Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Human Perception and Performance
2010, Vol. 36, No. 5, 1267–1279
© 2010 American Psychological Association
0096-1523/10/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0018733
How Does Target Duration Affect Object Substitution Masking?
Angus Gellatly, Michael Pilling, Wakefield Carter, and Duncan Guest
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Oxford Brookes University
Object substitution masking (OSM) is typically studied using a brief search display. The target item may
be indicated by a cue/mask surrounding but not overlapping it. Report of the target is reduced when mask
offset trails target offset rather than being simultaneous with it. We report 5 experiments investigating
whether OSM can be obtained if the search display is on view for a period of up to 830 ms but cueing
of the target location is delayed. The question of interest is whether OSM must reflect the initial response
of the visual system to target onset or whether it can arise in other ways, possibly during the transition
from a pre-attentive representation of the target item to an attentional representation of it. Our results
show that OSM decreases in strength as target duration increases. An explanation is suggested in terms
of the object individuation hypothesis (Lleras & Moore, 2003).
Keywords: object substitution masking, target duration, attention, object individuation
colleagues (2000) suggested that demonstrations of (low level)
OFM masking have frequently contained a substantial but unrecognized component of (higher level) OSM.
Di Lollo et al (2000) and Enns (2004) proposed a theory of
OSM that assumes that perception arises from recurrent communication between neurons at different levels within the visual
system. Similarly, Lamme and colleagues (Landman, Spekreijse,
& Lamme, 2003; Sligte, Scholte, & Lamme, 2008) also proposed
that two-way communication between cells at different levels is
necessary for conscious experience to arise. (Though see Macknik
& Martinez-Conde, 2007, for an alternative view on the function
of re-entrant fibers.) According to the theory of OSM, a newly
appearing object stimulates lower level cells with spatially local
receptive fields and geometrically simple stimulus requirements.
In a feed-forward sweep, output from these cells activates higher
level neurons that have larger receptive fields and are tuned to
more complex stimulus properties. Competing pattern hypotheses
are generated at the higher level. Resolution of competition between these hypotheses, and also binding of patterns to precise
spatial locations, is thought to require feedback sweeps. Activations at higher and lower levels are compared for consistency, and
after some number of cycles of forward and backward sweeps
competitive interactions yield a stable percept. If the visual scene
remains constant over the iterations required to achieve dynamic
stability, the new object will be consciously perceived. However,
if—as in the above example of OSM—a mismatch is detected
between activation at the different levels, the iterative process will
begin again based only on current sensory input. OSM is said to
occur as a result of such a mismatch. Onset of target and mask sets
up lower level activation leading to the hypothesis of target plus
mask. If both offset simultaneously before the arrival of the feedback sweep, this hypothesis can still be matched to persisting but
fading activity at the lower level. However, if the mask display
continues after offset of the target, the hypothesis will mismatch
strong sensory evidence that there is now only a mask present.
Further iterations result in only the mask being consciously perceived. Perception of the target plus mask will have been substituted by perception of the mask alone. Focused attention is thought
Object substitution masking (OSM) is a recently discovered
form of masking that is conceptualized within a neurophysiologically inspired framework emphasizing competitive interactions
between loops of neural activation (Bischof & Di Lollo, 1995; Di
Lollo, Enns & Rensink, 2000; Enns, 2004; Enns & Di Lollo, 1997,
2000; Reiss & Hoffman, 2006, 2007). OSM is frequently demonstrated using common-onset four dot or outline square masking. A
search array of items, letters for example, is briefly presented. One
of the items, the target, is surrounded by an outline square (or four
dot) mask, which also serves as a cue indicating the item to be
reported. If the mask and target offset simultaneously, target
identity can be reported fairly accurately. However, if the mask
remains present after target offset then the ability to report target
identity is greatly reduced. The performance reduction is an example of OSM.
OSM supposedly involves substitution of one perceptual object
(target plus mask) by another (mask alone). It contrasts with what
Enns (2004) called object formation masking (OFM), which results from interference with the perceptual formation process involved in segmenting a target from the “camouflage” of background and other nearby objects. OFM is sensitive to factors such
as contour abutment and overlap; it depends critically on the exact
timing of target and mask onsets, and is little affected by manipulations of spatial attention. OSM, by contrast, is highly sensitive
to attentional manipulations but not to the local spatiotemporal
contour interactions thought to give rise to OFM. Di Lollo and
Angus Gellatly, Michael Pilling, Wakefield Carter, and Duncan Guest,
Department of Psychology, Oxford Brookes University.
This research was supported by ESRC Grant RES– 000 –22–3087 to
Angus Gellatly. We are grateful to Ioannis Argyropoulos for help with data
collection for Experiments 1 through 3.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Angus
Gellatly, Department of Psychology, School of Social Science and Law,
Oxford Brookes University, Clerici Building, Headington Campus, Gipsy
Lane, Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP, England. E-mail: agellatly@
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
to modulate OSM by reducing the number of iterations required to
achieve dynamic stability (cf. Neill, Hutchinson & Graves, 2002;
Tata & Giaschi, 2004).
Studies of visual masking have traditionally employed presentations of very brief target stimuli to obtain their effects. All
studies of OSM of which we are aware have followed this tradition
and, indeed, the theory of OSM postulates that masking results
from interference with early processes involved in perception of a
newly onset target object. However, a key condition for obtaining
OSM is that attention should not be prefocused on the target (Di
Lollo et al, 2000; Tata & Giaschi, 2004). This raises the question
of whether it would be possible to obtain OSM with prolonged
duration search displays if the indicative cue is delayed to prevent
attention prefocusing on the target. A positive response to this
question would show that OSM need not be a function of the initial
response of the visual system to target onset but can arise in other
ways, possibly during the transition from a pre-attentive representation of the target item to a fully attentive representation of it.
A wealth of experimental evidence indicates how little observers can represent and report about the properties of objects that are
not the focus of attention. In change blindness studies, for example, even the alternating onset and offset of an object in a “busy”
array may be detected only after many cycles of the display if the
associated luminance signals are masked by screen-wide luminance changes or by competing highly salient onsets and offsets
of “mud-splashes” (O’Regan, Rensink & Clark, 1999; Turatto,
Angrilli, Mazza, Umilta, & Driver, 2002). Studies of visual shortterm memory (VSTM) revealed that the properties of no more than
about four items can be represented in VSTM at one time (Alvarez
& Cavanagh, 2004; Luck & Vogel, 1997; Vogel, Woodman, &
Luck, 2001) suggesting that change detection will occur only if the
changing item happens to be one of the four selected items. And in
a recent paper, Wolfe, Reinecke, and Brawn (2006) found that not
even this limited amount of information was available from a
visual array that had been presented for a longer duration than is
typical in masking experiments. In their Experiment 2, Wolfe et al.
presented an array of 32 left- and right-tilted bars for between 500
ms and 1,000 ms, after which one bar was occluded by a grey
square. Despite the relatively lengthy presentation of the stimulus
array prior to onset of the cue/mask, observers were unable to
report the orientation of the occluded bar at better than chance.
Studies such as those just cited suggest that, at best, only a very
limited subset of items in an array can be represented in VSTM at
any time, even when displays are presented for lengthy or repeated
viewing. Given that this is the case, one may predict that if a search
display is presented for several hundred milliseconds, rather than
for the 10 ms to 50 ms duration usual in studies of OSM, it should
still be possible to demonstrate a robust OSM effect associated
with the items not represented in VSTM at the critical time.
To summarize: If OSM is associated only with the early neural
processes that follow the onset of a stimulus object, then OSM
should not be obtained when display items have had a prolonged
duration. Conversely, if OSM can arise in other ways, possibly
associated with the changed representation of a previously unattended object when it comes to be attended, then prolonged duration display items should still exhibit susceptibility to OSM. Here,
we report five experiments designed to test which of these outcomes obtains in fact.
General Method
The various means by which participants were recruited are
described below for individual experiments. All participants had
normal or corrected-to-normal vision. The research project had
approval from the Oxford Brookes University Research Ethics
Committee, and participants were informed of their right to withdraw from the experiment at any point.
All the experiments reported here involved presentations of
search displays consisting of 12 letter stimuli presented at clock
positions around a central fixation point on a virtual circle 3.2° in
diameter when viewed from 140 cm (see Figure 1). Randomly on
any trial, half the letters were “U”s and half were “H”s. Letters
were 0.3° constructed from vertical and horizontal lines 0.01° in
thickness. Search displays were presented for between 17 and 830
ms (see below for details). Trials began with a fixation point for 1 s
after which the search display was added. In Experiments 1 to 3,
the target item was indicated by a surrounding mask that was a 0.5°
square. The mask was either present from the onset of the search
display or subsequently added to the display. The search display
then terminated, and the mask either terminated at the same time
(control condition) or after a further period of 500 ms (trailing
mask condition). Participants pressed the left slash key (“”) if they
thought the target was an “H” and the right slash key (“/”) if they
thought it was a “U.” In Experiments 1 to 3, letter items and the
mask square were always white (RGB values of 255, 255, 255). In
Experiments 4 and 5, the target item was a different color to the
items in the display or became a different color some time after
display onset. The masking conditions in these two experiments
will be described in due course. Instructions for all experiments
emphasized that accuracy, not speed, of response was of importance. Participants in each experiment were initially shown
slowed-down trial sequences to acquaint them with the task. They
then undertook practice trials followed by blocks of experimental
trials. The program allowed participants a break every block of 60
trials. For all the experiments, there were 40 trials per participant
per data point. All the experiments used fully within-participant
designs with order of conditions randomized. Experiments 1 to 3
were controlled by customized software written in Borland Turbo
C⫹⫹. Experiments 4 and 5 were written in Matlab using the
Psychophysics toolbox extensions (Brainard, 1997; Pelli, 1997).
Experiments were presented on a monitor screen running at 60 Hz
for Experiments 1 to 3 and 100 Hz for Experiments 4 and 5 and
viewed from 140 cm in a dimly illuminated room.
The common onset technique for demonstrating OSM (Di Lollo
et al., 2000) is schematically represented in the top panel of Figure 2.
In the control condition, target and mask have both common onset
and common offset. In the trailing mask condition they have a
common onset but the mask has a delayed offset. Because target
and mask have common onsets in both conditions, any OFM
between them should be equated for the two conditions. Subtracting performance in the masking condition from performance in the
control condition is said to give the extent of OSM alone. In an
alternative method, onset of the mask is delayed relative to target
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Figure 1.
Stimulus sequence for Experiments 1 and 2.
onset (see middle and lower panels of Figure 2). Provided the onset
asynchrony is 100 ms or more, no spatiotemporal interactions (and
so no OFM) are expected between target and mask elements. Once
again, therefore, subtracting performance with a trailing mask
from performance with a simultaneous offset mask gives the
measure of OSM. Both methods were employed in the present
Experiment 1
There were 10 female and 4 male participants in Experiment 1,
aged from 18 to 35 years. They were recruited by advertisement
from among Oxford Brookes students and the general public, and
received a small financial recompense. All were naı̈ve as to the
purpose of the Experiment 1.
The eight conditions of Experiment 1 are represented schematically on the left side of Figure 2. Note that stimulus durations,
represented horizontally, are not drawn to scale. Target duration
was 17 ms, 200 ms, or 500 ms. For the 17-ms targets, the common
onset mask either offset simultaneously with the target (control
condition) or remained present (trailed) for a further 500 ms
(masking condition). These are the standard control and mask
Figure 2. The stimulus conditions employed in Experiment 1 (left side) and the associated percentages of
correct responses (right side) together. Error bars indicate ⫾ 1 standard error. T ⫽ target; M ⫽ mask; Sim ⫽
conditions for the common onset method. For the 200-ms and
500-ms targets, there were similar standard conditions in which the
mask was present for 200 or 700 ms, and for 500 or 1,000 ms. In
addition, for each of these target durations there was a delayed
onset mask condition in which the mask onset 17 ms before target
offset and then trailed for a further 500 ms. In these conditions,
“cue time” (when target and mask were simultaneously present)
was the same as in the masking condition with the 17-ms target.
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Results and Discussion
Percentage correct responses and standard errors for each condition are shown on the right side of Figure 2. For the 17-ms
targets, there is a strong OSM effect—a 20% difference in accuracy between the control and mask conditions, t(13) ⫽ 5.89, p ⬍
.001, but the analogous comparisons for 200-ms and 500-ms
targets yields nonsignificant differences of 4% and 1%, maximum
t(13) ⫽ 1.32, p ⬎ .05. However, if the comparison is made
between the simultaneous onset/offset control condition and the
delayed onset/offset masking condition for 200-ms and 500-ms
targets, the OSM effect is 31% and 35%, respectively, minimum
t(13) ⫽ 7.5, p ⬍ .001. At first blush, therefore, whether OSM
decreases or increases with target duration depends on which
method is used to calculate the size of the effect. However, neither
comparison is appropriate for long duration targets because, unsurprisingly, cue time is a critical variable: The longer the cue time
when both the target and the cue/mask are present simultaneously,
the higher the level of performance. This consideration suggests
that the size of the OSM effect should be based on comparisons in
which cue time is equated. That is, the standard 17-ms target and
mask control condition should be compared with each of the three
masking conditions in which the cue time was also 17 ms. These
comparisons give OSM effects of 20% as before, and 16% and
11% for target durations of 17 ms, 200 ms, and 500 ms, respectively. A one-way repeated-measures analysis of variance
(ANOVA) on the individual percentage OSM figures indicated
that a modest decline in OSM occurred with increasing target
duration, F(2, 26) ⫽ 4.45, MSE ⫽ 32.80, 2p ⫽ .26, p ⬍ .05.
However, not much can be concluded from these figures because
comparing a 17-ms target control condition against a 200-ms or
500-ms target masking condition is less than satisfactory. Moreover, at 52% performance in the masked condition with 17-ms
targets was barely above chance, which may have resulted in under
estimation of the true masking effect in that condition. Building on
these results from Experiment 1, therefore, Experiment 2 was
designed to provide more equitable comparisons for calculating
the size of the OSM effect for targets of different duration and also
to avoid possible floor effects in the data.
Experiment 2
There were11 female and 7 male participants, as described for
Experiment 1 and aged between 20 and 42 years.
The six conditions of Experiment 2 are schematically represented on the left side of Figure 3. Note again that stimulus
durations, represented horizontally, are not drawn to scale. The
shortest target duration was increased from 17 ms to 50 ms in an
effort to improve on the chance level performance obtained with
17-ms targets in the masked condition of Experiment 1. Target
durations in Experiment 2 were 50 ms, 200 ms, and 500 ms. There
was a control condition (simultaneous mask offset) and a masking
Figure 3. The stimulus conditions employed in Experiment 2 (left side) and the associated percentages of
correct responses (right side). Error bars indicate ⫾ 1 standard error. T ⫽ target; M ⫽ mask; Sim ⫽
condition (delayed mask offset for each target duration. The mask
was always present for the last 50 ms of the target presentation and
offset either simultaneously with it or after a further 500 ms.
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Results and Discussion
Percentage correct responses and standard errors for each condition are shown on the right side of Figure 3. The amount of OSM
(as indexed by the difference in percentages between the control
and mask conditions i.e., the difference between grey and spotted
bars for each target duration) for the three target durations is
shown in Figure 4. There are several things to note about these
results. First, trebling the duration of the shortest targets—and the
duration of the cue/target overlap— had no effect on performance
in either the control or masking conditions as compared with
Experiment 1, nor, therefore on the size of the OSM effect.
However, trebling the cue/target overlap time did improve performance in the 200-ms and 500-ms masking conditions as compared
with the analogous conditions in Experiment 1. Second, increasing
target duration to 200 ms and 500 ms resulted in the OSM effect
being reduced and then effectively eliminated. Third, target duration did not affect control and masking conditions in exactly the
same way. When the data were subjected to a 2 ⫻ 3 repeatedmeasures ANOVA, there were main effects of masking condition,
F(1, 17) ⫽ 53.13, MSE ⫽ 64.49, 2p ⫽ .76, p ⬍ .001, and target
duration, F(2, 34) ⫽ 33.79, MSE ⫽ 46.36, 2p ⫽ .67, p ⬍ .001, and
also a significant interaction between the two factors, F(2, 34) ⫽
12.76, MSE ⫽ 43.86, 2p ⫽ .43, p ⬍ .001. There was a significant,
t(17) ⫽ 3.69, p ⬍ .01, increase in performance in the control
condition with the 200-ms targets compared to with the 50-ms
targets, but then with 500-ms targets control performance dropped
back to the same level as for the 50-ms targets, maximum t(17) ⫽
0.17, p ⬎ .05. Contrastingly, for the masking condition there was
a significant increase in performance from the 50-ms to the 200-ms
condition, t(17) ⫽ 7.43, p ⬍ .001, but no further significant change
was found between the 200-ms and 500-ms conditions, t(17) ⫽
0.8, p ⬎ .70.
Figure 4. The size of the masking effect (the difference in the percentages of correct responses in mask and control conditions) in Experiment 2.
Error bars indicate ⫾ 1 standard error.
Absolute levels of performance on the task are difficult to
interpret given the influence of contingent effects such as attentional capture and readiness effects that may occur with rapidly
and abruptly changing visual displays. For example, enhanced
performance in the 200-ms target conditions may have been due to
a near-optimal readiness interval. That is, a delay of 150 ms
between search display onset and cue/mask onset may be associated with a stronger perceptual or attentional alerting effect than
obtains with either a zero or a 450 ms delay. Alternatively, it may
have been due to a brief splitting of attention between several
newly onset visual objects (Dubois, Hamker, & VanRullen, 2009;
Gellatly & Cole, 2000), with enhanced processing peaking at
around 200 ms after onset. The existence of such complicating
factors underscores the importance of having matched masking
and control conditions for each target duration. And given such
potential complications, it is necessary to consider the broad pattern of data in terms of the central question: Is OSM found with
targets that have had a prolonged presentation? Comparison of
Experiments 1 and 2 indicates that a small increase in target
duration, up to 50 ms and possibly more, has no effect on performance in either the control or masking conditions. However, they
also show that, contrary to our original expectation, larger increases in target duration result in a reduction, and even elimination of, the OSM effect. Experiment 2 presents us, in particular,
with a paradoxical finding when comparing the 50- and 500-ms
target conditions: Target duration does not affect control condition
performance but does affect performance in the masking condition,
resulting in the elimination of the masking effect with the longer
targets. This seems to imply that in the control conditions participants know no more about the items in a 500-ms display than they
do about those in a 50-ms display— but what they know is no
longer susceptible to OSM.
Of the five experiments reported in this paper, Experiment 2
provides the simplest and most direct test of whether OSM occurs
for prolonged duration targets. The apparent answer is that OSM is
absent at longer target durations. It is important, however, to
consider if any factor other than target duration itself could have
caused this result. One possibility is that it is the delayed onset of
the cue rather than target duration itself which leads to the observed reduction in OSM. Consider that in the standard common
onset conditions—the short target duration conditions in Experiment 2—the cue (square) competes for visual attention with all the
other new onset items in the display. By contrast, in the delayed
onset conditions—the long target duration conditions in Experiment 2—the cue is a singleton onset that should very effectively
attract attention to itself and the letter it surrounds. It is known that
precuing attention to the target location strongly reduces OSM (Di
Lollo et al., 2000). Is it possible, then, that the absence of OSM
with the delayed onset cue could be due simply to attention being
summoned so rapidly and effectively to the target location that
OSM is prevented? If this were the case, it would be expected that
performance in both control and masking conditions should be
elevated relative to the standard common onset conditions, and this
was not the case. However, we have already argued that absolute
performance levels may be influenced by other—strictly irrelevant
to our purpose—features of the different trial types and it would,
therefore, be desirable to eliminate this possible explanation of our
Experiment 3 was conducted to see if a similar effect of target
duration can be found when the delayed onset cue is not an onset
singleton. This was done by partially varying target duration
within-trials rather than between-trials, so that every trial contained both short and longer duration display items. The short
duration items always onset simultaneously with the cue, so the
latter was never an onset singleton.
Experiment 3
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There were 13 female and 5 male participants, as described
above, aged 18 to 37 years.
Whereas target duration in Experiments 1 and 2 had varied
between trials, in Experiment 3 the duration of different items in
the display was partially varied within trials. On each trial, following the fixation period, three “H”s and three “U”s appeared
randomly positioned in the odd or even numbered clock positions
in the display. After 17 ms, 200 ms, or 500 ms these “old” items
were joined by six “new” items appearing in the even or odd
positions. Simultaneously with onset of the new items, also three
“H”s and three “U”s, a cue/mask square appeared round one of the
old or one of the new items. After a further 50 ms, all the letters
offset, and the square either offset simultaneously or remained for
another 500 ms. New targets were therefore always displayed for
50 ms whereas old targets had durations of 67 ms, 250 ms, or 550
ms, and cue/target overlap was always 50 ms. In all other respects
Experiment 3 was identical to Experiments 1 and 2.
Results and Discussion
Percentage correct performance and standard errors for each
condition are shown in Figure 5 as a function of the stimulus onset
asynchrony (SOA) between old and new items. For both old and
new targets a strong OSM effect is evident. Also, as in Experiment
Figure 5. Percentage correct performance in Experiment 3 for old and
new targets in control and mask trials as a function of stimulus onset
asynchrony (SOA) between old and new items. Error bars indicate ⫾ 1
standard error.
2, discrimination performance for old items in the unmasked, or
control, condition shows an increase from the 50 ms (SOA ⫽ 17
ms) to the 200 ms (SOA ⫽ 200 ms) condition, followed by a
decrease to the 500 ms (SOA ⫽ 500 ms) condition. This is the
effect we suggested could be due either to optimal perceptual
readiness occurring approximately 200 ms after search display
onset or because of a brief enhancement of processing split across
several newly onset objects and peaking at around 200 ms. That
the enhancement was obtained for old objects only, and did not
apply to new objects, supports the latter rather than the former
An omnibus 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 3 repeated-measures ANOVA with factors
of target type (new/old), masking condition (control/masked) and
SOA (17 ms, 200 ms, 500 ms) was conducted on the percentage
correct data. It yielded a significant main effect of mask condition,
F(1, 17) ⫽ 40.13, MSE ⫽ 242.55, 2p ⫽ .70, p ⬍ .001, but
nonsignificant effects of target type, F(1, 17) ⫽ 3.52, MSE ⫽
87.86, 2p ⫽ .171, p ⬍ .1, and SOA, F(2, 34) ⫽ 2.91, MSE ⫽
82.12, 2p ⫽ .15, p ⬍ .1. There were significant interactions
between target type and SOA, F(2, 34) ⫽ 3.68, MSE ⫽ 110.49,
2p ⫽ .18, p ⫽ .035, and between masking condition and SOA,
F(2, 34) ⫽ 6.96, MSE ⫽ 57.18, 2p ⫽ .29, p ⫽ .003, and a
significant three way interaction, F(2, 34) ⫽ 4.84, MSE ⫽ 94.54,
2p ⫽ .22, p ⫽ .014. There was absolutely no interaction between
mask condition and target type, F(1, 17) ⬍ 1, MSE ⫽ 61.45,
2p ⫽ .00.
For both control and masking conditions, new target performance shows only a small influence of SOA, whereas SOA
strongly modulates the reporting of old targets. Figure 6 shows
how the size of the OSM effect (control condition minus masking
condition for each target duration) varies with SOA for old and
new targets separately. It can be seen from this figure that there is
an interaction between old and new items in the amount of OSM
they produced over changes in SOA. A 2 (target type) ⫻ 3 (SOA)
repeated-measures ANOVA on the OSM effect data illustrated in
Figure 6 showed this interaction to be significant, F(2, 34) ⫽ 4.84,
MSE ⫽ 189.08, 2p ⫽ .22, p ⬍ .05. There was also a significant
main effect of SOA, F(2, 34) ⫽ 6.96, MSE ⫽ 114.35, 2p ⫽ .29,
p ⬍ .005, but not of target type, F(1, 17) ⬍ 1, MSE ⫽ 122.89,
2p ⫽ .00. Repeated-measures one-way ANOVAs on these data for
new and old targets separately showed that for new targets there
was no significant change in the amount of OSM across SOA, F(2,
34) ⫽ 1.09, MSE ⫽ 162.55, 2p ⫽ .06, p ⬎ .1. For old targets,
however, there was a significant decrease in masking with increasing duration, F(2, 34) ⫽ 10.89, MSE ⫽ 140.88, 2p ⫽ .39, p ⬍
.001. It can be seen in Figure 6 that for old targets OSM reduces
only a little across the two shorter SOAs but decreases significantly from the 200 ms to the 500 ms SOA, t(17) ⫽ 4.46, p ⬍ .001.
Although a substantial OSM effect is found for target durations of
67 ms and 217 ms, it is absent for 517-ms duration targets.
Just as for Experiment 2, the results of Experiment 3 demonstrate a large reduction in, and even elimination of, OSM for
targets that have been present for about 500 ms. This was so even
though the cue in Experiment 3 was never an onset singleton but
always had to compete for attention with the simultaneous onsets
of six new objects. We can, therefore, be assured that the absence
of OSM for long duration targets, which was first clearly observed
in Experiment 2, was not the result of the cue drawing attention
more effectively to long duration than to short duration targets.
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Experiment 4
Figure 6. The size of the masking effect for old and new targets as a
function of stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between old and new items
in Experiment 3. The masking effect equals the difference in the percentages of correct responses in mask and control conditions. Error bars
indicate ⫾ 1 standard error.
In the three previous experiments, the location of the target was
cued by the same outline square that also functioned as a mask.
Such a procedure confounds cuing and masking effects (Neill et al,
2000). It also confounds target duration with SOA between the
target and the mask. The design of Experiment 4 allowed us to
separate these different factors and further to test the generality of
the findings from Experiments 1, 2, and 3. Specifically, we investigated whether OSM would still be eliminated for prolonged
duration targets when, first, the target is cued by being or becoming a different color to distractor items; second, every item in the
search display initially appears inside an outline square so that the
presence of a square does not indicate the location of the target,
and, third, SOA between target onset and mask onset is zero for all
target durations. Pilot work indicated that cuing with the chosen
color cue was not as effective as cuing with the square mask, and
to compensate for this a longer cuing period of 70 ms was employed in Experiment 4. As a consequence, the target durations
were slightly different from those employed in the previous studies
and, in addition, an even longer target duration condition was
The results of Experiment 2 and for the old items of Experiment 3
are strikingly similar in general outline. In both data sets, accuracy
in the control condition is an inverted-U function of target display
duration whereas accuracy in the masked condition increases with
display duration, particularly between the first and second durations. The similarity of the two data sets is impressive given that
the stimulus sequences in Experiment 3 were more complicated
than those in Experiment 2. On the one hand, the onset of new
objects in the mixed displays of Experiment 3 might be expected
to have captured attention away from old items (Yantis & Johnson,
1990); whereas, on the other hand, old items might have been
expected to attract inhibition of the kind reported by Watson and
Humphreys in visual marking studies (Watson & Humphreys,
1997). Either effect might be expected to have reduced performance at longer as compared to shorter durations because, in the
first case, the relative “newness” of the new objects, and hence
their tendency to capture attention would have increased, while, in
the second case, inhibition, which is applied over the course of
several hundred milliseconds (Watson & Humphreys, 1997) would
increasingly have come into play. However, the data of Experiment 3 show little sign of either of these effects. Indeed, given that
inhibition of old items is a supposedly voluntary strategy (Watson
& Humphreys, 1997), which would be harmful to performance in
the present task, as opposed to benefiting performance on the task
employed in the visual marking studies, its apparent absence is
perhaps not surprising.
The question raised in the introduction to this paper was: Is
OSM found with targets that have had a prolonged presentation?
Despite the very different ways in which target duration was
manipulated in Experiments 2 and 3, in both studies an initially
strong OSM effect was found to decline markedly with increasing
target duration. Experiment 4 was designed to test whether a
similar result will also be found when different techniques are
employed for cuing and masking the target item.
There were 11 female and 3 male participants recruited from
Oxford Brookes psychology students and who participated in
partial fulfillment of course credit requirements. They were aged
between 18 and 25 years. All were naı̈ve as to the purpose of the
In Experiment 4, as in Experiments 1 and 2, target duration was
varied across trials. The sequence of trial events was similar to, but
different in certain ways from, that shown in Figure 1. Following
the fixation frame, a display of six “H”s and six “U”s appeared
exactly as described for Experiments 1 and 2, except that every
item was surrounded by an outline square of the same white color.
This display remained present for 70 ms, 210 ms, 520 ms, or 830
ms. In the first of these conditions, the target item was colored blue
throughout the 70-ms presentation duration. In the other conditions, one of the items—the target— changed from white to blue
after 140 ms, 450 ms, or 760 ms. Thereafter, either all the letters
and squares disappeared (control condition) or all the letters and all
the squares excepting the square around the target disappeared
(masking condition). The single-masking square remained present
for a further 500 ms before terminating. The blue target had a
lower luminance (RGB of 130, 130, 255) than the white items.
Results and Discussion
Percentage correct responses and standard errors for each condition are shown in Figure 7, the size of the masking effect as a
function of target duration is shown in Figure 8. Once again,
control condition performance improves between the shortest (70
ms) and next shortest (210 ms) conditions. However, unlike in
Experiments 2 and 3, control performance does not drop back to
the lower level for the 520 ms target duration, though showing
some sign of doing so in the 830-ms condition. However, the
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Figure 7. Percentage correct performance in Experiment 4 as a function
of target duration for control and mask trials. Error bars indicate ⫾ 1
standard error.
display change cuing attention to the target was different in Experiment 4 as compared with the previous experiments—a color
change in an existing object as opposed to onset of a new square—
which could account for the difference in control condition results.
Moreover, cue duration was 70 ms rather than 50 ms, which may
also have had an effect.
The percentage correct data were entered into a 2 ⫻ 4 repeatedmeasures ANOVA with factors of masking (control/masking) and
target duration (70 ms, 210 ms, 520 ms, and 820 ms). There were
main effects of masking condition, F(1, 13) ⫽ 24.63, MSE ⫽
87.92, 2p ⫽ .66, p ⬍ .001, and of target duration, F(3, 39) ⫽
39.19, MSE ⫽ 47.91, 2p ⫽ .75, p ⬍ .001, and a significant
interaction between them, F(3, 39)⫽ 3.0, MSE ⫽ 41.31, 2p ⫽ .19,
p ⫽ .042. Performance was better in the control than in the
masking condition for 70-ms targets, t(13) ⫽ 4.03, p ⬍ .001,
210-ms targets, t(13) ⫽ 3.67, p ⫽ .003, and the 520-ms targets,
t(13) ⫽ 4.16, p ⬍ .001, but not for the 830-ms targets, t(13) ⫽
1.35, p ⫽ .199. As in the previous three studies, in Experiment 4
OSM decreased with target duration. Whereas the previous studies
found masking was absent for the 500-ms duration targets, this was
not the case in Experiment 4, which produced reduced but still
significant masking for a target duration of 520 ms. Fortuitously,
an even longer target duration of 830 ms had been included in
Experiment 4, and at this duration there was no longer a significant
OSM effect. Why the absence of OSM should be delayed in
Experiment 4 relative to Experiments 1 to 3 is not obvious but, as
just noted, Experiment 4 used both a different target cue and a
different cue duration, which may have affected the target duration
at which OSM becomes absent. In addition, the presence of outline
squares round every item in the search display may also have
affected the characteristics of OSM.
The results of Experiment 4 demonstrate that the elimination of
OSM at longer target durations can be replicated when all items
are surrounded by squares and the target is cued by color. Because
this meant that target-mask SOA was zero in all conditions, the
result also shows that the elimination of OSM can be a function of
target duration alone and not of the SOA between target onset and
mask onset. The topic of how and under what circumstances
temporal separation of target and mask onsets may influence the
occurrence of OSM is one to which we return later in the paper.
For the moment, however, we turn attention to a possible criticism
of Experiment 4, which is that because the target and (what would
turn out to be the) mask onset simultaneously, its design confounds
target duration with mask duration. Previous studies (Lim & Chua,
2008; Neill et al, 2002; Tata & Giaschi, 2004) found that if, prior
to onset of the search display, masks surrounding the search item
locations were briefly previewed, OSM was considerably reduced.
In Experiment 4 the search items and their surrounding squares
came on together, so the experiment did not involve mask preview
in exactly the same sense as in the previous studies. However in
the 210-ms, 520-ms, and 830-ms conditions, onset of the squares
did precede onset of the indicative target cue, so the squares— one
of which became the mask surrounding the target—were effectively being previewed. The decrease in OSM as target duration
increased could, therefore, have been due to weakening of mask
effectiveness. To eliminate this possibility, a final experiment was
run that retained most of the design characteristics of Experiment
4 but with target duration and mask duration unconfounded.
Experiment 5
In Experiment 5 there were 9 female and 9 male participants, as
described for Experiment 4. They were aged between 19 and 27
The design and procedure were identical to those of Experiment
4 except in two ways. First, onset of outline squares around each
of the search display items always occurred simultaneously with
onset of the color cue designating the target. That is, the squares
Figure 8. The size of the masking effect as a function of target duration
in Experiment 4. The masking effect equals the difference in the percentage
of correct responses in mask and control conditions.
onset 70 ms before offset of the search display, at which time all
the squares also offset except, in the masking condition, the one
around the location of the target. Second, because pilot testing
revealed that participants found target discrimination very difficult
under these conditions, the colors of everything in the display
sequence was reversed to make the task easier. Squares and distractor items were all blue, with the target white for the final 70 ms
of its presentation. This meant that, when cued by the color
change, the target increased in luminance to become the brightest
item in the display whereas in Experiment 4 it had become the
least bright.
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Results and Discussion
Percentage correct responses and standard errors for each condition are shown in Figure 9. The masking effect as a function of
target duration is shown in Figure 10. The results are similar in
important respects to those of Experiment 4. Once again, there is
a substantial OSM effect at the shortest target duration, and this
reduces as target duration increases, although it does not completely disappear even at the 830-ms duration. The increase in
control condition performance between the shortest and next shortest durations, which was observed in all four previous experiments, is now all but absent. Control performance is more or less
constant across target durations whereas performance in the masking condition improves as target duration increases. We cannot
account for fine detail differences between experiments that differ
in several small but potentially influential respects. As previously,
we wish to concentrate on the overall pattern of data and what they
say about our initial question. Once again the data demonstrate
unequivocally that OSM reduces with target duration.
The percentage correct data were entered into a 2 ⫻ 4 repeatedmeasures ANOVA. There was a significant main effect of masking
condition, F(1, 17) ⫽ 52.77, MSE ⫽ 97.32, 2p ⫽ .76, p ⬍ .001,
and the main effect of target duration approached significance,
F(3, 51) ⫽ 2.74, MSE ⫽ 60.42, 2p ⫽ .14, p ⬍ .06. There was also
a significant interaction between the two factors, F(3, 51) ⫽ 4.13,
Figure 9. Percentage correct performance in Experiment 5 as a function
of target duration for control and mask trials. Error bars indicate ⫾ 1
standard error.
Figure 10. The size of the masking effect as a function of target duration
in Experiment 5. The masking effect equals the difference in the percentage
of correct responses in mask and control conditions.
MSE ⫽ 40.96, 2p ⫽ .20, p ⬍ .05, reflecting the decrease in OSM
with increasing target duration. Comparisons between control and
mask conditions showed a significant difference for all four durations, although with t values diminishing as duration increased:
with a 70-ms target, the t test comparison of the masking effect
was, t(17) ⫽ 7.27, p ⬍ .001; with an 870-ms target, the comparison was t(17) ⫽ 2.81, p ⬍ .05.
The results of Experiment 5 resemble those of Experiments 4 in
showing a large reduction in OSM with longer duration targets.
This strongly suggests that the reduction in OSM observed in
Experiment 4 was due to target duration not mask duration. However, whereas in Experiments 2 and 3 OSM was eliminated for a
500-ms target duration and in Experiment 4 for a 830-ms target
duration, in Experiment 5 a significant effect remained even at
830-ms duration, though considerably reduced from the size of the
effect found with a 70-ms display duration. We can only conjecture why, unlike in Experiments 2 to 4, the OSM effect in Experiment 5 was only reduced and not eliminated at the longest target
duration tested. One possibility is that on some trials when the
target item changed color and increased in brightness, it was
perceived as a new object rather than as an altered old object;
brightness increases are particularly likely to produce such an
effect (Rauschenberger, 2003). As a new object it would be subject
to OSM in the same way as normal short duration targets, and this
would act to dilute the reduction in OSM associated with the
increasing nominal duration of the target. A further possibility has
to do with the fact that display items in Experiment 5 were
abruptly surrounded by squares at 0, 140, 450, and 760 ms following their own onset and simultaneously with the color change
that cued the target. Attentional competition from these multiple
onsets may well have delayed focusing of attention on the target.
Because, as discussed in relation to the results of Experiment 2,
OSM is most easily obtained when attention is diffuse, the delay in
the arrival of attention at the target could have allowed OSM to
persist for longer than in the previous experiments.
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General Discussion
We began by asking if OSM could be obtained with targets that
had been presented for longer than the very brief duration typical
of masking experiments. On the basis of a wealth of evidence that
observers are able to represent and report very little about the
properties of objects that are not at the current focus of attention
(e.g. O’Regan et al., 1999; Turatto et al., 2002), and particularly in
the light of the results from Wolfe et al. (2006, Experiment 2), we
predicted that robust OSM would be maintained in such circumstances. The results of our experiments have falsified that prediction. Experiment 1 revealed the complications in deciding exactly
what comparisons should be made to calculate OSM but indicated
that the effect decreases when target duration increases from 17 ms
to 500 ms. Experiment 2 confirmed this effect of duration, with
OSM eliminated for targets of 500-ms duration. Experiment 3,
using mixed displays of old and new items, again found OSM was
eliminated at target duration of 500 ms. Experiments 4 and 5 cued
the target by color and employed displays in which every search
item was surrounded by an outline square either throughout its
presentation (Experiment 4) or for the final 70 ms of that period
(Experiment 5) with, on masking trials, the square mask around the
target item trailing for 500 ms after display offset. In both cases,
OSM decreased with increasing target duration, although the time
course of the decrease was more extended than in Experiments 1
to 3, and in Experiment 5 a significant—though markedly reduced—OSM effect persisted even with a target duration of
830 ms.
Our findings are contrary to what we had expected. They can be
seen as providing support for the theory of Di Lollo et al. (2000),
who interpreted OSM as an effect that arises during early perceptual processing of newly onset display items. It would seem from
these five experiments that a visual object is strongly subject to
OSM immediately following onset but either not at all or only
weakly when a target has been present for some hundreds of
milliseconds. In terms of our original question, this means that the
transition from a pre-attentive representation of the target to an
attentional representation of it does not give rise to OSM. However, before accepting this conclusion, account needs to be taken
of another possible interpretation of the results.
A reduction in OSM with increasing target duration might be
unsurprising if it were simply supposed that longer target displays
allow more items to be to be read into VSTM, and that once coded
into VSTM items are immune from OSM. We can see two ways in
which this proposal can be formulated but we contend there are
both strong counter arguments and empirical evidence against both
of them. The first form of the argument starts with only an
assumption that the number of items that can be reported (from
VSTM) should be an increasing function of display duration. This
could account for the general pattern of data for the masking
condition in all experiments because in every case performance
does increase with display duration before reaching a plateau, at
around 200 ms in Experiments 2 to 4 and somewhat later in
Experiment 5. However, it equally follows from this argument that
performance should increase in a parallel for the control conditions
of each experiment, which clearly is not the case. Control performance is a broadly U-shaped function of duration in Experiments
2 to 4, and is almost flat in Experiment 5. Other factors, such as
cue effectiveness, must also determine the number of these control
condition items to be reported. However, as with the effect of
duration on the number of items coded into VSTM, these other
factors should equally apply to the masking condition as well as
the control condition. The notion that longer display duration
equates to more items being reportable from VSTM simply cannot
account for the results of the experiments unless additional, and
not immediately obvious, assumptions are added to it.
A second, more elaborated version of the above proposal could
go like this. Suppose, first of all, that in the short duration conditions of our experiments no items are ever coded into VSTM
before display offset but that in the control condition the cued
target can often be read out from iconic memory into VSTM and
reported. In the masked condition, however, the target can rarely if
ever be recovered from iconic memory and coded into VSTM.
Transfer from iconic memory to VSTM is precisely what, on this
account, OSM is assumed to prevent, so performance necessarily
is close to chance. Now further suppose that in the longer duration
conditions items do get read into VSTM before cue/mask onset,
that the maximum capacity of VSTM is either 4 or 5 items, and
that items in VSTM are not subject to OSM. Having four or five
display items coded into VSTM prior to onset of the cue/mask
leaves only eight or seven items that can be subject to masking in
the long duration conditions in contrast with all 12 items being
subject to masking in the short duration conditions. In the long
duration condition there will be a 33% or a 42% chance of the
target being one of the items in VSTM, and so being immune to
OSM. On these assumptions, OSM for long duration displays
should be reduced by 33% or 42% relative to the OSM obtained
with short duration displays. How do these predictions compare to
the results of our experiments? As already noted, Experiment 1
lacked appropriate control conditions for the 200-ms and 500-ms
durations, and therefore these data cannot be tested against the
predictions. For Experiments 2, 3, 4, and 5, however, comparing
the percentage masking effects for the shortest and longest duration conditions—for example, a 20% OSM effect down to 4% in
Experiment 2 (see Figure 4)—the obtained reductions in OSM
were, respectively, 80%, 89%, 71%, and 53%. These figures
considerably exceed even the prediction based on the generous
assumption of a five-item capacity for VSTM.
So far, we have presented arguments as to why our results
cannot be explained on the simple assumption that longer duration
displays (within the range studied here) allow for more items to be
reported from VSTM. We think the fact that the control and
masking functions in our experiments are so different illustrates
the importance of a matched control condition for every experimental condition when studying OSM. In addition to our arguments, however, is empirical evidence against the assumption that
a longer display duration means more items can be reported from
VSTM. Previous investigators have found that, for the sort of
durations employed in our experiments, extending display duration
does not, in fact, lead to an increase in the number of items
reported. Di Lollo & Dixon (1988) presented 15 letters in a circle
around fixation for durations from 10 ms to 500 ms, one of which
was subsequently cued for report with a radial bar occurring
between 0 and 200 ms after display offset. For all cue delay
conditions, including 0, the number of items reported actually
decreased as display duration increased. Although, unlike in our
experiments, cue and target did not temporally overlap, this result
clearly contradicts the assumption that longer display durations
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
necessarily result in more items entering VSTM. Similarly, in their
influential paper, Luck and Vogel (1997) reported that extending
display duration from 100 ms to 500 ms had absolutely no effect
on the number of items held in VSTM for displays of four, eight,
or 12 items. There are, therefore, both logical and empirical
grounds for rejecting an explanation of our results as being due to
longer duration displays resulting in more items being available in
These considerations take us back to the apparent paradox
identified in the discussion of Experiment 2; namely, that although
increased target duration does not appear to result in enhanced
knowledge of the items in the display, it does seem to result in
what knowledge there is becoming decreasingly susceptible to
masking. How can we make sense of this finding?
Vogel, Woodman, and Luck (2006) proposed that an abrupt
onset object is subject to perceptual analyses at several levels that
result in perceptual and conceptual representations in a variety of
widely distributed perceptual and post-perceptual neural systems.
Following Treisman (1988), these can be assumed to include
representations of separate features such as color, orientation, and
so forth as well as a token representation of the object itself. Object
tokens (or “object files”) are hypothesized midlevel representational structures that mediate our perception of objects as they
change over time and space (Kahneman & Treisman, 1984; Kahneman, Treisman, & Gibbs, 1992) There is both electrophysiological (Woodman & Luck, 2003) and imaging (Carlson, Rauschenberger, & Verstraten, 2007) evidence that various early
representations are formed in relation to objects that, due to OSM,
cannot be reported. OSM could, therefore, be thought of as interfering with the active consolidation of these early representations
into VSTM. We shall consider in greater detail below what this
might mean. However, we will discuss somewhat related ideas to
the above that have been proposed by Sligte et al. (2008) building
on recent demonstrations of retrocuing of brief visual displays.
These studies revealed that more information about briefly shown
display items is retained than had previously been appreciated
(Griffin & Nobre, 2003; Landman et al., 2003; Lepsien & Nobre,
2007; Makovski & Jiang, 2007). Sligte et al. proposed that intermediate between iconic memory (Sperling, 1960), which is retinotopic, and what they call robust VSTM is a form of fragile
VSTM storage, which is spatiotopic. Fragile VSTM seems to
correspond to one or more of the distributed representations posited by Treisman (1988) and Vogel et al (2006).
Landman et al (2003) and Sligte et al (2008) claimed that
although the representations in fragile VSTM remain volatile
unless consolidated into robust VSTM, they already contained
information bound into coherent object representations. This implies that coherent object representations can arise in the absence
of focused attention. A similar implication seems to be embedded
in Di Lollo et al.’s (2000) theory of OSM, according to which
focused attention reduces the iterations required for the visual
system to lock onto an interpretation of an item, that is, suggesting
that locking onto an interpretation can, if necessary, occur in the
absence of focused attention. Perhaps, then, attention serves to
consolidate the existing interpretation into robust VSTM, or to put
it another way, serves to incorporate the unconscious interpretation
into visual consciousness. The basis for this claim comes from a
study by Landman et al (2003) in which participants had to detect
a change in texture defined figures presented in two displays
separated by a 1,600-ms grey interval. A spatial cue appearing
during the grey interval enhanced performance relative to one
appearing during presentation of the second display. Moreover, the
cue was equally as effective when participants did not know
whether the change would be of size or orientation as when they
did know. Landman et al. interpreted this as showing that these
two features were already bound into coherent object representations. However, the data also are consistent with the possibility
that rather than being properly bound into coherent object representations, the features were only pre-attentively “bundled” together; that is, remaining somewhat independent of one another
(Wolfe & Cave, 1999). For example, a large horizontal rectangle
might be represented not explicitly as such but as “thingness”
(object token), largeness, and horizontality, with possibly an implicit index of association between these.
Gellatly, Pilling, Cole, and Skarratt (2006) observed OSM that
was selective for either color or orientation; a difference in color
between target and mask elements facilitated report of target color
but not of target orientation, and vice versa. Observers were aware
of an item having been presented at the target location—a token
representation— but had limited and unequal access to information
about the different features of the object. The latter would be an
example of features being bundled but not bound together. Bundled features would, to a greater or lesser degree, be associated
with the token representation. However, spatial attention is required to properly bind features into a type representation (Treisman & Schmidt, 1982), which itself requires binding to the appropriate token, a process thought sometimes to fail as, for
example, in repetition blindness (Kanwisher, 1987). Drawing together the preceding ideas allows us to propose an explanation of
our data. If masking is not reduced at longer duration because of
an increase in awareness of item identities how else can the data be
explained? Lleras and Moore (Lleras & Moore, 2003; Moore &
Lleras, 2005) argued that OSM occurs because of interference at
the level of object token representations of the mask and target.
According to Lleras and Moore, OSM was a consequence of an
updating process in which a single object token representing both
target and mask had its stored features about the target “overwritten” by those of the mask. Thus, when a trailing mask surrounded
a target, masking occurred because the visual system wrongly
construed the trailing mask to be a continuation of the single object
“target plus mask” and accordingly updated the representation of
the object features, meaning that the original representation of the
target features was lost. To put this another way, if the target
disappears before its features have become bound together and
bound to the single token established for target plus mask, then
only the features of the mask get bound together and bound to the
token. This is similar to but divergent from the ideas put forward
by Di Lollo et al. (2000) in which masking was conceived as being
a consequence of competition between different object representations rather than within a single object representation. The strongest evidence for the object updating account was the finding that
OSM is produced even when the mask is presented at a distant
location from the target, providing that the two objects are linked
by an apparent motion signal that causes them to be perceived as
a single object in motion, and having the properties of the mask. In
the current experiments, our finding of substantial OSM with short
duration targets, but weak or absent OSM with longer duration
targets may be because of differences in the way object tokens are
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allocated to old and new items. With short target durations there
may be a tendency for mask and target initially to be treated as a
single perceptual object by the visual system (i.e., represented by
a single object token) leading, as described above to the target
features being overwritten (masked) when the target offset is
trailed by the mask (Lleras & Moore, 2003; Moore & Lleras,
2005). When the target is presented on-screen for an extended
duration before onset of the surrounding mask, the visual system is
more likely to interpret the two as separate perceptual objects and
thus represent them with separate object tokens, meaning that no
overwriting occurs if the mask trails the target offset. The attenuation of OSM that is found when a mask is shown for a noticeable
period before target onset (Neil et al., 2002; Tata & Giaschi, 2004)
can be explained by a similar process: When the mask is shown
well before the onset of the target the visual system may be more
likely to individuate the two items (mask and target) with separate
object tokens than when the two have similar onsets in time (see
Lim & Chua, 2008, for a similar explanation of OSM mask
preview benefit). Thus our findings suggest that having target and
mask onsets that occur in a similar time window is a precondition
for OSM. Our Experiment 4, however, shows that even this condition is insufficient for OSM with longer duration target displays.
In Experiment 4 target and mask onset simultaneously in all
duration conditions, yet OSM was evident only at the shorter
stimulus durations. What this suggests is that the failure to individuate target and mask as separate objects occurs when the two
have similar onsets and the target is presented only briefly. With
longer presentations of the target, target and mask come to be
allocated separate object tokens, meaning that target features are
no longer vulnerable to being overwritten with mask features.
Neill et al (2002) and Lim & Chua (2008) found the effect of
mask preview did not differ for durations from 100 ms up to 1,500
ms. Their finding of no effect of mask preview duration contrasts
with the present results that show target (and distractor) preview
duration does affect OSM, with OSM decreasing as target preview
increases up to as much as 760 ms (Experiment 5). This could be
because preview of masks and preview of (potential) targets do,
indeed, have asymmetrical consequences. However, we suspect
the difference is more likely to reflect differences in experimental
method and design. Neill et al. used displays of just two items and
two masks. It is possible that spatially and temporally proximate
items are more likely to be individuated the fewer of them that are
present in a display. This would make sense if, for example, there
is a limit on the number of object tokens that can be established
and maintained at one time, or if attention is required to individuate items that are spatially and/or temporally close together. It is
possible that with larger numbers of display items and masks, the
duration of mask preview would influence OSM in the same way
that preview of long duration targets did in the present experiments. Lim and Chua did employ larger displays than Neill et al.,
but the increase was only from two to four items. In addition, there
is a problem with Lim and Chua’s study in that it did not include
control conditions matched to each masking condition, as in our
experiments, but instead compared performance across various
masking conditions. This feature of their design renders their null
effect for mask preview duration open to question. Further experiments are required to determine whether preview of mask objects
and preview of search display objects have similar or different
consequences for OSM when number of objects and other factors
are adequately controlled.
One puzzling aspect of the current findings is that they appear to
conflict with Wolfe et al.’s (2006, Experiment 2) report that long
duration targets can be very effectively masked. Several differences between their experiment and ours might account for the
discrepant results. First, in Wolfe et al.’s study targets were cued
only after offset, whereas in our experiments there was temporal
overlap between target and cue. It is possible that having the
cue/mask onset simultaneously with target offset may increase the
likelihood that the mask is seen as a transformation of the target,
so not necessitating a separate token and thereby reinstating masking with long duration targets. However, yet another explanation
could lie in differences between the masks themselves. In Wolfe et
al.’s experiment the mask (a grey rectangle) fully occluded the
target. In our experiment the mask surrounded the target location
without occlusion. It is possible that occlusion is a necessary
condition for masking long duration targets. Finally, the set size of
potential targets we presented was smaller than in Wolfe et al. (12
items vs. 32). Set size is a prime determinant of OSM (Di Lollo et
al., 2000), and it may be that this difference is crucial, once again
possibly because of limits on the number of tokens that can be
established and maintained at one time. We are currently conducting experiments to investigate the influential factors that explain
the difference in results.
Concluding Comments
We set out to ask if OSM is associated only with the early neural
processes that follow the onset of a stimulus object or if it can arise
in other ways, possibly being associated with the changed representation of a previously unattended object when it comes to be
attended. Our data show clearly that OSM tends to be eliminated,
or greatly decreased, the longer an object is present before being
identified as a target. This demonstrates that it does not arise
during the transition from a pre-attentive representation of the
target to an attentional representation of it. The conclusion we
reached is that the important factor in determining the presence or
absence of OSM may be whether target and mask are associated
with distinct object tokens (Lleras & Moore, 2003). Moore and
Lleras (2005) showed that short duration targets are less vulnerable
to masking if they differ in color from the surrounding mask
because, it can be supposed, the two have a raised likelihood of
being assigned separate object tokens rather than a shared token.
Our results suggest that a temporal difference between target and
mask can similarly serve to individuate the two display elements at
the object token level and consequently reduce target susceptibility
to masking (see also Neill et al., 2002; Tata & Giaschi, 2004; see
also, Lim & Chua, 2008). OSM is, indeed, associated with early
neural processes following display onset—if target and mask are
represented by a single token— but can also be determined by later
occurring neural processes if the target and mask subsequently
come to be individuated and associated with separate tokens.
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Received January 9, 2009
Revision received October 12, 2009
Accepted October 24, 2009 䡲