Kinematic Parameters of Signed Verbs
Evie Malaia,a Ronnie B. Wilbur,b and Marina Milkovićc
Purpose: Sign language users recruit physical properties
of visual motion to convey linguistic information. Research
on American Sign Language (ASL) indicates that signers
systematically use kinematic features (e.g., velocity,
deceleration) of dominant hand motion for distinguishing
specific semantic properties of verb classes in production
(Malaia & Wilbur, 2012a) and process these distinctions as
part of the phonological structure of these verb classes in
comprehension (Malaia, Ranaweera, Wilbur, & Talavage,
2012). These studies are driven by the event visibility
hypothesis by Wilbur (2003), who proposed that such use
of kinematic features should be universal to sign language
(SL) by the grammaticalization of physics and geometry for
linguistic purposes. In a prior motion capture study, Malaia and
Wilbur (2012a) lent support for the event visibility hypothesis
in ASL, but there has not been quantitative data from other
SLs to test the generalization to other languages.
Method: The authors investigated the kinematic parameters of
predicates in Croatian Sign Language (Hrvatskom Znakovnom
Jeziku [HZJ]).
Results: Kinematic features of verb signs were affected both
by event structure of the predicate (semantics) and phrase
position within the sentence (prosody).
Conclusion: The data demonstrate that kinematic features of
motion in HZJ verb signs are recruited to convey morphological
and prosodic information. This is the first crosslinguistic motion
capture confirmation that specific kinematic properties of
articulator motion are grammaticalized in other SLs to express
linguistic features.
Vendler, 1967; Verkuyl, 1972). One such basic semantic
element, which by now has been identified in the majority
of languages, is event telicity (also known as event completion, boundedness, or internal/lexical aspect). The verbs that
describe events as involving a change (e.g., fall, break) are
termed telic. The verbs describing events as homogenous,
such that any part of the event can be referred to using the
same verb as that describing the event itself (e.g., swim, walk)
are termed atelic.1
Linguistic means of expressing telicity vary among
languages. In English, telicity can be expressed at the lexical level (e.g. fall, break), or at the level of the verb phrase
(VP) or the entire predicate, by quantifying the internal
argument (e.g., eat the cake), or otherwise “measuring out”
the event, such as providing it with a bounded path (e.g.,
run a mile, swim to the shore). In Japanese, event types are
marked phonologically, with non-low vowels corresponding
to verbal telicity: telic verbs have /e/ or /u/, atelics have /i/ or
/o/, and speakers display sensitivity to these correspondences
he process of parsing continuous reality into discrete
events is an automatic component of human visual
perception (Baldwin, Baird, Saylor, & Clark, 2001;
Speer, Zacks, & Reynolds, 2007; Zacks & Swallow, 2007).
Research in perceptual psychology has demonstrated that
humans rely on velocity and acceleration patterns of an actor’s
motions to identify event boundaries in visual scenes (Zacks,
Kumar, Abrams, & Mehta, 2009; Zacks & Tversky, 2001).
Perceptual features of events further appear to be
reflected in linguistic inventories. Languages label observable events in a conceptually restricted manner, commonly
described as event structure (Dowty, 1979; Pustejovsky, 1991;
Vendler, 1967). The structure of events as denoted by linguistic
predicates has been of interest to linguistic theorists as the
source of possible conceptual primitives —the building blocks
of semantics (Dowty, 1979; Jackendoff, 1991; Pustejovsky,
1991; Ramchand, 2008; van Hout, 2001; Van Valin, 2007;
Key Words: sign language, predicate, prosody, morphology,
velocity, acceleration, phonology, Deaf
University of Texas, Arlington
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Correspondence to Evie Malaia: evie1706@gmail.com
Editor and Associate Editor: Janna Oetting
Received August 16, 2012
Revision received January 6, 2013
Accepted February 17, 2013
DOI: 10.1044/1092-4388(2013/12-0257)
We limit the discussion of linguistic event structure to the concepts
used in the present experiment: the basic telic/atelic dichotomy.
More complex models of event representation include other types of
conceptual primitives. Pustejovsky’s logical model (1991, 1995), built on
the primitive of dynamicity, used two types of subevents—static (S) and
process (P)—to construct event typology. Van Lambalgen & Hamm
(2005) used the notion of force (F), and so on.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 56 • 1677–1688 • October 2013 • A American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
even in nonce verbs (Fujimori, 2012). In many Germanic
languages, event types may be marked grammatically, by
the choice of haben (“to have”) versus sein (“to be”) in the
formation of the perfective (van Hout, 2001).
Recent SL research has shown that the event structure
of signed verbs affects their morphosyntactic behavior in
American Sign Language (ASL; Brentari, 1998; Wilbur,
2005, 2008). Crosslinguistic quantitative investigation into
event structure expression in SLs is needed to provide insight
into the interface between the perceptual/phonological cues
of event structure used in SLs and the linguistic systems of
(unrelated) SLs. In light of recent claims of SL iconicity
(Thompson, Vinson, Woll, & Vigliocco, 2012), one might
inquire whether the same kinematic features are used in
different SLs and whether event markers are coded by different kinematic features across languages. The present study
focuses on these questions using kinematic (motion capture)
data from Croatian Sign Language (HJZ).
Relevant Aspects of SL Structure
Prior analyses of event structure in ASL focused on
the mapping between semantics and phonological structure;
therefore, a short exposition of SL phonology is necessary
to clarify the design used in the present motion capture
experiment. For SLs in general, a fully formed sign contains
at least one articulated handshape, a specific orientation
of the handshape, place of articulation, and movement.2
Linguistic constraints on possible combinations of handshape, location, orientation, and movement permit modeling
of the phonology for each SL (Brentari, 1998). Movement
within a sign is constrained in ways that clearly distinguish
it from movement between signs, referred to as transitions.
Each SL has constraints as to which features may change
within a well-formed (i.e., phonotactically appropriate) sign.
(However, these constraints can be violated in transitions.)
Movement within a sign can consist of a change in handshape (aperture), a change in orientation, a change in setting
(small change within a plane), or a change in place of articulation (path; see Figure 1A).3 It is possible for a change
of place of articulation to occur with one of the other
movements, but no other multiple movement combinations
are permitted within a sign (see Figure 1B).
Brentari (1998) postulated two timing slots per syllable
(as opposed to a sequence of consonant and vowels in spoken
language syllables), onto which the movement change is
mapped. The movements described above (e.g., change of
handshape, orientation, setting, etc.) involve two different
timing slots in a single signed syllable.4
The critical distinction between telic and atelic signs in
ASL is based on how the movement maps onto those timing
slots. It is possible for a movement to be specified in a way
that essentially spreads the single movement over the two
timing slots (e.g., tracing, alternating, trilled movement),
or there can be a distinct specification for the second timing
slot different from the first one (e.g., changes of handshape,
orientation, place of articulation or setting). Critically, the
ability for the second timing slot to have different specifications than the first allows verbs that denote telic events to
have a second-slot specification that reflects marking for
the end state of the telic event.5
For SLs, the mapping between semantics and phonological forms represents a systematic recruitment (i.e.,
grammaticalization) of features of the physical world for
conceptual, hence morphological, semantic, and syntactic
purposes (Wilcox, 2007). The linguistic system depends on
the visual perceptual system to process the necessary distinctions. Because the resources are universally available,
they may be used in hearing culture gestures and in mime.
However, to be morphemes in an SL, they must be grammaticalized beyond gestural or mimetic use and, therefore,
must be explicitly learned as part of learning a SL.
Wilbur (2003) made the linguistic observation that
ASL lexical verbs could be analyzed as telic or atelic, based
on their form: telic verbs (for activities and accomplishments)
appeared to have a sharper ending movement to a stop,
reflecting the semantic end state. Schalber (2004) reported
similar results for Austrian Sign Language. The observation
that semantic event structure is visible with certain phonological profiles was formulated as the event visibility hypothesis (EVH; Malaia & Wilbur, 2010a, 2012b; Wilbur,
2003, 2008, 2010; Wilbur & Malaia, 2008a). In Brentari’s
terms, telic verbs are defined by different sets of phonological
features associated with each of the two timing slots, whereas
atelic signs are characterized by spreading of the phonological features between the two slots.
Some signs also require specific nonmanual markings (e.g., positions of
facial, head, or body articulators).
Some types of movement are analyzed as spreading over the two timing
slots so that the feature specifications for timing slot 1 and timing slot 2
are identical. These include trilled movement (e.g., small uncountable
changes of handshape, orientation, etc.), and tracing movement. Tracing
can take different shapes (e.g., lines, arcs, circles, and irregular outlines),
but always moves within the plane of articulation defined based on the
designated hand part (e.g., face of the palm, back of the hand, or
fingertip; see Brentari, 1998, Chapter 4, for full elaboration). Path
movement differs from tracing movement in that it is based on a
restricted set of possible shapes and involves motion perpendicular to
the main articulation plane.
Brentari (1998) argued that path movement involves contact either at
the beginning or at the end of the movement and that the contact may be
with a body part or with a plane—that is, in neutral space. Although
initial contact—and its loss as movement starts—does play a role in
event structure (Wilbur, 2003, 2008), only final contact is relevant to the
issue being considered here, namely marking of end state.
This end state marking could be thought of as being like a suffix that
combines with the verb in the same way that the past tense shows up on
English verb walk, which, although written “walked,” is pronounced
/walkt /—that is, as a single syllable. The addition of the end-state suffix
in telic verb forms does not make a second syllable but simply joins the
existing syllable at its end.
1678 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 56 • 1677–1688 • October 2013
Figure 1. In Brentari’s (1998; see also Wilbur, 2011) phonological model, atelic and telic verb signs in ASL differ in whether the
two timing slots in sign syllables contain the same or different setting, orientation, aperture, and directionality of the movement path.
Prior Motion Capture Analysis of Verb
Kinematics in ASL
There are few kinematic motion capture studies of SLs
because the development of the technology and analytical
software is relatively recent.6 For linguistic purposes,
Wilbur (1999) reported motion capture results of a study of stressed and
unstressed target signs. A number of experimental studies, some with
motion capture equipment, focused on hand position, determining
whether the hand reaches its target location (Cormier, 2002) or whether the
height of the preceding or following sign in the carrier phrase affects the
target sign’s place of articulation (i.e., phonetic lowering; Mauk & Tyrone,
2008, 2012). Signing rate has been found to have a general phonetic
lowering effect (Tyrone & Mauk, 2010). Cheek (2001) used similar
methodology to determine the impact of the handshape of preceding or
following signs on the target sign handshape. Emmorey, Gertsberg,
Korpics, & Wright (2009) used motion capture to track how restricted
vision, blindfolding, and level of formality affected sign production.
considerable preprocessing is necessary to achieve the desired
data extraction from the recorded kinematic stream, resulting
in a protocol that uses carrier phrases (with the target sign
embedded between easily identified preceding and following
movements), multiple recordings of stimuli (aimed at withinsigner variance), and a small number of signers (between one
and five). Techniques for normalizing sign data to permit
absolute value comparison across signers are under development (Grosvald, 2009; Russell, Wilkinson, & Janzen, 2011).
Malaia & Wilbur (2012a) conducted a motion capture
study of ASL that was innovative in a number of respects.
There were 40 different target signs, 24 telic and 16 atelic.7
These were produced by six deaf right-handed native signers
As will become apparent in the discussion of HZJ verbs, ASL does not
allow a single stem to alternate between telic-looking and atelic-looking
forms, and it was not possible to provide matched pairs for ASL like
those that were used for the HZJ.
Malaia et al.: Morphophonology Interface in Croatian Sign Language
in four conditions: in isolation, in a carrier phrase SIGN X
AGAIN, in sentence-medial position SHE X TODAY,
and in sentence-final position TODAY SHE X, for a total
of 160 productions per signer. Data were analyzed across
subjects by predicate type (e.g., telic/atelic) and position (e.g.,
medial/final)8 for five kinematic variables: duration, maximum velocity, percent of elapsed duration when the peak
speed within the sign is reached, the slope of the change from
the peak velocity to the next minimum velocity, and the peak
instantaneous deceleration. Compared with the group of
atelic signs, the telic signs had significantly higher peak
velocity, greater instantaneous deceleration, shorter sign
duration, steeper decelerating slope, and later percent of
elapsed time to peak velocity. To interpret this result, it is
necessary to note that position was also significant for peak
velocity, duration, and percent of elapsed time to peak
velocity. If there is a kinematic difference that specifically
cues telic versus atelic, it would have to be visible regardless
of position; only decelerating slope and peak instantaneous
deceleration meet this criterion.
What these results tell us is that there is a change in
how the telic signs come to an end, namely they are end
marked with sharper deceleration, as compared with atelics.
This fits with the theoretical phonetic model of telic verb
signs as having a different phonological specification on their
second timing slot, whereas atelic verb signs have the same
specification spread from the first timing slot to the second.
Linguistic Analysis of HZJ Verb Types
A series of linguistic analyses have been conducted on
HZJ exploring various aspects of its phonology (Šarac Kuhn,
Alibašić Ciciliani, & Wilbur, 2006), syntax (Alibašić, 2003;
Alibašić Ciciliani & Wilbur, 2006; Dukić, 2011; Hrastinski,
2010; Milković , 2005; Milković , Bradarić -Jončić & Wilbur,
2006; Milković & Malaia, 2010; Šarac, 2003; Šarac Kuhn
& Wilbur, 2006), and information structure (Milković ,
Bradarić -Jončić , & Wilbur, 2007).
Most recently, investigation of verb behavior parallel
to those for ASL and Austrian Sign Language has been
conducted by Milković (2011). Looking at 200 temporalaspectual pairs of verbs (= 400 total verbs), Milković found
that they formed three major groups. The largest group was
comprised of verb pairs based on the properties of sign
movement: Telic (perfective) signs in this group were formed
by using shorter, sharper movement, as compared with
atelic-imperfective roots (examples include all the stimuli
given in the Appendix). The second group did not allow
alternation of telic (perfective) signs and atelic-imperfective
signs from the same roots but instead constructed phrasal
sequences of several types: verb plus a separate aspectual
sign, quantification of the internal argument, or use of verbal
complements. For example, the Croatian verb gorjeti (“to
burn”) forms a telic/perfective izgorjeti (“to burn entirely”),
whereas HZJ does not, combining instead the signs GORJETI
Medial included carrier phrases and sentence-medial signing; final
included isolation and sentence-final.
(“burn”) + SVE (“all”) to express perfective meaning. Similarly, the perfective counterpart of the Croatian verb boriti-se
(“to fight/strive”) and izboriti (“to win”) is conveyed in HZJ
as a combination of the signs BORITI (“fight/strive”) and
DOBIT (“defeat”). The third group displayed pairs using
suppletive stems parallel to ASL. As an example, the Croatian
imperfective-perfective pair buditi (“wake someone”) and
probuditi (“awaken someone”) is conveyed in HZJ by a sign
BUDITI made with both hands using a fist handshape and
a back-and-forth motion in the space in front of the signer
versus a different two-handed sign PROBUDITI-SE made
with an opening-L handshape (from closed fist to extended
index and thumb) with the hands located on each side of the
head. These findings are based on two experimental tasks.
In the first, verbs were presented in pairs, one pair at a time,
in Croatian print on PowerPoint slides to eight deaf native
HZJ signing subjects, who were asked to translate the verbs
into HZJ. Each of these eight subjects was presented with a
different subset of 25 pairs, which makes a total of 200 different
verb pairs; these were videorecorded for subsequent linguistic
analysis. For the second task, a subset of 25 pairs were taken
from the larger list and put into short narratives which each
contained both members of a pair (1).
(1) Moja prijateljica jako voli putovati. Jučer je ponovno
otputovala u Francusku. (“My friend really loves to travel.
Yesterday she again went to France.”)
These paragraphs were then translated into HZJ and
signed by a hearing native signer to serve as stimuli. Nine
deaf native HZJ signers were shown all 25 HZJ stimuli
paragraphs and asked to reproduce them as well as answer questions about the meaning of the paragraphs, the
grammaticality of the sentences, whether they would sign
it that way, and if not, how they would sign it. These procedures and the data thereby obtained allowed us to proceed
with confidence to the current study.
As a result of Milković ’s study, we know that HZJ
differs from ASL in providing a regular morphological
process, seen in the majority of verbs (first group), that
permits a single stem to alternate between occurring in an
end-marked form, denoting a telic-like interpretation of
perfective, or in a non-end-marked form, denoting an ateliclike interpretation of imperfective. These derived telic/
perfective atelic/imperfective pairs in HZJ allow for construction of matched-pair experimental stimuli to investigate
motion kinematics, addressing questions such as, What
kinematic features can be recruited to mark grammaticalized
temporal-aspectual verb types in HZJ? How would the kinematic parameters recruited for verb type marking in HZJ
interact with the prosodic effects on sign motion contributed
by different sentence positions?
We designed the present motion capture experiment to
study the effects of sign phrase position and event structure
marking on the kinematic parameters of predicate signs
in HZJ. We compared duration, peak velocity, minimal
acceleration (peak deceleration), overall slope of deceleration, and the elapsed duration of the sign to the peak velocity
in perfective and imperfective HZJ predicates produced in
phrase-final and medial position. This 2 × 2 predicate type
1680 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 56 • 1677–1688 • October 2013
by position parametric design allowed us to investigate the
effects of prosodic and event structure marking individually
as well as in interaction and to compare the results with
our prior findings on ASL.
Materials and Methods
Thirty HZJ temporal-aspectual sign pairs (= 60 signs)
were chosen for further investigation using motion capture
recording (see the Appendix). Following the protocol
established for the ASL study, the signs were elicited from a
native bilingual hearing HZJ signer in the four conditions:
each sign in isolation, each sign in the carrier phrase SIGN X
AGAIN, each sign sentence-medially SHE X TODAY, and
each sign in sentence-final position TODAY SHE X. The
signer produced the HZJ predicates as translations of spoken
Croatian stimuli; she signed facing the video camera while
standing in a designated spot for motion capture. This procedure was repeated on 5 separate days (in total, 240 productions from the signer each day for 5 days). During recording,
the signer wore a Gypsy 3.0 wired motion capture suit,
and the data about the XYZ positions of all markers in
millimeters were collected at the rate of 100 frames per s by
six ceiling-mounted cameras. The motion capture system
defined the X, Y, and Z axes relative to a fixed external space
while the participant signed directly to the video camera.
The hand motion was thus recorded in relation to the body
as well as to an external fixed point. Because we are not attempting to determine the absolute location of the hands or
the distance between them or between them and the body,
whatever artifactual body movements may have been present
during the data collection are not relevant to the analysis
that we conducted, and in any event, the differences that
we report are likely to be larger than any such body movement artifacts.9
A simultaneous video recording at 30 frames per s rate
was made with a National Television System Committee
(NTSC) video camera on a tripod outside the motion capture
recording field. The positional data from the marker on
the right wrist, tracking the movement of the dominant
signing hand, was used for the analysis.10 Both the video and
the 3D positional data were imported into ELAN annotation software (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics,
www.lat-mpi.eu/tools/elan), and aligned using the audio
marker and T-pose (the signer standing with arms extended
to the sides at shoulder level) at the beginning and end of
each recording. The video was annotated in ELAN by another
HZJ signer, who marked the beginning and end of each target
sign following procedures established by Green (1984),
Formulae for computational processing follow procedures described
previously (Malaia, Borneman, & Wilbur, 2008; Wilbur & Malaia,
Our procedure thus follows Mauk (2003) and mostly parallels
Cormier (2002), except that the latter author used the outside of the
pinky base. In order to simplify the kinematic analysis, for this study we
avoided signs with handshape change, which eliminated the need to
analyze individual fingers.
assuming the first frame of recognition of the sign-initial
handshape as the beginning of each predicate and either the
point of contact—or maximal distance traveled by the hand—
as the end of the sign, using both video and high-resolution
XYZ displacement data (but without access to other kinematic
variables). The time points for the beginning and end of each
sign were extracted from ELAN annotation of the video data,
and processed in MATLAB to extract the speed and acceleration profiles for each predicate from the recorded kinematic files.
Data Analysis
The predicates whose maximal speed occurred on the last
or next to last frame were discarded from analysis (= 66 signs,
or 5.3% of cases, including 49 imperfective and 17 perfective
signs, of which 31 were in phrase-final position); these were the
cases where contact occurred at the end of the sign, but both
hands kept moving together briefly after contact. This situation
resulted from using Green’s definition for determining the sign
end, which perhaps cuts the end short. These cases were eliminated because the calculation of one variable, the slope of
deceleration, would have been skewed by this short time: If the
maximal speed occurs on the last frame of the sign, the slope
would need to be calculated with a divisor of 0; if it occurs
on the next to last frame, the divisor is 1. For the rest of the
predicates, the following kinematic metrics were calculated:11
the duration of the predicate in ms (duration);
the peak instantaneous speed achieved within each
predicate (maxV);
the percent of sign movement elapsed to the moment
where peak speed occurred (% elapsed), which is also
the point at which deceleration starts,
the minimum instantaneous acceleration (i.e., maximal
deceleration) within each predicate (minA);
the slope of deceleration, calculated as the difference
between maxV and the following local minimum, divided by the number of ms over which it occurred. The
slope measured the overall steepness of the deceleration
from maxV to minV, whereas minA measured the maximum instantaneous negative acceleration (deceleration).
We used a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
to investigate the effect of two independent variables (i.e.,
predicate type and phrase position) on five dependent kinematic variables, which include sign duration, peak speed
Because we are not studying position effects such as sign lowering, we
do not calculate the position of the hand with respect to any reference
marker, body part, or absolute location, as displacement is only
calculated for purposes of deriving velocity. Wilbur (1999) reported that
displacement varies in order to permit phrase position to affect duration
and stress/prominence to affect peak velocity—that is, given that v = d/t,
v is controlled by stress and t is controlled by position, which leaves
displacement to vary as needed (see also Wilbur & Martínez, 2002).
Malaia et al.: Morphophonology Interface in Croatian Sign Language
of dominant hand within the sign, maximum deceleration,
overall slope of deceleration, and the location of peak speed
within the sign. As in our previous work on ASL, the isolation condition overlapped with sentence-final condition,
allowing them to be collapsed, and the carrier phrase overlapped with sentence-initial condition, so they were collapsed.
Thus, phrase position analysis was conducted as medial vs.
final. The results of the MANOVA are summarized in Table 1.
Effects of predicate type on kinematic variables. Predicate type (e.g., telic/atelic) significantly affected all calculated kinematic variables: sign duration, maximum velocity
within the sign, minimum acceleration and overall slope of
deceleration, and percent of sign elapsed to peak speed, as
shown in Table 1.
Effects of predicate phrase position on kinematic variables. Phrase position (e.g., medial/final) significantly affected sign duration, minimum acceleration and overall slope
of deceleration, and percent of sign elapsed to peak speed,
as shown in Table 1. Peak velocity within the sign was not
significantly affected by sign phrase position, p > .5.
Interaction effects of predicate type and phrase position
on kinematic variables. Only the overall slope of deceleration
was affected by the interaction of phrase position and predicate type, F(1, 1170) = 4.58, p < 0.033, hp2 = .004.
smaller instantaneous deceleration than telic signs in medial
position (telics, medial M = –30.4 m/s2, final M = –33.2 m/s2;
atelics, medial M = –18.4 m/s2, final M = –17.6 m/s2).
Elapsed percent of sign movement to time of peak speed.
Elapsed percent of the sign movement from the movement
origination to the moment of achieving peak speed was greater
in telic predicates as compared with atelic ones—that is, the
peak speed occurs later in the sign for the telic predicates.
In both predicate types, peak speed was reached significantly
earlier in phrase-final position compared with medial. Figure 5
illustrates these effects (telics, final M = 50.3%, medial
M = 54.6 %; atelics, final M = 42.7%, medial, M = 49.6%).
Deceleration slope. The overall slope of deceleration
from the peak speed to the local minimum speed was significantly affected by phrase position in telic predicates only
(yielding an interaction effect in the overall model). It was
significantly steeper in telic signs as compared with atelic
ones (telics, final M = –0.016, medial M = –0.019; atelics,
final M = –0.009, medial, M = –0.01), as shown in Figure 6.
Note that in this case, the slope marker is still a reliable
indicator of telicity in either position: As the means show,
the slope of telics is roughly twice that of atelics regardless
of position.
Summary of Findings
Individual Kinematic Variables
The effects of predicate type and phrase position on
each kinematic parameter are described below.
Sign duration. Sign duration was affected by both predicate type and phrase position. Figure 2 shows these effects
such that signs in phrase-final position were longer than those
in medial position, and that in final position, telics were
significantly shorter than atelics (telics, medial M = 0.391 s,
final M = 0.444 s; atelics, medial M = 0.475 s, final M = 0.547 s).
Peak speed. Peak speed was affected only by the predicate type. Figure 3 shows this effect such that telic signs had
significantly greater peak speed than atelic ones regardless of
phrase position of the predicate sign in the sentence (telics,
medial M = 2.28 m/s, final M = 2.31 m/s; atelics, medial
M = 1.35 m/s, final M = 1.37 m/s).
Minimum instantaneous acceleration (deceleration).
Minimum instantaneous acceleration was affected both by
predicate type and phrase position. Figure 4 shows those
effects such that telic signs had greater peak instantaneous
deceleration than atelic signs regardless of phrase position;
however, telic signs in the final position were characterized by
Predicate type had a significant effect on peak speed,
instantaneous deceleration, the overall slope of deceleration
within the sign, sign duration, and percent of sign elapsed to
peak speed. Phrase position affected sign duration, instantaneous deceleration and the overall slope of deceleration
within the sign, and the point in the sign where peak speed
was achieved. There was also a significant Predicate Type ×
Phrase Position interaction effect on the overall slope of
deceleration. This interaction was due to the fact that the
phrase position effect was significant only in telic predicates.
We take the robustness of velocity and deceleration to phrase
position effects as evidence that the semantic information
marked on telic predicates by deceleration is not washed out
by phrase final lengthening, which would possibly lead to
ambiguity of how to interpret the status of the event.
Kinematic Results for HZJ as Compared With ASL
As demonstrated by statistical analysis, both predicate
type and phrase position showed effects on the kinematic
Table 1. Significant effects of predicate type and position on kinematic variables.
Predicate type
Kinematic variable
% elapsed
Predicate Type × Position
F(1, 1170)
F(1, 1170)
1682 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 56 • 1677–1688 • October 2013
F(1, 1170)
Figure 2. Predicate duration in telic and atelic predicates in phrasemedial and phrase-final position.
variables. Here, we further discuss these results in the context
of previous research on the kinematics of ASL. The ASL
results confirmed that event structure differences in the
meaning of the verbs are reflected in the kinematic formation:
In telic verbs, the endpoint of the event is marked by significantly greater deceleration as compared with atelic verbs.
This kinematic marker was robust to position of the verb
(e.g., medial vs. final), whereas other measures (e.g., duration
and peak speed) were affected by the prosodic process of
phrase final lengthening. our study provided the first kinematic confirmation that event structure is expressed in movement profiles of ASL verbs, up to then only supported by
apparent perceptual distinctions. Comparing the present
results on HZJ with the prior findings on ASL, we note both
similarities and differences.
One clear similarity between the two languages was
the kinematic feature of instantaneous deceleration. Telicperfective HZJ verbs were characterized by larger absolute
values of instantaneous deceleration in both medial and final
phrase position, as compared with atelic-imperfective ones.
This observation supports the EVH claim that the endpoint
in event structure is kinematically manifested as end-marking
in sign production, whether such marking is unique to each
Figure 3. Peak velocity in telic and atelic predicates in medial and
final phrase position.
Figure 4. Minimum instantaneous acceleration (i.e., maximum
deceleration) in telic and atelic predicates in medial and final phrase
sign root (i.e., lexical), as in ASL, or used productively
throughout the verbal paradigm, as in HZJ.
Another similarity is seen with respect to duration and
percent of sign duration elapsed to peak speed. The prosodic
effect of phrase final lengthening was evident in increased
duration of both types of HZJ predicates in final phrase
position, which is parallel to what has been shown for ASL
(Wilbur, 1999). In both languages, the difference in duration
of both predicate types in final position results mainly from
the lengthening of the portion of each sign following the peak
speed as evidenced by the lower (hence, earlier) values of
percent of sign elapsed to peak speed in final phrase position
as compared to medial.
One clear difference between the two languages is peak
velocity. For HZJ, the peak velocity was greater in telicperfective signs as compared with atelic ones, and the effect
of phrase position was not significant. In contrast, in ASL
peak velocity was affected both by predicate type and phrase
position. One possible interpretation of this difference between
the two SLs is that grammaticalization of event structure in
HZJ makes the parameter of peak velocity robust to prosodic
Figure 5. Percent of sign elapsed until peak velocity is reached in
telic and atelic predicates in medial and final phrase position.
Malaia et al.: Morphophonology Interface in Croatian Sign Language
Figure 6. Gross slope of deceleration from peak velocity to the
following minimum in telic and atelic predicates in medial and final
phrase position.
distinctions between temporal-aspectual verb types by means
of peak velocity and maximum deceleration of articulator
motion within the sign. The prosodic effect of phrase-final
lengthening affects the parameters of sign duration and
deceleration slope between sign pairs; however, the distinctive
difference in peak velocity is maintained despite this effect,
constituting a resilient marker of endpoint in the predicate’s
event structure. These results are consistent with the crosslinguistic EVH model of event structure representation in
the visual modality (Wilbur, 2008).
Neural Bases of Kinematic Feature Recruitment
effects. A related possibility is that in ASL, peak velocity is
already used to indicate stress (Wilbur, 1999), whereas there is
no information available concerning the marking of stress in
HZJ, which may use a different motion variable or other type
of marking (face/head/body). Further research is required to
fully understand this kinematic difference between the two
languages, as well as to determine whether individual kinematic variables can carry more than one linguistic distinction
in a single language.
One less-clear difference between the two languages is
the slope of deceleration. In HZJ, the overall slope of deceleration was affected by the interaction of phrase position
and predicate type, meaning that the behavior in telics differed by position, but that of atelics did not. In ASL, the
overall slope of deceleration was affected only by the predicate type, being significantly steeper in telic signs as compared with atelics. In both languages, the slope for telics is
larger than for atelics. However, a comparison of the ratios
of telic slope to atelic slope reveals that the HZJ telics are
close to twice those of atelics (final telic to atelic: –.016/
–.009 = 1.78; medial telic to atelic: –.019/–.010 = 1.9),
whereas for ASL, the difference is much smaller (final telic
to atelic: –.011/–.007 = 1.57; medial telic to atelic: –.010/
–.008 = 1.25). Whether this is a language difference cannot
easily be determined. One reason is the fact that the HZJ
data represent only one signer, albeit on 5 different days and
in more than 240 productions per day. The ASL sample included both teachers and nonteachers whereas the HZJ signer
was a teacher, which may have led to unconscious hyperarticulation that affected the magnitude of the kinematic
values, leading to the present result. Another reason is that
at this stage of our understanding of the grammar of SLs it
is not clear what other functions might be marked by the
kinematic variables being investigated and, thus, what alternate explanation we could supply if this difference between
ASL and HZJ is shown to stand up.
Overall, the kinematic parameters of articulator motion during production of HZJ verbs demonstrate significant
differences between telic-perfective and atelic-imperfective
signs, which are reflective of the grammaticalized event
structure marking in HZJ. HZJ appears to map the linguistic
The recruitment of kinematic features into SLs, specifically the use of velocity/deceleration cues for marking
verb types, is likely based on a general human ability to utilize
perceptually salient motion for monitoring the environment.
According to event segmentation theory (Zacks & Tversky,
2001), humans continually use perceptual data to make
predictions about what will happen next (Zacks, Speer,
Swallow, Braver, & Reynolds, 2007). Sensory cues, such as
visually perceived velocities and acceleration/deceleration
of objects, contribute to event perception along with the
inferences about actors’ goals (Zacks et al., 2009). In the event
segmentation theory model, the selection and maintenance of
an event model in working memory are supported by event
schemata—memory representations with abstract features of
previously encountered events. Event schemata are accessed
when a perceptual event boundary is encountered. The neural
region likely responsible for the retrieval of event schemas from
episodic (i.e., long-term) memory is the precuneus/posterior
cingulate (Brodmann area 7/23, Montreal Neurological
Institute (MNI) coordinates [19 –66 24]), which is active during
visual processing of event boundaries (Zacks et al., 2001).
The relevance of telic verbs for discourse processing
lies in the fact that they provide a temporal boundary for
events (Jackendoff, 1991; Van Lambalgen & Hamm, 2005).
Comparison of neural activations during processing of sentences with English telic and atelic verbs has also been shown
to elicit differential processing in the precuneus/PCC (MNI
[20 –56 16]) during a reading experiment (Malaia & Newman,
submitted), suggesting that both perceptual and conceptual
(i.e., linguistic) event boundaries can trigger access to event
schemata. A neuroimaging study of ASL also revealed higher
activation of the precuneus/PCC (MNI [18 –54 10]) during
comprehension of telic verbs, as compared with atelic (Malaia
et al., 2009, 2012), despite the fact that telicity representation is not morphologically productive in ASL.
We suggest that the overall perceptual and neural
salience of environmental velocity and acceleration cues for
event segmentation would make those kinematic parameters
available for recruitment into SLs as conceptual triggers
from event schema access. However, language-specific implementation of kinematic cues in SL phonology would depend on the interaction between all modules of the linguistic
system in the particular language (e.g., the fact that velocity
is a cue for stress in ASL may affect its availability for other
purposes). Further neuroimaging research on HZJ, or
1684 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 56 • 1677–1688 • October 2013
systematic analysis of currently emerging SLs, might help
further substantiate this possibility. As signed languages are
underrepresented in experimental linguistics research, it is
also important to collect larger samples in order to distinguish individual differences (due to accent, dialect, etc.) from
crosslinguistic differences.
Behavioral and neurophysiological studies of verbal
event structure in spoken languages demonstrate that telic
verbs, which license the internal argument, prime the patient
theta role during online comprehension, facilitating the processing of complex syntactic structures (Malaia, Wilbur, &
Weber-Fox, 2009, 2012; O’Bryan, 2003). For example, the
correct assignment of thematic roles in reduced relative
clauses with atelic verbs (e.g., “The infant bathed by the
mother cried loudly”) is more difficult compared with reduced relative clauses with telic verbs (e.g., “The infant changed
by the mother cried loudly”). This psycholinguistic data confirm that telicity, a property of the verb reflecting its lexical
semantic complexity, is also a key component in the interface
linking syntactic structure and conceptual representation in
human languages.
Linguistic Systematization of Kinematic Features
These results provide further support for the EVH
by showing that available kinematic resources are recruited
to convey important semantic distinctions. They also show
that two SLs can differ in which resources are used for a
specific purpose: ASL uses deceleration and slope of deceleration; HZJ uses peak velocity for distinguishing telic/atelic.
This difference may possibly be related to the manner in
which stress is marked in the two languages: We know that
ASL uses peak velocity, but we do not yet know how HZJ
conveys stress. Further linguistic research on this aspect
of HZJ will be necessary before any experimental design
can be constructed to test it.
These results also support our contention that SLs
evolve by a process that takes perceptually and productively
distinct motion characteristics and grammaticalizes them
into distinct units that convey lexical or functional meanings.
Both the vocabulary and the structural processes that construct sentences are overlaid on the physical and geometrical
substrata. End-marking is an example of the grammaticalization of physics (e.g., deceleration) for linguistic purposes.
That these resources are grammaticalized into SLs is further
supported by the fact that these kinematic factors, such as
velocity and deceleration, are not used consistently in prelinguistic gesturing systems such as that used in Nicaragua
among deaf children before Nicaraguan Sign Language
emerged, even though the meaning is conceptually available
(Kegl, Senghas, & Coppola, 1999; Senghas & Coppola,
2001). Thus, the route from the basic conceptual nature of
the meanings expressed to the forms required to express them
is neither direct nor continuous, indicating grammaticalization into abstract linguistic systems of SLs (Casey, 2003;
Malaia & Wilbur, 2010b; Rathmann & Mathur, 2008).
Finally, given that the physical resources (e.g., physics,
geometry) are universal, it is expected that SLs will recruit
these options and assign them various meaningful functions.
The difference in telicity marking between ASL and HZJ
both linguistically and kinematically suggests that the form/
function relationships are not universal. But the fact that
both languages recruit kinematics for this distinction may
provide the fundamental similarity that makes SLs resemble
each other more than spoken languages do (Newport &
Supalla, 2000).
Another interesting question that is raised by these
results is whether there is a borrowing effect from spoken
Croatian onto HZJ with respect to how telic–atelic marking
is achieved. Although it is not likely that the recruitment of
velocity (as opposed to deceleration in ASL) would have
been directly affected, there is a reasonable possibility that
the linguistic coding that permits the same root to alternate
between telic and atelic may have been so influenced.12
Croatian is a member of the Slavic language family: The same
verb may appear with a prefix to indicate telic/perfective/
resultative or with a suffix to indicate atelic/imperfective
(Arsenijević , 2004; Malaia, 2004). The possibility that telicity
marking on verbs in HZJ was influenced by the surrounding
superstrate of Croatian also suggests that the absence of
systematic alternation of telic–atelic marking for single roots
in ASL may be related to the absence of such marking in
the surrounding superstrate of English.
In the present study, we demonstrated that SLs may
grammaticalize different available kinematic cues for specific
linguistic purposes. As a result, the kinematic features used
by different linguistic modules (e.g., syntax, morphology,
phonology, lexicon) have to be clearly distinguishable: A
single kinematic parameter (e.g., sign duration) cannot be
used as a phonological marker of phrase-final lengthening
and also as a morphological marker of telicity or aspect
within a single linguistic system. The pervasiveness of phrasefinal lengthening would overshadow the aspectual semantic
distinction on verbs perceptually, so if such a system did
arise, it would be quickly lost and presumably replaced with
a different but clear kinematic feature.
This is the first study to supply quantitative data that
allow the comparison of how the phonological feature of
velocity is employed by unrelated SLs. It appears that the use
of velocity in ASL versus HZJ is equivalent to the use of
nasalization as a feature in spoken French versus Pech (in
Honduras; Holt, 1999) or Akan (in Ghana; Schachter &
Fromkin, 1968). In French, nasalization is predictable from
the phonological environment, whereas in Pech, nasalization
Although we have no direct evidence in this regard, there is evidence
of Croatian influence on HZJ with respect to question formation (Šarac
Kuhn & Wilbur, 2006). In that study, we see use of an optional question
sign JE-LI that is not integrated with the peak intensity of the nonmanual
markers and, thus, is clearly an adjunct. This sign was introduced into
HZJ through the pedagogical signed version of spoken Croatian—that is,
from signed Croatian.
Malaia et al.: Morphophonology Interface in Croatian Sign Language
is used to express negation in the present tense (i.e., the
phonological feature of nasalization is the only overt expression of the morpheme of negation) and in Akan for negation
of many verbs regardless of tense. Similarly although peak
velocity is a phonological feature of ASL that serves at least to
mark stress, in HZJ it serves, concurrent with acceleration,
as a morphemic marker of event structure/aspect.
Kinematic features of HZJ verbs in the present study
were affected both by the temporal-aspectual verb type and
by their phrase position within the sentence in a regular
manner. The motion capture analysis of HZJ sign production demonstrated regular kinematic distinctions between
temporal-aspectual verb classes, with the peak velocity and
maximal deceleration parameters being robust to the prosodic effect of phrase-final lengthening. The findings show
that event visibility in kinematic parameters, first demonstrated at the lexical level in ASL verbs, can also be productive in SLs. HZJ allows formation of temporal-aspectual
verb classes from the same sign root, such that rapid deceleration following peak velocity constitutes a morphemic
affix similar to those observed for various aspectual purposes, e.g. different types of reduplication (Wilbur, 2005,
2009). Alternation of roots has been argued to exist in ASL
at the level of deriving nominals from a restricted set of activity
verbs (Brentari, 1998; Supalla & Newport, 1978); thus, it is
a language-specific difference that HZJ alternates roots for
temporal-aspectual pairs and ASL does not. Through our
experiment, we also demonstrated independent and interactive
effects of grammar and prosody on kinematic parameters of
HZJ predicate signs, providing crosslinguistic confirmation
that physical properties of articulator motion are recruited
into SLs to express linguistic features. This is instrumental in
understanding how kinematic features can be employed by
different components of the linguistic system, such as the use
of sign duration to indicate phrase-final lengthening and peak
velocity (unaffected by sign duration in HZJ) to indicate
predicate type.
The interesting difference between the use of kinematic
features in ASL and HZJ to indicate semantic verb type
arises due to the fact that verb type in ASL is not systematically
constructed: Although all verbs with telic meaning have the
marking of deceleration in their second timing slot, ASL has
no regular morphological process to produce an alternation
between two forms of a verb with one stem. Alternatively, HZJ
uses a phonologically expressed morphological process to
consistently produce verb pairs with different event structure,
which leads to stringent restrictions on the type of kinematic
feature used for the purpose. There is no information on
whether the formation of temporal-aspectual verb pairs is
the result of contact and continuous interaction of HZJ with
spoken Croatian. Given the bilingual environment and education of Croatian signers and the communicative pressures
that lead to constant language contact and creolization of SL,
this is a possibility. It is also possible that a developing SL
might form a regular grammatical pattern with temporal verb
pairs on its own, such as standard Indonesian (Son & Cole,
2008); the historical development of grammaticalization
pattern in kinematics merits further investigation.
This work was partially supported by National Science Foundation Grant 0345314, awarded to the second author. We are grateful
to Nicoletta Adamo-Villani and Iva Hrastinski for their help with data
collection and analysis. Recording was conducted at the Envision
Center for Data Visualization at Purdue University. Portions of this
study were presented at the Workshop on the Subatomic Semantics of
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Verb forms in English and Croatian.
English translation
(continuous meaning)
English translation
wake up
look at
allow, tolerate
drive something/someone
wake up
take off
wipe off
run away
pick up
show up
take advantage of
put clothes on
1688 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 56 • 1677–1688 • October 2013
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