to include the production system itself, which has been virtually invisible
and taken for granted. Doing so necessarily involves moving from a conception of
production solely in terms of transformation of inputs to the TFV concept of production
advocated by Lauri Koskela4. TFV adds conceptions of production as consisting of flows
of materials and information through networks of specialists, and the conception of
production in terms of the generation of customer value.
Creating the conditions for system control and improvement is included in systems
design. However, guidelines and techniques for applying control and making
improvements lie beyond design and will be treated in later papers.
In the lean approach, products are designed to provide maximum value to their
purchasers and users. On the other hand, production systems are designed to achieve the
purposes of both their customers and those who ‘deliver’ the system, the producers.
Those purposes may vary greatly, but production systems as such have goals that are
1 See LCI White Paper #5 at
2 See LCI White Paper #8 at
3 For an approach to the design of manufacturing systems (i.e., ‘making’ only), see
4 Koskela, Lauri (2000). An exploration towards a production theory and its application to construction. PhD
Dissertation, VTT Building Technology, Espoo, Finland. 296 p., VTT Publications: 408. Available at
appropriate for all such purposes; i.e., maximize value and minimize waste. A brief
digression is necessary in order to lay the groundwork for this key idea.
What is the relationship between the concepts of waste, cost, and value?
Products have value only to the extent that they can be used to fulfill purposes. A product may be said to be
more valuable either if it allows greater fulfillment of purpose or fulfills purpose at less cost. A product that
does not fulfill purpose has no value regardless of its cost. The cost of products is what must be sacrificed
in exchange for their use and can be divided between cost to acquire and cost to use.
Markets are mechanisms for exchange and a means for determining product prices. Although many factors
may influence what price a buyer actually pays for a product (not least, having the means to pay!),
generally what a buyer is willing to pay for a product is a measure of its value to the buyer—the more
valuable, the more a buyer is willing to pay, and vice versa. Paying more than necessary to acquire a
product is considered to be waste, one type of which is ‘avoidable cost’. This is the concept of ‘cost to
There is also a concept of ‘cost to use’, which is related to how well the product fulfills the purposes of its
user (which may or may not also be its buyer). A product that costs more to maintain or has a shorter useful
life is considered less valuable. Environmental impacts of use and disposal are included in ‘cost to use’.
Finally, there is the concept of cost to produce. The concept of waste is most firmly related to the cost to
produce, minimization of which is desirable. However, minimization of production time is also desirable
and in ways that are not always easily monetized.
Maximizing value gives the producer the greatest leverage over pricing. Maximizing
value and minimizing waste generates the greatest profit, the difference between price
and cost. Consequently, regardless of specific business strategies, profit-seeking
producers should strive to maximize value and minimize waste. This also holds true for
so-called non-profit organizations.
In what circumstances would it not be in the interest of producers to maximize value or
minimize waste? A few come to mind: 1) When producers make money from waste, and
2) When generating value for customers reduces value for producers. For example,
producers make money from waste when changes are exploited as a primary source of
profit. Inadequate design combined with design-bid-build may leave the construction
contractor no alternative but to rely on design errors and omissions to make the contract
profitable. As regards the second circumstance, generating value for customers reduces
value for producers when there is a choice between increasing the producer’s profit and
investing some of that potential profit in upgrading the product through selection of
systems, equipment, or parts. Does the fact that producer and customer interests
sometimes conflict in the traditional production system invalidate the claim that value
and waste are universal goals? We suggest that the conclusion should rather be to
structure production systems to avoid such contradictions, which arise because of the way
production systems are structured.
Customer purposes may vary widely, from immediate profit generation to market
expansion to ease of operation to wanting to delight your mother with a birthday gift.
Generating value for customers is to better enable them to realize their purposes.
Minimizing waste in the production may reduce the customer’s cost or may increase the
producer’s profit. Either way, it is an appropriate goal.
Clearly there can be conflicts between the values of producers and customers, between
various customers, or between various producers as we face production system design
decisions. Aligning interests is a critical element in production system design, but
tradeoffs are unavoidable, just as they are unavoidable in product design when there are
multiple customers. The unending pursuit of perfection is in large part driven by the
desire to elevate the level at which tradeoffs must be made. An example: The level at
which time-cost tradeoffs are made is determined by the degree of variability in the
system, which can be represented by PPC (percent plan complete). Higher PPC (lower
variability) allows greater resource utilization at a given pace of production, or a faster
production rate at a given level of resource utilization, thus ‘elevating’ the level at which
the time-cost tradeoff is made.
A warning: Even though maximizing value and minimizing waste are universal goals of
project-based producers, nonetheless it is vitally important for producers to decide on
business objectives and strategies. As producers get better at designing, operating, and
improving (aka, managing) production systems, they often must change the commercial
structures in which they work in order to reap those gains. For example, if a producer
conceives itself as a service provider and structures contracts to be paid for time
provided, the commercial incentive is to spend more time rather than less. As it learns
how to do more in less time, this contradiction between commercial objectives and
production system capabilities must be resolved. Typically it is resolved by moving from
service provider to product provider. But that is a story for another day.
A 3rd Goal for Production Systems
Lauri Koskela proposes a third production system goal5. Along with maximizing value
and minimizing waste, he adds producing the product, a goal so obvious that it can easily
be overlooked. This goal is principally pursued in traditional project design through the
development of a work breakdown structure. This ‘WBS’ divides the total work scope
into its elements, and typically is mated with an organizational breakdown structure,
which assigns responsibility for ‘delivery’ of those elements. This guide to production
system design is intended to be an alternative to WBS/OBS, appropriate for the TFV
(task-flow-value) concept of production as distinct from task only.
The assumptions behind WBS/OBS are flawed: work scope is not divisible into
independent elements. Project elements are typically interdependent. Value is delivered
because the whole is more than the sum of the parts; i.e., value emerges from
interdependence. That flawed conception is the result of a truncated concept of
production. However, the task view is a legitimate part of the TFV concept. We suggest
that this is, considered within the TFV concept, the realm of contracts between
5 Koskela, Lauri (2000). An exploration towards a production theory and its application to construction. PhD
Dissertation, VTT Building Technology, Espoo, Finland. 296 p., VTT Publications: 408. Available at
production systems; contracts being the means for coordinating the actions of multiple
systems. In the case of project-based production systems, contracts link the temporary
system to the larger complex of production systems that exist independently of the
It is inappropriate to conceive contracts exclusively in terms of transactions; i.e., the
exchange of commodities. Contracts can also be relational; e.g. getting married versus
buying a loaf of bread. The contracts that stitch together the elements of project
production systems are relational. Misconceiving them in terms of transactions promotes
enforcing conformance to contractual agreements, regardless of changes in project
objectives, and neglecting the interdependence of production system members.
In any case, in this paper, we neglect the third production system goal, which we intend
to treat in future papers.
Uses of this design guide
The following guide for design of project-based production systems differs from those
developed for manufacturing systems primarily in the conceptualization of production to
include both the designing and making of products. System design is obviously the
primary application for this design guide. However, there are also two additional
applications. One is for identifying where there are gaps in the research agenda. What do
we need to learn how to do or how to do better? Another application is for those
implementing the concepts, processes, and techniques developed in research. What are
the competencies that need to be developed or strengthened by a producer?
What follows are ends-means hierarchies arranged in outline form. We present the
hierarchies for each of the production system goals separately, initially presenting the
first three levels, then adding more detailed, actionable levels one at a time.
Maximize Value: Levels 1-3 (Level 1=Maximize Value)
• Deliver products that enable customers to better accomplish their purposes
o Structure work for value generation
o Understand, critique, & expand customer purposes
o Increase system control (ability to realize purposes)
• Deliver projects on time/Reduce cycle time variation
o Minimize production disruptions
o Respond rapidly to production disruptions
How maximize value? By delivering products that enable customers to better accomplish
their purposes and by delivering those products when they are needed.
How deliver products that…? By structuring work for value generation, by
understanding, critiquing, and expanding customer purposes, and by increasing the ability
to realize purposes6.
Each of these can in turn be expanded into a hierarchy of means that progressively
become less goal-like and more actionable.
Maximize Value: Levels 1-4
• Deliver products that enable customers to better accomplish their purposes
o Structure work for value generation
• Align stakeholder interests
• Organize in cross functional teams
• Increase positive iteration
o Understand, critique, & expand customer purposes
• Use a collaborative project definition process
• Use a set based strategy in design
• Design for all life cycle stages
• Inspect against purposes
o Increase system control (ability to realize purposes)
• Focus control on the complete system
• Simplify the system (reduce the number of parts and linkages)
• Increase system transparency
• Use Last Planner system of production control7
• Reduce variability, including latent product defects8
• Deliver products on time/Reduce cycle time variation
o Minimize production disruptions
• Increase system control
• Reduce variability
o Respond rapidly to production disruptions
• Use the Last Planner system of production control
6 Project control is usually conceived with the purpose of minimizing negative variance from planned cost and
schedule, typically within a contract management perspective, but sometimes dedicated to reducing waste. We
suggest that the purpose of control is not only to reduce waste, but more actively, to cause a desired rate and
sequence of work to be done so those various work flows are coordinated. It is the coordination of work flows that
reduces waste and also increases the ability to realize purposes; i.e., generate value.
7 See “Shielding Production” at
8 Variability can be either of product or process, both understood as variation from an expected or desired state.
Some variation is a result of how products and processes are designed and controlled. Some is natural and
unavoidable, but only quantifiable within the context of management action. Consequently, the pursuit of
perfection progressively minimizes variation, approaching ever more closely its natural limits.
For example, how might we “understand, critique, and expand customer purposes”? By
using a collaborative project definition process, by using a set based strategy in design,
by designing for all life cycle stages (and the customers of our product in each of those
stages), and by inspecting/evaluating prospective or actual system outputs against
customer purposes.
A similar ends-means hierarchy can be generated for the goal of minimizing waste, of
which there are four basic types: defective products, lack of flow, lost capacity, and
avoidable cost9.
Minimize Waste: Levels 1-3
• Reduce defective products
ß Improve supplier quality and on-time delivery
ß Improve the quality of intermediate products within the production process, either
design or construction
• Make materials and information flow/reduce cycle times (i.e., minimize time mtls or
info spend being inspected, reworked, waiting in queues, being processed, or moving)
ß Structure work for flow
ß Control work for flow
ß Reduce inventories (time spent waiting in queues)
ß Reduce inspection time
ß Reduce processing times
ß Reduce rework time
ß Reduce time materials and information spend being moved and not processed
• Get more from less
ß Increase resource productivity, aka realized capacity (but subordinate to value,
defect minimization, & flow)
ß Reduce the cost of acquiring resources, materials, and information
ß Reduce the cost of using materials and information10
Defects may linger hidden in products after they are delivered to customers. Such defects
are categorized under the value heading in this analysis because they reduce the value
provided customers. Defects within the production process may be attacked within the
suppliers’ production systems or within the project production system.
Flow is a fundamental concept indicating the production system’s striving for instant
delivery. As such, it incorporates both continuity (not stopping) and speed. The
coordination of multiple flows is important in all production systems, but especially in
project-based production systems like construction because of the complexity of products
9 The first three of these categories of waste are groupings of the types of waste proposed by Ohno. Avoidable
cost is an added category.
10 An example: “Critical Success Factors” adopted by Malling Products in the U.K. are defined as 100% Reliability,
Lead Time Towards Zero, Six Sigma Quality, Zero Safety Incidents & Suggestions for Improvement by Team
Members. All are in support of the ideals outlined in this paper. None address traditional measurements such as cost,
ROI, etc.
and the number of suppliers. Coordination of flows obviously reduces delays and rework,
but is largely achieved through planning and control. Consequently coordination of
multiple flows is considered on the value side of the hierarchy.
Resources are things that can bear load and have limited capacities; e.g., labor, tools,
equipment, space, and time. Resource management can be divided between acquisition
and use. Getting the most out of resources once they have been acquired has traditionally
been pursued under the rubric of ‘productivity improvement’. Minimizing the cost of
acquiring those resources also reduces waste, but is subordinate to productivity
improvement because of the latter’s impact on production system performance.
A caution about resource productivity: In the construction industry, there has been a
tendency to optimize resource productivity locally to the detriment of system
performance. Within the lean framework, resource productivity improvement is
subordinate to the goals of value generation and waste reduction.
The first task is to achieve a certain level of flow (speed) and defect performance
(quality), including the location of capacity buffers as needed to absorb variability
without sacrificing cycle time, should minimizing delivery time be valuable. Then, a
follow-on task is to reduce the resources needed to maintain or improve that level of flow
and defect performance. In no case should flow or defect rate be allowed to worsen in
order to improve resource utilization or productivity.
It may also be useful to note that the above hierarchy applies equally well to both
designing and making. For example, improving the quality and on-time delivery of
design ‘products’ from external suppliers is certainly appropriate. As is increasing the
flow of information in design by reducing batch sizes, reducing rework, etc.
Minimize Waste: Levels 1-4
• Reduce defective products
o Improve supplier quality and on-time delivery
ß Reduce the number of suppliers and engage them in pursuit of the
lean ideal
ß Actively learn with suppliers from project to project
ß Require evidence of product compliance from suppliers
o Improve the quality of intermediate products
ß Improve design constructability
ß Use in-process inspection
ß Pay after inspection/quality assurance
ß Use commissioning processes11 to demonstrate system and facility
functionality and capacity
11 Commissioning is a set of formal procedures for assuring that what is delivered to customers meets their needs. It
typically includes some means for assessing the adequacy of design, conformance of products to the design (including
testing and integration of subsystems into functional facility systems), and preparation of the customer for assuming
custody and control, as in operator training. It may also include some type of post occupancy evaluation.
• Make materials and information flow/reduce cycle times (i.e., minimize time mtls or
info spend being inspected, reworked, waiting in queues, being processed, or moving)
o Structure work for flow
ß type, size, & locate buffers to absorb variability & match the value of
time vs cost for this customer
ß Make throughput=demand rate (avoid overproduction [waste] and
underproduction [loss of value])
ß Structure work in continuous flow processes when feasible
ß Layout for flow
ß Simplify site installation to final assembly and commissioning
ß Minimize negative iteration in design
o Control work for flow
ß Use the Last Planner system of production control
o Reduce inventories (time spent waiting in queues)
ß Reduce variability (a primary reason for inventories)
ß Reduce transfer batch sizes (get stuff out of queues asap)
ß Reduce setup times (a ‘cost’ that constrains inventory reduction)
ß Pull matls & information through the production system12
o Reduce inspection time
ß Make inspection unnecessary or automatic; aka, pokayoke
ß Incorporate inspection in processing time
o Reduce processing times
ß Reduce process batches
ß Redesign products to require less processing time
ß Apply technology that reduces processing time
o Reduce rework time
ß Do in-process inspection
ß Identify and act on causes of defective work
o Reduce time materials and information spend being moved and not processed
ß Reduce ‘distances’ over which materials and information are to be
ß Increase movement speed
ß Reduce the number of moves; e.g., strive for ‘one touch’ matl hdlg
on site
• Get more from less
Commissioning has long been done in industrial facilities, especially those involving continuous flow processes
(pharmaceuticals, petroleum, etc.), but is now becoming popular in commercial building, especially as buildings go
more high-tech. For more information, see the website of the Building Commissioning Association:
12 Pull is not a universal means, but rather requires satisfaction of the condition that lead times fall within the
window of reliability; i.e., the time in advance that future states of the production system can be accurately
forecast. Given the long lead times for many components and services, together with the small windows of
reliability now characteristic of the construction industry, push mechanisms will inevitably be needed for some
time to come, and perhaps always in some degree. The structuring of pull/push mechanisms is a much needed area
for research.
o Increase resource productivity, aka realized capacity (but subordinate to value
& flow)
ß Increase resource utilization
ß Increase resource fruitfulness
ß Assign tasks where they can best be done; e.g., shift detailed eng. to
o Reduce the cost of acquiring resources, materials, and information
ß Reduce transaction costs
ß Reduce purchase prices
o Reduce the cost of using materials and information
ß Reduce material scrap
ß Reduce unneeded work space
ß Reduce ‘emissions’
Minimize Waste: All Levels
• Reduce defective products
o Improve supplier quality and on-time delivery
ß Reduce the number of suppliers and engage them in pursuit of the lean
ß Actively learn with suppliers from project to project
ß Require evidence of product compliance from suppliers
o Improve the quality of intermediate products
ß Improve design constructability
ß Use in-process inspection
ß Pay after inspection/quality assurance
ß Use commissioning processes to demonstrate system and facility
functionality and capacity
• Make materials and information flow/reduce cycle times (i.e., minimize time mtls or
info spend being inspected, reworked, waiting in queues, being processed, or moving)
o Structure work for flow
ß type, size, & locate buffers to absorb variability & match the value of
time vs cost for this customer
ß Make throughput=demand rate (avoid overproduction [waste] and
underproduction [loss of value])
• Match bottleneck capacity to demand rate
• Pull materials and information through the production
ß Structure work in continuous flow processes when feasible
• Balance processing times of the production units
• Use multiskilled workers to smooth work flow between
production units
ß Layout for flow
ß Simplify site installation to final assembly and commissioning
ß Minimize negative iteration in design
• Use the Design Structure Matrix (DSM)13 to eliminate
avoidable iteration
• Use strategies for reducing negative iteration at team
assignment level
o Accelerate iteration through team sessions
o Design to the upper end of interval estimates; e.g.,
o Shift overdesign where estimates can best be made or
overdesign can be done at least cost
Control work for flow
ß Use the Last Planner system of production control
• Try to make only assignments with the following quality
characteristics: definition, soundness, sequence, size, learning
• Measure plan reliability
• Identify and act on root causes of plan failure
• Explode scheduled tasks as they enter the project lookahead
window (typically 3-12 weeks)
• Analyze lookahead tasks for constraints and act to remove
those constraints
• Allow lookahead tasks to maintain their scheduled dates only if
they can be made ready in time
• Balance load and capacity by retarding/advancing scheduled
tasks and/or reducing/increasing resources
Reduce inspection time
ß Make inspection unnecessary or automatic; aka, pokayoke
ß Incorporate inspection in processing time
Reduce inventories (time spent waiting in queues)
ß Reduce variability (a primary reason for inventories)
• Underload resources14
• Identify & act on causes of variability
ß Reduce transfer batch sizes (get stuff out of queues asap)
ß Reduce setup times (a ‘cost’ that constrains inventory reduction)
ß Pull matls & information through the production system
Reduce processing times
ß Reduce process batches
ß Redesign products to require less processing time
ß Apply technology that reduces processing time
Reduce rework time
ß Do in-process inspection
ß Identify and act on causes of defective work
Reduce time materials and information spend moving
ß Reduce ‘distances’ over which materials and information are to be
13 See LCI White Paper #10 at
14 Strictly speaking, underloading is a means for reacting to or accommodating variability at the work station
where it is implemented, but also reduces work flow variability at downstream work stations.
Increase movement speed
Reduce the number of moves; e.g., strive for ‘one touch’ matl hdlg on
• Get more from less
o Increase resource productivity, aka realized capacity (but subordinate to value
& flow)
ß Increase resource utilization
• Match load & capacity (have sufficient load to utilize
available capacity)
• Reduce system variability (allows greater utilization for a
given throughput rate)
ß Increase resource fruitfulness
• Develop skills
• Improve design for fabrication and installation
• Assign tasks where they can best be done; e.g., shift detailed
eng. to suppliers
o Reduce the cost of acquiring resources, materials, and information
ß Reduce transaction costs
ß Reduce purchase prices
o Reduce the cost of using materials and information
ß Reduce material scrap
ß Reduce unneeded work space
ß Reduce ‘emissions’
Considering tradeoffs, value generation has priority over waste reduction. In other words,
when faced with a choice between generating value and reducing waste, choose value
generation. Granted, waste may make the product prohibitively expensive; i.e., despite its
value, the customer either cannot afford to pay for it or system waste delays its delivery
beyond the point that the product is needed by the customer. When that occurs, the best
way to generate value may be to reduce waste. Clearly the priority of value generation
over waste reduction is not a simple matter of choosing between alternative actions, as is
perhaps clear from the number of instances in which the same means are listed for both
ends. However, in all cases, value generation has the higher priority as a goal. Waste
reduction emerges as a goal in its own right, rather than a means for achieving the goal of
value delivery, for producers rather than customers.
Moving from value generation to waste reduction is also typically the temporal order of
design, implementation, and improvement. Within waste reduction, flow and defect
reduction have priority over getting more from less., because of the greater impact of the
former on system performance.
Measurements at lower levels may be useful, but the primary measures of production
system performance are at Level 2:
• Deliver products that enable customers to better accomplish their purposes:
customer surveys and post-occupancy evaluations
• Deliver products on time: on-time delivery rates
• Make materials and information flow: process flow analysis and project durations
(cycle times)
• Get more from less: productivity measurements, costs, scrap rates, etc.
• Reduce defective products and process: % product defects discovered at various
process stages and % process defects such as safety and health incidents.
Of the above, some work remains to be done on post-occupancy evaluations and on
process flow analysis. Equally important is to instill the discipline of analyzing defects
and failures to root causes and acting on those causes.
Designing a Project-Based Production System
Now that we have a hierarchy of ends and means, how might it be used in production
system design—especially of project-based production systems?
One use is to answer specific questions of technique; e.g., ‘How do we go about reducing
inventories?’. Another use is as a guide to making investment decisions; e.g., ‘Which is
more important on this project, keeping the client’s cost within his budget or accelerating
project completion?’ Further, like all checklists, the hierarchy can serve as a reminder lest
something vital be overlooked. For example, has sufficient consideration been given to
minimizing environmental impacts from operation of the facility? Lastly, the hierarchy
can be used as a template for construction of system models for simulating alternative
• Conceptualization of work structuring as production system design.
• Maximizing value and minimizing waste are universal goals for producers, regardless
of their specific business objectives and strategies.
• Conceptualization of value generation in terms of producer as well as customer
• Understanding of control as a means for generating greater value, based on control
being better accomplishment of purposes.
• Conceptualization of flow as the progression of intermediate products (materials or
information) through the production system, as opposed to the traditional lean
production/manufacturing conceptualization of flow as all temporal states of
materials other than processing; i.e., as non-value-adding states of materials.
• Categorization of waste into defective products, lack of flow, lost capacity, and
avoidable cost.
• Conceptualization of flow as the system’s innate striving for instantaneous delivery
and hence minimization of cycle time.
• Creation of the category: Get More From Less.
Given the above ends-means hierarchies, what do they reveal about needed research? Are
there ends for which means need to be developed, tested, or improved? We suggest the
following areas where research is needed right away and also show where LCI’s current
research projects fit into the systems design model:
• Understand, critique, and expand customer purposes.
LCI’s research project Lean Design is dedicated to experimental implementation of
the processes outlined in LCI White Papers 9 (Project Definition) & 10 (Lean
• Organize in cross functional teams.
Experimentation is needed in bringing downstream players into upstream phases,
structuring commercial relationships, aligning interests, specifying roles and
responsibilities, etc. LCI’s research project Specialty Contractors in Design is
tackling this problem as regards involvement of specialty contractors in
preconstruction processes.
• Increase system transparency.
While many things can be done to increase system transparency, including organizing
in cross functional teams and aligning stakeholder interests, a primary area needing
development is the application of information technology for this purpose. LCI is
allied, along with other organizations, with Reality Capture Technologies in a
proposal to NIST’s Advanced Technology Program for funding to apply IT to
increasing system transparency.
• Matching buffer type, location, and size to actual variability.
What’s needed is measurement of actual variabilities: processing durations, on-time
deliveries, defect rates, etc. Buffer engineering itself doesn’t appear to be
problematic. This topic is included in Todd Zabelle’s research on Taking Fab Shops
• Structure work in continuous flow processes.
Experimental work is needed to see what work can be structured as continuous flow
processes and how such processes are best managed. LCI’s research project
Incorporating First Run Studies into Make Ready Processes will involve structuring
continuous flow processes, as will LCI’s research project Cycle Time Reduction in
Residential Construction and Todd Zabelle’s Taking Fab Shops Lean. The latter
two projects explicitly consider multiskilling and self-directed work teams.
• Simplify site installation to final assembly and commissioning.
Obviously modularization and prefabrication are critical elements here. Research is
needed to determine the fabrication precision needed, explore the interaction of
tolerances, and develop strategies for developing needed supply chain capabilities.
• Minimize negative iteration in design.
Experimental application of the Design Structure Matrix and the strategies for team
management of looped design tasks is included in LCI’s Lean Design research
• Reduce inspection time.
This is one of the foci of LCI’s research project on Project Completion.
• Reduce rework time.
This is one of the foci of LCI’s research project on Project Completion.
• Improve supplier quality and on-time delivery.
Research is needed on the formation and management of teams of specialists
dedicated to the lean ideal. Some work is being done by LCI on this topic in
conjunction with N.L. Barnes, Inc. It is also part of LCI’s research project Cycle Time
Reduction in Residential Construction.
• Improve installation quality.
This is one of the foci of LCI’s research project on Project Completion.
This is certainly not an exhaustive list of research needs or of research initiatives. We
have only listed research projects being carried out directly by LCI, excluding even PhD
research being done under Tommelein or Ballard. As for needs, almost every item in the
hierarchy could be further developed. However, for the most part, we believe that the
conceptual model has been developed and what is now needed is systematic
experimentation with concepts and techniques. We offer this model to the international
research community as a framework within which to further develop lean construction.
Please communicate comments and questions to Glenn Ballard at